Monjoronson - Q&A - Spirit is Co-creative When You Are Pro-active - Mar 10, 2009 - Audio Transcript Session #41
Subject: Q/A Session #41
Teacher: Monjoronson
T/R: Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Mary Rogers
March 10, 2009

Questions Answered This Session:
1- How Can We Be Co-Creative with Spirit?
2 -Is How We “Wait” Governed by A Universal Law?
3 -Can We Develop The Ability To Communicate Non-Verbally?

Prayer: Let us surround ourselves and invoke the presence of the Creator. We  see the Creator's light surrounding us individually and collectively and the  Creator's light fills us and we are guided in the light to reveal the truth  of light. We call upon the Infinite Spirit, Cosmic Mind, to aid us in our  message and in our delivery, for clarity. We ask our Creator Son Christ  Michael to be with us to assist in this process.

I would like each of you to declare your intention for doing this, silently,  which will take just a few moments and I will bring us back to center.  Please state your intention for doing this work. (Pause.)  And so we give  thanks and we dedicate ourselves to this time, and so it is. Monjoronson is  here and he is ready for the first question.

Question #1: [Mary] Thank you for joining us Monjoronson. Our first question  reads as follows: I'm trying to find a balance between being co-creative and  letting go, being proactive and having faith. I try to do this by practicing  silence every morning and making contact with my Adjuster. But I'm having a  hard time with it, balancing the various concepts especially with the  decision making process and it confuses me that it's so hard to hear my  Adjuster. Can you give me some advice please?

Monjoronson: Thank you for your questions. Let us begin first by being  proactive; this is the most earnest part where you step forward in faith  knowing that there is someone there to connect with you. Many of us are here  to connect with you. You take the first step.  As one of our associates  said, the will to co-create can only be initiated by mortals, spirit simply  proffers to co-create with you. So reach up in faith knowing that we will  touch your life and we will guide you through this.

The second part of being proactive is to release this dominating control to  know what is to happen to guide what is to occur. For you to fully receive  guidance and insight you must release your willingness to control every  aspect of your life. You are a child of God knowing that you are here for a  purpose. You connect to that purpose when you release the guidance to  spirit. You call upon your Thought Adjuster and to your guardian angel and  to your celestial teacher to reveal to you what is to be done.

Ask for guidance, ask for clearance, ask for signs and symbols -- not every  day or every moment but as they are needed in your life in the weeks and the  months ahead. When you are unsure you are most welcome to ask for these  gifts of guidance. You may call them signs, symbols and omens, you may call  them coincidence, serendipity or those happenstance occurrences where the  right thing or the right occasion is revealed to you. As for co-creating,  you are already a co-creative partner when you release this, and as you ask  for guidance.

You must, after you receive this guidance and insight, then make a choice to  take action or not. If you choose not to take action, then you are not  co-creating. Co-creating is an act of will, to take action and dedicated to  do something with us. We would move almost heaven and earth to assist you to  understand this. We do this gently by co-incidence or happenstance, and by  serendipity, but your part before that is to be proactive and to simply ask  for guidance.

Do not be nebulous about your requests.  We know that you want to do God's  will, you will to do God's will in your lifetime.  So, you ask for guidance  concerning some particular issue or occasion in your life and then you  listen, you watch and you wait patiently as the way is revealed to you. In  the beginning it is quite slow but I perceive that you are well along your  path to understand how this works. You know that you are guided, that the  way is revealed to you and that the doors of opportunity open to you. For  you to engage us co-creatively you must turn the handle and open the door,  you must walk through the threshold and embrace this new opportunity.

I hope this answer has helped you in your life on a minute to minute and  hour to hour and day to day basis. Year by year you will see that you have  grown and you will have greater faith in your life and in your co-creative  connection.  Thank you.

Question #2: Thank you Monjoronson. Someone posted a question about  "minding your own business being a universal law". Now I'm thinking, is   "waiting" a universal law? There seems to be so much waiting going on in the  universe. I have had the feeling of "waiting" for about a year and a half  now. Can you give some insight please?

Monjoronson: You really posed two distinctly different questions here or  situations for me to address. One is "mind your own business". On earth, on  this planet, on Urantia, you must mind your own business, you must tend to  your own spiritual tasks except when you are adults or parents you must  assist your children to understand the task. You have to mind your own  business by not meddling in other peoples affairs and how they take action.  You, as you grow and mature in your spiritual development, will realize that  when people want advice they will ask for it.  That is, then you step in and  provide answers or guidance to them.

Uninvited guidance is meddling and interfering, it is an arrogant  understanding that you think you know what they need to know, and this may  be erroneous. This is not part of the path of humility and acceptance and  love of your brothers and sisters. You will grow into mastership as you  become more humble and become more patient, then you do not meddle. This has  to do with waiting. Waiting is a wonderful process of "waiting upon the  Lord," that you have heard in so many passages in the Old and New Testament.
You are in this situation too, however waiting is something that is not well        understood. Waiting for something that is known is sometimes a difficult        process  but waiting for the unknown is even more difficult. When you call        into being something co-creatively with your spiritual assistants, do so        with the knowledge that "what the Son desires and the Father wills is" and        that this will be provided in the right time and the right development.        Remember dear one that we do not operate on a timely basis, or upon        timeliness or due dates but on the right and perfect development of events        so that maturity develops along the way.

 We are calling upon you to be patient, to not interfere, but you are most  welcome to check on the progress of what is occurring. You understand this  clearly and we ask you to invite us into discussion with you. You are most  welcome to speak to us anytime. Your impatience is a part of your  immaturity, yet on the other hand it is a part of not understanding the way,  the path, the right and perfect unfoldment of events in your life or in your  world, and you may ask for clarity about this.

If you ask a question, "When is this going to unfold?" we will not answer  you directly, but if you ask us, "What do I need to know about the  unfoldment of the situation?" we will most heartily engage you and provide  you with a very detailed answer. We hope this helps you in your quest to  understand, thank you.

Question #3: Well thank you Monjoronson. Our final question today is as  follows: Every human may develop the capability of nonverbal communication  as Adam and Eve. Is this true or can only some individuals develop this  nonverbal communication ability? If we can develop this, how should one try  to figure out how to improve it?

Monjoronson: There are many approaches to answering your questions. Yes,  nonverbal communication is possible. This is first of all dependent upon  your genetic makeup, your genetic development. Not everyone has this  capacity for at least two reasons. First of all they may not have the  genetic predisposition and capacity to do so and second they may have a very  busy mind. Many people who are very devout in their relationship with God,  their Thought Adjuster, Christ Michael and all the spirits oftentimes have  difficulty making that communication because their mind is so busy.

There are minds that are very preoccupied with all the minutia of daily life  and pose questions and problems to themselves that they continue to answer  throughout the day. This is most difficult for them as they feel as though  they have no connection with spirit, however this is truly not the case. It  is the intention of the individual that is most important for the person who  cannot communicate nonverbally, whose mind is so busy that it is preoccupied  where there is no space for spirit to fill in the gaps, for there are no  gaps.

Now, for the latter part, for those who are able to communicate, realize  that verbal usage is symbolic, that verbal usage is something that you  learn. You are working with a constructive data base of words that are  backed up by signs and symbols and equations and many definitions. Your  capacity for language assists in this process greatly.  Yet, for  communication between yourselves and another individual, what you feel is  the impact of emotional states from others.  The impress of the emotional  state is energetic, it is something which is radiated to the antenna of  their aura and you feel this, you sense it, you see it.  You will almost  never "hear" the words of language from another person.  At most, you would  understand the conceptual content of their thoughts.

You know when a person is in anguish, even though they may not look you in  the face, they may have their back to you in the same room or in another  room or in another state or across the world. Your capacity for nonverbal  communication is directly proportional to your capacity to project your  consciousness to others and to receive the consciousness of others. Remember  consciousness is non-temporal and non-dimensional. It is universal and you  can tap into it much as you would an old fashioned radio by turning the dial  and receiving the signal from another station which is another individual.   This is improved by practice, sitting in stillness with one who you are well  acquainted with or one who is close to you. They may be in their office and  they would feel something and you would connect to that. You may feel that  they want to call you or that they are in the process of calling you and the  phone rings. This is evidence that you are in  energetic communication with  others. As far as telepathic communication, this truly is not necessary for  it is a very limited form of communication with others. Nonverbal telepathic  communication is limited by your language. It is much more communicative and effective to be in touch with the heart and the mind energy of another  person, to feel what they feel, to see what they see to be engaged with them.  Remember too that this is done by permission. You may call upon someone  else and they would be blocked because they are very private in their nature.  You may not be able to communicate with others because you have this same blockage.

This is a necessary interference for mortals on a planet such as Urantia for  this provides you with an envelope of consciousness yourself, in which you  have to deal with your problems and your solutions privately unless and  until you communicate intentionally with others for solutions. This type of  limitation is a part and parcel of being a mortal on an evolutionary world.  You would not grow through experience if you bypassed experience.  The  wisdom that you would receive from others would not be as effective as the  wisdom you received from your own reflection upon the experiences that you  have in your life.

So your question is very much a deeper process than perhaps you have  perceived. It is part of your life here and the limitations thereof are  intentional  though there are genetic predispositions which limit some  people more than others. I thank you for your questions. You have been very  thoughtful and I hope this has been of assistance to you.

Mary: Well Monjoronson, that is the last of our questions today and I thank  you so much for being with us and coaching us along and appreciate your  presence today, thank you to the TR as well.

Monjoronson: Thank you.  This is Monjoronson, I bid you well this day and  this week and you may look forward to many wonderful developments in your  world in the coming days and weeks.  Good day. [Thank you.]