Center for Christ Consciousness

Easter 2005 Message

My children, peace be upon you. This is Michael. I am your Creator Father who once lived a life as you now lead on this planet. I speak to you this day with words to uplift you into the new life that awaits you should you make the conscious decision to follow me and my ways.

When I lived on earth as Jesus, I had to learn many things. I learned to trust in my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who were watching me grow. Just as my earthly parents watched me and guided me, so too, did I learn to listen within for the guidance of my Divine Parents who were more intimately acquainted with me and how I needed to grow to ascend to higher spiritual maturity while living a life here on earth.

I know the difficulties that each of you face. I see the struggles that you endure every day with each decision you make and each thought you think. I hear your sorrows and I see your triumphs. And I am here today to tell you that you are closer to triumph than you think. On this day of sentimental celebration of my victory over death, I ask you to consider more that my loves lives inside of you NOW; that my presence fills you NOW; that my guiding hand leads you NOW. I only ask you to trust me and to give me all of your concerns and inner strivings so I may kiss them with the breath of life and renew your thoughts, words, and deeds in SPIRIT. !

The ways of living on this world are hard and will get even harder. The way to overcome these hardships and to thrive within them is through me: for my presence to fill you to overflowing and give you all of the SPIRITUAL tools within that you need to successfully ride out the storm. Look not to the ways of the world for your answers Look not to others to help you. Spend time in quiet reflection with me. I will still your mind, I will soothe your emotions, and open your heart to a new vibrant reality of me. And you will know peace. My SPIRIT is in you. Open yourself to me and you will gain what you seek.

Let this Easter day be one of rebirth of SPIRIT in you. May you allow yourself to blossom under my love. Come to me in humility and I will glorify you. Come to me in faith and I will fill you with courage and hope. Come to me in desiring to serve your fellow brothers and sisters and I will sanctify your life. Feel your desire for your purification and I will return your child-like innocence to you. You will be new again with eyes looking at the world in joy and forgiveness.

Do this for me this day and I promise you all of these gifts, my children. I am so very proud of each of you as my son and daughter, and you will know this glad Father’s heart if you open yourself to me more fully this day. Be in my SPIRIT, receive my blessings, and be in my PEACE. I am your RESURRECTION and your LIFE.

