Tomas Vol IV - Butler, PA - December 10, 1996 thru March 11, 1997 - Part 2 of 13


You may observe that the Butler group is much more informal than the Pittsburgh group.  In Part 1, you observed Hunnah, her mother Iyana, Loreenia and Leah (all familiar from the Pittsburgh group).  Part 2 introduces you to students Liana and Ruth and Ann.  And Teacher Merium is introduced as co-Teacher with Tomas. 


T/R practice sessions are encouraged in all Teacher groups and were standard operating procedure in the Butler group.  There is no special magic about T/Ring.  Like playing the piano, nearly anybody can learn to do it if they apply themselves to developing the skill.  (In Pocatello, a separate weekly Practice Session was held until almost everyone was, at least to some extent, able to transmit/receive.)


This segment weaves its way between solid lessons and practice sessions until Hunnah emerges as a transmitter / receiver. After Hunnah learned to benefit from the lesson on "The Joy of Learning," she blossomed as a natural philosopher.






VOLUME IV, Part 2 of 13

December 10, 1996 - March 11, 1997







December 10, 1996

Denial and E-Motion


December 17, 1996

Practice Session, Extended Stillness


December 26, 1996

Routine vs. Rut


January 14, 1997

Human Dissatisfaction


January 28, 1997

You Are Appreciated


February 6, 1997



February 6, 1997

Perception of His Will


February 11, 1997



February 18, 1997

Time to Change Your Oil


February 26, 1997

Tomas Introduces Teacher Merium


March 4, 1997

Handicap of Literal-Mindedness


March 11, 1997

More About Spiritual Names




[End of Vol. IV, Part 2 of 13]




VOLUME IV, Part 2 of 13




DATE:                        December 10, 1996

LOCATION:              Butler, PA, USA

T/R:                            Gerdean

TEACHERS:              TOMAS



Denial and E-motion


[Extended Stillness]


TOMAS:        Well done.  Good evening, faithful friends.

Hunnah:          Welcome to our home.


TOMAS:        And welcome to you, to this configuration of students of eternal truth. I am Tomas and my heart swells with affection for you who steadfastly return again and again to the table which has been prepared for us by Michael.


In order to study this packaging, I will call to your mind the word emotion. I will remind you of your current computer term "e-mail" and think now of "e-motion" for it is motion emanating out from you that affects the world in which you live. Obviously, every living creature experiences emotion. A full range of emotion is available to every human being, including the animal emotions, and the emotions of the heart, even to those emotions which are shared by the celestial beings.


As you are comforted in the presence of divinity, as you allow yourself to trustingly feel the overcare of the Infinite Parent, and as you allow yourself to bask in the love and security of Michael and his legions of helpers, you have feelings of joy and acceptance, of grace and forgiveness. And in this citadel of the spirit your cup runneth over, your feelings are full and healthy and your emotions are at bay. When you emerge from Stillness, you enter the realm of e-motion. As you continue to carry your feeling of goodwill and well being, you manifest the spirit in harmony with your personality presentation of all being right with the world. You walk in light and life.  And as you walk among your fellows in the arena, you encounter a barrage of stimuli and each of these stimuli impacts on your emotions, on your defenses, and you immediately put yourself in a position of denial. You selectively allow what you will experience.


But comes the time when you find yourself experiencing an emotion, a feeling, in certain parts of you, in your gut perhaps, that are in conflict with the attitude of your mind, with your affinity with spirit. It is at this point -- we'll call it an emotional glitch -- that is the turning point for you in your growth and in how you will manifest the spirit in harmony with your humanness or whether you will allow the humanness to take over and therefore eliminate the influence of your spirit life.


As we broach this topic, it becomes apparent to me what a grand study in human behavior there is in the mortal being, and I am astounded, truly, at the circumstances and conditions in which you function and survive and, to some extent, thrive and grow in the convoluted emotional condition of the civilizations and the mental attitudes and emotional outpourings of the peoples of this planet.


Particularly are you vulnerable, my friends, because of your evolutionary status, as coming out of a semi-savage arena into a more mental and therefore potentially spiritual arena. It is fully appreciated and well understood how it is that you who have grasped the reality of your connection with God, how it is that you hang onto it so tenaciously, for truly you remind me of those who would grasp a life raft in the torrid rapids of an overflowing river.


In the course of time I would like to help you all understand better your emotional reactions to life, for as you understand how you are reacting and what you are reacting to, you will the better be able to harmonize your need for and appreciation of the spirit with your honest humanness. It is human to feel anger, even rage, outrage, angst, sorrow, grief, despair, defeat, and to deny that these feelings and emotions occur is dishonest to your own growth. You deny also the growth of the Supreme in feeling that you must protect others from your "more negative" emotions, the baser nature. It is in accepting these glitches within yourself -- when your mind and your emotions are not in harmony -- that you can uncover in yourself, and to some extent in others, why you are the way you are. And in looking honestly at your emotions, your reactions to life, you can then do something about harmonizing your inner being and becoming a natural professor of honest compassion and joy, peace and harmony, and acceptance and love.  And you will carry your light and life with you all the time. And at that point we will have entered light and life on the whole for Urantia.


Yes, it does reflect upon judgement. Judgement is a form of denial. It is a refusal to accept. When you accept another human being, you do not have to accept their error. You only need to accept that they err.


Perhaps I have saturated my sponges for now. Be pleasant with me now and share with me, that we may evolve our discourse into this precious and humble arena.


Leah:              Well, expanding on the idea that you accept that they err, what is the appropriate response? I mean, I guess you can accept the way you react to them if you forgive yourself.  Sometimes when you feel as if someone was blatantly erring, you feel as if you should say something to them, and I was wondering if you should say something to them … or just let it go … or . . . ? Do you just say, "I respect that you have a right to your opinion?"


TOMAS:        I must know further the depth of your question. I am not given to blanket responses. Are we discussing someone who side swipes your car or are we talking about someone who has used an inflection, a tone of voice which you found offensive? How sensitive are we here?


Leah:              My friend has said that he has visited a teacher who he feels very strongly is teaching error (talking about "bad angels") and he has spoken to me and says he wants to correct this person and I was wondering, what do you do when you encounter someone who you think is teaching error? That's what I had in mind.


TOMAS:        Are you asking on behalf of your friend?

Leah:              No, he has not asked me.  I was just wondering about it.


TOMAS:        Then it is not your concern. It is not your situation. Only as you yourself are personally affected by the situation is the lesson going to be meaningful, for only as you feelingly experience your life is it real for you. Even these hypothetical situations are rhetorical until the actuality occurs.


Leah:              Well, this isn't hypothetical; it's something he expressed to me. I'm only stating that he did not ask me to ask you; he more or less asked me and I was just curious about it. Just let it go.


Hunnah:          I would like to comment on this. We have an expression here in human behavior of "mind your business" or "mind your P's and Q's."  We're sitting here in a learning mode. Would her role of friendship, when this person talked to her about he felt that this teacher was teaching mis-teaching; he wasn't teaching truth. Would Leah's role with him be to say, "Why don't you take that question into meditation and if you are to take that person and challenge them, then you probably will do so without effort."? You are in a role of friendship and listening to your friend. But we do meet people who do not teach truth and we are in the wings of this, so to speak. So she was in the role of confidant, you could say.


TOMAS:        I will step over here, then, and respond to you, Leah, that my understanding of your emotional sense of responsibility in your conversation with your friend, your desire to serve, would be to stand by your brother in his desire to hear and support truth. As his friend, you can support him and remind him, of course, of the practice of Stillness for guidance. However, I feel my entire response here has been one of hearsay, for we are dealing with someone outside of the immediate experiential platform.


Loreenia:        Tomas.

TOMAS:        Yes.


Loreenia:        I have experienced what they are calling a "bad angel" but I would say they are positive and negative and they are playing a role to teach us, but it has been my experience -- it was a learning mode for me, the experience -- and it had to do with swords and (angel's swords) being placed in the body and then taken out. And until a soul experiences that, you think it does not exist, or it's made up, or fiction or they're wrong. There are those that are different on this planet, that are not all the same, so what may be true for one is not true for another. Is that correct? Am I . .. Have I learned that properly? Or can you expound on that and help me learn even more.


TOMAS:        Ultimate truth is unchanging. Your perceptions of truth change as you grow. And so what may be true for one today is not the same truth as for another today. Tomorrow, however, as you change and grow, you may share the same understanding of truth.


Loreenia:        So, in effect, we should try to accept every individual, as they are, in the place where they are, until they have a learning experience?


TOMAS:        You have no choice! For they will be who they will be.


Loreenia:        But you know we humans are always trying to change each other for what we think is the better, whether it's right or not.


Hunnah:          That's true.


TOMAS:        That is entirely my point - that you are so busy denying yourself and your own work by looking upon those outside of you. The point of the lesson and your work is to look at your own response to an emotional reaction to other individuals' presentation of themselves (therefore their truth) and perceive, in peace, your­self in the face of their relative reality.


If you are angry, for example, if you have a response of anger to what someone has said, your practice is to attack the person who has made you angry, rather than look within yourself to find out why your reaction was anger. You see what I'm saying?


Loreenia:        I have found that when one is angry, you must wait until they are in a more peaceful state before you can discuss or share or touch them, until they understand, because it doesn't work when they are blocked with the anger.


TOMAS:        It is true that anger is a spirit poison and it happens to all mortals that they become angry and they shut off the sunlight of the spirit and allow the angry reaction/ response. And it is true, of course, that you cannot share in the more sensitive realms of the mind and spirit when anger is prevalent. I am discussing again, however, not their anger but yours, and why is it that you are angry. What judgement have you made upon that individual that is now causing you to manifest anger into your environment?


Hunnah:          I find it very interesting that the subject of feeling and emotion is even on your docket. We are supposed to be acknowledg­ing our community and allowing ourselves to draw upon its wealth, and in the same breath we are supposed to be showing an interest in people's peculiarities and inherited tendencies and shortcomings and tolerances and all this web of human personality, and I find my own human personality very tiring and testing at times. It's very heavy, and I really get tired of being tolerant, not only of myself but of others. But if I go into the silence and drink heavily of that which I truly am, then I become better company and other people's behavior is not a problem. I'm too busy enjoying my life, and it really does surprise me that you want us to analyze or look at man's -- how much understanding does man have to have!?


TOMAS:        I repeat: I am not particularly impressing you with studying man's understanding outside of yourself. I am, once again, asking you to understand your own emotional factors, your own emotional responses to life.


Hunnah:          What do you do . ..? All right. There has been an emotional -- could we go off the record?


TOMAS:        We will go off the record in a moment. Let me also say that the reason I would bring it up is so that you can learn to walk through your emotions without them becoming overbearing, for everyone has emotions, but many people get lost in them and give off reactions which are negative. I would like for you to know your emotions well enough that you can acknowledge them and go beyond quickly back into light and life, but it is also important that you experience them, that you not live so deeply in the spirit that you neglect the human. It is the balance of the human and the divine that makes for a well-integrated personality, the full, whole human being. I am willing to turn off the tape if you . ..


Hunnah:          I don't think you have to. Every now and then my human tolerance gets saturated and I rebel. I guess it's when you become saturated with other people's personalities, like in an office or in close quarters, that type of thing.


TOMAS:        Yes, and this is because of the lack of understanding between the fine line of familiarity and intimacy.


Hunnah:          I just read a transcript that has to do with prisons, and I have this feeling that -- I've had concern about people in prison for a long, long time, and I haven't had any way that has shown itself that says I'm allowed to go anywhere near prison, and I met a woman today who is considering getting a job as a prison guard, and I heard myself say to her, "Well, you better make sure you . .. Oh, why would you want to do that because look at the vibrations and the energy and, oh!" I was rather negative. And I thought about it and realized that she may represent a door, a direction.


We had talked about the group having some kind of service work, and when we were in Grailville, there was a woman who talked about her prison ministry that she had been allowed to be involved in, and she was a beautiful, beautiful, special person. How did I get going on this?  Does it look like...? Is it a possibility that I might do prison ministry?


TOMAS:        You are asking me to crystal ball gaze for you, darling.

Hunnah:          Ah!  Okay.  True, true.


TOMAS:        There are, however - since you bring up prison ministry - many kinds of prisons, as you read in the transcript, and that which we speak of here today is the prison of emotional reaction that keeps many of you confined from freedom of personality expression with fragrance and a manifestation of godlikeness.


My T/R this evening is well aware of the merit of this lesson and is eagerly looking forward to reading it for direction since she recently had an emotional glitch with her earth mother, a glitch which has been recurring, and she has now realized it is necessary for her to understand that the relationship is not as she had wanted it to be in her spirit. Indeed, her spirit attitude and her human attitude are in direct opposition and this has caused distress and a thwarting of any growth whatsoever.  And these kinds of situations exist in and through humanity, sometimes for the course of a life or even for generations, because they have not been dealt with; they have been denied, and justified in the denial.


Hunnah:          Talking about mother/daughter relationship, we're dealing with levels of consciousness here, and I'd never heard that term before, but when you know you're talking on different levels, it’s easier to deal with it. I thought I'd run into this a lot, and that's the explanation my teacher helped me to see, just as her teacher helped her to see, that we are allowed to communicate on different levels with people, but for some reason or other, people seem to think everybody has to stand as tall as we think we are, and it is very, very frustrating to live with somebody who thinks they have discovered all the gold there is, and on the other hand, to not be talking down to people.


TOMAS:        It returns again to judgement and refusal to accept each other as you are, with your own strengths and failings. It is a way of ostracizing aspects of a personality.


Hunnah:          Would you elaborate on that? "Ostracizing aspects of a personality?" Is that like deliberately closing your eyes and not addressing a portion of yourself? Or your expression?


Loreenia:        May I answer that?


TOMAS:        You may respond for I am not yet transmitting. I am paused. Please proceed. I am interested in your response.


Loreenia:        To ostracize an aspect of a personality is to deny that personality's aspects. Does that sound appropriate?


TOMAS:        It is not to deny the personality, but to deny certain aspects, this is correct, but you still can love the personality.


Loreenia:        Yes.

TOMAS:        It is only certain aspects that are intolerable and/or therefore ostracized.

Leah:              Are we referring to behaviors here?

TOMAS:        Yes.

Hunnah:          "I love you, but I don't like what you're doing?"


TOMAS:        Yes. And, "I know that you don't [like what I'm doing], but I'm going to do it anyway and we are not going to worry about that in our relation­ship. We will love each other here, where we see eye to eye."  It is important that you be able to distinguish the many, many facets of your personality, as well as others', for wholehearted acceptance of each other is impossible unless and as you are exceedingly spiritual and humanly very compatible. For the most part, this is not the human condition.


It is necessary for you, as a child of God, to express the Father's love through you in service. How would you then, for example, serve someone in prison if you could not see him as a human being without seeing the crime that was committed? That would be impossible, for you would be blinded by the prejudice of his act. But to see him as a human being who has despaired, who has erred, and who seeks forgiveness - who perhaps does not seek forgiveness, who is defiant, who is still angry and still in denial - can you love the human being in spite of those things about him or her that you find grossly offensive to your sensibilities? That is how we bridge these communication gaps and learn to love one another.


It is not called upon you to love every flaw about another individual. You simply have to accept that that's the way it is, as they have to accept that about you.


Loreenia:        Isn't it easier to bridge that communication gap if you are experienced in that field of their experience? And to be able to listen, to reach out and touch them?  Because you have to be able to listen in order to tell where they're coming from, as well as have some experience to know if that …


TOMAS:        Are you discussing a prison ministry situation?

Loreenia:        Yes.  That's what you were discussing, basically.


TOMAS:        In the context that Hunnah brought it up, no, but it is about listening and I think that Hunnah's listening skills could be honed. She may learn that art of listening, but at this point it may provide her a better avenue if she were in a position to express herself.


Hunnah:          Right now? Or generally?

TOMAS:        Generally.


Hunnah:          It's interesting you talk about listening, because I was in a situation last year where listening was the subject and it was the subject that was presented as a gift to us light workers, that we would be allowed to be more effective with listening, not only to ourselves and what's going on externally, but in an inner way, and that resonation would assist the person in prison whether they were in a physical prison or an emotional prison in life.


TOMAS:        Yes.


Hunnah:          And that by the establishment of this gift, this would be activated, so I don't have to worry about being deficient in that line, which I am aware of. It will develop in its own time, in all of us.


TOMAS:        Yes.

Hunnah:          So as we travel through our mortal destiny, these things will come about in time.


TOMAS:        They will come about in time. They could come about in another millennia or they could come about in the next three years, depending on whether you continue to remain in denial or whether you learn to accept each other's foibles and strengths and your reaction to them.


Hunnah:          All right. I had a teacher one time who told me that we could have -- we would no longer have likes and dislikes, but we were allowed to have preferences, and therefore because of preferences, I fill my life, generally, with people who are positive and who are going in a direction I'm going in. It's not an act of isolation, but it's a form of insulation for myself as I grow. It's very difficult to grow with strong prevailing winds.


TOMAS:        Yes, you are correct, and I stand beside you also as a soldier and an affiliate in our advance into spirit reality. You know I am a strong advocate of community and peer support in the spirit, and certainly the preference would be to be surrounded by supportive and loving energies and personalities. There is not the occasion, under those conditions, however, to learn as much or serve as much as you might if you stepped outside of your comfort zone of association and tested the cold waters of another pond.


But I do agree with you that supportive associations are vital and strengthening. Like the woman who took Exodus into the prisons. She was not what you would call a natural candidate for that work, but she was willing to serve and it turns out that she is quite excellent in her service ministry, so do not deprive yourself of the opportunity of finding yourself in something that you would not have suspected would be a viable avenue for you for service.


Hunnah:          Interestingly enough, in order to do that service, you have to have your listening skills honed and you have to be very strong because that's the role you play - non-judgmental friend and a listener.


TOMAS:        It is a gift to listen; it is an art to listen. In listening, you can hear between the lines. You can more readily by-pass the initial emotional reaction and get to the true heart of the matter. Listening "with ears to hear" helps you stay in light and life in your path, regardless of your immediate environment at the moment. Listening gives you clues as to what's coming as well as what has just gone beyond. Listening is a perception of reality, not a mere mechanical contrivance for the ear.


There are no negative angels. There are no hurtful creations in Michael's universe. Of his creations in the spirit realms, there are no residue rebels. And now we are steadfastly embarked on clearing up, rehabilitating, reclaiming the residue of the rebellion on Urantia and soon that, even, will be history.


Loreenia:        Several years ago, though, that didn't exist, did it?


TOMAS:        Several years ago it was possible for a mortal to be influenced by a rebel midwayer if they invited such contact. Only by overt invitation could such take place. Not since Pentecost has evil been allowed to influence or indwell the ignorant or the innocent.


Hunnah:          I have a question. May we divert to another subject for a moment?

TOMAS:        Certainly.

Hunnah:          Ruth cannot be here with us this evening, but I have a question from Jude.

TOMAS:        Very well.


Hunnah:          He has asked me to ask you if he will continue his mission and growth in another group.


TOMAS:        Again, I feel I am being asked to haul out the crystal ball, for I am not the one to make that determination. That is your choice, Jude, and it is certainly our sincere and deep hope that you will make that decision, for we regard you as a true fellow, a brother in the spirit, and we would hope that you would prevail with us in the spirit not only for your satisfaction and growth experience but for the value that you bring to others.




TOMAS:        Greetings, once again, my faithful friends.

Hunnah:          You decided to hang around!


TOMAS:        I have not gone away. Your discourse this evening in our interim pause has been regarded as "delicious" by many of us . ..


Loreenia:        Those are our tidbits!


TOMAS:        ... for your sharing has touched upon emotional veins which have been helpful to you in your social graces and your learning to share meaningfully from your more personal aspects. It was developmental, as many of your experiences are, and when the spirit is brought in and given reign in these human realms, wondrous growths can take place, such as occurred this evening in your experiencing your ability to recognize your emotional responses.


There are untold examples of emotional reactions to life which can be discussed and brought to the table for greater understanding in due course.  If you were in wonderment about our subject matter this evening, you surely now can see the merit of the topic, for as Gerdean outlined, your decisions are made in the mind and when the mind's clear thinking abilities are thwarted by your emotional reactions, then your spiritual growth is thwarted and so is the growth of the Supreme. Thus we broach the area of emotion.


You are emotional creatures. The emotions are under the juris­diction of the mind, for it is how you think that will determine how you will respond, and these are only known experientially. During the course of the week you will have many occasions to observe, in clear insight of your own mechanisms, how you allow others to affect you, based upon your emotional condition as a result of how you think.


What complex creatures you are! It is truly a challenge to allow the spirit to dominate such a tapestry as your mortality. But what an interesting challenge, for no one on the evolutionary plane finds greater delight than one's own self. Truly, if you continue to find your reality outside of yourself, you deprive yourself then of the marvelous adventure of discovering who you are and how you live your life. We are interested in you and your life for you are a child of God and a vital instrument in the upstepping of humanity. Be patient with one another in our growing. Be patient with yourself. Be mindful, but be patient.


We are looking forward again to our next meeting when we will be back together after what seems to be a long absence. It was wonderful for us in the Teaching Mission to have the opportunity to conjoin with our friends and neighbors in the more northerly climes recently. The Teaching Mission is expanding. The words of the Master are ringing true in the hearts and lives of many, and we are glad to enfold and embrace all of God's kids.


Are there any final inquiries or comments this evening?


Loreenia:        I would like to know who was transmitting through me while you were on pause. Was it Judith? Or someone else? I believe it was someone else besides Judith. Or do you need a name?


TOMAS:        Firstly, we do not need a name. A name is sometimes a stumbling block to transmitters when they are called upon to identify the inspiration they voiced, and so often teachers will refrain from defining themselves, as was the case for you this evening. Judith is certainly present . ..


Loreenia:        Yes.


TOMAS:        ... and was robust in her support of you, enjoying evidently your expressions of your own personal wisdom due to your own soul growth and insight into your human nature, conditioning and so forth. Personal teachers are like that.


It was unfortunate, Leah, that we did not get to the root of your sorrow during intermission, but we did cover some rather large ground for everyone else, so perhaps you acted as a catalyst for your sisters this evening and perhaps in due course they will be able to accommodate your growth and your understandings also.


I am not certain about the mechanics of our conversation this evening if my response to Jude was entirely included on the first segment of tape recording.


Hunnah:          I think it was. I did want to add one more thing for him. It might be partly me that's interjecting this. He expressed a concern that you might be able to -- he felt isolated from his opportunity to develop his transmitting skills, and after recon­sideration, he called and said he would come up to the meetings once in a while for the benefit of having transmitter/receivers to talk to. Anyway, I told him we were meeting tonight and did he have a question. He was concerned about the "physical isolation."


TOMAS:        I will address my response to Jude, Hunnah.


Yes, my son, I am truly heartened that your desire to maintain your association with your mortal peers and with your supernal teachers remains active and alert in your mind, heart and soul. You have grown, my son, and I would not enjoy seeing you languish in isolation. You are always welcome to conjoin with your peers, as you know.


Your concern regarding your potential as a transmitter is also well taken, for you do indicate electro-chemically and motivationally that you would be able to serve in that capacity. My suggestion to you at this point is to practice the Stillness religiously, that is to say, allow yourself a half an hour of diligent application to the practice of Stillness a minimum of three times a week. During the course of a period of weeks you will begin to perceive the presence of your personal teacher and/or other teachers who may be passing by who see your light on. As you allow your circuit to open, you will be acknowledged and visited.  Do not despair.


I urge you to not languish in isolation, but to visit the Pittsburgh Pumpkins when possible, the Butler group when convenient and certainly the Greenville gathering as often as possible. Your presence there will be a great ministration to that locale also.


Thank you for forwarding a question to me, Jude. I remain your loyal friend and companion, Tomas.  Anything further?


Loreenia:        Jude's presence in the group had something wonderful and it would be nice if he would participate with us -- when you can.


TOMAS:        Indeed.  All members here share those sentiments.  Shall we call it a day, then, boys and girls?


Group:            Yes.

TOMAS:        My love is with you until we speak again.  Farewell.




DATE:                        December 17, 1996

LOCATION:              Butler, PA, USA

T/R’s:                         Gerdean, Leah, Loreenia, Hunnah




Practice Stillness

TOMAS (Gerdean):                Do not speak to me, but let me speak to you. Since the circuitries -- You have all made contact with the circuitry. You have been connected.  Now, feel for the prompt. Learn to recognize, now, the prompt; and when you feel the prompt . .. proceed with your transmission. Take your time. There are many, many loving beings here gently awaiting the appropriate moment, waiting for you to open yourself to their personality presence, waiting for you to open your language center that they may access your words, that they may speak through you and bid you courage and give you joy.

HAM (Gerdean):         I am Ham, by way of the circuitry, in method of greeting you newcomers to this art of communication. You are no stranger to us in the Teaching Mission. We nudge one another in appreciation of your growth and say, "Look there!" and so we are looking there today as we have long past, long since, delighted with your efforts, bolstered by your faith steps, grateful for your motivation.

I understand your hesitancy, but this too shall pass. Inasmuch as there are many here, many personal teachers and many others, in a heightened sense of expectation, I will step aside for now. Dear persons, be joyous, be glad, and be at peace with us. Until we speak again, I am your friend and overseer of the Mission, Ham.

Leah:              ... then I thought I heard my name and I thought I heard the word Nardias.


NARDIAS (Leah):                  This is Nardias. I would like to . .. to assure you … you have the possibility of doing this (indistinguishable).

NARDIAS (Gerdean):            Nardias now through this facilitator. You are correct. You have interpreted my impression well. You have seen me prompt you; you have seen yourself called upon to serve in this capacity; you have heard my impressions in your deep mind and voiced that which you were impressed with. Remove your intellect now from your understanding of the process and allow me to speak directly to the group without your acting as a custodian of my words so that you have the sense of our working together. If you are willing, Leah, I will then return to you and anticipate your responsiveness once again.  (Long pause)

JUDITH (Loreenia):               Tick, tock. Tick, tock. The time has come. Judith, (indistinguishable) Strong feelings of body. Feelings of pleasure and pain. (Indistinguishable) That is all.


TRIESTE (Gerdean): Good evening. I am Trieste, the personal teacher of Gerdean. I am one of her personal teachers; do not let me overlook my affiliate, Adrian, who takes a back seat to me this moment as I bring myself forth to greet you this evening, to humor myself somewhat with this mortal picturization of individuals sitting in the dark talking to spirits. One would wonder about us, wouldn't they? But it is so healthy to engage in an attempt to communicate with spirit reality.  [Several moments "off the record" during the arrival and departure of Abram.]

I was observing the humorousness of you ladies sitting around in the dark making contact with the spirit world, and how in "the good old days" you would have been flogged or burned at the stake for such folderol, but in today's more modern milieu, you are quite fashionable. It is not our purpose, however, to bring fashion to your lives but Reality, and truth, beauty and goodness. I only came in to say hello. I have no pronouncements and nothing profound.

Hunnah:          May I ask a question?

TRIESTE:      Yes, daughter.  Of course!

Hunnah:         What's the difference between having a conversation with somebody and hearing yourself, say, participate in the conversation that continues in the creation of your mind and being able to . .. because I have that feeling that "when two or three are gathered, I am there."  We are connected.  And the conversation is on a higher level for the soul description. What is the difference between transmitting information (indistinguishable)? Was that clear?

TRIESTE:      No, your question was fairly convoluted [Group laughter] but I am learning to read between the lines.

Hunnah:         Sometimes I hear myself speak when I'm talking to some . .. and I catch a satisfaction in the words because there might be something I wanted to know, and I hear myself saying the answer.

TRIESTE:      As you speak with your own wisdom, you then are speaking words with the Spirit of Truth operating to manifest your words to others, and you hear this.  You hear this reflection of the Spirit of Truth in your own understanding of truth, as if truth has connected with another mortal. And this, of course, is one of the purposes of your understanding of your own innate potential divinity. You speak your truths and as they resonate, the Spirit of Truth then picks that up in the other individual and you feel the spiritual repercussions.

Hunnah:         Then . ...

TRIESTE:      This is a mortal teacher, if you will.

Hunnah:         The Spirit of Truth is a mortal teacher?

TRIESTE:      No, this is when YOU are functioning as a mortal teacher.

Hunnah:         All right.  So then what's the difference between allowing the . .. finding out that the Spirit of Truth will use you, versus bringing in one of the teachers from the order of spirit?


TRIESTE:      There are a number of differences, and I will preface my remarks by saying, as I have said many times, that none of these processes are necessary or required, but they are helpful to you as yet another frame of reference. Let me also add to that that the sensitivity to spiritual circuitry and the personalities of entities that would address you, or a group through you, is a valuable sensitivity to develop. Also, as was said recently, to hear your words reflected back to you, that you may then hear them with the Spirit of Truth, reaffirms and recon­firms your own understandings. As you become bored with your reality, then you can hear your mind striving for higher reality. Did my convoluted response strike any chords with you?

Hunnah:          I think I'll let them rest in me. But what I got that you said was to go ahead and do it, that it would help my development.

TRIESTE:      I am glad you heard it that way. Life can be delightfully simple if we know what we want.

Hunnah:          I'm not convinced that I want this, but for the sake of cooperation I want to participate.

TRIESTE:      Perhaps this is part of your difficulty. If you are doing it as a duty or something that you feel is required or necessary or socially called for, you will not feel the doors open. It is a conscious decision that you must make. You must say that you are willing to be a vehicle for this process. It is a verbal, overt commitment to avail yourself.

Hunnah:         I would be disrupting if I got into my humanness, but if I did do it, I would do it to be co-operative . .. as a co-operative action for my friend, Jasmine.

TRIESTE:      This is very gracious and kind of you, and it is also friendly. It depicts tremendous self-pride and self-defense as well, and these are matters that you and Jasmine can work on together.

Hunnah:          (Indistinguishable)

TRIESTE:      I am glad I did not offend you.

Hunnah:          Not at all.

TRIESTE:      Let me withdraw my presence here, as there are a number of other beings in attendance and they would like to strike a harmon­ious chord in your presence, if possible. I reluctantly leave you. Farewell. (long pause)

TOMAS:        I am Tomas, back for another pep talk, for I feel you all flounder in self-consciousness and disarray of the spirit. You are self-conscious to a fault. It serves not to balk, but rather, allow yourself to make mistakes and learn the process. Leah and Loreenia have both stepped out from their shell and have something now to reflect on in terms of transmitting, as well as what they may learn from what was said in the transmission.


Loreenia:        Tomas, who was it who (indistinguishable)?

TOMAS:        I have to tell you that if they are accessing your mind, I did not hear them. I know that there are many who are, as they say, hovering about and awaiting an opening and many of them, I daresay, have felt an opening and the willingness in the mind, but you have not carried your willingness so far as to speak forth their words. Part of the problem is that you are such finite thinkers.

Hunnah:          I thought you said there was a cue.

TOMAS:        There are cues. It may be comforting and convenient for you to develop a communication cue between you and your teacher, but when you have visitors from the opposite side of the universe to address you, they may not know such intimate nuances, and we would have you contact and be open to whatever entity would like to use your language center. The more open you are to these energies and messages, the greater your capacity of service.

Loreenia:        (Indistinguishable)

TOMAS:        I have admired your attempts and I would urge you to work with your stalwart teacher Judith who has already indicated this evening, through you, some of her joy and some of her difficulties. Review these words when you hear your transmission and learn from the impressions she was given the opportunity to put forth.

Loreenia:       We were being children together.  Teenagers.

TOMAS:        It is a good place to start. You certainly do want to be a child together. If your more difficult growing took place in your teen years, it is not unusual for a teacher/charge to go directly to the sore spot, but do not overlook your growth crisis as a wee child and as a grown-up, for twists of thinking can occur at any juncture and they are embedded in you, and your teacher is waiting patiently for you to bring them to her in order that that twist can be corrected. She waits, she tends, and she honors you in love, patience and the joy of a girlfriend, yes.

Good work. Keep up the good work. Take your time and learn the process. Learn how to be developed by your student teacher guides. This process is also good for them.

Loreenia:       When we're so together, are we, in effect, actually one?

TOMAS:        No.

Loreenia:       No?

TOMAS:        No.

Loreenia:       It seems like it is.

TOMAS:        That is because you are working in harmony.

Loreenia:       Oh.  As one.


TOMAS:        Yes.  Intimately.  Intimately through the Eternal Parents. And so barriers can be dissolved for awhile as you embrace in the spirit.


Loreenia:        This happens several times a day! (Indistinguishable) Was that Judith I saw? As if through veils, she came to me because I (indistinguishable)

TOMAS (Gerdean):       I would suggest that you allow for your own interpretation of these visitations rather than ask for my confirmation, for I do not necessarily know these things. I have my work to do and they are not involved in particular with interpreting your perceptions of what you see and what you perceive, what entity has made contact with you or manifested to you. These are part of your packaging; therefore, I would applaud your companionship and embrace her in good cheer.

I am bowing out. There are others who would enjoy an opportunity. Jasmine is one; Wanda is another; Jay-Orjh is here, as is Judith. These may be a more congenial being for you to make contact with. Also, I am at large if any of you would like to transmit me. I am available and will await your availability also.

JASMINE (Hunnah):              (Indistinguishable)

JASMINE (Leah):                  This is Jasmine (indistinguishable)

JASMINE (Hunnah): (Indistinguishable)

TOMAS (Gerdean):                Voice those preparations.

JASMINE (Hunnah): (Indistinguishable)

TRIESTE (Gerdean): Teacher, we would ask for your encouragement, as we encourage you.


JASMINE (Hunnah):              We have expectations here.


TRIESTE (Gerdean):  We are happy to hear your voice through your charge and have sympathy and compassion for the mortal Hunnah who fears the process and yet is like a child, eager to know and experience this wondrous new adventure.  It is so wonderful to hear your voice, Jasmine.  You are a radiant sister, patient and kind. I encourage you to bear with your mortal for she only needs encouragement, as do we, in order to begin to stand unafraid in the light.

EMMANUEL (Loreenia):      Greetings. I am the brother. I come with blessings (inaudible) to all here. We are in the process of conveying truth in (inaudible). Glory to God in the highest. Sing praises to the King, the Most High, for he is with you. I -- (inaudible).

MURIEL (Gerdean):              Muriel is my name, for these purposes. I am a teacher in the Teaching Corps, in the Teaching Mission of Christ Michael on Urantia. My friends, I have been in attendance this evening observing the struggle and I am in full appreciation and understanding of your dilemmas for I am fairly new to this process as well and I have been assigned a Teacher Base, a potential teaching post in Hamilton, Canada — Ontario. And I have yet to practice my skill/craft/art/technique/mind access capabilities with many mortals.


I have made some contact and I am beginning to become familiar with this technique, but I am always eager for practice, and so I appreciate Gerdean availing herself for me this evening, and for you who hear my words for an opportunity then to see and sense how it is that what I am conveying impacts upon your soul, your mind and your heart. It is an intricate interaction.

Yes, we are close neighbors and I know you well, as I know all my neighbors. I am becoming familiar with your midwayers in this area and your personal teachers, for we like to keep in touch. But I now am eagerly looking forward to the time when I can develop my relationship with a fellow in truth in this prospective new teacher base.

It is a thrill for the teachers to be a part of this Mission and we are ever grateful to those of you who enable the Teachers to come forth and teach, that you too will learn the art of teaching. My affection is with you and my spirit arms embrace you. I will speak with you again often and soon. I am Muriel. Good evening.


Leah:              (Indistinguishable request for Tomas to facilitate Jasmine)

TOMAS:        Hello, Hunnah, my friend.

Hunnah:          My tolerant friend.

TOMAS:        I am not going to transmit your teacher just yet. I want to chat with you regarding your development and regarding your fears in this process, for I have heard you effectively allow for Jasmine's essence and message. It was wonderful, gracious, spring-like to witness her elation at the experience herself, and I overheard you say that you felt there were some expectations placed upon you and I want to commiserate with you that Gerdean often feels the same way, and so it is understood that until this process is well practiced, it is a sensitive engagement, one which is fear-inducing, and I say that in respect for your not wishing to be foolish or be in error.

I will say to you that as you sit poised, encircuited, in contact with the teacher and physically fit and ready to go, you are at the jumping-off point of making the leap of faith. I see you reach that point on the precipice and rather than make the jump, the leap of faith which allows your teacher complete reign, you rather grab a vine and jump from one landmark over the chasm to the next landmark without allowing her, her own freedom to function. This is part of the trepidation of the process, and so figure that what you are going through is normal. As I have said many times, one does not normally just pick up the baton and relay messages from the spirit realm without some practice, without some understanding of what goes on and how you participate in it.

Hunnah:          May I comment?

TOMAS:        Yes.


Hunnah:          I don't feel fear.  I simply don't know how to let it come through.  And I don't . .. She's so lovely, it would be wrong to deny her of being shown to the group. It's more an awareness of the tape running, I think, that I probably intercede because it seems like a long time.  [Whereupon TOMAS stopped the tape.]


JASMINE:                 (Untaped -- unfortunately! A great lesson on the value of a genuine grin) [Tape turned back on]

ABRAHAM (Gerdean):          I am Abraham and I am marching in to say, "What are we sitting around smiling for? Let us forge ahead!" but I also am grinning. I am delighted with your session here today and with your work at hand and with the opportunity to witness the radiant Jasmine in her public debut. How enchanting, is it not? I thought I would stop by while you were all so content and remind you of our radiant duty, which is truly much as Jasmine has indicated, and that is to let your lips do the job and go out there and smile and radiate the joy which is your divine inheritance, also to speak those truths which will lead hungry souls into fruition. Good work, troops. Shalom.

MICHAEL (Loreenia):           Blessed daughters of the universe. I am amongst thee. (Inaudible -- unfortunately!)

Group:            Thank you, Michael.


JOHN THE BAPTIST (Loreenia):                 John here. The Baptist. What have you to say about that?


Gerdean:        I am glad to see you have your head on straight, John. [Group laughter]

Ruth:  It's better than on a platter, isn't it?  [More laughter]


JOHN THE BAPTIST (Loreenia):                 It's been touched by the ax. (Noises of stretching) Feels good. What have you to say for yourselves, my chickens? Well, speak up!

Gerdean:        I'm rather astounded, actually! I've never seen a teacher make themselves quite so comfortable [group laughter] in the mortal form!

JOHN THE BAPTIST:         Oh, I enjoy the body.

Gerdean:        I see!  Well!

Ruth:              It may come from losing one's head!  [Group laughter]

JOHN THE BAPTIST:         Oh, this is such fun.

Gerdean:        Well, it's great to have you here with us.

JOHN THE BAPTIST:         Thank you!

Gerdean:        How's the rest of the counsel doing?

JOHN THE BAPTIST:         H-m-m-m-m.  I haven't touched base there lately.


Gerdean:        I see. You've been down here watching the Mission? Or meandering around the universe? Or what? Or is it none of my business?

JOHN THE BAPTIST:        I just popped  in.

Gerdean:                                I'm glad you did.

JOHN THE BAPTIST:         I wish you could have seen me in some of the other transmitters.


Gerdean:        How so?

JOHN THE BAPTIST:         Oh, I'm a wild man!  [Group laughter]

Gerdean:        I know! I know! You have that reputation. We are somewhat timid souls. It's a little overwhelming at times.


JOHN THE BAPTIST:         Oh, let loose.

Gerdean:        Yeah, let loose and bust it.  [Group relapses into the giggles]

JOHN THE BAPTIST:         I enjoy your laughter.

Gerdean:        So do we! [Group hysterics] I think Jasmine started something here. [More giggles]

JOHN THE BAPTIST:         But we have such fun together. I'm going to step out for a bit, but I'll come back and see you.

Gerdean:        Bye, John.

Ruth:  Bye, John.

Hunnah:          We'll be having Santa Claus next.  [Group laughter]

Gerdean:        I thought he was here earlier!  [Total mayhem]

Loreenia:       He moves fast! He's got my shirt all stretched out. [Group laughter, again!]

TOMAS:        Well, my little chuckle-berries, perhaps it is time for us to call it a day and bring the curtain down while the audience is in such good humor. [More giggling]

Hunnah:          How about the observers?  [More laughter]

TOMAS:        We have all the equivalents thereof and this has been quite the show. [Laughter] I am overall very pleased, however, for hear your very own mirth! And this in itself was worth all the effort. But there is more to the process, and you will reflect as time goes by on your potential and the potential of what you can convey for those who wish to serve.  And so take, indeed, your smiles into your arena and spread good cheer. Over and out.




DATE:                        December 26, 1996

LOCATION:              Butler, PA, USA

T/R:                            Gerdean

TEACHERS:              TOMAS and GRETA



Routine vs. Rut


Fishers of Men, Dangle Your Bait

Complacency versus Contentment

Counsel for Teaching and Preaching

Discussion on Health and Medicine

TOMAS:        Greetings, faithful friends.  This is Tomas.

Group:            Greetings, Tomas.

TOMAS:        I am glad to be with you again and glad to have the diversions of one holiday at bay. You have no idea how they alter the energy circuits, the patterns of Urantia. It is fortunate that they are anticipated to some extent -- these mass configurations which are largely emotional. It is always a holiday for the mortal and therefore to us to some extent but it is the preferred method to consistently plod forward, and so we are back to resume our forward trek. I can see that my transmitter is somewhat clogged this evening and, as usual, this will pass as the oil is applied to the mechanism.

I have a choice of two topics I have in mind to call to your attention and so I believe what I will do is speak a few words on one of them and then invite another to come and speak on this other topic which provokes interest, but we will leave time for our customary sharing and camaraderie, for these will be short lessons, perhaps to lubricate the gears of Gerdean.

I will begin and follow up on my earlier remarks about pace and pattern, and bring to your attention the facet of life that we know of as ROUTINE, for in the routine there is security, there is efficiency, there is constructive accomplishment. A routine of life gives structure to life, and as time-space creatures, you do well to make quality use of your time and space. It enables you to develop disciplines and appreciation for accomplishments over a long period of time.

Through the value found in a good routine, you can put yourself on automatic pilot for many of the mundane affairs in life, allowing your mind freedom to wander into more fertile realms. In confusion or in times of stress, a routine can be a comfort and a consolation.  As you who take leave from your routine to celebrate holidays or take vacation understand, it is sometimes satisfying to return to the calm routine of the work force following a tumultuous yet enjoyable hiatus into revelry and song and breaking of routine behaviors. And so routine can be a friend, a constructive ally in life's unfolding.

I am reminded of Daniel's words on this topic some time ago and so I will add, for your benefit, his addition, that being the anti­thesis of routine and that also being what you would call a RUT, for a rut now is a routine that has been followed for so long, it is so deeply ingrained, you have lost your power of choice in how to remove yourself once the rut has you in its grasp.


And I will draw the picture of tires which have tread the same road for a long time and over the years the weather has played havoc on the road and the tires seem to know where to go in order to prevail -- perhaps even in ice, where you have some traction because of the security of traveling within the rut, but if you were to turn left or right too swiftly, you would lose control. And so remember that a rut can be dangerous, and a rut is formed when a routine pattern has been followed for so long and so methodically that you are not even aware that you are in the rut and that you have lost the power of choice.

And so as you return to your arenas following this festive season, this holiday break from routine pattern, look to see if you embrace your routine with appreciation for its value or if you stand in fear of your tires falling into that same old rut.

It is with pleasure now that I invite a visiting Teacher to speak to you regarding a facet of creation which lends fragrance to routine and will save you from the ruts of life. One moment, please.

GRETA:         Greetings. How wonderful to be invited to share Tomas' platform of teaching. It is a rare opportunity, a unique privilege. I am Greta. I am a teacher of the same status as Tomas but without some of his experiential -- long-range, long-term experience of teaching in this manner. I have, however, experienced this process. It is always an adventure, and I would like to address you briefly this evening regarding ADVENTURE.

I, as well as others who observe your gatherings, listened to your soul responses to what was read earlier from an anonymous author having to do with the qualities of youth, and we perceive that each of you would benefit from a conscious reflection on life as an adventure. You hear the word "experiential" often. You respond to the prompts of your teachers conscientiously and to the assignments with due consideration, dutifully and dearly, but as with youth, you would do well to approach your assignments, your routines and your experiences adventurously, as an adventure, filled with wondrous things to learn and discover.

It is easy for you to envision children having an adventure. Perhaps they are at play in the woods. As children, you all played in the woods and had adventures. You foraged under rocks, you knocked over toadstools, you peeked into hollow logs, you dared to climb that tree, you gathered berries, nuts and wildflowers, consumed them, gave them as gifts, placed them as offerings for the nature spirits who were your friends. And you, as adventurous children, found delight around every corner with each new day. You awoke with an eager anticipation of the adventure before you.


But your lives, my friends, have taken on the rut of adulthood, of fear, of conservancy, of maturity and dignity, of responsibility, of your faith path. And so many times your soul you perceive in a burdensome way rather than the adventure of the ages. And so, along with Tomas, I will ask you to look at your life as you pick up your baton and as you observe your routine. Has life itself become so much of a routine that you neglect to expect the adventure, the opportunity that the light of discovery, the newness, the excitement which the Father provides in your adventure of living?

As you recognize your own childlike qualities, as you remember that you are a child of faith, looking toward the great unknown, the magnificent engagement, consider its adventurous aspects and face it gladly. Those tired concerns of the world are shackles. Shuck them. Learn to live lightly, in faith, in joy, in the security of the adventure of finding God and becoming like Him.

Dear ones, thank you for this occasion to formulate and present a small lesson for your enjoyment and edification. It has been my pleasure. I will relinquish the floor to our host, Teacher Tomas. Good evening.

TOMAS:        I thought you might enjoy the companionship of a feminine Teacher to help liven up the rut of Teacher Tomas. [Group giggle] How are you, dear friends?

Iyana:             Tomas, this is Iyana. I feel that we already have our ruts made now since we've been into the spiritual teachings here, that we are practicing our lessons so that our program for the day, so to speak, starts out with a meditation and we get our surprises as certain things happen in the meditation, and we go on to the day. We sing. We think about the path that we're on. We look out the window and see nature and we rejoice. And this goes on through the day and I think this is an adventure in itself and that the rut is good! If we want to deviate, get off it once in awhile and so we do in opening ourselves up to other people and other directions. But I do believe that since we've been in this Teaching Mission, many, many of us have changed our programs and that we are doing what we're taught, and as we do it we become more and more as we are growing in the spiritual way. I'm speaking for myself anyway and to my friends here.


TOMAS:        Yes, Iyana, I take it that you are speaking from your own perspective, for what other perspective can there be? And it speaks true to those who truly do walk in faith and grace and find life's surprises and opportunities and adventures a steady source of joy, a reality in the face of illusion. All of my students, however, are not as fresh as you, and sometimes my remarks extend even beyond the immediate configuration to those who, perhaps, languish in isolation and in their isolation and in their eagerness to grasp hold of "the hem of his garment," hold so tenaciously they forget the joy of living, the thrill of discovery, the adventure before them.

Iyana:             Where do we go to meet these people? When are they coming to us so that we can explain these things to them? Why don't they ask us questions? When I talk to people, no one will ask me a question. I want them to ask me questions so that I can tell a few little things to them, not to overwhelm them. I know that I was told "they will come, they will come" but how long will I be here for them to come? [Group chuckle]

TOMAS:        Yes, I hear you in your frustration and your desire to serve, but as you understand, all things must wait upon time, and although patience is called for, it is difficult to wait for the opportunity, and so it behooves you to whet their appetites.  And therein is an adventure in itself, a creative adventure, for there are as many ways to whet the appetite as you have imagination to do and this, too, is part of the adventure, for you may entice them with honey or with lemon, and everyone has a varied taste.

Not everyone responds to the same lure. It would not do you well to pre-suppose that because you enjoy lemon meringue pie, everyone else salivates for lemon meringue pie, and so as you plant your seeds and whet the appetite, allow for those who would prefer mincemeat or peanut butter, and that is to say, lighten up and have an adventure. Spread whatever creative seeds you can willy-nilly and that will one day be watered and fertilized by yet another worker in the field.

As you devote focused energy on one who presents himself or herself to you, you can learn to teach and preach, but do not overwhelm him or her with your wisdom all at once. Yes, you have tremendous resources to offer but remember the analogy that those who have been in the darkness cannot endure the light of a 100-watt bulb; they can perhaps only withstand the soft candle-glow until they themselves become strengthened. As you set out to become fishers of men, dangle your bait where the fish are. Let them nibble a bit before you yank them to you.

Iyana:             Thank you. In other words you don't come on strong, you play it by ear.


TOMAS:        Have patience. Spiritual growth is best done "slow but sure." There are certain inherent dangers in over-rapid growth, and although you would enjoy peers of spiritual maturity and long­standing, as you desire to be a worker, you need to work effectively. Think in terms of what they need and not what you need. They may not need too much, but as that is digested and sits well with them, they will return for another bite. Work with them. Observe them grow. Pat them on the back for their efforts. And eventually you can perhaps challenge them with a fresh concept.

Iyana:             It seems that a lot of people that I've met are very comfortable with where they are so there's nothing more you can do for them because they seem to be satisfied.

TOMAS:        They have become complacent. It does not behoove you who are alive in the spirit to allow complacency to overtake you, for as you become complacent, you cease to care. And it is imperative that we care what happens to each other, to Urantia, for caring is an aspect of love and God is love. If we cease to care, we have said, "I don't care for that much love, thank you." That attitude is a branch to be hewn down and cast into the fire. Those who are complacent can be startled or stimulated, but turn your attention more to those who are young and unburdened by the fears and ruts of the continuum. Young chronologically or young in spirit, but those who are willing.

Many times people are not willing to grow in the spirit unless and until they have been beaten, they have been disappointed, they have known despair. At this time their spirit will reach for the Father, for they have allowed their ego to step aside sufficiently that their soul yearns to spring forth in rebirth of understanding. At that time seeds that have been planted spring to the surface, feed the growth, stimulate.

Hunnah:         Tomas, would you expound on the words contentment and complacency?

TOMAS:        Well, I appreciate your question and I will attempt to discuss it intelligently and sensitively. Contentment is a certain satisfaction within the self, within the soul, that is garnered by appreciation for life's gifts/ bounties. Contentment is like the cat's purr. Complacency, however, is like the cat that is asleep in front of the fireplace, who opens an eye, observes a mouse walk past and goes back to sleep.

Group:            [Chuckling] Off duty.  Not interested.


TOMAS:        When you are complacent, you are content to a fault. Contentment is an honorable station brought about from the adventure of living, the appreciation of a good routine, a day's work done well, and certainly something that sweetens your mortal existence. Contentment is an inner understanding that the Father oversees, Michael embraces, the helpers are on duty and so forth. Complacency, however, borders on self-serving, for it is more akin to smug, and even superior, such as, is lacking in compassion or concern for others. Complacency is carelessness, over-confidence that borders on not adventure but risk. Guard against complacency for it is the favored prayer that "It is my will that your will be done" as it keeps you involved in the process. If you say, "Thy will be done, God. I'm going to curl up in front of the fireplace, knowing that you have it all under control," then you have become complacent toward God and toward your brothers and sisters. Have I helped to distinguish the difference between contentment and complacency?

Hunnah:          I think so.

TOMAS:        Now we come to side two of the album and that is if you are to guard against being complacent, and you must act in someone's best interests, you then become involved in other people's business; whereas if you are content, you can sit by the fire and observe that all is well while it is well and it is not necessary to chase every mouse or swat every ball. (I'm afraid I have gotten tangled up in a ball of yarn myself!) [Group giggle]

Hunnah:          You are also saying that when we deal with what comes to us, and we have been awake, our appropriate response should come about. We're not in that mode of correcting, but being supportive and . .. compassionate, I guess.


TOMAS:        Yes, the contented cat draws people to it by its contentment.

Iyana:             Would that mean serenity?

TOMAS:        Yes. Peace. Enduring peace, that fruit of the spirit that allows their approach.

For if people perceive that when they approach you, you are going to pounce on them or interfere in some way with their comings and goings, they will not approach. And so you may be ready, willing, eager and able to serve or teach or preach, but if some aspect of your personality provides a barrier to their approach, your work is fruitless, your desires are unmet.

It is well to want to serve, but look to your motives. Are you trying to over-compensate for your complacency of spirit by over-involving yourself in their motives and their affairs?


Hunnah:         Well, I feel that when we get to someplace and we slack off our inner vigil, which happens without our really realizing it, we kind of get stuck and it awakens us. These are terms that we are using that are very -- I was going to say if you were in a state of analysis, an analysis being an indication that you've got to get back to being centered and re-focused. I didn't mean to lead you astray. It's hard to stay real close sometimes with all the rumble and distraction going on around you.


TOMAS:        Actually I was largely distracted by the cat that is my own creation!

Hunnah:          The metaphor.

TOMAS:        The metaphor.

I will tell you, however, that inasmuch as this has been a very fruitful (shall we say "fruitcake?") lesson this evening with my "routine versus rut" and Greta's lovely visit and discussion of "adventure," now our talk of "complacency and contentment," leads me and us to believe that this is a plate of high-calorie, high-cholesterol consumption and that any more would bring spiritual indigestion, so I am going to close our session for the evening.

Do not feel, however, that you need to quit your discourse for there are some things here that bear understanding and further chewing. I would like, however, to allow you that opportunity without my talking much more about the subject. [Objections from the students] I will tell you what.  I will stay in the wings. I will announce



Hunnah:          Good.  I didn't want you to go.

Ruth:  Yeah, because I want to talk to you.

TOMAS:        I will return. Let Gerdean also involve herself.  And so temporarily "farewell."


[Lengthy Off-the-record discourse on physical health matters]


TOMAS:        We have come to enjoy these "intermissions."

Group:            Eavesdropping!  Did you get an ear-full, Tomas?

TOMAS:        The truth is that we observe you, by and large, individually, in your more superficial and routine environments but seldom do we get to observe you interface as intimately and vehemently as you do during these peculiar intermission sessions, and so we are learning a great deal about you in the process. Whether or not you are learning anything about yourself remains a mystery, but we find it interesting. And so, welcome back, and I embrace you, Ruth. I understand you had something you wanted to bring to my attention.

Ruth:              Yes, I wanted to talk to you. Okay. Number one. (There are a couple things) First off, you told my niece -- not to worry. You were right, of course. She has found a young man who is more or less kind of helping to straighten her out, which we are very grateful for. I hope he continues to be a positive influence. [Referring to counsel Tomas gave in an earlier session.]  Number two. I don't know if I draw these people to me or if I just accidentally am in the right place at the wrong time and they appear, but I ran into a gentleman at the Laundromat (of course), who proceeded to instruct me in the fact that the Klan was very good, and that we should continue to rid the world of all the inferior races, and that Hitler was a wonderful person, and I was tired and cranky and my blood was at a boil, but I thought to myself, "Well, you're going to have an awful lot of chances to live this all over again!" and --  Tomas, is there a reason why these people keep finding me? Or was I just at the right place at the wrong time?

TOMAS:        It is purely conjecture, my dear, but I will interpret even so, as it relates to our discourse in general this evening, and it goes back to Iyana's lament about teaching and preaching, and how it is that so many people don't want to know, while she is so eager to share.  And we discussed planting seeds and stirring them up, whetting their appetite.

Now, what we have in your case is someone who is brazen in planting his seeds. He is stalwart in promoting his beliefs. And you, by comparison, are cowed and bowled over by the audacity of this man's philosophies and his vigor in promoting them. It therefore may be that you encounter such so that you can perceive that your enthusiasm and your zeal in promoting your belief systems have a vast range of potential in order to meet the test of the challenge presented.

Remember in the Urantia Book where it discusses "Why do the Heathen Rage?" They rage because (paraphrased) their goals are easily seen. They know precisely what they're after, while we/you are altogether too vacillating in your approach to promoting the Kingdom. The advisement in that Paper is for you to take the Kingdom by spiritual assault and the young man in the Laundromat was rather taking you by assault with his ideas. It may be your demure bearing, but if you had stood on the dryer and told him about Machiventa Melchizedek [Group laughter], chances are he would have bowed to your fury.

Ruth:              Well, I did fury back at him.  And he went off in the other way.

TOMAS:        I can understand your sincere desire to squelch such a philosophy as racism and racial superiority, which precludes an appreciation of the spirit which is the resolution of these difficulties, but the man was blinded by his own ignorance.

Ruth:              Yeah, I told him that, too.

TOMAS:        I am glad that you had opportunity to respond and that, once again, you were well tendered by your Guardian Seraphim and kept from harm.

I would also like to commend the situation regarding your beloved niece. I am, of course, glad of her development. I am not at all surprised . ..[Tape ended -- gap in transcript while another tape was found and installed.]

Ruth:               Also, Tomas, I had a situation that came up, rather long.  My brother-in-law's brother, he's very fundamentalist. I gave him a massage and we were talking. He wants to go into my type of work and he proceeded to question me on spirituality and how could I do this. And the spiritual level.  How was it affected by the different modalities? And without trying to be too evasive, I tried to give him an answer that he could accept. And I reasoned there is a reason for all things that happen, but sometimes I need a lot more help with my words.

TOMAS:        Your words are fine. It is your delivery of them, your perceptions of them that might need some boning up. Your instincts in this instance, up against a "fundamentalist Christian," are to not alienate him through dogma but to encourage him through your understanding of the spirit, which may or may not be his understanding of the spirit. In which case, referencing the energy, the physics of the human being, the life force within the spinal column, and so forth, the more mechanistic facets of therapeutic touch, healing, Reiki …

Ruth:              Oh, I didn't get into Reiki. I didn't think he could handle Reiki. I just -- I just told him about therapeutic touch.

TOMAS:        I wouldn't worry, then, for you have kept it rather within the realms of physicality and the material body and this is not alarming as it might be if he realized that you were manipulating spirit energy. He may find cause for alarm in defense of the Holy Spirit. You are fine.

Your natural desire to serve is coupled with a healthy censoring of your delivery; it enables, then, for your words to be guided by the spirit and you come closer then to true transmission by that method of communication -- literally working in the fields -- than perhaps even I do in this manner of transmitting through Gerdean.


Ruth:  Thank you.

TOMAS:        And thank you!

Hunnah:         Since you were listening to our chitchat and I got rid of some things that were bugging me, I would like to have you comment about manifesting and maintaining health. See I didn't plan to word it that way, but that's the way it came out.

TOMAS:        Manifesting and maintaining health…


Hunnah:          -- because there are things that will go on in an individuals life before they live in the light, and that can be something we have to climb around, or it dissolves, and I'd like to know if you want to comment.

TOMAS:        Gingerly. I want to say that I overheard your expository, understanding that you have voiced these things, but I am not sure that you have gotten to the bottom of them.

In order to manifest good health, you must have good health. Once you have good health, then you can manifest it and maintain it. And, therefore, as you ascend and become more aligned with spirit, and find that your systems are operating in a unified fashion, with spirit dominance, you will be less and less vulnerable to the ills inherent in the human condition; but as you aspire to attain that point of manifesting and maintaining health, you are prone to encounter those normal situations where your health stumbles, either through genetic defects, social stressors, psychic disturbances, emotional glitches, or any of many other considerable factors.

You cannot begrudge the human being falling ill. It does what it does because that's what it has to work with. As you help it work more efficiently, it then can help you to manifest and maintain good health. Thus, you must pay attention to your many levels, including your fundamental physical level. Many of your physical facets are beyond your scope of understanding; many diseases that are seemingly inherent are prone to attack from the rear. As you are aware of your body, as you are aware of unnatural indicators in your body, you can readily investigate the nature of this irregularity and correct it, determining also why it was that it manifested, and did you contribute to the manifestation of disease by your emotional, mental or spiritual attitudes and correct those also?

But do not be hard on yourself when you fall ill or when you fall prey to disease. The human race is young and has been sorely bungled. There are great strides being made in your medical community to overcome some of the defects of the physical condition resultant from not only the Adamic Default but many other difficulties inherent in a life on Urantia, due to working environments and conditions, weather, nutrition, and so forth. These are part of Correcting Time, that they be brought into the light and, as you would say, Hunnah, "evaporated," but even in the process of being brought into the light that they may be evaporated, they must be dealt with.

Nutrition must become a part of every child on the planet, every human child. Water, air, these are your birthright, pure and simple. Working conditions have been slow to evolve and, although you may be aware of great strides that have been made, there are still great giant steps that need to be made in terms of learning, if you will, how to even develop some of those fundamental routines of building a life, building a community, building a civilization. In due course the circumstances will provide higher, better conditions for the human animal to work and play in, less emotional stress, less psychic stress, less fear, and these too will contribute to a better health, and so we work to that end.

Your altruism is noted and truly respected, for you have been told that if you have faith you can move mountains, and these many miracles of healing the woes of the mortal condition can be accomplished in a transcendence of time -- which is truly a miracle -- and so you have reason to expect that these ills may be dissolved in the light. But it takes time for cause and effect to work itself out.

So while you are being a forerunner of a new way, while you teach and preach that as a child of God and in divinity you are perfect here and in the flesh, in your human environment, there are many, many who plod on in the quagmire of despair, who have a long way to go physically, medically, emotionally, socially, psychologically, ecologically, educationally, politically and so forth, in order to embrace the concept that you hold dear today.

As the medical profession invests in developing cures for many diseases, they develop also new machines to read the body, to listen to its music, to learn to hear for sour notes, and you are in a position, in your society, to take full advantage of those arts and skills which your society provides. Consider it; in fact, a true blessing that you are in a position to have these facilities available to you. There are millions who cannot even conceive of such medical wonders. That is all.

Group:            Thank you. Thank you for staying with us. You've given us a lot to think about. And thanks to Gerdean.


“We are eager to serve. We delight in service to you, Michael, all of us here. We are tireless in your presence. We seek the adventure of becoming your friend and being close to you. We seek to know your ways, that we may adopt them and apply them to our personality, in ways that will honor you and bring relief for our brothers and sisters who live in fear, who cling to the illusion, who feel unworthy of your love. Give us, Creator, the stalwart spirit necessary to go into your vineyard and feed your sheep. Show us the way. Reveal to us that service which we can render to you, as we perceive you in each child we meet, in each face we encounter. Beloved Creator, we look upon you understanding your beauty, your glory and your grace. Help us to be reminded that you also are in the lame and the sick and the ugly. Help us to serve you there, Father. Embrace us and walk with us as we walk your path home on this wonderful adventure. Good night, Michael, and good night, friends. Amen and farewell."




DATE:                        January 14, 1997

LOCATION:              Butler, PA, USA

T/R’s:                                     Gerdean for Tomas and Jay-Orzh;

Hunnah for Jasmine





Human Dissatisfaction

TOMAS:        Good evening, my friends.

Group:            Good evening.

TOMAS:        I am Tomas, your teacher, guide, companion and occasional minister in service to you that you may then serve Michael and one another in the methods that Machiventa and He have sanctioned and set out for me and others in the Teaching Corps to follow.

We are one in the spirit here this evening and it feels good. I say it "feels good" because that is a phrase that you often use to denote pleasantry, and yet it is more than pleasantry, it is more than feeling good that you are one in the spirit. It is, in fact, vital that you occasionally step into your spirit reality and immerse yourself in it, individually and in company with other like-minded religionists, for it supports your core reality, it brings you up out of the animal legacy, beyond the emotional pitfalls and into realms of purpose and peace.

I am reminded of the admonition to be born again, born of the spirit, and I remind you of this admonition, for you can renew your vow incessantly -- your commitment and consecration to superior reality -- even as you walk through the vagaries of this existence.

The vagaries have been with you, children.  As you become more aware of the sanctity of your relationship with your Indwelling Adjuster, your sensitivities are increased and you become even more sensitive to those vagaries of human existence, which condition requires then the greater perspective, the eye of the Master, in order to walk through these vagaries, not only unharmed but of service.

It is not for naught that we teachers consistently and incessantly speak of the merits of stillness, of communion with the Father, for it is your salvation. It is solace and comfort, inspiration and poise, strength and joy. It is reality, which will not fail you, which will make you greater than you are. And so I say it "feels good" to be in your presence this evening for you are, in your soul, in harmony. Your music sings a fine tonal quality and it benefits your physical system, your emotional center, your mental poise and your soul's peace.

I am glad to be with you. I am ever mindful of the benefits of our association and always am I pleased and grateful when you open your lives to the presence of your guides and of your spirit helpers. How may I or we help this evening? Are there matters for sharing?


Hunnah:          I have a question. It has to do with the proper use of our human dissatisfaction and expressing it. All three of us here this evening have had opportunities to feel humanly irate, disappointed, and perhaps a little anxious in regard to some personal matters, and I find it very distasteful to get "on my high horse," as we say here. I find it distasteful to myself and I'm sure it is for others, and it is such a fine line between standing your ground versus being tolerant versus being understanding, and when fatigue or health changes interfere, that we don't feel like a discordant piano, or instrument. I don't know if I said that correctly, but perhaps you can pick up the ball.

TOMAS:        Having recently spoken to you regarding your childlike and childish aspects, it is a full-spectrum sweep now to the perspec­tive of a dignified faith son or daughter, but this is well and good. From the perspective of a faith son or daughter, you indeed have feelings and reactions which require a degree of maturity in order to accept them, assimilate them, and carry them in a dignified way into your life.  And often, as children, you react at once in your emotional realms while your core dignity is trampled and overlooked in the throes of the emotional response.

The struggle, then, children, is how to honor that dignified element of reality within (which is not the egoistic adult, but that sacred Being combining you with divinity). All too often the human condition reacts according to this more familiar response techniques and defenses and justifications and rationalizations and so forth, and a field of thought is developed which is described as "setting boundaries," and as scaffolding these are good. But in making pure and effective use of your relationship with divinity, as a dignified being, you can bring that strength with you if you are not fully clouded and confused by the instinctual, emotional reality of the mortal being.

Well, let me suggest that you again develop a gesture. My comrade here wants to know if I am teaching you how to play "Monkey See, Monkey Do," but I do feel that you learn well when you can make a game of it, even the more serious lessons in life, and so I offer you again a gesture.

As a child you were perhaps taught, while at prayer, to hold your hands in a prayerful fashion (demonstrates).  And if you were to become comfortable with that gesture, and used it to protect yourself when you felt you were being attacked by the vagaries of life, by someone invading your boundaries, by someone assaulting your integrity, you could anchor yourself by this gesture.  And it would also have an effect on the beholder (were they present), for it is disarming to acknowledge God in prayer in your daily life in unorthodox circumstances.


As you practice this gesture, as you begin to appreciate your ability to walk through life in instant readiness of stillness and connection with Higher Power, you prepare yourself to walk more graciously through life. It may appear affected, but you will notice that many of the great religious teachers and leaders from the East (and from the West) make use of that gesture, and you might wonder why. You may perceive it as a method of pontificating, but it is also a gesture of aligning yourself with a Higher Power. It is not an overt announcement that you are begging their forgiveness or indulgence, or that you are calling upon a personality. It is a non-sectarian gesture.

Of course, that may appear to lose impetus if you are speaking with someone on the telephone; they cannot see you. But you know.  You are reminded, again, of your own dignity. And as you hold yourself in readiness of contact with divinity, you are more likely to speak for divinity or as divinity would have you speak, and this rises up over the instinctual animal response or emotional reaction.  How do you feel about my response to you, Hunnah?

Hunnah:          Well, if we were playing football, I would suppose you would have made a touchdown. Behavior modification is a game we play here, only it isn't elevated, and your suggestion is a good one. I think when we get caught off-guard is when we're tired or we get near those old patterns, and I appreciate your new approach. Thank you. (Conversation off the record)


JASMINE:     [Hunnah is transmitting Jasmine, her personal teacher] Good evening.

Group:            Good evening, Jasmine.

Gerdean:        Are you Jasmine?

JASMINE:     That is my smile!

Gerdean:        I have a question for you. It's based upon what Tomas was talking about earlier. He suggested that when we get into the vagaries of human existence and emotional pot-boilers and so forth that we assume a stance of protection and as if we were in prayer or holding ourselves in a spiritual state of being, state of mind. And I was wondering what…

You know, much of our conditioning, or much of my conditioning anyway, and the things that get to me the worst are what I would construe as "abusive" because they are undermining or attacking my integrity as a person. They are not allowing me my dignity. And so I regard that as some sort of abuse. Do I stand there in the state of prayer and just be abused? And just let it happen? And let it pass? It seems to me a bit of a defensive mode, and I suppose I am defending my life against unreality, or against attacks.

I'm not arguing with Tomas. I'm just having a chance to respond to his lesson and say, "Yeah, but what about this and what about that!" Do you have any words about that?


JASMINE:     I have words. It is my pleasure to assist this friend of Tomas. Our hearts are filled with compassion for the dilemma of your ways. I would like to help you to know that things will change for you and that you have the resolve to consult your Thought Adjuster. You will be removed a bit and will be able to step into this precious place that will not require protecting. It is not a fairy wand. You are in a new dispensation.


This is a new time frame. You have been experiencing echoes of the past. Your long-sought-for dignity will be available to you. You cannot change your friends. When your pattern changes, their pattern will change, too. Do not forget you [and your mother] are sisters. I do not mean to make light of your . ..

Gerdean:        I don't feel that you are making light of my plight. In fact, I appreciate what you said, but it leads me to something else and that is you reminded me that we are sisters and I really don't feel as though we are. I have a hard time with that. She denies our Father, she denies spirit reality of any kind, she scoffs at my professions of faith and so forth, and I don't think of her as a sister. She doesn't treat me like my sisters do in the spirit, those who have been born again. She doesn't honor my spirit, so I don't feel like we are sisters.

JASMINE:    The relationship that I am making reference to is not to this dimension. Your-- this party is not working from the same frame of reference as you. In Hunnah's consciousness, or her memory, is a story that I will bring you. She was perplexed by her exchange with someone and she went to her teacher and her teacher said, "My dear, you are trying to communicate on different levels." Now, that information was comforting, yes, but the voicing of this information put the fire out. Let these times together be that effective for you. The very words will empower the truth of your being and you shall cease to be drained of the lesser way. In the words of your world, "this is a healing." There are . .. (one moment please.  I am reminded that this is a new experience for me. There is an adjustment being made. Please be patient.)  Would you like to be free of this behavior pattern?

Gerdean:        Yes, Jasmine. I would very much like to be rid of it. It is unpleasant; it's not productive; it's toxic; and I poison my environment when I'm subject to it.

JASMINE:     The Christ suffers.  That which I AM is set aside.

Gerdean:        Thank you.

JASMINE:     Thank you.  How is it with you, Leah?

Leah:              I don't know if I follow all this. I feel as if I'm in a foreign country.  But you're very pleasant to listen to. I didn't understand your answer to Gerdean but I don't really know what her dilemma is so I'll discuss it with her later, I think.

Gerdean:        Well, let me say something about my feeling here, to maybe clarify. I don't know, but when we were in Boise in a Teaching Mission Conference a couple years ago, Michael visited and talked about drinking from the cup, and that it was difficult to drink from the cup, and that it was our choice. We didn't have to. If we did, sometimes it would be bitter. And he reminded us at that time that we drink it for Him and he drinks it with us.  And so it's not our bitterness, but the suffering is His -- is what I just heard from Jasmine.  So if I can bring my Christ consciousness to bear, it's not for me to be disappointed about mother's standing in the universe. That's between her and Michael. And I need to let Him deal with that relationship and let him have that grief. That's how I perceived it. Is that a fair interpretation, Jasmine?

JASMINE:     You did very, very well. You must remember that I am new at this and that I am dealing with the memory bank of Hunnah and there is scripture in her treasure trove. I will probably flash the gems. How is it with thee, Leah?

Leah:               I see you're trying to get back to me but I still didn't understand about the I AM part of the thing, either. I just  … it's just going around-- "The I AM is set aside."  I didn't understand that.


JASMINE:     That's all right.  It was for our friend.

Leah:              Okay.

JASMINE:     I hope that I will be able to choose my words for thee.

Leah:              Well, I just feel that I have been terribly short with everybody and I am miserable.


JASMINE:     It is a progress report. I think we should celebrate. It is not you who are miserable. You are so dearly loved. I have a suggestion. I would like you to acknowledge the ultimate lover. The next time you are embraced, know that they are the Father's arms, and when you reach to embrace another, know that they are one and the same. Christ Michael needs many delivery boys, so to speak. You are his task force. When he reaches out and touches you, or has you do the touching, you will scarcely notice. It will be woven into your very manner. (One moment please)  I am reminded of scripture. "Behold, I make all things new." Hunnah is very grateful to you both. She has just been reminded that she is about Father's business.


Leah:              And we are very thankful.

JASMINE:     You are the Father's business, Leah.  Perhaps you need a new name.

Leah:              I'd like a new name, if it's forthcoming. I like "Leah" but I'd like another name if there is one for me.

JASMINE:     I am dealing with a bit of Hunnah strain here. If your name comes, it may not be from my lips. I want you to be aware of a warmth, like a precious ember, and I want you to take it home.

Leah:               I'll contemplate that.

JASMINE:     You do not have to take care of it. I want it to warm you. Your experience with this will be your own definition. I am not sure I understand it myself, but it is yours. It is very becoming and very soothing. I think that I shall now hand the baton back to my friend.

Leah:              Thank you, Jasmine.

Gerdean:        Thank you, Jasmine.  And Hunnah, also.

JAY-ORZH    [Leah's personal teacher]:  I am Jay-Orzh.

Leah:              Hello, Jay-Orzh.

JAY-ORZH:               My daughter, I am grieved to feel your confusion, but I am glad of the administrations of my sister and co-worker before me, who speak the truth. It is not you who describes herself as miserable, for you are divine. You are joy. You are perfect. What the challenge, then, is, is for you to identify with her and forego that miserable shell of false reality with which you identify.

Understand that I am not suggesting that your feelings are unworthy, no, but I say these words that you may understand the perspective, for to stay in that cocoon of feeling is to die. Mayhap, precious daughter, you need to do just that, and be reborn in full faith of your radiance, in full understanding of your infinite potential, and cast aside that which is limiting and less than qualified to adorn you.

Indeed, take your soul in hand, as if it were indeed a glowing ember and understand how it is that it warms your soul, your life, and gives off not only warmth but light for you to see in the darkness. There is much darkness, mistake not. There are times in this time of correction that the healing has not begun, that the decisions have not yet been made. It is a time when the seed that is buried in the dark soil, has not yet responded to the stirrings of life. It is not required that you burrow yourself in the darkness as well.


Allow the light of truth and life to raise you up.  Stretch your roots and branches.  Lift up your face.  Hold fast your glowing ember, and behold yourself becoming new. Begin to unfurl, like the rare flower you are, with your own petals, unlike any other. Let not someone tell you what your flower looks like. Don't even worry about trying to describe your flower to someone else. Just grow. And be. And the Creator will speak for you and through you in your being.

Have faith in yourself. Have faith that the seed in you is the true and real you, and that as it blooms it will bloom in perfection. Accept your perfection and your potential for even greater perfection. Carry this knowledge within you and feel it glow. Know this in the heart with the Spirit of Truth. Stand up for it. Provide it its needs without guilt, without shame, without apology. Precious treasure, you are indeed Our Father's business, for you are His.  Not the product of mortal minds and mortal men. My time is up.

Leah:              Thank you, Jay-Orzh.

JAY-ORZH: I am with you. I am here to work with you and to help you fertilize your seed, to bring your personality into clarity and reality, to help unhinge those closed doors and twisted latches of yesterday. [Tape ended. Tomas signed off.]




DATE:                        January 28, 1997


T/R's:                          Gerdean and Hunnah

TEACHERS:              TOMAS and JASMINE




You Are Appreciated

What Do You Mean By Energy?

Define "Lowly Creatures"


TOMAS:        I am here; I am Tomas .

Group:            Hello, Tomas.  Welcome.


TOMAS:        Welcome also to you, my faithful friends. Always is it an auspicious occasion when we can commune together with the Father in company with one another, for this group worship is beneficial to you beyond your understanding. In time and in your evolution, even into your ascension onto worlds advanced, you will increasingly find meritorious design in prayer and worship.


You who have busy schedules and who cannot find enough time in the day will understand that we have that same "impatience" in terms of our available time for worship. We would spend more time with The Father but for our tasks and assignments and our service, as well as the myriad enjoyments of living this wonderful life, this gift.


When you are in the presence of the Father in prayer, when you are responsive and receptive to the reflectivity circuits of Paradise, you are indeed "at one" with the universe, for you have temporarily transcended time and space, transcended even gender and to some extent personality, for that connection with all-powerful divinity which allows you that freedom from your human constraints and conditionings.  And yet, as you re-enter your arena, your particular palette of color begins to come alive again, your personality nuances come into play, and I would pause in my words here today to commend your personality nuances and your personal palette, for you have been good students and your growth is evident to us, if not to you.


I would like for you to allow yourself a moment, in order that you might begin to appreciate how much you have grown in our configuration of devotion to spiritual development. Indeed when you can ascertain your own contribution to God, you are rewarded by a thrill of understanding that bears reflection.


The work of the realm is challenging and enjoyable if one can maintain "the farther view," if one can maintain the larger perspective. You might see it in terms of forbearance or long-suffering, for you are inclined toward those trudging and plodding terms when you think of growth, but from the vantage point of the teachers in the Teaching Corps, indeed from Abraham and even Melchizedek himself, we are impressed by the progress of the participants of this teaching mission.


Often it has been said that we knew the time was ripe, that there was a great harvest, and we now see how great the harvest truly is, and how many workers there are coming into the field. We are glorified in our work as you are glorified in your work, in our growth together. My hat is off to you, each and every one. Each of these "Pittsburgh Pumpkins" has proven a pot full of gold, a barrel full of seeds which are planted and growing green and strong.


It is always good to know that you are loved and appreciated, and sometimes when I get on a roll with my application of lessons from the curriculum, I overlook these niceties, but in withholding overmuch cake and ice cream from you, my children, I have shown you how wonderful it is to eat your vegetables, and you have succulent fruits now that truly nourish you. And so when you are served your cake and ice cream, you appreciate it as a desert, as a reward for work well done. You are loved, you are appreciated, always, but today I take great delight in acknowledging this truth.


My friends, I have a retinue of associates here in the invisible realms. We are all at your service. I understood you to say earlier that there would be questions. How may we address your curious minds and hearts and souls this evening?


Iyana:                    I want to say that it's wonderful to know how much we are loved and appreciated, especially appreciated because many times in our mortal existence we feel we have not been appreciated. Many times we should get a pat on the back and encouraged and we are not, so when we learn how much we are loved, how much we are appreciated, how much we mean to the celestials up there, why it is wonderful! It is a feeling of warmth, of usefulness and of being needed.


TOMAS:        It is invaluable, indeed, that you understand this to be true, and we teachers are happy to tell you so.  It is one of our most initial thrusts that we embrace you wholly and fully, and comfort you in the knowledge that you are truly loved, for you are correct. This world has not adequately proclaimed your value, for it does not see your value as we see it and as you see it in your heart of hearts. It is important that people understand that they are loved. This is correct.


Love is the answer. It is the question and the answer. And so we spend time helping you to realize that you are loved and you are loveable, in order that you may expand your understanding of the living qualities of love, that you may embrace love and give it away freely, that your appreciation and understanding of love grows from a limited and human point of view to a large and expansive understanding that God is love, and that love is the desire to serve others.


Iyana:                    I have a question. It is about energy. I understand that there is physical energy, cosmic energy, universal energy and spiritual energy. Now, my sisters in the spirit have been talking about the energy that they receive. I do not understand when they say they get this great energy that comes to them. I do not understand what they're talking about. What I want to know is, what kind of energy are they receiving?

When I go about my chores, I have energy to do my work; I do not tire. When I go into the quiet, the Stillness, is that spiritual energy that I feel? If I feel a tightening around my head, in my chakras, in my extremities, etc., what is the difference in these energies? One girl said she had her energies anchored so that she couldn't move. What kind of energy is it that they are receiving?

TOMAS:        I am not going to get into a scientific dissertation regarding energy, but energy is at the core of all life. It is harmonized through the Infinite Spirit. Energy and pattern comprise all things, and energies are designed to perform certain duties, and so there are many kinds of energies and many applica­tions of the same energies. There are also myriad interpretations of what energy is or does or can do.

The mind also is busily assimilating the experience of life, and often when one does not understand a sensation or a revelation, it is easy to reduce it to a word such as "energy" which is a catch-all word, without understanding energy in its fullness.  It is much like the word "love" and you can say you love peaches and you love that car and you love your daughter and you love that house and that sunset and you love God.

All of these may be true, in a way, but the truth is you appreciate some things and you like some things, but love needs a relationship in order for it to be, and so you cannot love peaches, but you can love the sensation that you have with your tongue when you have ingested peaches, for that is a relationship between you and your taste buds but it does not attain to the level of love as does love between individuals nor between you and the personality of God.  Energy is a word like that.

When you investigate your chakras, for example, and you feel the energy of life surge from the lower chakra upward and eventually you feel the release from the constraints of the material body, you could say that your energy lifted you up and the energy went on into infinity and took you with it, but these are human interpretations of what energy means to them. Do not worry about what people mean when they say energy motivates them or moves them.


Remember the pendulum that some of you have used to determine if you should ingest a certain substance, and there is a certain energy that may shoot forth. That is a form of energy. It is not necessarily spiritual in nature. The energy that you feel when you are doing your duties, when you are well paced and applying your­self to a job, to a task, is also an energy, but it is not necessarily a divine energy. When you are in an emergency situation and your system lapses into survival mode, you may run or yell or fight like mad, and this is a certain energy, but it is not necessarily limited to a physical energy.

Energy is a blanket word. Use it to your best understanding and tolerate others' use according to their understanding of the word energy, and, in the final analysis, you may wish to read about energy in the text, in The Urantia Book, to ascertain even yet a greater understanding of energy.


Iyana:             In the Book it says that there is an energy that we don't even know about.

TOMAS:        No doubt.

Iyana:             Thank you for the discourse. That was very interesting. It helps.

TOMAS:        Thank you, Iyana. I am feeling, you would say, "the presence" of another. Indeed, it is Jasmine, and I will ask Hunnah if she is willing to take the helm and transmit?

Hunnah:          Before I do, I would like to ask Jasmine a question. I spent some time with Gerdean the other day. I have a standard, I guess you could say, with the use of my equipment and I had an experience that I did not like and I did not understand. Well, I decided to transmit her by myself and I did not feel comfortable about the difference between my personality and Jasmine coming through. I know I'm capable of taking on other people's mannerisms and habits and my personality merges with them, and I didn't know if I was just fooling myself, so I stopped. But I couldn't ask her about it to my satisfaction. Perhaps she would like to give me some reassurance if she wants me to continue or I would just as soon do it another way, or I would transmit her with the group. I don't care.

TOMAS:        Yes, Hunnah.  Let us provide you with a response. One moment.

JASMINE:     I am Jasmine. I am happy to be here with you and to openly manifest my personality presence. I do not apologize for the nature of this visit, but rather thank you for your graciousness in understanding that I am in the process of developing a working relationship with my charge, Hunnah, and there are nuances of this relationship which bear working through.


My dear Hunnah, I am chagrined to learn that you distrust our friendship, but I am not surprised, and this is part of the process. As you allow me to work with you, our friendship will take on a depth of purity that you will learn to appreciate.  But alas, as a personal teacher, it is my job, so to speak, to help you in some obviously very personal mental and emotional areas. It pains me that you are denying my help, but I am confident of our renewed working arrangement.

Yes, you are torn because you have not yet learned adequately that I am an entity apart from you while very close to you. It is not uncommon for new transmitters to stumble in their fear that they are talking to their self.  As you bring your experience into a group situation it is far less terrifying, for you understand more clearly that you are a vehicle for the expression of another entity, not yourself, which is common when you sit alone and have only your own mind to confirm and affirm your reality. This too shall pass.

I will not hold up the evening's program with a long dissertation on how the process works, but I will say to you, my dear, that for any distress that may be emerging from your psyche or your deep mind, I weep with you and for you and will honor your sensitivity as you allow me to help you emerge the glorious Hunnah that I know you are.

Hunnah:          First of all, I want to make it clear that I'm not upset with you. Not at all, and I'm very pleased to have your assistance. It's just that it's another realm that I'm not familiar with, and so I don't know how to be appropriately -- to go about this.  And your explanation is of great value because we have people here who would themselves like to transmit, and we sent transcripts to Columbus and they are receiving a teacher and there are friends there who are interested in transmitting, so I would assume that the problems that I experience are those of anyone who would be willing to do this.

I had a, almost like an in-pouring or an out-pouring in my third eye of what I describe as trash, and that's what made me very reluctant because is it trash leaving? Or is it trash entering? That is what concerned me. Why do we get things we can't understand? Do you mind explaining that?

JASMINE:     I understand that you asked me to explain, and "explain" is an intellectual exercise. I will try to bring to your awareness an element of give and take within the mind's eye. As your channel is opened, other aspects of the self open also. And you may be releasing "trash" that has been in the closet or in hiding, but also it is possible that a sensitivity of yours has seen what your judgement, your righteous judgement, might call "trash" in your own thinking process.  It is fruitless to try to ascertain the bottom line without taking a look at the "trash" itself, for much like in the dream (exper­ience), you cannot know what it meant unless you look at its facets and give a whirl at analyzing what it is.

Admittedly, you are dabbling in the realms of the mind and the mind is a most powerful piece of equipment. It is certainly susceptible and vulnerable when you give it the opportunity to open up to such as spiritual circuitry, but I am quick here to say that there are no evil spirits evolved in our circuitry. Indeed, the circuits that you in your heart have accepted into your mind and your heart and soul, are those connections with the Father, with the Mother, with eternal spirit -- loving realities which are here to comfort and uplift you, not some mischief-making imp who has nothing better to do than to play games with your mind.


If you will forgive my saying so, we are more important than that. This is a divine Mission. This is a revelation, a revelatory movement. We are not here to play games. We take this work and you very seriously and very tenderly. There are those, indeed, who have adequate understanding of their minds at this point to decline even investigating the process. This is another reason why trans­mitting is not a required activity, but it is and can be a joyous service.

Hunnah:          Thank you very much. I'm glad that you said all that because it needs to be read.  I have no doubt of the integrity; I just wanted to clarify what was going on.

JASMINE:     If you would work it through, then I would suggest that you have another consultation with me or that you have yet another personal consultation with Gerdean or perhaps with her teacher, Trieste.

Hunnah:          I don't find transmitting the least bit scary or difficult. I just felt that when I was by myself, I didn't know how to go about the process effectively. It's hard to ask yourself questions.

JASMINE:     You will learn how. As you develop the understanding of how the process works, when you can distinguish between your mind and the mind of the entity using your equipment, you will be able to use your mind to project your question into their realm, so that they can assimilate your question, process it for your soul needs, and respond to you with you out of the way.

It is quite a marvelous mechanism, quite a technique that has been devised, with and through the complete cooperation of your indwelling Thought Adjuster who is constantly there in order to keep your integrity intact and your relationship with The Father at the forefront.

I am happy to address you, my dear. I am always happy when you and I can speak one on one in whatever fashion that may come about. Under the circumstances I will take my leave and enjoy the rest of the evening with you.

TOMAS:        I am Tomas. I am back. I am your host for the evening. I say that because there are others here and there are others who wish to speak. I will also take advantage of the circumstances this evening and, indeed, Hunnah, ask you to transmit Jasmine or me, for a few moments so that Gerdean can ask a question.

Hunnah:          I'd be glad to.

JASMINE:     Good evening.

Gerdean:        Hi, Jasmine.  Are you Jasmine?

JASMINE:    Yes, I am Jasmine.

Gerdean:        Thank you for coming.

JASMINE:    I am glad to be here. What would you like to talk about this evening?

Gerdean:        Jasmine, I have a question that I need to pose to one of the teachers and I know that you will provide a response, and that has to do with my friend who revealed to me last night that the thing about The Urantia Book that he has found objectionable is that so often they speak about us as "lowly creatures," as "animal origin creatures" that "can't understand" this, have just started out and have so far to go, are so far out on the outskirts of the universe, that he finds that offensive and says that it taps into childhood issues wherein he was advised that he would never amount to anything, and along comes this revelation that, pretty much in essence reinforces that. 

To his mind they are saying, "you're nothing and you're never going to be anything. You're of lowly origin," and so I don't know if this is an issue of shame-base or pride in reverse or what it is, but it has that effect on him, and so I guess the question is, the question would be, how does one overcome that, if that is in fact bothersome? If that question is well posed or not I don't know. You can perhaps take it and run with it. At least I await your words. Thank you.

JASMINE:     What your friend has described is not uncommon in the human experience. If he were a student of the Book, he would be overwhelmed of the assurance that his true identity far outcries unkind impressions that are interpreted through life's growth here on earth as a human. To be rich in opinion frequently keeps us from allowing new definitions to come into our lives.


I can feel Hunnah's resistance because she is not a student of the Book in the way you are, and I would like to be able to respond appropriately for you, Gerdean. I can only tell you that as you wear your belief, you are capable of overwhelming inaccurate self-concepts in others. You know this because you have had close conversations with him, intimate conversations, and he has revealed this to you, but I sense that it is part of the wall that is put up. A wall takes many forms. It is a very powerful illusion, and if you wish to win him into this new reality, it will probably have to come through the heart. The intellect will follow. I hope I am not disappointing you with my answer. Please feel free to interrupt and tell me.

Gerdean:        I am not at all disappointed with your answer. I'm delighted to have you answer in the first place, and I think your selection of words has not only given an answer to the question but some interesting things for both of us, for all of us perhaps, to think about. I appreciate particularly your additional commentary about the heart rather than the intellect, for that is indeed the heart of the issue.

JASMINE:     The mind is very "held captive," you might say, by strong definitions that have been accepted, whether it is for defense purposes or whatever the reason, whether it's because they are lazy and do not want to reach for expanded experiences or whether they are afraid.  And fear, you remember, is the name of that space you are leaving. There are many reasons to lag behind in very chameleon-like appearances. We are upon a new journey and we are leaving these things behind, and they rear their heads up.


Gerdean:        Thank you, Jasmine.


JASMINE:     You are welcome. I am pleased that you have all developed a light-hearted attitude and that you will not be hard on yourselves. You are in good hands. If you are feeling down or discouraged, as when Hunnah revealed her chagrin at an incident that came to her mind that challenged her integrity, do not just hold that to yourself. Bring it to the gathering and let go of what might be in your way.

We joke and we call the word "trash" but it is indeed housekeeping time. You do not get rid of anything. It bubbles up; it reveals itself so that it can be swept away. But I will renounce that stuff; I have no more need for it. This is an expanding mode which you are in. It's as if you were being given permission to push the walls of your home out to make the room larger. This process will disturb some of the things that have been stashed, so if you encounter something, allow it to go its way.


Might I add, when you take time to be quiet, do not devalue the quality of that time -- because if you have taken time, you have checked in -- you have added to the size of your room every time you sit down to be quiet and listen. You have made a difference, whether you think it is quality or not. It is a discipline which you deserve credit for. This is praise night. It doesn't hurt to be praised.  I think I would like to leave now.

Group:            Thank you, Jasmine.  Thank you, Hunnah.

TOMAS:        I am Tomas. I will linger only enough to round out our evening. Your appetites have been whetted sufficiently that what was once a snack is now a feast. What once filled you as a quarter cup, now you demand a pint? And so we accustom ourselves to your expansion and what do we do now that your hour is up and we have not talked for two?  I jest. I wax light. For it is indeed an evening for accolades and praise, for fullness, for fruition.

This feast is in part made possible by the generous degree of devotion to the Father we spent in stillness in the early evening. As we prepare ourselves for His presence and bring to Him our thoughts and cares of the day, He then answers, and we hope that your answers have been forthcoming as we have been able to assist, and that they will continue to come to you in the days to follow, for indeed the Father hears you and responds to you. Keep your communication lines to Him open.


Our broadcast comes to a close for this day. Be at peace, be well and be of good cheer. Farewell.




DATE:                        February 6, 1997

LOCATION:              Butler, PA, USA

T/R:                            Gerdean

TEACHERS:              TOMAS, Personal Teacher EL ANDRA, Secondary Midwayer




Special Session

TOMAS:        Good afternoon, my friends. I am Tomas. I realize I have come in very quickly. I am not yet prepared to hold forth but I wanted to rather come in that we might all together focus by way of a prayer.  And so perhaps this will help each of you to become centered and focused that we might then proceed in a fashion most conducive to spirit growth and soul harmony.

“Mother and Father of the Universe, we come to You, Your children, this day in search of peace, of order, of understanding, and of joy in Your realm, in our relationship with You, with others, and with our own soul. It is to You that we look for these divine qualities that enable us to have peace of mind and a steady heart in life's vicissitudes and celebrations, ever reminding us of our source of being and our destiny.

When we begin to know You and realize Your place in our life and our place in Your life also, Dear Parents, we are not orphaned, we are part of your multitudinous offspring of creation. We have a sense of belonging which transcends our mere human and finite concepts of belonging, for in belonging to You, Dear Parents, we are free then to bestow ourselves upon any and all that You would have us identify with as being part of our personal experience here and in our growth to come.

And so we thank You, Dear Parents, for this opportunity to get to know You, for the willingness to want to know You. We therefore thank You, Creator Parents, for Your love for us, for Your desire that we should want You to be a part of our lives. We appreciate the challenges You bestow, the comfort that You provide, the adventure of discovery in our path home to You, and we thank You also for making Your home with us, that we may feel at home in Your universe.”

It is a pleasure for me to be called to you this afternoon in this unique configuration of sisters, of devoted believers in our Lord and Master, Christ Michael. It pleases me, his teacher aide, to be given the opportunity of communing with you in prayer and thanksgiving in this opportunity to share our spiritual desires together.

When you take time from your busy schedules to seek connection with divinity, either through each other or in stillness, or a combination thereof, you not only benefit yourself by adding a degree of increased reality to your existence, but you also augment the growth of your entire realm by the light that you shine in the darkness.


Your world is not entirely dark any longer. We still have a great journey ahead in order to bring humanity into God-consciousness, into enlightenment, but it has so flourished of late, that it is worthy of clarification that the darkness which was once overwhelmingly prevalent, is lightening with the new dawn. Instead of a black palette, we now perceive the sky of your morning streaked with the light of the Son as the new day breaks and clouds begin to be perceived as not ominous, but colorful divinations of new life.

All this is brought about by you who seek for truth and hunger to know our God as a personal experience in your life. You have become co-creators of the light. It benefits you now when you shine your light with your peers, with your friends in the spirit world, and with each other, for our light then is combined and commingled to contribute that the Son will rise on Urantia.

How may I serve you this afternoon?

Student:          Tomas, I was going to ask you some questions. I was going to ask for verification of what I think is a spirit name.

TOMAS:        Proceed.

Student:          I think that -- I feel that I have been given this name and it's my sacred name: Elandra.

TOMAS:        And you seek confirmation?

Student:           Yes.

TOMAS:        One moment, please.

EL ANDRA:              Yes, child, I am your personal teacher and I am El Andra. It is I who have that nomenclature. I have told you who I am and you have identified this name so closely with yourself, you have taken it to your heart. I, El Andra, am happy to meet you in this way. I will tell you that our work together is well commenced, but you are not El Andra. Close. (One moment.)  You are Liana, as the flower.  L-i-a-n-a.  Liana.

Liana:                         Thank you.

EL ANDRA:              You will begin to appreciate your own fragrance, my child. Like a perfume, your personality is beguiling and captivating. You are not a tiny flower, but a pungent bloom, great and potent while fragile. Identify yourself thus, little flower. I will help you in your development, in your growth to full bloom.


El Andra is a name which is in some ways a title also. "El," you see, represents "The" in your language, and so it is a designation of "the companion". I am the companion of Liana. As your companion, I am intimate with your personal self and it is my duty and my great joy to assist you in your personal unfolding, and in washing away the wounds that wear upon you.

Trust me to be devoted and loyal to your nature, your most divine nature, while being patient and tolerant of your mortal shortcomings, for it is understood that these are part of your experiential packaging, part of the twigs and leaves which surround the growth of a delightful flower. These will be gently pruned to give you growth room. We will then also proceed into great realms of beauty, joy, celebration, and you will give your fragrance as a gift to many.

I, too, am available as a teacher, as your personal teacher, and so as you seek to know yourself, seek also for me that I may help you in your understandings. I return this platform now back to Tomas.


TOMAS:        It is one of my supreme joys in this Teaching Mission, as your host, to be able to introduce you to your many available spirit helpers. If and as you choose to accept and cooperate with these living realities, you have enriched your life and broadened your appreciation of your cosmic family, of your relationship, even personal, to the spirits otherwise known as the Celestial Hosts who hover near you and oversee your growth.

It is always a joy for me to enable you to see beyond the confines of your singular existences. One moment please.

RALPH:         My name, for your purposes, shall be Ralph, and if this brings a smile to your face, I am glad, for I would have you regard me as an affable friend, one who is in many ways much as you. I am a midwayer of the secondary order and we midwayers have been involved in assisting Urantia and Urantians for many thousands of years, and so we are familiar with the climate here. We have observed generation upon generation upon generation of evolving beings come and go and now you are here and we have observed you coming along; we observe you as you experience this life; and we will observe you as you depart from here to ascend to the Resurrection Halls of Mansonia.

It is only recently, however, that we have been able to make clear and consistent contact with many of you, and whereas I heard Tomas say he takes great delight in introducing the various celestial personalities to you, it is also a delight for me, after having been around for literally thousands of years, to be able to make contact with you humans at last!


Although we have been "working in the field" (as the terminology goes), it is a different horizon in many respects that presents itself these days. Although we have seen it coming - indeed, we have worked to contribute to bringing it about - we are so joyed by the channels opening, by the circuits connecting and by your opening up and availing yourself to those of us who would help and assist and companion you in the process, our whole being literally leaps in delight for the experience.

We midwayers are not quite like your personal teachers. I say this for clarification, for although they are close to you in your personal growth, your character development and so forth, we midwayers are yet even closer in terms of your outworking what you have learned, for your arena is the arena that we have worked with and in these many years, and it would be a wondrous leap of growth if and when you mortals, who are becoming aware of your association with your spirit helpers, could begin to perceive and depend upon our fraternity in the work of the field.

It is written that in time, as you hone your spiritual eye, you will begin to recognize and see us as you pass by. We eagerly now look forward to that time when you will focus your spiritual eye on our existence so that we may begin to become yet another dimension of your new appreciation for spirit reality, for we are real and "realer" than even the angels who are over us, for we are more finite than spirit. We are much like you. Much like you. We have perhaps the best sense of humor of the lot because we have come to appreciate the foibles of humanity and the frolic that takes place in the life.


Well, my associates, I will not take up more of your time today, but it has been a pleasure to chat with you for these moments. Remember my name, for when you see me, perhaps you will identify me and say, "Hey, Ralph. How's it going?" and I can tell you how it's going and how we can work together.

Group:            Thank you.  That's a very social name.

TOMAS:        I am Tomas. I have returned, and I have found that many of the midwayers, at their own behest, have assumed names much like your own so that you are not overawed by their presence and their very existence.


Liana:             Tomas, I have another question. Actually I have two more questions.

TOMAS:        I am eager.


Liana:             My sister has had a stroke, and I'm wondering if her spirit is present with her body.

TOMAS:          One moment, please. (Long pause) It is. [Tape turned] It has not yet departed. It is questionable as to whether or not she will make sufficient progress to resume a [interruption]. Her Thought Adjuster is still here. It has not yet departed, for it is not yet determined the extent of damage or potential recovery in terms of an ability for her to yet make decisions affecting her "graduation." It will not take long before you will be able to ascertain whether it is functioning with and for her at this time.

The life line of the Thought Adjuster also provides that conduit of healing energy and so it is still needed. Until such time as all measures have been attempted and/or effected, you may rest in the knowledge that it is a place of deep peace where her cognizance lies at this time. It is an interim state of "bliss" which removes her from the mechanical distress of her body. Has that answered?


Liana:             Yes, thank you very much. And lastly, I'd like to ask about my relationship with a person.


TOMAS:        Which person has been a catalyst for you in your spiritual growth?

Liana:             Yes.

TOMAS:        It is common for the mortal mind to attach myths and mysticism to persons, places and things which are part of their framework of discovery that they are a part of the living God. Each nuance in that period of rebirth is heightened, colors take on more intensity, and sounds may be impressed as significant, tolling or ticking a momentous message to the mind in its discovery. Even more so, perhaps, are those moments of mystical connection when a God-knowing being encounters another, and or when their eye falls upon a reflection of the new self that they are, having become reborn of the spirit.


These things are, to the impressionable mind, proof of the experience, and so they are an important facet of the experience. It allows the experiencer to be grounded in that moment in time. You may give credit to the Third Source and Center, the Infinite Mother Spirit, for coordinating your lives at that juncture, that you could see each other in such clarity, and because that moment is rife with the finest, most sublime, and most personal love imaginable, it is a natural inclination, then, for the romantic heart to attach overmuch significance thereon.

Even so, in-as-much as love is a refinement of emotion, it is a treasured memory that you may call upon in those moments when you grow weary or when you begin to doubt your faith, that you can call up that vision of that friend that will bolster you in your reality. Do not make the mistake of making that friend your God, or the significance of the moment, but as a representative of the divine love that indwells you that you may reflect out, as you become more one with Him, your Father in Heaven. Has that been helpful?


Liana:             Yes, thank you very much, Tomas. Is that something -- is this feeling of love something that humanity is going to be experiencing more often?

TOMAS:        Absolutely. All forms of love will be on the increase, and it is indeed a challenge for you, and those of you who need love, who love love, who seek love, who give love, who know love, to provide adequate "definitions" for the love that you intend to spread and harmonize. All love is increasing.

All romantic love is capable of being elevated into higher refinements and keener sensitivity of each other's spirit, for is not lovemaking the mortal counter-part to the spiritual Embrace? But the elements of divine love also are increasing, and it is this font of divine affection that will infiltrate all other realms and understandings of the capacity to love by the mortal being.

You may look for love to increase, but remember that love must be redefined on each new level of growth, and that includes your new levels of growth as well as the new levels of growth of those around you who are also growing. Part of your eternal adventure is the reflection of and appreciation of the myriad faces of our all-powerful, all-present creator Father, who is love. That is all.

Liana:             Thank you.

Hunnah:          Could I have you comment a wee bit more on this subject of love? Is there not a lightness of, like, an impersonalization that this love is free-flowing and affectionate without claiming anyone? It's like a movement, a sending up to be forward?

TOMAS:        The word that comes to mind is "conditional." And as love is more divine, it is more unconditional, for it sees with more divine eyes that which it is still becoming. As a love, even a genuine and sincere love, maintains standards and conditions, therein is potential struggle, and this struggle in and of itself is an indication of a growth, of progress, for all who are on the path are on the way home to Father, are on their way to learning and living unconditional love, but there are aeons and aeons of time and of personalities in which to experience this growth of love, the growth of giving and the growth of receiving love.


As you have survival matters to contend with, as you have families to rear and values to instill, as you have civilizations to maintain and behaviors to uphold, you will have conditions upon behaviors and upon love, for you require that certain guidelines be followed in order to maintain the status quo as a foundation for yet further growth. 


But truly, as you ascend in your own spiritual growth and throughout eternity, you become more amenable to unconditional love. You can let things pass because of your far-seeing vision which develops through experience and through learning to be Godlike, to elevating your perspective above the realm of animal behavior and social behavior to those realms of spirit reality which incorporate a greater appreciation for a greater kind of love. Have I touched upon your concern, Hunnah?

Hunnah:          I don't know if it was a feeling of concern so much as it was of celebration, for I have been feeling a release of my involvement with people in areas that I did not need to hold onto, and specifically I would say that it was with my children. Two years ago I was begging to let go of them and it wasn't . .. today I'm hanging on and tomorrow it's easier . .. It's been a gentle release and I feel very good about it. And the more I release, probably the better the correct form of our union is taking hold. I can see it especially in one of my children. And I appreciate the help I have received through this very much. If others only knew how much easier it is, they would probably be flocking in, because it is such a relief.

TOMAS:        I would like to respond that your development is a result of divine love in and through trust. Your trust of the Father and his overcare, thus your trust that your children are, in their own fashion, divinely guided, alleviates you of the duty of holding firm to their further development. You will begin to perceive of them more and more as comrades and co-workers, although, of course, the parental connection is undying, and this opens up your relationship with them for greater joys and celebrations indeed.

Hunnah:          Thank you. I'm sure this transcript will be beneficial for others, because if one has a question, others have a question, and I appreciate our friend here for sharing her questions, especially when they smack of the words we use here of "soulmate", that people are so "enhungered" for that party that will without question be of a harmonizing nature to them, that that's almost another symptom of what they're sensing is allowed to be in their life. And if this is shared, it would be as you've always said, Tomas. You are always lifting us into a greater, an expanded view, and a higher view than what's going on, and I appreciate that.

TOMAS:        And thank you, Hunnah, but remember always that I can lift you up no farther than you are willing to climb yourself.

Hunnah:          Hang in there with us; we'll go on the journey.

TOMAS:        We are on the journey, and even now I am going to journey forth that you might also journey into the balance of your bountiful day. I call again upon our Eternal Parents in Paradise and, as reflected in you and myself as His and Her children, thank you for "the Family." Farewell.




DATE:                        February 6, 1997


T/R:                            Gerdean

TEACHERS:              TOMAS



Perception Of His Will


More on Being "Lowly"

More About Prayer


TOMAS:        Good evening.

Group:            Good evening.


TOMAS:        I am Tomas, your teacher, and I am glad to be among you. I have determined my subject matter for this evening, but I do not want to jump in before I spend an introductory moment in personally greeting you and embracing you individually as a familiar cluster of my private students and personal friends. Know that I embrace you and long for your embrace in return. As you emit your heart's desires in freedom of their expression, in understanding of their acceptance by the greater cosmos, you open yourself to the floodtides of the divine nature, to the guidance of those who have gone before you and who light the way for your steps to tread.


I am going to follow up with a subject that was alluded to not long since in a question/answer period. It was Leah who asked about setting a time aside for meditation and prayer, and should one make that desire/request known to one's fellows. A lengthy response ensued, and a remark was made at the end that indicated that if the cooperation of the fellow was not forthcoming, or if the response was not palatable to your soul, then what might be your recourse, for these instances are common ground for the ascendant being, for the aspiring and enlightened child of God.


Many seers invoke the advice to embrace even difficult personalities in the light, for this dissolves the struggle, in recognizing the inherent oneness of all God's creation, and whereas this is an ultimate truth and one which is well utilized in order to put perspective on the situation, even so, it is often necessary that steps be taken by your conscious mind in order that you can prevail in your understanding of your following God's will for you, for there is no more sacred relationship than that between you and your understanding of divinity.


In this relationship, there is much room for error, as each, each ascendant being who seeks to do His will, has a perception of what is necessary for him or her to do, and there is no greater sanction than the mortal belief that "It is God's will." Indeed, bitter wars have been fought over this very issue.


Avoiding war, even war on a social and intimate one-on-one level, is to be desired, but truly it is better to war wage without than within, for if you are acquiescing in your understanding of Father's will for you, in order to pacify someone else's understanding of Father's will for them, you are betraying your fundamental reality, and the result of such a betrayal is to be torn asunder inside, and wherewith can you plant seeds or radiate good cheer if you are war torn in your very being?


Growth is difficult. Seldom is there growth without some conflict, some agitation in the mind, as the new values come into being, and some conflict is a natural evolutionary step in growing. All of nature is filled with examples of certain destruction as growth comes into being. And so the arena and the potential for war are there and are to be considered in your dealings with those who object to your relationship with Father.


It is from Stillness perhaps an easy matter to dismiss these conflicts in the light of knowing all is well, that the Father sees the end from the beginning, and that no matter what your decision, if your motives and intentions are good, true and beautiful, the resolution will come to pass in good stead in good time. But when you are in the thick of it, when you are on the battlefield of life, when you are struggling over a principle or needing to be heard for your very essence's sake, it is not uncommon that the fledgling soul is disheartened and dismayed by the indifference or cruelty or perceived thoughtlessness of his fellow human beings.


One of the values of your existence is that you enjoy the quality of time, for time is often required in order that these differences work themselves out. Often war is proclaimed by intolerance, by one putting down one's foot firmly, and saying, "This is how it is!" without flexibility, without due consideration of the alternatives, or even the compromises which can be made in order that your reality, as well as their reality, can be honored.


Perhaps the greatest difficulty in this subject of difference is, to a sensitive God-knowing being, a certain sadness which wells up in realizing that you are not embraced for who you are by those whom you hold dear and by those whose affection you share as apostles, even as disciples and followers. Return to your Source for comfort, for strength, for therein lies the sacredness of your very existence, that reality which you have as a result of knowing Father and desiring to serve Him.


I have spoken sufficiently in that context for this evening formally. It is good to be with you. It is good to feel your presence and to know that your focus on your spirit guide, your internal spirit guide, is sustenance for you this day. It pleases me greatly that I can help to facilitate this state of mind and state of being with you, in you and for you. It is an honor to be your teacher, for I am therein your friend. My dear friends, how are you this evening, and how may I help you, if at all, in your daily doings.


Loreenia:        Just by being, you already are. Being yourself and coming here.


TOMAS:        I agree. And I have discussed this repeatedly, and it is a truth that we reinforce each other's reality. I am happy to assist in this process. We teachers are happy to be able to enable you to grasp these value levels and make them your own. It benefits you, each other, Urantia, Nebadon, all the way to Paradise.


Hunnah:          We didn't ask Gerdean if she wanted to ask a question.


TOMAS:        One moment. (Pause) Gerdean is asking me to respond now to the question she put to Jasmine having to do with those who find The Urantia Book demeaning in its approach to potential readers by illuminating the low level of existence from which you hail and indeed on which you live, as if you were "less than." I am assimilating her question to accommodate her soul needs and I find, for her, no response is necessary. I therefore must construe this to be a question on behalf of someone else, indeed, those who find that scenario distressing. One moment. (Pause)


I would first like to extend my appreciation to Jasmine for her response, for her wise selection of words, for her integrity in also approaching Gerdean's soul needs, as well as in addressing the subtleties of the mental conditioning of one who would balk at our understanding of your nature.


I would respond that while there is no apology needed for stating that you are indeed the tadpoles of creation, I will hasten to add that in an appreciation of this humble estate, you then have inherent the potential of spanning the greatest circumference of growth known to ascending or descending beings throughout the Grand Universe, for whereas you may take exception to your starting point, it would behoove you to appreciate the greatness of your potential as well.


In addition I would state that even now, as a citizen of a damaged planet, with defective genetics, with deceit and isolation as a legacy, in coming to understand the revelation to Urantia through the Urantia Book, you have the opportunity to experience first hand sonship with the living God, for it has brought to this sacred orb the good news, the same good news that was brought here by your Creator Son Christ Michael, Jesus of Nazareth.


When you look at your lowly origin, your humble beginnings, appreciate for a moment how it must feel for a Creator to experience being discounted, disabused, discarded, disrespected by his own creation, and you may have some understanding of why it is that those descriptions are indeed accurate, for what but a "lowly" being could in his heart crucify his creator? Only those who wallow in darkness. And you now have within you the framework for grasping and holding and making real in your life the reality that he himself came to teach - that being the noble and dignified stature of a living child of God himself.


No honor is greater. No adventure more thrilling. Even those high above you in the celestial hierarchy look upon you with envy for your experience here, for the wisdom that you will gain as a result of this experience, and for the strengths that you can attain if you are but willing to accept your tadpole status, in order that you may grow, flourish and flower into the creation that you are intended to be.


Lament not your origin, but celebrate your natal sphere, for it has been the home of Michael. You share that experience throughout eternity. When you look back on your experience on Urantia, when you visit with Michael in person in Salvington, trust that you will see that life with deep affection, for in God's hands your past is your greatest asset, and there is no greater asset for you, for any of you, than having come from Urantia. I hope that has answered, or if not answered, at least fed a hungry soul. And so, yes, Hunnah, thank you for the opportunity for Gerdean to put forth a question. Are there others?


Hunnah:          I had a recent experience where compassion sort of took over, and I was thinking of the world situation and it occurred to me that I could choose a person who is in a position of responsibility and take them into my prayers indefinitely. I read this inspiring article by Linda Bucelli in Spirit Quest recently where she talked about the importance and the power of prayer, and that it was very unfortunate that many people who use the Urantia studies as their truth tonic, often neglect to pray, and she gave a wonderful discourse on prayer and the power of prayer. So I was thinking about that.


I chose someone that I decided that I would not tell anyone about who it was and that I would hold them in my prayers, and then it occurred to me that the others who read our transcripts have this idea that they too, in their group, may be up to the same thing. And it's a volunteer arrangement. There are people probably that do that already; they -- we tend to think about it, those in our own inner circles, but I was thinking about, just for an example, supposing somebody decided they were going to remember the President of Mexico in their prayers, that it would seem to me it would have a very beneficial effect. I'll stop so you can comment on that.


TOMAS:        Prayer is a way of building bridges. It is a way of taking into your concern, and then taking your concern to the Father. That is a part of creating the tapestry that covers all humanity. The words and the lesson of our co-worker Linda rang true and are true for those of you who relinquish your selves sufficiently to devote a loving energy toward others.


It is indeed a ministry to pray. And as even your scientists are discovering, there are benefits to prayer even when one does not know they are being prayed for. Indeed, those who are receptive to prayer, and those who are indifferent or ignorant of the power of prayer, are your more susceptible targets for prayer, for those who are struggling against their own spirit life will be resistant to the effects of prayer. Even so, it would behoove you to attempt to infiltrate their spirit barrier by directing loving prayers in their direction, for as they (the "enemy") allow that door to open even a crack, the effects of prayer can enter in and touch them in spite of themselves.


It is as Jesus said, to love your enemies and so whereas it is easy to, as you say Hunnah, pray for and include your loved ones in your prayer life, it is also beneficial to take the time to pray for those others who will also be affected by your prayer.


Hunnah:          Linda used some excellent imagery, and I'm saying this because there will be people who have not had the advantage of her article, but it shows you that you're allowed to be creative and playful with visualization. The person I chose is more apt to be seen in a business suit and he is not young. I have the liberty, in the private space of my creative visualization, to be affectionate with them, like a child would be, and Linda used the imagery of taking that person with her, up to Jesus (for me, up to Christ Michael), and have him put his arms around him, and you can literally snuggle in this embrace. This is what seems to be so lacking and it was so effectively pleasing for me that I thought I would comment about it.


But, it also brings something forward for me that is a concern and I would like to have you help me with it. My previous teaching tells me that when I pray, anyone I know in my consciousness is benefited, and especially those, of course, that are in a closer (as I used to say) "vibratory compatibility" would be more apt to be responsive, but I come from a teaching where you did not need to individually -- you did not point people out individually. It was more personal, that you worship the Father and that all else was added. I do like the idea -- I have been, over the years, abandoning prayer in preference for worship and praise, so, I think I've probably said enough to get you going.


TOMAS:        I will respond firstly and use your phrase of creative imagery, and obviously your creative imagery has provided you and Linda and countless others with that avenue of prayerful function which personalizes the process. Anyway in which you can focus loving energy on a personality, you have benefited through prayer. Indeed prayer is an extensive activity, not limited to the realms of quiet time and formal supplication. Prayer also is a way of life, and a method of interacting with your peers. It is a response to the newsreels. It is a reaction to an accident. Your very life is a prayer, if you are actively involved in a spirit relationship.


Formal prayer is a means of direct focus for your prayer, and is also a salve for your need to portray your concern for others and to then see the results of your prayer in the subsequent results, which results will come from effective prayer. So whether or not you engage in formal prayer, you are none-the-less effectively impacting your environment merely by living the life, for as I said, a life well lived is a prayer.


There are some who lament that their prayer life is not what it once was, prior to coming into an understanding of the Urantia Book and the vast cosmology presented therein, for they found great comfort in the traditional prayers they were taught, that they enjoyed from their religious conditioning. This form of prayer is very satisfying; it is also a group affair, by and large, and it bonds individuals when they have prayed together.


Even when they have gone through the motions of praying together, they share a union. Another facet, however, of prayer in the religious sense, is that it does opportune the participant to steal a moment of worship, and if each worshiper recognizes its contact with divinity during that short period of prayer, then they have that also in common, that they have worshipped together.


And so the early prayer learning has a profound and lasting influence. It is for that reason that we encourage your continuance of prayer, that indeed we offer up prayer, for in praying together, in acknowledging our dependence upon and our appreciation of divinity, we have bonded our fellowship and we have perchance touched together that venerable sphere of group worship.


It is perhaps time for us to call our session to a close. We have had a fruitful evening. I would like to invite us in this configuration next time, to project your selves into an attitude of availability for another practice session of transmitting. Each of you has gotten your feet wet and it will be fun to once again do some water ballet. Will you return to play with your comrades in the spirit?


Group:            Sure! You bet!


TOMAS:        When next we meet then, barring unforeseen circumstances, we will have a party of a celestial nature. I am your loyal friend, your steady associate, and your faithful companion in the quest, in your quest and in ours. So much more I would like to say, but I understand the time constraints, and so I will only say Good Night.


Loreenia:        Thank you for being such a pillar of strength.

TOMAS:        You are welcome, my daughter, my fair child. All of you are my fair childs. Farewell.




DATE:                        February 11, 1997

LOCATION:              Butler, PA, USA



Greetings from DANIEL and ABRAHAM

TOMAS discusses the T/R process

VAN EL, adjusts the circuits

JASMINE says hello

TRIESTE says hello

"DOC" counsels on health matters

JASMINE gives personal counsel

JUDITH gives personal counsel

MULLERIN says hello

DANIEL:        I am Daniel. I am a teacher in the Teaching Corps. You may have heard of me. I am a friend and co-teacher of Tomas. I am out of the Pocatello group and I am glad to be here, glad to touch base with Gerdean through whom I have transmitted before. I have indeed spoken to your group before, also. It is a pleasure to open this practice session this evening. It is a celebration for those of us on this side who observe your coming into awareness of the spiritual circuitry and making attempts then to access these circuits of communication and come on-line for the celestial party.

I am here this evening by way of the circuits. That is to say, I am not "present" as you would understand, but we will not worry about those details for now. It is, again, a pleasure to be here and to see your joint efforts toward learning the art and science of communication with your spirit helpers. Carry on, friends. I am Daniel.

ABRAHAM:              I am Abraham. I am also glad to behold your stalwart spirits in action. It is always a pleasure for me to see yourself apply yourself to the work at hand. We are many in our support of you. We are observing your progress with great delight and have taken perhaps as many notes as you have in our observation and study of this Correcting Time process, and we are heartened by you who will carry the torch of truth through the fields of chaos and conformity, in communication with spirit beings. We hold you up as vanguards for Michael of Nebadon, young teachers in becoming. Do not be intimidated by my words but rather carry on in the joy of knowing your flag flies for your Creator, our Friend, Jesus. I will step down now and allow your host Tomas to bring your session into its more familiar realm. Beloved friends, Shalom.

TOMAS:        Yes, I am Tomas, and it pleases me to be among you. It pleases me to share my teacher base with any and all of the workers who give their encouragement and strength and love to these configurations of believers and striving workers in the field. We are many this evening. I did invite you, remember, to avail yourself of the circuits. Loreenia has sensed the increased "energy" and you may rest assured that we have turned up the volume for you, for your access, as you are prompted. This opportunity is obviously for your benefit as well as our benefit. Remember there are teachers who have yet to become proficient in the practice of transmitting through a mortal and as you avail yourself to these new and/or inexperienced teachers, you learn as they learn.

Greetings also formally to Jasmine, Jay-Orzh, Judith and Trieste, as well as Adrian, who are beaming brightly beside you all.  Before we access the circuits I understand there are a question or two regarding this process. Hunnah?

Hunnah:          Yes. I had the privilege of having a transmission – for me, I call it that – with Ruth and Iyana, and I … it felt rather like walking on water. I suppose it is a tremendous exercise in trust. I wanted to ask if you can somehow or other know what happened. I had a very powerful presence -- we failed to record it successfully, but -- a very powerful presence. And the words, I felt, were electric. I felt like I was in bright and gold light. And I guess the quality of the message should speak for itself. And there were not any names. Was this continuously coming through Jasmine? I was seeing another aspect of her? Or was this a guest? A name isn't particularly necessary but I would like to have some comment about that, if I may.

TOMAS:        One moment. I am advised that you would do well to realize that the personal teachers are quite capable of lifting you higher than you might think, and yet your energies and atmosphere the other evening were augmented by a number of personalities in addition to Jasmine who held your hand through the process. The administrators of the Teacher Corps often stop by to observe the sanctity of the situation and lend their blessing.

Depending upon the context of the session, it is common for the angelic hosts to participate to some extent, and Michael, of course, has been known to come by and render his regards also. The administrative presence you may have felt at your recent gathering would have included a Mighty Messenger who was in attendance and they are quite dazzling. I was present myself for a time, but your transmission was through the auspices of your personal teacher.

I repeat; do not underestimate their gifts. They are very much experienced and advanced. Their role as personal teacher may even well indicate a greater sensitivity and therefore adeptness than the group teachers, for they work so intimately with your personal situations, whereas we are by-and-large alleviated from that responsibility. There are a number of personal teachers who have begun to gain some prominence as teachers. Indeed, there is no limitation, only as you perceive the need to keep your teacher to yourself.

As you investigate the milieu of transmitting/receiving, depending upon your own constitution, your electro-chemical system, your skills and your opportunity for audience, your path will unfold, customed to suit you and your willingness to serve.


You indicated a lapse in the mechanical contrivance and this is unfortunate and yet it is not uncommon in early transmissions to forget, to overlook to record the session. You should know that recording the session is not a requirement, such as a term paper might be a requirement, but it is for your benefit to help you, your confidence, and your comprehension of what is going on, for as you listen to a replay of the session, you yourself then get to be lifted up by the truth, beauty and goodness contained in the lesson, in the context.

It not only is a record for later use and a method of holding in abeyance until the words are transcribed to be read and absorbed for the intellectual appreciation, but it is a way of confirming for yourself that it was not you in your mortal personality who availed yourself of those words and concepts without assistance.

And finally, it is not for the glorification of the ego to have a shelf full of contacts with celestials or supernals. That idea is deplorable to a God-knowing believer. Name dropping and such are incompatible with the purpose of the Teaching Mission. And so it is for far greater purposes that these sessions are brought into being, experienced, and retained for further study and savoring. Do not beat yourself up for a mechanical lapse. Sometimes machines wear out. That is not necessarily a divine intervention, as I have discussed before, but be mindful of the advantage of a record, for you, and for the benefit of those you will teach through this process. Have I answered sufficiently?

Hunnah:          You always answer sufficiently and so well. I appreciate it. I think you touched on many things and it was sort of as I expected, but I really appreciate even being given the courage to do it under the circumstances, and thank you.

TOMAS:        You are welcome, my dear, and I too thank you for your integrity in your progress in this practice. You are doing well. You are becoming familiar with the leap of faith, the level of trust. It is being shown to you that your faith and trust are sufficiently real as to impact other lives. You are becoming, through being a vehicle of teaching, a fisher of men. The joy of being able to perform a service for the Lord in this context and remain stable, emotionally stable, is commendable, and you are doing well. We are pleased.

Hunnah:          Thank you.

TOMAS:        I am curious now to see if those here this evening can touch base with your willingness to transmit their words and concepts through your own language centers. Let us call upon our communication expert, Van El, to plug in the cords for our circuit. One moment.


VAN El:          I am Van El. Greetings. You know me as the one who comes to adjust the circuitry, as is always the case when new transmitters come on-line and/or when they are up-stepped and/or when a circuit needs bolstering of some sort.  It is put in these terms for your understanding, knowing that you are very literal-minded beings, but the concept remains that there is spiritual circuitry that connects you, one with the other, and in this connecting, the circuits are established.  Thus, your augmented awareness of spiritual "electricity" is flowing through the conduits of time and space, even to Havona.

Now, you see, we are "plugged in." I feel the connection. There's a bit of a gap remaining between Hunnah and Leah. (Pause) Very well. The balance is fair, and so I will withdraw to see how well the circuits hold up as the personalities impact upon your plugs. Have fun.

JASMINE:     Good evening. This is Jasmine and I wish to acknowledge that the evening is waiting before you, and that I do not intend to dominate, so please be my guests.

TRIESTE:      I am Trieste. I will make my presence known. I am glad to be here at this party. I do feel that I have been invited, and I am grateful for the occasion to present myself, to greet you, to encourage you, to smile upon you, and to share with you my under­standing of our loving relationship. I will not linger. I will…


JASMINE:     Do not leave.

TRIESTE:      Jasmine?

JASMINE:     I would like to have you share some of the experiences you had with coming through for Gerdean. Is there anything that you can say that would be beneficial to us this evening?

TRIESTE:      Well, that is a matter of your perception. I can however speak to the subject, providing I have Gerdean's permission. One moment. (Pause) Yes, I can tell you stories. I have known Gerdean a very long time and we were reunited in our conscious contact of each other as she began to investigate what you would call Recovery and when she began to look into her issues. I will tell you that she was having a discourse with her inner child on her computer and it became clear that she was the child and I was the one who was leading her to know who she is. That was our first introductory conversation and we have grown from there.

There are those who might think I am a psychological creation, but I am an entity, a personality apart from her, but I know her well.


I will tell you, too, that I became useful to Gerdean, and we became closely associated when she asked Father to remove those blocks and barriers that stood between her and Him that she was unaware of, and that those hidden blocks be revealed, for although in her super-consciousness and in her general conscious state she was quite willing to do His will, she was also willing to discover what might be submerged in her deep recesses that could be blocking her joy, her happiness and her ability to manifest her own beauty, goodness and truth.

It was in that context that we began, and it is in that context that we continue. I have spoken to her regarding her fears, what her primary fears are and so forth.  And I have been able to give her pieces of advice along the way that have significantly impacted her in terms of her behavior patterns. We will continue to work on these "subterranean palettes" but I am very happy with her progress and we are truly co-workers in the spirit. 

Was this the type of response that you sought?

Hunnah:          I had in mind... I'm Hunnah right now. I had in mind a mechanical type interest. When you had asked her permission to speak of these matters, what happened? Is there a dialog in her head? That she can understand? That you can talk to her?

TRIESTE:      That was by way of understanding and acquiescing. No words were necessary in that situation.

Hunnah:          You just were allowed to go ahead and speak.


TRIESTE:      No. I consulted with her being, without words, and she acquiesced. She gave permission . ..


Hunnah:          Was she consciously aware?

TRIESTE:  ... without words.  Very much.

Hunnah:          I'll have to experience that, I guess, before I can appreciate it. Okay. That was one of the things, because when I was doing this, I felt like I was sitting there in a blank, and wondering what was ever going to be said, or trusting that something would be said. Perhaps the others have a question. I guess it's like describing how to swim when you don't know until you're in the water. You find out you won't drown so you go ahead and try it, the motions, to see if you can stay there. Thank you.

TRIESTE:      Yes, Hunnah. (Pause) For your understanding, I am removing myself from your circuitry now that another being might greet you. Thank you for my time with you this evening.


TOMAS:        I am Tomas. Are you having difficulty feeling the prompts? I know there are a number of presences. Perhaps they are not yet well versed in accessing you. Perhaps, too, you feel reticent, for you have not been introduced. There are some mental peculiarities of the mortal that are temporary stumbling blocks in this process.

Loreenia:        Do those on the other side have pain, Tomas? I feel pain in my left hand. Ow!

Hunnah:          The circuitry.

TOMAS:        No.  I will not…

Loreenia:        What is that?

TOMAS:        I must tell you that . .. and it is very important that you understand this. There are no real mechanical contrivances.

Loreenia:        I didn't think so.

TOMAS:        There are no mechanical contrivances; they are energy.  Morontia and spirit circuitry and energies, but they are not mechanical. The mechanical terms are used for your understanding.

Loreenia:        I comprehend that. I couldn't understand why the pain was in my left hand.

TOMAS:        I must also clarify one thing more about the process of transmitting/receiving, and it differs from what you know as channeling in that the channeling experience appears to be a full-bodied experience, and the transmitting/receiving experience includes access to the mental bank only. It is indeed rare for any manifestation to indwell a physical body without the full permission of the mortal and we do not ask permission to invade your tabernacle. That is a practice that is used in some of your cultures and some of your sub-cultures, but it is not a standard in the Teaching Mission.

Loreenia:        Well, is it a nerve reacting, possibly, to the energies that are coming through? This string?

TOMAS:        Let me ask Doc, then, to come in and address your question. Would that be amenable to you?


Loreenia:        Yes.

TOMAS:        One moment.

Loreenia:        Basically it's gone now, but there is a sore spot. Tender.

DOC:              Greetings.  Long time no see.

Hunnah:          We've been so frisky and well that we haven't needed you.

DOC:              Ho, ho. You just get so busy you forget to be mindful of your own condition. There is a line from a song in your culture having to do with that.  "I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in” and I like that, for it is typical of mortals to drop into their own awareness of themselves sufficiently cognizant to see how things are going, but rarely. It is part of the busyness of your nature. Might I remind you of the ants who are industrious and constantly swarming here and there? Electro-chemical systems, to me, are reminiscent of these workers. But I digress.  Tell me, dear, what seems to be the problem?

Loreenia:        Well, when the transmission started, just a few minutes ago, it was a rather running pain in my left -- not in the palm, but in the … near the wrist -- that ran down. When I touched it, it was sore.

DOC:              Emanating from the center? From the heel? From the thumb?

Loreenia:        No, from the heel but closer to the wrist, on the other side of the top. It's not as sore now, and the pain has gone away. I thought -- I was asking if those on the other side -- I've been sensitive to other physical beings' pain in my life, so I didn't know where it was coming from, if it was just the energies or what, but it became rather strong.

DOC:              It is personal to you. It is a mere physical quirk. It will not develop into a problem, but do pamper yourself somewhat in this context. Apply a good lotion to your hands and begin to wear a charm bracelet.

Loreenia:        I've been thinking of you lately. You said something about balancing, about the healing and balancing the financial, spiritual, mental and all the other bodies of the physical bodies and that surprised me that you also worked as a doctor of finances. I certainly could use quite a bit of help.

DOC:              One moment please. [Tape turned] Let me proceed now, if I may. Having had half-time entertainment. I will not . .. I am so distracted by your preface that I neglected to hear the core of your inquiry. I apologize. Can I . ..? You are surprised that I work in the physical realms, is that the question?


Loreenia:        In the financial realms, yes. I mean, I know you work in the physical realms. Even though you may be spirit. When you spoke about the financial realms, I need quite a bit of financial healing, a balance in my life…


DOC:              Let me . ..

Loreenia:        …and a firm foundation for working from spiritual work that must be done.

DOC:              Let me interject. I am not an expert in finances. I am able to counsel in some regards, but I constrain my practice primarily to those realms which are spiritual, mental and physical. In the mental realm falls emotions and certainly behaviors. Between the behaviors and the physical aspects there comes a need for financial considerations and therefore, to some extent, financial health, but I am not an expert in that field by any means.

If you will indeed study the chart that I have just drawn for you, you will determine for yourself that the well-balanced personality then provides the foundation necessary for all offshoots to grow in accordance with that triune reality of spirit, mind and body. Make not the mistake of assuming that because you are spiritually well, mentally fit and physically healthy, that you will also be financially prosperous.

Loreenia:        Well, I need the emotional balance to handle the . .. whenever the financial balances are not…

DOC:              Indeed.

Loreenia:        …satisfactory. So that I do not create more sickness in myself and get high blood pressure.


DOC:              I understand that disease.

Loreenia:        Yes.  Disease.  It is a disease.

DOC:              And a common one. Even your emotional state, my dear, comes closer to the bone in terms of falling under the banner of mental, for how you think about a situation will determine how you react to situations having to do with that. And so it is back to the drawing board of the mental structure and here we are talking about mental health, thus good emotional health and social fragrance, and financial balance as well.


Do not go out on a limb and discover your sorest spot and then hope for a miracle, but rather return to the core reality and determine wherein there is a leaky valve or a limp and straighten it from that core reality. To side-step your core reality and give all your attention, focus and energy to that which is out of whack merely puts all of you out of whack, you see?


Loreenia:        Yes, I should trust mostly in the Source and not . ..

DOC:              Truly.


Loreenia:        I know that. Now putting it into operation, please? I need your help to get completely balanced in all these physical, mental, spiritual, emotional realms.

DOC:              But these are all possible, for the tools are already within you. The practice of conscientious stillness, bringing your concerns to Michael in prayer, investigating your mental twists and therefore your emotional glitches through the help of your personal teacher, and being aware of your tabernacle of flesh and listening to its messages to you of its needs also. All of the ingredients are in that recipe for a well-rounded, nutritious, home-cooked meal.

I hear you say you need financial help.


Loreenia:        I've received quite a bit of financial help, but I have a need to be able to be on a firm foundation for myself of support, to come into direct alignment for finances and take care of business with more to spare and share.

DOC:              You need to ascertain your fundamental skills and abilities.

Loreenia:        Each time I've went to different jobs, I've . .. I've learned so much, so many different things, and each job situation doesn't seem to pay off like it should.

DOC:              You need a private session. You need to spend some time on this. This is not something we can clear up in a few minutes. If you are amenable to that, I would be happy to work with you on some of the matters of balance and prioritizing your skills, abilities, as well as your wants and needs, in order to balance that facet of your life. Yes, there have been great studies done in the context that an individual cannot attain heights of spiritual awareness or mental poise when their bellies are hungry or when their bodies are in pain but that is not particularly true, for sometimes he who has need has also great appreciation for what he has.

Loreenia:        Well, I can't really say I've ever gone hungry, for I was always fed.


DOC:              Indeed, but it is disturbing to you and as it disturbs you and takes time away from your creative approach to life in service then it is drawing away from your happiness and the happiness of others, so we will have another chat down the line. Make an appointment.


Loreenia:        Thank you very much.

DOC:              Thank you, daughter.

Hunnah:          I have a question. I would like to know how our personal teacher answers a question if we don't know how to ask the question if we're transmitting. In other words, if I had questions that I wanted to give to Jasmine that she felt needed to be addressed, I don't know what they are in order to ask. I would like to get on with the transmitting, but I'm hesitant to speak up because I want the other girls to have a chance to demonstrate their opportunity.


DOC:              Forgive me, for I cannot respond to that. It is not in my realm of expertise.

Hunnah:          I'm sorry.  I forgot.

DOC:              I am going to depart, then, that you might take up another matter.

Hunnah:          I apologize.

DOC:              No apology necessary, my dear. Please carry on. I have been so pleased to be with you and look forward to our next encounter. Be well.

Loreenia:        Thank you for coming.


TOMAS:        I am Tomas. I know sometimes these situations are such that you cannot tell the players without a program, but it is part of the wonderful adventure of ascertaining an individual personality not by how they look but by recognizing them in truth. You were asking questions, Hunnah, having to do with transmitting. Would you like to have a personal teacher available for interview and if so which one would you like?

Hunnah:          Well, I think that would help, because if -- if Jay-Orzh wants to speak or another wants to speak, then perhaps one of their own teachers could ask questions so that we could experience answering something that perhaps we are not familiar with.


TOMAS:        One moment.  (Long pause)  One moment.

JASMINE:     I am Jasmine.

Hunnah:          Hi!

JASMINE:     I have been selected. We were having a conversation and thought of calling in the troops from long distance for they are more experienced, but it was ascertained that I am close to you and as you need to know I will help you. Tell me now what your concern is.

Hunnah:          I would like to make myself available to you to attend to an area that you feel would benefit this arrangement, and sometimes I know that when someone who is asked to do something, approaching them head on, it kicks in their human reaction, but I would like to avail myself to you, that I can accommodate you. In your role. I don't know how to . .. What can I do?

JASMINE:     I would suggest that what you do is live your life naturally, for you cannot force a flower to bloom. As your leaves reach a point of being ready to spread, they will begin to spread, and as that creates difficulty, it will then be there for you to work through, and I will be there with you.

As far as inner work is concerned, I have outlined the same procedure for it is a natural growing, a developing, a flowering, and as you are ready to take another step into fullness, that leaf which needs pruned will begin to shrivel and you will become aware that it is dry and brown and uncomely and sapping your strength and stealing from your beauty. That is when we focus on that little pruning job, but it is not necessary that you do anything to stir up the water. It is a natural process, similar to childbearing.

It is not perhaps a good analogy because you construe childbearing as being painful and these growths are not necessarily painful. They do require a certain exertion and perhaps we will say, for metaphor sake, as you learn to breathe with the effort, you will be able to ease through, not glibly perhaps, but relatively painlessly.

Growth takes effort. Even as you discard your more troublesome character defects, you enter into the realm of insidious yet acceptable defects, and this is a condition of all mankind and it is not bothersome for it is the norm until it is time for you, in your own perfection attainment, to suddenly see that that no longer pleases you. At that point then in your growth you will experience a poignant pang of regret and then a stalwart resolve and you will go on; thus your growth changes flavor.

And from the wrenching painful struggle of your early growth steps, you evolve to accept these changes willingly and graciously. You even learn how to fail with good humor. Disappointments no longer hold for you such sorrow. And so on. You begin to perceive that growth is natural, that character development and spirit fragrance is an inherent part of your divine birthright with your dignity and all intact. In short, you mature.  Well, did we . ..

Hunnah:          You surprised me. I really thought there was something -- In other words, I'm simply aware that you exist, and that things are just going to take care of them self, but I have the satisfaction of the fulfillment of knowing that I have a teacher.

JASMINE:     I will tell you that there are things that you can do that will encourage your own growth and therefore our working relationship.

Hunnah:          All right.

JASMINE:     And that is to not always do what you have always done, but to seek out things that are out of your normal range. Not in a weird sense or an unreal sense, but in the sense of stretching your interests, stretching your boundaries to include those things which might stress your comfort zones. As you stay in your bubble of light and life, you are perhaps perfect therein, but it is necessary for you to enlarge or you will become disgruntled in boredom of relative perfection. Read a different kind of book, perhaps; watch a different kind of movie; visit with a different kind of personality, for they act sometimes as catalysts to awaken things in you that you had long forgotten.


Hunnah:          Sounds like an adventure.

JASMINE:     This is the adventure.

Hunnah:          You mean I'll be going to basketball games?  [Laughter]

JASMINE:     It is an option.  Do not be afraid.

Hunnah:          I have many invitations to places that I consider confusing, draining, demanding, noisy and not my cup of tea, thank you, and I will find some new adventures that will . ..


JASMINE:     Allow the experience to affect you.

Hunnah:          Take a cruise.

JASMINE:     Allow it to become a part of you so that it can stir that in you which would call for some fertilizing or hoeing, some nurturing for your growth.

Hunnah:          I'm sure that the opportunity will present itself now that this has been mentioned.

JASMINE:     You have asked…

Hunnah:          Yes.  That's funny.

JASMINE:     One moment.


JUDITH:        Greetings, I am Judith. I have been here, embracing my child, my charge. Her mind is dancing. I have not yet established with her a recognition, a symbol, a signal of a desire to hold converse. We will work on that. We have been communicating. How do you like how I tell tales on my lovely girl? I tell tales only to the extent that I am part of her and she is part of me and we are part of you.


Loreenia:        Are you the one who makes my heart feel like it expands and pulls down so large? Are you the one that always opens me up like that?


JUDITH:        No, darling, I am not the one who…

Loreenia:        Is that Father?

JUDITH         That is Father, and Mother.

Loreenia:        And Mother, of course.

JUDITH:        But I am aware of how it pleases you to feel their embrace. I am jealous, in fact, of the singular attention you devote that discounts my presence, my place by your side as your helper. I long for you to include me in your spiritual life but I confess to you I cannot provide those same blisses and comforts so I fully appreciate your preference, and I also fully concur that their attentions are of prominence, but come with me, little one, and we will venture to them through the language of the heart, through the workings of your Inner Guide, that you may know repose and contentment and peace prior to partaking of your departure hence.

Ah, how I now embrace you. I feel your loving response to me. Now I nurture you and comfort you in an intimate and personal way, not to exclude our Mother, no, but as an adjunct of Mother and designedly close to your human experience.

I understand your pain. I understand pain, yes. I only feel pain as you feel pain. Not physically, but as you hurt, I hurt, for I am aware of you and as I love you it hurts me that you hurt; I feel pain that you feel pain; but it is not of a physical nature. It is other. Now, however, my sweet, I feel no pain, for I am with you and you are with me. I embrace you.


Loreenia:        All I can say is, "Jump in feet first!"  I don't know how any other way.

JUDITH:        I will swim in your ocean; I have, however, long since discarded my feet.

Loreenia:        That is just an expression.  We both know that.

JUDITH:        Indeed.

Loreenia:        Don't be jealous. You're loved. It's just that I don't know how, you know, to go any further in that realm, more than I have already.

JUDITH:        In fairness to you, and to you others who seek contact with your personal teachers, it is not uncommon for the mortal to forget us, to take us for granted, as it is for all the spirit helpers including Father, but we are patient. We observe your growth and we are one of the first to be ready for you to return to your quiet spot, to wonder what's happening or why that happened or what's going to happen, so that we can work with you and give you peace and direction and attend you in your adventure.

Loreenia:        I feel like I'm always being led, and when the Father opens -- (and when I say Father I mean the Mother also, for I cannot separate the three, at all) when I follow that leading, I feel that that will help me to comprehend all things, all beings.

JUDITH:        It will, over the course of all eternity. For today, it is only necessary that you begin to understand you. As you under­stand you, you can begin to understand relationships, with yourself, with Father, with others. We bring you back to yourself so that you may be friends with yourself. Best friends with yourself. And so I say to you: be good to yourself, and as Doc has suggested, buy yourself some good lotion and get yourself a bangle bracelet.


Loreenia:        I have big wrists.  It would have to be special made.

JUDITH:        There is nothing wrong with that.

Loreenia:        Thank you for being there, and if I seem to neglect you, know that you're in my heart there somewhere.

JUDITH:        I know that, for we have already made good strides. Until later, then, farewell.


TOMAS:        I am Tomas. One moment. I am bringing it back around to the open circuit for one further moment to see if any of you can feel a prompt. I'll tell you what. I myself will go around. You all know me. I access clearly through Gerdean through the left temple. If you feel, then, something inside your left temple, or in that peripheral area, perhaps it is me and perhaps you will assent to let me say hello to you.


Loreenia:        I feel you.

Leah:              I feel you.

Gerdean:        Tomas wants to know if you can feel him.

Hunnah:          I felt some tingles in my right toe!

TOMAS (Loreenia):                Greetings. You clearly can see the difference in how the voice sounds as they are spoken through the subject. She feels a difference in the voice nodes, the larynx. I am ready to depart.

TOMAS (Gerdean):                It has been a marvelous evening. I thank you all for sharing this platform with me, for our adventurous experimental attempts and essays into teacher contact and soul growth. Delightful ones, be of good cheer, be well. Good night.


MULLERIN:             I am Mullerin, and I just want to say "Hello!" I came a long way. I waited in line. I took a number and yet I didn't get a chance to say hello. I wanted to greet you. I am Jeremiah's personal teacher.  I knew about this soiree through the grapevine, and asked to be in attendance and so "Cheerio, Friends"!




DATE:                        February 18, 1997

LOCATION:              Butler, PA, USA

T/R's:                          Gerdean and Hunnah

TEACHERS:              TOMAS and personal teachers TRIESTE and JASMINE



Time To Change Your Oil

TRIESTE:      I am Trieste. Good evening, ladies. I know you did not expect me to come calling, but I opted to take advantage of the quietude of your electro-chemical systems this evening.

Tomas was prepared to launch on an interminable discussion of responsibility but he concluded that the circumstances were not conducive to such an energetic enterprise, and as we have observed your social discourse this evening, it was rather determined that we would meet informally and spend a moment on more intimate and personal matters, for these too are on the agenda for correction and discussion in aligning your personal perceptions of reality to the greater reality.

Indeed, I will give an analogy of an engine that works on and on, and does not have its oil changed. What happens is the cylinder gets clogged with the dirty lubricant and the mechanism functions poorer and poorer, and as you in your lives do not change your oil, you, too, become sluggish, and your mechanisms slow to the point of stalling; and so, having found you in this sputtering space, I will spend a moment with you in hopes of motivating an internal oil change that you may begin to feel your gears loosen and move along with fluidity through your personal experiences and into a more spiritual approach to your path.

I am grateful for Tomas' words recently, testifying to the ability of the personal teachers to attain heights of insight and grandeur in their teaching capabilities, for it gives me occasion then to remind you each of your own potentials in terms of what capacity you also can reach if you are oiled up, if you are warmed up, when your engine is running at maximum efficiency.

I will call to your mind a number of things that will clog your gears, and dirt, of course, is on the top of the list.  The dirt I reference here is related to the density of your world, the sheer solidarity of it, the bulk of it, the quantity of it -- this has a tendency to literally weigh heavily on you. As it weighs on you, it also erodes into you and you carry around things that you don't need to; they get dusty, they make you sweat. These all contri­bute to sluggishness of your inner life.

We say glibly to "slough it off." The teachers are quite glib in their instruction to let it go. But we who work more closely with your personalities understand how it is that you become comfortable in the quagmires of your own making, and how difficult it is to remove yourself from those realms that are warm and sticky and familiar.  Yet your ascension is dependent upon letting go of many of those things which hold you back, which glom onto you and which you glom onto, that contribute to the filth of your fluids.


Sometimes it is even difficult in such a state to seek quality stillness for cleansing and purging, for the soul healing that comes from the bathing in the living water, when you become so humanized and so clogged in your material life, you feel, in some part of you, soiled, and therefore unworthy to present yourself.  As if in presenting yourself to God you were presenting yourself to company, you are unwilling to open yourself fully to Him, lest He see your filthy closets and your dusty shelves. It is subtle, but it is a trick of the human ego that allows for such devices, such treacheries that would keep you back from freedom and from flight into higher realms of consciousness and awareness and functioning.

When you are in a place of goo such as I described, it is not a bad idea to ask your personal teacher to come on board and help you clean house, for remember you are not alone any longer. You do not need to sweep the floor and dust the hearth all by yourself, Cinderella, but you may call in your fairy Godmother to help you with your chores. Alas, I will not wave a magic wand, but I will help put a twinkle back into your life that you may then proceed to harmonize your home, your surroundings, your heart and your hearth, so that you will feel prepared to then admit the Master.

I have spent some time in an emotional morass.  It is not an unpleasant morass I daresay, but Gerdean has been in the emotional realms up to her knees and, therefore, we have not practiced stillness "religiously" and I appreciate the opportunity this evening to help her walk through some of the sticky stuff that she has collected by her recent emotional exposures. By the same token, I am advised that the lesson holds well for you also, Ruth and Hunnah. Indeed, Wanda was wondering why I used the analogy of the engine when you, Ruth, have been having car trouble. We are comrades, you see, and we can discuss these things in a general way and harmonize our experience.

I have prattled on and I have not attained sublime heights but I am happy to feel that this practice has somewhat lubricated the gears of Gerdean and I am willing to step aside to hear from Jasmine, if Hunnah would be amenable to allowing her to present herself. I will therefore hush . ..


Hunnah:          I have a question before you call in Jasmine.

TRIESTE:      Proceed.

Hunnah:         I still have trouble defining Jasmine and myself, and I do not want to -- it sounds so much like my writing, when she speaks, that I don't know where one ends and the other starts. The other thing is, if Jasmine speaks, please have some questions for her. I'm willing to bring Jasmine in, but I'd like it very much if someone would ask a question.


TRIESTE:      I am advised by Tomas that the protocol that we will follow is that I will say "so long" and we will take a moment's break, whereupon we will resume a brief stillness, and you may then entertain the presence of Jasmine while Gerdean is off­line and available to participate in that capacity. I have enjoyed my visit very much. Perhaps I will return. At any rate, I will be in the environment and enjoying your session, our session.


JASMINE:     I am here.

Gerdean:       Hello, Jasmine.

JASMINE:   You had an earful.

Gerdean:        We had a lovely visit, yes. Trieste, my personal teacher was here giving us, I guess, a pep talk. I'm not sure what she said, but I feel better. It seems to me I overheard some comment about that it was hard to ask questions, hard to know what you want to ask, and as I'm sitting here "off-line" I'm fully appreciating that remark, because there are things I want to discuss and things I want to know, but I don't know how to put it. I don't really know what I want to ask. I just know that I need to know some­thing, and I think it relates to (in my personal case) this experience I just recently went through in and with my love companion. Part of the concerns have been addressed in the lessons in the last several weeks, but not really personally.

I think what I want to say is, I think I'm discovering, Jasmine, that human happiness . .. I'm discovering that human happiness is less and less important, as I ascend, as I take this faith walk seriously. It used to be that it was really important that I have my needs met, that my dreams be honored, that my ambitions be realized, and it's like now, even though this man is very dear to me, and the ideal is still an elevated ideal, -- it's not that I don't care, but -- his leaving doesn't eat my lunch like it once would have. Is this a reality, as I believe it is? Or is this a method of denial of a broken heart or something more along those lines?

JASMINE:     I always enjoy hearing your description. You have an amusing way of phrasing things. First let me tell you that I feel that what you are experiencing is a combination of things. You are experiencing, on one hand, impersonalization; and on another hand, a release of self-absorption. The spiritual journey can be very self-absorbing, to the point of negating the feelings and develop­ments of others. As you continue to ascend, you will find that your physical appetites and your judgements will have been altered because things that were very demanding and critical are being seen in a new light. Things are shuffled around, you might say, and what was once up front, has been delegated the back seat.  Priorities are changing and you are feeling growing pains. And indeed there are growing pains, especially, Gerdean, in love experiences.

If you don't mind, I will carry the ball here and cover an area that affects Hunnah, and I feel that it is going to include Ruth's areas, too. Even though you have very different life-styles, and lives in general, you -- all three of you -- are facing something similar. It is that your values have changed, that you deal with people on a different level now, and it is taking some doing to bow where you would not bow, apologize where before you would never have apologized, and hold your ground in areas where you would normally be walked on and taken for granted.

Let me lead you further on the journey as we focus with a single eye. It is almost of paramount importance that you continuously remember who you serve. There are so many faces and so many places and so many demands. When you serve the Christ you are not exhausted. You are not trying to please. You are impotent. This is very liberating. And as you allow yourself to embrace this idea that smacks of Mother Theresa in helping all the helpless souls that she attends, there are many Mother Theresa’s needed to go incognito, who are unselfish enough to give up being obsessed in how one should be looked after, how the conditions should be met and how their social needs should be met.

It is a simple life that you are leading, ahead of you. All these folds, these ridges, are like rough roads when you try to wear so many hats, but when you seek the middle road, you might say, among yourselves -- I've heard this: "the middle road" or "straight and narrow." What we are saying is, it's sort of like what you call a Conrail. We want you to develop almost a -- I see a picture of a streetcar, with the attachment, an electrical line. I encourage you to think of yourself as a vehicle with a very light tether that will allow you to float along, in and out of all these obstacles, because you are developing and mastering, and your ego will try so hard to reestablish and define itself. It has always been that way. It will not leave you alone because the group consciousness keeps feeding it.  Many of the things that you do today are not of you, but there is an invisible supply coming into you and you are a new creature in Christ.


I hope I have not disappointed you with my answer, but I want to encourage you to see a new scene. There is a jade carving, and it is a carving of a small horse or a donkey with a little man sitting with his back to the horse's head; he's astride the horse's buttocks and looking very much content, very secure. He was the driving force for his vehicle that had become obedient. And I want you to see the human personality that you have been living with for so many years as being the vehicle, and you are going to learn to live in it effortlessly because this personality, this human personality will bow to the higher self, this Thought Adjuster who loves you so much and guides you.  I hope I've not gone too far astray or made light of your concern.

Gerdean:        I don't feel that you have made light of my concern at all! I've enjoyed listening to you. You are an interesting personality, Jasmine.

JASMINE:     I would like to address Ruth. Ruth, allow yourself this quiet time to rest awhile from what is troubling you. It will make you strong, poised and appropriate. You have been given a demeanor at your own hand. The Father wants what is best for you. Your family waits with your whole image. Your whole bearing is ever-accommodating, but it is time now for your soul. It is time to allow Ruth to have free rein. She is most gracious in meeting the needs of others but not of herself.

Ruth:              Well, it's hard to do that.  I've done this for so long.

JASMINE:    We talked about grooves and routines. Tomas did, about letting go of routines that are not fruitful, and relationships can be grooves. I am not indicating it is time to give up, but let it be a rising up of someone you do not know.

Ruth:              I don't know.  It's very frustrating right now.


JASMINE:     Ask Christ Michael to help you. It is very perplexing here. There are many who have come to depend on you, and are content for you to live for them, but there is a higher path for you, for all of you, because there is great thirst and you are way-showers. It seems to be a very slow process. It is as seeding. Every time we come together, we are allowing the cultivation, and we hear the lesson in our head, it sounds familiar.

Do not be too hard on yourselves. It sounds like pie in the sky to think, "Do not worry about what you shall eat or what you shall drink." We say it glibly, but in truth, when you are at peace, it is very difficult to become torn. You have many things on your plate, but it doesn't mean that they all have to be tended to at once, and if you look at what's on your plate and find out how many things that are there belong to someone else, it will indeed lighten up your burden.


Let us talk about the role of comfort. Recently -- and this is from Hunnah's bank -- she had been having difficulty with judging and fearing someone's choice of hurt. She knows in her heart, but is troubled by her dual role: relationship with that person and giving credit to that person; and she knows it concerns the best. We give up our old roles of what we think friend should be, or parent, or sister, or brother. We wear so many hats. And she knows she can offer it up and let go of it, and indeed all is well, but that need to worry, to please everyone at their level, is indeed a burden.

This is not a painless procedure. Watching someone use their free will creatively and not asking your opinion is not always pleasant, but we have to respect others and allow them to grow when they don't even know they are having a lesson in growing! And if it causes them indigestion or discomfort, you are or may be called upon to generously provide one of those . ..

Gerdean:        Pepto bismol.

JASMINE:     ... bubbly things, without an "I told you so" (because we know where those words come from). This is an art form! -- To be timely and appropriate.

I'm going to tell another story on Hunnah because I'm rather proud of it. I think I may have helped her with this. She has been burdened because she has felt that there are so many people to help. She found herself using visualization that -- I am sure there are two other people here who have so many people to help, in their mind, also, and they have their own picture, but in her case, she took these people that she could not find time for and imagined that Christ Michael was there and she kept piling them on his lap. And this lap is getting very full. She had a flashback of some­thing her sister had made from clay. It's called the storyteller doll, like the old woman and the shoe, and there are children all over the storyteller mother, and Hunnah was making Christ Michael into the storyteller mother, the old woman and the shoe. "Christ Michael, fix this; Christ Michael, fix that. This one has this; this one has that." And she saw, suddenly, that she did not have to do that anymore. That Christ Michael had too many children already, and that she was being relegated to reach those and feed those who were sent to her for him.


You do not have to pass on those who have been sent. Their very coming to you is a sufficiency. This is the beginning of an understanding that can develop. When people come to you in need, even though you may not know how to raise your hands, open your mouth, open your wallet, whatever, it is truly easy to meet the level of need. For when they have come to you and spoken their needs, remind yourself that that very release has tripped and helped them to receive what gives meaning, and that you do not have to hold up or come running with your worry. He will give you the strength, because you have become the story-teller.

Mercy and compassion for all this love, all this need, having to care for everyone, is occasion for grace and honor. It pleases me to speak to you this way.

Gerdean:        Wonderful. Wonderful words, Jasmine. Wonderful lesson. I feel like I've been in the presence of a song. Sometimes these teachers talk and they just feel like prayers, just like I'm sitting in a secret space, just because we're talking about our God and our soul and our growth and our reality. It's habit forming.

JASMINE:     I hope it has helped lubricate your spirits.


TOMAS (Hunnah):      Hello.

Gerdean:        Hello, Tomas.  It's nice to address you in this manner.

TOMAS:        Hunnah is reeling in the background. She is not sure who I am.

Gerdean:        Yes. Well, we've had a ladies night here, rather. Not that it's been sexist, but we've had a number of feminine teachers and some really good lessons, though I think that Jasmine is just really doing well, that Hunnah is doing excellently well. I really feel lightened by her contribution, by the growth there. I have complete faith in their integrity and I am very comfortable with the addition that they bring, by their involvement in this process, and it's just wonderful to be able to relate to you, Tomas, outside of myself, through another T/R. I haven't experienced that in quite a while. That's confirmation for me, you know, that you're real, when I can recognize you outside of myself.

TOMAS:        Gerdean, we are very proud of you. You have been stead­fast. Do not judge yourself. You have been a soldier of first class.

Gerdean:        Thank you, Tomas.

TOMAS:        Life is quite an adventure when you step out onto the waters. So many do not understand how very exciting it can be. I am not going to stay here. My T/R is anxious. It will take time. Trust.

Gerdean:        I understand.  It takes time.

TOMAS:        We will work on this but we are pleased that she is trying.

Gerdean:        Yes.  And succeeding.


TOMAS:        I was going to give you a very heavy subject this evening about responsibility. Responsibility is a scary word. It enters all the cracks and crevices of our experience. It says, "Panic! Have I done my homework? Is the deadline here already?" But remember, this word shall be elevated, so that you can expand your comprehension of it, and I shall bring the subject to you. Just the energies this evening will rally you. It is purification that you seek. I am looking forward to getting back on schedule. Do not be hard on yourself.


Do you want an assignment?  Something to keep you on target?


Gerdean:        Yeah, give us an assignment.

TOMAS:        It will be easy. I'm going to ask that you allow yourself to see opportunities to encourage others. Not just in your spiritual development. The words will be given to you. When you are in conversation, pause, and remember that word: respond. Allow yourself to become encouragers in this next period. That should be enough. Thank you.


Ruth and Gerdean:                Thank you, Tomas.

JASMINE:     Hunnah is reluctant to identify by name.

Gerdean:        I understand.

JASMINE:    I think it is because she read somewhere that the message and the messenger are all one, and so she doesn't care, or prefers not to know the messenger. We shall work this out. It is important that she trust. There's something you wanted to talk about.

Gerdean:        Well, I don't know, but we were chatting and you were talking, and when you were talking to Ruth, you were talking about her family, and I was thinking about my family and about the values they instilled in me, and some of my confusion is that when I have these relationships with people, I'm supposed to marry them or supposed to expect them to want to marry me or something, and I find that I get into many relationships to introduce them to the Urantia Book and spend time with their soul, and then that's it! You know? I guess I have a different purpose in meeting people and in engaging with people than my clan would have me do, so I some­times get confused because my earthly parent and my heavenly parent seem to have different agendas laid out for me.

JASMINE:    Isn't this wonderful?

Gerdean:       Yes, it is.

JASMINE:    Was this a problem when you lived in Pocatello?


Gerdean:        No, it has never really been a serious problem, but I tell you, as I get older and closer to infirmity and social security, the clan values do creep up on me! But I have to say this about that: my eternal parents will take better care of me than my temporal parents, like my beloved Michael will embrace me deeper than my sweethearts.

JASMINE:     I see two situations here. When you serve the Christ, you are able to let the "clan values" be. It simply will not bother you. When you serve the Christ, it's sort of like going to Africa or to some far off land, where you just automatically accept the culture, and if they invite you to join them, you honor them. You partake and enjoin them with their customs that your ease will affect them in such a way as the pressure will disappear. As you remain content in your new form, these so-called pressures will simply evaporate. As you appear to like yourself, because you are wearing your ascension countenance and you are comfortable in it, those around you will sense your self-worth and it will affect your relationship. Some will keep their distance from you; some will come closer; and that so-called tug-of-war will start to develop. We're talking about human culture.

In regard to your very tenacious approach, your grip on your devotion to the higher way, it may not be. It simply is. It need not be so tenacious. You will wear it as a robe, not as armor. It will protect you if necessary, or it will flatter if necessary. Sometimes we can take our belief system and hold it up like a shield when we don't want something. It reminds Hunnah, who had a child who very skillfully used these parental limitations to its convenience. When he didn't want something, he would say something like, "Dad will kill me if…" and in this case, we can use a religious belief, a vow. We can use it to our own hidden agenda . ..

Gerdean:        Yes, I see that.

JASMINE:     ... for self protection. And this, of course, is the skin of the human being. And when you get uncomfortable, you can seek the shelter of the culture, the religion, and marriage! So what happens here is a call to you to come into the center, into the stillness, where you receive your beauty treatment because you are ambassadors of a new and living way. You do not have to make war, or love, or any profound statement.

Gerdean:        I got that out of a lesson that Tomas gave not long ago about differences, and about religious war, that it's basically an ego kind of a thing; it's a defense kind of a thing.

JASMINE:     It's a division.


Gerdean:        It's a division, yeah, and it can reek of spiritual ego and superiority and "my god is bigger than your god."

JASMINE:     And as you stay focused, that too shall be polished, be molded, but it is because of God's authority, not "because I told you so!" We have talked about this before. Where you need resolu­tion or understanding because you deserve it, or greater reward or attention, you will get better at recognizing yesterday's selves because yesterday is gone. Your teacher called it "yesterday's consciousness solidified."

I hope I have helped you. I have talked so much this evening I don't even remember the question, except that you asked regarding how to react to a human achievement. You have an opportunity to use what Tomas suggested -- and Hunnah really liked this because she could identify -- "reacting and responding." And if you wish to have a shining moment, many shining moments, just be; and then the response, and allow it to be.

You have a Thought Adjuster who wants to assist you in this because it knows other Thought Adjusters and wants to have them spoken to, accommodatingly. It gives you reason to speak to someone with respect if you remember they have a Thought Adjuster. The church talks about the Christ in the other person. The phrase has been worn thin. It needs to be refreshed, and in that refreshment, you can use a new phrase. A new form may come to you, to help you stay in that fresh, clear place of truth.

I'm glad we talked, because it does say in scripture, "my yoke is easy, my burden is light." Have you had enough today?

Ruth and Gerdean:    Yes.

JASMINE:     You had a great thirst.

Gerdean:        Yes, a great thirst.  I feel renewed.

JASMINE:     And I feel appreciated.

Gerdean:        I'll bet!  I hope Hunnah's not exhausted.

JASMINE:     She is reeling!

Gerdean:        Well, hopefully she will have a better understanding of the difference between Hunnah and Jasmine and Tomas now. Perhaps just a little bit of exposure here and a little more exposure there and the difference will be clear.

JASMINE:     Many have been here this evening.

Gerdean:        Good.  Nice to have a little spiritual boost in Butler.

JASMINE:     They are grateful. Butler doesn't know what it's missing. Television was very good this evening, but it was very good here, too. [Giggles] Good night.




DATE:                        February 26, 1997

LOCATION               Butler, PA, USA

T/R:                            Gerdean




TOMAS introduces MERIUM

Relating Morontially

Miracles and Mind

The Importance of Choosing

TOMAS:        I am Tomas. Good evening. I understood you were eager to hear from a personal teacher, perhaps Trieste, and your request has brought to our attention again the Evangelical Corps propensity on­going here. It has been decided that this area will be receiving another teacher, a feminine presence. She is here this evening.

Hunnah:          Is she a teacher such as yourself? In the capacity that you are? Or as a personal teacher?

TOMAS:        This entity is in the Teaching Corps. In due course, my dear, it may be you who will transmit for the group, and although I am reluctant to say such a thing for in understanding of the human nature you may perceive that as a pressure/expectation upon you I will not reference it in that context, but I will say that there are more that one reason for this new development to take place.  For one, I am not here to carry on a sustained monologue, and as we proceed in our studies and growth, I will be utilizing a co-teacher in some of our new developments.


Hunnah:          May I speak?

TOMAS:        Yes.


Hunnah:          I don't want to interrupt your thought. My question is: is this in light of the way -- because our group seems to be … appears to be falling away?

TOMAS:        I will say that it does have to do with your group, yes, but not because it is falling away, for it is truly not falling away but is undergoing changes.  And the part of the curriculum which is up-coming has to do with, shall we call it, teamwork and group awareness and group interaction.  And one of the methods of expanding your perception of otherness and cooperation among like-kind is to evidence for you interactions on our level of operation for your observation in your own developing of those skills and arts of intercourse, group contact and communication, that will be bringing your group back into a cohesive whole.

It is now time to expand our format; and as you are concerned about the group, it is timely, for it is apparent to you in your keen perception that a change is immanent, and yet this change is positive for it is growth inducing.

Hunnah:          That's good news.


TOMAS:        It is also good news in that you have attained this point. It could not have been done until you were ready, and so you can be grateful for your own individual growth(s) that has brought the community to this point of understanding what community action is.  It will be our challenge now to introduce you all to the Jesusonian techniques of relating among yourselves for you to then carry your personal insights and your group experiences into the greater arena.

I have made a bit of an announcement. I would like to introduce our new Teacher, my co-chair here. Her name is Merium, and she would like to say hello. One moment please.

MERIUM:     Greetings. I am inexperienced in this verbalizing process but I have been among you for many months now, observing and making rounds with teacher Tomas; therefore, I have made in-roads into understanding your various personalities and noting some of the differences and difficulties in your associations.  But lest I start to work already, let me back up and say how happy I am to be included in this family of colleagues under Christ Michael in support of his plan and aspiration for you.

I have already come to appreciate each of you, in observing you in your quiet times and in some of your meaningful exchanges with your peer group. Fascinating, it is. Wonderful, it can be.


My transmitter is concerned that she will stumble on my name, for it is an "M" word, an "M" name, and there is a feminine presence in Hamilton, Canada, Muriel.  It will become very clear, as you get to know me, that I am Merium and your neighbor, my co-worker in Canada is Muriel. Rest easy that our personalities are distinct and original, as are yours.

In time, as we get to know each other, you will learn to recognize me in and of myself and, as when you meet any new friend you may require a meeting or two to place the name with the face, I am confident that our developing friendship will enable you to associate my name, Merium, with my personality which is, you see, "my face."

I am now going to withdraw and, indeed, . .. (Long pause) One moment please. (Another long pause) I look forward to visiting with you again soon. I am glad to be aboard. Good evening.

Hunnah:          Thank you.  Welcome.


TOMAS:        I am Tomas, yet again, but briefly. I tell you the pause was for administrative matters. I assured her, Merium, that it was not necessary that she submit to my authority, for she is her own person and my equal in the Teaching Corps, and already you see one of the advances brought to light, for in your culture it is not infrequent for women to defer to the male authority, and as you know, the Master has shown the equality of men and women in his kingdom, and so it is.

But I am finished now, and I am going to honor your earlier conversation, in that you sought the companionship of personal teacher Trieste. She is delighted to be called upon. It gives her an opportunity to develop her teaching skills and also gives her an opportunity to interchange with you and thus develop further camaraderie. I will return to say good night.

TRIESTE:      Yes, I am Trieste.  Good evening.

Hunnah:          Good evening.

TRIESTE:      How are you this evening?

Hunnah:          Well, we were all cranked up. I had a lot to say as usual and it was probably under the banner of some frustration or letting go or whatever, so I sought out Gerdean's companionship this evening and we aired a few things. I don't know whether you were following the conversation or not, but....

TRIESTE:      I did observe your conversation and I will say at the outset that it is initially a growth outburst.

Hunnah:          Oh, good. Well, if it's growth then, I once read that a good student doesn't have questions. I don't know that that's always true, but I wrote some questions and I didn't bring them into this room with me, but one of the questions . ...

TRIESTE:      Let me remark first.  I apologize . ..

Hunnah:          That's fine!


TRIESTE: .     .. for interjecting, but that you have heard that a good student does not ask questions is erroneous in our format. It is always the student who has questions that is willing to grow, that is willing to admit they do not have all the answers. For once an individual has no questions, he has stopped growing. It is okay to have a plateau now and again, but it is eagerly appreciated when a student is full of questions, even trivial questions, for it indicates they are seeking truth, and as they seek, they find. I am finished.


Hunnah:          Perhaps a better word for it would be, "a good student is obedient." There has to be a certain amount of obedience develop­ing as trust develops. My question was more like a dilemma and it apparently has to do -- and it's probably impersonal -- with the human condition, and this process that we are experiencing, this growth process? And I am confused and in awe of the fact that we can experience such powerful, powerful energy and be uplifted in consciousness to the degree that we have, and still be slaves to much of our human habits.

I'm amazed that even a blemish can be on our skin when we have been in the presence of such powerful connection (and you might say that it just smacks of disgust) and we were talking about smoking -- it could be any form of tic or what-have-you that has developed through time and habit and has a groove in our brain -- but I don't understand why we're not allowed to be lifted out of the bondage if we are …

We've had personal, what I call, "Christ experience" before this Urantia gathering developed, and I trusted that as we journeyed, these things would fall by the wayside and not be pricking us like they do. I think I've said enough.

TRIESTE:      I appreciate your outpouring, and I appreciate also that it is abbreviated from the thorough and profound discussion earlier, but I will still respond for it is worthy of discussion.

You must remember that you are a creature of dual nature, and remember, too, that perfection is not attained in the blink of an eye. Having noted those two things, it is necessary then to look at the whole human being, for whereas the spirit may be perfect and whereas it is washed, purified, made whole, light and pure, it is yet attached to a tabernacle of flesh which is largely driven/conditioned by its cultural and racial inheritance, including that which comprises its existence today.

The bridge between the spirit and the animal is the mind, that arena wherein decisions are made. That is where free will lies, and your growth, your development, your perfection process, is because of YOUR decisions, and so an integrated personality is a desired result of the mind harmonizing the value of the spirit with the value of the animal.

It is a process of balanced growth. The spirit, indeed, washes you, refreshes you and cleanses you, but it is not what allows or disallows most material manifestations. Most material manifestations are under the jurisdiction of your free will.


There are miracles that occur, but there is no accounting for a miracle, a miraculous release from the constraints of time and space such as ills or sores or addictions or lesser attitudes or behaviors, except through the mind. As you allow your mind to continually open, it reinforces the greater reality, allowing you then to trust and open yourself (of, through and by yourself) for these miracles of healing to occur; but even so, the norm, even for ascension candidates, is to forget, to be swallowed up in what one knew, time and time again until the lesson is mastered.


Hunnah:          Well, no wonder it's called a mission of compassion and mercy.

TRIESTE:      Indeed, and it is important that you also have compassion and mercy on yourself and on your fellows, for as you can accept yourself, you can love yourself, and as you love yourself, you take better care of yourself. You are willing to then let go of those artificial realities which you have packed and piled around you, which have created the sores, the ills, the illusions that you have cherished and held dear: your addictions, your prejudices, your barriers against love, and so forth.

Hunnah:          I'm reminded of a line of scripture. I think it's scripture. "He perfecteth that which is given me to do" -- this inner leadership that goes before us to make the way easier. I guess I have just blurted out some impatience.

TRIESTE:      I would not call it impatience on its face, Hunnah. I would rather call it a prayer, for you have begun to see the sublime heights of the divine point of view and you are hungry for that as a solid, stable, regular, healthy diet for yourself and for those around you, even for those who languish in darkness, and although it could be construed as impatience, have compassion on your perception and allow yourself the greater perspective. Appreciate that your view is the farther view and you seek this constantly for yourself and others. Did you have other questions?

Hunnah:          They've withered in your willingness to assist. Oh, I had one that sounds like a . .. I said it could be answered at any time. It was about the Thought Adjuster. We studied the Thought Adjuster.  It arrives when we make our first moral decision. Where does that moral decision come from?

TRIESTE:      I am very glad that you asked me that question at this juncture in our conversation. I had hoped, when I asked you for another question, that is the one you would present, for you see, that which I have spoken of is exemplified in that question that you asked: that if the Thought Adjuster arrives when you make your first moral decision, how can you make a moral decision WITHOUT a Thought Adjuster? And I refer back to the mind, the mind arena of choice that is developed in you by your decisions.


A child is taught in the ways that he should be, and when he is old he will not depart from them, and as a child is taught lovingly to care for and share in the life experience not as the center of the universe but as a valuable and precious part of the life in the universe, they reach a point of being able to make a selfless decision in and of their own training, their own guidance from their own wise parents, and so they bring on the arrival of their own God Fragment by their foreordained training, their willingness to now accept their place in the universe. Unconsciously, of course.

And so it is. As you develop and grow in your spirit awareness, your Thought Adjuster enables you to put into practice that which you have determined by your own free will choice. It would have you manifest the fruits of the spirit and serve and love one another, but this must come from within you; it must be your motivation in order for it to be effective. As you allow, then, the cooperative relationship with yourself and your Thought Adjuster, you work in tandem to the extent that your Thought Adjuster begins to manifest God through your personality.

It is an invigorating struggle, for always is the animal seeking comfort and always is the mind clamoring for recognition of its own righteousness, but as you allow yourself to, yes, "obey" your pilot, your spirit guide, you are guided into a new way of life.

I fear sometimes that these words, which are often repeated, must sound like an echo. I however am told that they are received a little more deeply each time they are repeated. These lessons are fundamental.

I would also like to refer back to your question earlier, your discussion having to do with -- I believe you phrased it as "lesser beings" that hovered around . ..

Hunnah:          Thank you.  I wanted to ask about that.

TRIESTE:      ... that hovered around ascendant sons and daughters snaggling them with lagging lusts and miscreant behaviors, and this was dramatized for you by way of an experience wherein the facilitator banished these "lesser beings" through a dynamic gesture resembling an exorcism, and I find it too provocative to let pass without remark for this indeed also falls within the realms of the mind, and yet in this case, I must begin by reiterating that there are no evil spirits, there are no negative or lesser entities out there to snaggle and hang onto those who are still troubled. There are no spirits to pull you down or take away your energy, but only those who seek to lift you up and augment your energies.


But lest you think there is no merit to the experience, I refer once again to the imagination, to the magnificent mechanism of the mind, for although God may not be impressed with rituals, man is! And the very gesture of whooshing away a negative "entity" could, to the mind of the mortal, so stimulate its belief that someone had authority and faith and courage to act upon a dragging situation, that it, the mortal's mind, would immediately feel the release by way of the suggestion imparted by the very creative manipulations of the facilitator. Did you follow that, Hunnah?


Hunnah:          I think that was wonderful. That makes me feel very good. I agree. And I also said, and I was corrected at the time, but... if... In order to get the point across to someone who is ready to open up, the form has to be the one that that person might under­stand, or accept.


TRIESTE:      Yes.


Hunnah:          And that makes sense to me. People went there expecting something similar because, perhaps a part of them said, 'if it's this dramatic, I'll be able to accept it'. It's such an individual thing.

TRIESTE:      Indeed it is an individual thing. There are some who regard it as claptrap or superstition, but there is indeed some­thing resident within the primitive cellular aspects of your existence that enjoys ceremonies. It is perhaps a remnant of the early ghost cults and your primitive religious formulations, but ceremonies are, even so, very effective. Witness your religious services, your weddings, your funerals and the like. They have a profound effect on the human, whether or not they affect the spirit life.

Hunnah:          Well you threw the door open for all of it on me, because I listened to a dynamic minister who used scripture so effectively that I was really impressed, and I felt that it was very beneficial for me in a probably continuing way, and the people that were with him were people that were expecting this type of delivery and we will seek what we want. The same as coming across a wonderment or an explanation when you're by yourself -- 'I want to be alone' -- and so that time is utilized to receive the gifts of knowledge that another one would wait until they went to church to receive, or they wanted to read it in a book, so I feel that our discourse has helped me to be more accepting of the myriad ways that are available for awakening . ..

TRIESTE:      Yes.

Hunnah:          ... society, and I appreciate your help with that.

TRIESTE:      It has been my pleasure to accommodate your wonderful mind this evening. It has been, as always, a true privilege to be able to promote truth, beauty and goodness; and last but not least it has always been and it always will be a delightful opportunity to be your friend.


Hunnah:          Oh, my. We are enriched by your friendship. And I also want to thank you for letting Merium come. Her name just sounds like music to me, and I'm really looking forward to having her join us. Thank you.


TRIESTE:      I must defer here, for it is not I who allows her.

Hunnah:          All right.  We summoned her.  How's that?

TRIESTE:      As a community you have grown to a point of needing her assistance in the next phase of your growth and so she was sent here as on assignment, and I am glad of her presence. She will enrich the life of all of us personal teachers, as well as give us a lot more work to do through those lessons which you will now be exposed to as a result of the combined ministries of Tomas and Merium.

I am now going to return you to Tomas for his closing remarks. Good evening.

Hunnah:          Thank you very much.

TOMAS:        I return but briefly to wind it up for the evening. I would like to say that I appreciate the loyalty manifested here this evening, not to me, but to your own spiritual ascension. When you seek each other for confirmation and appreciation of your own spirit reality, you have bridged the gap from being my student to being my co-worker, in truth.

I am astonished and amazed at how well you grow in this patch of earth. As you are. My dear students, beloved flock, until we meet again, I am your true friend, Tomas. Farewell.




DATE:                        March 4, 1997

LOCATION:              Butler, PA, USA

T/R:                            Gerdean



Prayer, Study and Stillness




The Handicap of Literal-Mindedness

Merium's Qualifications

Companion-ability is a Teaching Method

Learning Through Experience

Forgiving the Father


TOMAS:        Be of good cheer.  Tomas is here.

Group:            Good evening, Tomas.


TOMAS:        You bring great joy to us this evening in your sharing, for it is always gladsome when you include your text in your gathering. Even a small review of a treasured lesson brings to your mind once again those truths which Jesus brought and which we even now seek to embellish and bring to reality in your daily life.

Your humble environment here this evening is astir with excitement. It is a joyous and easy excitement that you do not understand. Your frame of reference for excitement is largely electro-chemical, but our exuberation in your faith paths has brought us great delight, which we interpret as excitement. The angels sing and the midwayers are also joyous, for they have begun to see the fruits of their labors here in this humble hamlet.


Which now leads me to greet my friend, your new friend, known to you as Ann. How delightful it is to have you with us this evening, my dear. Fear not. We are an amiable lot of celestial helpers and we delight to call you our friend. We have watched your journey and have coaxed you into this community of sisters and believers in that which will bring rejoicing to your soul. Welcome and be at peace, for you are among friends.

I, too, am in the company of a new friend this evening. My co-teacher Merium here has touched you and is interested in also furthering her relationship with you. The format that we will undertake over a course of time relates very much to the lesson that you read this evening having to do with spiritual unity. As we have long studied those qualities of personal and individual growth, so as to instill in you a sense of rightness and good orderly direction for your own soul development, there comes that time when your concerns are extended outward in the companionship and fraternity of others.

In this context then, Merium and I eagerly embark upon a new phase of learning. It is not an accelerated course. We are not in any hurry. Indeed, as you embrace your fellows in consciousness of spirit unity, it will take some time for you to completely appre­ciate the differences between you, even those differences which might irk or confuse you, and we look forward to the expanded palette of color that will come about as you begin to perceive that you are truly free to be your own radiant selves, for you will not be limited or judged or ostracized by your peers in Christ.


It will require patience on your part with your fellows and with yourself, but we know that you are up to the challenge. It is rather like, on a very literal scale, those who join the military and can work in precision. What an odd comparison! You say, for if we are all to be uniquely our self, how is it then that we all work in such precision? Would not that connote that we all acted and moved in the same way? And I say to you to recall the lesson on the symphony, for as you have learned to play your instrument, and as you have gotten yourself tuned up and tuned in to the Great Conductor, you will play your notes at the correct time, and like a great orchestra, you will make great music by your precision, by your appreciating the value of each other, while each of you is uniquely your own self.

I would like to give Merium an opportunity to share with you, for your enjoyment and hers, that you might get to know each other a little better as time goes by. One moment.

MERIUM:     Hello.

Group:            Hello!  Welcome.

MERIUM:     I am glad to be here, and as I told you last week, I am inexperienced, but only in this transmitting process. I am quite experienced in life and in matters of love and so you may be assured that my feelings for you equal the devotion that Tomas has for you each individually and as a part of the great family of God.

I had thought, in fact, to practice my transmitting techniques by offering a lesson which, hopefully, will enable me and the receiver to learn to work well together. My words have to do with how literal you are.

I will bring to mind the example of a young man and a young woman who have had a first date. And look now at how it is that the aspect of literal-ness can interfere with the free flow of divine love and the overcontrol of the universe.

This young couple have had a pleasant encounter, an enjoyable evening. They have much in common and they have appealed to each other in many ways. They have similar values; they have stimulated each other's imaginations; and there seems to be, even, somewhat of a physical flowing attraction between them. Therefore, you would construe this as a charming evening and a beginning of a possible marriage of souls.


At the end, now, of the evening, as the young man sees the young woman to the door, he gently kisses her on the cheek and she senses his spirit and falls, on the spot, for his divine nature, and eagerly looks forward to the destined union that surely must come from such a good time.


And he says, "I will call you." Perhaps there is a special film he would like to take her to. Perhaps he would like this next date to be meaningful in some way. And so he does not call her right away, as he is waiting for this more meaningful and significant encounter. 


She now is athrill with the possibilities.  "He will call me. But when will he call me? Will he call me Thursday? Will he call me tomorrow? I should have found out when he was going to call me!" And she begins to have anxiety about the literal aspect of his calling her, such that she works herself into such a lather about not getting a fixed response, she makes herself emotionally ill over the situation.

The young man, now, who has said, "I will call you," had every intention of following through, for he enjoyed the young woman's company, but her anxiety, now, that wafts to him regarding his presence in her life, begins to annoy him, for he feels controlled. She is too literal. If he were free to call her "soon" he would call her in the time that was right.

As they have gone about their way, now, because of their interpre­tation -- she, feeling that he would have already called her if he meant it, begins to decline in her affections for him; and he, in sensing her anxiety, begins to perceive that no event would please her. And so the partnership is null and void before it has truly begun.

Now my purpose for relating this tale has to do with your literal aspects. The kingdom of heaven is real, but it may not be literal in the sense that you are accustomed to. The love between you and your siblings in the spirit is also real, but it may not be the literal manifestation of love that you are familiar with or that would make you secure.

I would thus ask you to hold in your heart the truth that indeed the Father will call you - soon! - And not be impatient as to when, and say, "Will He call me Thursday? Will He call me tomorrow?" and then despair if He has not called you in your timeframe, to meet your needs and your demands.

All things happen in God's time, and once you realize that, you can lighten up on your peers if they do not respond to life in your time, as you see it, according to your values and your tastes, and so do not allow the budding romance of the love between you and your brothers and sisters to decline in its potential because of your more literal minds.


My friends, my appetite has been whet. I have found my niche indeed.  I am so honored to have been selected to share this teaching platform with my colleague Tomas. He felt that I might aid him in introducing the concept of community and teamwork and relationship if I were to demonstrate, by way of my association with him, some of the truths that we have learned over time in working selflessly with other personali­ties among our Teaching Corps.

It is certainly my hope that I can contribute to your growth and your enjoyment as well as to Tomas' noble efforts thus far in his career with you.  My comrade suggests that I now open the floor to you for questions or commentary and I will field them which will give me an opportunity - and you an opportunity - to exchange ideas and words together.

Before I open the floor, however, I would like to have the oppor­tunity to introduce myself to Ann and say to you, my dear, that I, too, am new to this community and this process, and I look forward to our embrace as we become more aligned in our Father's will for us together.  How are you all this evening?


Group:            Fine!  Fine, thank you.

Hunnah:          I have to tell you that while you were talking I had to think of you as being a storyteller, and of Cinderella's slipper.   And now we are all allowed to be Cinderella and put on the shoe of understanding, and it thrills me that you are able to bring in this fresh approach.

MERIUM:     I am reminded of the adage, in regard to Cinderella and her slipper, that "as the shoe fits, wear it" and many times my lessons are going to cramp your toes and sometimes they will be too large for your little feet and you will find yourself prancing around as if you were a child playing dress-up, but indeed I will bring you stories. I have a rather more imaginative mind than Tomas. I do not mean to infer that he is dull by any means, for I have enjoyed his rich character for some time, but perhaps being -- I shall not say "feminine" for there are also very creative male personalities…  I have no solution for it. I am just glad I am who I am and I am glad you like me.

Iyana:             Merium, are you what we would call a Mansion World teacher?

MERIUM:     I have been on the Mansion World, yes. I am here on leave, you might say, from my Mansion World experiences. Indeed, most of the teachers in the Teaching Corps have sought this assign­ment as part of the Mansion World training. As you know, your destiny is to teach and to serve as you learn. And as we have learned, we seek also to give away our wisdom and our experience, and this has been such an opportunity!


It is not often that such an opportunity arises in a local universe, and so many, many personalities flocked to volunteer. I do not mean to say "unfortunately" only a small portion of the universe was held in quarantine, for that would seem to infer that we would have the illness be greater so that more of us could serve, and that is not my point at all, but only so many can come to aid Urantia in its upstepping and alignment, and those of us who have been selected to teach and work here are indeed delighted at this opportunity.

There are, by the way, many who have come and who will continue to come, if not as teachers then as student observers. For as you have been advised, your section of the universe has been gathering a lot of attention lately from those who are now aware of the reclamation of your world from its isolation and . .. (pause).  That is all.

Loreenia:        Merium, would you give us a little background on yourself in your physicality before you went over? What was your work or what did you do? Did you have children? And so on and so forth.

MERIUM:     One moment. Tomas advises me that this is not uncommon, that you should deluge me with curiosity questions regarding my dossier, for you then to perceive that you understand me better.  I am not at all convinced that it is helpful, but I, too, was a mortal and I was not a parent when I was a mortal; I was unmarried, even. I was late in learning the skills and joys of parenting, which I learned on the Mansion Worlds after my transfer from mortal existence to the morontia form. I stayed an exceptionally long time in the nurseries.

My work, when I was a mortal -- and you must understand, this was a LONG time ago --my work was rather unfulfilled, in that I was a rich girl, somewhat spoiled. It was not necessary for me to have a career and so I did not. You might say I was a playgirl. I do not have the high moral background that Tomas brings with his wife and four sons, but I was, even so, intrigued by my spiritual nature.

Loreenia:        Did you have a large family?  Brothers and sisters?

MERIUM:     It is interesting that you should ask, for in my society it was individualized that the nuclear family as you understand it was not the norm. We were a global community and when a child was born, it was the product of the world, and so although I did not have children of my own, I had considerable experience helping to guide the destiny of many.

Loreenia:        Wow! You REALLY had a lot of brothers and sisters.

MERIUM:     Indeed.

Loreenia:        Were you in Light and Life?  A planet of Light and Life?


MERIUM:     It was very advanced. More advanced than Tomas' realm of origin, world of origin. We had evolved quite high, but that was so long ago. No doubt it is part of my character and part of my experiential wisdom, but I have had a wonderful life, a wonderful career in my ascension, an interesting life indeed! And it has become even more interesting as I have come up through the many mansions.


I have been privileged to work with many of the fine orders of ministering spirits. I have quite a broad spectrum of experience that I bring with me, but I must tell you that I will not tell you stories from that frame of reference.


Loreenia:        We probably wouldn't be able to understand it anyway.


MERIUM:     I am certain that something will rub off.  I thank you, my child, for your inquiry into my life and my interests, my background and experience, for this is indeed more than a social skill. It is a method of teaching. It is a way of opening the door to companion-ability. It is a way to get to know each other in the deeper sense of the word than is your custom on Urantia.

Indeed, as you meet new people, it is always good to help them feel at ease by drawing them out to talk about themselves, for if you listen with ears to hear, it is certain that you will find those notes that tingle in your mind and trigger your God-consciousness to respond to that person's need. Often it is just that they would like to feel free to be, to express themselves. It is certainly nice to have the opportunity to express the person­ality freely to a smiling, non-judgmental face. How are you?

Loreenia:        Contented and happy at the moment. Glad to be amongst friends.

MERIUM:     It does enrich the human experience to feel at ease among trusted associates, yes.

Loreenia:        Now have you come to help us learn more about ourselves, our true natures, our beingness and showing us how to go about, in effect, guiding us in the pathway?

MERIUM:     Truly, I have come to keep you company, for it is you who do your own growing. Even as Tomas has taught you over these many months, it is your willingness to ponder thoughts that he has offered that has enlarged your capacity for spirit receptivity. This is a social grace as well as a method of sharing the inner life; therefore, a religious experience. It is one that you can promote in your own environment and in your own society by acting graciously and asking selflessly about each other, for in due course your turn will come when you, too, have the floor and your personality will have the opportunity to shine.


Iyana:             May I have the floor?

MERIUM:     By all means.

Iyana:             We have learned that we're supposed to more or less forget yesterday and go on with today, but I was wondering . .. I find sometimes that I am contemplating thinking about my past life and the way that I have acted and the way people I have lived with have reacted or acted, and I've come to the conclusion that a lot of these things that have happened, that I have learned lessons from them and that, looking back at them, I can see how it was a form of growth because it made my character different, to grow for the better, to understand the things that I did not understand long ago. And I just wonder if that is part of the learning or should we just forget about it?

MERIUM:     You will not forget that which has lasting value. You may in time forget the circumstances surrounding how it is that you came to acquire that value lesson, but that which has value has become yours for eternity; it is also in the care of the Evolving Supreme. And so it is not necessary to let it go, for it is part of you.

Iyana:             It was sort of interesting, I mean, it was interesting to me to look at everything in a sort of impersonal way, to feel the growth that I've had by going back over that and reviewing. I'm probably saying the same thing that I said before, but I can realize what you said, too, that the things that are of real value will go along with me, and the rest will just fall away.

MERIUM:     It is also of value to reflect upon your past experience for the purpose of gleaning further wisdom, for many times you cannot see your growth except in perspective. That is why your memory holds value for you, and why you retain your memory of those valuable experiences, even throughout the rest of your career. If my life as a young woman on my native planet had not had value, I would not remember it, but it did have value, and I did remember, and so it is a treasure that I can keep, that is part of me. I remember friends, I remember experiences, but I remember no pain.  I remember none of the difficulties.  I remember none of the struggle or the confusion of my growth. I knew it then, and I know now that it was there, but it does not come to my mind.  Only the wealth of experience and friendship - the bounty, the harvest - is what remains.

Iyana:             Thank you.

Loreenia:        That's good to know. [Giggle] We have something really wonderful to look forward to.


MERIUM:     Even today, however, my dear, as you trudge your path, you will be releasing memories of difficult situations as they are forgiven and forgotten in the light of the truth which you carry forward. The pains of your experience here on Urantia also are fading as you grow in growth spirit-ward.  And even as we speak, your lives have reached a level now that you benefit from your association with each other.  And so, many of the experiences that you have had, which have been painful and you have had to bear alone, will not bother you now because you have each other to share your growing experience. And as you can share your growing exper­ience intimately, in association with your brothers and sisters, it will also augment your life, for recall that the negative exper­iences of life are borne with more willingness when they are shared with a friend.

Loreenia:        True.  That has happened in my life.

MERIUM:     I am going to call this session to a close. I would like to allow you all an opportunity to share among yourselves. Tomas and I will be around and observing and rejoicing with you in your camaraderie. Again, I am so happy to have this opportunity to get to know you and to also get to love you more fully.


TOMAS:        Thank you for remembering your loyal teacher.  I am Tomas, and I am here. I understand you have a question, Iyana.


Iyana:             Yes. Yes. I was reading one of the recent papers that Gerdean typed up, and it said for us to forgive the Father. Now, that took a little bit of thinking on my part, because I could not think of anything that I would have to forgive Him for, and I was wondering if perhaps some of the things that happen by accident of time that affected different people, where they have been hurt or they have made the wrong choices and their body aches or something is going on, are they supposed to blame the Father for that? I don't feel they should! So I don't understand exactly what you mean by asking me to forgive the Father. For what?

TOMAS:        You have brought up a very big subject, my dear. I will not go into the full dissertation, but I do appreciate that you have brought this question to the foreground. I will say a few things but will not go on ad infinitum, although I could.

Iyana:             Okay.  Thank you.

TOMAS:        I was speaking primarily to those individuals who have less experiential wisdom than yourself, for even in your own experience you may have had an occasion when you felt grievously wronged by life's experiences. It may have been not necessarily for you but for someone, a birth of a deformed child, the death of a healthy child; it may have been the break-up of a romance; it may have been having been fired from a job without cause, causing hardship to your family; any number of grievous events that can happen in the life.  And although, of course, it is generally the case that the blame in that situation is shifted to a party particularly, it is not uncommon for God to get the brunt of the mortal's anger and frustration.

As one evolves, one can ascertain that life's experiences may have been brought about by their own decision-making process, by the decisions of those in whom they put their trust, or circumstances that brought about distress for which only God could be held accountable.  In very brief regards, my recommending the exercise of forgiving the Father was to allow you to appreciate the breadth and depth of your association with Him in and through a comforting and tender compassion, for as you forgive you are forgiven, and if you can forgive that nebulous concept at which you have thrust your anger --

Iyana:             Yes, but that's just the opposite of what you were saying, because I would have to ask God's forgiveness because I thought that way -- that He did it.

TOMAS:        That is the most obvious approach, yes, but the mind is not always obvious, Iyana. It is, of course, presumptuous that a mortal would have a right or a capacity to forgive the creator of his very existence, but it is also true that the identity of the individual, as s/he becomes self-conscious and aspires to a level of dignity, develops a better understanding of himself and therefore God, and therefore can maintain a more compassionate attitude toward all circumstances if the forgiveness is all-inclusive.

And so, for you, do not worry about the concept. As I indicated when I gave the assignment, if you found it too preposterous, don't worry about it. But if you were willing to take a look at it, it might benefit you to see that in forgiving the Father for the many distresses that you have experienced in living this life, you would begin to feel a closeness to the Father in that process, in that soulful communication, one on the other, that would bring about a better understanding of the quality of tenderness, of mercy.

Iyana:             Well, I just feel that if I have these problems, I just say to myself, I am learning from these problems because they are beneficial to me. And I still don't see . .. Well, I'll work on it.



TOMAS:        I hear your righteous indignation, but I also have acknowledged that you have attained a level of understanding that all have not. For many, it is a viable exercise.

Iyana:             Thank you.


Hunnah:          We forget sometimes when we're reading the transcripts that there are many, many reading the transcripts. Everybody is getting something different. And back to Cinderella, if the shoe feels snug, okay, and if it feels loose, okay.

TOMAS:        Indeed. We try to develop our lessons and deliver them in such a way as to meet the needs of all truth-seekers. Many times even your personal questions are cloaked in terms that can meet the learning needs of others in similar circumstances. It is why, too, we encourage you to develop a relationship with your own personal teacher(s) for those situations which are indeed personal to you but that are not deserving of public broadcast.

However, those issues that comprise potential learning for the many are utilized. And we are always appreciative of your willingness to understand that as a method of teaching and preaching, in availing yourselves, even your personal lives, to this format. Obviously it is not to expose you and bring you up short, but to allow others to see also how, in willingness to grow, we are strengthened and made more whole and more real by the growth that results from our willingness.

Iyana:             Thank you, Tomas, for staying around so that you could talk to me about that. It's not that I had the problem for myself, I mean, about forgiveness. I just wanted to be a little more...

Hunnah:          Well, there is the immediate example of my friend's husband passed away last week and their child is angry with God, and if that isn't dealt with at the time, it can be something that's tucked away and they forget about it, and is that...?

TOMAS:        Indeed, such an experience can block the personal relation­ship with an individual and his creator for an entire lifetime. It is to those who need to review their understanding of tenderness that would benefit from the exercise of forgiving the Father. They, in their own souls, are bruised and tender, and only in the embrace of the Parent, the loving Parent in Paradise, can we be made whole, healed, cured, and brought around to wholeness and wellness and service.

We have had a delightful evening in your company. We have had a full repast, and so for now we will call it a day. It is wise to not over-do, and with Ann and Merium having recently come on board, let us not wear out our welcome on their behalf, but rather now circulate and celebrate the joy of sonship/daughtership with the living God. Embrace one another in the spirit and be of good cheer. Until we speak again, I am your devoted friend and brother, Tomas. Farewell.




DATE:                        March 11, 1997

LOCATION:              Butler, PA, USA

T/R’s                          Gerdean and Hunnah

TEACHERS:             TOMAS and MERIUM


Urantia Book Study: Paper 100

"Religion in Human Experience"


More About Spiritual Names


Hunnah begins T/R’ing Merium

Mini Lesson on Faith and Trust

TOMAS:        Good evening. I am Tomas. There are many of us here this evening. Since there appears to be no visible structure format, it fell upon me to greet you, which I am always glad to do, and to perhaps bring this configuration into some degree of focus.

It is the tendency of those who "sit at the feet of the teachers" to anticipate that the teachers will guide each nuance of your development, and while we are of course happy to provide guidance, the fact of our co-working status allows for you also to divulge your needs when they arise. They are not always known in the form of a question, but they always will be brought to the fore if you are open and willing to engage in communication with those of us on this side who are geared toward uplifting and directing your thoughts in a progressive manner.

Well, that was my way of saying, "How would you like to proceed this evening?" Are there any needs or questions initially to deal with?

Hunnah:          I have a question. Ann was talking with me just before you checked in and she said, "I would really like to know my spiritual name." And I asked her about her background and we got interrupted. Because of my years of experience in my spiritual journey, it has occurred to me that there isn't any required background and any required amount of reading that . .. that that is a concept we need to outgrow; that so much work has been done that it's being allowed to step into student acceptance. Would you like to comment? I think maybe I've gone far enough to get you going.

TOMAS:        I will step in happily, although I am not certain what I am stepping into there, for you did bring up more than one subject. Your initial recitation had to do with Ann desiring a spiritual name and I will respond to Ann in that context, and I will give her an answer that you have already heard, but for your benefit, Ann, I will tell you that different teachers have different approaches to this issue of divulging spirit names, and I am inclined to disallow reaching in to the files to find it, for I have found it more effective when you develop your own identity sufficiently that I recognize you and see you and your name is apparent to me by your personality.


This is different, I realize, than you are accustomed to, for in your culture you assign a name to an individual, often before they are born, and that becomes their identity; but in the spirit realm, your development creates your identity, and you will become who you are throughout eternity and a name will grace your personality as, in your human form, a dress will grace your physical person.


The name can be accessed. That which you are to become can be found, for there is a plan for you, but I prefer to wait until your personality is sufficiently developed that you present yourself to me and I recognize you by your personality, for then your name is an extension of your personality and not an addition thereto. As you grow in the spirit, as your soul becomes well-grounded, well-founded, well-rounded, you will begin to manifest your own God-consciousness, your own divine aspects, and when I observe your reality in such a way as to recognize it as a living being, then I will address you by your spirit name.

It is perhaps unfair, for many have enjoyed having their name given to them, but by the same token, many who receive a gift prematurely do not appreciate the value of the gift, and so I, as an old fogey of sorts, am of what you might call "the old school" and as I learn in this experience of interchanging with you ideas, thoughts and values, I learn also, and I have learned this regarding names. In any case, my dear, you are well known to me. I and others are aware of you and happily call you Ann. You are well loved and you are on the right path.

Now, Hunnah, as for your further remarks regarding inquiry into individual backgrounds, as to their "credentials" or whatever as to how it is that they came to be at this place of responding to and appreciating The Urantia Book and/or the teachers, it is rather like growth in full bloom. We have often said of late that the harvest is great, and that whereas at one time those initial vanguard, who first awakened to spirit prompting, to frustrations in the mind that lent themselves eager to delve into spiritual matters, we now have the opening of the circuits and everyone is being impressed by the spirit pressure resultant from these re-connections.

Those who are sensitive or in search at all will be more easily found and more easily amenable to/responsive to, the truth that you bring. But do not overlook, either, the social fragrance that you yourselves have developed as a result of knowing God and aspiring to be like Him.  Indeed, it does not matter what the backgrounds are insofar as there are no credentials required to come into the Kingdom. Sonship/ daughtership is a gift available to each child from the Father, and regardless of whence they come, as they knock the door will be opened. It is wonderful to have this garden that opens into the fellowship of believers that we have enjoyed here.


It is wonderful now to embrace our newest member, our sister Ann, into this fellowship, and I say, too, to become aware that the door is open wide, and that many will come, so do not be surprised if you find your arena deluged with those who have sought and have now found. The challenge thus is set before us and our companion Miriam has arrived just in time, for the socialization of these many diverse personalities will contribute to your understanding and appreciation of community indeed.


Remember, too, that "the first shall be last and the last shall be first." In the spirit we are all equal, and so while we may say, "Ann is new to us," she is one with us; and those of you who have been around awhile, are also one of us. What have I overlooked?

Hunnah:         You always do it right. But I thought that it was a good reminder when you said that we had the cart before the horse here; we give the name . .. Well, I just like what you had to say about getting acquainted with what we really have, to express it and then naming it. I like that.

Loreenia:       Tomas, I have a question about the teachers recognizing different names. One recognizing one and another recognizing another name. It doesn't sound appropriate and yet after a while it does have a ring of truth to it, but why do different teachers call you by a different name? Is it tones or . ..?

TOMAS:        If I understand your question correctly, which I am sure I do not . ...

Loreenia:        For instance, Andrew, while under the influence of very strong spiritual forces, recognizes one name, then Judith, my personal guide, comes in and recognizes another name (that I wouldn't even accept for years), and I see the tonal qualities, as she said. Why would God recognize one name and not another?

TOMAS:        I will give you a response that should satisfy your curiosity, and that is that we indulge, for our own purposes, in what you would call nick-names, or different names for different purposes. Handles, titles, if you will. I would suggest that Judith, your personal teacher, chose to address you as "JoHanna" because she would like to meet you on that level of operation that you admittedly do not like and are not happy with. It is probably for that reason that she knocked on that door of your awareness. It is no doubt also, probably, for that reason that you and she are not conversing fluidly.

Now as to why Andrew would give you a different name, is a question you must ask Andrew. I will say, however, that for me, since you have so many names already, I have not assigned you a name, nor do I, for your reference, recognize any of your names that you have been given thus far as your true self. But, all of the names that you have are indicative of an aspect of yourself.


My response to you is an indication to you of my belief that you are still a pearl-in-becoming. I truly feel that many of these identities that have been named, which have been real in your life, will be evaporated in time.


Loreenia:        Then the first transmitter was true when he spoke, that there are many names, without end.

TOMAS:        You speak of "without end" and I cannot go that far because I have not gone there yet. I do not know what the Gods have in store.

Loreenia:       As far as names, or more names coming up?

TOMAS:        I will not deny the truth of your teacher.

Hunnah:          Are you looking for verification or are you challenging?

Loreenia:        I was just trying to figure out why one teacher will see one aspect and one will see another, and why . .. I assume each individual teacher and guide has their own level of understanding that they came from beyond, is that correct? Until they have reached that experiential level? Sort of like we are?

TOMAS:        I am not answering that at the moment. I am focusing instead upon your belief in having had previous lives, and as long as you maintain that belief . ..

Loreenia:        I believe there is only one life. I'm only aware of this one, and some aspects of others.

TOMAS:        I repeat: as long as you maintain a belief in previous identities, those beliefs crystallize in your beingness as an identity which then can be named.


Loreenia:        It's a little bit confusing to understand.

TOMAS:        I understand completely.  How can I help you?

Loreenia:        It's not important; it's just something that I have wanted to know for a long time.


TOMAS:        Very well.

Loreenia:        It's not that important.  Thank you.

TOMAS:        Well done. And I also am going to respond to an interest of Gerdean, who is over-anxious perhaps to experience co-teaching in the way that she and Rutha did in transmitting myself and Daniel in Pocatello. She thus has aspirations for Hunnah's newly acquired ability to act as transmitter/receiver. I am going to withhold my own anticipation until I am certain that it is appropriate, but I will exercise Hunnah in her capacity this evening if she is amenable.


Hunnah:          Absolutely.

TOMAS:        I would like to ask you, my dear, without intending to apply any pressure, if you would like to make contact with, or have Miriam make contact with you? Or would you prefer, for now, to maintain your singular relationship with your personal teacher?


Hunnah:          May I comment?

TOMAS:        Yes.

Hunnah:          I am anxious to have Miriam come through, but I feel the same way about her as I did with Jasmine. I would like some form of cue so that I will know when to go ahead and not just sit here. In regard to Jasmine, I was listening to a tape where she was speaking to my friend, and her sound is so much like the sound I had in my private thoughts when I call a focused state that some of my -- there only being one.


But back to Miriam, yes I am absolutely going to do this, and like I said, I would like to have some kind of something.

TOMAS:        Let us have some structure then.

Hunnah:         Yes.

TOMAS:        I will, with the permission of you others, with your indulgence, embark upon an experiment for the benefit of us all. I am going to outline the experiment for your benefit: I am going to step aside and observe. I am going to allow Miriam to access the circuit of Gerdean. I will ask Merium to then address Hunnah and move over to Hunnah's circuit board and see if Hunnah can acknowledge/ recognize her energy pattern.

If Hunnah can access Merium, we will proceed then to emit a greeting.  And following this initial greeting, Merium will return to the circuitry. I would like then to begin anew and issue a brief lesson, and I would like then for Hunnah to be responsive, for when I ask Merium to add her contribution, I would like Merium to respond and to deliver her words through Hunnah.

Whereupon, this brief lesson/session/experiment concluded, I will take the reigns and wind up our evening and perhaps field a question or two. Has that format been understood and is it acceptable to everyone? [Group assent.] Very well, I will withdraw.

MERIUM (Gerdean):             Hello, my lovely friends. I am Merium and it is wonderful to be here with you again. Of course you know I have been here all along, but it is good to verbalize my personality to focus myself such that you can begin to ascribe a personality with my name.


I am most delighted to have this opportunity to help Tomas and to help you -- actually to help in any way I can! It is more fun than I figured at first, but you see we take these assignments very seriously. The work is truly very important. Even so, how can I account for how glad I feel in your company?

I understand, Hunnah, that you are going to avail yourself, and perhaps we can make a connection. Is this your understanding also?

Hunnah:          I understand that there is a place for you here.

MERIUM (Gerdean):             How gracious of you, my dear, to invite me so. Let me, with those choice words of invitation and seduction, then come to your sphere and see if I might access your language center. Here I come.

MERIUM (Hunnah): Apparently a smile is the expression of our hostess. I do believe this is going to go very smoothly. My words have to be spaced because these cheeks are way up in the air again. Hunnah's only clue is that her feet feel very grounded, and for now she is going to use that as a cue and is suspicious that the smile is good will that comes with our message in our intentions.


I think this will be a comfortable fit, and that we will have a wonderful time together. I think Tomas is going to be able to take over now. It looks as if it will be agreeable.

TOMAS (Gerdean):                Indeed, Tomas is back at the helm and I and others have most enjoyed how effective this technique is. Those of us who have been on-line for some time are not so astounded as you who are only beginning to trust the energy circuits, the spirit circuits. We do have reality, and more importantly, YOU have reality, and that reality grows in you each day.

In time, you will look back at your growth. You may even look back and wonder whatever happened to those teachers that used to come and hang around on certain evenings, and engage in that interesting T/R practice, but you will have with you for eternity those growths, that spirit reality, which has come about because of the association we share today, that experience of commingling in the spirit, of seeking greater spirit reality.

This remarkable practice of setting out to find God in our lives and actually finding Him, and then seeking to do His will and actually doing it -- these are real, my friends. This is the true reality, and so it matters little about the teachers or about names or places, for in time we will all be part of a greater reality that doesn't even resemble where we are today or where we perceive we might be going.


I am not going to ramble. I have promised an experiment and I am eager to be disciplined in this context, and so, with some apology, allow me to then get off my soap box and back at my lectern. Let us approach the lesson for this evening. Let me see. What shall it be? One moment.

I rather like these. These are quite good for short lessons and experimental types such as we are indulging in this evening, and these lessons I call "two sides of the coin" and I flip the coin and I will take one and my co-worker will take the other. And this coin that I am flipping now relates to faith and trust. I have found the one marked "faith."

MERIUM (Hunnah): I have trust.

TOMAS:        I will ask you, Merium, would you like to go first? Or shall I?

MERIUM:     I can accept the invitation. It is an act of trust that permits me to speak, and because my hostess is the talkative type, she is squirming with a begging for me to describe the fact that trust permits me to speak, and that she is feeling a connection in her heart and it is for you a clamp on her lips while Tomas speaks and it is trust that is constructed.

You are developing almost like a structure. I see, like in a shipyard, you build a hull, because you anticipate going on a journey and you work very hard to build this hull and this facility that she has here, has been developed as an act of trust and we have gone ahead and allowed our work to be done here so that we can speak to you.


I hope that these few words that I am speaking will build your own trust in allowing you to apply this light tether to you which you might be able to express and develop your own development.  I trust this is sufficient, Tomas?


TOMAS:        I am most appreciative, and I will respond in faith, for in faith of the process is trust made possible. I have faith in the Father and in the universe that there is a divine plan, that there is a divine family. Although I am part of it, and see it, and know it well, I invite your faith to embrace it as well.  As you develop greater and greater faith, you are therein in a position to develop greater and greater trust.

Faith need not be large to begin with. Faith the size of a mustard seed will pull that ship across the ocean like a tugboat, but as you begin work in the spirit realms and move not boats or mountains but souls toward the Father, your faith is made greater in Him, in them, and in yourself. Your trust, likewise, will become greater.

MERIUM:     Trust is very much like developing a strong muscle. You must use it to develop it. Trust thrives of usage. It is part of your foundation and it cannot be constructed unless you are willing to use what you have in order to make it stronger. (I am at a loss for words here) It must be acknowledged and identified.

TOMAS:        Trust is an act of the will. It is your decision to trust, for whereas faith is a gift, trust is something you develop within your own mind. It is your gift back to the Father, for being a faith son, that you should trust Him to lead you where He would have you go.

MERIUM:     Faith is part of the dialog that develops from acknowled­ging the Father. As you acknowledge your guidance, this trust is like a by-product. It is part of the treasure that you have reached. You have anticipated that it is there and accumulated.

TOMAS:        I am very grateful to Merium for being here and working with me. I cannot tell you how her presence here will enlarge the capacity of this community and enrich you as you begin to see the functioning of two and more together in the work of Kingdom-building.

I am impelled to relate, briefly, in honor of our co-worker Jeremiah who has recently ascended to the Resurrection Halls of Mansonia, that at one time the joy was so great in Gerdean for Jeremiah's gift of faith to her and in her, that she needed to stop transmitting me midstream for an emotional outpouring of joy and gratitude for his friendship, and she is experiencing a similar emotional outpouring even now, as once again, she is experiencing the connectedness of co-working in the Kingdom.

The joy of the reality of this spirit family in the spirit and in the flesh is so enthralling a reality, it is ever luring us onward. I believe I have conveyed Gerdean's gratitude. I am now going to join her in conveying mine, not only for Merium, for joining us with her wonderful personality presence, but for my young sister Hunnah who in faith and in trust has become such a pillar of strength in this community, and my gratitude as well for all the community here that I have had the privilege and the pleasure of knowing and working with, of praying for and worshipping with.  I have concluded my formal lesson.  One moment.  [Arrival of Ruth.]


MERIUM:     It is always a pleasure to have one more in the room.


Gerdean:        Since Tomas has backed off for the evening, I guess, and more or less let you hang out to dry in our company, let me confirm: this is you, Merium?

MERIUM:     Yes.


Gerdean:        How wonderful it is that you are here. Boy! I don't have any questions. Like Tomas, I'm just very, very grateful for your being here to help him and to help me and to help us learn about teamwork and community and connection.


MERIUM:     I will comment. This is such a unique experience. Gerdean has had the honor of being our recipient of our joy and our messages these many years, and a new T/R frequently cannot comprehend the quality of the gift that has been handed to her. It is frequent that in maturity we look back to see where we have been and they think, "Oh! I could not realize the value because I was a child."

A new transmitter/receiver is indeed like a child who is learning to walk, who is learning new skills, in spite of their apparent silence; they're stepping aside, they're sharing their facility, and their comprehension of it is still very much of a worldly nature.

What we are experiencing here this evening is indeed a celebratory situation that is so vast that you cannot comprehend it. What you may not understand is that when I speak my words are resonating their intention in each of you. The intention, of course, is to nourish your potential, that secret ticking, ticking, ticking of what is to be for you.

We have spoken about truth, the truth, that admission of faith and trust, and they are the environment for the new reality. It will be interesting to see these words typed, because you are visual here, most of you, and once again when you read the words they will be nourishing and cultivating that part of you that truly understands and is anxious to develop.

So I hope you will take this reminder of faith and trust home with you this evening and truly consider it as a reminder of your true intent. It is free, in a sense, of human definition. It is, in a sense, a new code, but it is for the highly spirited and you have, on another level, consciously accepted this assignment. It is part of your destiny.

Recently in Hunnah's experience she spoke to a woman who had traveled to China, and as the conversation developed, Hunnah had this almost sick feeling of her first sense of what darkness really was. This is definitely a mission of mercy. You are accustomed to your neighborhoods, but it is a world that we are addressing. There is such intense need. Let me encourage your thoughts, to allow our teachers to come and raise up the Christ in you, that His promise may be brought into fruition.  Thank you so much.

Gerdean:        Thank YOU so much.

MERIUM:     I love you all already.  Even more.

Ann     :           Merium, I have a question.

MERIUM:     Yes?

Ann     :           Do faith and trust have anything to do with love?

MERIUM:     Love. It's as if love were all that is. It's as if love were the water that you float your little boats on, and the little boats could be called faith and hope and integrity. They are like the qualities of what love is. Love is your on-going life and its appreciation. It is that which brings birth to you, it is that which sustains you, and it is that which holds all the on-going experiences, enriches them, and embellishes them.

We connect with the word 'love.'  Most of you have. It's as if to say, 'I heard the word love and I received it as acceptance'. Truth. Let yourself be taught of love, the new definition. I encourage you to write, Ann. Sharpen your pencil. You are a quiet one, but you are spilling over and you deserve the companionship of the written word. You will thrive on it. 

This is very satisfying.  Do you wish to close?

TOMAS:        I am Tomas and I am here for our concluding moments. It has truly been a feast. It is wonderful for us to behold Merium flourish in her new garden. I will not give her away, however, for I hold her close to me as my co-chair person. I guess I am feeling somewhat of an emotional condition known as possessiveness and jealousy, for she has already endeared herself to me so fully, but this is also by way of showing me what lessons there are to be learned in the new configuration of two teachers in the place of one, for where there is two, there are issues that were not there when one stood alone. And so it is with the human condition and that which we deal with in the next leg of the journey together in our community here.

Indeed, this week ponder and appreciate love, faith and trust, for that is a foolproof combination; that is a trinity indeed. Ruth, it is good to feel your presence here again, as it has been with all of you. Are there any further matters?

UNKNOWN (Loreenia):        There was one who once led incorrectly and those that followed him made terrible error; they followed their hearts and were fallen. I trust that all will prevail in the end and I have faith in the long term. It pays to learn from past lessons.

TOMAS:        Amen.  And farewell.




[End Vol. IV, Part 2 of 13]