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A Sharing Network For All Involved With Celestial Contacts

February 1996 (Vol.4 No.2)




We are most fortunate to be living on Urantia at this time. As we struggle with the daily issues in front of us, it is easy to forget how advantageous it is to be here NOW on a rebellion planet. It will take hindsight to truly realize the value of our experiences that is denied those on planets further along in Light and Life. The opportunities for service abound in all areas. I have taken great delight and joy in seeing what some of our brothers and sisters have been accomplishing. It matters not whether they are readers of The Urantia Book or members of the Teaching Mission, many are now coming forward to advance the principles that will carry us forward into Light and Life. Daily we find people working on projects and programs that have value and meaning. For those who have their own goals and projects, there is much to be learned from the good ideas that are being put forward and into practice. For those who want to join others already in progress, there are so many wonderfully worthwhile projects in our own communities from which to choose.


As we seek to find ways to share with others the joy and peace that we have found with our faith and our knowing, let us also be ever alert to look for meaning and value in the work that is now being done by others and to support this in every way we can - even if it is only to simply give thanks that they are doing what they are doing and pray that their work will continue to spread enlightenment and understanding among men.


If you come across the work of a group or someone that excites you, why not drop us a line to alert other TeaM (I like that word!) members? The more we read and listen not only to the celestials, but also to what the mortal teachers, students and seekers have to say that is of value, the more we have in our memory banks to aid us, our Adjuster, and our teachers when we are called upon to answer a question. There is a wide variety of programs and projects from which to select well expressed, wonderful morsels of truth and processes that work effectively to put in our spiritual arsenal. They are the tools, ideas and lessons we draw from  to use as we set about working with our Adjuster and celestial help to be of service in the fulfillment of Michael's plan. So let us hear what tools and lessons are most helpful to you.


I was surprised to see my above use of arsenal as I am so non-violent in my orientation. However, it reminds me of some of the words of Michael, when I first heard his mentioning being a soldier in his army. IN HIS ARMY!!! Well, I tell you, I stumbled and tripped over this idea. I was willing to be a lamb in his service, but a soldier!!! Surely this was a transmission/translation error. Well, he and other celestials have used this terminology many times since and I have come to understand that his use of the word soldier is much more apt for we are mobilizing a force to bring the understanding of God, Michael, and the Kingdom to all the peoples of Urantia and in order to do this there must be order and authority. While we may all be disciples, some will be mighty generals and some will be foot soldiers. All are equally important. There can be no army with out generals and foot soldiers and all the ranks in between. We each have our role to play.  What will we be? What is our level of committment? What are our unique gifts and talents? How do we go about recognizing and developing our potential?


Now is the time to ponder these questions; to be  barrier-breakers, to reach out of our comfort zones, to seek moving beyond our preconceived limitations; and to realize more of our true potential so that we may be better able serve in Michael's army. "Vibrant Visionaries of Exalted Promise" - we need to look at these issues to fulfill that "Exalted Promise" that teacher Veronica used to address her students. The more we reach of that "Exalted Promise" now, here on Urantia, the greater service we can render.


In order for us to begin to reach for that "Exalted Promise," it is necessary that we become clear of the past conditioning that holds us back. In this issue Frosty Johnson and Eugenia Bryan share their experiencess..Those who have spent time  healing the deep wounds within know the pain that surfaces; the courage it takes to confront the illusions and issues; and the freedom and joy that ensues from the process. We honor your work and your courage as we celebrate your passage into the love and light that surrounds us all when we are able to surrender to the process of healing and moving into a new way of being.


It seems not coincidental that Frosty's letter arrived as I was preparing to share the experience and information from Eugenia Bryan regarding the inner clearing process. Those who know me and have spoken with me about this issue, know how deeply I believe that these inner issues must be addressed and dealt with before we can become clear, trustworthy, steadfast individuals who are able to move beyond ego and personal issues to work together in a synergistic way to achieve the highest good for ourselves and all God's children. We may at times have peak spiritual experiences that spur us forward, but it is my belief that in order to MAINTAIN a high spiritual connection, we must first become clear. There are many ways to do this and each of us must find our own way and in our own time. It is not easy. It is painful. It takes courage. Is it worth it? The answer is a resounding YES!!! Frosty and Eugenia, we honor you for all your effort, courage, and willingness to reach out to help others move beyond the hidden wounds that shackle them to find a new life of freedom, peach and joy. Hopefully, your sharing will speak to others to light their way, encourage them to drink of the waters of change .


Now that life is settling a little for me, I look forward to devoting more time and attention to the newsletter and catching up on correspondence. I had to replace my printer which now allows me more options, thus you will be seeing some changes. I thank you all for your letters, calls, patience, donations and willingness to share.


May God's grace shine upon you all.


Allene Vick


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POST FALLS, ID - Frosty Johnson has sent the following letter to all of you.


Greetings to all my fellow lights, friends, brothers and sisters.


I want to send everyone my love and good cheer. I had such a grand 1995 and I'm really looking forward to 1996. I experienced a lot of change and growth in my personal life. I was able to delve into a lot of core issues and work my way through the black areas that needed cleansing and healing. The areas that I would not have dared to go before, I found the strength and courage to plunge in. Of course I had all the help I could have ever wanted, prayed, or dreamed for. The help is always there for whatever therapy that is needed. I have been chipping away at and dropping the illusions and baggage for a few years now and with out the help of my partners it would have taken a lot longer. They always stand steadfast by me and will go over things time and time again until I can finally have clarity and move on.


I just want to encourage anyone who has not had the courage to go into those dark alleys of their internal realm to lift up and allow these magnificent teachers to help you work through the process. They have all kinds of degrees to walk you through whatever the problem may be. As you allow the freedom and trust to whomever wishes to speak to you even if it is a teacher you are not familiar with you will be amazed at the depth of realities you can come into.


I also want to encourage everyone to set a daily goal to love themselves. To open the channel for self love. It was not until I started loving myself in the true sense that I really started to grow. I came from a point that I hated myself so much tat I was in great pain all the time. I was in self-destruct mode and I had no idea what worthy or whole meant or that it was even a choice for me. I was less than a person and that was that. It has been a long process forward and I know as I continue to go up this road of growth it can only get better and better. So my message is to everybody please love yourself as though you were your own child. Love yourself as the Father loves you.


I have also had great difficulty in receiving love in. I evolved to where I could openly love others but could not receive their love back. This went on for me with the Father's love as well and guess what through all my effort to even remotely like myself, to sort of love myself I have now gotten to a place where I can not only love myself and nurture myself but I can openly receive love from Father and my brothers and sisters. Give and receive isn't that what it is all about? This has filled those holes that went without for so long. Deep holes that were filled with illusions, muck and garbage. I'm understanding what is meant by born again. For me it had to start with self love and from there I could start to feel worthy enough to do the healing process. Now when love shines on me I feel it and can soak it in.


Love and Light to all.


Frosty/Gloria Johnson

         4465 N. Cloverleaf #42

         Post Falls, Idaho 83854


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LAWRENCE, KS - Eugenia Bryan shares her experiences and suggestions.


January 17, 1996


This has been a more difficult letter to write than I had anticipated and so many things have happened since I began to compose something for you last August. I am somewhat ashamed that it has taken so long to get this done but I do believe that there is something of value here for someone. I shall send the text that I wrote mostly in August and September which follows:


How delightful to get to know you better! And to hear of your incredible experiences of the past few years in the Teaching Mission. You have done some wonderful work in bringing a topic dear to my heart forward into the view of light. The sharing you have done has inspired me to speak up. In addition, the Midwayer transmissions which you have published in your newsletter are absolutely right on as I understand the inner healing process. I want to validate this important subject based on my own experiences with the TeaM methods. I have decided to share with you some of these experiences with inner cleansing and healing because it is time for me to come out of the closet, so to speak. I do have a motive in this missile.


There is very little in the literature of the teaching mission that speaks of the "negative experiences." I do not know of many yet who are willing to share or even who they are but I do know that they exist. There are certainly individuals who have dropped out of the Teaching Mission and a few discontinued contact with the Urantia community based on troubling experiences. I think that in addition to the uplifting and powerful messages of love which are being shared in the three newsletters, that there is a need for a forum of discussion about the difficulties we have faced and, hopefully, overcome, in our spiritual journeys.


I am fully aware that negative experiences do bring one to wondrous positive growth and ultimately the highest possible experience of living more completely as a Child of God. I learned early in my life that God never closes a door that he does not open another. This concept helped sustain me before I ever heard of the UB or the TM. In the summer of 1992, when my personal correcting time began under the teachers loving guidance and in the TM, I had the faith that what was happening to me was supposed to happen and that I had indeed asked for it! I HAD to unload the excess and no longer useful baggage of inadequate coping mechanisms and inhibiting attitudes. I HAD to replace them with the more loving and higher experiential truths presented in the lessons to the TM and UB. If I had NOT done so, I would still be wallowing in fear, indecision and ignorance of my personal power.


People who are involved in the TM and are not yet ready to do the work of inner cleansing are at least aware that the work can be done with the finest aid available from the celestial volunteers and Michael. I want to reach them and let them know this: It is possible to survive a "tough" individual experience and arrive at a level of joyful living unanticipated in one's wildest imagination! And I would like them to know that there are some things they may do to protect themselves from "too much, too soon." That is my primary message in this letter.


The teachers have explained to me that I was a wounded child. What this means in simple terms is that I did not feel in my heart that I was a worthy person and therefore could not integrate the loving experience of feeling I was God's child. When I heard the messages of love from Ham in the Woods Cross tapes, I wept because I did not feel it possible for this love to enfold me. Try as I might, I could not feel this love as Ham described it. It certainly applied to others I knew but not me. The phrase, Child of God, was only an intellectual or superficial concept to me. I began to experience a deep sense of isolation and the unworthiness of my inner being began to dominate my thoughts. I began to wonder if I was one of those who just could not be fusion material. Please keep in mind that I was not a long time Urantia student and did not have the background that so many TM individuals have. I had not integrated some important concepts taught in the Urantia book at that time, having had the book only about four years and not having read it in its entirety.


These kinds of problems manifest in each wounded person in a very unique manner. People who have been taught by their life experiences that they are just "not good enough" for God to love at the deepest level of their being are spiritually wounded. The walking wounded may be very successful and have learned many coping techniques which allow them to survive in the material world but the wounds are so deep that they act as a block to the spiritual joy of living truly as a Child of God. When the full effects of opening up our circuits and rapid changes begin to push us, we are changed in ways which may be very troubling. Fortunately, the teachers are here to help us gain those individualized insights which allow us to begin to heal from the hurts and pain we harbor and which block our progression spiritually.


At the beginning of my TR experience which began in mid-1992, I had literally an explosive reaction to the light which I received. It nearly blew me away and it took me quite awhile to regain some balance and perspective about the process I was undergoing. Having had zero exposure to any supposed channeling experiences or to the receiving/transmitting phenomena prior to the Abraham and Ham lessons, I was not able to protect myself from the outpouring of information I was receiving.


I did not know hot to establish limits and furthermore, my subconscious was ready to unload! And unload it did. I had difficulty sleeping and I became exhausted. I had difficulty handling even the mundane chores of daily living. Even personal attention from Michael did not always sooth me. Over time, I learned that I was undergoing a very systematic process which I did not fully understand but never the less was entirely in my best interest. At a very deep inner level, I was continuously reassured that what was happening was "perfect" and "perfected" for me. The process was absolutely individualized. As each issue was raised, I was given the insight to alter my judgments about myself and see in a new light my life situation and personal human relationships from a more God-like perspective.


I gradually learned how to protect myself from overload and self doubt among other things. Slowly at first and then, very rapidly, I began to release those personal issues and attitudes which held me hostage in my erroneous beliefs and behaviors. I learned to trust the lessons being given me as the Spirit of Truth became a very real companion and protector in the process. Finally, I was able to own my rightful Child of God status with my creator and Heavenly Father! What freedom I finally had to be me! I finally experienced the term "the peace of God which passes all understanding" in my daily life, something I had sought all my life and yearned to know.


My personal correction story (and I have of course held back the gory detail) has led me to more fully understand what I am supposed to do in my mortal life to serve others. One of my personal missions is to assist other walking wounded begin the healing process through spiritual cleansing. It is by no means the only aspect of this mission as I understand it. There is much more to which someday, I will be given further instruction. But for now, I concentrate on doing my best understanding of the Father's will for me. I would like to share my current activities for the TM because I believe that this work is very important, even if it is not very obvious.


Today, the teachers and I mostly work with individuals or in small groups in a very intimate and quiet setting. People just appear and Spirit guides us in the moment. It is beyond description the joy these experiences have brought me personally. I always learn something myself from the issues others raise and I am continuously amazed at the individual approach the teachers use to reach people at deep levels and help them raise their attitudes to spiritually loving insight. Michael often steps in to love us and reassure us that we are never alone. His offer to take our burdens when we are ready to release them is a constant message. It is hard to release the old, but well known judgements that have been made about oneself even when we are told over and over that we are in no position to make these erroneous judgements. For those willing to relinquish the old and seize the higher concepts, the reward is in feeling so much closer to God. For some, it takes only a session or two to make a huge leap; for others, there may be many sessions involved, especially when the negativity comes from deep levels.


Another phase of my mission is to encourage others who may be struggling with personal cleansing issues or are clearly fearful of beginning to do the work required. There is ample reason for caution. People are in mental institutions due to their efforts to release the demons within. It can be very frightening. This is serious business when we are speaking of the walking wounded. I am not a professional in healing the mind or dealing with powerful emotions. But I do have the experience of living through a very extraordinary transformational time on my journey. I am prepared to share and exchange my experiences with others who may relate to what I have attempted to describe.


There seems to be a need to share as others gain experience with TM personal cleansing/healing methods. About twenty people at the Fayetteville gathering convened to discuss our efforts and successes. A few helpful guidelines were suggested which arose out of the discussion and they are attached. It is a beginning and it is important that they be seen as guidelines, not rules. Some individuals may need only one of two of these suggestions to greatly help in their individual moments of personal cleansing work. Others may need all or most of them. It was validating to me that every single person who shared in this group brought up an issue (problem) that I had struggled with at some level. In talking with others present, many confirmed my observation. We are unique in our manifestations of our issues but we share in the issues one way or another. JoiLin Viesz was instrumental in helping this gathering open up quickly to a very intimate level of communication. Her beautiful contribution was invaluable to me as it was to all who participated and shared their stories.


In closing, thank you for being a voice for the various activities which make up the Teaching Mission. Your newsletter is a blessing as indeed, you are to all of us involved in the TM. I think that your sensitivity to what I have to share is the major reason that you are receiving this letter. Please feel free to edit as you must in order to meet all needs of your publication. I would ask that if you decide to publish any of the content of this letter, that you let me see the edited version first. If it is not something you think is timely, I understand that is your prerogative as an editor. However, it is my sense that it is, indeed, a timely topic.


Peace be with you,


Eugenia L. Bryan


[Ed - Indeed I do feel that it is a most timely and important topic. Below is the information Eugenia sent along with her letter.]


These suggestions may be used as guidelines for those who are seeking inner cleansing and healing through the guidance of Teaching Mission teachers. The suggestions were compiled from the discussion held on August 12, 1995 at the Fayetteville, Arkansas gathering. They were developed from the human perspective of the process which individuals undertake when spiritual growth compels them to release the attitudes and beliefs which act as barriers to progress. They are by no means all inclusive but may be helpful to those beginning the adventure to spiritual freedom!


1.         Talking helps the healing begin.


2.         Walk through the problem, conscious or subconscious, with the help of celestial teachers, Michael, close human friends; talking it out will help to clarify issues and allow focus. Call upon Michael personally to an the piiderocess.

3.         Explore the process slowly and discover what works best for you. Experiment with the teachers.

4.         Change attitudes of hate to forgiveness of others and do not fail to forgive yourself.

5.         Take time for meditation. Contact with the inner self and God will heal all wounds.

6.         Be in touch with your true feelings. Even painful ones.

7.         Remember that each one has unique experiences and that our relationship with God is personal (unique).

8.         Judge not yourself. You are not qualified spiritually to do this. Release yourself from this burden. What is important spiritually is the intent in your heart, not the outcome of your actions.

9.         Use self-help groups provided that any self-disclosure is done in a safe environment. Feeling "safe" is important.

10.       Give conscious, unconditional love to others but do not attempt to resolve their problems. Distinguish their problems from yours.

11.       Release stored "negative" energy constructively. Find healthy ways to release this energy such as gentle or vigorous exercise. Pace yourself as your body dictates.

12.       Embrace the negatives in your life. Acknowledge fear or pain or experiences you have avoided or tried to push away and then you can more readily let go. Michael provides comfort especially when the going is frightening or painful. Call upon Him and He will be with you.

13.       Nurture the child within. Neglected children need love and you have permission to allow God's love to flow through you to that inner child.

14.       Take your time to cleanse. If you feel uncomfortable, wait until you feel ready. Celestial teachers do not force themselves beyond your readiness to work with them.

15.       Pray for protection continuously. You will have it.

16.       Trust your own Spirit of Truth to guide you. If you are unsure, wait for repetition of the lessons to help you understand what it is you are to learn and practice in order to heal.

17        Think through any critical decision you need to make. Ask your inner guides to help you make the most loving decision in the given situation. Listen for answers. Be amazed.        


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                       EARTH CHANGES


BOULDER, CO - Daniel Raphael writes:


RE: January issue of T/RNN


Hurray! for your great editorial position and wisdom. Your five points regarding earth changes were well taken and stated. You have been able to keep a dispassionate perspective about all of this, which is valuable to the readers.


Several thoughts came quickly to mind as I read your editorial comments and the articles within relating to earth changes. First - all opinions I have read so far are consistent with a planetary manager's set of policies. What I mean by that is that what has come through from the Teachers is consistent with the very large perspective that the managers of the Correcting Time mush have, and which were shared and taught to the Teachers; i.e. none of the comments from TM Teachers repudiate the development of earth changes; all espouse attitudes and actions which are consistent with love, acceptance, and patience which are necessary in all mortal circumstances whether in daily life or life during earth changes; all counsel against fear reactions and remaining in state of fear; and all advise the use of prayer and healing energy work for the earth as a practical means of softening the effect of earth changes, and as a means of aiding mortals before and during earth changes.


Second - none of the transmissions of the Teachers are inconsistent or contradictory with each other. This is very reassuring to me because it says that the TR work that is being done is of a consistent level --only the mortal interpretation of the transmission varies.


Third - almost all transmissions to mortals seem to be educationally based to maximize the potential growth in mortals, rather for being "for information only." While we often think of the transmissions as 'information" they almost always call for thought, choices, and action. Surely if the Teachers and Melchizedeks did not share the approach of earth changes with us, we would surely come to distrust, resent and fear them, and that would cause a distancing of our relationship with them. That would be far more damaging to the Correcting Time than the fear reactions and disbelief of some followers. You see, the TM and Correcting Time are fully invested enterprises to reclaim this planet into light, and are here to stay, and will remain for many, many centuries. The disagreements of a few mortals over perceived discrepancies of TR transmissions is an expected outcome, and an acceptable outcome if it has to occur at all, compared to the large scale alienation and mistrust of Teachers, the TM and Correcting Time if this information was not shared.


My interpretations have come from striving to understand how these positions could be consistent. Only near the level of a planetary manager do these diverse opinions, which are seemingly at odds with each other, become consistent. Rather than bickering over the differences of these transmissions, I have enjoyed finding their commonalities. What we are experiencing is very much what we would probably hear at a joint meeting of the Melchizedeks: unified and consistent loyalty to the goals and policies of the TM and Correcting Time, but differences of opinions on how to motivate the mortal and how much information to share with them. Only at our most humble moments do we own up to what all Melchizedeks and Teachers know about Urantian mortals, that we tend to be fractious, fragile, and fearful when secrets are kept from us which have to do with our well being and safety. The saving grace about us, which they know too, is that we are almost always resolutely courageous and unswervingly loyal in the face of danger when we have been called upon to share the burden of survival when the issues have been shared with us. Knowing these things, the questions they must have asked themselves would almost certainly have been, "How and how much information about earth changes should we introduce to mortals?" and "What best damage control methods should we use afterwards?"


Fourth, and lastly - what do the Teachers say in answer to the questions that writers asked in the articles, and,, in particular to the last two questions asked above? If we honor the transmissions that are shared, then the questions that are generated must necessarily be asked of the Teachers, rather than the messenger. My personal position is that if we ask enough questions through enough TRs we will find a strain of answers which are consistent. So far I have not found any transmissions by any of the TRs published in the T/R NN that are inconsistent with a larger perspective.


In Light, Love and Wisdom,


Daniel Raphael


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VIAN, OK - The following letter is from Leta McCreary along with her response to Michael Palmer's recent article.


We have just received your January issue of the newsletter.  You said that you hoped we could open the new year with some sharing, and positive dialogue.  So here goes.  I think that you hit the nail on the head when you said, "There is much that we can do to help lessen the extreme nature of these changes, by our attitudes and beliefs about these changes. Our collective consciousness, if you will, as inhabitants of this planet, can and does make a difference."


I had shared with you much of my concern over these messages when I initially began receiving them.  You are aware of my many concerns.  You know how my emotions ran the gamut in the beginning, until I received numerous lessons, mostly concerning prayer and the power of positive thinking. I asked many of the same questions that others are now asking.  Why are we being told, when there is nothing we can do to stop or change it?  I was quickly taught that we each and every one of us can make a difference through the power of prayer, and through the power of collective prayer. Miracles can  and do happen.  I quickly came to view these messages not as being messages of doom and gloom, but as being messages of hope and encouragement.


I can and do understand the reaction that many are now having.  I had the same reaction myself initially.  I pray that all who are disturbed by the earth changes messages will open their hearts, and see the remarkable possibilities that these messages give us, that through prayer, through  thoughtful meditation and discourse with God we can each of us in some small way make a positive impact now what is occurring in our world, not just on the personal level, although this is so very important, but it is essential that we not close ourselves off to the world at large.  Because I know that we CAN make a difference.


Leta's response to Michael's article -


As one who has been unfortunate enough to have transmitted messages concerning impending earth changes, I feel inclined to answer Michael Palmer's recent article concerning earth changes messages.


I did not choose to transmit these messages and was myself quite concerned with how these messages would be received.  I often felt so inclined as to try to ignore the messages and not pass them on.  Yet it was made quite clear to me that the messages would stand upon their own merit, and it was not my prerogative to decide who they were for or how they should be relayed.  We as TR's, do not have the luxury of picking and choosing what we think should be given credence.  After many years of being a TR the one lesson that I have learned quite well is:  I do not always know or understand the messages I get, and they are not always for me to understand. I have, like so many other TRs, developed a strong sense of the feeling that accompanies a message, feelings that transcend the written or spoken word.  Therefore, I believe that it behooves me to attempt to describe these feelings and the sense that they have given me of the messages concerning earth changes.


Rather than a feeling of hopelessness and uncontrollable fear, I get the strong sense that yes although there are many changes and disasters in the future we are not alone, we will not have to face these challenges unaided.  We have not been cast out to sea on this little dilapidated lifeboat called planet earth to sink on our own, unseen, unheard of and totally forgotten.  There is a big steamship coming to save us, so we must hang on, no matter what befalls us.  I know that the celestials regard our mortal existence as precious, and they will do what they can to aid us.  Rather than making me fearful, the earth changes messages give me great hope.  Hope for a better future, hope for the return of Michael.


Certainly, I could play ostrich and hide my head in the sand and think that as long as I ignore these messages nothing will happen. Or I could choose to go blissfully about my everyday existence in hopes that I will not be personally affected.  Where is the spiritual growth in that? Instead I choose to pay heed to the messages and the recurring theme that we each through our prayers can make a difference.  Rather than looking about me, like a scared rabbit, with eyes of fear, I choose to look up to God, to direct my prayers to Him and to Michael, to intervene in any way they can to lessen the turmoil and strife that are a natural result of any cataclysmic change.  I pray for lives to be saved, and for people to find God and faith in their time of need.


Does it make a difference?  If we are to believe our teachers, you bet it does. "Any heartfelt prayer can make a positive change."  I think that it is extremely important that all of us view the earth changes messages in the spirit in which they are given to us.  With Love, caring, and concern for mankind in the most adverse of circumstances.  With Hope and compassion, and most importantly with an eye towards making things better for all men.

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LAWRENCE, KS - Eugenia Bryan has more to share that will have to wait for the next issue, but here is a report of interest to us all.


Well, here I am again. I'm enclosing a message which Daniel Raphael transmitted for Machiventa Melchizedek at our home on the 16th of January. He and his wife, Alara, stayed with us on two occasions on their way to and from St. Louis. We had a wonderful time and they were able to be with our Lawrence Light and Life group meetings two weeks in a row. It was a wonderful time for us all to be sure. We thought this message was important and that you might publish it.



                     AN ANNUAL REPORT

                        Daniel Raphael TR

                  (Lawrence, KS 1-16-1996)


Good Evening. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Sovereign Planetary Prince of Urantia. I wish to acknowledge your participation tonight and thank you for being here. Your presence is a necessary ingredient to the healing of your planet. We envision a time where all over your planet, other groups such as yours will be meeting during the week. I have listened tonight to your beginnings, your origins, your acquaintance with the Teaching Mission and Urantia Book, and the partnership between these two facets of the fifth epochal revelation. It heartens me very greatly to hear of these wonderful beginnings and how your lives are being changed by this book and the personal experience of being in contact with your personal teachers and the angels.


I'm here tonight to provide what you might call annual report. I am in frequent conference with Michael regarding the progress on your planet as his presence in spirit is here most frequently. I find that there is often a dearth of questions, those probing questions on the business of spirit on your planet which is missing from mortals even though some minds enjoy this type of dialogue. I will provide this report to you.


1.         The correcting time is doing its job. On the society level throughout your world it is occurring. The crime statistics that Mor-Gan mentioned are real. They are attributable to the influence of the special infusion of spiritual assistance through the angels, celestial teachers and many levels of beings whom you do not see and who are not reported in the Urantia Book.


2          We want you to know that although it is not evident or visible to you, there is truly a quickening of altruism which is indicative of spirit infusion in many individuals...individuals wiling to volunteer their time in hospitals, to help the poor, to help children, to counsel with those who are in need without compensation. It is increasing. Many people are going to church who did not go before and although the belief systems may be different than yours, nonetheless, they are being drawn to the light. On many levels throughout your governments, particularly in the developed (educated cultures) nations of the world, there is an increase of policies which amend laws and rules of being which assist individuals and families and communities to live more whole and complete lives.


3.         Your planet is now progressing into the early throes of its earth changes. An obstetrician may say it is dilated to about 2 cm and the pains are about every 4 minutes! The quickening of new life on your planet surges deep within it. The adjustment that is going on has been predictable and expected for many thousands of years. It is a normal facet of living on an evolutionary world of physical mass.


4.         The Teaching Mission and our staff throughout the world have come to an increased level of awareness and experience working co-creatively with you. We now have an improved base of knowledge of human participation in order to plan more effectively so that there are fewer changes along the way. Each of you knows from your own personal experience if you use insight given, and take time to analyze, how changes in your lives and the lives of your friends have been redirected from one course to another. Those who have been able to flow with this do well. Those who do not get stuck. Being stuck is not bad though it may momentarily place one in an immobile position to be of further service to us. Yet millions upon millions of people live in stable lives which is essential to the good functioning of any society and culture. There has been criticism by some mortals as to the fallibility of the Teaching Mission. This is inherent in any co-creative enterprise. Be aware that there will always be changes as the learning curve increases. This is a previously untried enterprise in Nebadon. you can thank Michael for his chutzpa to do this! (TR aside: I can't believe he said that! True, he was Jewish! - Much laughter in the group.) It is this courageous heart, this courageous decision of Michael to do it this way which will create so much soul growth for you individually and a tremendous increase of knowledge and awareness for God the Supreme's growth alopmeventh grand universe, is keeping eyes and ears attuned to what occurs on Urantia and developmentally through all the other 35 planets which were in rebellion. You truly are living on an experimental planet. It si said that it is a decimal planet, one in ten, that is an experimental planet. In this case, one in one million. This is unique in all of Nebadon and will be soon adapted to the other planets. This is even now on its way.


5.         The circuits between Urantia, Salvington, and Edentia are fully connected. TRs throughout our planet who are experienced have sensed the difference between talking to the teachers who are present and the times when they are not present. It is as they would talk on the telephone. Some of you are aware of this difference and this hast to do with the circuitry connections completed.


6.         The planet, particularly your societies, has developed to the point where there are many hundreds and thousands of reserve corps members who re ready to assist when the times require. There are many obvious volunteers here who are assisting. Yet there are many who have not been aware and even they are now prepared to assist when the time comes and there will be a time.


7.         Lastly, I would as you TRs and those who read the transcripts to validate this material. You must continue to seek answers and validation. The fortunate part about the Teaching Mission is that it is world wide and it relies upon thousands of TRs who can cross-validate the information. As our personal spiritual vibrations increase, the connections to the circuits will increase likewise and our assurance of receiving the information for yourself and others will increase. You will find good improvement in all of these areas and you can expect, with perseverance, much growth on your part to be a living facilitating part of the team working more directly with us.


                                    * * *

PORTLAND, OR - Our thanks to Michael Palmer for sharing this excerpt from Abigail, the teacher of the Salem Group. Michael writes that to his knowledge this is the last group transmission from the Salem group and that they are no longer meeting for transmissions. It has been confirmed from Sage Waitts that the Salem group meets now only as a study group. Mona and Milton West are continuing as editors to publish their "Urantia Parent" newsletter with Sage Waitts doing the design and production of this fine work.. We hope you will continue to support "The Urantia Parent" by sending them your ideas, experiences, lessons and contributions.


                              * ABIGAIL *


September 10, 1995


I am delighted to be back with you this evening, with all of you, to be spending some time with you. My greetings to you all.


I would like to talk a little bit tonight before I answer your questions and discuss things with you. I want to talk, just very briefly on cosmic stamina. I know you are all familiar with this phrase from the Urantia Book, but I want to address it in terms of your life here on Urantia, for this is where cosmic stamina begins. You know theoretically, intellectually how long the journey ahead of you is, although you cannot really grasp it on a very deep level because you have not had the experience of living a long, long time, of existing a long, long time, and seeing yourself and others go through a lengthy existence, by you can understand the progress of your life here upon Urantia, you have yourselves lived a number of years and you have seen the life cycle of others. Even those who become very old. So you can understand and appreciate the life cycle. At times you may become impatient, at times you most certainly do become impatient with yourselves, with others, the progress of your planet. It is this I would ask you to work on. I don't want to call it just being patient, for it's kind of another angle that I'm coming at it from tonight. I'm going to ask you to practice, to work on your cosmic stamina while you still sojourn among the living on your planet. It is as if you knew you were beginning a very, very, very long journey and you set out on the first day, and it was all quite interesting, novel and new, and after several days and several weeks, several months it no longer seemed so new to you, you took for granted much of what you initially found interesting, novel, exciting. This is where cosmic stamina comes in. It is the ability to renew yourself, to renew your sense of wonder and interest, to not always be looking down the road at the next year, the next twenty years, the next millennium, but to experience the present, and to draw from the present all that it has to give. So much of what there is to enjoy, appreciate and grow from is passed by, not because you're unable to perceive it, take it in, but because you are too busy looking down the road at the future wondering, worrying, trying to imagine, but you are blind to what is right there before you. I ask you to do this not only because you will get so much more out of the present, but because you will develop within yourself this ability, and it is this ability which will develop within you cosmic stamina. It is easy to b e overwhelmed by the future, and if you think it is easy to be overwhelmed by the future while you are here imagine what you shall be faced with which is the future of eternity. We have found that those who tend to choose not to survive as amazing a choice that may seem to you, are those who do not live in the present they are in. Those who do not focus and center themselves upon the experience of where they are at, upon the experience of what they are now learning, now growing, now going through, when they look down that road at thousands, and hundreds of thousands, and millions of years, it is overwhelming to them. They feel weary, they feel completely overwhelmed. It looks like too much work, it's too difficult, it looks unending, because they are trying to perceive something that is beyond them, and they give up and choose to no longer exist. Cosmic stamina is choosing to live each moment, to thirst for that moment, to dream of that moment, and then to live that moment. Yes, in the moment there is hard work, in the moment there may even be hardship, but the moment like all others will pass, and for every moment of hard work there will be a hundred of sublime joy and the beautiful peace that that brings. But you can never experience that if you do not have the stamina to live within the presence of the moment and get beyond it. If you can begin to learn this lesson now, if you can begin to see that your life is not a contest, it is not an obstacle to be overcome, a race to be won, a goal to be reached, but instead to see each day as a lesson to be experienced, that this is school, and the goal is simply to live it, and to draw from it all that you can while you are in it. Again I say and to draw from it all that you can. Do not bemoan that you haven't reached some level of spirituality that you think you should, some level of material prosperity that you think you should. Again, that is living in another place rather than where you are at. The surest way to get to your goal of spiritual enlightenment is to live in this moment and not to worry about reaching spiritual enlightenment. that seems like a contradiction, but it is eternally true. Well, enough for lecture, of what would you like to talk to me tonight and with the others?


Q: How does being an agondonter help us develop our cosmic stamina, it seems as though we would be eons ahead of beings from other planets in that area.


A. Some of you certainly are, you are absolutely right. Those of you who are adventurers, who are seekers, that is especially true, and I think it is fairly obvious that that would be, and yet I'm glad you pointed it out because it is easier to overlook the great advantage that you have. Let me give you a metaphor, let's say that someone came from a planet where gravity was much stronger simply to move their body around, much less to lift objects or do anything. Then let's say that someone came from a planet with far less gravity than yours, they would need far less physical endurance and strength to be able to move and lift. If then they came, each of those beings, came to your planet for one life would be much harder, the one that came from the planet with less gravity because all of a sudden there would be so much work to do everything would be so much heavier, but for the one who came from the planet with far more gravity they would simply be bounding around, jumping in the air twelve feet. To them there would be so much less gravity because their body was adapted to so much harder work. It is somewhat like that for you when you leave Urantia because you are adapted to so much difficulty. That's why I say if living within the moment and drawing from that moment, you will have learned it under conditions that are far more difficult than most beings and this lesson will serve you immensely once you are on the other side.


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NASHVILLE, TN - Thanks to Rebecca and the Nashville group for sharing their transcripts. Here are some excerpts:


Christmas Eve, 1995


                                 * HAM *


Greetings, I am Ham and I am happy to have you all here tonight. This evening while you contemplate the meaning of Michael's bestowal and contrast this with you earthly religious interpretations, I would ask of you one thing. Ask yourselves, how is our message different?


You have been given the greatest revelation on earth to this day. It is now time for you to contemplate how to expand this revelation even further with your own personal stamp. You are all called to the greatest task ever given upon Urantia. You are called to reveal the Truth and that Truth is not here in corporeal form to guide you. You must learn to establish a living connection with Michael and this living Truth will inspire you and will ennoble you enabling you to reveal him.


There never has been a greater privilege given to human beings , for your task is much the same as the Master's task. You are to bring forth living love to the world through your work, through your aspirations, through your hearts, and through your minds. You are to be representative of our Master and his immense love.


The time is coming for you to go forth in the world and to bring the good news to mankind. You each will do this in your own ways, in your own time, but you will do it. Don't ever be discouraged, you are only beginning to enact the greatest scenes of your lives. Don't ever feel downhearted because the Master himself exists within your hearts and how light and exuberant this should be manifesting within you. Don't say to yourselves, "I should have" or "I wish I had" done such and such. Think only of how you can improve and every step you take should be in this direction. Don't worry concerning your futures, the future takes care of itself. Think only "what can I do today to help improve my abilities to carry forward." They say that Rome was not built in a day and so it is with your tasks. The end result is accumulated by many hours of trying. It is not foolish to try. It is wise.


                            * ABRAHAM *


Greetings, I am Abraham. You have all received your orders so to speak. Let nothing keep you from trying. Remember, no effort is lost and you yourselves gain especially therefrom. Your futures are yet uncertain, and this uncertainty should thrill you and impel you to move forward. Take in your one hand, a sword of truth and in the other a shield of righteousness. walk forward bravely with a joy, a joy that a soldier feels as he walks forward to give his all for something greater than himself. There is great joy in doing battle in the world. There are difficulties to vanquish, there are those of lesser vision to inspire. There is time to praise God in thankfulness, and time to give your efforts, all your strength. When you are knocked down, do you lay there and wait for death or do you rise back up and fight with renewed strength?


Your life on earth is like a day. It is not long, and you have only to give it your all to be successful. You each must encounter attacks upon your persons, whether they be the unthinking snide remark, or the vigorous frontal attack on your characters, even your mental health. Do not shrink from this, for the annals of Urantia, the truth of this historic time, will bear you out and will vindicate you in future times. Therefore, do not fear, do not struggle secretly with your doubts, air them openly, do not be afraid, for the time is coming when actions will be required. You will be asked to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak. And, when that time comes, you must have no doubt about what you are doing.


                             * RAYSON *


Children of light, you know forever that you have the wings of angels at your command. Fear not, for the way opens when the time comes. Don't be afraid or worried that you will be unprepared, for your entire lives show you that you are being prepared through all your experience.




Greetings. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. You have all shown yourselves to be tremendous workers in the kingdom or Universe as we say. Think of yourselves as citizens of the Universe.  Think of yourselves as visitors to your world. Remember, you have understandings beyond that of your fellows. This gives you advantage in truth revealing. Choose your words with care. Deliver your message, tailor it to your listeners. You have all had a great deal of experience in life that you can understand your fellow beings, that you can know their needs, and their aspirations. With this knowledge, you are able to give nourishment to the spiritually hungry who beg at your doorway. Deal with men mercifully. Take no personal offense. Judge not any human being. Give only kindness and consideration, even when you are given its opposites. Live among men, but do not strive among men. If you must mete out one portion of justice, be certain to mix it with two portions of mercy. Farewell, and God bless you each one.


                 * * * CHRIST MICHAEL * * *


Children, this world waits in silence with baited breath for this, your message to mankind which is indeed and in full measure my message to mankind. I came into the world, not in vain, but for a future purpose. The world will know the voice of truth and the world will follow the voice of truth. Let there be no mistake, I am calling my sheep through you. My children will know you, who know me. The sun is yet rising, there is enough time in the day to accomplish our works. Go now and do as I have bidden you. Let men experience my spirit once more. Those seeds which I planted long ago are yet grown. You will be my laborers, you will harvest the wheat, you will thresh it, you will grind it, and even so, you will prepare it to be given as the bread of life to the world. Feel the strength that I give you, the courage, and the love which I grant you. Face our challenges with me for they are my challenges. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. Go forth in joy and confidence that I will stand beside you in every situation. I will help you. Our Father's love upholds you, but I myself, will steady your hands. Go in peace, may God grant you wisdom and opportunities.


                                 * HAM *


Greetings, I am Ham. I wish to close tonight's encounter without questions for now. I want you to understand that I love you each very much and I will do my best in my capacity as teacher to prepare you for your earthly orders. I do this for love because love springs so freely within me. I wish you cold experience the Father's love and our Master's love as I do, as a constant source of nourishment and encouragement. Farewell until next week, children, we are very happy to have your companionship. Farewell.


                                    * * *


NWTM GATHERING - Congratulations to all those who contributed to the success of this Gathering and the beautiful booklet of transcripts, talks and happenings at this event. As a former professional ballroom dancer, I loved the teachers' words using dance as an analogy and ask your forbearance as I simply must share some of these with those who were not at the gathering. I hope you will find as much pleasure as I did in reading them.


                             * SOLONIA *


Greetings. In this lovely garden spot that you have chosen, we greet you. We, indeed, have enjoyed our light-heartedness and your diversion time. We, too, enjoy how you can look at yourselves in you efforts to take these beginning steps toward being more aware of the gifts that you have and of the presence of our Creator. We, indeed, are still chuckling at your merriment. It is good to be able to do this.


I send all of you my love. You are doing well in interpreting and understanding your mission as revelators of God's word, and we are abundantly pleased with all of you. Take time to refresh yourselves with beautiful things. Value the time you spend with each other just as much as you value it with your  partners in revealing the love of God to each other. Do not devalue the time that you spend in fellowshipping, or at least do not think of it as less than your worshipping, for they are one and the same.


We join you this afternoon, and we are really glad to be here, and we hope that each of you will be open to your promptings and to your inner guidance and your inner sharings. Profundity is not required. Simply share of yourself. I leave you and I bless you all, each and every one. Good day.


                        * RANTARASON *


 Valued friends, I come to share with you the assurance of your acceptance and appreciated efforts. I am Rantarason, your friend and teacher, and I speak to you today of your efforts and the value that you must recognize that results from your contributions. The work that you all have engaged and put forth is what has led you to this place of accelerated  advancement and increased potentials. It is all directly resultant from your will. It is all a reflection of how well you have managed to discern the guidance of your Indweller and cooperate. It is reflection of the love that you receive and that you are gaining the ability to extend. The reason for your sense of satisfaction is because you have put forth the effort. It is because you have invested your energies into applying the truths that you seek. Without you our task of the Correcting Time would be impossible. This is why we pat you on the back and give our thanks.


The times ahead of you are more rich than those you have come through. Your perspectives are long distant enough to allow you the balance necessary to function in a capacity as new and as experimental as you have been in going through with the mission. We have no concerns for your sincerity. We understand your motives for service, for they are the same as ours. The experience of the love and gratitude of the Father is the supreme experience that we all strive for, and we know this is also your motivation. Recognize this when your doubts come to the surface. be as easy on yourselves as your Father is with you. I am happy to have spoken.


                              * DANIEL *


Greetings, I am Daniel, your guide and teacher. It is with tremendous gratitude that we teachers celebrate with you today. Spiritual growth is not something that you are able to measure, however, human growth is something you all understand. Through your experiences have you come and will you continue to grow in the awareness of your spiritual nature. Foundation building gives you the springboard for which you are able to come to understanding and terms with your human nature and thus to enmesh it with you spiritual nature. The talk this morning regarding synchronicity is part of the interconnectedness through which you become joined in your dual nature. As you grasp one concept or put into action one idea, you are then opening yourself and allowing for further ideas and implementation to come into your life, to meet you on your pathway. And, as you choose to understand, as you choose to intuit, as you choose to follow, so does the understanding of a greater concept of God likewise follow. It is the synchronicity of many events which lead you to each step of your awareness.


I would now like to use the experience of this T/R for my next discourse. This is to help you to understand that in your lives, you will be led to some reading, some idea, some observation which, at another point, will be utilized in helping you to further grow or in planting seeds for others. Synchronicity is what we call it.


Within this half hour, this transmitter receiver was looking through a hymnal and it is because of this that I will not utilize her experience to speak to you. The song is, "Dance then, wherever you may be. I am the Lord of the dance, said He. I will lead you all, wherever you may be. I will lead you all in the dance, said He."


What is your dance? What is the rhythm to which you sway? What is the harmony that moves you? The dance is diverse, each of you on a different path, each of you dancing to a different rhythm, to a different tune, to a different beat, and , yet, the Lord says that He is with each and every one, for He leads you all in the dance, which is life.


You've all danced. Some of you are better leaders than followers. Is this then a lesson to turn over and allow spirit to lead? With spirit leading there is learning, and soon both you and spirit are dancing in synchronicity and in harmony together. Learning is a first step. Harmonious action is a second.


So what is our dance? Is it the slow dance, the beautiful ballet, the polka, the rumba, the cha-cha, the charleston, the locomotive, or do you do the twist To the First Source and Center it matters not what the dance is , only that you choose to dance and to find that harmony that best bespeaks of your experience, of your personality, the essence of who you are.


All of you have been out on that dance floor. All of you have felt times when in the dance you felt awkward, but suddenly there you were in time, in step, in rhythm, following the music, it leading you, it telling you where and how to do, how to move your body. And so as you live life, tune into that harmony so that when you move, you move in time and in rhythm and in sync with that which is the best rhythm for your own individual understanding and awareness of God.


And so, my dear friends, joyously dance the dance. Allow the music of the cosmos to move within you, for in doing so you do move it all back into the life of your brothers and sisters. There is for those who know the rhythm, a sense of security and peace, a sense of overall joy. We teachers have loved observing and seeing how each of you dance and how wonderful it is becoming to see you all in your diverse ways finding the rhythm and the beat. That is the joy of walking with the Spirit. Continue, for the music of the universe continues to become grander with each step that you learn, with each step that you take. My love and peace.


                              * ADRIAN *


May I have this dance? I am Adrian. I am a male personal teacher, and I work in harmony with Trieste, my companion, and together we have long sought a day such as today wherein we may walk openly among the children of earth and see through your conscious eyes the beauty of mortal life and this dance.


May I suggest the dance suit the partner, for would you be appropriate to invite a simple footed person to do a complicated routine? There are those who have more experience in hoofing it than others, and so use discretion in your initiation to dance, and think in terms of your partner.


Thus shall we approach you and say, "This child, this old man, what constitutes this being? Who is this? Who is presented to me for my embrace? An how might I then embrace this person sure footedly and in confidence that they will feel free to allow my leading?" Be tender with you partners and affectionate in your rapport, for we see you all as very young and very old.


Therefore, I embrace this group of children and ancient ones, and as I now return you to your seats, I am pleased to have waltzed among you today, for this view of you has fed me beyond compare. Now my feminine counterpart would add a word.


                             * TRIESTE *


I am Trieste. I am not as adventurous as Adrian. He is inclined to walk around a great deal. He leads Gerdean into the streets and the social places of her arena, whereas I am inclined to sit by the fire in repose and ponder with her experiences.


This business of communicating on a new level is not much different than our normal social engagements. You will find that if you allow the Spirit to move your person through life with out your will superimposing itself offensively on your gracious environment, the words and the movements will come as naturally as the notes in the music, in the symphony to which we all dance.


This intimacy which we share this afternoon is rare, as you know, and it is our goal and desire that the sensitivity and beauty of today will soon fall upon all humankind, but the work of the mortal realms in the interim call forth some rather clumsy dancing, if you will, and although you my lose your sense of grace and your sense of beauty, be assured my children, my brothers and sisters, that your efforts are as beautiful and graced when you stand knee high in sorrow and damage, as it is in the sublime garden today.


It is truly a wondrous moment for Adrian and I to enjoy you thus. We thank you for the opportunity to present ourselves to you in this manner. Our love to you till them.


                               * LYNDA *


I m Lynda, Nancy's personal teacher, and I would like to share with you a few thoughts about this subject of dancing in partnership with one's Beloved, one's Indwelling Spirit, the One to whom one commits one's existence in the ecstasy of eternity.


I will offer you now a lesson that I offered my dear friend, Nancy, on different occasion before she clearly was aware of my contact. I offer this lesson now because it fits the motif of the day and because it is one with which she is familiar and therefore, perhaps, more comfortable and more willing to share in this new experimental way.


To do God's will is what creates this dance. My friends, you all have vision. You all know where you would like to be, where you would like to see the planet, but sometimes one does not go from where you are to where you want to be directly.


There are intermediate steps and changes in the directions that may appear as if one were not on the path anymore, that one is changing, one is turning off the path, one is turning back on the path, but it is this partnership with God that allows for the dance.


The dance does not happen in going from one diagonal of the ballroom to the other in a straight line. The beauty of the dance is created by the bends and the curves in the flow. The trick to beautiful duo dancing in partnership is, in fact, the deviation from the expected, the deviation from the line. It is by trusting God, fully, trusting that beloved Dance Partner, that the beauty of the dance is created.


This concept is perhaps easier for women to envision than for men, because in partnership dancing in your society, it is the women's role to turn over completely and follow their dance partner -- usually the man. And so, some women have had this experience in dancing of letting go, of being sensitive to guidance and direction from their partner to know when to turn, when to spin, when to dip, when to swing out, and it is this that creates the beauty of the dance and the joy of dancing in this partnership.


I, Lynda, gave this lesson to Nancy some time ago when she was desiring to know the nature of God's will and desiring to understand how at one point in time she may have felt so guided to move in one direction and then to feel so guided to change the direction again. And I gave her this lesson to assure her that just because the direction changed did not mean that she was not aware of God working in her life, that indeed was God leading her and guiding her and teaching her how to dance.


My friends, today as you contemplate your relationship with your Indwelling Spirit, I invite you to think of that relationship as the relationship with your truly beloved, that you develop this aspect of your relationship with God. I invite you to think of this relationship as the relationship with your truly beloved for all times and that you treat this newly blossoming relationship with the same respect and awe and excitement that you would treat a relationship with your beloved spouse or mate or potential mate.


Indeed, is there this specialness, this dance. And, indeed as has been expressed on many occasions is God' s love for you the love of a Parent to God's child with that incredible concern, that desire, that outpouring. What in addition is your relationship to your Indwelling Spirit? That of Permanent Partner, Permanent Beloved.


And so friends, learn to dance this dance, learn to follow, that the beauty and the joy and the ecstasy may be yours. Thank you for this time, for your attention to my words. I am your grateful friend, Lynda.


                          * MALVANTRA *


Hello to you. I am a Melchizedek. I am Malvantra and I would speak on another angle of dancing. I choose to call it supremacy engagement.


Before I start, I will let Jonathan share an acronym he invented: Mystical is Managing Your Spiritual Training In Cosmic Alignment.


You know the presentation and the revelation to our world concerning the Supreme and the interplay of potentials and actuals that where they meet is time and space, the actuals of Paradise, of the Absolute Person of the Absolute Mind, the potentials of deity and absoluteness of the unqualified from which all this expanse is derived and that unifier, the Universal Absolute. Without these, not one of us would be. Your supremacy is a minute microcosm of this grand demonstration of God.


What is your Paradise? It is the material vehicle you inhabit. You have a mind. You have a personality. All of these are actually your possession. What are your potentials? Your deity potential is the reception of the Father into and as your being. Your unqualified absoluteness is the unchartered career of ascension to Paradise. The talents you have yet to unfold, the realizations, the  discoveries, all lie there in wait. And the great unification of these potentials is your experiential climb. Where your actualities and potentialities meet is our soul, and the God of All that makes this possible Indwells you.


The most natural dance with the Supreme is to live fully, engaging all of your being. Bury not your talents. Do not recklessly destroy what you have already attained. Cultivate the fine art of transforming what you seek into an attainment. There is one great formula --Seek and accomplish doing the Father's will. Two supportive corollaries -- love and light.


All that surrounds you, all that is you, is the great ballroom and dancers of time and space. Take the hands of each other and dance this Supreme dance. Thank you.


                          * KLARIXISKA *


This is Klarixiska. I am Virginia's personal teacher. The opportunity to speak about the dance is a difficult subject for me to let her resist.


Welcome to the dance. Perhaps each of you can remember when the hand was extended by that beloved Indwelling Spirit, and you took that hand, and you knew. You knew that was the hand of comfort, of guidance, of direction, of joy.


And as has already been stated, surely there are many dances one may choose, but always it is the Partner, that Comforter within that leads you around and through and across that ballroom of life. As you picture that ballroom, imagine that on the other end is a doorway that opens up into the garden of eternity. And the doorway is always there. You've seen it all along, and everyone will surely walk through it. You enjoy the garden that is here around you today, and yet that garden that awaits you beyond the dance cannot be compared.


Surely I am not saying that one should direct the dance to go through those doors, but rather you must enjoy the beauty within the ballroom itself right now. The partners you meet, the happiness shared, the change of the dance by the rhythm, the music that is presented by the next number is all a part of the experience that you have on this plane.


Enjoy the dance. Enjoy the next dance. Enjoy watching your peers dance. Surely some dip much deeper, some spin much faster, some, of course, much slower. Enjoy. Love those you come in contact with on this ballroom floor. Your Guide is ever present. Perhaps it's even okay to stop and sit one out. The dances will continue. All you need to is keep a hold of the hand of the Beloved, that Indwelling Spirit that you know is there within you. Listen to the Guide. Take time for the stillness. Again enjoy your dance. Farewell.


                                 * * * * *




BAKERSFIELD, CA - The Bakersfield Group is taking on the task of compiling a Worldwide TM Directory. This is a wonderful project that will help us all. This directory will include groups and individuals. Gerry Baker's letter is printed here for those of you who may not have received a copy. On the back of  this newsletter is a copy of the questionnaire for you to use to make copies and pass them on to others in the TM.


I personally am delighted to see this project being done by the Bakersfield group. It is something I tried to include yearly with the newsletter and was not able to do last year.  I hope you will all lend your support to this project and let Gerry hear from you. You need not be in a group to respond.. The more complete this list is, the more it will serve all of us.


Dear Teaching Mission Friends:


Our Bakersfield Mission perceives a need for a Teaching Mission directory so we can more easily contact each other. This is the result of teacher promptings. We talked about it in our pre-TR chatting, and the teachers unanimously gave encouragement in the strongest of terms. Group Teacher Andrea says she will pass the word to all the other teachers to encourage their students to cooperate with our effort to put together a TM directory. You may verify this through your personal and group teachers.


My original thought was to get the first contacts via the TM registration lists from the various conferences of the past year and proceed from there. Andrea said we should gather all the  information possible and then decide what would actually be included in this directory after we had the information. So, I know we're asking for a lot of information right now, but please understand what we are trying to do. She also indicated it should be international in scope (HELP!!!) Personal teachers are to be included.


I have the attendance list from the '95 San Luis Obispo gathering and will start with that, and we request your assistance in passing this information to any other Tm'rs who did not attend Spirit Fest II at San Luis Obispo.


Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated.


Gerry Baker


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LITTLETON, CO - Bob Lea has written a book, Journey Beyond Tomorrow, that is "deliberately short and focused" with the intent to give the reader "a quick vision of the tremendous impact you can have on your future." It is written in an open style that acknowledges the many paths as it goes on to explain more of the Teaching Mission, The Correcting Time, and Co-Creating Teams that we know of from Teacher Mor-Gan and Daniel Raphael. It is hoped that this book will be a way of reaching out to others to come together in groups to work with the teachers to explore and develop better ways to work synergistically to create new programs for the future. This work can be done right NOW! As Bob says, just by thinking about that process is progress. To make donations for this work or to purchase the book for $4.95 plus $2.00 for shipping and handling, contact:




CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOB for taking action to write and produce this fine work.  We all hope that it will draw many to the Teaching Mission.  


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                       "The STILL Voice"



INDIANAPOLIS, IN - CONGRATULATIONS  TO THE FOUNDERS OF THE STILLNESS FOUNDATION "a not for profit corporation dedicated to helping the individual develop a personal relationship with God." The STILL Voice is a quarterly newsletter published by the STILLNESS FOUNDATION located at 7840 Harcourt Springs Place, Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-334-1733. On the Board of Directors are: Michael A. Painter, President; Martin E. Risacher, Vice President; James Cleveland, Secretary; Donna Painter, Treasurer; and Susan Rowland. Annual dues are $25.00. Contributions are tax deductible. Membership is invited and includes a subscription to The Still Voice. " The purpose of STILLNESS FOUNDATION is to assist individuals in enhancing their relationship with God by becoming aware of the presence of God within through the practice of Stillness.


We celebrate with you as you begin this new endeavor. We send you our wishes and prayers for much success. As we all practice the stillness, we hope many of the readers  will write to you to become members and toshare their experiences for your newsletter.


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               NETWORK OF THE HEART



TALLAHASSEE, FL - CONGRATULATIONS  TO THE TALLAHASSEE GROUP for the wonderful review of the NETWORK OF THE HEART conference in Arkansas that arrived along with a tape of the music we all enjoyed so much. What a nice surprise gift!!! We thank you all for all the work you all did to make the conference such a success and to put together this package that brings back the good memories, sounds and lessons.


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READERS in the following areas: Tucson, AZ and Austin and San Antonio, TX.


REGIONAL GATHERINGS - Please send information on the gatherings plan  ned in your region for inclusion in the newsletter. You might be surprised to find out how many outside your area would be interested in attending your regional gathering.


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NETWORK OF THE HEART CONFERENCE, FAYETTEVILLE, AR, 1995 - These poetic words came from the teacher Serenia:


Art is not for the chosen few

artistic expression is for each of you.

Creativity is the breath of the universe through          and through,

and when filled with truth, beauty, and goodness,      it is always true.


VIAN, OK - Leta McCreary writes, "Found this poem I wrote some time ago. Thought it might be appropriate under the circumstances." I'd say this poem is appropriate for all circumstances of life. Thanks, Leta, for sharing it with us.


                       ANGELS OF FEAR


When you're awake, and you're filled with fear,

your guardian Angel is always near.

She takes the fear that you release

away from you, leaving you in peace.


As you go about your busy day,

be careful fear does not outweigh

your moments of courage, the times when you're strong.

When you're filled with Love and can do no wrong.


Should you allow the fear to start

there's no room for God in a fearful heart.

Close you eyes to the fear that lurks in man.

Open your heart to God every chance you can.


Leta McCreary

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