Monjoronson - Communication between Adjusters - Addictions - Assisting Natural Changes More Quickly - Jul 28, 2009 - Audio Session #60
Subject: Q/A Session #60
Teacher: Monjoronson
T/R: Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Philip
July 28, 2009

Areas for discussion this week were:
1 - Examining Communication between Thought Adjusters
2 - Addictions and Their Effect on Thought Adjusters
3 - We Need to Proceed Rapidly to Assist Social Changes

Prayer: Heavenly Father we thank you for this day and this opportunity to be  in dialog with you. We seek to be a more complete and authentic service in  your empowerment. We ask that you assist us in speaking clearly and  authentically so your words, your thoughts, your meanings are conveyed  accurately to those who read these transcripts and who listen to these  tapes. We give thanks for your presence here today. Thank you.

[Thought Adjusters]

The purpose of this question is to have a better understanding of the nature  and role of Thought Adjusters and how they may or may not interface with the  angelic and midwayer orders.

Question #1:  [a:]  For what reasons do Thought Adjusters indwelling  Urantian mortals communicate with each other? [b:]  Are they capable of  bridging communication between two mortals and if so in what capacity?

Monjoronson: [Part a:] Thought Adjusters always work for the increasing  approach of the mortal to the Father in Paradise. The communication between  Thought Adjusters and mortals of Urantia is no different from mortals on  other spheres. There is a need to coordinate to the growth factors of these  individuals so that they can make progress more surely and more diligently.

[Part b:] We work in close concert with angels and those other individuals  who work in the dynamic of the increased spiritization of the individual,  and for the evolutionary growth of the individual to approach the morontial  even while in the mortal flesh. These communications are not frequent but  are [tuned] and are presented as there is a need for this. These are not  communications that are frivolous or superficial but are significant and  meaningful for the growth of the individual. We are in complete alliance in  the growth philosophies of mortals who have willed themselves to grow into  perfection. This spurs us into action to assist individuals in all regards  as they are capable and open to being led. At no time are they ever  overcharged or over energized with this contact as that is detrimental as  well to the individuals growth. Thank you.


Like many on our planet, this individual finds them-self interacting with  those or and in some ways assisting those who suffer from physical  addiction. It would help to have a better understanding of how addiction  impedes spiritual growth.

Question #2: In what ways and to what degree do physical addictions impede  the process between individuals and their Thought Adjusters?

Monjoronson: Well certainly this is a very important question and one that  must be addressed through the centuries and millennia of human experience.  Physical addictions are the use of substances that cause and impede a  blocking of brain activity. It is a way of neutralizing and insulating the  individual from the physical experiences around them. Physical addictions  cause the individual to interpret experiences around them in much different  ways than individuals who are not under the influence of addictive  substances. Physical addictions are detrimental in all regards. They are  either overly stimulative or overly dulling of the senses. This is the crux  of the problem of physical addictions, that they allow the individual to  live in a surreal environment that is disconnected from the real  environment. Only true learning that augments the spiritual development of  the individual can occur in a reality based experienced situation.

Individuals must be fully able to experience their surroundings. We are  aware however that there are extreme traumatic experiences which need to be  dulled so that the individual can have time to adequately reflect upon the  experience and interpret it in much more realistic ways. Traumatic  experiences are highly detrimental as well to the growth of the individual  and in a similar but far different paradigm than addictive substances.

I wish, however, go on to address psychological addictions. Many of you  suffer from psychological addictions whether that is compulsiveness or  obsessiveness or fetishes or issues of that sort. Many of you have fears  which you harbor in your hearts and mind. Many of you worry. Many of you are  compelled to think about something repeatedly over and over and over again.  Materialism is as well an addiction. It supplants the individuals self worth  in an inappropriate way. Self esteem and self image are definitely warped by  materialistic addictions. The fact of addictions that are psychological in  nature associated with the individuals ego and immature personality  development likewise isolate the individual from the reality around them.  They have chosen to isolate themselves through these addictions. They have a  penchant to think of the world in their own personal ways of interpretation  which do not adequately match the reality around them to their expectations.

Many have addictive expectations which are unreal and lead to great social  immaturity and lack of development on the individuals part. I am sure you  understand what I am saying. Physical addiction is one of the most obvious  types of addictions. There are many other subtle addictions that are as  detrimental to personal spiritual growth of the individual. Do not consider  physical addictions solely as the only detrimental addiction to the filling  of the soul preparatory to transition. Thank you.

Philip: Thank you Monjoronson, those are all the questions we have today and  we appreciate your being here and as well our T/R

Monjoronson: This is Monjoronson, I wish to continue. You have presented me  with a forum wherein you can ask me questions. Anyone is invited to ask  questions and in fact asking questions as you know is a requirement of a  growing mind and spirit.

The topic I wish to address this morning deals with social change. In times  in the past, centuries and millennia, there have been long eras where the  social events have developed in a linear fashion where there is a true cause  and effect linear progression. Only during times of rapid social change and  rapid world change where the world is in jeopardy have these linear  developments been supplanted by evolutionary and exponential changes. We,  and meaning our team and your humanity on this world are undergoing such an  experience at this time. There is a need to progress rapidly, to fertilize,  to augment the natural development of chronological events so that we are  able to leap ahead more quickly. Some of you have noticed this change in  recent years.

We are now going through a period where it is required that we leap ahead  several steps in order to bring about the developments that will be needed  for large swaths of human population in the future. Whereas you would do  things in a normal developmental manner, we now are moving you forward so  that these early steps give way to the more rapid developments. This is  necessary to not abridge the natural progression of events but to assist  them more rapidly. Many of you will understand this, many of you will not.  If you have questions you are most welcome to ask them in future sessions.

I thank you for this opportunity to add this footnote to today’s session;  good day.