Councils of Unity - The Care & Feeding of . . . - Sept 21, 2007 - Helenita, York, PA

Subject: The Care and Feeding of….

It was requested that a more basic presentation be offered. The Bill must be paid, after all. It is interesting how your slang intention directs you more than you realize, "Pay your money and make your choice," as the carnival barker beckons you toward his game of chance. We see you more and more re-calibrating your work ethic dial away from ‘chance’ toward ‘choice.’ Does that serve a purpose? Each day, does not chance direct your possibilities of choice?

Let us start with the basics of how to take care of something, whether an animal, a friendship, a career, a life, whatever. It begins thusly:

1. Describe it

2. Create a domicile

3. Provide nourishment

4. Maintain sanitary conditions

5. Establish a communication system

6. Keep the passion

Use your chance tool or your choice one – pick something to use for this example. Stop and decide what to use as your model. Stopping is sometimes ‘good,’ is it not? We cannot address each person directly; nevertheless we will try to cover all possibilities. You will just have to translate according to what you have chosen. You know best.


Life takes you down many paths but when you describe something, you name it and it becomes yours; a way to call if forth. Describing it honestly gives you the clearest picture. Don’t worry, no one is looking over your shoulder. Tell it like it is. If it is round and fuzzy but has nasty claws, say so. Here you might like to draw a picture for better reference.


What type of environment best suits whatever you described? If you are using an animal or person this might be easy, but if you are using a relationship or an intangible object like joy or happiness or fire, this might present more thought. What type of enclosure best suits it? Or is it enclosed? Enclosable? Does it have doors or windows or decorated with furniture or pictures?


You feed something in many ways: with water, balanced meals, supplements, proper schedule, discipline (ugh), encouragement. This requires vigilance so that an ample supply is readily available and in the form necessary for use. The observer checks the list in a timely fashion. Also an understanding of the extras that are pleasing to whatever you are referencing is usually greatly appreciated.

Here we must pause to talk about encouragement vs. reward since it permeates your society. "Your reward is in heaven." "You will make the grade or win the prize." "You will be more acceptable." "You will meet your (or someone’s) expectations for something or another." However, reward is NOT nourishment. Neither are goals; they are the same as rewards. It is in the enjoyment of the experience that you provide nourishment.


This may seem like a yucky part, but you all know that doing dirty tasks are sometimes necessary. Ease of flow, however, is when you break it down into smaller pieces. Cleaning up, if done right away, always makes it easier than if you wait until it is dried and stuck fast. But again, like with Nourishment, the keen observer knows when it is best to take action – not too soon and yet not waiting too long. The other thing about sanitation is having the necessary tools at hand for when they are needed and knowing how to use them correctly. You also decide which tool is best for each situation. Practice comes into play along with paying attention. Then you have to deal with disposal. You do not want the unsavory stuff to lie around and stink up the place, do you? Sometimes, perhaps, it has become easier to get used to the smell rather than dealing with getting rid of it, cleaning up the air so to speak.


A process must be established so that you communicate from the same page. Many choices are available from whispering to screaming, to writing notes—using shorthand, emails, a blog or hand signals. Learning the pattern so you know the optimum time to communicate is also beneficial. Body language is a factor and gives another clue to what works best. Feedback is gleaned from duly noting the response time. A smile and a hug work well, too.


The sum total of the other five is what keeps the fire of passion burning steady and efficiently. While at first the passion may be high, the challenge is to keep it at a constant level, compatible to both of you. Only you can determinate how the peaks and valleys flow in a comfortable way, not too high and not too low, yet expanding and growing at an acceptable rate. It is a balancing act.

Although we do not recommend home ‘work’ you might find it entertaining and enlightening to fill in these items using a variety of things and see how you do. This also may include your supposedly negative habits. What part might be showing Low on your gauge? What is dangerously overflowing? What can you do to level them out?

We could close here, but (you know the important part always is after the ‘but’) the real reason for presenting this information, we hope, is an interesting way for you to look at your relationship with your Intuitive Self, your inner or outer guidance system, whatever definition best jells you. Shocked? Discovering and being able to define your MO in all facets of your current life assist you to realize how you also move intuitively within the multi-dimensional world. This individual reconnaissance therefore applies to establishing and maintaining your connection to your Intuitive Self as you reference these six categories.

We observe that earth is a bit challenging at times, to say the least, and it may get even more so as your conscious awareness expands. But, like Weeble Wobbles, the little toy figures that are weighted at the bottom: "Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down!" Put one in a special place as a reminder of just how stable you remain even if you do wobble now and then. Any Nursery Rhymes floating through your mind?

Helenita and Councils of Unity
© 2007 York, PA
717 854-1118