Michael; Nebadonia -  Darkness Yielding to Light - Be Open Minded with Receptive Heart - Oct 19 & 26, 2008 - CCC

Message Received from Our Divine Father
Center for Christ Consciousness
October 26, 2008
Michael: My children of light, this is your Father Michael.  Yes, indeed the lights are turning on inside.  The places of darkness are yielding to the light of love pouring forth from the heavens.  What better time than the present moment to open your hearts and receive what your loving Father and Mother wish to share with you!
Many of you are aware that your world is undergoing a shift.  This is a movement to something new, something unknown as to how it will actually manifest and exist, yet your minds are receiving information now that will help you build a new planetary culture.  Your insights, your understandings, your efforts are creating a world where divine ideals of peace, justice, fairness, compassion, oneness, tolerance, patience, understanding, harmony, balance are daily events.  All of this is being given to you through the flow of LOVE.  Yes, my beloveds, LOVE is flowing into your hearts, and it is safe for your hearts to open to them.  The shift is occurring within!
Your mindsets of “knowingness”—believing that you live an ideal that you only think about—are keeping you from perceiving from the heart.  This is the place I share with you that offers you my perspective on the reality you perceive in your outer world of life.  The shift comes from seeing your world as I see it...thereby ending all of your pain.  Yet you must acknowledge, or at least be willing to acknowledge, that my perspective of the reality around you is more important to you than your own.  Ask me about what I see of the situation you are in, and you will find a softer and gentler viewpoint than your own.  Herein ends your pain.  I will feed you with LOVE. 
There is a portal of pain that exists within human will.  It exists within the state of free will.  You have yet to comprehend how magnificent a gift free will is and to learn by experience one step at a time by your own choosing.  Your own perspective will cause you pain at times, especially in making choices and the results of those decisions.  You were not able to see through the divine eyes at those times, so now is the time to open and receive through your heart.  You world has become connected to receive the information that you seek, and your heart opens to receive it once you acknowledge the perspective shift.  See through my eyes, my children, and enjoy!


Transcript 2

Message Received from Our Divine Mother
Center for Christ Consciousness
October 19, 2008

Nebadonia: My beloved children of Urantia, this is your Mother Nebadonia.  The times of change are upon you as the world moves closer to consciously uniting with the universe family of which it has always belonged.  The many years of spiritual quarantine are moving behind you, and the hearts of my children are slowly opening to the reality of Spirit Within.
Many new ideas are being birthed on your world:  some will seem strange or far-fetched because they are so different from what you have been accustomed to believing.  During this transitional time, I encourage you to allow these new ideas to become a part of your awareness.  Do not judge anything as too big, too impossible, for truly as humanity collaborates with divinity, anything can happen!
The most important gift you can give to yourself is an open mind and receptive heart.  This single mental posture will surely avail you to the innumerable ideas of growth and advancement that will thrill and delight you.  The answers are all available within your hearts, my children.  This part of your mind circuitry connects you with ALL THAT IS and brings you into the dimension of DIVINITY from which all LOVE. TRUTH and GOODNESS springs forth.
We encourage you, we support you, and we share information with you that leads to your advancement. Open the eyes of your heart that you may truly “see” what we have in store for you.  The time is upon you and all of the heavens are cheering you on as you reunite with your universe family.  Come home, my beloveds.  Come home and prosper!