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A Sharing Network For All Involved With Celestial Contacts

August 1994 (Vol. 2, No.7)


                     FROM THE EDITOR


I hardly know where to begin. As some of you know, I have been waiting for the time when we could get to the point of knowing each other better so that we would feel more comfortable in sharing what is happening with us as individuals and as groups. Well, between the two gatherings in San Luis Obispo and Spokane along with other contacts we have been establishing, this is now happening. At the gathering in Spokane and since returning to Virginia, I have received so much information from so many of you that it seems overwhelming. As much as I had been hoping for this to occur, I did not foresee so much happening at once in the way of opening up to share and the amount of information to share. With a little time for things to settle and assistance from the teachers, I am now ready to attempt to do my best to keep up with events and keep you posted. Lately, it is an ever faster moving target, so always your help is appreciated. I thank you for the letters and contributions you have sent. I will be writing to you as soon as I can catch up.


SPOKANE - Since I have not received any reports on this gathering for the newsletter, I will try to give you a bird's eye view of this event from my perspective. All who attended will, of course, have their own perspectives and highlights to share. For me, the beginning was a barbecue at Doug Emerick's home, the night before the gathering. There were about 25 of us in attendance - from Washington, Idaho,  California, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Florida and Hawaii. Did I miss anyone? After feasting on more food than we could eat, it was decided that a T/R session was in the offing. Does this sound familiar in such a gathering? Daniel Green transmitted Andason, who came through clearly and forcefully. When asked if he could share anything about what is happening now, he said that we are now in what they call Phase 1 and went on to list three important parts of this. First - He told us the importance of loving all we meet, putting aside any philosophical understandings we may have from the UB and simply concentrate on being with each one on their level. Two - It was a time of calling in those who are committed to this mission. Three - It is a time to think about assignments. Andason said we would all enjoy these assignments as we volunteer for them as it will entail doing things that we enjoy while using our own gifts and talents. None would be asked to do anything they were not capable of doing. He went on to say that the Plan has been carefully worked out and will carry us all the way to light and life on Urantia. This comes from my memory as I have not yet seen the transcript. It seemed to set the tone for the days to follow.


How wonderful it was to have the chance to meet, get to know one another and hug our fellow brothers and sisters in this mission as we came together in love and harmony to see how similar our backgrounds, longings and recent experiences have been. We shared the differences and took delight in learning what others were doing for by this we all grow. I drove from Florida and I would drive 10 times as far for the opportunity to meet again and to know the rest of this wonderfully loving, growing family. I savor the time I spent with each of you and look forward to knowing all of you in the days ahead.


There was time for group and individual sharing and T/Ring along with smaller group meetings. Those who wished to share their individual gifts with others were able to do so. The campus atmosphere was ideal as it allowed us freedom at meal times to mix and wander freely. The outside gave us a place for quiet walks amongst our activities.  Morning worship was led by Daniel Megow with Bill Kelly handling the music. Bob Slagle gave the key note speech. We had entertainment provided by our own talented members. At worship and during our entertainment time one evening, we were graced by the singing of Lily Fraser, who has given me a glimpse of what an angelic voice must sound like. Displayed around the central meeting room were works of art, poetry, teacher transcripts and tapes (even one Rick Giles did with music in the background), information to share, and a computer to use. The teachers were present. Elyon, as transmitted by Rick Giles, lightened the T/R session on Friday when he came through giving the latest recap of the baseball game. As I remember he said the bases were loaded, the teachers were in the bull pen and we all laughed.


Here we need to stop and give a HUGE THANK YOU to all who made this gathering a reality. Bob Devine, whose idea and follow through made this gathering possible. Always, Bob was in the background taking care of details and seeing to the needs of others. Rick Giles, our ever present, ever delightful moderator of events and Barbara Giles there always lending her helping hands and support did much to coordinate the details to make it all possible. Daniel Megow took charge of the worship service each morning. WE THANK YOU ALL ON THE CONFERENCE COMMITEE FOR DOING AN OUTSTANDING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!


The highlight for me was in attending a smaller group session Saturday afternoon that met to discuss our hopes and wishes for the future with Sage Waitts and the Melchizedek schools with Michael Palmer. For those of you who are not aware, Michael Palmer has been transmitting two Melchizedeks, Norsen and Andronason, for the last year or so. During this time, they have shared with the group information on the materialization of themselves and the forming of the Melchizedek schools. The compassionate words shared by Nancy Kelly unknowingly set the stage for what was to come. Hal Bynum spoke about how he finally realized that his Thought Adjuster had been behind the desires that had moved him to this present place. Michael Palmer transmitted Norsen, who went on to say more about commitment and answer questions. It was from Michael Palmer that the announcement of Michael came as printed in the June/July issue of the newsletter.


Terry Olsen from Corvallis shared with us information on the opening of the Archangel Circuits and led us through a brief process in which several of us were aware of what felt like a movement or shifting taking place within our heads. We were asked to set aside ten minutes at 7:30 the next morning to allow ourselves the opportunity to experience this.


The ending of our gathering came together with all the components of closure - something for each of us to take away with us in our hearts.


The day after the gathering, I awoke to a picture in my mind of a mighty river, with little eddies and currents flowing into this mighty force. As I saw this, I heard a voice saying, "Child, it is a mighty river. It cannot be stopped. All will be washed into the river and be cleansed." This image and the words had such a powerful impact that I carried them clearly half way across the country on my return by car. I have since learned that others have seen this same image at differing times.


I have tried to print as much as possible within the limitations of the newsletter and to give you an idea of what has been happening and to let you know who you can contact for more information. As so much is forthcoming now from you and the teachers, any corrections or additions will be greatly appreciated.


When we take the time to look back and reflect on the events of the last couple of years, it takes one back quite a bit to realize how much we have grown with the able and loving assistance of our celestial helpers. Recently, we have been getting information at an accelerated pace of the materializations of the Melchizedeks, the universities, the return of Adam and Eve, the opening of the Archangel circuits, other circuit openings, words of Michael's "soon" return along with information and guidance in the many areas of healing, art, music, and science to name a few. With all of this, we are also being asked to examine our commitment to the Teaching Mission and Michael's plan. Norsen has made it clear that whatever decision we decide to make, our eternal status will not be effected. This is not a decision to be made out of fear or the persuasion of others. It is something we all need to address within ourselves and decide. The more closely we look at this issue, the more we learn about ourselves. Are we able to make a total commitment? What does this mean? What makes us hesitate? Have we examined that? What would this mean in regards to the other commitments we have made to our families, to others? Some of you have looked at these things and "you know". Others are just now beginning to look at this question. As we look at this more closely, we have the loving assistance of the teachers to help us. Let us hope that we will be loving brothers and sisters to one another so that we may discuss these choices with love and support each other's choices without judgement. Surely by now with all the lessons we have been given, we understand this.


So, what do we do now that we have been given more information about many anticipated events? Perhaps, the answer is different for each of us. It might be a good time to consider our choices. It might be a good time to spend more quiet time to digest all that has been revealed. It might be a good time to take action. It might be a good time to do all three things. It might be a good time to do something else. I think as we spend time in quiet reflection, we will "know" our next steps. It became apparent at the Spokane Gathering that we have been on many of the same paths on the same journey getting to now. Now that we got here and now that we know, the purpose of God's will will most certainly unfold and reveal itself in His time and in His way. To me, it is important now to stay in the present, to be more aware of what is going on around me and the ways I can be of service whatever that may mean from something as simple as a smile to full scale projects.


Our blessings flow freely upon us as we see the Father's love reflected back to us from they eyes of our brothers and sisters. May this love shine brighter than ever before so that Michael may know that we are beginning to get his message to love one another.


Allene Vick


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                  FROM THE READERS


SEDONA, AZ - July 18, 1994 - Joseph McNeil writes, "It has become apparent to us that readers of the newsletters have no way of knowing that we are NOT the Gabriel group and we want that fact to be made PERFECTLY CLEAR."


As editor of this newsletter, I apologize to you, Joseph, and those in your group, for being remiss in not pointing this out earlier as I was aware of the two groups and some of our readers may not have been. Since we have tended to refer to the groups in the Teaching Mission by their location, perhaps, from now on we should refer to the other group as the Gabriel of Sedona Group or the Aquarian Concepts Group to eliminate any confusion between the two groups. Anyone have any other ideas?


In another part of his letter, Joseph says, "Several events have transpired that indicate to me that it's time to speak out publicly about Felicia, the Naperville event, and the Gabriel group." Along with this letter, he included a report about the above topics and a history of his evolvement in the Teaching Mission. I spoke with Joseph. It was delightful and enlightening to learn more from him and his report about the group, the area and events regarding Naperville. I thank him for his willingness to share this report with anyone who is interested. He can be contacted at 60 Grounds Drive, Sedona, AZ 86336 (606)-282-0125 for more information.


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NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA - July 13, 1994 - Chris Beck writes, "I have highlighted the info pertaining to Machiventa Melchizedek. [This info is included under "Celestial Words and Teachings".] As you can see they initially hinted at 'momentous happenings' about to take place on Urantia, then, followed up with what some of these happenings would be. I guess at the time of these writings I felt rather 'isolated' in receiving this news for it seemed that none of the other T/R's were 'receiving' like news. 'Why only me?' I asked myself. So I only went so far as to share these (writings) with my small Urantia Group (and I think they were very dubious also).


"Well, I can't tell you how thrilled and excited I was when 3 days ago I read in the T/R News Network (latest issue) that in the Michael transcripts it said that Machiventa has indeed returned! I guess my 'doubting Thomas' days are over! Perhaps my 'sharing' is too late, but at least any forthcoming news will be promptly shared (no matter how far-fetched it may sound to me)."


[Chris - Many of us know your feelings and appreciate your doubts. Thanks for sharing this with us. It is such a good example of what happens when we don't share. Michael Palmer and I suspect others were struggling with doubts receiving what seemed information as yet "unconfirmed" by other transmissions. After all, all we can do is make a mistake. We know these mistakes do and will happen and that they will be corrected. Surely, our brothers and sisters in the Teaching Mission will be the first to understand.]


In response to the request for information for children, Chris asked the following question, "What is the best way to relay some of the information in the Urantia Book to children?"


Lleewena: As Jesus taught while upon the Earth - in parables. Children, whether physical or spiritual or both, love stories. Go to the Urantia Book and study the Papers on Jesus' childhood. Be creative! Make up stories that follow the general pattern of Jesus' life. Tell/write them in a way that amuses, entertains and causes the child to relate and empathize the human Jesus. Improvise to draw Jesus into modern times, too. Examples: How did Jesus play - what did he do? How would he react to a "playground bully?" Where did he go for a "family vacation?" Give the child someone to emulate at their level. Adapt the stories as they grow up and continue on with stories about adolescent Jesus. When the child's curiosity peaks - they will ask, "How do you know so much about Jesus?" This is an opportune time to introduce them to the Urantia Book.

Try to teach children to "open themselves up" to God and Jesus - that They are always with them and speaking to them. Encourage them to quiet their minds and "listen" to hear the Voice within and be patient in the process. This is one of the greatest gifts you can give any child - putting them "in Touch" with their Creator. Perhaps you could "listen" together, then tell of what you heard. Teach them to pray, too, as it is always good to talk to a best friend like Jesus. Tell them of angels and others who constantly watch (over) and guide (them).


All of this will be naught unless you set the example for them to follow.


[Thank you, Chris, for following up on this request and sharing this message with us. Others have been expressing interest in this subject, so let us hear if you have information to share.]


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SALEM, OR - Thought you might be interested in two pieces of information I received to include on the celestial list from Mona & Milton West regarding Andronason and a Most High Observer.


"Andronason is a Melchizedek who first made contact with me about six or seven years ago. He gave me a single message, telling me that there was a great change coming. He has communicated now through a number of transmitters. His role is somewhat secretive but is connected with the reserve corp of destiny here on Urantia.


"Most High Observer was a recent guest at our meeting. He came to ask questions of us. He is going to visit a number of groups to gather information on our reactions to the teaching mission. This information will be taken back to the Most High of Edentia to be used as part of deliberations concerning their special authority over us that resulted from the Lucifer rebellion."


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I know that many of you have contacted Chris Hart. Others have asked me when there will be another interview with Chris about the polarity units. This column will continue with this and more information on assignments and selected projects when I return to Florida and settle down again. If you have something to share, do let us hear from you.


CELESTIAL CALENDAR - Out of a small meeting at Spokane of those interested in publishing grew the idea for a calendar with one liners from the teachers as a project to begin to develop seed money for future projects or events. This project is in the initial developmental stages now. You may want to jot down any one liners you come across that would be meaningful to people of various religious persuasions and share any ideas you may have about this.


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                   THE MELCHIZEDEKS


                    * * ANDRONASON * *


PORTLAND, OR - July 5, 1995


Greetings, this is Andronason, your Teacher, your friend. Most happy am I to be here with you this evening, in spirit, and not far from you now even in the flesh. for we are approaching those days when I shall be among you on a regular basis, though again, I will not be serving as your "base" Teacher, if you will. Norsen, of course is in that role for the University wherein your service and sharing of this Mission shall largely occur. Again, my role is as the coordinator, if you will, the overseer for Machiventa and our Lord Michael in his Father's mission in these Universities of the Melchizedeks. But I will always remain your personal Teacher and friend, your associate in this great cause of the Father and His beloved Son, whose gift of life and of himself we celebrate on your world, and soon shall bring fully in its knowledge thereof to those who have had until now only the darkest glimmer of the true Light of this world, your for-all-time Michael of Nebadon and Urantia.

Tonight, I would briefly speak with you before turning over the reins, if you will, to Rayson. We must get him into the traces--a little joke here. He is a very willing and able workhorse of the Father and this Mission, and we are most pleased at his efforts and service delivered and so freely offered.


But I would caution you tonight regarding this Mission: that you not take it upon yourselves to try to understand, or for that matter, even explain its outworkings to those not associated, for the moment, with it directly. This will come in time, and I want you to know that in its proper time this will not be a difficult divulgence for you will be living it, in many amazing ways, even to yourselves. I do not wish to futurize about this inordinately, but still it is a fact which merely waits upon its realization in time--our old friend, time: that great, fluid conditioner and organizer of events in your lives, that great medium of change and growth and transformation. As water is the great elixir and universal solvent in the material life and structure of your planet and many others, so is time the great solvent and catalyst and engine for change and transformation here upon the material worlds. It will of course change radically once you are delivered from the planet into your purely morontial living time--but I do not wish to lengthen on into any more time on this.


Now, having given this brief caution, I would ask you then to remember and hold within you the joy of your service, the quiet and grand internal joy which will radiate from you into the world and the lives of yourselves and your families and those loved ones which surround you. Though they may not have any idea of what you participate in for the moment, that joy within you, at your service you have undertaken and strive to fulfill, cannot help but leak out and spill over. Truly, your cup, your cups will run over in this joy of service, quietly, yet grandly rendered. So, my friends, I would turn our evening now to Rayson for a time, that he might speak with you and as he may so choose, answer your questions. My blessings upon you, and faith and patience be with you in your days to come. I look forward to our association, all of us, as I have reaped the joy and challenge and learning from it already. I only see this continuing, dear friends, dear children of the Most High and our Father. I love you all. Goodnight for now.


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SPOKANE, WA - July 16, 1994 - The following transmission occurred at the end of a workshop concerning the Melchizedek Universities of this Teaching Mission, held at the 1st US national Teaching Mission Conference in Cheney, Washington.)


I am Norsen. Thank you for gathering here today. I am very pleased at the attention you have given this very important question and information. And it is not an easy thing, I realize, for mortals to consider such--from your point of view--fantastic views and information. Certainly, as your T/R has told you in his often "colorful" language group laughter), it is a challenging and a difficult position for your mortal kind to be placed in; but then, you asked for these challenges and you got them. I say this with good humor and a smile. I may appear stiff to you but it is not the case, at least from my vantage.


But, to the Universities, I know you are not here to talk about my English "patter' and vocabulary. I would tell you first that these Universities shall be. They are an accomplished fact in your future. They are built now within each of you in the temple of your being, which you deliver up to the Father and His gracious Son and the Co-creator Mother Spirit. As you have said, this is true. It is also true that these Universities, the 12 of them for your planet, shall be here in many of your own lifetimes. I tell you this of a certainty, for it is in our plan, and while we do make concessions, if you will, or adjustment for your mortal wills and the time you need to acquire knowledge and lessons learned: when God decides, it is done. As your Captain Picard might say, "Make it so," and it is! from the beginning of time.


Now, I would ask each one of you to consider what it might be like for you to not only serve in such an institution, but to have such institutions upon your world. You have given here today many marvelous and wonderful reasons for this to be so. We are not dumb to them, we have heard you--and now we speak. I will reveal all to you in time--from my lips, not your T/R's or anyone else's. I am the lieutenant of Machiventa. This is my role and I am honored to be in it, to serve my great brother--who has been upon your world, who knows it, and who has had its special care in his design, with Lord Michael's approval and guidance, since the days before his incarnation in the desert to your herdsmen and nomads.


We have been faced with a difficult challenge, for your world is most sophisticated now--for your world.. It is a most barbarous place to many others, as you well know, by what you have gained in your understanding of The URANTIA Book and our Teaching Mission instructions. However, we must deal with the secular reign of belief upon your planet--and in your own minds, for you are a product of it. And this is not a judgment against you, it is simply a fact. Your doubts are valid, but consider also that they are made up of your own experience upon this world. It is very  well said that a Creator Son who could bestow himself upon this planet makes anything else quite possible.


It is a fact that both evolution physically and revelationary evolution occur instantly in the flow of your time. It occurs in a moment (snaps fingers). Certainly Rebecca here could tell you that in terms of her experience of a shift and change in her life, for she has begun so much by her own courage and following of the voice of the Father and His ministers. I would ask you each to consider an equal challenge. You will be asked, if you seek it. There is an oath which may be administered, of service. Some of you have received it. Some of you will be asked. Some of you may request it. It is a service of your life for the Father. Many of you may already be in that place, certainly. However, I speak of this oath in regards these Teaching Universities. It is a formality, but I think if you think upon it you will see that it is necessary. For it confirms our trust in you, and yours in yourself and, of course, the Father. This will be an individual thing, and we have spoken of such consideration in one manner or another to various other transmitters, personally or group, though somewhat veiled until this moment. Though, I would direct you however to the words of our Lord Michael some weeks past.


But the time truly is now to choose; we cannot wait longer. The time is now, the time is ripe! You must decide--for your own lives! For no one can stay in the same place of comfort or the same place, period. You must continue to move on, for this is your path to Paradise. All of your lessons we have given you are of great value, and they shall continue--doubt not that--as will our communication with you. It will take different forms, it will expand. But the baseline is there: we have been establishing trust with you. We have been establishing a relationship with you, to build upon to bring us to this point. It is an ever expanding vista which lies before you. There is wonderful opportunity in these Universities and of course the teaching Mission at large. These are focus points; you needn't all serve in them--I do not wish to give that impression exactly--though, I suppose what I am doing here now for you, and for us as teachers and administrators, is to bring to your attention the importance of this plan of the Universities. It is crucial to your world's celestial planetary government. And by government, please do not mistake this with the legislative bodies you see and have today; they are not of our affair. They will pass away, but it will be a long time before that occurs. Ambassadors of the Kingdom you shall be, not governments, not now.


The Tree of Life is approaching. We will need this, we Melchizedeks, given we are in material bodies and, as you know from the Book--The URANTIA Book--if we are going to be here for a while we need to have some sustenance that will keep us here.


But much of this you have been told by the transmitter here with you now, and in our transcripts he has provided as his service duly offered, and graciously accepted by ourselves. Do him and ourselves the service of reading them. And, as in all of this and all of your existence, make up your mind for yourselves. Put your ego aside, put your heart foremost. This is our challenge for you now. I would answer some questions, but again the vast majority of your questions will be answered in time from myself and other Melchizedeks in the flesh. I would ask that you not overtire the being who transmits today. We will try to keep a tab on it (spoken in good humor). He is often overwilling in his energies. But I am rattling on again: please, I would love to answer some of your questions.


Q: There's a question that's come up in our group several times in regards to this, and perhaps you could tell me: if the Melchizedeks do materialize will we still be agondonters on this planet?


Norsen: You will not be. However, fear not, your status as agondonters in universal citizenship is established. There is no question of that. However, you are the last generation of agondonters.


Q: Hmm. Thank you.


Norsen: You are most welcome. This is in fact your last opportunities here for exploring faith without seeing, and it is something to think about.


Q: Melchizedek Norsen, this is Roland. My question is, if we have materialized Universities, whether it be soon--within our lifetimes or down the road--and the Teaching Mission has been based on transmitter/receivers and unseen Teachers--prio(?) Teachers, how will the materialized beings and the Universities affect those unseen Teachers. Will they continue to serve us?


Norsen: Certainly! Your cognizance of them and ability to communicate with them will only improve. The archangels who spoke with you earlier--yesterday and to other groups, the Salem group in particular--are working on that linking up of circuitry, which will make it--which will facilitate this and make it easier for those of you who even now struggle with clear contact. You see, your planet as you well know, is damaged in the events which have transpired since the Rebellion--hence of course, the Correcting Time. Part of the damage is this ability to communicate with celestial beings, not necessarily in the manner we have chosen here, but similarly. It is linked with midwayer facilitation, which we have told you many times, is how we communicate. It extends into other areas as well, so do not feat that you shall lose these Teachers. They shall be continuing to come in ever greater numbers. As it has been said: every single individual human being upon the planet may have a Teacher! Might have several should they so desire. This will continue. It will only expand in terms of its clarity and what you may do with it. You--


Q: If--pardon me.


Norsen: If---in the University settings you will learn more of these techniques and they will provide avenues for others to learn of it. But please, your question.


Q: Will one of you materialize as a black female?


Norsen: (much group laughter and from Norsen) I have no comment at this time. (even more laughter)


Q2: How do you know if he isn't one?


Q: Melchizedek, has the number of midwayers been increased, or will it increase to be a part of this Mission? And I also hear of a great deal more activity among the angels. Will they be a major part of this as well?


Norsen: Well, the angels are ever a part of your human experience--largely unseen, of course, in the case of your world and even others in Circuit status. But the midwayers' numbers are set; they are your permanent residents, as you may know from The URANTIA Book. However, there has been ever increasing numbers of certain ranks of the angels, and as you know also from the Book, your planet has unusual functions in terms of angel corps being stationed here. So, those are indeed things which concern you greatly but the details I think can wait on that.


Q: On that little bit when you say "certain ranks of angels", I notice more and more Brilliant Evening Stars and that they work a lot like midwayers in connecting and such. Is there a supplementing of the loss of midwayers with angels such as Evening Stars and/or archangels and others?


Norsen: I am unclear as to your reference to the "loss" of midwayers. Do you mean those in--from the Rebellion who are lost?


Q: Yes.


Norsen: Well, this is in part a balancing function, yes, in terms of the demands upon your midwayer associates, the team of these delightful creatures which (sighs) none of this could happen without, and we honor them greatly in their service to you and ourselves. So, this is in part to do with the Mission and the uplifting of your planet. It is a vast, vast equation we are speaking of here, for it is not entirely to do with your planet, though it is of great significance being the Bestowal world of Nebadon. This Mission is a part of upliftment of  many planets--as I'm sure you are aware--who were in rebellion. And, being an experiment in many ways--as we have stated many times--there are other techniques which are being explored which do not necessarily have to do with this particular rebellion even, in terms of what needs to be done for the healing of your world and bringing it to Light and Life. So we're (sighs, searching for words)--there are so many (laughing just a little) both experiments and absolute mysteries which we may speculate on but do now know. So, I've given you rather a mouthful (group chuckles) but I hope it's something in time you may think on. Is this a sufficient answer?


Q: Yeah, I think I'm satisfied.


Norsen: Good.


Q: Norsen, has it yet been decided whether or not we will get a Material Son and Daughter back?


Norsen: Yes. Adam and Eve will return to your world. They even await now in great joy at the opportunity our gracious Son and the Father and the Most Highs and the Ancients of Days have given them: for their redemption has been agonizing and wonderful. You are much blessed in what will come to your world in them! And we have not even considered that, largely, in our discussion to date--but some of your enquiring minds have picked up the clues we have given you in The URANTIA Book.


Q: I felt that.


Norsen: Yes. We delight in watching the discovery! (group laughter)


Q: Would you elaborate a little bit, Norsen, on what you mean by it's the time to make decisions regarding whether we're willing to commit to being part of the University, in terms of would we respond to the Father, so forth?


Norsen: As the Melchizedeks, we will administer the oath of service. It will come to you when you request it or are ready for it. I don't feel there is a need to elaborate too much on the sequence or process. I would merely ask you, gently and with great love, again to think on what such a question and scenario of service would mean. And also, I would very clearly state that there is no--I hesitate even to use the word--there is no dishonor or lack of station, what have you, in not accepting such an oath or position. Please! all of your paths are sacred, for the Father is in each of you. This is one type of path, and it is here now in this Teaching Mission. It is an opportunity for you to accept or reject, but it is not a rejection of the Teaching Mission should you say, 'No, thank you.' It is that you simply choose another path, and I wish to make that crystal clear, as you say. But the time and place is even out of our hands in many ways as to your choice; it is one of those interesting equations between the Father's will and your own. When they are aligned, we will be there.


Q: Norsen, is this oath, is this the same thing that Ham mentioned a week or two ago and called a covenant?


Norsen: Yes.


Q: It's the same thing?


Norsen: Yes, I would say so. You have been given clues to this, as I have said, from other transmissions. It is time now for it to be made explicit. It is in keeping with your gathering here that it should have the best dissemination, shall we say? grouping of your energy? the obvious (fact) that you are all here in one place, many of you, and can also take the information back with you. It is a most felicitous gathering, and I wish to thank all of you here now for bringing yourselves to this room and to this heart, mine and yours. It is a great circle we have created here.


Q: What can we do, besides our decision-making and our process, to facilitate this? Is there anything we can do on a human level besides our networking and our creating this connection and the spirit between each other, that we can work towards?


Norsen: For now, follow the path you are upon. Be not anxious. It is quite understandable that you should be at this point of wondering 'What do we do now?' be tapping your feet perhaps, or getting a little irritable! (group laughter)


Q: Naw! (more laughter)


Norsen: And this is part of the process of growth and enlightenment, I think you'll recognize. To be specific to your question again: be with where you are and where you have come--in your life, in its intersection with the Teaching Mission, and the moment now. Do not concern yourself with the future!


Our gracious general, if I may call him so, Gabriel--he does like his military bearing (group laughter)--told you to take time to reflect in between your activity. This is of course the stillness, yes, too--but, it is--it is taking a walk. It is not thinking 'What do I do next!' It is being as your Master, as our Lord was, in the moment, and the day sufficient unto itself! This is not to say you should not have goals or plans, of course! You know that. But do not worry. And I understand--BELIEVE IT OR NOT! a Melchizedek can understand your human struggle. Take my words in good humor please; I am not being sarcastic, entirely, I would hope! (chuckles)


But to the point: this has been a great struggle for all of you, in all of your individual lives. As your Teachers have time and again said, to the point perhaps ad nauseam as you say, frankly: how much they love and appreciate your struggle. It is true. I think you've got that by now! But, (sighs) appreciate it in yourself. You have a very difficult time upon your world taking in praise--sometimes with "damn good reason", as your transmitter would say! (big group laugh). But you must learn to take in the goodness that you have done! to recognize it and realize that: yes! you have an ego; it is there, as you know for a purpose--for an evolutionary purpose--and it functions within your personality for a purpose, with your individual identities. But it also can cause you, on such a world as Urantia, to over-compensate for true accomplishments and say (in a comic "aw shucks" voice) "oh well, it was nuthing'" and its not just nothing! You truly have been engaged in the agondonter's struggle of many lifetimes! And now it will end, soon. You are the last generation upon this world who may claim the status of agondonters. Some of your children, your young children, will not have this opportunity--but what a blessing they have been born into!


Well, do we have a few- a very few, please--more questions. I--I'm taking care of this body here. As enthusiastic as he may be, he is still flesh and blood, as are you.


Q: Norsen, I don't have a question, I just want to thank you for your wakeup call a few years ago. You're pretty loud when you're in the morning about 4 o'clock and you want to get somebody up. (group laughter)


Q2: Could you give us any guidelines on--


Norsen: Thank you for waking! (more laughter) Yes--


Q2: Could you give us any guidelines on sharing this information with Urantia people who aren't in the Teaching Mission, what do we do about that?


Norsen: I wouldn't (sighs, pauses) well--to use the phrase--I wouldn't worry about it. But that's too simple an answer. It is a serious question. It has been given you most recently by my brother Andronason, in what may have appeared a rather enigmatic phrase--at the moment, at any rate, of its delivery--for you not to concern yourselves about convincing even yourself of the truth of this, though the greater focus of that statement was not to try to convince others. It will be apparent in itself. And you cannot convince them; that is a choice they must make. However, I would tell you: do not give up upon your brothers and sisters in other forms of Urantia awareness. We honor your brothers and sisters who brought the Book to you, as should you. Their service is equal to your own, and we respect no one higher than another--this is universal; your Master taught you this. It is true, we all have things to learn. We all are at different places within ourselves to accept information. This it the wonder of your creation, that you should have this diversity! often seeming chaos. It is the putting together of that into unity that brings you to Paradise. But it is not in a day, or a year, or an hour--the beginnings are there.


But again, to reel myself back to your question: the truth will be known to them, too, in time--and to your own hearts. (sighs) I would leave you for the moment in my speaking through this helper, your T/R, with these closing words: Love the Father above all things. Know the personal salvation of our Lord Michael. Know that Divine friendship. Know the Spark of God within you! Know your friends, above and in this room here! The Universities will fill of their own; you are here now. God bless you and keep you all of your days, unto the fields of Paradise! I will be with you! on that journey; it is a long one. I am blessed to be with you now. I will close. God bless you.


               * CELESTIAL TEACHERS *


NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA - Excerpts from transcripts sent by Chris Beck containing information received over the last year about Machiventa's materialization.


8/31/93 - A.M.


Lleewena: Lleewena here once again. I am so happy to speak with you on this beautiful Urantia day! We are very busy here with preparation for important events to come. You will soon be advised regarding these momentous happenings in the near future - they will be spiritual as well as material and they will involve many on your Urantia. I await the proper time to relay news of these coming events.


8/31 - P.M.


Q: Just out of curiosity - where has Max-El been lately?


Lleewena: Max-El has been quite busy with the preparations for the coming major events which will be taking place on Urantia. He will be returning to advise you of that which has been and will be taking place. Rest assured that he will return bringing with him his indomitable wit and unfailing humor!




D.B. - Lleewena, can you give us anymore information regarding the important events to come:


Lleewena: I can tell you only this at present: The changes coming to your planet involve the appearance of Machiventa Melchizedek. We are making preparations for his arrival upon Urantia. He did indeed briefly visit you in Naperville last April, however for reasons unknown, he did not remain long. The return visit is currently being scheduled for sometime in November/December of this year. His exact destination is not yet released to us. This is all I have at this time. Do you have any other questions?




Max-EL: Max-El here once again! It has been awhile since I spoke to you and it is good to know I have been missed. My duties with the "Melchizedek Return" are pretty much completed. Since the circuits are being reinstated our "work" is less complex. Our beloved Melchizedek is indeed anxiously awaiting his return and the chance to once again walk among you, his friends, on Urantia.


This will be a physical materialization so we had much to do in preparation. His goal is to once again challenge the minds and stir the hearts of those truth seekers and would-be truth seekers. Many are searching and seem to be getting tangled in the maze of cults, and finding only partial answers. He would hope to guide, encourage and demonstrate how true living can lead to true happiness and only true happiness can be found when one finds God who dwells in each and everyone. He has a huge assignment to fulfill but there are many now to give "back up" support and more "commandos" in action on the front lines. Be ready to receive your "Commander-in-Chief." You'll love him, I guarantee!




Question: Do you have any more information to be released regarding the "Melchizedek Return?"


Answer: (from specialist of energy/life regulatory circuits) There are very many conditions to monitor and maintain in the energy fields surrounding your planet called Urantia. I have been transferred to the energy realms (of Urantia) only recently to witness and study the materialization of Machiventa Melchizedek. This will indeed be a great event and one of much effort here in the spirit-energy realms. I have participated in the energy-field adjustments and attunements and we are just about finished. We anxiously await this great event as it will be the fruition of much labor. We hope and pray that his mission will be successful as much is reliant upon it. We will also await his safe and victorious return to us here.


Will you meet him personally? That is possible but unknown due to the countless free-will choices involved. Will you know him if you do meet him? That is up to you - are you awakened to see the face of God shining before you? Do you see God in all that surrounds you now? You may meet our beloved Machiventa face-to-face but if you are not spiritually attuned at the time of meeting, he may appear as just another face in-the-crowd. Be open and watchful, for the time is at hand for his appearance. The "work" to be done is monumental. If your help is required, are you ready to assist? Can you truly be a "commando" in the army of Truth and Revelation to mankind? We pray for your courage and dedication to the salvation of your world and all who live there, not just for the present time but for all time to come.


Go In God's Peace and may your spirit be made strong for the challenges ahead.


Q: How might we prepare ourselves for this event that we might know Machiventa Melchizedek when and if we see him?


Lleewena: You will know, dear ones, a kindred spirit when you meet one. Have you never met a stranger and felt like you have known him forever? This is how your meeting with Machiventa can be if you are prepared. You will simply "know" that this is a "great one." You will find yourself wanting to stay in his company always and you will feel a special emptiness when he leaves you. (We are preparing ourselves for our "empty" time, however, we will rejoice to view him as he achieves his mission.) Learn from this "intriguing stranger" should you meet him (and we pray you do) and leave him with a part of yourself to take with him. He will know a true "seeker of Truth" when he meets one. Be ready to receive his words of wisdom, love and hope.


Prepare yourselves for this wonderful event by prayer and meditation. try daily to open up a channel to the higher energy circuits by merely desiring it. There is no hocus-pocus. Just true and pure desire. Keep trying and you will eventually "feel" a change. Have faith - all things in their due time. You will succeed if you believe.




Q: Can you give anymore information regarding the Melchizedek return? Are other T/R's receiving this information?


Answer: We, here are informed of the intended return and only have privy to limited information. I can only liken this to a general giving his troops the basics of a great "plan of attack." Others may have more information - but we do not. We have helped to prepare for his return but the details are not ours to know. Many, many factors must coordinate, however, and we "feel" things are coming together nicely but we can only observe this from our standpoint - not his.


As far as this information coming to you/others - many broadcasts in our region (that carry this information ) have "gone out." Your "transmitters" have felt this information would be of great interest to you and those reading your transcripts. Others have "gotten" this information; however, passed it over feeling that a Melchizedek return was most unlikely. You did not. At any rate, the announcement of his return has been made known and it is a matter of time before this great event takes place. Be ready for wondrous changes to take place after his arrival! be ready, too, as even you may have the opportunity and privilege of meeting our great teacher!


Be sure to circulate this information to other U.B. groups as they, too, should at least be aware of the wonderful and anticipated changes to come!




Bodall: Peace be unto you, my sister-in -the-flesh! I am Bodall (not sure of name), a midway receiver stationed on your small world of Urantia. What excitement surrounds your planet at this time - an exciting time in your history! Much takes place that you (all) are aware of, but much more takes place "behind the scenes." Our beloved Machiventa has arrived in-the-flesh and much excitement abounds! This is unprecedented in this local universe - a Vicegerent Planetary Prince taking up physical life on his world of watch-care! We await his actions with much anticipation. His assignment is one again to uplift your planet in the spiritual sense but this time he has the benefit of a much broader communication (system) on your world. We look for him to have a much more widespread influence than before as this (widespread influence) is what is needed so desperately on your world at this time. Rejoice as he has come - the one who represents Christ Michael in-the-flesh!


Look for one in the future who expounds the highest ideals (which have been written of in the Urantia Book). Do not fear that he is the Anti-Christ as predicted to come - he is anything but! You will know him by his exceeding kind deeds and awesome wisdom. His plan will be a simple one for mankind to grasp. Watch for him! You may even chance upon meeting him and how blessed a meeting that would be! Be of good cheer - wonderful opportunity for change is very near!


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SPOKANE, WA - July 16, 1994 Douglas Daniels sent this lesson from the teacher, Jarel, as transmitted at the Spokane Gathering. Thank you, Douglas, for sharing this timely message with us.


                              * JAREL *




This is a challenge for you the ascending mortals of Urantia who have come about in this mission. What challenges do you face on your path towards ascension? We take too often our task on a daily basis as being boring, trivial, of no consequence. We proceed on that path, not focused on the goal, and allowing distractions to distract us from that attainment.


You as mortals, if you will allow my analogy, have vehicles of conveyance from one point to another. You control these vehicles when on a one lane path quite differently than on a fast highway. Your path towards spiritual development is similar and singular in purpose; to know the Father, to know His will, to obey His will, to do His will on a daily basis, culminating in achieving paradise.


On this one lane path that you proceed in your vehicle you are often times erratic in your control You go from side to side on the dangerous shoulders, unaware of those following, uncaring as to the example you set. Now comes Christ Michael and this mission, and your one lane highway is expanded to multiple lanes, you are now conscious thru this mission of others traveling this road with you, some to your side, some behind, some ahead. No longer can you erratically control your vehicle. You must maintain your distances, you must remain in your assigned lane. This is where we are today.


You are not alone. You must not think in terms of being alone in this mission. There are others around you who view your growth and tend to emulate those things that you do in your knowledge. So our concern, as teachers, is that you partake of this mission, not as observers but as participants willing, eager, anxious to reach the goal of salvation. Willing to obey the rules that govern your journey. In the instance of the highways, there are posted limitations as to how fast you may proceed. In this mission of Christ Michael there are posted limitations and directions as to how you should proceed. Seeking the stillness is ESSENTIAL to all who desire spiritual growth. You must use the silliness as your vehicle to arrive from point 'A' to point 'B". Taking daily time with the Father is essential to enhance your spiritual development, individually and collectively. What you experience individually you share with your fellows and the collective experience is enhanced. The group growth is advanced because of your individual contributions. This you need to understand. ALL ARE IMPORTANT. All have something of value to contribute. THIS IS THE CHALLENGE for you.


In the Melchizedek's schools we have learned of Urantia because we took an interest in the planet of Michael's nativity. Our interest led to diligent study. We have weighed and measured this planet. We know its boundaries, the heights of its mountains, the depths of its seas, the expansions of space that exist around it. These issues were of concern to us knowing that we would be involved in this mission at some level. It was incumbent upon us to know the terrain. We have scanned the remembrances of others to know the mechanisms of human thinking, so that we may adjust ourselves accordingly and find that suitable level of understanding to communicate with you on higher spiritual knowledge.


You, dear ones, must do like wise in this correcting time. Belief is essential. However, belief counts for nothing unless carried into practice. Faith is essential, but faith counts for nothing unless the vision of completion is present. You must act on your beliefs. Serve your fellow man faithfully, with the vision that Light and Life will come about to Urantia, and that you individually and collectively can contribute to that era.


We know for example, that your Pacific ocean covers 68,634,000 sq. miles. Your hills and mountains cover 14,000,000 square miles. the islands that sporadically dot the landscape of Urantia total 1,910,000 sq. miles. The lakes and rivers of this country cover 1,000,000 sq. miles. The next largest body of water covers 41,321,000 sq. miles. This is relevant knowledge for us who investigated this planet as an example for us to know where we are and where we are going, and how to relate this information to you.


But you of this mission have not sought to venture, thus far. To explore the closest reality next to you, that of the presence of the Father in your fellows. Have you sought your neighbor? Have you reached out to other cultures, religions, persons, races? Have you sought an understanding of these? You must know your environment. Your environment is people, members of this human family. You must expand your knowledge of them, their culture, their customs their belief systems. This will help you in your outreach toward them for this mission, and the spreading of the light of truth.


How can you expect to ascend and mingle with myriads of beings from other super universes who have different personalities, coming from different experiential backgrounds, speaking different languages, holding different customs? How can you expect to exist harmoniously on this level when on Urantia you cannot reach out to those who are about you? The saying of old "as it is on earth so it is in heaven", this has value. This has substance. You must share your interactions with all, as upon the mansion worlds and on to paradise you will interact with others, as the text has verified. So we offer to you a CHALLENGE to take from this setting of spiritual development. We offer to you the CHALLENGE to reach out to your fellows wherever they may be, whatever their beliefs, whatever their nationalities. Embrace them with the love of Christ Michael, that He has bestowed upon you. Share this knowledge of the mission and the text with all who are seekers of truth. The Father will provide you ample opportunity to share His knowledge. Avail yourselves, individually and collectively, of this CHALLENGE. We have given you much in the way of encouragement and spiritual enlightenment. Unless you use this enlightenment, unless you are motivated to move by our encouragement then our efforts are in vain. I assure you, and I know from that that I speak, Christ Michael's mission is not in vain.


We seek willing participants. Brave souls willing to venture into areas of the unknown. For you who live this mortal existence there is much that is unknown to you. What is unknown is not experienced. We feel you need to experience your fellows during this time of correction. This will sharpen your abilities to be the ambassadors of truth for this mission. So, the CHALLENGE is there. Will you accept it? Will you pick up the gauntlet and move forward in belief and faith? Reach out to your fellows. Learn of them, share with them this great light of truth that has come to Urantia.


I thank you for this time. I hope and pray to our Father on your behalf, as your teacher and coworkers in this mission, that we can motivate you to action. It is good to sit and reflect. Now is the time of action, now is the time of outreach. Bring in all that will come. They hunger for knowledge of the Father. They hunger for fellowship. They hunger for acceptance. they hunger for love that comes only thru the Father and His Son. It is freely given unto you, freely share with your fellows.


My peace be with you. Farewell


                                    * * *


CORVALLIS, OR - From Douglas Knight are some excerpts from Daranadek about the Melchizedek universities given at the Corvallis group meeting.


                        * DARANADEK *



Your agondonter status affords you ample opportunity for filling in the un-named and un-mapped areas of the Supreme. There is much anticipation on your side, as there has been sufficient conversation about the Melchizedek schools. This is part of my purpose here. I would caution you, and advise your patience, i n the development of this process. There is much to be learned, much to be taught, much to be shared, before these school may be activated. You are well on you way, yet, for you to become teachers in these universities of the Melchizedek's, requires the ordination of your personal circuitry. This is a stage none of you has achieved. It is wise to make your plans, for there are barely limits to what can be accomplished in planning. Share your ideas, draw, create your concepts. The actual construction must await our delivery of "manite," the morontial material hat the upper levels of your schools will be built of. I bring this to your attention, not in any promise of revelation, but for preparation in your planning. These are all preliminary stages, prior to delivery of the tree of life, and concurrent with your enhanced appreciation of the Melchizedek awareness.

                                    * * *


NASHVILLE, TN - Rebecca Bynum's message from Ham seems rather appropriate at this time.



June 5, 1994


                          Urantia's Status


Our lesson tonight is about learning to experientially comprehend Urantia's altering status as a reunited sphere, returning home after a long isolation. Your own material systems or mechanisms are highly changing with regard to a certain sensitivity involving mechanisms for your spiritually heightened perceptions involving the pineal gland and other critically placed glands within the brain itself which are altered by the altering patten of the spiritual/morontial circuit opening. Some humans are more receptive to these changes than others, like when the Master's Spirit of Truth was poured out upon all flesh, certain individuals felt and responded to this new spiritual circuit or presence. Now, there has come upon your world another level of spiritual presence, or individually felt spiritual ministry. Those who are experiencing this quickening of the soul are infinitely and truly blessed, for this spiritual level of experience coordinated around those who are quickened, helping them to understand their secure place within our Father's vast kingdom. You are all witnessing a new and long awaited entry of your world among the others who were waiting.


Your world has suffered the effects of isolation and confusion long enough and the greater spiritual presence created through these circuit openings are received as though a balm were being applied to a wound, soothing, calming and assuaging the fear and insecurity of being thought to be alone. These great spiritual presences bring feelings of comfort in fellowship, of calmness in turmoil, that is security and of renewed convictions of the truth of rightness among human things or feelings.


Righteousness, indeed, becomes a joyful expression of living fully while the irresolute continue to falter as always. Humans are experiencing and are witnessing the growing conviction of sonship and are experiencing increasing security with this profound conviction. You'll be tested and called to act on your deepest convictions, always, forever, and you are experiencing a deepening and a quickening of your convictions. Only this generation is living through this change of spiritual status of your world. This next generation will experience great growth, but they will not have personally experienced the change. This change is gradual. There has been no sudden jolt, so that those who are unspiritually progressive experience nothing, but you who know, know that you know.


                                 * * * * *


                 OF SPECIAL INTEREST


PORTLAND TRANSCRIPTS - To obtain a full set of the Portland transcripts including the moving address Michael Palmer presented at the Sunday morning worship session at the Spokane Gathering, contact Brad Wortendyke at 16405 E. Burnside #122, Portland, OR 97233 (505-254-5880) Michael Palmer has calculated the cost for these transcripts to be $12.42 (copying 9.52/postage $2.90). Please keep this in mind when requesting copies. These are transcripts you will all want to read. Perhaps, you can share a copy with other members of your group. We thank you, Michael, for the contribution you have made on behalf of all of us in the Teaching Mission.


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TRANSCRIPTS OF THE UNIVERSAL GATHERING OF THE TEACHING MISSION - These transcripts will be sent to all who attended. I understand these will have been mailed by the time you receive this newsletter. If you did not attend the conference and are unable to get copies from someone who did, you can contact Bob Devine or Rick & Barbara Giles for copies. They can inform you of the cost for the transcripts and mailing.


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                        NEWS UPDATE


ARCHANGEL CIRCUITS - In keeping with the information Terry Olsen shared with us about the opening of the Archangel Ciruits, the Spokane group is putting aside time each Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. to sit quietly with this focus. Others are welcomed to participate at this time and/or set up other times. If you have set aside another time, please let us know. We can then have serveal times to choose to "tune-in" depending on our schedules.


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                 UPCOMING ACTIVITIES


1995 UNIVERSAL GATHERING OF THE TEACHING MISSION - Judging by the value and the fruits that come forth from a universal gathering of sharing and learning from each other, it seems we should begin thinking of what we would like to do next year. Now is the time to decide and go forward. Sonny Schneider has offered the possibility of having the next year's gathering in Hawaii. While this met with much enthusiasm by some, it was felt that a consensus should be taken from the entire Teaching Mission rather than at the Spokane Gathering where there was a larger contingency from the west. Is there someone who would like to step forward to organize the possiblities for consideration? Does anyone have any areas they would like to suggest? The idea of using a campus (or retreat) area is good for reasons of cost; flexibility of eating arrangements; outside areas for strolling and talking one on one or small group gatherings; and the availability of equipment and meeting rooms. A location near a large airport would also be helpful in logistics and cost as flying to smaller airports can be costly and time consuming.


So - let's hear from you - SOON. Soon OUR TIME - NOT UNIVERSAL time as used by the teachers!!!


                                 * * * * *




SPOKANE GATHERING - As Doug Megow read his piece, which I have titled, "I Don't Think So," we all shared a good laugh each time these words were read. Now the words "Soon" and "I Don't Think So" have become ones that bring for a smile of understanding and good humor among those in the Teaching Mission. Thanks for the humor, Doug.


                        "I Don't Think So"


One day, content in my ignorance, satisfied in my complacency, and somehow still in a search for the truth of things, I was awakened from my static state with the words: "You should read this book. I think you'll like it. "Where did it come from?" says I. "From Celestials." I was told. "I don't think so," I told myself.




One month if by chance, (I don't think so.) I saw it sitting there. The URANTIA Book; "From Celestials." YEAH! RIGHT! But still I picked it up and I opened it and I started to read. "There is truth here," said I. How did I know that? I read it all! ILLUMINATION!! and again, KNOWLEDGE!!....and again.... WOW!!!! "Where did it come from?" says I. "From Celestials." "I can live with that." I knew.


SHARE THE BOOK!!!...SHARE THE BOOK!!!...SHARE THE BOOk!!!..... Why won't they listen?????? I have the knowledge, why can't I share it?




"FATHER Help me! I desire that Your will be done in my life!!"


Many times now have I read it. I grow; so very slowly. It's all in my head, why so hard to use it?


AGAIN; One day, content in the knowledge, satisfied with my complacency, & somehow still in a search for higher meanings, I was awakened from my static state with the words: "You should read these transcripts. I think you'll like them." "Where did they come from?" said I. "From celestial teacher." I was told. "I don't think so!" I told myself. And yet, I picked them up & I read. "There is truth here." said I. How did I know that?? I read them all. APPLIED KNOWLEDGE! DIRECTION!! WOW!!!! "Where did they come from?" said I. "From Celestials." I replied. "I can live with that."


SHARE THE MESSAGE!!!...SHARE THE MESSAGE!!!...SHARE THE MESSAGE!!!..... Why won't they listen?


"You too can have a celestial teacher." I was told. "How?" said I. Just PRAY. Just ASK. "I don't think so." said I. And yet I prayed; I asked: I waited....and waited.... Words came. Not verbal. I wrote them down. I read them. Good Stufff, could be me. NO!!! Too Good; Too Different. "Where did it come from?" said I. MUST be from me." I returned. I DON'T THINK SO!!!


                                                       Doug Megow


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SPOKANE GATHERING - Before reading his poem, "How Many?", Doug Knight asked if anyone had any ideas for setting this to music?  Any ideas out there???

                           HOW MANY ?


How many kids in the family of man?

How many families can follow the plan?

How many hearts can take hold of my hand?

How many people to take up a stand?

How many branches to fill out a tree?

How many trees do we need to be free?

How many you's does it take to be me?

How many patterns resemble the key?

How many laws have we broken in two?

How many fingers are pointint at you?

How many wishes to make it come true?

How many guesses to know what we knew?

How many numbers before we are numb?

How many brains does it take to be dumb?

How many bullets to burn out a gun?

How many endings to know when we're done?

How many miles before we get home?

How many payments to pay off your loan?

How many reasons to hang up the phone?

How many wrongs does it take to make right?

How many stars can reflect off your light?

How many clues to tell left from the right

How many clocks to tell daylight from night?

How many rhymes are enough for a song?

How many times have we waited too long?

How many people admit when they're wrong?

How many sunsets to bring on the dawn?

How many soldiers have already died?

How many voices are crying inside?

How many feelings to turn back the tide?

How many choices before we decide?


                                                         Doug Knight

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                  NETWORK INQUIRIES


Please look over the inquiries below and see if there is anything you have to share as there is someone waiting to hear from you!


***        WANTED - To hear from the person who mentioned transmissions from

Yogonanda at the Spokane Gathering

*           Information on groups, contacts and activities outside of the U.S.

*           Your thoughts and observations about the Teaching Mission 

*           Helpful information for children

 *           Information on assigments, special projects or areas of interest

 *           Teachings that focus on healing

 *           Thoughts on how the Teaching Mission and the teachings of The Urantia Book interconnect with the variety of experiences of others  who are following differing paths towards God.


                                 * * * * *




The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to create a network for sharing information among all individuals and groups involved in transmitting and receiving information from celestial contacts. All contributions for the



Allene Vick


newsletter; correspondence; and requests to be included on the mailing list should be sent to:


                             Allene Vick


It is through a sincere desire to be of service in the process that is happening on our planet, Urantia, at this time that this newsletter has come into existence. The success of this network is dependent upon the help of all of you that it is intended to serve. A special thanks to those of you who sent a financial contribution along with your letters. The continuation of this newsletter will depend upon your interest and sharing. Please let us hear from you. When corresponding, please be sure to mark any information that you do not wish to be shared with "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY." Otherwise, it will be assumed that what is received is for sharing in the T/R NEWS NETWORK.




Copyright 2011 Teaching Mission Archives. All rights reserved.