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A Sharing Network For All Involved With Celestial Contacts

August 1996 (Vol. 4, No.8)




It was great to hear that the Fellowship Conference in Flagstaff was such a huge success bringing together so many brothers and sisters in harmony and joy to share the spiritual fellowship of our oneness and oneness of purpose.


Information and registration forms for the 1997 TM Gathering in Boulder are being prepared for mailing in September.


Many thanks to those of you who sent donations for the newsletter. While the figure for July under F.Y.I. may not show much gain, the next issue reflecting donations received in August will show a greater gain from your support.


Much of this issue is devoted to messages from Michael as seems befitting this month of his birthday. As summer ends and the fall brings a change of season, one that for many of us signals the renewal of a more scheduled routine, perhaps these messages will provide spiritual food to fortify us to proceed with greater enthusiasm, faith, balance and dedication to the work that lies ahead. The messages of Melutia Melchizedek speak of the Golden Rule and the teachings of Jesus pointing out to us that indeed there is much WORK ahead for all of us to apply our faith - to put it into living action now by loving service all that Michael taught us as his sojourn with us as Jesus of Nazareth and that we are being taught by his teachers to bring Urantia into Light and Life.


In light of all the emphasis many of us are experiencing on inner work, I share with you some of the thoughts I have been pondering from the words of the Mother Spirit "Now that you have been given all this assistance, it is the things that you're beginning to be aware that you can do that are causing you to step back and are causing you to stay behind the veil." For those of us who have labored long and hard to uncover the unconscious patterns that have stood in our way, the lessons continue on more subtle levels. The picture that comes to mind is that of an elephant in heavy chains behind a twenty foot wall of cement.. It always seemed curious that a simple rope was all that was needed to keep the elephant in one place. This is because if the elephant is raised from the beginning with a small rope as it grows it still continues to believe that it cannot go beyond the reach of the rope on its leg. This seems preposterous when one looks at the size of the elephant, but this is a wonderful example of how we are held back by our beliefs. As we grow, the once imposing barriers like the cement wall and the heavy chains fall away and still the small rope holds us back. As the lessons become more subtle and the rope turns into a small silver cord, it can remain just as powerful in holding us back from being all we really are and accomplishing all that we can do . How much more we have yet to learn about our value, our self worth, our cosmic citizenship to be able to accept ourselves so we can freely receive the love the Father and all our universe brothers and sisters mortal and celestial have to offer us. When we learn these lessons, then perhaps the fear represented by that small silver cord will at last be broken and we will realize the freedom, joy and unlimited potential that lies within each of us.


May we daily grow in releasing the chains and chords that bind us to the past that we may enter more fully into a new world, His world, The Kingdom of God within.


Allene Vick



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I found the current newsletter interesting from so many angles. I was particularly interested in the phrase, "The Father Has Stirred." Upon further thought I realize that it is not a phrase but a statement of action. Those words "the Father His Stirred" is very familiar to those in the "early '92 group," for it was used over and over.


We were told that the Father does not interest Himself in planetary changes, and changes are not initiated on that level, but from super-universe or universe levels. However, we were told that the Father has heard the cries of His children and "has stirred."


Since this planetary initiative comes from Paradise Itself, I think we should not be surprised to observe the "Father's Stirrings" in our lives and in our own groups. But isn't it a stupendous thought that the Father Himself has initiated the changes we are observing?


I am enclosing two messages that the Group of Five received earlier. If you feel that they would be of interest to the newsletter readers, you may print them.


May the Father continue His Stirrings in our lives!


Avis Nicholas

Sarasota, FL


December 2, 1992 - Sarasota - Michael's conversation to the Group of Five who were feeling discouraged and discontented.


I do want to speak with and try to share with you some of what has been happening from where I sit. There have been past weeks when I had wanted to be in contact with you, but the avenues were not quite open for such a meeting. This evening we shall try to get through this as best we can. Chris is somewhat hesitant about allowing this format this evening. But I have encouraged her to step forth and to trust this process for the moment. I assure you all it will not always be like this.


I know that you do not wish to hear my words that "the time is short", "that all is well", "that things are coming along", "that the preparation has been almost completed." I surely do understand for I once stood in the same place you stand today. There were times when I walked on Urantia and I saw such heartache, injustice, struggle and despair that I wondered where was God? Where was My Father? I understand your doubts. I understand your questioning. I judge none. None of us judge any of this. It is not important from where we sit.


I so wish I could soothe you. I so wish you had the vision that I hold.


Children, it is recognized that life on Urantia has been a most difficult one indeed. It is recognized that we must step in to try to create a new vision for the mortals of Urantia. This is what is about to happen. It is not an easy task for any of those who have come to My side, to participate in this moment. We recognize that it is not an easy task for you who have come by My side to participate in this moment.


I wish I could snap My fingers and change what is currently occurring on this magnificent world. I cannot do such. It is not the way of the laws of our universe. For there would be no significance if I was to do such. I would be overstepping what has been My domain as far as guiding the people of the local universe. If I were to step in and correct things with the wave of My hand, all of what has been known to be of natural law would be gone. Actually, order would be no more. Free will would be no more.


It is of greater value for you to change the world, to prepare it for the higher place that it rightfully has. This is what will be forever more and have a long standing.


If I were to wave My hand and correct what has been so damaging upon Urantia, it would not have lasting value, for free will is the way of Our universe. It is up to mankind to correct this. With our help this shall be done. It shall take some time. Do not be disheartened by what the way of the world is about. This shall pass in time. Even when I make My general announcement that I have arrived, these things will not pass automatically. There is much work for us to do together. That is why there have been so many teachers assembled, so many entities present upon Urantia. Because the work is great. I do depend upon you to keep the light burning. I do depend upon you to help create change. It is not all up to you, but I do depend upon you. We are partners in this event together. It is not My event alone --it is ours, and our partnership is what will create the change. It is our partnership that will right the world, make it more presentable to the Father. It is His movement that has stirred. [Bold is the editor's to show sentence Avis bracketed] It is He who has requested that the time is now. We can wait no more for Urantia to be altered.


You will know and acknowledge My presence when I am with you. You will know of the changes. Each one that you go out and meet shall be touched by this change. Have no doubt, it is happening already. You do not see the changes in front of you, but I can assure you it is happening.


What I would like to let you know is that when one of the individuals, especially the young ones which you are so moved by, suffers so, and passes over to the next state of existence, I can assure you that the welcome is huge for them. I can assure you that they know love like has never been felt before. I can assure you that it is best for them that what has happened. It is not Our way with the occurrences upon Urantia. This has come about from the ways that have been selected by the peoples of Urantia.


I, too, have a difficult time waiting. I am not in charge of the mandate for My appearance. I must wait for the order from above, to allow such when the time is right. I am ready when I am told the time is right. When I am told, I can assure you that not a second will be wasted. All of Urantia will know. All will know that I am here with my brigade. The Melchizedeks are all in place. The ascended mortals are all in place. Your teachers are all here We are waiting as you are waiting. Do you think it is not as difficult for Me to sit and wait as it is for you to sit and wait? I can assure you for me this too is a difficult moment. for I so love the mortals. You are the fortunate. You may not feel that way but you are fortunates. You have been looked after for such a long period of time, to be taken to the moment you are at now. Vanessa has done a wonderful job for many years in watching after you, making sure you did not stray so far that you could not enter into this moment. That has been part of her assignment. She has done well. [Vanessa is a Midwayer - Ed]


When all comes to pass, when all the truth is known, you and I will sit together. We will rejoice together. We will shed no more tears, for I too love the world. I love every individual and where I see them suffer, I suffer along with them, knowing that I cannot step in directly. We can only prompt and help those that have the avenues at their fingertips to do such on Urantia. The world is a slightly better place than it was yesterday.


I see this. I wish you could see this. It makes it no easier to sit and watch what happens here. But I can assure you that this is short termed, considering the amount of time the abuse has been going on.


My Children, I love you deeply. I endeavor with you in this quest for Our Father. We are partners together. Once again, stay steadfast. Do not waver from what the truth is. You have been selected, you have been requested to attend this banquet where others reject it.


Now, I will step aside to let you regroup for awhile. If it be so, we will try to continue our conversation. My love to all of you. I am with you. I am there. I am here.



Michael's Message - 1-28-93 - Group of Five in Sarasota


I am personally responsible for the beginning of an event that will forever change our universe.


In the universe that has been created by Our Father, the Sons have the ability, when coming from Paradise, to actually do things themselves. We have no need for fulfillment in utilizing others. It is by free will and choice and desire that I enlist the help of My creation to fulfill the request from Our Father in Paradise.


My journey has begun from Salvington to Urantia to enlist the hearts of men to the will of the Father. You are to light the path that I once again shall walk. You are definitely My representatives. Fear not of what you have been hearing. Fear should no longer be a part of you for I do hope that you are aware of My love and the Father's love, of how close We hold you. You are on My path, I walk with you. When you begin to fear the unknown, come into the silence, regroup, know who you are. Know that I know you.


I have been sent by Our Father to reclaim Urantia. This I have done. All is well. I know from your perspective, as I was once there Myself, that this is a most difficult situation, as you look around and see the outer chaos that is exhibiting itself on this great sphere. I, with you, can correct this. It is our correcting time.


Many have been called, some have answered. More will be called. Many more will answer. I recognize the slow process that besieges human choice. I recognize the dualities that are experienced by this creation. I also know what awaits you as you accomplish your unity with your relationship with Our Father who waits so patiently in His domain.


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Michael Palmer sent the following message from Michael for the newsletter.


Message from Michael about the Mission

March 24, 1993


Tr Thea - This message seems just as timely today.


It is I, Michael. Dear ones, I wish to speak to you, to offer comfort to you. I know that this time is hard, is difficult, both to experience and to understand. This time is indeed the early stages of the mission, the testing grounds, as it were. Although this stage reaches around the globe, in the years to come you will barely recognize this mission from what it appears today, for as you have thought/received, we are at this time going through the winnowing process. This is not to separate those who will survive from those who will not, but to separate out those who are willing to serve in the capacity of apostles, of teachers. This is a time to explore the ways to reach my children of Urantia. I am the one who has asked for this process, for I well know that however the heart yearns to serve, there are those who will continue and those who will not . There are many factors that enter into this and none who turn away from this assignment are to be judged. There are many reasons that persons come to this mission, and also many reasons why they turn away. Some come for wonders; many of these will leave. Some come for self-importance; most of these will leave. Some come with preconceptions; those whose preconceptions are not in line with the Father's will will change or leave. Some come with ideas of power over others; they will find no welcome here. Some come with extreme enthusiasm; many will struggle when the difficulties of serving this mission dampen their unrealistic high spirits, and many will depart. It will be unlikely that even a quarter will remain of this season, of this early testing time. Again, all are loved equally by the Father and by me. All are not suited to be the same thing, to play the same role. You concern yourselves overmuch with this process, breaking your hearts against the rejections and the falsenesses that appear to batter you. I say to you, this is only a natural process, and one over which you have no control. Beyond doing your best at what is asked of you, you are not asked other. The outcomes are not yours. You can give your pains and your worries to me and I will help you to heal the loneliness that is the lot of all who follow here. I know your loneliness, for I lived it on your world when there was no one to hear and understand my heart on Urantia, no one in human form who understood. Therefore will I most lovingly and willingly bind up your wounds. I ask you to turn to me in this, over and over, and I will give you comfort and help you to seek the strength from the Father to move forward. None of this is demanded of you; I have called you and you have come, but this is no mandate, but a request made in love. Think not that I will ever abandon you as you struggle on this rocky and lonely road, and know that wherever possible, I will not only light your path, but show you the wonders that all who seek reality will see along the way. You will not regret this, however many dark hours you must bear. There will always be the light. Your task is to try to remember this in the hours of darkness, that I am with you and I am the light of the world, that the Father shines in all his glory from within your very being. Draw on this, draw on it daily and often. You cannot expect from your human companions what they cannot give. It is of no use to expect these things. It only leads to frustration and pain. In the days ahead, there will be yet struggles, but there will come also the joys and the serenity of fulfillment. When the mission starts up in its fullness, you will be teachers. Some will be asked to venture forth, but none will be required. There will always be teaching work for this mission that can be done at hand; you will not lose out on serving in this mission by remaining in your own communities, for there are enough soul present to minister to wherever you pass by. You are the leaven in the dough. Not all can be the leaven, and there is no shame in this, but you will lighten the entire population of the world, and help to lift them up. Some of this you will do formally, and other you will do by loving all you meet, even as you will be teaching them to love as I have loved you. Truly you will eventually find that the gospel which I have brought is not so difficult. Trust in me. Trust in my mission. Trust that all will come to pass and wear every rejection in my name with pride as a badge of honor. You who seek to serve me faithfully have no reason to reproach yourselves because others do not understand. Learn to love them and to forgive them. I love and honor you; the Father has you ever in his keeping. Let this be enough, let this be a sufficiency. Seek me and the Father and in time this will satisfy your souls such that these things that now hurt you so deeply will be as pinpricks soon forgotten and put aside. You are on a wonderful journey, and oftentimes upon setting out the weak muscles protest, once the initial thrill is past. But you are even now hardening and strengthening for the long journey. Do not give up now, dear ones. you will find your second wind, and truly the traveling will be wonderful. We are doing this together; you are doing this with me. Think upon that and realize what it means. And turn more frequently to my teachers who I have given you to be morontia companions on this journey. They love you and know you. They can give you comfort and good counsel. Turn also to your angels and seek to communicate with them, for they are always with you in this task. They challenge you, but they also strengthen and comfort you and urge you to prayer and worship which renew your souls. Truly, you have what you need. Do what I ask as best you can, do not fear the mistakes which are inevitable, be straightforward, and place all that hence comes to you in the hands of the Father. This is what is asked. Know that I love you, each one of you, tenderly and truly and personally. When you are uncertain, my spirit is with you, my mind is available to you, and if you seek the truth, will place you upon the true path of your soul. I am with you always as we seek together to fulfill the will of the Father in heaven. Be of good cheer, my children. You are surrounded by love and light. Call upon me and know that I will always hear.




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Gerry Baker has sent more of the transcripts from Henry Zeringue to share.. We thank Henry for his willingness to share these messages with the TM groups. Before sharing a few lessons, I would like to share with you information from Henry that was included with the first batch I received from Gerry Baker. It is as follows:


                     TEACHING LESSONS


               Teachers Berca and Johnson


                         Thought Adjuster


These teaching lesson essays are received in stillness and written, "action writing" as the thought phrases enter my consciousness. There is little or no editing involved; the readability is from the written form, not from transcribing a verbal conversation, etc. It is my belief that the teacher pair Berca and Johnson, and the Thought Adjuster stimulate my higher mind consciousness, effecting word patterns and word sequences in my mind. I do not hear a "voice", except the voice in my mind, though, I can discern a subtle difference in each teacher as they are transmitting their lessons. The inner mind voice exhibits subtle characteristics; example Berca sounds like a woman and Johnson sounds like a man. God sounds Great! It is hoped that presenting these essays to you of the Teaching Mission and others, that these teachings will help fill in and in all ways augment your own teachings and instructions and especially your spiritual transformation in particular.


Thank You,



BERCA - 11/24/95


                              Living Truth

The relationship between Divine reality and Mortal effort can result in Living Truth. All worthwhile efforts to bring your mortal will into working synchrony with the Divine Plan results in Living Truth. You are the reflected truth of the Divine Presence at work in man. Your continual example of Loving Service to the effort of bringing your brothers and sisters closer to their recognition of these Divine realities in themselves constitutes Living Truth. Living Truth is like fresh and clean sparkling water which washes away the negative traces of man's animal heritage and cleans and prepares man for his real purposeful nature which is to Know the Father, and as you serve Him, to become like Him. This is Living Truth. Michael's exemplary life in the flesh, brought the living truth of a Son of God, who brought the recognition of God the Father to your people on Urantia. In all of Jesus' acts of Loving and Kind Service you see an example of the Divine aspects being brought to all who come into contact with the Loving Master. His Love was real and always available to everyone he met, even to those who spurned such kindness and Love. The Master's Patience brought forbearance upon the tardy minds of Urantia. Never belittling these Children of God, Jesus met their adverse nature with a breath of Fresh Life and a chance for the weary hearted to gain a new perspective upon the chance to become energized with the "Spirit of Life." Even to the death did this amazing Life of Jesus demonstrate the Divine nature of forgiveness. All doubt was faced with the open communion with his Father, who comforted Jesus and Showed Him the Way of the Divine Plan. This active and real respect for the Divine Plan which Jesus put into constant service was the Living Truth by which all men may come to Know the Father, Serve Him, and Become like Him.


After thousands of years of scant survival, this Living Truth now challenges you currently of Urantia to the same expression of purpose. Become this vessel which carries the "water of Life" that you may pour forth and anoint all you chance to contact with. Bring the desperate to assurance. Bring the down-hearted to Laughter. Bring the arrogant to the conscious recognition of the humble position of the service for Divine Will. Bring the Ignorant to feast upon the knowledge of their rightful heritage in the Kingdom of Heaven.


Living Truth is not the stagnant-read-words of a book which stimulates your intellectual curiosity. Living Truth is the Mortal Will seeking Service through active participation in the Divine Plan of Mortal will focused on the Presence of the true nature of His Being. Come forth Now! In to the Light of Duty and the Love of Service. Up lift your own spirit nature to reflect the Divine Stance. Bring forth actions and give voice to words which mirror the truths you profess and continually verbalize through your readings. Become this Living Truth and In our Service know that you are Loved and Respected by Legions of unseen friends who are here to give you help, in Loving Service.


Continually bring your problems and prayers to your stillness meditation and accept the Divine challenge as it comes to you - Continue in Peace and Love.



 JOHNSON - 9/27/95


I am going to address the readjusting of psychological animalities.


The mind complex to the brain is conditioned with certain experiences which set up primal circuits for emotional/behavioral patterns. It is of utmost usefulness to become aware of these conditioning traits and effects in young mortals, especially, by the time older mortals become conscious of certain patterns which need modification, the practice and energy involved in adjusting these patterns becomes quite futile.


In addressing the stillness practice; one of the beneficial aspects of Father/Presence communication is that you can address these issue complexes with one who resides throughout your mind. Sincere and deliberate aggressive attention brought to Father's Light can help effect the correcting of a large amont, quite possibly any issue complex which a person may be dealing with.


Father's Light can help unblock psychological trauma issues, bad habits, unhealthy patterns of behavior or anything which may be at issue in preventing our complete and perfect growth in God's Light and Grace.


You must attend to your own growth. Prayer can solicit Gods manifold power and loving service to your attentions. This is part of the function of the adjuster's consciously assisting in the preparation of your complete regrowth into perfection consciousness of Divine Will to Loving Service. The adjusters service and functions are greatly increased when the indwelt mortal can consciously, if not specifically ask, direct His Attention to your needs. This is a quickening process when through faith you believe God is helping you as you ask. He actually is, though the obvious is not visible for sometime. This then, this stillness prayer medley with Father can bring multi-functional directions into synchrony. In stillness, you can meditate, transmit teachers' messages, receive messages from celestials, experience the Presence of God the Father, receive His Love, Give prayer and thanksgiving, experience forgiveness, worship, communicate with Father, receive blessings and healing and answers to all of your sincere requests.


This eternal stream of Divine consciousness can wash anew all that its water touches. Enjoy this greatness and grow more completely in Light and Life.



 JOHNSON - 10/1/95


The upper administration for the planet is held by the Melchizedek Order. They coordinate activities of all the various agencies and orders of celestial life on this planet. There are arriving on this world a vast number of intelligences from all over the Universe. The preparing of this world as a base for Michael's headquarter administration as well as planetary administration, is accommodating numerous personalities and beings from Paradise on down through our local system, Satania. The establishing of encircuitment again affords this world its Universal Spiritual Heritage, to be an active and living part of the organization of evolutionary worlds in Satania of Nebadon. The Teaching Mission activities has increased the spiritual duty to this world.


We observe an orderly and somewhat unorthodox approach to the administration to this world. The Lanonandeks usually administer the evolutionary worlds. The Melchizedek Order is also able to administer as well as teach. We of the Mission are constantly attending sessions of learning and serving the the teaching network on the planet. Your world should feel into the uplifting attunements being prepared for this world. The more circuit connections on the spiritual switchboard, if you will, the more easily this spiritual presence on the planet can start to be sustained in the mortal population. It does not take an army of saints to save the planet. It takes a few dedicated and enlightened loving beings to start teaching others how to "come into service" on this world. Though the work is tremendous, the spirit and will in Urantia Mortals is just as strong and alive as on any other evolutionary world in Nebadon.


All is going well. Urantia is blessed by a loving embrace of Celestial Universe Beings of Light and Life. Join in this embrace as you connect in stillness with Father.


Ever with His Light we Shine!


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Gerdean of the Pittsburgh group writes that they all benefited from a recent visit from Welmek via the Busellis'. Here are a few excerpts from that session.


June 21, 1996 - Pittsburgh


TOMAS: Good evening, my friends. I am Tomas. I am your acting host on behalf of the celestial hosts who are in attendance and who bring great joyous tidings to you in your gathering here this evening. It is a celebration indeed, for once again we have made that connection which is part of Correcting Time, introducing one to the other, bringing from far and wide the sons and daughters of God, Michael's ambassadors and workers among workers.


It is a great honor for me as your resident teacher to welcome our esteemed co-worker, Welmek, here this evening. My own humility is apparent to my transmitter/receiver if not to you all, but as we become acquainted and begin to recognize the gift of personality and the wisdom which emits, the humor which prevails, the heartfelt love which pronounces itself into your arena, the spirit is exalted and the ego is humbled.


WELMEK: I will not give a formal lesson either, but I would like to make a comment about something that was said during your discussion, to the effect that you are so many different types of personalities and you come from so many different beliefs.


There are several ways of looking at this. Of course, one is to recognize that we are all One, but I tell you in so recognizing the oneness of purpose, revel in the variety of expression. Do you have any idea how wonderful it is for us to observe the variety of thought and of personal expression in each of your lives of these truths that we attempt to impart to you? This is not something to be regarded with suspicion or a sense of distance from each other. I urge you to, as I say, revel in it. Enjoy each other as you are.


It is so important that you learn to enjoy diversity, for it is in this that you learn, that you see another face of the Father. The Father's expressions are infinite, and each face into which you peer, each mind into which you look, and each personality that you experience is another expression of the Father. Find Him in each other.


TOMAS: In fact, I would add to your remarks, which is indeed how this communication fosters further communication and hopefully leads to understanding and enlightenment, for another observation that was noted was the aspect of how much of your social intercourse in your lives today is spent on emotional matters and troublesome situations.


This is a statement of your development from the animal realm toward more morontial methods of communication. It is better than grunts and groans and yet not quite "Hail to the Chief!" but human beings, as they emerge from the animal levels of existence, become aware of their feelings. It is not for us or for you to disdain feelings. The emotional states of being are, in the ideal, experientially purposeful, and so, to disdain an individual's emotional condition is to deny the experiential motion of the individual.


It would be better that the individual learn from the emotional experience than to stay static and revert to croaking and groaning. Of course, as we progress in our spiritual program of discovery and ascension into more Godlike aspects, we learn to refine our emotional reactions to life. They are not as raw and rugged as they once were. Refinements of emotions are one of the results of a spirit-led life. Be therefore patient and forebearing of one another in your understanding of the emotional range/realm of your peers.


As you well know, the work of your realm is important. To a worker there is nothing more important than the work of the realms and oftentimes the work at hand involves an individual who is caught, lost, enamored and confused by an emotional condition. By your patience, loving kindness, merciful ministry, by your understanding of your emotional self, you will be able to greet your brother, your sister, and help lead them forward out of a potential emotional morass into the aerie of spirit.


And lest you think we would squelch all emotions, be assured that we are very keen on joy and celebration, on happiness, companionship and camaraderie, for these emotions are shared by the angelic hosts and your affectionate midwayer cousins. We have had tremendous joy in this cosmic neighborhood this evening in your company.


WELMEK: In my own group I have made a distinction, for our reference, between feelings and emotions. Feelings are those that arise from the presence of the love of the Father Fragment within. Emotions tend to be a reaction to the outer influences upon the person. The way you view the world, the way you feel about the world, can be positive in a way that you have not yet dreamed if you rely on the inner guidance of your Father Fragment, for there is no negativity there. There is no fear; there is no hate.


When you feel yourself reacting in a way that is negative, go within and remove yourself to that positive Core of your very being. In meeting those fellows who are undergoing great trauma in their reactions to life, the greatest service you can do for them is to help Them find that Inner Core of love and peace and joy. Each has their own access and their own means, both of finding this and of expressing this, and it is perhaps made easier for them when they feel love radiating from you. You see, they have a living example to experience how they, too, may transform their lives in this respect.


There is so very much that you can do for each other, that you must do for each other and with each other, for you have ways of reaching each other that we do not. There is some way that you have of communicating with each other that we are not privy to, in the sense that your experience on this world is unique. While we have been mortal, we have not been mortal here. We have not resided in the physical bodies that you inhabit with your electro-chemical disturbances, with your particular racial characteristics for this world.


This Mission must be done by you acting between and among each other and for each other. In showing respect for the feelings of another, you recognize the potential within them that you also possess. I am sure you remember from your text that you cannot respect another more than you respect yourself. They are equal. If you can find the core that is in you, then it must be in your brother, and it is for you to find it and to help him find it.


TOMAS: We who have been around for a while, and I refer also to you mortal beings, clearly understand that we are a mutual admiration society, that we are unbashful in professing our love for one another and appreciation for each other. Long has your planet been suffering from a drought of affirmative affirmations of affections and we have still not quenched that thirst, nor do we hope to completely, for as each day is new, a new opportunity has arisen to express love, which has been freely given, to those who we might freely give to.


Such an opportunity! And in keeping with Welmek's words to you, the opportunities that you have are even more abundant than that of our opportunities in our realm for, you see, we already know that we are from Love and return to Love and many on your world have not yet tasted this sweet fruit.


Student: Possibly both you and Welmek would comment -- but I just feel this deep desire, this deep wish for you to talk about Christ Michael because when you do it is so very special to me and I think there are some others who might react in that same way. When you talk about Christ Michael there's something so very wonderful about it to me and I often find myself smiling and meditating on those words from the transcripts.


TOMAS: I am calling to mind an occasion where I walked with Michael outside the congregation hall where we teachers were in training. I recall quite clearly the experience of the proximity of Michael as we walked side by side in deep conversation. Rather, I needed to know and learn. It was He who rested his arm across my shoulder, who instilled in me through His love, and understanding of how it was on His world of nativity, as you here have the uniqueness which Welmek alluded to. It was Michael's in-depth perception of you and your uniqueness, your particular flavor, your curious needs, that He sought to convey to my being. Not to my mind or my heart, but to the whole of me that I might better understand you, and I do not pretend to understand you as he does, and so as you as me to speak of him...


Student: Thank you very much. That's very special to me. Your words have been very, very ...


TOMAS: Understand that I, like you, seek His counsel for He is the only one, truly who understands you, His creation, your Elder Brother in truth.


WELMEK: I could speak of my personal meetings with Michael. They are beyond description, really, for your understanding, and instead I would like to suggest that each of you dwell on those personal moments that you have experienced when you have felt His presence beside you, because I tell you that that is quite literally where He is at this moment. He is with each one of us. He is aware of each of us personally. And even you in the mortal lifetime can develop a personal relationship with Him that is unique and wonderful to yourselves.


Spend time each day consciously in His company. He will never deny you His presence, His love and His support. Always is His hand in yours if that is what you wish. Talk to Him, walk with Him and share our joys and sorrows with Him. Each of us will enjoy a very unique and beautiful relationship with Him and you can begin yours now.


                                   * * * 

February 2, 1996


I have been working on compiling some of the "MICHAEL" messages that we have received over the past several years. I am trying to work out some kind of a reasonable format, but in reading them over thought that they should be shared with others. They have brought me great comfort, and perhaps others would find them comforting as well.


Feel free to enclose which ever ones you want in the newsletter, you may not want to print them all at once, but over time. As I transcribe more, I will forward them on to you.


How truly blessed we are that our 'friend' takes the time to speak to us and bring us to a greater understanding of Him, Father, mankind and ourselves.


Leta McCreary

Vian, Oklahoma


                      WORDS TO LIVE BY


This is my personal greeting to you. You think that I may not be here now beside you, but I am. If only you could know me, if only you could see me, then all your doubts and fears would disappear. My beloved children I am here, I am. I am beside you now, at this moment, as you read these words. Stop reading for one moment and feel. Yes, feel my presence. Close your eyes and feel my love as it washes over you. Yes, that is me, Jesus.


We are about to embark on a journey together, you and I. Worry not about where this journey will take you.


I am your creator, you are always safe with me.

I will guide your footsteps safely along this path.

I will catch you if you fall, trust yourself to my care.

I am your loving father.



First Message


Happy and joyous is the occasion of my return. Much work is necessary to prepare others for what is beginning. you will become emissaries as well as examples of my love and Father's.


The love that is being poured out to you is as a river that has no beginning, no end. You are constantly bathed in this divine love. Know this. Allow ourself to share this knowledge with all you meet. This sharing may be done in many ways. By words by actions, and by simply allowing this love to flow directly through you to your brothers and sisters.

Often you will have the opportunity to communicate Fathers's love. Always be open to these opportunities, for they might never be repeated. Any opportunity lost may be of a personal loss to me. Remember always, that many times a simple kind word can make all the difference to the one who receives it.


I wish to emphasize my deep abiding love and confidence in you.




Greetings dear one, I am the living Christ, Michael of Nebadon, Jesus of Nazareth.


Proceed slowly, ever keeping in mind that Father's Will be done. As you learn from me you will more easily discern Father's leadings, his voice. Knowing Father is the reason I am here. I will guide and protect you. You will grow in spiritual beauty.


I am your protector, your comforter, your teacher.


You are my hope.


The darkness that envelops this world is vast. You are each a pinpoint of light in this sea of darkness. As your lights grow the darkness will be erased. Just as the rising sun dispels the darkness of the night, Shine forth your light on all.


Protect yourselves, your hearts, your minds, from dark thoughts. Fill yourselves with my light, my love. This light alone is all you need to work miracles.


Show others through your actions, your deeds, your words, how to embrace the light.


Always have faith and trust in me. I correct, I judge. Take not my responsibilities upon your shoulders. Be only living shining examples of my love for mankind.


The rest is in my hands, and the hands of the Father.




As man travels the path of his destiny he often feels abandoned. This profound feeling of aloneness is a delusion. There is always one beside you, ME.


Each person in his uniqueness believes himself to be the only individual in all the Universes to experience life and all its hardships. Countless are the many who experience the fullness of disappointment, pain and suffering.


Although each path is indeed unique and different, understand that these paths cross and intersect one another. Look at those who are traveling beside you. Realize that they too have hopes, dreams, and plans for their future, their lives. If their plans do not fit in with preconceived ideals or notions that you possess, yes, even if they are in direct conflict with you, do not discount their value, their worth. Above all give others the benefit that Father gives to you, to make your own choice in all things. When others make decisions that you do not agree with, understand that is their God given right to do so.


Should you feel the need, you can always make the decision to remove yourself from anther's presence. Travel the path in a different direction. Remember, that there will always be some one else beside you. To expect, or want them to only make decisions that are agreeable with you is indeed unrealistic. It is also undesirable, as it will often only reinforce wrong behavior or decision making on your part.


The collective oversoul can offer many solutions and resolutions, through numerous individuals, Never close yourself off to this great source.


 There are many afflictions and much suffering experienced on this planet as a direct result of natural life.


Please understand that these afflictions are in no way directed or instilled by our Father in Heaven. People should be aware that although they suffer it is NOT by the hand of our Father, nor by my hand.


Often I hear the cries of my children in pain. For one to think that I would ignore these cries, for one to think that I would turn my back on my children, for one to think that I, or Father, would inflict this pain delibertly, truly saddens me.

All any of my children have to do is but recognize that I would only give help and relief in times of trouble. To understand this, to truly know this in your heart, will do so very much to alleviate your pain and suffering.


Faith, prayer, and spiritual knowledge can lift people above their suffering.


In your time of crisis turn your problems over to me, I will lift your burden, I will wipe away your tears, I will comfort you, you only have to LET me. IT IS THAT SIMPLE!


Good morning dear child. Yes, it is I Michael of Nebadon, Jesus of Nazareth, the living Christ. I bid you good day and good cheer, my precious one.


As you begin this new day, keep in mind that I stand beside you throughout your day. Not only during the happy moments, but through the sad and disappointing moments as well.


I share your joy and your doubts, your anger and your pride. I share all with you my child. This is my prerogative as your creator, it is my duty as your Father, it is my privilege as your friend.


Do not live in fear that I judge you harshly during your moments of weakness. For it is at those times, when your human frailties are most apparent, that I lend my strongest support.


You are seldom aware of my presence at the times when you are most in need of me, because your focus is on your problem. Yet, it is at these times that I am always, with you without fail. If I were not, then would you experience unmitigated pain and suffering.


It is I who whispers words of hope and encouragement in your ear.


I am the one who reminds you that tomorrow is another, better day.


I foster your hopeful outlook.


I bring you new understanding and renewed faith.


When things seem their worst, when I seem to be the farthest from you, still your mind and listen particularly well. You will discover that this is when my words of endearment are their loudest.



 I am here dearly beloved child to provide the strength you need for this day.


Sinfulness is often a state of mind. Many of my devout children live in abject fear because they perceive their human nature to be sinful. One must realize that it is human to make mistakes, errors in judgement.


Divine nature knows and understands this natural law. That is why divine nature can so easily forgive.


By not forgiving human error, one can live in a self inflicted state of sin. By forgiving all errors made by yourself and others one can live in a state of Divine Grace.


It is my sincere wish that you choose the latter. Remember, God has long forgiven your many sins. It is time that you forgive yourself. Cling not to past mistakes as they will continue to take a toll on your life.


Put the past behind you!


 Step forward in Faith and Trust. Abide each day with me, and in me. Put aside your worldly concerns and dwell on me. I am your shield. Your shield against all harm that can be done by others to you, as well as by you to others.


Take my thoughts and make them your own. Take my words and speak them. Become one with me, even as I am one with the Father. Put aside your worldly manner and behavior.


As the world begins a new day. Today marks a new beginning for you. And so it is each day.


Begin your day in prayer and dedication to the Father. This helps to align your heart with me. It helps to remind you of your purpose in life. Take time throughout your day to turn your thoughts to the Father and to me. There are many lessons yet to learn, so many things that I have yet to tell you, teach you.


Hesitate not to call upon me. Hesitate not to call upon the one who guides and loves us all, OUR FATHER. It is through Father that each of you gains necessary strength, needed courage. Our Heavenly Father surrounds all, he envelops each. We are all connected through Father.


We find our true self in Father.


 How it pains me when my children hear my messages but do not heed my words. You request clarification of an earlier message. I told you that men are wise in the ways of the world. I told you to listen to your friend.


My child I am not of this world!


There will be many who profess to be your friend.


Only true friendship withstands the test of time. A true friend gives you the freedom to be not only who you are, but who you can become. A true friend comes to your aid when you call. A true friend gives unconditional love, never judging.


Who is your true and lasting friend? Who has your best interest at Heart? Who comes when you call?


My dear one, you believe yourself to be lacking in friends but you are so wrong. I say to you REJOICE! You have been given the gift of a true friend. ME!


                                    * * *


August 1996


I apologize for not responding sooner to your call for support. I wish it could be more. You are doing a great job, a real service to the Teaching Mission which recognizes how widespread your unselfish efforts have been.


Since most of my "receivings" have been Adjuster inspired, I am putting a small collection together to publish hopefully in 1997. I am enclosing one sample that you may, if you choose, add to one of the T/RNN



David Saunders

Bellevue, WA


                                                                      SPEAK FOR ME


Yes My child, you may speak for Me, speak clearly.

It is not presumptuous that you feel you can. I am here to encourage you,

And tell you it is with My blessing you may.


Have I not been with you all the days of your life,

Steadily bringing you into light, bringing understanding to your mind,

Attending to your deepest wonderment and spirit curiosity?


I see you attempt to accurately reflect My plans for your upbringing.

I see in your mind, the evolution of the thoughts you think

See how you seek Me with an honest and open heart,

I feel your receptivity to My spirit-guidance.


Steadily, I reveal myself in you, and teach you My ways,

You are in training, learning to receive, becoming more aware of My presence.

I know you are willing that I adjust and refine your thoughts,

Your trust and faith in Me grow. By attempting to live My will, you stay on course,

You stay connected with Me, and realize right timing.


I am pleased at your efforts steadfastly pursuing Truth.

I am with you each time you speak to needful brothers and sisters,

Hoping to relate to them the many thoughts you know I would have them know.

You can do this without reservation and without fear. When you know the truth,

Never hesitate to share experiences or portray wisdom.


To every son and daughter willing to participate, I reveal My plans and proposals.

You have been a willing learner from the beginning of your awakening.

By steadily intending to do My will, by envisioning the true reality that we are One,

It develops, grows and becomes actual.


You are expressing our shared knowledge, you are expressing My love as your own.

It is our love you live, and most certainly, I want you to love Me.

It is not presumptuous, in fact it is part of the plan.


I trust you. I urge you to more fully trust yourself.

Show your Godlikeness, share Godknowing, this is the Highest Reality; this is Living Truth.

Through intentional action, live what you trust. Live it each day.

Know, trust and share the blessings of your knowledge


Be not discouraged by apparent failure, remember you are yet human,

The shortcuts and uncharted roads you've taken are lessons from which you learn.

There are no personal paths wholly without risk, totally without danger,

Yet fear not, you've not strayed off course, you've merely taken a detour.



You've braved much in order to believe what you believe.

Regardless of the difficulties and unexpected disappointments you sometimes suffer,

Staying on the spiritual path, willing to speak for Me with confidence,

Grows your faith mighty. Faith grows stronger every time you exercise it.


I am Source of Light and Life in you,

Source of Truth, Beauty and Goodness in you.

If you believe that I cannot fail, then know of a certainty, we cannot fail.

I support all you do in my name. Live this reality. Speak about this reality.

Today we work together as partners on this path you are choosing to follow,

Tomorrow we will walk our path as One Being.


This endless journey we've just begun is an infinite adventure of newness and discovery.

You are my child imagining yourself becoming Me,

Merging with Me in purpose and intent, one with Me in loving life.

Of all these things, speak, it is My will that you speak for Me.


* * *



Lesson From Ham - (Nashville)



Ham: Greetings, children. You have come here tonight under differing illusions and expectations concerning what we have to offer you or to offer the world in general. Likewise, do you always hold expectations of reality which limit your present experience for trying to understand it in the context of your past. I am Ham, and I am the teacher assigned to your grouping.


You are all seekers after truth. You are all understanding that circumstance and preparedness influence each human being in their reception of truth. The reason for this is that truth is never static, it is always living and responsive as it is responded to. Truth is a state of awareness which is the thinker and the thought.


The experience of a rose is itself an understanding. One can understand the horticultural evolution of the flower and the chemical composition of its aroma. One can diagram the veins of its leaves, its petals. One can replicate its color. But the truth of the rose is only understood by experiencing it with your senses and the beauty of the rose and the truth of this experience transcends the senses as it enters the soul and the soul is changed and the rose is also changed.


So it is with the things of the spirit. These things are not perceived by the material body, they do not have the obstacle of the senses to go through. The spirit is experienced by the soul directly and this experience is best described as love or as realization or as enlightenment or as inexpressible beauty or the knowing that is truth which is beyond simple meaningfulness.


The spiritual experience changes the experience and he that experienced it. The spiritual experience is expressed through growth, spiritual growth, which in reality is growth of the soul which is in fact the merging, the creation, the offspring of the material being and our spiritual Father.


The soul craves spiritual experience, the soul needs growth and expansion. The Father, the spiritual fragment of the eternal one which lives within each person, likewise changes, adjusts, and modifies his connection with you through the progressive growing of the spiritual experience.


In the beginning of your journey, your experience of the spirit may be an isolated event, separated by years here and there. But as the soul grows, and the craving for spiritual contact becomes irrepressible, gradually there dawns in your mind a new consciousness, a consciousness of spiritual contact which can become constant.


The Father spirit within you evolves in his relationship with you his child during this development. The Father spirit goes from relative isolation and practically being completely ignored having to flash into your consciousness whenever he can an insight, a realization, something, anything to bring you towards him. Eventually the Father is your living partner in life, he becomes your closest friend, the one you consult first not last, the one who shares your thoughts, your awareness, and the one who expands your understanding, every day.


And so it is truly said that if a man would walk humbly in faith and true humility with the Father, great things can and do always happen. Seek you first the kingdom, what is the kingdom but the Father, and all things needful will be added unto you. Spiritual progress has got to be each human being's first, very first, priority. There is nothing which is greater than this. There is no greater aspiration than to know God and to seek to do his will in the world. This is the essence of our teaching mission, to bring men closer to God through understanding truth.


                                    * * *

The Rayson Group in Topanga (Malibu), CA has just sent 1995 transmissions from Melutia Melchizedek along with 2 recent General Messages to Agondonters. and last month the transcripts of Rasyson arrived. Here are several selections that seem appropriate to share as we bring our focus in this issue to Michael and his work with us on Urantia during this Correcting Time.


September 5, 1995


                         Birthday Message




It is now two millennia and a year since the birth of Jesus and yet your world is still virtually entrenched in an adversary environment, where reasoning and compromise are only tools of higher animal survival, and not the application of the Golden Rule. Jesus spoke and taught about the kingdom of our Father and only human faith and willingness to do His will is a prerequisite to immortality. Unfortunately, most Urantians will only intellectualize their commitment, and not act when spiritual opportunities arise.


I can only speak for myself, but I am sure the general consensus with my order is disturbed by the spiritual indifference exhibited by most Urantians. It is true that many humans intellectualize about spiritual reality, (including many Urantia Book readers) and therefore fail to act in accordance with the will of our Father. Even though a decimal planet can go astray, most all in the Grand Universe know there is only one way one truth. Jesus was, is, and always will be the example to all, and not only to Urantians, but all decimal (not dismal!) planet creatures.


Does it not sadden you that so many of your peers, both in and out of the Urantia movement, dismiss their responsibility to do Father's will? And it is their free will choice, for that choice is an act of God. so why do those who know not act in accordance with the Golden Rule? Is that not the responsibility of at least those who know God's will?


It is unfortunate that most of the human race on Urantia wakes up every morning with big egos and a lot of denial, not the recipe for living the will of the First Source and Center of the Grand Universe, a will that can only be demonstrated by serious and loving attempts to live the Golden Rule on Urantia.


The art of spiritual balance in a material realm is always made difficult by the human animal instinct to survive, but one survival is understood in the universal sense, light and life becomes a reality, not just an idea.



Melutia Melchizedek


 6 Aug 96


  A General Message to Agondonters of All Ages


As Urantia approaches the 2001st anniversary of Michael's Bestowal, it is quite sad when one realizes that the quality of spiritual sincerity and action is no more evolved now than it was when the Master experienced man. This situation has put the Teaching Mission in a state of emergency. Simply stated, the human freewill species has had and continues to have great difficulty in learning from its history, a sort of Pavlovian boomerang. As with Michael and others, we Melchizedeks can and have experienced the human predicament of emotion and ego in direct conflict with spiritual (universal) truth. Yes, we who have engaged in the human process on Urantia can certainly identify with the grind of our survival which, in all the Grand Universe, is considered spiritual insanity. In yet our hope is the fact that the human potential uses its capacity to spiritually evolve and of course with much hard work.


On Urantia true altruism is usually disguised as self-important agendas to promote individual importance. Is this the stuff of a planet in Light and Life? Most forms and choices of earning material success and even a living are distorted with greed and the desire for power and self-importance. My friends your human way of competing is an adversarial and mean-spirited adventure or more like a night-mare from my presently unique view, and so what is the solution? In your hearts (Thought Adjuster awareness) you at least intellectually know the answer for truth is a universal experience.


Unfortunately so few humans are truly, willing to give up the excesses of the grind or in other words live their lives towards the direct will of God. So often mortals of this planet are willing to proclaim the gospel of our Father, and at the same time do what is necessary to promote their identity therefore actively curtailing the Will of the First Source and Center. Living the Will of God is the same as proclaiming the Will of God, and yet the inverse is not necessarily true, or simply put, talk can be cheap while action is work. The wholesome desire to do the will of Father is so too often uprooted by the human desire to promote the ego and individualism.


The most serious threat to democracy is the irresponsible use of freedom, and so it is the same free will choice in relationship to spiritual growth. Denial of self-promotion over group promotion is usually only accepted when a material gain is attainable, or in other words doing the right thing for the wrong reason.


For now let me describe a style of life conducive both to material and spiritual balance in the human condition on Urantia at present. First earn material responsibility by the fruits of your own work, not by manipulation and control of others. Secondly do not succumb to material success in an ego centric fashion and remember there is no such thing as spiritual success. The third and all important LIVE by the GOLDEN RULE, which is a direct act toward the will of God and his children, your brothers and sisters on Urantia. You are probably somewhat perplexed about the notion of the non-existence of spiritual success ---success is a material matter whereas spiritual completeness is innate to all Descending Sons, Havona residents and all other Grand Universe Hosts as it is with The First Source and Center. Those of us with free will rarely abuse it, and even though the mortal species must EVOLVE spiritually, it is not a matter of success as it is WORK. Once a mortal reaches Thought Adjuster fusion the cancer of rebellion does not exist. It would be best stated this way, and that is to say that spiritual attainment can SUCCESSFULLY be attained by HARD WORK.


My friends spirituality is a way of life, not a concept. Moment to moment action is at the heart of spiritual existence. An act of kindness embellished with wisdom translates into the deepest human love whereas self promotion leads to control and manipulation which can lead to the abandonment of the higher and highest spiritual values. Never give blindly and yet always offer the comfort of The Father's Will to all that desire it. The Master's living example of love and wisdom is not difficult to comprehend and even not impossible to accomplish a degree of individualistic development. Man cannot continue to live in a divided state in which the various cultures and races are in competition with each other. The only normal or natural differences are in the two sexes and the spiritual difference can be defined as the decent and others. Is it difficult to see and appreciate the difference? It is not a matter for distress of making mistakes in mortal life as Not Learning from those mistakes in a positive manner. If material reality is to rule with the ego in control, then how can spiritual reality earn a place in the mortal "heart?" It is the reality of the message that should be lived, or in other words, spirituality does not result from the words of the messenger but from the works of the messenger. The Will of God can only be demonstrated by those actions that seek and act towards spiritual truth, but when material matters prevail spiritual growth can at best be stunted.


The realization of Father's Will must certainly include the basic condition of self-responsibility for one's affairs, or at least a sincere effort. Moment to moment actions in everyday matters between family, friends and various associates are the essence of spiritual growth. I pray for Urantia's spiritual effort.



Melutia Melchizedek


 December 19, 1995


                         General Message


Greetings Agondonters.


In lieu of and excepting the confusion of calendar changes and the rationalizations to incorporate the Christmas as the birth of Joshua ben Joseph, it is still most astonishing that materialism is the ritual, and the reality of Jesus' spirit-led lie is mostly ignored. The wisdom needed for serious worship of God's will is acquired by active participation towards that will, and can best be described by the Masters teaching about prayer and worship. Our TR will now read page 1616, number 7 of the Urantia Book




At the evening conferences on Mount Gerizim, Jesus taught many great truths, and in particular he laid emphasis on the following:


True religion is the act of an individual soul in its self-conscious relations with the Creator; organized religion is man's attempt to socialize the worship of individual religionists.


Worship - contemplation of the spiritual - must alternate with service, contact with material reality. Work should alternate with play; religion should be balanced by humor. Profound philosophy should be relieved by rhythmic poetry. The strain of living - the time tension of personality - should be relaxed by the restfulness of worship. The feelings of insecurity arising from the fear of personality isolation in the universe should be antidoted by the faith contemplation of the Father and by the attempted realization of the Supreme.


Prayer is designed to make man less thinking but more realizing; it is not designed to increase knowledge but rather to expand insight.


Worship is intended to anticipate the better life ahead and then to reflect these new spiritual significances back onto the life which now is. Prayer is spiritually sustaining, but worship is divinely creative.


Worship is the technique of looking to the One for the inspiration of service to the many. Worship is the yardstick which measures the extent of the soul's detachment from the material universe and its simultaneous and secure attachment to the spiritual realities of all creation.


Prayer is self-reminding - sublime thinking; worship is self-forgetting - super thinking. Worship is effortless attention, true and ideal soul rest, a form of restful spiritual exertion.


Worship is the act of a part identifying itself with the Whole; the finite with the Infinite; the son with the Father; time in the act of striking step with eternity. Worship is the act of the son's personal communion with the divine Father, the assumption of refreshing, creative, fraternal, and romantic attitudes by the human soul-spirit.


Although the apostles grasped only a few of his teachings at the camp, other worlds did, and other generations on earth will - [The Urantia Book]


My friends, is this not the time of understanding and implementing these teachings of Jesus? Do you think that this teaching mission is an illusion to be used subjectively of the priority of God-seeking mortals. Understanding the role of individual mortal commitment to our Father's will by enough individuals has prepared Urantia for an awareness of spiritual reality, and by the adjudication of the Satania rebellion and the ending of the quarantine from the constellation circuits. This is serious business; all candidates for the Reserve Corps of Destiny should objectively count the costs of true spirit-led lives.  Lives that choose to exemplify the teachings of Jesus will do so by choosing the path towards perfection, that is to say, a lifestyle of actions moving toward true worship.


Only individually can this desire become first realized, a natural prerequisite to light and life.  When God's point of view is the common wish of most all Urantia, individual and group desire will have become a way of life preparing a smooth transition from mortal to morontia life as a bonus, or sort of a blessing for God-knowing Agondonters.


Awareness of natural tendencies of egocentric behavior, a sincere willingness to control this lower animal condition enhanced by free will, to truly wish to serve and not be served, and to use power with an altruistic attitude are highly developed attributes of those individuals in the Reserve Corps of Destiny in today's Urantia, but in light and life these same attributes will be common to most all citizens of this planet. Or, in other words, the "Golden Rule" in action is a display of brotherhood offering to the First Source and Center love and gratitude. Individual examples lead to a chance for some to see and even wish to hear more about God's will and universal truth.


At the end of this second millennium, mankind has been and is being introduced to a new spiritual awareness: the Fifth Revelation, The Urantia Book, and including the teaching mission and the beginnings of the 12 Melchizedek universities, and the adjudication of the Lucifer rebellion. so it should not be a surprise that much work is ahead for all Agondonters of our troubled planet. All the different political and economical exercises including democracy are doomed unless the desire by most of the citizens is translated into constant actions of the Golden Rule as a normal function of everyday life. A true joy in living the philosophy of the Golden Rule is a statement of one's love for God


When it comes to the religious or secular expression of most Urantians, sincere tolerance and positive reflection of what is universal truth or in that direction should be the emphasis of a wise and God-directed individual. Lead by example, and in doing so you may stimulate the spiritual curiosity of the confused masses. Be of good cheer.



Melutia Melchizedek.


                                 * * * * *


                    THE URANTIA BOOK


I've been finishing up the last papers in The Urantia Book, just wonderful, incredibly rich and profound stuff. What I just read prompted me to write to you a bit sooner (by hours is all) than I'd planned. Didn't want the thought to slip:


Following our great conversation last week -- which I am still thinking over and appreciating -- the idea occurred, and it is one I think I've broached to you before, that it would not be a bad idea to have at least one quote, however brief or however extended, in each of your newsletters directly from The Urantia Book -- particularly this rings true for me given the parts of our conversation dealing with sincere and avid members of this Teaching Mission who seem actually to have not even read this lodestar/lodestone treasure trove of a revelation or seem to have not assimilated much of it. A reminder of where all the TM came form, in each issue, would not be amiss or a "waste" of precious space I think, to say the least. Hey, in my magnanimous and unpretentious way I'll even offer a suggested first offering for this feature, from pages 2090-91:


"The time is ripe to witness the figurative resurrection of the human Jesus from his burial tomb amidst the theological traditions and the religious dogmas of 19 centuries. Jesus of Nazareth must not be longer sacrificed to even the splendid concept of the glorified Christ. What a transcendent service if through this revelation, the Son of Man should be recovered from the tomb of traditional theology and be presented as the living Jesus to the church that bears his name, and to all other religions! Surely the Christian fellowship of believers will not hesitate to make such adjustment of faith and of practice of living as will enable it to "follow after" the Master in the demonstration of his real life of religious devotion to the doing of his Father's will and of consecration to the unselfish service of man. Do professed Christians fear the exposure of a self-sufficient and unconsecrated fellowship of social respectability and selfish economic maladjustments? Does institutional Christianity fear the possible jeopardy, or even the overthrow, of traditional ecclesiastical authority if the Jesus of Galilee is reinstated in the minds and souls of mortal men as the ideal of personal religious living? Indeed, the social readjustments, the economic transformations, the moral rejuvenations, and the religious revisions of Christian civilization would be drastic and revolutionary if the living religion of Jesus should suddenly supplant the theologic religion about Jesus.


"To "follow Jesus" means to personally share his religious faith and to enter into the spirit of the Master's life of unselfish service for man. One of the most important things in human living is to find out what Jesus believed, to discover his ideals and to strive for the achievement of his exalted life purpose. Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it.


"The common people heard Jesus gladly, and they will again respond to the presentation of his sincere human life of consecrated religious motivation if such truths shall again be proclaimed to the world. The people heard him gladly because he was one of them, an unpretentious layman; the world's greatest religious teacher was indeed a layman.."


It was interesting for me in reading this passage to think about the danger of the teaching Mission for some supplanting the teachings and sublime guidance of The URANTIA Book itself, much the way that the original Apostles transmuted "downward" the message of Christ Michael to reach more people, and thereby almost losing his glorious life's purpose to this planet altogether! Perhaps this might sound a bit over reactive to some, but it bears thinking on I think.


Michael Palmer

Portland, OR


Thanks, Michael, for reminding me of your excellent suggestion to include excerpts from The Urantia Book in the newsletter. It will always be true that as more are attracted to the Teaching Mission many may not be familiar with The Urantia Book. It is pleasing to me when the teachers refer to The Urantia Book in their lessons and to note that most of the groups also have Urantia Book study groups for while the teachers are doing a wonderful job of elaborating on the principles given us in The Urantia Book, it is important to become familiar with the material in The Urantia Book to better understand ourselves as cosmic citizens, to know more about the celestial orders, to know the cosmic order of the universes, to know of our history, to know more of our eternal destiny, to study the words and examples Michael gave us on his sojourn amongst us and yes, to understand what the Teaching Mission is about. For the Teaching Mission is not about replacing the revelation we have been given in The Urantia Book but to help us better understand what we have been given in The Urantia Book and to help us get beyond the intellectual process to one of incorporating that understanding into our being. If any of you have favorite passages in The Urantia Book that you would like to share, let us hear from you.- Ed


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                          GROUP NEWS


The Metro-Washington Group is in the process of starting a monthly Sunday meeting to introduce The Urantia Book to people in the Metro-Washington area. We have been inspired by the efforts of our brothers and sisters in Spokane/Coeur D'Alene, the visit of Bob Devine, the information in Boulder on Intentional Communities and our own desires to take  a more active role in the Teaching Mission.


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                          NEWS UPDATE




A free copy will be given to each attendee of the gatherings at Fayetteville and Oregon. Then those that responded to the survey and are included in the directory will also be furnished free copies. They will be mailed directly to those individuals once I have determined that they did not attend a gathering and received one there. The idea is to keep a tight rein on postage costs.


Those who wish a directory and are not listed therein, I will gladly mail a copy for a charge of $3.00 to cover postage, special sized envelope and my costs for printing.


There is an updated survey request in each directory, and I ask that new ones be mailed to me for the 1997 directory because additional information will be included. I did not think of asking about study group and e-mail address and I know this information should be included.


Gerry Baker

Bakersfield, CA


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                  UPCOMING ACTIVITIES


OCTOBER 10-13 - The Heart of the Message - Three Days of Spiritual Sharings in Loveland, Ohio at the Graiville Center hosted by the Cincinnati Urantians.


August 21-24, 1997 - TM National Gathering at Snow Mountain outside of Boulder, CO. Information and registration packets will be sent out in September.


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Newsletter at the end of July is:


$2,322.52 - IN THE RED.


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The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to create a network for sharing information among all individuals and groups involved in the TR (Transmitter/Receiver) process with Celestial Teachers in the Teaching Mission during this Correcting Time. More informatino about the Celestial Teachers can be found in The Urantia Book. All contributions for the newsletter; correspondence; and requests to be included on the mailing list should be sent to:


                              Allene Vick


It is through a sincere desire to be of service in the process that is happening on our planet, Urantia, at this time that this newsletter has come into existence. The success of this network is dependent upon the help of all it is intended to serve - your interest and your sharing. Please let us hear from you. A suggested donation for the newsletter to cover printing and mailing costs is $20.00. Your support is appreciated.


When corresponding, please be sure to mark any information that you do not wish to be shared with "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY." Otherwise, it will be assumed that what is received is for sharing in the T/R NEWS NETWORK. The right is reserved to use excerpts and make editorial changes.


Copyright 2011 Teaching Mission Archives. All rights reserved.