Thought Adjuster; Ophelius; Beloved One; Prolotheos - Jan 02, 2013 -  4 Transcripts, Illawarra, Progress Grp, AU

Index to Transcripts This Document

  1. Thought Adjuster - Living in Wakefulness - Jan 26, 2013 - Illawarra, Progress Group, AU
  2. Ophelius - Soul Preparation for Enlightenment - Dec 30, 2012 - Illawarra, Progress Group, AU
  3. Beloved One - New Years Resolutions - Jan 02, 2013 - Illawarra, Progress Group, AU
  4. Prolotheos - A Lesson Violence - Sep 16, 2012 - Illawarra, Progress Group, AU

Transcript One
Alabama, US of A, January 26, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Living in Wakefulness” – Part 1.

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “Your soul desires to be closer to its Creator. This desire has been infused in you by the presence of the Father within. When you listen to that 'voice' and focus your attention inward, you really learn and grow spiritually.

“You neither need to ask anything nor say anything. What I want to give you doesn't require any protocol. When you come to Me you will receive something your soul needs, even if you have no awareness of what you will be receiving.

“Believe that something important happens during your meditation exercises. Adoration is the process of letting your soul – still in its embryonic state – strengthen and grow in the image and semblance of God.

“The lessons of life are not learned in moments of struggle. There will always be decisions that have to be made, and many times you will make either good or bad decisions during your life. Real learning occurs when you stop to consider what you have done, or what you will do in searching for divine guidance within yourself. So many in your world live unconsciously, reacting to the events of life without realizing what they do and why they do it!

“It is through self-examination that humans can measure to what extent they have truly lived. At first you may only be able to observe your actions and decisions after they have occurred. However, by coming to Me often, your perception is adjusted and you can start to really live in the present; in the moment. That is when you are in the state when you are really present and aware of what you are doing while you are doing it, and therefore you will have a better chance of making the right decisions. This is truly living in wakefulness.”

Subject: “Living in Wakefulness” – Part 2.
Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “You have made the decision to put yourself and your progress in my hands. Yes, you have decided this, even when there is still fear and doubt within you. I am not here to test you, or to send you sorrows to make you stronger. I am here to simply travel the path of life with you, and experience whatever life may bring.

“You are starting to observe yourself in 'real time'. This didn't happen in a natural or magical fashion. You had to make many mistakes in the past for you to decide to do something about them. You had to experience your anger many times to know what caused it and how to anticipate its appearance. It is the experience of previous mistakes, which helped you with your faith and your wise request for help and illumination. Remember this when next you make a mistake.

“Mistakes – the blunders of life – are not in any way necessary for spiritual growth and personal improvement. In spite of your slip-ups, there are some mistakes you never made, and some you will never make. However, you have learned valuable lessons which you have accepted in faith, and because of what you have observed. See? Even the errors and experiences of others can help you grow. This is why the experience of a mortal life is so valuable on High. Consider this when observing the mistakes of your siblings, and when you find yourself judging them.

“The true spiritual student – who must be the teacher of those coming after him or her – always finds opportunities to learn by always being attentive, observing – awake.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.


Transcript 2
Michigan, US of A, December 30, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Methods to Prepare a Soul for Enlightenment.”

Received by Chris.

Ophelius: “The message for today is about having a sense of timing, to know when it is right to reveal to someone your truth. Are they ready to hear truth, or are they are not? It is not always beneficial to speak your truth to someone who has not the capacity or the understanding to receive it, and in some cases, it can backfire and lead them the opposite way in understanding the very truth you so wish to reveal. For others who are ready, they will ask questions and will want to know what you know. Herein lies the key to enlightenment – to ask and you shall receive.

“There are methods that can prepare a soul for enlightenment, who for now, remain in a state of confusion. In these individuals, there may be a sense of urgency, a cry for help, or a wounded heart that cannot accept help. For these individuals, prayer is needed to prepare the heart to receive what they need, and sometimes what they need is not what you have to offer. Your intentions must be very clear and in alignment with the highest good for that individual. You must be careful when interpreting their needs that you are not satisfying your own need to be right. You must dissolve, completely, your ego and become a compassionate listener.

“Take the position of ‘standing in one’s shoes’ and try and see from another’s viewpoint. Ask questions about the confusion in someone’s mind and become curious about why they think the way they do? Never should you criticize their position, but should continue to ask questions and look for answers that contain some kind of truth and then expound on that truth. This is the method Jesus used when he was instructing those with religious backgrounds – he would use probing questions in sincere curiosity, looking for shreds of truth where he could expand that truth to the point where it would crowd out the error, and the individual would come to his or her own conclusions, having convinced themselves of the error and accepting the expanded truth of their right thinking.

“Mountains cannot be moved in a day, my friends, and so you must have patience and perseverance while you continue to pray selflessly for the needs of the individual to be met. In some cases where the individual has hardened their heart, it may be necessary to leave that person to learn through difficult lessons of their own making before they will seek help from others. This is what you call ‘tough love’ – to wait until the troubled waters awaken and sober the soul. Many of you can look back on your life and see this very process we are speaking about.

“How shall you students on the path proceed when you are uncertain about the method for helping others? Do as the Master said to his disciples: ‘Go now into your room alone and speak with the Heavenly Father and ask in prayer for direction.’ Sitting in stillness and asking for direction, then listening for an answer is the best way forward, my friends. You may not always get the answer you were looking for and sometime you will get more than what you asked for – something that you needed to hear, and to heal from.

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Transcript 3
Urantia, January 2, 2013.
The Beloved One.
Subject: “New Year Resolutions.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Please pay attention to my words now that you are once more at the beginning of a New Year. I desire to speak a few words of comfort and encouragement to all. A New Year is often started with good intentions and the resolution to make it the best year ever. This idea I wish to reinforce in you as my primary intent is to get you to where you want to go. It is praiseworthy that you are intending to make this the best year ever, as this year will bring a great deal of un-anticipated changes for many of you. Of course this has ever been so whilst between the old and the new the shadow of the past always lingers. However, it is best to leave the shadows behind, and ‘walk on the sunny side of the street’.

“It would be very helpful if optimism remains, and becomes part of you throughout the year, so you will attract the greater good and spiritual abundance. I know that it has been mentioned before, but I would like to remind you again that thoughts held in mind produce after their kind, so please be aware and note what you are thinking, also how and why you entertain certain thoughts. Be very careful about what it is that you will attract. A poverty mind-set will become exactly that. A prosperous mindset will attract prosperity, because you have placed your faith and trust in the almighty Provider, whose storehouse is always filled to overflowing. It is up to you how you approach this abundance, which actually rests deep within you in the form of the gifts of invention and creativity.

“Unless you start tapping into these gifts, all these potentials will stay dormant until a more opportune moment arrives. However, I assure you that as always the moment is in the eternal now, so start delving deep inside of you and perchance consult your indwelling Partner. He or She will always point the way of altruistic service to others, who might need a little boost to get their ’engine’ going. There are many ways to display your talents for helpfulness, and in doing so, you will be helped to attain greater soul-satisfaction. Let this be a year during which you build and strengthen your connection to your Spark from the Giver of Life, who volunteered to be with you, and so place yourself on the right path towards eternity. I wish you all a blessed year ahead with many more to come with increasing spiritual growth solidifying your connection to the Universal Creator of all the universes of space and time.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Lytske’s first book, The Guiding Light Within, can be found here.

Transcript 4
Chicago US of A, September 16, 2012.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “A Lesson on Violence.”

Received by Valdir Soares.

Prolotheos: “What defines violence? Violence is to employ force to cause an unjustifiable constraint of a person’s free will or cause injury to any aspect of human personality – physical, intellectual or emotional. Evil is the source of violence; it works to produce the evil intent of the evildoer. The use of force, not its abuse, is not violence when it serves goodness, justice and or protects social order. The presumed evildoer must be restrained so no more violence is produced and his or her actions are adjudicated. God is just, fully capable of lovingly and mercifully adjusting everything and everyone to His sovereign will; He has no need to resort to violence to accomplish His purposes. Even a rebel will willingly acknowledge His perfect justice.

“The presence of conflict is not always a sign of violence. Violence presupposes an evil intent as well as a disregard and disrespect for life and its inherent dignity. In the evolutionary worlds, progress comes by struggle and striving towards perfection, which presumes a necessary wrestling with the status quo. In nature, the surviving instinct in the species will wrestle adverse situations to preserve superior stocks. Human beings, as a result of evolution and grace – the latter being the gift of personality from the Father – feature both the blind animal instinct and the awareness of a responsible will. There is a natural conflict between these two natures; on Urantia, humans are still learning how live with their animal-survival instinct without resorting to violence.

“Violence through aggression, subjection, slavery, terrorism and wars has been the common way for conflict resolution on Urantia since long ago; and, so far, with no visible signs of your finding better ways to do so. Dissemination of violence on Urantia, especially through wars, is a sign that its inhabitants are still socially and culturally primitive, despite the great technological development of the last century. It will take better education, elevated spirituality, together with the Brotherhood of Man conscious of the Fatherhood of God and the ministry of upcoming Paradise Sons, for Urantia to become an enlightened planet, as it should be. A non-violent humanity seems like utopia, but it is just what the worlds long settled in Light and Life enjoy, and it is the hope for still retarded planets such as yours.

“Violence for its own sake is wholly unproductive of anything good. Furthermore, it is altogether contradictory when violence is associated with religion and practiced ‘in name of God’, as is often the case with evolutionary religions. God or His faithful administrators on High never resort to or condone violence. Violence may be seen to be a by-product of evolution in the worlds of time and space, and it may contribute to the survival of the fittest, but it is always proof of human beings’ incapacity or unwillingness to solve conflicts peacefully by means of tolerance, forgiveness and dialogue.”

“So, my pupil, listen to the words of your Master when on Urantia: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.’ Blessed are you all when you foil violence and toil for peace. This is Prolotheos, your teacher and tutor. Peace to all.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.