ABC22 Bzutu - Creation Nurturing Healing - In 3 Parts - Mar 17, 2010 - Progress Group, AU
Illawarra District, Australia, March 17, 2010.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu.
Subject: “Creation, Nurturing, Healing.” (Part One)
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “It is always a good thing to remember that many of you live on the surface of your lives.  You absorb facts and figures, surely you do, but few of you are deep thinkers in the sense that you contemplate the intricacies of what you learn.  And so, we now put the concept ‘creation’ under the microscope, and tease out the meanings of that term, first of all as it pertains to us, your Secondary Midwayer kin.  We were born, like any of you -- our human cousins – but our parents were super-human, as were our grandparents and great-grandparents.
“We inherited much of our parents’ ways, their motivation, their drive to make this world a better place, but concerning our physiology, we are entirely different.  We do have actual bodies, to be sure, but we created to live in a time-frame that makes us invisible to you.  We learn, but unlike you, we lack the ability to forget.  We may occasionally feel fatigue, become over-extended, and need to momentarily recuperate, and take in energy in quiet meditation, but we do not sleep.
“We are nourished, but we do not eat, and we do not age.  We live, and grow in experience and wisdom with each passing day, and we manage to do so because of the power of our Benevolent Source – the Master Creator’s all-enveloping, everywhere-present, and everything-pervading universe energy vibration you know as Zero-Point Energy, and have long known by countless other names.
“You might well conclude, therefore, that we literally live, walk, exist and swim in our food, our energy -- that which nurtures and sustains us – yes, that which creates us.  And here I want you to contemplate that the concept ‘existence’ is somewhat of a misnomer, for nothing in time-space is in any way existent, alive, or progressing without being nurtured, without being re-created from every infinitesimal short moment to the next ‘micro-instant.’
“As mortals you have an inevitable ‘use-by date,’ and as much as your birth and death is, and always was, fore-known on High, that moment of expiration is not generally pre-determined.  For centuries, your masters, yogis, and enlightened ones – those who were granted the favor of being gifted the first, even the second, aspect of the Morontia Mind – have purposely, or unknowingly used Source energy to create greater communion between Spirit, soul and mind.  As a result, most often have they in the past, and are they still, pushing back the day of their ascension by years, decades, even a hundred years or more.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
End Part 1

Part Two

Illawarra District, Australia, March 17, 2010.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Creation, Nurturing, Healing.” (Part Two)
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “We have established that in order to exist, you must continuously be re-created, sustained, or nourished.  In fact, you might call this a healing process.
“Midwayers, Angels, Melchizedeks and Companions, all live in their particular dimension of time, although some can usefully transcend a number of facets of time.  Secondary Midwayers can transcend time, and we sometimes enter your ‘linear time-space dimension’ for good purpose.  We do this with ease, but it takes energy we must later recoup.  It is Source energy that sustains all, who are in the hierarchy up from you mortals.  It gives us eternal life, mobility, and heals us to the degree we do not age at all.
“Incidentally, Source energy is what we deal with every moment of our day, and our weapons of old contained such a great charge of ‘what was good’ that when suddenly discharged, they could create havoc.  Likewise, Source energy is what Dr. Mendoza uses to alleviate pain, and heal with.  Humans, also, cannot live without Source energy, but on your world, our world, you lack the Adamic blood you need to the degree it will touch you, and greatly extend your life.
“Correctly did you conclude that some of those who visited your world from higher spheres, and were at the same time of celestial, as well as of physical make-up, would need the fruit of the tree of life more so as an antidote to protect the physical aspect of their selves, rather than as a food and an adjunct to the high intake of Source energy.  ‘Tree of life’ is still the correct term.  It gave life, because it enhanced life, protected life, and extended life.  In the case of your dear Teachers, Van and Amadon, it gave them almost 500.000 extra years, yes, potentially eternal physical life, had they not been recalled.
“We are excited, true, excited as a group, to witness the South-east Asian discovery of mechanically harvesting a constant, more concentrated supply of Source energy for the alleviation of pain, the occasional healing of illnesses, and therewith the potential extension of your terrestrial lives.  Let us therefore trust in your further usefulness to us, and to the Creator of all, knowing no bounds, if you manage to make proper use of the device.”
George (somewhat skeptical): “Let me be cautiously optimistic.  We’ll see.”
Bzutu: “With respect and love from the entire platoon, I say, Adieu.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
End Part 2

Part Three
Creation, Nurturing, Healing -- Part Three.
From the desk of George Barnard – March 21, 2010.
In the year 2000 I traveled in the United States, staying with friends, mostly teaching the Akashic Construct wherever I went.  Preparing for the trip had already exhausted me, and in Colorado a friend suggested I needed some healing.
Her healing effort seen to, she suggested the Midwayers take over and do their share.  Instantly she stepped aside.  Instantly I was hovering at the ceiling, and at that very moment the Midwayer, Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8), had his hands right inside my chest, cupping my heart between his hands.  They must have known I had a slight heart murmur at the time, the occasional chest pain.  Just moments of the doctor’s treatment fixed my heart, and it did not play up again . . .
. . . not until about two months ago.  Long hours, diverse tasks, and a noisy neighborhood (hard to concentrate at this time) brought back that heart murmur and chest pains, until a friend sent me a wand.  No bigger than a ball-point pen, it took away the chest pain and discomfort in minutes.  Putting out an invisible beam of concentrated Source Energy, it lessens or totally alleviates pain.  Does it last?  I don’t know.  Does it heal us from our illnesses?  Possibly!  I still need to experience that.  It sure fixed someone’s badly aching back in three treatments of about 90 seconds each!  That’s simply remarkable!
Yes, it’s the same Source Energy (Zero Point Energy) that is the life-sustaining source for the Midwayers.  It’s the same universal energy that will power our appliances of the future.  It’s the same energy Dr. Mendoza used to stabilize my heart in Colorado back in 2000.
And no, the 11:11 Progress Group does not market the device.  We have a different, well-specified task, but we sure are excited enough about this clever product from South East Asia to have their info on our website where you can even order one of those “magic wands.”
It’s here:
God bless…
The 11:11 Progress Group.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.