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Keyword Search Date of Last Search Number of Times
This Search Has Occurred
Number of Documents
Matching This Search
dec 2025-01-25 01:55:26 66391 3529
monjoronson 2025-01-24 13:04:19 48748 1133
hands 2025-01-21 03:23:26 21096 1216
community 2024-03-01 22:23:21 15427 828
2025-01-24 21:35:13 12937 0
values 2023-04-25 21:32:22 10525 995
he is 2022-04-29 10:26:31 9798 5628
co-creating 2024-09-14 07:35:01 9105 1005
he 20is 2020-05-02 22:03:07 8562 5747
1 2024-09-03 15:12:52 5759 0
pendulum 2024-12-07 14:21:46 4098 55
michael 2021-07-24 07:36:06 4081 3659
magisterial mission 2025-01-19 14:27:16 3601 460
07 2024-04-15 05:40:49 3472 661
judgment 2024-02-08 17:28:39 3408 600
lightline 2022-06-27 03:57:51 3021 296
jan 2023-10-17 19:37:01 2973 727
rap 2018-06-18 03:57:23 2920 1924
transformation 2019-05-06 01:02:55 2895 579
merkaba 2025-01-23 13:21:26 2627 186
he can be 2015-02-17 23:44:02 2585 5355
2006 2025-01-24 20:47:33 2205 422
gerdean 2024-05-26 15:38:29 2119 3
he 20can 20be 2016-02-03 10:40:01 1399 5326
reincarnation 2024-12-05 22:28:54 1248 104
life begins 2021-09-08 14:21:43 1153 909
jesus 2024-05-07 17:05:39 1134 1878
sex 2021-03-31 06:54:34 1090 306
communities 2022-11-27 00:26:56 973 228
jonathan 2024-02-05 21:35:58 799 551
daniel raphael 2024-12-09 01:27:05 792 188
planetary supreme 2016-11-02 08:09:05 780 151
he 2017-02-28 08:21:23 726 5835
noco 2024-12-29 00:45:06 619 63
magisterial 20mission 2015-11-07 21:05:38 556 395
asking questions 2015-02-17 23:18:35 519 1228
he result: using proxy 183.207. 2014-08-29 10:20:17 517 0
life 20begins 2016-02-03 04:21:21 514 909
monjoronson and 1 1 2020-11-25 17:11:39 481 1110
planetary 20supreme 2016-05-13 22:06:53 472 484
astral 2023-03-09 18:46:41 467 53
archangels 2018-04-10 04:40:36 429 70
2007 2021-11-28 03:40:06 372 237
earth changes 2019-02-24 16:41:02 340 708
life 2017-10-29 20:06:51 340 5188
aura 2023-07-16 10:27:54 328 118
daniel 20raphael 2017-06-14 18:19:40 317 188
dna 2021-04-11 10:25:06 286 206
earth 20changes 2016-01-29 12:04:05 275 674
dec and 1 1 2019-03-22 19:33:00 245 3375
first 20mansion 20world 2016-06-09 09:29:39 228 564
session 2019-03-23 12:17:15 221 195
the 2024-10-02 04:33:08 212 0
stillness 2024-10-09 06:10:53 208 2002
first mansion 2015-06-27 16:28:08 207 73
first 20mansion 2016-01-30 10:13:00 202 614
college 2016-12-25 22:25:47 201 111
leoma 2022-08-21 05:17:51 199 57
pendulum and 1 1 2020-02-28 04:41:04 199 55
psychic circles 2023-12-08 03:42:47 184 109
healer 2023-08-09 20:00:20 176 120
sondjah 2018-11-30 08:40:34 176 22
asking 20questions 2016-08-23 19:35:43 172 1228
monjoronson2121121121212 1 2020-11-25 17:11:36 161 1110
first mansion world 2016-12-23 17:37:45 160 68
monjoronson " and "x " "x 2020-11-25 17:11:38 160 1110
monjoronson " and "x " "y 2020-11-25 17:11:38 160 1110
monjoronson ' and 'x ' 'x 2020-11-25 17:11:37 160 1110
monjoronson ' and 'x ' 'y 2020-11-25 17:11:38 160 1110
monjoronson ' and sleep 3 and '1 2020-11-25 17:12:08 145 1110
monjoronson ' sleep 3 '1 2020-11-25 17:12:09 145 1110
community and 1 1 2019-05-05 11:24:19 144 809
monjoronson ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2020-11-25 17:12:09 142 1110
monjoronson ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2020-11-25 17:12:09 142 1110
monjoronson 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2020-11-25 17:12:09 142 1110
materialization 2018-12-08 09:42:32 141 84
earth result: using proxy 61.174.9 2014-08-29 09:17:27 135 0
monjoronson ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2020-11-25 17:12:09 135 1110
magisterial result: using proxy 183.207. 2014-08-29 10:20:17 132 0
asking result: using proxy 202.103. 2014-08-26 03:46:28 129 0
and 2019-12-10 16:32:47 128 30
07 and 1 1 2018-06-11 11:35:55 126 661
etc passwd 2024-02-08 16:32:07 121 100
decimation 2022-11-19 21:22:16 112 52
meat 2016-07-25 08:25:06 110 87
mark rogers 2024-05-05 17:10:56 109 346
etc passwd 0 2019-04-26 10:54:52 104 809
abraham 2024-03-04 14:55:00 101 677
alcohol 2024-06-25 15:38:30 99 83
community ' and sleep 3 and '1 2019-05-05 11:58:21 98 809
karma 2025-01-19 19:33:26 98 70
hands ' and sleep 3 and '1 2018-11-15 14:19:42 97 1271
broadcast 2018-11-22 17:08:54 90 181
jan and 1 1 2018-09-03 11:14:00 90 720
dec2121121121212 1 2020-08-18 17:36:15 85 0
jesus christ 2016-07-30 21:47:34 85 836
dec ' and 'x ' 'x 2019-03-22 19:32:56 82 3375
psychic 20circles 2016-01-29 01:23:37 82 103
ufo 2024-12-11 00:06:28 82 43
dec ' and 'x ' 'y 2021-12-12 11:06:37 81 0
nec 2019-12-22 07:37:49 81 4207
dec " and "x " "x 2019-03-22 19:32:58 80 3375
dec " and "x " "y 2019-03-22 19:32:59 80 3375
hands ' and sleep 3 2018-11-15 14:19:44 80 1271
dec ' 2025-01-06 05:54:18 75 3375
northern colorado team 2015-02-07 06:57:39 73 143
meditation 2022-06-04 04:50:08 72 915
daniel 2021-02-08 00:22:28 71 889
peace 2023-03-05 11:21:20 69 3100
2017 2024-03-31 03:54:17 68 1
core values 2023-02-16 22:46:11 68 186
caligastia 2024-11-06 07:48:33 67 211
god 2014-06-20 15:46:22 67 0
nebadonia 2024-06-25 15:03:46 67 1011
pendulum " and "x " "x 2020-02-28 04:41:09 67 55
pendulum ' and 'x ' 'x 2020-02-28 04:41:06 67 55
pendulum ' and 'x ' 'y 2020-02-28 04:41:07 67 55
pendulum2121121121212 1 2020-02-28 04:40:57 67 55
magisterial 2020-07-30 05:29:14 66 622
correcting time 2023-11-22 06:44:20 65 1205
dec ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2019-03-22 19:34:21 65 3375
dec ' and sleep 3 and '1 2019-03-22 19:34:20 65 3375
dec ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2019-03-22 19:34:21 65 3375
dec ' sleep 3 '1 2019-03-22 19:34:20 65 3375
dec 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2019-03-22 19:34:20 65 3375
fusion 2023-07-03 12:48:04 65 346
hands1111111111111 ' 2018-11-07 17:00:15 65 1314
pendulum " and "x " "y 2020-02-28 03:56:31 65 55
adjudication 2024-09-21 20:50:26 63 185
asking 2015-06-19 22:57:12 63 1520
marshall 2022-01-13 15:17:50 63 65
ham 2022-05-23 15:45:25 61 1
6 core values 2023-09-11 06:26:14 60 40
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 638 2018-11-15 14:20:23 60 1271
monjoronson united states 2015-04-15 14:00:40 60 90
turbulence 2015-08-03 20:58:24 60 58
cataclysm 2024-01-04 09:16:42 54 40
adjudication of the lucifer rebellion 2020-07-25 12:22:57 53 0
course in miracles 2021-08-11 14:31:02 53 111
2016 2024-04-14 15:22:55 51 0
lucifer 2024-06-23 10:18:27 51 546
community1111111111111 ' 2018-04-25 21:57:45 50 809
ingillo 2024-04-14 15:24:33 50 109
community " and "x " "x 2019-05-05 11:24:18 48 809
community " and "x " "y 2019-05-05 11:24:18 48 809
community ' and 'x ' 'x 2019-05-05 11:24:17 48 809
community ' and 'x ' 'y 2019-05-05 11:24:17 48 809
community2121121121212 1 2019-05-05 11:24:16 48 809
hands and 1 1 2018-11-15 12:33:37 48 1271
dec ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2019-03-22 19:34:22 47 3375
knowingness knowingness 2014-08-22 19:06:24 47 192
addiction 2020-01-11 02:47:13 46 97
graciousness 2014-08-26 07:24:11 46 126
mark 20rogers 2016-08-23 15:11:44 46 300
serara 2023-01-02 21:31:45 46 22
suicide 2024-06-25 13:40:22 46 88
transmitting 2024-02-15 01:40:29 46 384
1993 2024-10-17 15:43:10 45 266
michael ' and sleep 3 and '1 2018-04-30 10:56:40 45 185
pendulum ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2020-02-28 04:41:16 45 0
pendulum ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2020-02-28 04:41:18 45 0
pendulum ' and sleep 3 and '1 2020-02-28 04:41:13 45 0
pendulum ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2020-02-28 04:41:17 45 0
pendulum ' sleep 3 '1 2020-02-28 04:41:14 45 0
pendulum 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2020-02-28 04:41:15 45 0
rap and 1 1 2018-03-25 13:31:34 45 1924
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 638 2018-04-30 10:57:49 44 185
panoptia 2024-12-27 13:22:13 44 59
siraya 2023-09-07 03:25:10 44 34
2015 2019-03-02 16:57:35 43 60
economic collapse 2024-03-29 21:39:36 43 16
fragrance 2017-03-26 10:41:38 43 163
07 " and "x " "x 2018-06-11 11:35:54 42 661
07 " and "x " "y 2018-06-11 11:35:55 42 661
07 ' and 'x ' 'x 2018-06-11 11:35:53 42 661
07 ' and 'x ' 'y 2018-06-11 11:35:54 42 661
072121121121212 1 2018-06-11 11:35:51 42 661
community ' sleep 3 '1 2019-05-05 11:46:49 42 809
metatron 2022-01-09 12:28:31 42 7
monjoronson ' 2023-06-04 21:05:28 42 1133
personality 2021-08-12 18:40:15 42 2069
gaia 2022-06-19 22:30:43 41 40
jerry lane 2022-07-04 01:39:03 41 112
thought adjuster 2023-05-23 18:33:49 41 1720
worship 2024-08-24 09:29:07 41 941
2014 2017-11-19 14:31:34 40 142
depression 2021-12-19 13:36:49 40 193
hands1111111111111 2018-11-07 16:58:36 40 1314
hands1111111111111 " 2018-11-07 17:01:45 40 1314
daniel raphael session 2015-02-10 06:42:32 39 85
woods cross 2019-12-17 21:48:17 39 704
imagination 2020-01-11 05:44:53 38 484
agondonter 2019-09-20 17:32:40 37 143
john mark 2024-06-25 15:04:00 37 29
07 sleep 3 2018-06-11 11:37:01 36 661
community ' and sleep 3 2019-05-05 11:58:23 36 809
faith 2023-05-10 19:00:49 36 3061
reincarnation and 1 1 2017-05-29 09:16:39 36 100
07 and sleep 3 2017-03-05 09:25:23 35 661
atlantis 2023-02-20 06:55:46 35 11
northern 20colorado 20team 2015-10-15 04:57:17 35 143
sustainability 2023-07-02 08:10:19 35 189
van 2021-05-27 05:35:31 35 2671
etc passwd 00 2016-07-23 04:31:39 34 917
broadcast number 2018-11-22 17:09:54 34 3
exuberance 2014-08-17 07:27:00 34 55
homosexuality 2024-12-13 16:38:16 34 23
forbearance 2015-08-12 22:38:05 33 84
of 2020-01-11 02:46:55 33 3
07 ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2018-06-11 11:37:02 32 661
07 ' and sleep 3 and '1 2018-06-11 11:37:01 32 661
07 ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2018-06-11 11:37:02 32 661
07 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-06-11 11:37:01 32 661
07 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-06-11 11:37:02 32 661
07 and benchmark 2999999 md5 now 2018-06-11 11:37:02 32 661
07 benchmark 2999999 md5 now 2018-06-11 11:37:02 32 661
father's 2013-10-05 12:17:50 32 1549
2012 2024-03-31 03:39:10 31 331
aaron 2024-07-21 07:17:29 31 307
asking result: unknown type of text 2014-07-28 19:36:29 31 0
embodiment 2015-08-26 14:36:25 31 87
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 1 2018-11-15 14:19:46 31 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 20 2018-11-15 14:19:49 31 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 40 2018-11-15 14:19:51 31 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 80 2018-11-15 14:19:54 31 1271
healing 2024-09-05 01:36:44 31 1363
a course in miracles 2019-02-18 15:41:51 30 199
aliens 2024-05-08 09:54:23 30 28
churches 2024-04-02 20:38:09 30 256
community ' and sleep 3 order by 638 2019-05-05 11:58:56 30 809
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 160 2018-11-15 14:19:57 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 320 2018-11-15 14:19:59 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 321 2018-11-15 14:20:02 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 481 2018-11-15 14:20:05 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 561 2018-11-15 14:20:07 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 601 2018-11-15 14:20:10 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 621 2018-11-15 14:20:13 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 631 2018-11-15 14:20:15 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 636 2018-11-15 14:20:18 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 639 2018-11-15 14:20:26 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 640 2018-11-15 14:20:29 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 641 2018-11-15 14:20:31 30 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 642 2018-11-15 14:20:34 30 1271
jan " and "x " "x 2018-09-03 11:13:55 30 720
jan " and "x " "y 2018-09-03 11:13:55 30 720
jan ' and 'x ' 'x 2018-09-03 11:13:54 30 720
jan ' and 'x ' 'y 2018-09-03 11:13:54 30 720
jan2121121121212 1 2018-09-03 11:13:44 30 720
merkaba and 1 1 2018-11-25 11:02:56 30 186
satan 2023-10-28 19:54:19 30 86
tree 2024-11-27 10:48:58 30 351
wave 2023-05-28 08:58:25 30 0
chakra 2024-12-15 13:06:28 29 98
christ michael 2023-08-13 19:37:20 29 1539
community1111111111111 2018-04-25 21:58:12 29 809
monjoronson 'a 0 2022-06-16 15:56:21 29 1133
moses 2024-04-04 18:20:17 29 29
mota 2021-02-24 00:59:30 29 180
prayer 2024-04-04 02:00:29 29 54
seth 2021-11-09 19:49:49 29 18
spirit of truth 2022-04-07 23:19:37 29 942
stress 2023-07-13 22:02:55 29 533
' 2025-01-06 05:54:10 28 3375
2018 2024-03-31 03:39:52 28 2
autism 2024-03-16 05:56:17 28 7
ego 2019-11-11 13:53:28 28 1642
homosexual 2024-11-05 17:28:15 28 6
kuwaya 2023-11-28 04:20:39 28 8
ron besser 2024-05-13 15:43:31 28 20
second mile 2015-08-26 22:49:37 28 64
soul 2024-02-11 12:05:20 28 3
annunaki 2022-06-04 01:00:07 27 1
compassion 2023-07-30 11:43:26 27 971
daniel 20raphael 20session 20 2015-12-22 14:47:42 27 85
pandemic 2022-06-01 19:21:27 27 27
paul conklin 2019-12-12 14:01:06 27 95
sananda 2023-03-25 21:16:44 27 35
special session 2017-12-02 01:19:35 27 63
superuniverse number 2014-07-31 01:47:51 27 72
cosmic mind 2024-11-29 04:16:10 26 767
death 2019-09-02 04:19:51 26 893
paradise 2021-09-02 00:18:43 26 1614
pornography 2024-12-13 16:41:28 26 9
rayson 2022-01-02 10:26:24 26 206
third eye 2020-06-13 06:09:49 26 320
new era conversations 2017-11-19 22:16:56 25 21
trump 2024-02-11 20:15:18 25 4
ultimaton 2022-01-02 10:27:25 25 22
universe broadcast 2019-03-20 13:02:40 25 157
alien 2020-11-26 09:20:37 24 52
astral and 1 1 2016-08-25 20:19:14 24 51
illuminati 2018-10-23 09:15:09 24 6
jan ' and sleep 3 and '1 2018-09-03 11:15:20 24 720
lucifer rebellion 2021-08-11 13:13:56 24 423
marijuana 2023-09-01 16:03:22 24 4
melchizedek 2020-09-08 22:09:31 24 1
sex and 1 1 2019-03-24 06:54:53 24 267
three core values 2016-07-03 01:20:34 24 168
time prompts 2016-09-21 11:06:41 24 151
1998 2024-11-24 20:06:56 23 212
abc-3 2024-12-25 21:47:21 23 167
angels 2023-12-15 10:03:55 23 1123
crop circles 2023-01-21 17:04:55 23 42
finaliter 2021-02-21 07:08:20 23 1
gay 2024-11-05 16:46:52 23 46
grid 2024-12-12 22:13:35 23 139
jan ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2018-09-03 11:15:21 23 720
jan ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2018-09-03 11:15:21 23 720
jan ' sleep 3 '1 2018-09-03 11:15:21 23 720
jan 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-09-03 11:15:21 23 720
life after death 2017-06-20 16:48:16 23 35
practice worship 2024-04-02 12:29:27 23 426
stasis 2023-01-20 15:11:16 23 20
urantia 2023-12-31 12:52:00 23 1
zero point 2024-04-23 01:08:08 23 65
abortion 2024-12-13 00:45:45 22 25
asking result using proxy 202 103 243 122 1080 unk 2014-10-24 22:59:05 22 0
community 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2019-04-20 06:38:17 22 809
he result using proxy 183 207 228 7 8888 unknown t 2014-10-23 03:05:19 22 0
islam 2024-05-18 20:35:05 22 22
michael ' and sleep 3 2018-04-30 10:56:48 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 1 2018-04-30 10:56:54 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 160 2018-04-30 10:57:09 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 20 2018-04-30 10:56:58 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 320 2018-04-30 10:57:13 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 321 2018-04-30 10:57:17 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 40 2018-04-30 10:57:01 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 481 2018-04-30 10:57:22 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 561 2018-04-30 10:57:26 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 601 2018-04-30 10:57:30 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 621 2018-04-30 10:57:33 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 631 2018-04-30 10:57:37 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 639 2018-04-30 10:57:53 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 640 2018-04-30 10:57:57 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 641 2018-04-30 10:58:01 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 642 2018-04-30 10:58:05 22 185
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 80 2018-04-30 10:57:06 22 185
sexual 2019-09-29 20:57:40 22 109
wisdom 2024-08-26 16:13:14 22 1823
3 core values 2016-07-17 21:41:43 21 1
apocalypse 2025-01-21 14:31:31 21 19
awe 2019-03-03 04:08:36 21 684
aya 2023-05-13 13:37:43 21 294
chakras 2019-09-21 11:30:13 21 72
dream 2021-09-15 01:06:49 21 373
earth result using proxy 61 174 9 96 8080 unknown 2014-10-22 22:15:10 21 0
fear 2021-02-27 05:36:49 21 2487
he result using proxy 183 207 228 6 8065 unknown t 2014-10-26 21:35:31 21 0
he result using proxy 183 207 228 9 8035 unknown t 2014-10-24 23:49:16 21 0
he result using proxy 183 207 228 9 8118 chosen ni 2014-10-23 00:45:02 21 0
magisterial result using proxy 183 207 228 12 83 u 2014-10-23 00:45:05 21 0
mars 2022-11-23 11:03:30 21 11
michael ' and sleep 3 order by 636 2018-04-30 10:57:41 21 185
new 100 2024-09-03 20:29:52 21 0
rebellion 2025-01-15 04:55:15 21 905
spirit 2024-02-11 12:04:18 21 0
transmission 2024-02-17 10:43:36 21 586
transmit 2024-02-14 12:56:45 21 406
borderland 2021-04-21 06:01:20 20 16
covid 2024-12-13 13:43:52 20 0
dec 'a 0 2019-06-21 11:28:08 20 3487
earth 2017-03-13 12:05:15 20 1869
enoch 2024-02-11 19:52:48 20 14
love 2023-09-22 11:43:22 20 299
monjoronson dialogues 2017-03-20 03:22:41 20 5
mother spirit 2023-08-07 12:38:49 20 1912
obama 2019-08-18 16:14:00 20 7
prayer revelation 2016-09-17 08:41:55 20 428
survival 2024-04-04 10:17:13 20 60
t r 2019-12-28 16:16:15 20 5840
urantia foundation 2018-05-19 00:15:35 20 23
1992 2024-09-29 20:31:04 19 168
clinic 2024-10-07 22:00:07 19 25
course 2014-12-29 17:39:34 19 2784
donna 2024-04-14 15:23:47 19 109
dreams 2025-01-13 10:09:32 19 437
eternal son 2021-08-01 06:37:36 19 1792
hands ' 2023-08-05 06:39:24 19 1216
holy spirit 2021-06-20 13:27:39 19 482
indigo children 2023-09-08 18:32:03 19 37
pendulum 'a 0 2020-11-09 00:44:35 19 55
pyramids 2024-04-07 01:40:24 19 28
core values of sustainability 2018-05-05 08:24:38 18 91
discernment 2019-04-15 08:04:43 18 412
healthcare 2025-01-13 09:21:46 18 91
hell 2024-06-25 14:58:10 18 156
is thought adjuster the higher self 2016-07-18 01:11:01 18 0
jonathan and 1 1 2018-08-20 23:41:54 18 519
kit 2024-04-12 15:29:20 18 148
light and life 2023-11-04 11:49:40 18 1552
mansion worlds 2024-02-20 09:37:49 18 730
mary 2021-03-16 02:52:39 18 515
resurrection 2023-07-27 05:17:47 18 267
vaccine 2024-12-13 13:44:15 18 4
virus 2021-11-28 08:55:59 18 89
zero point energy 2023-06-05 21:09:12 18 60
2006 'a 0 2021-09-18 20:13:42 17 419
course 20in 20miracles 2015-10-25 14:20:18 17 192
father 2014-01-31 14:53:55 17 0
light 2023-05-28 09:00:27 17 0
manotia 2018-06-26 16:29:51 17 18
mansonia 2023-08-30 14:41:19 17 186
special session 21 2018-01-29 14:36:23 17 91
time travel 2024-04-23 00:48:47 17 576
truth 2023-02-05 11:01:18 17 3457
urantia book 2023-11-20 16:38:34 17 0
2020 2024-03-31 03:39:41 16 1
acceptance 2018-02-04 10:53:15 16 1032
canada 2018-11-29 06:31:47 16 59
charles 2019-12-27 17:26:56 16 70
fantasy 2020-01-12 18:01:33 16 83
hands " and "x " "x 2018-11-15 12:33:34 16 1271
hands " and "x " "y 2018-11-15 12:33:35 16 1271
hands ' and 'x ' 'x 2018-11-15 12:33:32 16 1271
hands ' and 'x ' 'y 2018-11-15 12:33:33 16 1271
hands ' sleep 3 '1 2018-11-15 13:39:18 16 1271
hands2121121121212 1 2018-11-15 12:33:26 16 1271
hitler 2023-03-25 20:08:14 16 26
internet 2024-04-14 09:09:41 16 250
lytske 2019-12-13 15:02:41 16 99
near death experience 2021-10-12 01:47:54 16 20
nebadon 2019-03-04 23:41:31 16 879
prometheus 2017-11-12 22:20:35 16 4
reflectivity 2023-10-21 08:41:13 16 125
romantic 2020-01-12 20:25:56 16 89
six core values 2022-06-05 12:35:51 16 57
social sustainability 2024-02-21 19:21:00 16 239
the voice 2017-01-10 09:19:18 16 60
war 2021-06-02 07:58:44 16 5298
yogananda 2023-03-26 05:25:26 16 16
abundanthope 2020-11-01 17:21:31 15 2
bible 2023-10-17 10:06:40 15 258
circle of seven 2019-04-04 18:02:55 15 140
community ' and sleep 3 order by 1 2019-05-05 11:58:25 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 160 2019-05-05 11:58:34 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 20 2019-05-05 11:58:27 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 320 2019-05-05 11:58:36 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 321 2019-05-05 11:58:38 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 40 2019-05-05 11:58:29 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 481 2019-05-05 11:58:41 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 561 2019-05-05 11:58:43 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 601 2019-05-05 11:58:45 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 621 2019-05-05 11:58:47 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 631 2019-05-05 11:58:50 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 636 2019-05-05 11:58:52 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 639 2019-05-05 11:58:59 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 640 2019-05-05 11:59:01 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 641 2019-05-05 11:59:03 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 642 2019-05-05 11:59:05 15 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 80 2019-05-05 11:58:32 15 809
evil spirits 2019-03-02 05:02:38 15 55
gabriel 2021-02-14 08:20:57 15 161
government 2020-02-23 10:09:37 15 483
guardian angel 2023-12-31 13:51:18 15 201
happiness 2022-10-01 08:20:42 15 806
he result: unknown type of text 2014-07-08 17:21:03 15 0
healthcare training 2025-01-17 13:50:18 15 20
http www google com 2024-02-08 16:32:09 15 100
machiventa 2024-03-06 22:54:22 15 947
margul 2017-06-16 16:03:31 15 19
megatron 2021-11-23 15:15:07 15 0
midwayer 2021-03-10 13:47:10 15 520
monjoronson conversation 2015-02-09 22:06:46 15 165
nibiru 2020-12-02 11:49:21 15 0
rap " and "x " "x 2018-03-25 13:31:32 15 1924
rap " and "x " "y 2018-03-25 13:31:33 15 1924
rap ' and 'x ' 'x 2018-03-25 13:31:30 15 1924
rap ' and 'x ' 'y 2018-03-25 13:31:31 15 1924
rap2121121121212 1 2018-03-25 13:31:26 15 1924
rapture 2023-05-18 06:34:33 15 38
serena 2022-04-23 00:58:56 15 0
teaching mission 2023-03-12 14:57:14 15 1997
2013 2024-10-17 16:27:39 14 0
bob 2016-04-09 07:28:34 14 414
cataclysms 2023-08-15 20:19:10 14 95
church 2021-05-06 20:38:06 14 417
decision 2024-12-27 13:40:20 14 1302
diet 2017-06-15 21:16:45 14 142
dispensation 2020-11-30 17:42:06 14 181
drugs 2019-04-07 17:35:38 14 143
forgiveness 2021-11-18 10:53:49 14 760
headquarters 2024-04-03 10:56:33 14 137
humor 2020-01-20 13:25:58 14 494
jan ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2018-09-03 11:15:22 14 720
judas 2021-03-16 04:52:23 14 49
mark of the beast 2024-03-01 15:26:04 14 7
merkabah 2022-01-14 21:10:09 14 25
mighty messenger 2020-08-03 14:57:21 14 110
monjoronson ' " 2022-06-25 00:55:54 14 1133
preparation 2017-10-24 15:32:34 14 645
remote viewing 2019-03-28 02:38:35 14 27
superuniverse 2018-04-14 20:20:39 14 146
survivalists 2025-01-18 21:48:49 14 5
watchers 2021-03-15 01:33:18 14 23
wivine 2019-11-27 11:01:18 14 0
11 11 2021-01-17 02:03:59 13 1686
6 core 2017-10-22 05:29:35 13 417
adjudication 20of 20the 20lucifer 20rebellion 2015-08-23 07:16:38 13 100
agondonters 2022-10-21 08:40:47 13 175
antichrist 2021-08-02 12:29:02 13 14
creativity 2019-11-13 14:13:19 13 617
demon 2024-01-11 12:25:21 13 11
edentia 2019-10-19 23:39:48 13 78
flat earth 2021-06-26 05:14:47 13 51
isis 2020-12-02 09:09:43 13 9
mansion world 2019-01-27 07:21:15 13 720
michael xavier 2022-09-05 00:11:31 13 20
morontia mind 2016-10-23 18:40:41 13 69
oscar 2019-12-30 10:42:12 13 63
paul 20conklin 2016-01-27 08:43:01 13 70
sin 2023-07-11 02:10:59 13 5119
stella 2020-08-07 02:25:19 13 141
timeless 2015-09-11 11:42:50 13 92
tr 2017-02-22 02:21:51 13 5831
training videos 2024-07-15 20:11:37 13 11
1997 2024-11-14 14:31:07 12 147
3d 2025-01-06 16:18:32 12 9
abc summaries 2019-04-10 15:01:05 12 9
abje 2021-11-22 03:08:19 12 0
adam and eve 2024-08-16 10:50:33 12 1
akashic 2023-04-25 22:50:04 12 56
approved 2014-08-04 05:37:30 12 74
archangels and 1 1 2017-06-20 10:16:54 12 70
astrology 2024-11-06 07:52:06 12 20
bigfoot 2023-04-26 14:33:10 12 1
buddha 2023-03-31 09:53:59 12 46
child-rearing 2017-07-08 13:51:56 12 142
community ' ' ' 0x20 sleep 3 '1 2019-05-05 11:46:53 12 809
community ' ' ' 0x2f2a2a2f sleep 3 '1 2019-05-05 11:46:54 12 809
community ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2019-04-15 16:17:50 12 809
community ' sleep '0 3 ' '1 2019-05-05 11:46:51 12 809
doing gods will 2024-04-27 08:45:41 12 174
elyon 2023-08-18 12:49:44 12 592
energy 2019-04-06 04:12:41 12 2805
energy manipulation 2016-03-27 03:42:49 12 34
faith courage 2016-01-09 22:02:17 12 836
fatima 2021-09-19 05:32:19 12 5
fukushima 2016-05-13 08:11:22 12 2
fusion with the thought adjuster 2019-02-14 16:08:29 12 243
gravity 2017-11-03 15:14:45 12 171
hands 'a 0 2023-10-27 10:05:26 12 1216
heart 2018-06-04 18:32:09 12 3236
holographic 2025-01-17 21:12:08 12 18
incarnation 2019-11-06 07:42:06 12 146
inner peace 2023-04-30 11:13:56 12 181
intentional community 2024-04-25 11:28:31 12 43
jim cleveland 2019-05-03 21:37:53 12 13
life result: unknown type of 2014-08-24 03:58:40 12 0
lightline and 1 1 2016-11-18 20:48:35 12 315
lucifer adjudication 2019-08-18 16:28:45 12 13
lucifer trial 2019-12-21 19:55:03 12 61
malachi 2019-03-17 07:10:23 12 1
masturbation 2023-10-17 09:50:43 12 1
nephilim 2020-12-13 18:46:59 12 0
ophelius 2018-06-18 12:16:18 12 113
orvonton 2021-08-25 11:47:41 12 95
pet 2018-08-16 17:26:02 12 1608
reincarnation " and "x " "x 2017-05-29 09:16:36 12 100
reincarnation " and "x " "y 2017-05-29 09:16:37 12 100
reincarnation ' and 'x ' 'x 2017-05-29 09:16:35 12 100
reincarnation ' and 'x ' 'y 2017-05-29 09:16:35 12 100
reincarnation2121121121212 1 2017-05-29 09:16:29 12 100
reserve corp 2014-09-07 06:15:12 12 21
reserve corps 2016-01-21 16:14:54 12 118
salvation 2021-12-03 12:47:09 12 26
training 2024-12-20 22:29:55 12 882
who am i 2018-04-07 00:26:38 12 5397
1994 2024-10-25 08:41:16 11 160
1995 2024-10-31 14:59:31 11 150
2019 2024-03-31 03:39:49 11 0
afterlife 2024-05-08 15:43:16 11 149
art 2016-08-27 09:59:24 11 5614
beast 2024-03-01 15:18:20 11 46
cancer 2024-11-06 13:35:36 11 75
children 2020-11-28 19:43:50 11 3529
climate change 2023-06-10 12:45:44 11 8
financial collapse 2024-06-04 02:35:53 11 6
frequency 2024-05-19 21:46:39 11 338
global warming 2019-09-18 18:30:55 11 45
hands ' 0 and sleep 3 2018-11-15 13:39:32 11 1271
he can be' 2014-07-25 18:58:31 11 5326
how to transmit 2024-02-15 09:01:03 11 5
hypnosis 2024-12-06 16:27:43 11 16
imagine god 2018-11-04 12:36:49 11 7
individial value 2018-06-03 10:05:22 11 0
jarel 2024-12-25 21:43:03 11 305
lemuria 2022-11-06 05:23:02 11 1
light line 2022-01-20 20:12:17 11 0
lust 2022-11-21 00:01:05 11 34
mansion 2022-11-19 20:59:33 11 784
money 2025-01-10 07:07:07 11 450
mxam 2021-11-23 06:19:45 11 0
new name 2014-06-24 08:48:48 11 1450
new urantia book 2017-12-03 00:11:49 11 1522
northern 2015-01-22 06:56:20 11 212
pandemics 2020-12-26 17:32:29 11 10
paul of tarsus 2016-10-13 08:28:00 11 15
rap ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2018-03-25 13:32:55 11 1924
rap ' and sleep 3 and '1 2018-03-25 13:32:52 11 1924
rap ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2018-03-25 13:32:56 11 1924
rap ' sleep 3 '1 2018-03-25 13:32:54 11 1924
rap 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-03-25 13:32:55 11 1924
ray 2017-12-19 07:47:05 11 3461
reincarnation ' and sleep 3 and '1 2017-05-29 09:18:27 11 100
reincarnation ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2017-05-29 09:18:29 11 100
reincarnation ' sleep 3 '1 2017-05-29 09:18:27 11 100
reincarnation 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2017-05-29 09:18:28 11 100
ron 2019-10-23 18:37:11 11 5421
sentenact 2017-09-08 07:03:01 11 0
spiritual clinic 2023-02-21 07:34:34 11 0
stillness practice 2022-05-12 05:13:56 11 1032
suffering 2024-01-06 07:17:29 11 655
sun 2024-02-08 02:20:05 11 1500
t/r 2014-01-18 02:17:30 11 0
tithe 2021-12-28 22:37:29 11 8
tongues 2019-12-06 12:33:38 11 46
utah 2023-12-06 18:25:26 11 223
yellowstone 2023-07-20 20:50:47 11 9
1996 2024-11-14 14:37:36 10 140
2010 2024-10-17 16:28:15 10 313
2011-09-03 2016-03-02 12:31:20 10 365
acim 2023-12-22 14:06:03 10 19
ambition 2024-12-27 11:48:31 10 95
anxiety 2024-03-09 01:19:46 10 553
archangel michael 2019-02-03 03:55:38 10 49
asteroid 2023-07-20 20:49:54 10 2
channeling 2020-11-26 20:51:02 10 132
clinics 2024-12-04 11:51:37 10 6
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 638 2019-04-20 06:39:02 10 809
community and sleep 3 2018-04-25 23:41:21 10 809
conference 2023-07-24 09:23:15 10 438
conversations with monjoronson 2021-01-29 13:11:32 10 148
crop circle 2025-01-02 21:42:21 10 0
crystals 2019-08-27 05:38:46 10 41
despair 2019-05-20 01:25:37 10 375
eccomi non comment bay bay 2015-01-15 10:01:40 10 0
elderly 2018-07-08 19:50:44 10 71
family 2024-01-26 07:18:27 10 0
father's will 2014-05-18 15:26:05 10 23
first 2015-03-01 07:53:22 10 3555
food 2022-04-11 10:11:16 10 702
good and evil 2024-04-01 17:06:21 10 75
great pyramid 2016-10-13 16:57:30 10 27
growth 2025-01-16 01:47:50 10 3096
hands ' and sleep 3 -- 2018-11-15 14:10:12 10 1271
hands 'nvopzp and 1 1 or ' " iko 2023-05-07 18:24:25 10 1216
history 2024-05-18 09:02:08 10 1170
inner earth 2021-01-01 08:49:09 10 6
jerusem 2023-01-26 16:37:43 10 103
john 2024-03-24 16:21:01 10 0
lesson 2021-07-15 09:21:53 10 0
ley lines 2020-04-09 16:23:52 10 12
luminerion 2021-03-07 18:36:12 10 7
masturbate 2022-05-07 19:01:45 10 0
mentori 2020-01-03 12:00:24 10 40
merkaba " and "x " "x 2018-11-25 11:02:54 10 186
merkaba " and "x " "y 2018-11-25 11:02:55 10 186
merkaba ' and 'x ' 'x 2018-11-25 11:02:53 10 186
merkaba ' and 'x ' 'y 2018-11-25 11:02:54 10 186
merkaba2121121121212 1 2018-11-25 11:02:51 10 186
midwayers 2017-07-09 17:45:02 10 700
moon 2023-05-19 12:19:12 10 154
morontia 2023-02-09 10:59:44 10 1083
name satania 2014-06-19 20:21:24 10 60
nec 64 2018-04-18 22:43:11 10 60
nursery 2017-07-24 03:36:59 10 45
personality survival 2018-04-25 11:33:16 10 36
planetary headquarters 2023-12-10 21:40:38 10 28
roll call of justice 2014-12-31 14:49:56 10 2
sentinels 2016-10-02 14:53:56 10 0
sleep 2021-09-15 00:49:26 10 15
special session 14 2014-01-03 21:10:02 10 1
spiritual eyes 2015-05-24 23:24:23 10 93
stilness 2022-08-08 09:36:56 10 1
the human body healing 2014-09-01 04:32:23 10 586
tree of life 2024-11-27 10:47:06 10 330
vaccines 2016-05-05 18:24:20 10 1
will 2017-11-20 06:25:07 10 5728
xavier 2020-04-26 00:35:46 10 21
melchizedek university 2021-06-18 07:59:26 9 57
11 senses 2016-12-22 17:28:26 9 0
1985 2024-10-30 10:01:13 9 12
2006 and 1 1 2018-07-01 23:23:51 9 422
6 core value 2016-10-13 09:45:13 9 0
a 2024-09-02 15:49:03 9 5
abaddon 2022-11-05 05:24:12 9 0
aids 2019-08-14 10:35:06 9 164
alien invasion 2023-07-19 21:40:06 9 0
announcement 2022-12-24 15:40:09 9 137
ascension 2019-02-01 21:46:20 9 943
avonal son 2023-01-23 01:08:49 9 111
balance transmiting 2015-01-10 07:16:42 9 0
barnard 2019-11-27 11:01:27 9 376
beelzebub 2020-03-18 08:45:25 9 4
besser 2019-12-08 23:55:32 9 20
billion havona 2014-06-25 22:35:54 9 33
califax 2023-04-25 16:06:55 9 0
census 2021-01-15 23:41:00 9 8
christmas 2022-12-25 10:20:56 9 193
core values of social sustainability 2016-03-09 15:26:51 9 83
crystal 2023-04-20 22:42:06 9 132
debt 2024-05-29 21:36:27 9 64
dimensions 2019-07-09 01:39:31 9 566
divine governance 2019-05-19 08:25:40 9 35
dr mendoza 2021-02-16 01:54:25 9 55
drunvalo 2018-12-01 07:21:12 9 1
earthquake 2024-12-25 09:45:16 9 75
egypt 2018-10-18 09:42:13 9 23
enlightenment 2019-06-14 12:12:06 9 656
europe 2016-04-27 22:29:06 9 77
eve 2019-04-30 10:19:48 9 1
free energy 2021-07-17 12:48:42 9 1111
freely 2024-04-15 21:14:30 9 786
from physical to morontial 2018-05-08 14:49:15 9 0
fun 2025-01-12 22:16:08 9 2383
future ruler 2016-10-08 22:23:12 9 0
god the supreme 2022-07-10 07:02:56 9 1117
gold 2024-04-02 12:11:07 9 120
healthcare clinic 2024-04-03 21:37:45 9 2
how to pray 2016-07-29 03:02:41 9 1239
humility 2021-02-27 05:31:38 9 549
indigo 2020-08-01 14:26:57 9 41
infinity 2024-02-18 21:23:15 9 319
latest 2016-07-20 23:20:36 9 88
little sis 2015-11-02 17:13:14 9 0
lobe 2024-05-21 21:55:01 9 8
love yourself 2023-02-07 19:51:35 9 3556
maitreya 2023-03-26 00:11:23 9 9
malvantra 2019-04-15 11:42:06 9 135
mark 2019-12-11 13:53:04 9 959
marriage 2018-02-06 20:36:23 9 182
melchizedek school 2023-11-14 11:03:51 9 40
michael of nebadon 2024-11-29 04:26:40 9 800
monjoronson ' 0 2021-12-25 08:45:10 9 1110
moronjonson 2018-01-27 21:46:43 9 0
nec daniel raphael 2014-01-03 18:44:12 9 208
new one hundred 2023-01-28 05:25:54 9 0
new world order 2015-05-22 12:55:07 9 3
oneness unity 2015-02-01 18:06:07 9 175
pets 2020-11-25 15:15:46 9 45
planet 2022-09-02 15:38:46 9 19
planetary 2015-05-19 13:35:59 9 1240
samuel 2016-10-04 21:35:07 9 91
self-acting adjuster 2020-08-04 00:06:16 9 0
teaching 2016-08-15 16:14:01 9 0
thc 2015-12-01 18:18:44 9 347
the collective 2016-05-28 14:36:42 9 349
tired 2023-12-28 12:46:31 9 358
transmitting receiving 2024-01-16 23:22:35 9 242
trust 2023-09-22 11:42:40 9 0
values ' and sleep 3 2018-02-13 22:40:36 9 1034
values ' and sleep 3 and '1 2018-02-13 22:40:34 9 1034
values and 1 1 2018-02-09 05:16:14 9 1034
vegetarian 2021-06-18 18:41:19 9 8
working team 2024-04-26 22:13:45 9 67
2005 2020-03-31 16:16:56 8 3
21 epochal revelation 2021-01-26 23:10:10 8 0
adam 2020-09-28 02:58:23 8 0
amadon 2017-05-03 11:02:15 8 18
ascending 2019-06-23 09:25:27 8 438
astral " and "x " "x 2016-08-25 20:19:10 8 51
astral " and "x " "y 2016-08-25 20:19:11 8 51
astral ' and 'x ' 'x 2016-08-25 20:19:09 8 51
astral ' and 'x ' 'y 2016-08-25 20:19:10 8 51
astral2121121121212 1 2016-08-25 20:19:01 8 51
blame 2019-04-05 04:04:02 8 166
brazil 2018-10-22 13:20:40 8 26
cabal 2023-05-03 17:22:20 8 0
community ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2019-02-16 04:45:06 8 788
community ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2019-02-16 04:45:04 8 788
community ' sleep 3 order by 638 2019-05-05 11:47:31 8 809
community 'and '1 ' sleep 3 '1 2019-05-05 11:43:13 8 809
consciousness 2021-01-17 23:23:58 8 2194
consummator 2020-10-26 08:23:01 8 2
dec ' 0 2023-10-22 15:39:49 8 3473
design team 2024-02-28 15:17:09 8 180
discourse 2020-12-06 10:55:16 8 268
ebola 2022-11-21 10:27:21 8 3
education 2024-07-28 07:43:14 8 690
emotional intelligence 2019-04-21 17:06:26 8 11
empowerment 2016-07-13 17:14:34 8 104
energy management 2016-10-31 01:18:55 8 10
esu 2015-10-17 06:36:47 8 3252
false prophet 2022-05-24 07:22:59 8 7
finaliters thousand 2014-06-26 17:44:00 8 21
four horsemen 2024-10-07 10:41:09 8 3
garden 2019-12-04 08:39:11 8 387
ghosts 2024-12-13 16:31:29 8 59
hands ' ' ' 0x2f2a2a2f sleep 3 '1 2018-11-06 16:41:28 8 1271
hands ' sleep '0 3 ' '1 2018-11-06 16:41:25 8 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 638 2018-11-06 16:42:10 8 1271
hands 'and '1 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-11-06 16:41:26 8 1271
hands 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-11-15 13:39:20 8 1271
hortein 2018-10-29 23:13:13 8 0
infinite spirit 2024-02-15 08:13:01 8 317
lanaforge 2021-05-22 08:22:31 8 25
lucifer trials 2017-12-27 20:39:38 8 59
magic 2020-12-25 19:32:59 8 221
middle east 2021-05-13 22:32:52 8 130
mind 2021-07-14 10:47:39 8 1
moiraya 2023-05-13 13:33:08 8 1
obstacles 2017-09-02 10:51:06 8 384
perfection 2021-03-10 13:18:31 8 941
planet x 2021-04-21 06:14:01 8 3342
pleiades 2020-11-25 13:08:01 8 1
pole 2020-04-20 11:18:47 8 96
pole shift 2020-04-20 11:25:52 8 1
population 2024-11-29 04:52:37 8 414
purpose 2022-06-19 00:20:54 8 2160
remotion 2018-01-10 04:33:47 8 0
reptilians 2022-11-05 04:39:33 8 0
ribbon of love 2015-09-22 13:06:33 8 3
romance 2020-05-22 22:16:17 8 29
sadler 2020-05-13 15:30:13 8 11
session q 2014-03-28 12:26:12 8 55
sex " and "x " "x 2019-03-24 06:54:47 8 267
sex " and "x " "y 2019-03-24 06:54:48 8 267
sex ' and 'x ' 'x 2019-03-24 06:54:44 8 267
sex ' and 'x ' 'y 2019-03-24 06:54:46 8 267
sex2121121121212 1 2019-03-24 06:54:33 8 267
silence 2014-10-01 22:29:58 8 14
silver 2024-12-13 13:43:26 8 63
social anxiety 2014-11-28 14:56:30 8 158
soul mate 2019-10-14 23:40:57 8 29
survivalist 2025-01-18 22:01:41 8 2
transcripts 2014-10-01 15:52:57 8 0
transmitter 2019-07-03 18:03:53 8 561
trinity 2024-03-28 19:44:54 8 336
twin flame 2022-09-26 22:31:31 8 2
ultimate 2014-06-20 19:10:10 8 810
ultimatons 2024-11-10 13:43:16 8 8
voice 2017-02-16 15:52:32 8 85
wine 2022-10-12 10:31:46 8 65
have one foot in either realm 2016-09-30 08:53:52 7 0
1 ' select pg sleep 5 -- 2022-05-08 16:01:23 7 0
1 ' waitfor delay '0 0 5 '-- 2022-05-08 16:01:32 7 0
1999 2025-01-14 09:24:47 7 149
2000 2024-10-24 09:39:15 7 3
2021 2024-03-31 20:22:09 7 0
2023 2024-03-31 20:22:01 7 0
2024 2024-03-31 20:21:54 7 0
abc 2018-03-16 01:53:33 7 193
abc-02 2021-05-10 22:56:09 7 167
abundance 2023-07-08 07:29:58 7 413
adultery 2023-03-21 22:38:36 7 6
anger 2023-08-24 03:18:57 7 609
aton 2020-12-03 09:20:27 7 1
awaken dream 2016-09-30 23:16:27 7 0
bad god 2023-10-29 08:07:28 7 0
bermuda triangle 2023-07-19 22:00:09 7 4
book of revelations 2020-11-25 20:19:21 7 16
calvin 2014-04-25 13:24:15 7 206
cayce 2019-06-11 19:11:59 7 11
celebrate 2014-11-30 13:04:52 7 318
christian churches 2024-08-12 10:16:36 7 80
co creative design 2024-03-28 13:10:52 7 159
communicating with spirit 2017-07-30 08:48:53 7 13
completion 2025-01-11 03:00:37 7 373
conklin 2015-06-23 03:28:40 7 95
correction time 2019-01-21 04:44:53 7 502
death of loved ones 2018-06-10 14:14:03 7 267
dec 'nvopzp and 1 1 or ' " iko 2023-08-03 02:52:57 7 3473
discipline 2022-09-09 15:39:33 7 371
disease 2022-11-22 20:29:32 7 300
dmt 2019-12-08 08:54:15 7 16
ecommerce 2024-04-14 09:04:05 7 0
elijah 2024-04-03 08:02:02 7 9
era 2017-10-08 20:33:37 7 4686
essenes 2018-03-20 04:41:30 7 3
experience 2019-03-03 20:24:28 7 4059
faith sons 2016-06-12 03:09:33 7 65
finaliter speaking 2020-12-20 17:42:04 7 0
florida 2017-08-30 23:56:30 7 83
flurry 2018-11-19 01:35:06 7 0
followers 2019-04-25 21:04:11 7 276
gabriel vs lucifer 2019-12-21 19:57:29 7 10
guile 2013-12-20 16:40:56 7 7
havona 2022-05-19 05:13:50 7 247
health training 2024-04-03 21:27:49 7 197
hear 2017-02-18 16:43:46 7 207
hope 2023-03-05 11:19:57 7 2519
lester 2018-11-16 03:47:36 7 44
loneliness 2019-10-07 20:00:02 7 180
lover 2019-10-08 01:33:18 7 67
machaventa melchizedek 2019-06-07 18:36:37 7 0
magnetic 2020-05-20 02:06:38 7 63
marketing 2024-03-05 14:15:23 7 53
medical 2024-11-06 13:44:07 7 220
memory 2016-01-31 16:08:46 7 539
mendoza 2017-11-14 18:12:16 7 55
monjoronson q&a 2014-01-10 00:35:48 7 78
monjoronson-nec 2015-10-25 09:33:32 7 466
morontia senses 2016-07-01 21:37:28 7 15
mother 's role 2016-08-05 18:26:35 7 0
nobility 2013-12-20 16:00:32 7 37
obesity 2024-12-03 11:17:16 7 9
oklahoma city 2014-04-11 13:52:38 7 11
population decimation 2016-05-17 18:08:05 7 40
porn 2023-10-17 09:37:39 7 0
power 2021-09-14 08:17:20 7 3
presence 2018-01-29 19:37:36 7 3172
pyramid 2020-08-25 01:50:59 7 30
reptilian 2019-03-12 09:56:52 7 3
rodan 2015-06-08 18:41:57 7 36
roswell 2021-09-07 20:58:27 7 5
salvington 2021-09-02 00:21:04 7 196
september 14 1992 2019-11-30 16:31:34 7 0
seraphim 2018-08-16 17:26:16 7 366
solonia 2019-02-27 16:01:17 7 46
spiritual name 2017-03-31 17:48:23 7 127
spiritual perception 2018-08-31 15:06:44 7 111
talent 2017-10-13 12:33:27 7 131
temple 2020-11-28 20:00:31 7 240
tesla 2021-03-02 22:26:52 7 7
thomas 2014-06-25 09:29:30 7 68
thoth 2020-12-01 16:29:41 7 0
though you are experiencing mind in a finite manne 2014-12-26 14:53:05 7 0
thought adjuster speaks 2014-12-14 14:05:17 7 47
thought adjusters 2019-12-10 02:56:37 7 654
three core values of social sustainability 2015-05-17 11:59:53 7 54
training materials 2024-04-21 19:43:33 7 1
unity 2019-05-01 18:59:15 7 661
universe broadcast two 2015-02-10 02:53:25 7 127
weather 2021-02-21 19:36:04 7 270
welmek 2024-02-05 11:25:33 7 208
michael of nebadon said a few days ago that "uran 2015-01-30 08:43:10 6 0
reserve corps of destiny 2015-01-02 23:53:25 6 96
roll 2016-09-07 02:26:20 6 192
07 ' and '8 ' '3 2015-02-10 19:14:57 6 668
07 ' and '8 ' '8 2015-02-10 19:14:55 6 668
1 select pg sleep 5 -- 2022-05-08 16:01:17 6 0
1 waitfor delay '0 0 5 '-- 2022-05-08 16:01:28 6 0
12 articles 2017-11-13 18:46:07 6 10
1775 2016-06-03 11:49:34 6 1
2022 2024-03-31 03:39:36 6 0
666 2024-06-09 11:35:02 6 124
adjuster 2023-01-09 02:10:00 6 0
alien abductions 2016-08-05 07:59:16 6 2
ambitian 2016-04-06 18:15:28 6 0
apostle paul 2016-11-10 09:45:25 6 23
archangel 2025-01-03 21:53:58 6 71
archons 2020-12-21 12:46:31 6 0
armageddon 2022-11-05 07:05:15 6 21
authority 2024-11-24 20:30:30 6 621
barter 2024-04-02 18:52:02 6 12
beautiful boys 2014-07-20 08:03:51 6 63
bipolar 2017-03-31 20:34:51 6 6
birds 2016-06-04 09:40:21 6 172
blending 2016-10-03 19:06:08 6 167
brotherhood 2019-03-17 08:07:07 6 820
caligastia trial 2020-04-30 15:37:31 6 21
chemtrails 2016-07-25 08:18:06 6 0
children of the cave 2014-05-08 09:48:54 6 0
clairaudient 2017-02-13 08:35:21 6 10
cleveland 2013-10-28 11:21:54 6 24
communication 2019-07-03 03:45:31 6 1546
community ' 0 and sleep 3 2019-04-20 06:38:26 6 809
community 0 ' ' ' 0x2f2a2a2f sleep 3 '1 2019-04-20 06:38:22 6 809
community 0 ' sleep '0 3 ' '1 2019-04-20 06:38:18 6 809
community 0 'and '1 ' '1 ' sleep 3 '1 2019-04-20 06:38:20 6 809
community building 2018-03-23 14:53:43 6 13
community sleep 3 order by 638 2018-04-25 23:42:06 6 809
conspiracy 2017-02-18 15:28:08 6 45
debt forgiveness 2024-03-14 08:14:12 6 15
dec " 2017-06-14 21:58:27 6 3375
dementia 2016-08-27 14:26:19 6 14
demons 2024-12-13 00:35:32 6 32
destruction 2023-01-07 09:44:49 6 327
dinosaurs 2021-07-29 02:16:05 6 6
divorce 2021-06-28 12:43:08 6 3
draco 2022-05-30 09:20:57 6 0
earthbound spirits 2019-04-17 02:57:52 6 5
eccomi non comment bay bay! 2015-01-15 10:02:32 6 0
economy 2022-05-11 23:59:51 6 181
emotion 2019-03-29 03:31:11 6 495
energy body 2015-06-22 22:15:38 6 20
enki 2024-10-20 15:32:55 6 0
eugenics 2018-06-29 16:29:30 6 22
euthanasia 2019-07-13 10:37:28 6 12
evil 2024-04-01 17:05:16 6 703
fantasies 2019-10-30 01:27:49 6 33
feb 25 2010 2016-09-30 08:47:36 6 2
fema 2024-03-12 23:49:50 6 1
first psychic circle 2015-12-24 03:01:01 6 5
flood 2023-10-28 19:16:56 6 130
george 2019-12-12 13:22:51 6 168
global sustainability 2024-05-20 23:38:48 6 126
god 's mercy 2015-03-17 00:12:52 6 351
god's 2013-10-01 17:49:39 6 830
guardian 2014-08-31 21:14:50 6 450
hands ' 0 2023-11-11 18:40:05 6 1216
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 638 2018-11-15 13:28:09 6 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 638 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:49 6 1271
harp of god 2018-07-31 16:11:16 6 32
hearing 2017-02-16 15:53:45 6 73
hezekiah 2021-04-18 06:22:11 6 1
hinterlands 2024-08-30 07:44:41 6 8
how to become a t r 2015-08-27 13:59:37 6 4162
immaculate 2013-12-20 15:51:03 6 7
insects 2021-03-17 00:52:04 6 39
invasion 2023-07-19 21:40:33 6 49
jan ' " 2022-05-20 07:01:37 6 727
jesus ' and '8 ' '3 2014-11-09 14:55:04 6 1732
jesus ' and '8 ' '8 2014-11-09 14:55:03 6 1732
jfk 2024-05-19 21:46:21 6 0
job 2019-11-13 13:40:18 6 986
john the baptist 2017-08-14 23:40:25 6 37
jonathan " and "x " "x 2018-08-20 23:41:53 6 519
jonathan " and "x " "y 2018-08-20 23:41:53 6 519
jonathan ' and 'x ' 'x 2018-08-20 23:41:51 6 519
jonathan ' and 'x ' 'y 2018-08-20 23:41:52 6 519
jonathan ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2018-08-20 23:43:12 6 519
jonathan ' and sleep 3 and '1 2018-08-20 23:43:10 6 519
jonathan ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2018-08-20 23:43:12 6 519
jonathan ' sleep 3 '1 2018-08-20 23:43:10 6 519
jonathan 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-08-20 23:43:11 6 519
jonathan2121121121212 1 2018-08-20 23:41:48 6 519
krayon 2016-06-06 06:49:03 6 0
lies 2019-04-25 03:07:53 6 757
lucifer vs gabriel trial 2018-11-19 21:15:17 6 2
lyricus 2017-05-20 23:41:55 6 2
machaventia 2017-01-16 18:39:24 6 0
magisterial mission and 1 1 2018-08-15 16:08:53 6 460
magisterial son 2016-10-24 06:11:52 6 619
mariposa 2021-10-30 15:27:43 6 11
martial law 2014-03-12 22:30:02 6 8
melchizidek 2015-07-05 02:49:32 6 0
mental illness 2017-09-26 10:12:52 6 154
merkaba ' 0 2021-09-12 08:52:02 6 186
mohammed 2020-11-25 15:22:51 6 19
monjonronson 2020-09-28 15:07:28 6 0
monjoronson ' and '8 ' '3 2017-03-18 05:35:00 6 1133
monjoronson ' and '8 ' '8 2017-03-18 05:34:58 6 1133
monjoronson q a 1 2020-10-30 20:35:41 6 428
monjoronson special session 2014-01-04 19:37:26 6 50
monmatia 2018-10-23 12:41:13 6 2
monsanloran 2017-10-01 09:27:14 6 5
morontia eyes 2016-10-12 23:43:56 6 8
morontia temple 2022-01-15 07:49:51 6 10
morontial 2015-01-20 00:03:16 6 649
neutral 2019-05-27 05:35:08 6 95
new beginnings 2013-12-19 23:48:34 6 226
noah 2024-04-01 17:01:29 6 10
non-profit 2024-04-03 10:53:22 6 0
north idaho 2016-10-22 05:04:43 6 476
oahspe 2021-02-17 18:15:26 6 1
orbs 2019-07-07 07:03:56 6 6
our solar system 2018-10-23 12:42:32 6 7
part 2 2017-11-01 14:55:57 6 3933
paul 2023-09-15 06:24:54 6 0
photon belt 2015-08-21 13:53:22 6 4
pineal gland 2022-06-04 00:34:05 6 8
polar 2015-12-04 09:15:14 6 42
polarity 2013-12-27 00:37:55 6 56
potential 2018-05-11 14:50:42 6 1793
practice stillness 2016-08-08 22:27:58 6 1032
prophecy 2017-02-20 08:29:03 6 28
prophet 2024-03-01 15:14:12 6 71
psychic 2022-07-04 07:56:35 6 270
psychosis 2023-10-17 15:02:30 6 12
purpose of stillness 2019-07-01 06:47:16 6 928
quarantine 2021-09-12 15:57:24 6 189
rap ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2018-03-25 13:32:56 6 1924
raphael 2017-07-29 14:03:39 6 0
rayson personality 2018-01-31 09:39:56 6 73
recollections of my life on urantia 2017-11-04 21:26:48 6 23
return of christ michael 2014-12-07 20:44:33 6 507
revelation 2024-03-01 15:22:37 6 870
revelations 2020-11-25 19:56:32 6 232
sandalius 2015-03-26 20:21:59 6 0
satellite 2023-03-25 07:46:28 6 31
scavenger 2018-11-11 08:07:14 6 1
schizophrenia 2023-11-18 03:29:38 6 21
self esteem 2019-12-15 10:31:27 6 253
self healing 2023-03-04 15:27:18 6 24
sentient 2017-02-19 20:54:07 6 71
session and 1 1 2017-04-18 08:58:48 6 195
sex 'a 0 2018-10-24 06:48:24 6 267
sexual urges 2021-03-31 06:55:12 6 10
sexuality 2019-08-12 15:54:22 6 28
shroud of turin 2018-08-14 03:47:51 6 3
sickness 2017-10-30 13:00:50 6 60
singapore 2014-08-27 01:20:58 6 12
spirit gravity 2015-11-20 18:37:05 6 24
spiritual survival 2017-06-09 12:18:25 6 10
starbucks 2024-11-25 13:58:24 6 1
supreme 2023-09-11 06:14:08 6 1333
surrender 2019-11-13 14:21:10 6 209
sustainable 2024-01-14 10:10:23 6 231
t ring 2017-09-01 04:26:32 6 72
tabamantia 2021-10-24 23:33:45 6 2
ten commandments 2023-04-12 10:28:52 6 32
time 2017-10-31 13:14:22 6 5488
timeline 2024-08-16 15:32:14 6 26
tomas 2019-03-20 23:11:16 6 311
tr practicing 2016-07-02 05:21:14 6 34
ultamaton 2016-09-30 06:46:40 6 0
values ' and sleep 3 order by 638 2018-02-13 22:41:12 6 1034
vector 2017-10-16 19:58:45 6 10
vibration 2024-10-24 18:39:37 6 369
videos 2024-04-03 21:36:22 6 17
virtual reality 2024-04-18 13:47:46 6 4
wealth 2023-12-22 07:35:53 6 444
whispers 2015-11-28 04:30:26 6 60
world war 3 2017-08-22 12:54:23 6 0
wormwood 2023-03-08 18:44:26 6 0
yoga 2023-03-18 22:50:19 6 35
you 2024-04-14 15:16:51 6 467
zen 2019-06-25 23:15:17 6 915
"how to " 2016-03-19 21:20:26 5 0
'27 2020-11-23 16:27:50 5 0
of god surrounds you 2019-06-28 23:44:26 5 59
role call of justice 2014-12-30 15:01:20 5 78
07 'a 0 2021-08-17 16:32:38 5 669
1 'nvopzp and 1 1 or ' " iko 2023-10-23 17:15:05 5 0
144 000 2022-11-21 15:17:11 5 12
1966 2024-05-14 21:35:18 5 3
1986 2024-05-14 17:16:20 5 8
1991 2024-05-29 16:50:41 5 58
7 psychic 2018-09-18 13:05:33 5 142
7 psychic circles 2018-07-20 17:59:12 5 64
7 senses 2016-12-22 17:28:53 5 1
7 steps 2022-07-11 11:25:01 5 3
adjuster fusion 2016-05-29 13:59:44 5 2
algimantas 2021-11-30 14:45:34 5 15
alien abduction 2020-01-20 06:38:38 5 0
allene vick 2016-08-23 02:17:43 5 21
andromeda 2020-11-29 17:23:35 5 3
angel 2023-12-14 12:03:39 5 0
annunkai 2024-05-06 21:16:29 5 0
antarctica 2017-09-08 17:15:10 5 11
anu 2017-06-14 15:53:47 5 817
anunnaki 2024-10-20 15:33:05 5 0
architecs of being 2018-01-09 12:20:12 5 0
ark of the covenant 2020-12-01 16:47:08 5 1
arrival 2025-01-22 07:23:32 5 396
big bang 2019-01-16 23:59:58 5 24
britladorians 2019-09-20 08:10:44 5 0
bronze snake 2023-10-30 13:59:49 5 0
brow 2016-12-24 03:47:24 5 33
candace 2023-03-26 05:23:31 5 0
cataclism 2024-01-03 18:16:00 5 0
celestial 2023-02-16 19:59:16 5 1536
chem trails 2016-05-13 08:25:52 5 1
chernobyl 2022-11-08 07:01:31 5 0
christ letter 2014-02-20 15:53:39 5 78
circuitry bonding 2016-09-30 17:09:28 5 40
coleus 2020-10-09 06:47:36 5 0
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 1 2019-04-20 06:38:31 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 160 2019-04-20 06:38:40 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 20 2019-04-20 06:38:34 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 320 2019-04-20 06:38:42 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 321 2019-04-20 06:38:44 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 40 2019-04-20 06:38:36 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 481 2019-04-20 06:38:46 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 561 2019-04-20 06:38:49 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 601 2019-04-20 06:38:51 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 621 2019-04-20 06:38:53 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 631 2019-04-20 06:38:55 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 636 2019-04-20 06:38:57 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 639 2019-04-20 06:39:04 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 640 2019-04-20 06:39:06 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 641 2019-04-20 06:39:08 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 642 2019-04-20 06:39:10 5 809
community ' 0 sleep 3 order by 80 2019-04-20 06:38:38 5 809
community 0 ' ' ' 0x20 sleep 3 '1 2019-04-20 06:38:20 5 809
community and sleee 'p 3 2018-04-25 23:41:17 5 809
community and sleep '3 ' 2018-04-25 23:41:14 5 809
consummator of universe destiny 2020-10-26 08:25:03 5 1
cosmic reserve 2016-04-02 20:03:54 5 59
courage 2019-05-28 22:49:02 5 1169
dating 2016-12-17 16:53:03 5 19
depopulation 2022-06-01 00:28:13 5 6
desmond 2020-12-02 10:49:47 5 0
destiny guardian 2019-02-13 06:02:32 5 156
dialogues 2017-02-28 16:58:49 5 5
divine government 2014-12-29 01:04:53 5 0
domtia 2022-10-09 07:16:25 5 0
donald trump 2019-07-05 18:36:32 5 0
drought 2016-06-21 07:00:01 5 25
earthbound incarnate spirits 2017-10-18 13:59:21 5 3
economic 2019-09-03 08:43:41 5 387
edgar cayce 2023-10-31 15:08:06 5 5
eisenhower 2018-01-14 19:36:50 5 1
electrical grid 2024-01-07 20:12:20 5 7
electromagnetic pulse 2023-03-13 09:50:20 5 1
ellen white 2017-11-15 23:22:52 5 3
emotional hell 2017-02-03 22:03:51 5 0
empathy 2024-01-02 09:18:07 5 165
end days 2023-03-04 15:20:46 5 1
epochal revelation 2017-12-03 23:17:28 5 213
equality 2018-01-08 22:50:54 5 223
euthanasy 2016-10-18 23:52:44 5 0
exercise 2024-08-05 15:47:17 5 1321
ezekiel 2019-10-14 15:21:43 5 0
facilities 2024-08-18 21:20:38 5 47
fallen angels 2022-11-14 02:43:48 5 8
family life 2018-06-10 05:03:20 5 2363
federal reserve 2015-12-24 08:41:50 5 2
flower essences 2017-04-12 07:55:02 5 26
france 2022-04-16 10:54:50 5 0
free will 2022-11-06 04:42:19 5 971
freedom 2020-04-19 09:17:31 5 987
friendship 2019-11-03 09:43:00 5 606
galactic federation 2023-01-29 08:53:48 5 27
gays 2023-10-29 13:54:39 5 4
george barnard 2023-06-09 18:03:32 5 358
global meditation 2016-01-31 15:29:15 5 118
god fragment 2023-03-08 14:19:29 5 169
great flood 2024-10-20 15:32:32 5 1
ground communication 2024-01-14 20:49:50 5 0
guilt 2021-12-03 12:36:30 5 1
hands 0 ' ' ' 0x2f2a2a2f sleep 3 '1 2018-11-15 13:39:24 5 1271
hands 0 ' sleep '0 3 ' '1 2018-11-15 13:39:22 5 1271
hands 0 'and '1 ' '1 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-11-15 13:39:23 5 1271
harmonizing 2023-10-21 04:05:06 5 77
health 2020-12-09 07:01:31 5 794
hear the voice 2017-01-26 21:50:44 5 56
hollow earth 2021-06-18 08:35:37 5 42
home 2017-10-31 08:43:37 5 1549
hot pen 2022-12-30 08:00:33 5 10
how to worship 2024-08-24 12:24:55 5 888
illness 2016-06-24 20:42:46 5 2
immanuel 2020-11-27 09:30:32 5 13
immortality 2024-10-30 09:50:42 5 41
improvement 2015-07-05 16:20:44 5 240
insomnia 2016-08-06 09:52:41 5 1
intuition 2017-07-22 18:30:14 5 280
jesus return 2021-01-16 09:43:49 5 637
juan de fucaplates 2015-05-27 00:35:27 5 0
judgement day 2020-11-25 16:32:16 5 0
jupiter 2023-05-19 12:24:48 5 7
justice 2019-11-22 03:08:20 5 354
kingdom of god 2018-03-08 12:35:50 5 165
knowingness 2014-06-02 02:21:28 5 194
kryon 2021-10-15 15:37:49 5 13
language 2020-01-12 09:54:27 5 738
leadership 2018-12-18 02:08:05 5 286
learn to transmit 2024-02-15 09:16:50 5 8
lesson of stillness 2023-07-01 05:43:05 5 4
lessons 2017-11-22 01:38:48 5 2302
lightlile madagascar audio 2021-10-08 03:19:55 5 0
linel 2021-04-14 01:14:52 5 50
loving 2014-04-06 14:51:24 5 40
loyalatia 2019-03-02 19:28:34 5 0
magisterial ' "mission 2022-05-02 11:21:29 5 1
magisterial mission ' 2023-05-31 01:36:07 5 237
magisterial mission ' " 2022-05-02 11:21:23 5 236
magisterial staff 2019-12-10 09:02:49 5 198
malavatia 2017-08-26 12:29:20 5 2
manifestation 2024-12-13 00:55:09 5 608
mantutia 2016-06-26 05:43:49 5 48
mariposa grove 2018-10-06 05:43:19 5 9
mary mag 2016-04-11 14:19:33 5 1
mary magdalene 2019-07-05 05:55:22 5 10
merkaba ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2018-11-25 11:04:00 5 186
merkaba ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2018-11-25 11:04:01 5 186
merkaba ' and sleep 3 and '1 2018-11-25 11:03:59 5 186
merkaba ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2018-11-25 11:04:01 5 186
merkaba ' sleep 3 '1 2018-11-25 11:04:00 5 186
merkaba 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-11-25 11:04:00 5 186
mexico 2020-07-27 03:05:26 5 119
mo se 2016-09-21 04:48:09 5 5797
monjoronson 'nvopzp and 1 1 or ' " iko 2022-05-31 05:11:16 5 0
monjoronson name 2014-03-30 11:33:33 5 332
monjoronson q 2014-01-10 00:36:03 5 78
mormon 2024-05-18 20:54:38 5 20
morontia machine 2014-03-13 13:10:36 5 0
morontial mind 2017-09-21 13:38:17 5 1
most highs 2014-06-06 00:28:48 5 257
multiple personalities 2019-10-15 02:17:36 5 7
music 2020-04-13 17:11:53 5 457
my mind wander continuesly 2015-02-12 07:00:57 5 0
new zealand 2024-06-23 16:30:44 5 42
nodites 2017-08-31 01:47:42 5 7
non profit 2024-04-11 18:53:45 5 26
nuclear 2022-11-06 05:21:43 5 66
olfana 2020-12-02 10:54:09 5 0
organizations 2018-12-18 02:07:52 5 350
orion 2019-11-27 11:01:57 5 23
ouija 2017-10-23 17:47:15 5 4
our arrival 2023-06-14 09:27:55 5 13
over population 2019-06-21 12:02:06 5 55
ozone 2022-12-30 09:25:51 5 25
part i the meaning of the date 2016-08-30 23:36:15 5 0
pato 2018-05-12 15:21:08 5 8
personality endowment 2021-03-08 11:14:29 5 68
pes 2018-08-16 17:25:12 5 1407
planetary management 2023-06-18 12:53:27 5 76
pleiadian 2016-08-11 18:36:25 5 1
polar reversal 2014-07-20 21:50:03 5 2
pope 2016-10-03 10:39:57 5 20
power center 2017-06-10 00:35:40 5 7
practice preach 2015-09-03 15:04:26 5 68
preparedness 2025-01-14 13:02:31 5 64
prescription drugs 2016-07-15 08:09:48 5 10
president 2019-02-19 17:43:13 5 88
punishment 2021-12-26 20:50:11 5 179
quiet time 2014-09-19 20:03:17 5 924
raising children 2020-11-28 19:47:59 5 72
receiving 2014-10-07 21:41:42 5 1272
return of jesus 2018-11-11 21:28:18 5 7
russia 2022-11-05 05:27:52 5 28
sadness 2021-07-01 13:56:16 5 230
sasquatch 2023-02-07 23:13:14 5 0
schitzophrenia 2019-07-02 19:51:37 5 0
sea of glass 2022-11-05 04:22:01 5 109
social 2016-08-01 21:06:25 5 1162
soldiers of light 2022-07-03 12:09:01 5 6
solomon 2024-02-17 06:51:45 5 8
someone will 2024-05-21 22:00:07 5 52
speaking in tongues 2019-06-13 15:25:37 5 27
special session #14 2014-01-03 21:09:47 5 0
special session 13 2014-01-03 20:52:26 5 84
spiritual 2017-11-21 21:44:27 5 4459
spiritual wings 2018-01-14 00:48:50 5 0
starvation 2023-03-11 15:37:57 5 37
stock market 2020-06-22 17:07:30 5 15
stories 2023-04-13 11:54:27 5 269
sustainability clinic 2024-04-30 22:42:55 5 0
synchronicity 2019-06-15 17:41:36 5 98
tectonic 2023-05-19 12:37:45 5 22
telepathy 2017-03-14 17:39:50 5 39
texas 2016-07-27 09:31:47 5 31
the definition of spirit 2016-10-30 02:40:31 5 17
the flurry 2019-09-20 12:59:08 5 12
the roll call of justice 2014-12-30 12:27:03 5 3
the unknown 2019-07-14 00:48:09 5 337
thea hardy 2017-04-12 07:54:30 5 7
those people 2024-01-04 15:36:01 5 0
tilness 2022-08-12 11:13:07 5 0
transcendental 2019-01-15 19:13:25 5 44
transmitting and receiving 2021-08-24 00:21:44 5 242
tsunami 2023-07-16 03:12:15 5 41
universal broadcast 2014-08-06 19:22:17 5 9
universal father 2017-01-17 18:26:01 5 1239
universe broadcast #2 2014-06-12 15:54:18 5 0
universe broadcast number two june 9, 2014 2014-06-12 15:05:16 5 0
universe realities 2013-11-02 11:51:58 5 557
urantia papers 2017-10-25 06:55:44 5 369
violet flame 2019-01-06 15:24:52 5 1
virginia 2024-04-01 17:44:10 5 247
vitamins 2015-05-30 23:35:03 5 27
what is spirituality 2024-04-16 09:27:59 5 2
who am i ham 2018-04-07 00:31:07 5 0
william sadler 2020-12-29 06:13:26 5 1
world trade center 2016-05-22 21:49:26 5 5
worship and stilness 2022-08-12 11:12:31 5 0
worship fear 2020-11-24 16:51:33 5 0
your imagination 2016-08-12 23:33:23 5 191
"course in miracles " 2021-08-11 13:30:10 4 0
"mighty messenger " 2020-01-25 12:06:48 4 0
"spirit of truth " 2016-06-01 23:45:30 4 22
2001 2014-02-17 10:33:28 4 225
38 2021-03-11 12:40:50 4 0
anger 2018-05-21 18:43:32 4 609
bell 2016-11-24 08:43:19 4 85
depression 2014-10-11 12:48:30 4 182
is thought adjuster higher self 2016-07-18 01:07:32 4 0
jesus ' brothers and sisters 2015-12-22 05:00:41 4 557
monjoronson 2014-02-17 10:41:13 4 1065
water flood 2014-05-27 08:57:36 4 47
' 2014-07-18 02:27:48 4 55
-1 ' 2015-02-01 03:19:48 4 0
-1' 2014-08-06 02:59:25 4 0
030604 2016-11-11 20:49:41 4 0
031018 2019-12-09 14:58:57 4 0
1111 2023-10-17 10:03:18 4 22
13154157 2020-04-23 06:33:50 4 0
1984 2024-05-14 17:01:50 4 22
1987 2024-05-21 21:21:57 4 30
2001 2024-10-16 20:17:13 4 225
2006 ut 2017-12-18 00:56:26 4 420
2015-07-09 inner voice 2016-09-05 21:54:18 4 0
2nd circle 2018-07-18 23:10:52 4 7
4d 2024-04-12 16:53:54 4 0
7 steps of stilness 2022-07-11 11:23:20 4 0
80 2024-05-23 09:47:39 4 2412
911 2018-05-10 08:24:11 4 21
abandonters 2023-09-07 03:24:47 4 0
abc-22 2016-10-25 11:17:43 4 0
abduction 2019-02-08 05:52:49 4 1
absonite 2016-06-23 15:45:00 4 13
adjudication of lucifer 2017-03-20 11:04:58 4 8
adjudication of the rebellion 2020-07-25 12:20:42 4 0
adoration 2020-01-16 07:36:32 4 90
affirmations 2024-12-13 01:12:24 4 99
aging 2024-11-16 20:26:07 4 64
agondonters reality 2014-07-18 22:05:49 4 110
akasha 2019-10-18 04:41:07 4 4
alcoholism 2019-02-03 04:11:18 4 24
ambassador 2019-09-06 01:29:42 4 80
andromadeus 2019-01-04 07:29:58 4 32
animals 2018-08-16 16:50:07 4 360
anti christ 2019-03-03 14:18:25 4 38
appreciation 2017-12-19 00:27:37 4 1118
archangels " and "x " "x 2017-06-20 10:16:50 4 70
archangels " and "x " "y 2017-06-20 10:16:51 4 70
archangels ' and 'x ' 'x 2017-06-20 10:16:46 4 70
archangels ' and 'x ' 'y 2017-06-20 10:16:48 4 70
archangels ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2017-06-20 10:20:35 4 70
archangels ' and sleep 3 and '1 2017-06-20 10:20:31 4 70
archangels ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2017-06-20 10:20:36 4 70
archangels ' sleep 3 '1 2017-06-20 10:20:33 4 70
archangels 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2017-06-20 10:20:34 4 70
archangels2121121121212 1 2017-06-20 10:16:35 4 70
area 51 2019-10-15 21:36:25 4 52
artificial intelligence 2020-12-21 13:01:39 4 5
ashville 2014-04-27 16:42:45 4 0
aspirin 2018-08-30 13:29:54 4 7
astral ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2016-08-25 20:21:57 4 51
astral ' and sleep 3 and '1 2016-08-25 20:21:56 4 51
astral ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2016-08-25 20:21:58 4 51
astral ' sleep 3 '1 2016-08-25 20:21:56 4 51
astral 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2016-08-25 20:21:57 4 51
astral projection 2024-08-18 09:40:55 4 5
atlantida 2018-09-06 21:13:01 4 1
attention 2016-12-02 05:43:08 4 1779
audio 2020-04-27 21:05:33 4 149
avatar 2015-12-25 22:06:15 4 13
avonal george 2018-10-10 13:48:52 4 1
babies die 2017-10-11 19:48:17 4 71
bashar 2023-03-28 13:35:55 4 0
beatrice 2024-12-22 18:05:50 4 13
bestowal son x 2015-11-30 15:09:47 4 0
biavilians 2018-03-06 22:24:48 4 0
black death 2019-02-28 11:42:58 4 2
black hole 2019-04-23 03:28:54 4 22
born again 2017-11-10 20:55:40 4 100
brain lobe 2017-07-25 21:34:10 4 5
breath of life 2017-12-15 20:05:24 4 89
briltandoran 2021-01-15 23:41:48 4 0
call for help 2023-07-22 11:14:40 4 16
cannabis 2023-12-19 21:25:55 4 1
cannibal 2023-07-20 20:20:18 4 1
cannibus 2019-11-04 20:22:05 4 0
catastrophe 2023-03-04 15:17:17 4 51
ceremony 2014-06-26 11:14:23 4 7
cheribim 's size 2015-12-31 10:44:04 4 0
chicago 2016-05-29 08:38:38 4 91
child rearing 2017-07-29 05:06:17 4 0
china 2020-11-23 20:50:27 4 64
choice 2024-12-05 18:51:17 4 1613
christ's 2013-10-01 15:07:10 4 44
chronology 2024-05-24 14:56:08 4 9
circle 2014-06-19 18:39:08 4 915
civil war 2014-07-04 13:29:21 4 81
clinton 2017-06-13 09:04:52 4 10
co-create 2024-03-28 13:09:52 4 0
coincidence 2019-09-18 18:30:09 4 111
collapse 2024-03-28 18:59:59 4 147
collodial 2022-12-30 07:51:42 4 0
coloidal silver 2024-07-05 23:51:14 4 0
commercialize 2013-11-23 22:44:59 4 0
communicating with the thought adjuster 2017-07-24 06:02:37 4 4
community ' 2023-06-03 10:11:07 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 1 2019-05-05 11:46:58 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 160 2019-05-05 11:47:07 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 20 2019-05-05 11:47:00 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 320 2019-05-05 11:47:10 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 321 2019-05-05 11:47:12 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 40 2019-05-05 11:47:03 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 481 2019-05-05 11:47:14 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 561 2019-05-05 11:47:17 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 601 2019-05-05 11:47:19 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 621 2019-05-05 11:47:21 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 631 2019-05-05 11:47:24 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 636 2019-05-05 11:47:26 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 639 2019-05-05 11:47:33 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 640 2019-05-05 11:47:35 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 641 2019-05-05 11:47:38 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 642 2019-05-05 11:47:40 4 809
community ' sleep 3 order by 80 2019-05-05 11:47:05 4 809
community and sleep 3 order by 638 2018-04-25 22:30:05 4 809
complete lessons 2017-11-05 00:50:48 4 1
concept 2019-07-10 21:25:22 4 1311
conscious 2018-04-10 19:08:17 4 1654
consecration 2017-10-11 20:37:40 4 44
construct 2015-09-10 20:37:51 4 5
corona 2023-04-28 15:06:23 4 27
creating 2019-09-08 03:56:35 4 1085
crisis 2020-02-12 23:08:13 4 184
crown chakra 2017-11-28 08:40:50 4 60
cyber attack 2024-05-26 00:16:00 4 0
d 2019-08-31 21:37:19 4 0
dalagastia 2020-11-24 13:04:19 4 6
daligastia 2015-12-13 09:02:01 4 21
daniel result: unknown type of text 2014-05-12 17:45:58 4 0
daniel alderfer 2017-03-12 19:29:59 4 0
daniel raphael worlds 2018-07-14 17:13:54 4 138
david icke 2017-02-18 15:34:07 4 1
debauchery 2019-08-20 04:24:46 4 1
december 24, 2005 2013-10-05 12:18:56 4 6
defectors 2015-08-24 12:48:19 4 0
definition of faith 2016-06-25 13:11:47 4 4
deja vu 2021-04-10 23:20:43 4 12
dejavu 2020-07-16 17:42:45 4 0
deju vu 2021-06-11 11:48:36 4 0
deliberate 2015-06-28 15:10:01 4 163
designs 2024-04-27 21:40:06 4 109
devil 's existence 2023-10-28 19:49:36 4 0
dialogue 2017-09-09 14:55:51 4 11
dimension 2017-11-02 22:07:43 4 800
dinasaurs 2021-07-29 02:07:18 4 0
divine love 2020-08-30 23:24:02 4 2300
doc-k 2015-12-02 16:07:54 4 0
donna d 2016-08-27 19:45:21 4 211
duality 2017-05-08 11:50:28 4 116
dyslexia 2020-08-05 00:46:03 4 3
effectiveness 2017-12-11 16:08:51 4 227
egyptian 2017-07-04 14:07:49 4 3
elyon michael monjoronson 2014-03-30 11:48:09 4 99
emotions 2019-11-19 02:18:58 4 854
emp 2023-03-13 09:50:04 4 3707
encouragement 2021-02-07 04:31:40 4 743
end of the world 2019-03-19 01:24:29 4 4636
endless energy 2019-05-28 21:57:22 4 2
enseraphimed 2018-08-23 04:40:00 4 7
evolution of the supreme 2017-09-04 18:35:50 4 452
existential crisis 2020-09-29 14:49:26 4 18
extraterrestrial 2018-08-19 18:40:34 4 14
extraterrestrials 2020-11-29 18:26:23 4 11
faith is permeating all areas 2016-08-15 01:19:41 4 0
father 's planets 2017-05-20 09:47:28 4 374
field 2024-09-23 09:16:11 4 859
final battle 2016-09-22 20:12:33 4 2
finaliter answering 2020-12-20 17:38:15 4 1
finaliter talking 2020-12-20 17:26:21 4 0
fitness 2023-11-11 20:08:19 4 20
flounder 2024-12-09 08:56:12 4 43
flower 2023-01-15 10:50:57 4 289
flu vectors 2016-04-27 15:24:14 4 8
fluoride 2019-01-11 09:39:38 4 1
food storage 2023-03-24 21:22:25 4 1
future 2016-10-03 22:59:21 4 0
galactic history 2014-07-04 19:43:35 4 1140
game of life 2016-01-29 09:34:50 4 375
gavalia 2015-01-18 20:23:34 4 5
george soros 2014-11-25 16:45:10 4 1
germain 2019-01-15 17:10:10 4 0
ghost 2020-07-12 01:47:07 4 43
giants 2021-07-26 23:33:56 4 12
giza 2023-07-29 07:35:46 4 0
glossary 2021-06-22 13:44:28 4 15
god core 2023-02-12 08:56:51 4 0
goodness 2024-04-02 09:51:12 4 0
government core values of social sustainability 2018-01-30 22:20:24 4 54
gratitude 2021-03-04 01:16:14 4 997
grey aliens 2017-06-14 15:51:34 4 0
grounding 2024-07-19 15:16:07 4 107
guerra mundial 2024-02-11 20:15:15 4 1
hands ' sleep 3 order by 1 2018-11-06 16:41:32 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 160 2018-11-06 16:41:43 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 20 2018-11-06 16:41:35 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 320 2018-11-06 16:41:46 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 321 2018-11-06 16:41:48 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 40 2018-11-06 16:41:38 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 481 2018-11-06 16:41:51 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 561 2018-11-06 16:41:54 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 601 2018-11-06 16:41:57 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 621 2018-11-06 16:41:59 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 631 2018-11-06 16:42:02 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 636 2018-11-06 16:42:05 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 639 2018-11-06 16:42:13 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 640 2018-11-06 16:42:15 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 641 2018-11-06 16:42:18 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 642 2018-11-06 16:42:21 4 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 80 2018-11-06 16:41:40 4 1271
hanging out 2017-10-18 17:52:32 4 182
headquater 2017-04-30 10:19:56 4 0
heal 2017-10-30 17:26:57 4 653
healing energy 2017-06-18 17:11:27 4 124
henry z 2019-07-05 18:38:20 4 67
henry zeringue 2019-12-12 13:49:35 4 204
holocaust 2023-10-29 08:16:17 4 18
homo spiritus 2020-08-03 03:37:31 4 10
how easily it becomes us to judge another human fe 2016-11-18 15:44:17 4 0
how to 2020-01-15 20:28:39 4 0
how to become transmitters 2023-12-09 11:46:46 4 0
how to fuse 2022-01-09 20:19:41 4 0
human staff 2019-12-10 16:39:23 4 1
hz 2020-01-18 23:28:35 4 1
i am 2016-09-07 09:30:52 4 8
iii world war 2023-10-28 16:18:18 4 0
illusions 2014-08-10 10:44:37 4 139
in between 2014-08-23 08:08:18 4 295
india 2018-11-04 16:17:52 4 46
instinct 2017-10-21 19:33:05 4 153
intentional communities 2022-11-13 20:49:12 4 39
interlives 2015-11-25 16:01:54 4 0
investment 2023-02-09 00:08:27 4 132
israel 2023-10-21 17:36:22 4 40
james 2016-09-14 14:46:20 4 51
james oct 4 1992 2023-12-11 12:56:53 4 5
jehovah 2022-05-01 14:00:32 4 12
jesus%20christ 2014-01-04 09:49:41 4 789
jobs 2024-03-25 19:46:45 4 203
john patmos 2016-10-01 17:21:03 4 4
jonathan ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2018-08-20 23:43:13 4 519
judging others 2014-10-22 08:25:28 4 181
june 2016 2016-08-18 11:02:15 4 0
jupiter 's moon 2020-07-19 15:58:21 4 0
jus regulae 2017-10-23 22:24:28 4 0
kennedy 2017-02-12 18:42:38 4 6
kingdom of heaven 2016-05-21 05:43:34 4 226
kundalini 2017-10-04 10:57:47 4 5
lattice of light 2023-02-14 12:54:52 4 0
law of attraction 2024-04-02 07:29:06 4 21
layonta 2021-02-26 22:03:37 4 1
lazarus 2020-12-04 14:31:18 4 18
leaders 2021-05-08 00:23:41 4 493
learning 2015-12-19 16:21:39 4 48
learning to t r 2015-07-28 09:17:21 4 3
learning transmission 2024-02-14 20:29:21 4 251
lemurian 2024-12-17 15:52:56 4 0
lesbians 2022-12-08 13:15:12 4 0
letters from a living dead man 2017-07-31 11:55:27 4 0
life plan 2018-02-11 07:52:55 4 1564
light body 2018-06-06 18:44:45 4 10
lightline " and "x " "x 2016-11-18 20:48:33 4 315
lightline " and "x " "y 2016-11-18 20:48:34 4 315
lightline ' and 'x ' 'x 2016-11-18 20:48:32 4 315
lightline ' and 'x ' 'y 2016-11-18 20:48:32 4 315
lightline ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2016-11-18 20:49:38 4 315
lightline ' and sleep 3 and '1 2016-11-18 20:49:36 4 315
lightline ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2016-11-18 20:49:39 4 315
lightline ' sleep 3 '1 2016-11-18 20:49:37 4 315
lightline 'a 0 2017-04-24 09:33:39 4 272
lightline 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2016-11-18 20:49:38 4 315
lightline 21may2015 motherspirit personalitydiffer 2015-06-15 07:42:10 4 0
lightline2121121121212 1 2016-11-18 20:48:28 4 315
lil sis 2021-09-25 01:22:35 4 89
lin el 2016-05-17 08:08:34 4 27
list of epochal revelations 2014-03-12 13:15:02 4 20
lochness 2017-10-02 18:00:05 4 0
love in action 2018-08-12 09:00:36 4 1397
lsd 2018-12-30 01:04:09 4 20
majeston 2021-11-26 11:29:35 4 7
malventia 2021-10-23 00:34:38 4 7
manifest 2023-07-08 07:29:06 4 972
manna 2022-05-24 22:19:12 4 18
marin tm group--mil valley, california--u.s.a. 2013-12-07 07:01:49 4 171
master spirit 2021-03-02 17:35:37 4 88
may 26 2010 2016-09-13 01:29:17 4 26
meditate 2018-08-19 06:10:02 4 318
medium 2017-01-21 16:55:11 4 193
melchizedek schools 2024-08-12 10:51:23 4 84
melorite 2017-03-10 08:04:29 4 0
mental health 2016-03-22 23:51:09 4 352
mercaba 2020-10-25 15:55:54 4 1
merkaba 'a 0 2022-06-30 07:10:07 4 186
mermaids 2013-12-31 03:43:07 4 2
michael return 2015-09-18 19:03:58 4 0
midwayer frank 2014-08-28 15:55:50 4 25
mind spirits 2016-09-20 08:26:48 4 160
mission magistrale 2021-11-25 08:03:20 4 0
moise 2022-11-05 04:23:04 4 0
mojoronson 2017-08-03 18:05:41 4 0
monjoronson ' "qnovale 2020-03-10 05:42:37 4 1133
monjoronson ' ' 2022-07-30 15:18:31 4 1133
monjoronson 9-2 2020-03-10 05:42:38 4 1133
monjoronson and 21 21 2020-03-10 05:42:55 4 1133
monjoronson and sustainability 2017-04-16 21:05:47 4 87
monjoronson dreams 2025-01-13 10:13:55 4 72
monjoronson q a 2020-10-30 20:03:08 4 463
monjoronson's 2013-10-05 12:18:04 4 25
morjonson 2016-11-25 12:24:54 4 0
morontia blending 2015-12-23 16:53:14 4 4
morontia mota 2018-06-27 20:02:45 4 143
morontia worlds 2014-08-06 16:26:46 4 589
mortal staff 2019-12-09 21:25:40 4 62
mosquitoes 2023-08-15 14:58:16 4 8
mothers name 2018-10-01 04:07:56 4 0
motivation 2023-01-09 08:10:44 4 433
mount shasta 2016-10-10 14:15:56 4 0
mountains 2024-03-12 23:53:38 4 205
multidimensional 2016-08-02 02:18:34 4 18
my arrival 2025-01-22 07:23:47 4 73
name 2018-10-01 04:11:00 4 0
nec 10 2018-05-24 05:26:10 4 0
nec33 2015-10-05 22:30:31 4 0
nesara 2019-01-31 15:10:09 4 1
new era converstaions 2015-06-23 11:07:43 4 0
nexus 2019-12-22 07:29:10 4 0
non-intellectual 2024-03-19 07:30:45 4 552
number two 2016-09-06 20:07:30 4 54
nystoria 2018-12-24 11:18:00 4 0
ocilliaya 2017-10-11 20:48:31 4 0
old souls 2016-05-19 23:11:05 4 7
opheilus 2016-04-25 22:47:27 4 0
order of melchizedek 2023-08-01 15:34:30 4 21
osiris 2020-11-28 20:19:20 4 0
ouija board 2021-09-06 18:22:01 4 3
panoptians 2016-08-28 23:35:01 4 2
parenting 2017-09-17 19:28:01 4 117
parkinson 's disease 2016-06-24 20:40:25 4 0
pendulum ' 0 2023-09-13 10:19:44 4 55
personalize god 2018-11-04 12:29:05 4 1
planets 2014-06-07 00:04:57 4 766
pleiadians 2018-04-10 15:19:32 4 1
politics 2016-10-12 18:26:48 4 211
prana 2016-01-28 02:30:46 4 9
pre 'msha 2017-02-24 19:10:23 4 0
preparations 2016-05-21 08:07:17 4 148
prion 2017-10-29 18:32:47 4 0
property 2014-04-25 01:42:13 4 98
psychic circle 2017-10-12 16:23:51 4 48
purposely buried cities 2014-01-15 22:55:46 4 0
q/a 69 2014-01-16 20:54:09 4 12
quarentine 2019-12-14 21:42:46 4 0
radio 2022-10-25 15:34:44 4 159
ramtha 2022-05-23 08:13:34 4 1
recieving 2019-03-02 16:37:40 4 0
regression 2019-10-23 05:33:48 4 68
rejection 2016-08-04 21:48:50 4 167
release strive 2018-11-18 19:02:17 4 175
reset 2018-08-29 19:29:24 4 15
respect 2014-10-12 04:14:45 4 1230
resurrection halls 2019-02-18 06:38:49 4 68
rhode island 2018-08-10 17:40:00 4 2
rock creek 2017-06-12 11:18:51 4 4
roxanne andrews 2017-11-21 22:32:06 4 55
sabbat 2023-04-12 10:49:26 4 0
saint germain 2018-10-29 23:12:34 4 0
satelite 2022-11-05 12:24:36 4 0
scavengers 2018-11-13 15:15:51 4 1
scion 2017-03-19 07:17:17 4 0
self mastery 2019-05-07 00:22:04 4 308
self-acting 2020-08-04 00:14:02 4 0
self-discipline 2021-02-22 10:31:23 4 2639
sense of humor 2019-10-23 03:29:04 4 0
september 11 2001 2015-12-07 18:00:34 4 17
service in kind 2024-09-13 08:59:42 4 1
sex ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2019-03-24 06:26:02 4 267
sex ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2019-03-24 06:26:03 4 267
sex ' and sleep 3 and '1 2019-03-24 06:25:59 4 267
sex ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2019-03-24 06:26:02 4 267
sex ' sleep 3 '1 2019-03-24 06:26:00 4 267
sex 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2019-03-24 06:26:01 4 267
sexual fantasy 2019-01-23 13:54:32 4 0
shift 2024-02-11 23:32:52 4 581
smelling 2017-10-15 20:14:36 4 8
solar energy 2023-08-08 11:08:09 4 6
sordon 2020-03-11 20:54:23 4 0
special session #13 2014-01-03 20:53:43 4 0
special session 24 beliefs 2014-01-07 08:03:34 4 6
spiritual fortitude 2019-03-31 09:57:39 4 2
spiritual unity 2014-07-09 15:53:22 4 556
startup 2024-05-01 21:41:00 4 3
steps of stillness 2022-07-18 10:39:50 4 542
storytelling 2025-01-21 14:30:03 4 4
student visitors 2019-01-26 14:02:51 4 112
sub conscious mind 2019-12-27 06:05:13 4 1128
sugar 2017-01-12 20:34:07 4 57
sumerians 2024-04-01 17:06:45 4 4
superhero 2024-12-29 13:48:30 4 1
sustainabilty 2015-08-12 13:06:56 4 0
t/r ing 2014-01-16 22:10:21 4 1854
take no time to worry 2019-07-09 05:22:14 4 3
teaching mission is 2014-10-29 07:40:43 4 2191
teaching mission russia 2016-06-12 07:56:00 4 0
technology 2021-12-06 19:33:50 4 271
terrorist 2024-06-05 21:55:01 4 22
the 100 2014-04-16 15:05:49 4 10
the bible 2019-12-08 08:53:04 4 258
the coming cataclysms 2015-07-01 17:06:34 4 67
the correcting time 2016-03-01 15:17:47 4 890
the cross 2021-08-26 09:41:42 4 1192
the fa 2015-06-19 16:12:05 4 3
the family is a building block for community nati 2014-09-02 07:56:33 4 0
the greys 2017-03-08 23:31:03 4 0
the pattern of family is a 2021-06-29 23:55:08 4 537
the road to perfection 2016-11-11 20:51:47 4 20
the supreme 2023-03-19 10:26:53 4 1333
the watchers 2019-10-13 16:14:11 4 23
three core value-emotions of social sustainability 2021-08-08 11:02:08 4 0
tid 4958 2015-01-21 11:01:46 4 0
time machine 2014-12-09 15:55:35 4 152
tolerance 2018-02-11 07:40:29 4 486
tonsah12 11 05 2019-12-08 06:24:17 4 1
trance 2017-02-27 06:58:53 4 47
transgender 2022-10-12 10:46:44 4 0
transmitter receiver 2019-07-03 18:21:09 4 244
transmitting/receiving 2014-03-27 16:09:38 4 229
treatment of women 2022-06-26 10:37:32 4 39
tring 2017-02-16 23:37:01 4 108
turin 2025-01-22 07:17:37 4 2
unborn 2017-07-15 03:58:34 4 21
united states 2023-12-28 18:15:37 4 274
universe broadcast no.2 2014-06-12 16:47:01 4 0
urantia news 2014-08-15 15:13:25 4 0
urantia series 2016-10-25 13:20:37 4 311
values of sustainability 2019-04-28 10:38:23 4 28
vegan 2018-09-20 01:15:14 4 2
virgin 2024-01-19 23:58:05 4 41
volunteering for the magisterial misson 2014-04-17 09:53:32 4 0
vorondadek 2024-03-07 09:19:19 4 13
vortex 2014-01-28 12:52:05 4 43
who is ham 2018-10-05 09:51:53 4 1
womens equality 2015-04-14 15:48:36 4 0
woods cross ut 2019-12-17 19:26:19 4 704
worry 2023-07-25 22:08:23 4 1070
worship meditation 2022-08-12 11:13:31 4 283
zero point energy communication 2023-04-23 23:15:55 4 19
zero-point 2024-04-23 01:07:53 4 0
zero-point energy 2024-04-23 01:04:47 4 0
zoroaster 2017-07-04 14:25:34 4 0
"ribbon of love " 2015-09-22 21:31:38 3 0
"t r lessons " 2014-09-12 01:13:52 3 0
'0 1 2018-08-13 09:45:14 3 1133
'anchor the light ' 2024-06-16 06:55:27 3 0
2003 2019-12-01 19:01:27 3 339
core values 2016-04-06 13:34:34 3 242
decimation 2016-07-25 23:33:43 3 109
judas 2019-07-12 14:21:53 3 49
larga 2017-03-15 03:26:16 3 2
melchizdkek 2020-12-20 21:20:46 3 0
missing persons 2021-06-20 23:43:14 3 1
reincarnation 2019-06-11 13:42:16 3 104
ron 2015 2015-11-28 03:43:30 3 55
seth 2017-03-27 08:22:07 3 18
spiritual polarity 2013-12-25 13:55:06 3 50
"green eyes" 2014-07-07 00:50:27 3 0
07 'nvopzp and 1 1 or ' " iko 2022-05-31 13:41:46 3 0
07 and 8 3 2015-02-10 19:14:45 3 668
07 and 8 8 2015-02-10 19:14:41 3 668
1 ' order by 1 2022-01-20 17:03:50 3 0
1 ' select sleep 5 2022-01-20 17:01:51 3 0
1 ' union all select null 2022-01-20 17:03:51 3 0
1 ' union all select null null 2022-01-20 17:03:51 3 0
1 ' union all select null null null 2022-01-20 17:03:52 3 0
1 ' union all select null null null null 2022-01-20 17:03:52 3 0
1 ' union all select null null null null null 2022-01-20 17:03:52 3 0
1 ' union all select null null null null null null 2022-01-20 17:03:52 3 0
1 and 1 2 union select 0x6461726b31636f6465-- 2017-02-14 19:44:41 3 1004
1 order by 1 2022-01-20 17:03:35 3 0
1 union all select null 2022-01-20 17:03:36 3 0
1 union all select null null 2022-01-20 17:03:36 3 0
1 union all select null null null 2022-01-20 17:03:37 3 0
1 union all select null null null null 2022-01-20 17:03:37 3 0
1 union all select null null null null null 2022-01-20 17:03:37 3 0
1 union all select null null null null null null 2022-01-20 17:03:37 3 0
1 waitfor delay '0 0 5 ' 2022-05-08 16:02:20 3 0
11 11 progress 2017-02-01 12:25:10 3 76
15 09 2016 2016-10-01 13:46:12 3 0
18 to 24 months 2015-02-04 07:44:31 3 60
1910 2024-05-13 15:05:12 3 2
1930 2024-05-13 15:07:14 3 15
1960 2024-05-13 18:32:13 3 7
1965 2024-05-13 18:42:25 3 1
1970 2024-05-13 19:00:23 3 10
1971 2024-05-13 19:00:42 3 6
1972 2024-05-13 19:19:38 3 25
1980 2024-05-14 13:40:36 3 17
1989 2024-05-21 21:29:16 3 2
2006 " and "x " "x 2018-07-01 23:23:49 3 422
2006 ' and 'x ' 'x 2018-07-01 23:23:48 3 422
2006 ' and 'x ' 'y 2018-07-01 23:23:48 3 422
2006 ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2018-07-01 23:25:05 3 422
2006 ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2018-07-01 23:25:00 3 422
2006 ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2018-07-01 23:25:05 3 422
2006 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-07-01 23:25:02 3 422
2006 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-07-01 23:25:03 3 422
2006 and benchmark 2999999 md5 now 2018-07-01 23:25:03 3 422
2006 benchmark 2999999 md5 now 2018-07-01 23:25:04 3 422
2006 sleep 3 2018-07-01 23:25:02 3 422
20062121121121212 1 2018-07-01 23:23:44 3 422
2007 adjuster relationship 2024-02-22 15:25:04 3 0
2008 all 2013-11-19 21:19:52 3 249
2009 2019-12-02 19:58:48 3 30
2025 2023-09-19 17:57:12 3 1
2030 2019-02-20 03:41:46 3 4
222 2015-11-15 23:59:26 3 28
3 core values of emotional sustainability 2016-04-04 16:47:03 3 16
3 emotional core values 2016-04-04 16:59:26 3 1
3 value-emotions 2016-04-22 15:38:23 3 0
3 values 2014-02-03 18:28:48 3 768
37 planets 2016-10-02 08:33:13 3 4
3d instructional 2025-01-06 16:18:00 3 2
41 lessons 2014-06-04 12:47:12 3 64
5th epochal revelation 2017-12-03 23:15:30 3 15
61 2019-04-19 18:40:27 3 133
abandon 2015-04-27 00:44:26 3 161
abner 2017-01-19 19:19:08 3 6
abundant hope 2014-06-29 22:57:06 3 137
activation des chakras 2024-12-15 13:08:53 3 5
aflana 2021-04-25 08:46:28 3 1
africa 2017-08-31 01:40:39 3 92
age of christ 2017-07-28 00:13:26 3 0
agondontwe 2014-07-19 04:26:43 3 0
ajuster 2017-01-26 21:07:42 3 0
alabama water flood 2014-05-27 08:56:41 3 0
alchemy 2015-04-28 11:21:09 3 3
algimantis 2022-07-29 05:47:30 3 0
allergies 2016-07-15 11:49:02 3 12
andrea 2015-11-08 06:54:24 3 93
angry god 2020-12-02 09:44:14 3 14
animal 2020-01-07 06:09:03 3 895
anti-christ 2014-07-11 09:17:44 3 1634
anticipate 2023-02-06 07:02:27 3 446
anyas 2019-12-12 16:07:10 3 1
apocolypse 2016-01-03 20:50:46 3 0
architects 2023-02-11 16:51:47 3 79
arcturian 2020-11-25 13:09:33 3 1
arizona 2020-11-13 00:57:49 3 43
art of asking questions 2016-10-18 03:57:49 3 17
arthur 2022-10-30 01:12:35 3 6
assets 2024-06-17 04:44:25 3 58
asthma 2016-05-30 19:05:19 3 1
attitude 2019-03-19 06:56:20 3 1167
august 21 2008 2017-11-20 12:11:13 3 5
august 21, 2008 2014-02-14 15:58:00 3 5
australia 2019-04-05 15:15:08 3 353
avalon 2025-01-17 01:02:19 3 4
awaken 2017-01-18 17:18:03 3 436
awakening 2017-04-17 09:05:39 3 603
axis tilt 2021-04-02 07:52:50 3 3
babylon 2022-11-06 05:18:41 3 4
baltic states 2013-10-05 11:59:23 3 1
bank collapse 2024-03-23 12:12:42 3 0
baptism 2020-12-06 09:07:46 3 59
barack obama 2016-07-28 10:46:38 3 3
basic requirements of staff 2019-12-08 07:36:36 3 13
bats 2016-06-04 09:18:46 3 3
be prepared 2016-04-12 20:57:39 3 316
being left handed 2013-10-08 06:36:09 3 67
belzzeebu 2016-06-25 18:29:11 3 0
bertrand 2014-09-14 10:17:01 3 33
betrayal 2019-05-28 21:56:19 3 89
bi-furcation 2016-09-29 16:03:20 3 0
bifurcation 2018-08-04 23:57:15 3 2
bill clinton 2017-01-05 22:43:26 3 6
bill gates 2020-12-01 15:16:28 3 2
bird flu 2016-06-05 07:15:15 3 59
bitcoin 2024-08-05 19:17:49 3 0
black eyed children 2019-02-03 15:50:13 3 12
black holes 2019-03-03 11:11:19 3 17
black race 2019-08-10 17:17:25 3 98
blavatsk 2014-09-07 13:16:48 3 0
blavatsky 2017-11-22 12:26:26 3 2
blended mortals 2014-05-24 21:29:23 3 50
blessings 2017-05-11 10:15:57 3 68
blue light 2023-06-20 10:19:54 3 18
blueprint 2020-12-02 21:11:08 3 53
bob cherubim 2015-06-14 18:39:32 3 33
bob devine 2019-12-12 13:51:51 3 13
book 2017-11-21 22:39:16 3 1962
boulder colorado 2015-03-20 12:19:55 3 2
briltadorians 2018-03-05 13:01:24 3 5
broadcast number two 2018-11-22 17:12:06 3 1
buddhism 2017-07-04 14:28:05 3 16
bulletin 2022-11-15 01:06:00 3 13
bulletin 21 2024-02-29 13:04:06 3 2
buried 2013-10-12 23:00:26 3 119
bushcraft 2023-09-01 21:02:58 3 0
bzutu 2017-07-26 01:15:41 3 0
calendar 2018-04-20 22:21:41 3 88
calvin most 2014-04-25 13:23:10 3 171
candle 2015-03-17 21:12:56 3 92
cannibalism 2023-07-20 20:20:27 3 3
captain armando 2017-03-10 21:05:34 3 4
caro 2013-11-26 14:37:08 3 0
catholic 2016-10-01 05:59:32 3 79
celestia limpressions group 2016-08-06 22:29:20 3 0
celestine prophecy 2017-04-30 20:59:07 3 1
central america 2014-07-07 04:11:00 3 14
central question 2017-09-02 23:56:42 3 5
change 2016-10-03 19:35:31 3 56
change thinking 2018-04-01 10:03:57 3 1451
charity 2024-04-02 09:51:44 3 0
chief adjuster magisterial mission 2014-10-09 14:52:01 3 0
chris maurus 2019-12-11 15:11:53 3 3
christ 2017-01-06 03:46:21 3 0
chromosome 2022-10-30 04:20:24 3 5
churchill 2024-02-11 19:55:59 3 7
circuit 2016-09-29 19:37:37 3 744
circumcision 2023-08-01 08:37:36 3 1
class 2017-11-03 20:03:18 3 476
cloning 2018-01-25 08:05:30 3 3
cocreative 2024-03-28 13:10:00 3 4
coffee 2023-03-26 10:13:27 3 88
colloidal 2022-12-30 07:52:58 3 4
colorado 2017-05-15 01:13:25 3 395
colorado nec 2016-04-14 23:58:34 3 0
comet 2023-03-08 18:44:09 3 8
coming cataclysms 2015-07-01 16:52:17 3 0
commandments 2020-11-29 20:18:46 3 32
commercializes 2013-11-23 22:44:55 3 0
community ' and sleep 3 -- 2018-04-25 23:09:30 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 1 2018-04-25 23:41:24 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 160 2018-04-25 23:41:36 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 20 2018-04-25 23:41:27 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 320 2018-04-25 23:41:39 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 321 2018-04-25 23:41:42 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 40 2018-04-25 23:41:30 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 481 2018-04-25 23:41:45 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 561 2018-04-25 23:41:48 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 601 2018-04-25 23:41:51 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 621 2018-04-25 23:41:54 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 631 2018-04-25 23:41:57 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 636 2018-04-25 23:42:00 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 639 2018-04-25 23:42:09 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 640 2018-04-25 23:42:12 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 641 2018-04-25 23:42:16 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 642 2018-04-25 23:42:19 3 809
community sleep 3 order by 80 2018-04-25 23:41:33 3 809
confidence 2021-10-14 22:32:51 3 987
conservatives 2014-05-08 12:37:24 3 2
constellation father 2014-11-08 02:49:57 3 140
consumator 2020-09-06 18:16:15 3 0
consumator of universe destiny 2020-10-26 08:09:57 3 0
contrails 2016-07-25 08:18:26 3 0
conversation with 2017-02-28 06:05:16 3 16
cooperative as typpe of company 2020-02-13 06:32:42 3 0
core values government 2019-01-17 13:05:45 3 101
correcting time 2014 2017-11-20 00:46:23 3 32
cosmic 2022-11-13 16:51:29 3 847
cosmology 2018-12-18 00:21:19 3 74
course of miracles 2020-07-08 14:44:19 3 9
courses 2024-08-13 14:56:17 3 97
covet 2021-06-19 18:04:42 3 20
covid 19 2020-03-03 06:02:54 3 0
creating a new order 2015-05-21 19:18:35 3 1
crime 2021-06-06 22:30:32 3 103
crypto 2023-03-28 12:20:03 3 0
cryptocurrency 2024-08-05 19:18:11 3 0
cyrus 2014-07-14 16:37:39 3 1
dalmatia 2021-02-27 07:57:00 3 6
dance 2015-08-19 09:38:24 3 27
dancing 2019-10-26 04:44:50 3 120
daniel raphael 'a 0 2021-09-09 22:08:55 3 188
daniel raphael 2016 2018-04-18 22:04:52 3 8
daniel raphael session monjoronson 2014-01-05 00:20:55 3 128
dark night of the soul 2022-07-07 22:06:50 3 10
daughter of saul 2017-02-15 15:20:50 3 0
dead sea 2015-05-10 08:47:41 3 4
death penalty 2019-02-17 12:49:47 3 6
dec ' " 2022-04-26 15:10:18 3 3375
dec 2022 2024-02-10 04:40:26 3 0
december 27 2003 2019-02-18 01:10:34 3 0
december 29 2003 2019-12-01 19:00:09 3 0
decimal planets 2024-07-29 00:51:51 3 18
decimation of population 2019-03-23 05:20:17 3 0
default 2018-04-15 12:53:31 3 276
devil 2024-05-06 21:16:48 3 70
devil existence 2023-10-28 19:50:11 3 39
devil's triangle 2014-08-16 13:53:45 3 0
diabetes 2024-09-06 07:08:17 3 0
dinosaur 2018-08-14 03:21:07 3 2
directive 55 2015-08-12 03:08:29 3 7
divine justice 2014-12-21 12:55:16 3 93
divine mother spirit 2015-12-28 14:54:30 3 0
dna activation 2015-05-16 19:53:47 3 2
dna activation certification 2017-12-29 06:42:29 3 1
do not fear doing the fathers will 2014-12-27 13:10:25 3 19
do the best you can 2020-07-07 00:27:37 3 3098
document q 2018-08-25 11:41:45 3 145
dog 2018-05-18 01:05:17 3 364
don juan 2021-06-28 21:15:41 3 7
donna d 'ingello 2019-12-11 15:15:06 3 0
donna dingillo 2020-10-14 16:15:28 3 0
dopamine 2020-12-15 00:23:28 3 0
dream meaning purpose 2016-12-26 15:48:15 3 110
dreaming 2017-10-18 19:55:10 3 62
drumvalo 2018-12-01 07:21:04 3 0
dunkin 2024-11-25 13:58:17 3 0
dying 2018-06-28 01:52:03 3 230
e-commerce 2024-04-14 09:03:50 3 0
ears 2016-12-24 05:15:56 3 588
earth moved 2017-05-01 11:59:04 3 0
earthquake 2023 2023-02-11 22:17:04 3 0
egregore 2019-12-18 16:26:08 3 2
egregores 2014-11-12 09:06:48 3 0
el proceso de la muerte 2023-10-12 20:28:07 3 1
elder 2020-12-15 09:51:41 3 196
eleanora 2016-01-02 02:14:59 3 0
election 2017-05-30 14:10:40 3 58
electric grid 2024-01-07 20:12:13 3 0
emotional control 2019-03-29 03:07:31 3 3
enterprise 2016-07-14 08:55:54 3 130
epilepsy 2019-06-11 23:11:54 3 4
epochal revelations 2018-10-15 23:48:19 3 25
et 2017-06-14 15:41:25 3 5818
etheric 2023-03-13 10:12:09 3 31
ethics and values 2017-06-06 04:49:28 3 8
every corner 2024-11-25 14:10:31 3 26
every member of every family 2014-02-14 02:42:23 3 0
exercises in humility 2014-09-16 14:51:28 3 0
exhaustion 2018-10-27 03:56:42 3 59
extra terrestrial in urantia 2016-04-13 13:52:59 3 0
extrasensory 2024-09-10 12:51:32 3 2
facility 2024-08-12 10:27:00 3 69
fairh 2020-02-16 09:29:48 3 0
fasting 2024-12-03 11:16:40 3 8
father 's will 2022-11-06 04:54:26 3 0
fatigue 2021-09-19 05:13:29 3 76
february 2014 2014-02-20 11:37:47 3 0
federation 2020-12-01 07:50:44 3 20
fellowship 2020-09-01 09:19:02 3 625
fema camp 2024-03-12 23:49:46 3 0
fidelity 2019-04-10 07:49:48 3 28
field guide 2024-09-23 09:16:05 3 0
filter 2014-02-24 19:04:00 3 142
finally saving grace 2016-07-25 10:34:55 3 0
financial system 2018-05-15 18:04:02 3 5
findhorn 2014-07-02 13:38:31 3 3
finite phase 2017-09-07 21:58:17 3 81
first circle 2022-01-09 20:19:57 3 19
fish 2015-05-30 12:19:04 3 136
fl 2016-01-07 04:53:15 3 114
floral essences 2017-04-12 07:51:14 3 0
flower fragrance 2017-03-26 11:00:29 3 52
flurries 2017-01-10 01:21:03 3 3
forcast 2017-09-26 17:40:37 3 0
forest fires 2018-08-18 14:20:17 3 18
forgiveness of debt 2024-03-25 13:53:24 3 0
forgiving debt 2024-03-26 17:09:07 3 11
forms 2019-09-30 23:29:20 3 63
fred harris 2015-01-05 21:30:47 3 3
fruit of the spirit 2018-12-13 20:03:58 3 84
fungus 2019-01-31 18:01:48 3 1
fusion on urantia 2015-08-04 17:05:48 3 1
future not preordained 2021-01-12 00:12:33 3 1
gabriel v lucifer 2020-04-30 15:44:03 3 1
galantia 2016-04-08 10:22:03 3 2
gamer 2020-07-03 03:11:52 3 0
gardens 2016-08-06 09:58:02 3 94
gengis 2014-09-11 20:09:32 3 0
george benavides 2019-12-12 13:47:38 3 79
george bush 2018-12-06 01:43:10 3 9
georgia 2015-04-19 10:50:00 3 34
gerdean 2007 2016-08-27 12:14:04 3 18
gerdean 2008 2016-08-27 13:38:37 3 22
gesara 2017-08-22 12:53:57 3 0
give and receive 2017-09-01 08:31:14 3 43
giving 2020-04-05 10:08:20 3 1646
global s 7 2015-09-25 14:07:48 3 232
globalization of truth 2019-10-27 09:39:39 3 4
god calling 2017-03-24 23:42:18 3 12
god lives with right thinking 2024-06-02 04:57:02 3 0
gold light 2023-03-21 00:12:48 3 5
graduation 2014-09-19 12:38:15 3 0
grandfanda 2015-02-11 16:00:55 3 3
gray hair 2024-08-16 04:25:09 3 2
grayson 2015-08-08 01:46:17 3 0
green light 2023-06-20 10:16:02 3 14
greetings 2024-08-05 21:45:18 3 0
grey hair 2024-08-16 04:25:00 3 0
groaning 2023-02-11 15:49:56 3 2
gross 2024-07-09 00:16:53 3 82
guidestones 2014-11-21 03:02:38 3 0
guns 2014-02-08 20:03:33 3 19
gurdjieff 2016-06-11 07:19:42 3 0
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 1 2018-11-15 13:27:31 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 160 2018-11-15 13:27:42 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 20 2018-11-15 13:27:34 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 320 2018-11-15 13:27:45 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 321 2018-11-15 13:27:47 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 40 2018-11-15 13:27:37 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 481 2018-11-15 13:27:50 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 561 2018-11-15 13:27:53 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 601 2018-11-15 13:27:55 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 621 2018-11-15 13:27:58 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 631 2018-11-15 13:28:01 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 636 2018-11-15 13:28:03 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 639 2018-11-15 13:28:11 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 640 2018-11-15 13:28:14 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 641 2018-11-15 13:28:16 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 642 2018-11-15 13:28:19 3 1271
hands ' 0 sleep 3 order by 80 2018-11-15 13:27:39 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 1 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:14 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 160 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:24 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 20 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:17 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 320 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:27 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 321 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:29 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 40 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:19 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 481 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:31 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 561 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:34 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 601 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:37 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 621 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:39 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 631 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:41 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 636 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:44 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 639 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:51 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 640 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:54 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 641 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:56 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 642 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:59 3 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 order by 80 -- 2018-11-06 16:26:22 3 1271
harmonizing your thoughts with father s j 2023-10-19 13:29:24 3 0
harp 2018-07-31 16:11:31 3 33
he%20can%20be 2014-04-17 22:16:16 3 5326
healhcare training 2024-10-15 06:55:27 3 0
healing disease 2015-02-14 22:30:45 3 1
healing sound 2016-04-14 11:59:46 3 10
healing your own body 2014-05-28 07:28:07 3 705
healthcare clinics 2024-11-25 14:11:11 3 1
heart mind 2018-03-11 09:50:15 3 2661
heart opening 2014-06-26 11:59:09 3 8
heath 2024-03-12 12:58:07 3 9
heathcare 2024-08-26 16:13:05 3 0
helen whitworth 2014-10-22 04:48:57 3 91
henson 2021-04-10 12:55:42 3 0
hidden manna 2022-05-24 22:18:39 3 1
hinterland 2023-09-26 20:49:51 3 1
history of teaching 2024-05-18 09:06:37 3 0
history of ub 2016-08-07 08:13:04 3 1017
ho chi minh 2023-03-26 06:09:24 3 3
hologram 2021-06-19 09:19:55 3 15
holywood 2014-06-30 23:24:19 3 0
hopelessness 2019-09-27 02:20:05 3 84
horace 2022-10-21 10:45:11 3 0
house of cards 2014-01-30 12:18:14 3 7
how to become a transmiter 2015-08-27 13:32:29 3 0
how to transmit receive 2016-05-04 21:36:38 3 2
human continuum 2024-05-21 21:54:41 3 2
human rights 2024-01-18 03:31:43 3 150
i am abraham 2020-12-20 21:17:27 3 253
ice and isis 2015-09-23 12:09:07 3 8
idealism 2014-12-14 13:42:19 3 58
in part why we have been so slow in introducing 2014-08-27 08:39:49 3 1
indicative 2025-01-06 16:09:00 3 93
individial 2018-06-03 10:06:32 3 0
infidelity 2018-11-25 04:01:02 3 1
inflation 2024-05-02 08:13:46 3 7
inner light 2015-04-25 22:51:41 3 41
inner voive 2017-01-12 02:15:14 3 0
instincts 2023-10-31 15:55:03 3 126
inter lives 2015-11-25 16:02:09 3 0
inversion 2016-12-10 13:06:28 3 4
inward light 2019-11-12 08:14:24 3 2
islamic state 2015-03-06 10:16:19 3 15
isolation 2016-03-24 17:48:24 3 477
jan 'a 0 2016-12-08 20:29:23 3 44
japan 2014-09-02 16:11:08 3 47
jasco 2014-02-27 21:58:21 3 0
jesus and 8 3 2014-11-09 14:54:50 3 1732
jesus and 8 8 2014-11-09 14:54:47 3 1732
jesus balanced 2015-06-27 16:19:27 3 0
jesus christ peace 2013-10-05 12:06:48 3 559
jesus papers 2024-03-17 08:53:28 3 233
jinn 2015-02-17 22:06:57 3 0
john lennon 2022-10-12 21:49:35 3 0
july 15 2017 2018-01-14 06:22:00 3 0
july 2014 2014-07-10 12:49:49 3 1
july 9 2015 2016-11-18 20:02:36 3 0
kathy 2019-12-12 14:28:36 3 71
kiss 2019-10-20 16:47:31 3 70
korea 2020-07-20 14:25:47 3 15
larenzo 2022-09-16 17:46:04 3 21
laughter 2014-08-02 14:11:29 3 66
laying on of hands 2017-08-15 05:03:44 3 18
leah 2017-04-11 18:09:25 3 30
leaving 2019-04-30 23:30:20 3 432
lecture 2021-05-07 06:21:12 3 96
lennon 2024-02-11 19:52:36 3 0
leota 2023-08-10 23:45:37 3 0
lesbian 2021-09-12 06:10:28 3 3
lesson salvation 2017-11-22 01:45:24 3 83
let my people go 2022-11-09 08:20:44 3 2995
life and 1=0-- 2014-05-31 10:59:41 3 0
life and 1=1-- 2014-05-31 10:59:39 3 0
life force 2016-01-28 02:54:35 3 163
life on other planets 2018-10-25 00:05:13 3 6
light anchors 2019-02-17 05:29:45 3 77
lincoln 2014-06-29 20:14:21 3 7
list 2014-10-06 04:52:16 3 430
live without fear 2014-11-26 11:13:08 3 4
living in the moment 2016-05-10 11:36:13 3 1892
living to learn 2017-11-10 20:23:56 3 6
livre urantia 2018-04-17 05:12:39 3 0
location of temple on rhode island 2015-10-05 23:36:58 3 1
lonliness 2014-05-10 15:29:56 3 1
lucid 2023-04-21 21:53:20 3 19
luminaria 2019-01-20 15:03:49 3 0
machiventa addresses the council of the fellowship 2015-08-25 17:34:25 3 3
magesterial son 2019-03-26 14:26:11 3 4
magisterial mission 'nvopzp and 1 1 or ' " iko 2022-06-27 07:11:07 3 0
magnet 2015-08-21 20:28:28 3 57
malcom x 2021-02-21 06:55:44 3 0
malls 2023-07-22 13:58:50 3 1
man-child 2020-07-26 12:26:18 3 0
manchild 2020-07-26 12:25:52 3 0
manic-depression 2016-05-15 23:00:33 3 201
manipulating matter 2017-10-17 09:57:10 3 0
mao 2015-10-17 05:56:36 3 0
marcheta 2020-11-10 10:41:40 3 0
marijunana 2019-11-04 20:22:11 3 0
maritaseen 2015-08-17 18:01:46 3 0
mark rodgers 2024-05-05 17:09:22 3 0
marmatia 2024-02-08 02:21:39 3 0
martial arts 2023-08-23 12:15:14 3 11
martyrs 2023-06-25 23:46:46 3 8
masada 2016-04-19 11:22:18 3 0
massachusetts 2024-04-01 18:00:59 3 3
master spirits 2018-12-10 17:59:23 3 335
material form 2016-04-11 16:34:16 3 87
matia 2018-09-13 21:25:44 3 0
may 30 2005 2019-02-22 12:21:21 3 330
mccray 2017-02-01 11:37:07 3 111
meaning of time prompts from midwayers 2013-11-03 01:14:02 3 41
meanings for the word love 2015-07-06 12:10:01 3 198
medit 2020-08-08 04:22:54 3 0
mental disorder 2018-02-11 07:41:01 3 32
methuselah 2020-11-27 16:02:45 3 0
mice 2016-05-30 19:00:46 3 13
michael 2016 2017-03-17 09:39:29 3 20
michael and 1 1 2018-04-29 10:11:52 3 185
michael nebadon 2024-11-29 04:45:06 3 800
michael of nebadonia 2014-07-22 04:20:47 3 0
midwayer sleep 2015-06-08 20:49:28 3 92
mighty messengers 2018-03-05 09:59:53 3 38
mississippi river valley 2020-07-29 06:07:55 3 1
mithraism 2017-07-04 14:27:52 3 0
moderator 2023-10-28 22:46:38 3 212
monjoronson " and "21 " "21 2020-03-10 05:42:57 3 1133
monjoronson ' and '21 ' '21 2020-03-10 05:42:56 3 1133
monjoronson ' lower ' ' ' 2020-03-10 05:43:00 3 1133
monjoronson ' rtrim ' ' ' 2020-03-10 05:43:01 3 1133
monjoronson and 8 3 2017-03-18 05:34:40 3 1133
monjoronson and 8 8 2017-03-18 05:34:36 3 1133
monjoronson christ michael return 2014-12-07 20:42:28 3 0
monjoronson conference call 2017-11-19 10:30:00 3 55
monjoronson dialogue 2016-12-21 08:59:48 3 0
monjoronson is real 2014-01-04 18:13:51 3 471
monjoronson planetary prince 2014-07-19 06:06:12 3 77
monjoronson q & a 53 2014-01-13 20:53:28 3 31
monjoronson-21 21 01 2020-03-10 05:42:58 3 1133
monjoronson100106noc090 2015-03-20 11:41:04 3 0
monsonloran 2016-07-19 21:41:23 3 1
moral compass 2018-04-15 17:13:48 3 25
moriaya 2023-05-13 13:32:56 3 2
morontia development 2015-12-23 05:06:28 3 3
morontia energy 2016-10-23 20:55:39 3 16
morontia training 2015-11-25 01:05:47 3 9
morontial wafers 2016-04-18 18:38:43 3 0
most recent 2015-07-20 20:40:57 3 469
mother goddess 2022-01-23 03:21:49 3 13
music of the spheres 2023-03-02 09:47:49 3 30
muslim 2017-09-04 13:43:29 3 41
muslims 2013-10-10 18:09:33 3 23
my glory shall be yours 2021-03-04 10:16:20 3 336
names of seven superuniverses 2021-04-29 01:12:45 3 18
nathaniel 2014-07-04 10:21:55 3 31
natural disaster 2017-08-31 10:00:27 3 77
nature attack 2014-06-11 03:54:32 3 99
nature of space 2023-11-13 03:41:03 3 1
nec 14 2014-12-04 14:24:03 3 23
nec 61 2016-04-30 18:23:09 3 1
nec 63 2016-07-29 17:11:25 3 1
nec conversations- monjoronson 2015-11-04 12:29:52 3 132
nec transcripts 2015-02-04 16:12:49 3 117
need facilities 2024-08-12 10:42:45 3 46
net 61 machiventa 2019-04-19 18:46:52 3 43
network of 2024-08-19 17:04:50 3 138
new era conversations the next phase of work j 2016-01-06 18:18:39 3 0
new jerusalem 2021-05-11 19:27:41 3 7
new man 2016-01-05 21:38:44 3 8
new moral compass 2018-04-15 17:01:57 3 0
no longer fear 2014-08-10 19:52:36 3 883
no more does man need to look to man for spiritual 2024-03-04 00:22:04 3 0
noah 's ark 2021-03-15 01:20:50 3 8
noah flood 2023-10-28 19:28:26 3 3
noco 01 2017-12-02 00:24:06 3 17
noco and 1 1 2017-01-26 23:45:02 3 59
non idealogical 2023-04-14 03:21:31 3 0
non-idealogical 2023-04-14 03:21:45 3 738
non-intellectual primal 2024-03-19 07:31:47 3 19
nonviolence 2015-11-30 20:06:32 3 0
north carolina 2020-09-30 09:22:51 3 29
northern colorado team 90 2015-03-20 12:17:30 3 0
nothing can stop 2024-03-14 18:02:35 3 7
nov2016 2017-03-22 13:38:04 3 0
now 2015-11-02 22:01:04 3 5652
nuclear war 2022-01-06 04:49:28 3 13
nudity 2014-06-22 15:49:42 3 2
numerology 2023-10-28 19:07:55 3 8
nur 2020-04-24 10:32:05 3 965
nutrition 2014-05-14 05:32:36 3 100
october 2017-08-10 17:24:56 3 494
ohio 2017-11-14 11:32:05 3 0
open up to love 2020-07-06 03:57:12 3 3020
order and orderliness 2016-09-24 13:04:50 3 1
ordonson 2015-03-01 11:47:35 3 2
oscar march 2011 2013-10-14 18:06:39 3 7
other planets 2017-08-09 12:25:03 3 275
pandemic virus 2020-12-20 00:59:37 3 5
paolo 2014-07-08 14:23:40 3 1
parents 2020-07-28 00:42:19 3 1405
pato baton 2013-10-14 18:06:52 3 0
penis 2023-10-17 10:05:45 3 0
pentecost 2019-09-29 16:50:52 3 63
perfect word 2021-06-09 16:53:10 3 0
peronality 2014-03-18 07:31:56 3 0
persephone 2017-08-12 23:29:22 3 4
persian 2017-05-05 00:44:26 3 3
philippines 2017-06-02 10:34:17 3 22
php 1775 2016-05-16 15:59:39 3 0
physhic circles 2014-10-29 21:33:10 3 0
physical exercices 2018-02-27 09:15:25 3 0
pilate 2021-03-17 00:52:14 3 5
pineal 2022-01-10 17:21:31 3 6
piram 2018-12-08 19:29:53 3 0
planet collision 2017-02-27 02:06:59 3 10
pleadians 2017-06-14 14:41:09 3 0
pledge my devotion 2014-01-26 18:02:37 3 27
podcast 2023-10-31 09:17:35 3 0
polygamy 2021-06-23 09:46:17 3 2
population reduction 2020-05-10 08:13:59 3 8
power grid 2023-03-13 09:50:44 3 8
prayers 2014-06-02 10:12:58 3 805
preaching 2017-04-23 09:22:16 3 8
preordained 2021-01-12 00:14:40 3 11
prep 2024-03-28 19:05:01 3 9
prepare 2013-10-18 12:38:29 3 851
prepper 2025-01-18 21:47:50 3 0
procreation and agondonters 2015-12-01 20:42:14 3 0
proof 2014-04-14 13:25:54 3 297
prophet daniel 2024-03-01 15:30:59 3 24
psychedelic 2024-04-22 23:34:12 3 3
q a session 36 37 2009-01-28 2018-08-07 15:37:13 3 1
quantity 2017-10-08 19:50:53 3 91
quantum 2015-05-22 00:51:34 3 70
radiation 2022-11-08 07:01:42 3 39
ran tara s on 2021-04-13 14:41:49 3 10
rayson discernment - healing wholeness - march 2016-06-23 08:08:33 3 0
read doc php tid 1775 2016-05-16 14:47:17 3 0
rebirth 2024-03-28 19:01:58 3 150
received by marshall 2016-10-06 02:01:20 3 5
reencarnacao 2021-04-18 23:46:15 3 0
reiki 2018-12-04 01:25:30 3 38
reincarnation ' select pg sleep 5 -- 2018-05-02 15:53:29 3 100
reincarnation ' waitfor delay '0 0 5 '-- 2018-05-02 15:53:32 3 100
reincarnation 'a 0 2018-11-03 09:10:56 3 100
relationship 2019-09-22 06:52:28 3 2238
relaxed 2013-12-01 16:47:15 3 6
remarkable 2014-06-15 16:26:25 3 238
represent noble 2013-12-08 18:12:00 3 72
rescue of the children of the cave 2014-05-08 09:45:42 3 4
reserve corps of destiny 2017-07-14 14:26:23 3 96
rest 2019-07-13 06:51:10 3 1902
resurection 2022-04-16 11:26:32 3 0
return 2015-12-28 09:39:46 3 1415
reversal 2014-08-07 11:33:56 3 28
reversion 2022-10-11 04:29:58 3 99
review of training and earth fchanges 2016-11-28 13:40:04 3 0
reward 2019-02-16 03:37:09 3 465
rhonda 2019-12-12 13:38:05 3 6
rights of man 2014-06-11 02:30:07 3 1
rooms 2017-10-30 22:24:06 3 57
rothchild 2020-07-05 23:39:37 3 0
rothschild 2022-11-05 04:05:50 3 3
sabbath 2023-04-12 10:49:57 3 19
salem 2022-05-15 07:23:49 3 33
san antonio 2016-06-21 07:19:41 3 3
sanada 2015-04-22 21:48:38 3 0
sanat kumara 2019-01-12 20:39:05 3 0
satania 2023-07-24 23:13:13 3 127
scan 2016-03-03 02:50:02 3 29
scientists 2013-10-12 23:17:03 3 195
sea levels rising 2016-07-28 08:35:54 3 0
second coming 2019-01-08 08:52:50 3 0
see me 2015-10-20 18:33:20 3 168
self doubt 2019-06-09 09:37:05 3 97
september 2022-05-05 20:01:20 3 519
september 11 2022-05-05 20:01:36 3 161
september 21 2003 2016-08-15 01:28:03 3 9
seraphim transport 2018-08-19 01:51:48 3 14
serara forum 2016-07-23 06:45:47 3 4
service based economy 2017-09-20 14:13:30 3 61
seven steps to stillness 2023-04-24 13:13:53 3 103
sex change 2014-12-18 03:35:20 3 4
sex marriage 2017-08-10 08:38:34 3 1
sexual intercourse 2021-03-31 06:56:19 3 16
shyness 2020-02-08 00:39:20 3 39
sins forgiven 2020-11-24 18:14:27 3 1
six core values of social sustainability 2016-03-09 15:20:23 3 6
skinwalker ranch 2018-09-08 09:05:48 3 0
skip 2019-08-23 13:46:27 3 1
slavery 2021-02-21 06:55:06 3 0
sleep after death 2019-05-15 22:58:24 3 164
sleep apnea 2023-02-27 19:14:41 3 0
socialism 2018-04-23 08:30:44 3 6
sodom 2023-10-17 10:21:35 3 5
soil 2024-03-25 07:45:35 3 352
solar system 2018-10-23 12:42:09 3 90
son of evil 2016-10-05 13:39:35 3 0
sophia 2019-01-28 15:35:40 3 3
soulmate 2022-07-22 16:42:09 3 1
space 2023-11-13 03:32:27 3 1948
spectrum of belief 2014-10-26 14:11:56 3 1
sphere influence 2013-11-26 09:06:43 3 224
spirit and the flesh 2019-03-27 23:19:49 3 19
spirit manifestation 2017-06-11 14:58:42 3 543
spiritual growth 2017-10-22 08:06:09 3 2729
src 2019-08-10 18:07:33 3 44
sri yukteswar 2017-01-29 14:01:28 3 0
stages 2017-11-10 22:44:44 3 601
starseed 2016-03-10 05:46:49 3 4
status of angels 2023-12-14 12:00:40 3 1
steve gitz 2016-06-03 16:50:04 3 0
stillnes 2017-02-28 17:03:16 3 2
stillness danger 2013-10-28 22:50:26 3 158
stilness 7 steps 2014-08-05 12:10:44 3 0
suicidal 2019-09-17 04:01:09 3 24
sunshine 2016-05-16 08:15:59 3 141
sunspot 2023-03-04 15:17:53 3 1
susatia 2016-05-04 17:00:11 3 0
sylphs 2014-03-22 16:48:46 3 1
talkingbook 2014-08-29 10:50:51 3 0
tarot 2018-12-19 02:44:00 3 8
tattoo 2024-11-10 13:37:30 3 3
teacher 2019-12-28 16:16:51 3 3542
tectonics 2017-05-04 01:14:10 3 10
tell us about other worlds 2017-08-09 12:46:19 3 0
tenn flood 2014-05-27 23:00:10 3 0
terror attacks 2017-11-26 18:17:06 3 3
terror attacks 09 11 01 2017-11-26 18:54:32 3 0
the brain 2019-10-07 14:34:39 3 553
the coming storm 2016-06-28 13:15:40 3 126
the dance 2015-08-19 09:35:45 3 11
the end of the lucifer rebellion 2017-06-16 17:42:07 3 423
the purpose of the stillness 2021-08-22 11:56:03 3 3
the role call of justice 2014-12-30 14:56:54 3 78
the sound of staccato 2016-12-19 20:20:22 3 2
the urantia grid 2018-06-21 19:09:24 3 92
theteachingmission themagistrialmission 2014-09-27 18:03:44 3 0
three economies of a functional society. 2014-08-01 18:33:37 3 9
three elements factor into the nexus event 2019-12-22 07:24:30 3 0
time traveling 2017-04-17 14:18:19 3 13
to 2018-11-06 09:26:08 3 17
tonight s instruction will be on the topic of harm 2023-10-08 09:41:17 3 33
transcendental meditation 2017-06-30 15:47:58 3 24
transcendentalers 2017-04-13 14:30:53 3 3
transdimensional 2023-02-01 15:19:54 3 0
transformation and 1 1 2019-01-14 05:16:27 3 506
transmitting lessons 2015-07-27 22:02:37 3 0
trauma 2023-02-07 16:11:29 3 128
travel 2016-06-10 07:09:48 3 584
trees 2016-05-03 19:20:13 3 277
trial of caligastia 2020-04-30 15:43:34 3 0
tribal markings 2017-11-15 00:32:34 3 4
tribulation 2021-08-02 12:28:06 3 49
triumvirate 2016-05-09 02:23:57 3 43
trumpet 2024-03-01 14:57:34 3 19
twins 2020-09-30 18:21:03 3 39
two witnesses 2021-12-12 18:27:45 3 1
tyler 2024-12-13 13:50:29 3 0
ultimatons explained 2020-05-05 04:16:21 3 0
underwritten 2024-03-17 21:55:15 3 2
unfair 2019-03-28 23:02:30 3 71
unfairness 2019-04-17 01:51:25 3 25
universal law 2014-12-09 14:11:53 3 88
universe broadcast 2 june 6 2014 2014-06-11 17:17:48 3 0
universe broadcast number 2017-11-19 04:01:38 3 2
universe broadcast number 1 2014-06-12 10:22:52 3 68
universe broadcast number two 2014-06-12 14:34:50 3 12
university 2014-06-10 23:52:25 3 112
unlearn 2013-12-11 19:01:31 3 10
unsaved 2017-12-06 03:35:45 3 0
uplift mission 2021-01-23 17:00:48 3 0
urantia planet system 2015-05-25 00:08:02 3 0
urantia to be an architectural world 2016-06-12 07:52:10 3 0
uversa 2022-09-16 15:09:44 3 84
vacation 2016-06-03 06:49:10 3 95
vaccinations 2014-01-17 21:17:31 3 2
values " and "x " "x 2018-02-09 05:16:12 3 1034
values " and "x " "y 2018-02-09 05:16:13 3 1034
values ' and 'x ' 'x 2018-02-09 05:16:11 3 1034
values ' and 'x ' 'y 2018-02-09 05:16:12 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 -- 2018-02-13 22:16:22 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 1 2018-02-13 22:40:38 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 160 2018-02-13 22:40:48 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 20 2018-02-13 22:40:41 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 320 2018-02-13 22:40:50 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 321 2018-02-13 22:40:53 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 40 2018-02-13 22:40:43 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 481 2018-02-13 22:40:55 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 561 2018-02-13 22:40:57 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 601 2018-02-13 22:41:00 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 621 2018-02-13 22:41:02 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 631 2018-02-13 22:41:05 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 636 2018-02-13 22:41:07 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 639 2018-02-13 22:41:14 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 640 2018-02-13 22:41:17 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 641 2018-02-13 22:41:19 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 642 2018-02-13 22:41:21 3 1034
values ' and sleep 3 order by 80 2018-02-13 22:40:46 3 1034
values2121121121212 1 2018-02-09 05:16:08 3 1034
van caligastia 2014-10-10 16:10:07 3 150
vectors 2018-05-24 08:41:42 3 11
vegetarianism 2016-07-25 08:23:13 3 1
veterinarian 2018-08-16 17:24:49 3 0
vibrations 2021-05-24 11:57:59 3 299
vietnam 2023-03-26 05:58:11 3 2
vincent van gogh 2018-01-29 09:26:06 3 3
virgin birth 2020-12-01 16:51:12 3 3
viruses 2016-06-24 20:42:30 3 0
volcano 2023-11-12 12:26:42 3 12
wallace 2023-07-18 14:56:35 3 2
walter russell 2024-12-17 15:40:16 3 1
water storage 2024-04-18 13:48:17 3 0
wave light 2019-04-02 16:47:05 3 291
we grieve the departure of a loved one at this 2015-09-26 20:35:02 3 9
weather modification 2014-08-04 02:28:47 3 0
welmark 2019-11-22 15:17:53 3 0
wenzel 2018-04-26 08:34:26 3 0
wheat 2014-08-13 17:48:46 3 52
white stone 2022-05-24 22:18:28 3 0
wholeness 2015-05-24 14:21:02 3 0
whore 2022-11-06 05:11:52 3 0
will of god 2017-11-20 06:16:21 3 4250
wind 2021-06-11 20:49:04 3 327
wingmakers 2017-05-20 23:50:58 3 0
witch 2016-10-04 21:30:52 3 9
witness 2023-04-12 10:26:34 3 0
woman 2024-11-11 17:34:41 3 6
world religion 2023-04-16 10:47:52 3 19
world urantia book symposium 2017-01-25 04:09:49 3 0
worship stilness 2024-03-30 11:16:06 3 0
worshipful meditation 2022-06-25 05:24:04 3 41
worthy 2022-11-11 07:30:00 3 691
ww3 2023-03-10 22:59:12 3 12
xsamuel 2018-12-08 16:22:47 3 0
yahweh 2025-01-21 22:39:19 3 7
yeti 2023-02-07 23:10:31 3 1
zero 2013-10-14 17:47:11 3 81
zika virus 2016-07-13 07:58:00 3 0
zimabu eter 2016-04-14 00:38:07 3 0
monjoronson q&a 73 2014-01-16 21:28:12 2 0
monjoronson q/a 73 2014-01-16 21:28:19 2 5
q 2014-01-13 08:12:32 2 112
q & a 47 2014-01-13 07:30:45 2 52
" javascript alert string fromcharcode 88 83 83 " 2019-04-26 10:59:37 2 809
"2015 changes " 2014-10-26 05:21:21 2 0
"cell memory " 2019-04-15 18:10:02 2 0
"daniel raphael " 2023-08-13 19:38:47 2 0
"dora " 2018-07-17 04:11:22 2 0
"gabriel of sedona " 2017-11-15 15:20:21 2 0
"gabriel of urantia " 2017-11-15 15:19:40 2 3
"hot pen " 2019-04-11 09:21:47 2 1
"indigo children " 2015-04-21 05:13:23 2 0
"jerry lane " 2016-12-08 06:56:36 2 0
"manipulating energy " 2016-04-09 12:29:25 2 0
"morontia vision " 2016-09-05 21:39:30 2 0
"morontial mind " 2017-09-21 13:38:47 2 4
"past lives " 2018-08-18 21:10:22 2 0
"post mortem experiences " 2016-09-16 19:11:25 2 0
"remote viewing " 2016-08-26 20:43:22 2 0
"reserve corps of destiny " 2015-01-02 23:39:56 2 0
"roll call " 2014-12-30 12:31:44 2 0
"self healing " 2016-07-28 14:22:51 2 0
"soul mate " 2019-06-12 11:32:35 2 3
"third eye " 2019-09-21 11:28:25 2 0
"time travel " 2024-04-23 00:48:59 2 16
1084 1077 1088 1082 1072 1073 1072 2017-11-08 11:31:46 2 0
15 00 2016-05-26 08:16:47 2 598
27 2024-09-03 16:37:46 2 3375
6 core values 2016-08-22 04:23:56 2 183
6 core values democracy 2016-08-22 04:24:58 2 28
63 2016-07-29 17:07:15 2 0
abc the first 2015-12-30 21:12:42 2 128
abraham 2016-06-29 20:56:05 2 12
adjuster family 2016-11-30 22:30:22 2 1
allene vick 2016-08-14 00:58:32 2 1
archangels 2016-07-01 04:13:12 2 70
artist 2018-11-18 19:04:25 2 108
beauty 2016-04-29 09:02:38 2 1694
big foot 2019-09-20 00:40:36 2 0
buried cities 2014-01-15 22:57:32 2 2
cataclismo 2023-06-12 23:01:44 2 1
cell 2019-04-15 18:11:57 2 0
changes in 2014 2014-10-26 05:22:06 2 0
changes in 2015 2014-10-26 05:21:17 2 4
circles attainment 2018-09-04 04:52:33 2 104
community mission 2017-05-16 09:54:33 2 5
daniel raphael 2023-08-13 19:41:19 2 276
death of a child 2019-12-28 15:47:16 2 4
disrespect to your parents 2022-11-06 04:51:19 2 0
exercices 2018-02-27 09:15:10 2 0
fifth dimension 2014-11-02 16:42:15 2 8
first humans 2022-07-04 01:23:56 2 1006
fornication 2022-11-06 04:40:48 2 0
fosse 2016-05-25 22:51:38 2 0
imprinting upon monjoronson mercy 2014-09-16 23:12:41 2 0
inhabited worlds 2018-05-30 18:36:42 2 65
jerry lane 2014-11-19 09:09:34 2 92
light and life 2017-11-10 22:27:56 2 3631
manluermia 2015-12-30 18:11:36 2 0
mar 10 2002 2016-06-23 07:35:10 2 78
marie vasile 2015-11-12 17:54:12 2 0
mighty messenger 2020-01-25 12:07:10 2 120
monjoronson q/a 61 2014-01-14 09:16:20 2 6
monjoronson q/a 62 2014-01-14 09:36:03 2 6
new man ' 2016-01-05 21:38:02 2 0
paradise code 2014-07-24 02:24:32 2 38
pleasant fragrance 2017-03-26 10:38:10 2 33
preparations 2016-04-29 08:44:44 2 148
role call 2014-12-30 15:00:10 2 1
school of the prince 2021-06-18 08:21:25 2 0
sea level 2019-12-05 00:50:46 2 2
sedona 2017-11-15 15:20:31 2 29
self healing 2016-06-25 03:04:51 2 24
sentinel check point 2016-04-03 02:19:25 2 1
the 5th dimension 2014-11-02 16:41:32 2 0
trial of caligastia 2015-11-01 11:29:44 2 21
universe broadcast one 2015-02-10 01:31:49 2 156
university 2021-06-18 08:12:09 2 138
zero point 2020-07-03 15:24:31 2 86
"master spirit" 2014-06-22 22:35:57 2 0
07 ' 2023-05-29 11:34:18 2 669
07 ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2018-06-11 11:37:00 2 661
0802abjack 2016-05-04 23:32:44 2 0
09/23/2006 2014-05-29 13:48:40 2 0
1 " ' 2022-05-08 15:58:04 2 0
1 select sleep 5 2022-01-20 17:01:49 2 0
10 commandments 2022-11-06 03:41:46 2 1
100 2014-03-10 16:52:28 2 413
100 rebellious planets 2017-05-20 10:00:25 2 15
1033 2018-11-10 08:24:29 2 0
117 2014-09-16 18:15:41 2 1
14 26 2024-11-10 18:18:43 2 0
144 creative mortals 2022-11-21 15:15:26 2 2
15 1993 2016-10-20 16:10:35 2 22
16 mars 1986 2019-12-14 14:40:57 2 0
1920 2024-05-13 15:06:06 2 2
1950 2024-05-13 12:46:52 2 9
1954 2024-05-13 15:48:59 2 0
1955 2024-05-13 15:49:04 2 8
1964 2024-05-13 18:42:19 2 0
1967 2024-05-13 18:58:00 2 1
1968 2024-05-13 18:59:07 2 6
1969 2024-05-13 18:59:43 2 1
1973 2024-05-13 19:20:18 2 2
1974 2024-05-13 19:20:36 2 6
1979 2024-05-14 13:40:24 2 3
1983 2024-05-14 13:49:30 2 7
1990 2024-05-22 16:44:46 2 10
2 witness 2017-09-26 06:02:39 2 0
2000 rockford bay 2016-07-01 12:03:44 2 1
2002 2024-10-16 20:17:18 2 375
2004 2019-12-02 00:57:29 2 47
2005 2006 2020-03-31 16:09:53 2 0
2005 interviews 2020-03-31 16:07:15 2 0
2006 " and "x " "y 2018-07-01 23:23:50 2 422
2006 ' and sleep 3 and '1 2018-07-01 22:55:25 2 422
2007 adjuster 2024-02-22 15:25:35 2 74
2007 adjuster recognition 2024-02-22 15:24:23 2 0
2008 2017-11-20 12:08:28 2 258
2008 urantia’s destiny defined by michael 2013-12-25 20:47:49 2 0
2009 welmek group july 2015-02-15 00:16:34 2 0
2011 lessons 2017-11-21 21:27:29 2 93
2013 cleveland 2013-10-14 18:08:51 2 0
2013-06-19 2014-07-29 20:30:14 2 146
2018 michael 2020-08-24 13:32:04 2 2
2044 2016-09-24 14:46:04 2 0
24 chromosome 2014-06-10 08:53:20 2 2
28 2015-07-29 17:37:42 2 388
3d material 2023-12-07 17:33:18 2 0
3d movie 2024-04-12 17:04:15 2 2
40 hours 2024-04-18 11:53:57 2 2
5d 2020-11-25 13:08:17 2 26
6 core values of emotional sustainability 2016-04-04 16:46:35 2 12
6 core values of social sustainability 2018-01-16 13:43:14 2 8
6-21-07 2014-03-23 11:26:54 2 0
7 2016-08-24 16:44:18 2 1850
7 core values 2018-01-10 14:02:40 2 159
7 steps of spiritual stileness 2015-03-19 20:23:23 2 0
7 steps of spiritual stillness 2015-03-19 20:27:24 2 225
9 11 2015-04-08 16:05:03 2 1152
99 reclaimed planets 2017-05-20 09:54:51 2 3
a course in love 2024-10-03 12:38:03 2 2558
a name 2019-11-10 01:36:10 2 181
abc 22 2022-09-03 21:49:48 2 2
abc-25 2017-10-31 11:30:20 2 0
abe 2013-10-01 17:28:22 2 470
abide 2021-05-10 11:41:04 2 145
about wine 2021-09-19 05:24:44 2 0
abraham 2005 2017-12-18 00:42:00 2 58
abraham hicks 2020-10-27 10:21:57 2 3
abraham new zealand 2019-06-07 18:16:17 2 52
abraham sarah 2018-10-17 02:07:06 2 6
abrahm 2014-07-07 14:59:24 2 0
absolut 2015-02-10 07:25:33 2 0
acilla 2016-06-05 20:07:48 2 0
adam eve 2019-03-07 23:04:57 2 275
adams consort 2018-08-29 12:22:55 2 0
additional core values 2023-02-16 22:46:02 2 0
adjudication lucifer rebellion 2017-12-19 23:53:48 2 0
adjutant ind spirits 2016-09-20 08:25:29 2 0
adjutant mind spirit 2020-01-07 15:24:24 2 54
administration 2017-12-03 16:44:57 2 298
administration will continue to fight 2016-04-01 19:12:02 2 42
advanced societies 2016-08-10 07:24:42 2 141
advanced world 2023-06-27 23:40:22 2 8
adventists 2014-06-29 19:18:42 2 3
advice 2020-04-08 02:24:43 2 750
advisory 26 2020-07-19 21:06:24 2 3
affliction 2020-02-04 10:42:01 2 40
afraid 2014-07-18 18:04:37 2 920
after mortal death 2018-06-10 14:22:45 2 372
after the cataclysms 2023-03-02 14:19:56 2 11
ago sinter 2014-07-19 04:26:48 2 0
agon 2016-10-12 16:08:24 2 0
agondonders 2017-10-02 11:26:05 2 0
agony 2017-04-06 16:31:46 2 78
ah ha 2017-10-07 07:46:44 2 3434
ahura mazda 2020-04-29 20:49:13 2 0
air pollution 2016-05-31 07:34:46 2 43
airlines 2024-01-14 20:48:36 2 1
airplanes 2016-05-31 08:20:10 2 11
ajudication 2024-08-31 15:24:51 2 2
ajudication of lucifer 2017-08-18 07:10:08 2 1
al quida 2016-10-26 20:47:12 2 0
alabama 2014-05-27 08:48:19 2 60
alabama water 2014-05-27 08:54:05 2 8
alcoholics 2016-08-14 16:18:07 2 19
alec 2019-12-22 22:55:34 2 0
alexander 2014-02-17 02:01:21 2 1
algae 2016-07-24 07:20:13 2 2
aligimangas 2014-02-20 15:54:30 2 0
all 2014-11-22 13:25:18 2 5731
all that is 2021-11-09 19:54:16 2 0
allene 2024-07-31 19:22:50 2 39
almighty 2020-04-24 10:22:22 2 160
altruism in our dna 2014-02-26 09:21:57 2 0
amazon 2024-04-14 09:04:14 2 7
ambassadors 2019-09-06 02:42:07 2 31
ambassadors of the kingdom 2014-01-14 22:00:54 2 79
ambrose 2015-07-07 03:19:59 2 142
an interesting read 2014-12-14 19:41:20 2 0
anal 2024-11-06 13:59:28 2 3
ananias 2018-01-02 03:08:03 2 0
anastacia 2017-07-26 01:14:46 2 0
andite 2022-09-04 14:49:42 2 9
andover 2018-11-04 16:37:55 2 54
andrea midwayer 2022-01-14 21:30:42 2 61
anhedonia 2024-06-10 06:57:38 2 0
animal mind 2016-06-24 20:17:46 2 89
announce 2016-12-26 13:39:09 2 86
annunuki 2017-03-08 23:28:48 2 1
anorexia 2016-05-05 18:48:10 2 0
anorexia nervosa 2016-05-05 18:48:02 2 0
anthony 2024-11-06 13:43:29 2 35
anthony borgia 2020-04-22 20:44:21 2 0
anthony william 2024-11-06 13:43:46 2 0
anthropological 2017-12-24 15:33:49 2 3
anunaki 2017-06-14 15:53:07 2 0
aparece la personalidad 2021-01-27 01:52:46 2 0
aparici n de la personalidad 2021-01-27 01:52:27 2 1
apollo 2016-05-25 18:19:35 2 1
apollyon 2023-02-12 08:02:04 2 0
apostle john 2021-01-04 22:32:35 2 13
apostles 2016-04-17 15:29:27 2 534
apothecaries 2014-01-17 20:44:18 2 0
appreciation 2016 2017-12-19 00:28:01 2 8
appreciation lesson 2017-12-19 00:20:21 2 548
appreciation time 2017-12-18 23:50:17 2 2
arcadia 2015-10-29 22:49:00 2 313
archangel contact 2016-10-16 23:30:20 2 0
archangel council 2015-12-11 03:59:00 2 10
archangel jopiel 2019-06-19 23:11:11 2 0
archangel uriel 2019-06-19 23:09:38 2 0
archon 2017-08-22 13:51:38 2 0
arcturus 2015-09-13 23:29:32 2 0
are gods 2022-10-07 23:07:28 2 3
aronolac 2021-03-17 23:26:46 2 4
arron 2014-01-14 12:19:45 2 1
articles 2017-11-13 19:00:04 2 29
articulate 2017-10-15 22:10:08 2 92
artist 2013-12-21 17:17:25 2 104
ascended masters 2015-12-17 17:47:41 2 23
asexual 2021-05-11 17:52:20 2 5
ashtar 2020-11-25 15:56:32 2 0
ashtar command 2015-01-20 00:19:27 2 0
assisting the dying 2017-01-13 08:36:24 2 0
astral travel 2023-03-09 19:39:29 2 24
atheist 2014-07-07 12:44:13 2 30
athiest 2014-07-07 12:43:26 2 0
atomic bomb 2024-02-11 20:13:00 2 5
atonement 2021-02-10 10:52:14 2 49
attention deficit 2016-09-11 07:59:33 2 16
aug 21 2008 2017-11-20 12:09:57 2 16
august 2007 2017-11-20 12:13:39 2 30
august 2015 2015-10-03 14:14:04 2 2
august 21 7 bc 2017-08-20 14:20:02 2 0
august 21st 2008 2017-11-20 12:11:46 2 0
august 23 1997 2018-11-02 12:55:43 2 7
australian emergency unit 2016-04-13 04:12:17 2 0
authoritative 2024-11-24 20:33:16 2 35
auto revelation 2017-02-27 07:09:46 2 10
automatic writing 2021-05-06 20:56:45 2 21
ayahuasca 2018-11-21 07:23:33 2 1
azrael 2025-01-03 21:53:33 2 0
aztec 2017-06-12 10:46:15 2 4
babel 2018-09-06 23:09:29 2 5
bacteria 2019-08-20 05:36:24 2 30
bad habits 2020-07-26 12:26:37 2 54
banana 2016-06-07 08:20:42 2 6
banks 2024-03-14 08:18:43 2 51
bartering 2023-09-01 21:03:14 2 1
becoming a t/r 2015-01-26 22:04:06 2 0
becoming real 2018-10-17 05:28:47 2 1115
bed bugs 2016-05-09 09:28:56 2 17
beethoven 2023-02-26 12:07:10 2 7
beginning 2017-11-01 14:46:47 2 2310
beginning of soul 2016-05-19 23:17:14 2 0
begotten son 2020-01-12 09:52:30 2 25
behind the eyes 2021-07-29 15:21:57 2 16
behold 2013-12-06 17:27:34 2 52
behold the man 2013-12-06 17:23:03 2 52
being caught up in the air 2014-11-10 18:01:24 2 305
being grateful 2014-11-25 01:35:29 2 22
belief 2019-03-31 11:32:52 2 1064
belitsos 2019-05-25 06:15:25 2 5
belize 2014-02-23 08:19:10 2 8
bellamy 2019-11-27 11:02:13 2 0
belzebu 2016-06-25 11:20:14 2 0
belzeebu 2016-06-25 11:20:04 2 0
bermuda 2018-08-14 03:45:15 2 4
bethesda 2018-03-10 17:20:57 2 0
betrothal 2019-10-23 05:05:57 2 0
between lives 2015-11-25 16:02:59 2 1
betz 2018-09-10 13:06:27 2 0
bi-polar 2017-02-24 18:21:58 2 43
bilderberg 2017-03-05 15:45:43 2 0
bilocation 2019-11-27 11:01:11 2 0
biography 2016-07-04 11:42:13 2 11
birth 2017-12-15 19:53:35 2 677
birth control 2023-01-27 01:08:19 2 251
black brook group 2023-07-13 07:55:38 2 7
blend material 2013-12-07 16:44:01 2 0
blended 2016-10-03 18:31:25 2 97
block 2015-05-22 00:51:00 2 336
board game 2023-12-01 07:40:42 2 0
bob cherubim - i am energy - forming merkabahs - m 2016-06-24 08:17:42 2 0
bob slagle 2017-05-28 22:38:24 2 0
body 2017-07-30 08:23:23 2 2024
body language 2016-01-12 09:14:29 2 397
body of light 2015-05-14 08:53:17 2 5
bogus basin 2019-04-17 13:47:11 2 1
bond 2021-03-08 02:43:37 2 378
book of mormon 2013-10-17 19:44:59 2 15
book of revelation 2022-11-05 07:36:20 2 11
boredom 2020-07-18 22:01:12 2 55
bouleversement 2018-11-10 09:06:21 2 0
bread 2023-02-26 18:07:45 2 156
breast cancer 2024-11-06 13:44:47 2 6
breathing light energy into motion 2014-11-09 10:52:45 2 27
briltandorans 2021-01-15 23:41:52 2 2
broadcast #2 2014-06-10 14:38:30 2 10
broadcast number one 2018-11-22 17:11:21 2 2
budh 2018-10-23 13:57:53 2 0
building community 2014-08-03 13:54:20 2 13
bulletin 20 2020-12-24 19:36:07 2 10
burning bush 2020-12-03 08:32:15 2 3
bush 2013-10-22 12:55:47 2 50
business 2023-12-07 17:27:55 2 921
by daniel rafeail 2015-10-19 16:21:58 2 0
by daniel raffeal 2015-10-19 16:21:23 2 0
bzhutu 2021-03-29 06:38:10 2 0
cain 2015-07-27 12:06:51 2 3
calcium 2017-01-27 03:09:42 2 0
calidad 2015-06-07 08:43:36 2 0
caligastia dna 2014-12-10 07:00:25 2 26
caligastia genetic 2016-10-03 13:52:00 2 30
caligastia's descendants 2014-02-16 20:43:46 2 1
callagastia 2014-05-12 21:18:01 2 0
calligastia 2014-05-12 21:18:08 2 1
cameroon 2016-12-25 06:51:04 2 1
camps 2024-03-26 16:06:24 2 37
canibis 2013-10-09 20:36:43 2 0
capella 2014-03-24 22:55:54 2 2
capita tia 2014-12-09 23:21:56 2 2
captain 2017-03-10 21:04:54 2 49
captain america 2022-10-24 07:39:50 2 0
carbon tax 2016-05-06 08:00:19 2 5
caregiving 2019-06-10 02:34:31 2 4
cataclismo 2023-06-16 00:50:33 2 0
catholic church 2016-05-15 22:44:52 2 56
cats 2018-08-14 03:24:51 2 44
celestial artisans 2021-12-03 12:33:03 2 3
celestial nights 2013-11-17 19:53:12 2 65
celestialimpressionsgroup 2016-08-06 22:28:45 2 0
celibacy 2019-03-13 03:50:46 2 2
cellular 2016-10-06 22:01:56 2 121
centre christ consciusness 2014-04-25 23:51:27 2 0
cern 2022-06-22 16:36:28 2 5
cetatians 2019-09-20 08:11:01 2 0
change world view 2018-04-15 09:04:41 2 902
changes in planetary system 2014-03-04 02:36:42 2 260
chasar 2016-01-03 00:54:51 2 0
cheating 2014-10-20 02:41:25 2 14
chem 2014-12-27 12:36:43 2 0
cheribim 's height 2015-12-31 10:44:21 2 0
children suicide 2017-10-23 07:08:18 2 71
chile 2019-02-03 04:51:08 2 16
china is not your friend 2020-11-23 20:41:59 2 0
chita 2022-05-12 02:37:49 2 2
choose eternal life 2017-01-13 14:11:56 2 9
christ consciousness 2022-11-05 09:34:20 2 974
christ letters 2014-02-20 15:52:46 2 60
christ michael birthdate 2017-08-20 14:19:00 2 0
christ papers 2017-07-01 08:23:54 2 182
christe letter 2014-02-20 15:52:03 2 0
christmas carol 2013-11-27 11:08:01 2 13
christos 2019-07-09 05:27:34 2 0
chromasome 2021-04-11 10:25:29 2 0
circle of grace 2016-07-27 21:11:11 2 251
circles 2017-08-22 05:18:51 2 354
civil defense 2022-11-05 12:33:17 2 1
clairaudition 2017-02-13 08:35:11 2 0
classical music 2016-09-16 09:44:45 2 5
clear channel 2014-10-03 13:28:35 2 220
climate 2023-06-10 11:36:01 2 90
clock 2016-09-25 04:09:38 2 148
co-creating a new order 2015-05-21 03:25:23 2 510
co-creators 2015-11-15 23:29:39 2 291
cock 2023-02-19 17:58:59 2 7
cock crows 2023-02-19 17:58:40 2 1
cocreate 2024-03-28 13:09:25 2 2
cocreative design 2024-03-28 13:10:12 2 0
code 2014-07-24 01:52:27 2 90
code of love 2016-10-04 00:24:14 2 0
cold fusion 2020-12-22 13:34:42 2 1
collapse of the supreme 2021-09-05 11:21:04 2 62
collective transformation 2017-08-17 10:22:03 2 113
colliidal 2020-02-29 23:03:15 2 0
colliidal silver 2020-02-29 23:02:50 2 0
collodial silver 2022-12-30 07:51:50 2 0
colloidal silver 2023-08-28 08:22:08 2 1
coming disasters 2021-02-19 12:17:15 2 61
commercial 2013-11-23 22:45:42 2 73
commerciali 2013-11-23 22:44:39 2 0
common threads 2024-09-25 11:13:53 2 57
communicate through mind 2017-03-27 07:32:59 2 0
communion 2020-11-30 09:22:55 2 582
community ' and sleep 3 order by 638 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:57 2 809
community 'a 0 2019-05-31 23:32:31 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 1 2018-04-25 22:29:27 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 160 2018-04-25 22:29:38 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 20 2018-04-25 22:29:30 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 320 2018-04-25 22:29:40 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 321 2018-04-25 22:29:43 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 40 2018-04-25 22:29:32 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 481 2018-04-25 22:29:46 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 561 2018-04-25 22:29:48 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 601 2018-04-25 22:29:51 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 621 2018-04-25 22:29:54 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 631 2018-04-25 22:29:57 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 636 2018-04-25 22:29:59 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 639 2018-04-25 22:30:07 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 640 2018-04-25 22:30:10 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 641 2018-04-25 22:30:13 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 642 2018-04-25 22:30:16 2 809
community and sleep 3 order by 80 2018-04-25 22:29:35 2 809
component of its existence 2024-04-16 20:51:38 2 1
compossibility 2016-07-08 00:40:30 2 1
computers 2018-08-11 07:57:26 2 77
concentration 2019-03-27 16:16:22 2 152
conductors 2019-03-16 16:03:12 2 9
conjection 2021-06-10 20:56:05 2 0
connecticut 2024-04-01 17:44:32 2 2
constructed spheres 2014-01-04 12:28:40 2 18
contacting departed souls 2014-10-08 13:32:07 2 6
contiuum 2024-05-21 21:53:54 2 0
contrast 2019-10-25 06:54:20 2 317
conversation 2017-02-28 05:59:31 2 92
conversations with monjoronson #27 2014-01-07 11:58:48 2 0
conversations with monjoronson no 33 2018-06-09 09:13:07 2 1
coran 2015-01-08 13:36:58 2 0
corazon 2018-01-20 06:39:37 2 0
core values, value 2013-12-26 09:27:04 2 8
corona virus 2020-07-25 14:17:10 2 1
coronavirus 2024-12-13 13:44:11 2 0
corps of finality 2014-04-03 08:45:42 2 47
correct 2020-06-08 06:22:42 2 1648
correction 2019-12-11 14:48:21 2 510
cosmic family 2014-12-29 01:02:57 2 94
council of equilibrium 2016-05-19 20:40:06 2 0
councilof24111200midwayer interest 2023-08-28 11:46:21 2 0
coviello 2024-11-06 13:43:21 2 0
crave 2019-10-11 13:42:32 2 136
created you 2019-10-18 13:06:42 2 3
created your 2019-10-18 13:08:03 2 18
creative design 2024-03-28 13:10:22 2 157
creator son 2015-07-04 10:10:04 2 681
creatures 2018-08-18 13:52:46 2 803
crop 2022-05-19 15:04:15 2 61
crucifixion 2020-11-30 10:02:14 2 83
cruelty 2016-04-25 06:50:02 2 62
cryptozoology 2017-10-02 18:13:30 2 0
culture within 2017-12-24 14:53:49 2 4
cure 2023-06-26 22:33:51 2 112
cwm 2014-08-10 14:01:31 2 17
cymboyton 2017-07-04 14:27:13 2 0
cyprus 2016-10-26 20:30:14 2 2
daemons 2023-11-12 08:33:10 2 0
dairy products 2016-06-07 07:59:55 2 3
damascus 2024-06-07 22:00:04 2 0
daniel lesson 2017-11-13 17:52:58 2 504
daniel prophecy 2016-09-27 01:01:54 2 0
david 2020-11-24 19:22:10 2 197
davinci 2020-11-27 09:21:41 2 0
dead mediums 2015-10-30 14:31:28 2 5
deadlines 2018-11-11 21:31:20 2 18
deborah goaldman 2019-12-12 14:18:54 2 6
debts 2024-03-29 23:13:08 2 27
debts cancelled 2024-03-26 17:19:18 2 1
december 2016 2016-12-18 21:16:12 2 0
december 28 2003 2019-02-18 01:10:23 2 0
defector 2016-04-05 22:57:57 2 3
definition soul 2015-09-25 15:57:28 2 316
deity absolute 2018-08-23 21:34:08 2 110
delay fusion 2016-09-15 01:08:52 2 2
delusion 2019-06-25 23:30:08 2 43
democracy 2016-10-25 10:57:18 2 1
dependence 2014-12-21 14:54:14 2 82
depressed 2022-04-16 17:14:48 2 109
design team incentive 2024-04-18 15:59:30 2 0
design team name 2024-04-04 07:03:00 2 122
design teams 2024-03-28 13:12:26 2 149
desires of your heart 2024-03-26 21:38:41 2 47
despensation 2017-10-27 19:53:29 2 0
destiny 2017-01-02 04:50:24 2 961
destroyer 2023-02-12 07:56:46 2 4
dhoose 2020-10-28 00:56:54 2 0
diana 2015-10-20 10:53:32 2 12
difficult times ahead 2024-01-04 15:24:23 2 6
digital currency 2023-03-28 12:20:16 2 0
direct michael circuit 2018-08-22 15:13:34 2 0
disasters 2016-06-01 06:31:56 2 86
disciple 2017-10-06 15:06:07 2 33
discomfort 2014-09-02 06:39:42 2 260
discouragement 2013-11-29 10:43:25 2 82
districts 2014-11-12 15:44:27 2 5
diversion 2018-12-25 01:27:22 2 78
doc-k abc summaries 7-21-2012 manotia 2015-12-02 16:06:54 2 0
doc-q 2017-03-22 14:31:57 2 0
doctor 2017-03-08 19:28:20 2 124
doctors 2016-07-25 07:12:44 2 89
doctrine of men 2014-04-07 11:17:51 2 0
dolphin 2017-01-27 09:17:28 2 6
dora 2018-05-11 23:09:12 2 0
doubts 2016-08-12 11:27:15 2 567
draconian 2020-12-02 10:01:03 2 2
dragon 2022-11-06 05:10:00 2 27
dragons 2022-09-06 19:50:15 2 14
dream life 2017-10-18 20:06:20 2 21
dreams with departed souls 2014-10-08 13:18:45 2 15
drunvalo melchizedek 2021-11-22 04:57:52 2 0
dry 2016-05-21 17:34:21 2 244
dying seed 2024-08-12 10:30:40 2 53
early life 2016-09-22 08:17:59 2 18
earth census 2014-04-29 10:10:31 2 0
earthquake 2025 2023-02-11 22:17:35 2 0
easter island 2017-03-15 02:54:12 2 1
echos of rebellion 2014-09-04 00:24:59 2 0
ed dames 2016-04-16 22:46:46 2 0
education stillness 2024-08-04 23:07:22 2 259
eindhoven 2014-07-02 13:38:14 2 0
ejection 2023-03-13 23:42:54 2 2
electricity 2020-12-01 13:39:33 2 91
ellen gould 2017-11-15 23:23:13 2 0
elohim 2018-05-27 14:37:20 2 0
elroy 2014-12-12 14:43:14 2 0
elyon ascent 2014-03-02 07:44:13 2 97
elyon, ascent 2014-03-02 07:46:41 2 97
emergency 2020-04-21 11:41:26 2 147
emergency son 2016-03-25 00:46:39 2 146
emotional management 2019-03-21 02:46:17 2 0
empty continent 2014-10-25 17:53:37 2 1
end of days 2023-03-04 15:21:00 2 0
end of lucifer rebellion 2018-02-25 16:10:37 2 0
end times 2019-03-12 12:26:36 2 4004
ends 2024-02-04 19:10:24 2 413
ends of the earth 2023-05-01 10:49:00 2 14
energizing 2018-10-27 04:27:20 2 64
energy grid 2024-01-07 20:11:58 2 45
energy heal body 2016-03-24 02:45:05 2 279
energy healing 2016-03-06 22:57:25 2 14
energy technique 2016-03-27 03:45:36 2 0
energybody 2015-06-10 22:46:22 2 0
enlightenment on earth 2019-06-14 12:13:16 2 292
enlil 2018-04-11 22:27:51 2 0
entit 2024-06-23 08:50:51 2 0
environment 2017-12-24 14:36:27 2 1205
epochal revelation roxanne 2017-11-21 22:28:08 2 3
esau 2021-03-16 02:53:48 2 1
eschatological 2016-06-28 18:12:58 2 0
ester 2022-10-29 00:19:03 2 3
estes park 2017-03-12 14:17:46 2 10
eternal life 2020-12-04 15:48:49 2 404
euphrates river 2014-08-09 16:25:22 2 1
evacuation 2020-11-25 16:05:34 2 9
evan mariano 2014-09-16 10:34:20 2 0
evangelism 2014-05-27 19:52:26 2 12
evil forces 2024-01-11 12:27:35 2 13
evolution 2014-03-29 12:42:44 2 1190
expectation 2018-10-06 16:51:16 2 301
expectation of 2023-11-27 11:05:13 2 96
extinction 2014-02-01 20:06:38 2 56
extra terrestials 2021-03-29 05:44:17 2 0
extra-terrestrials 2016-10-23 05:50:18 2 414
extradimensional 2023-06-18 19:44:13 2 0
extraterrestrial abduction 2016-05-24 23:23:15 2 1
eye chakra 2016-12-25 06:36:41 2 2
facilitator 2023-12-31 17:39:11 2 59
fairh sustainable 2020-02-16 09:30:19 2 0
faith definition 2016-06-25 06:19:27 2 344
faith sustainable 2021-03-28 08:47:18 2 100
famine 2022-05-09 22:51:00 2 28
fandor 2016-12-18 23:40:10 2 1
father held 2014-03-10 22:55:17 2 2
father*s*will 2013-10-01 10:48:01 2 5594
fear god 2022-10-31 15:01:00 2 2057
fearless 2019-05-20 02:03:31 2 90
february 2 2009 2015-04-21 00:28:52 2 28
felicity 2018-09-10 02:00:30 2 5
felix caro 2019-12-12 14:05:44 2 34
fellow man 2017-08-13 13:09:13 2 1007
fema camps 2014-04-11 08:26:22 2 0
female energy 2015-11-11 22:01:58 2 133
feminism 2016-12-23 22:03:29 2 1
fet 2019-10-20 08:21:39 2 1301
fetus 2014-01-30 11:26:21 2 36
fibonacci 2021-04-08 21:43:15 2 0
fifth revelation 2013-10-25 14:13:43 2 154
finaliters 2014-12-29 00:31:11 2 85
finalitor 2021-02-21 06:44:57 2 0
financial reset 2020-10-25 08:54:29 2 2
finite phases 2017-09-07 21:56:20 2 42
first aid 2024-03-17 18:44:58 2 13
first aid kit 2024-03-20 19:52:23 2 6
first psychic 2015-12-23 16:49:49 2 5
first strategic high command 2019-12-08 16:37:04 2 3
fla flood 2014-05-27 23:06:46 2 53
flee from fornication 2022-11-06 04:40:33 2 0
flight 370 2014-04-27 18:42:17 2 0
flock a birds 2016-05-09 01:25:19 2 44
flooding 2016-06-01 06:30:01 2 46
flouride 2019-01-11 09:39:24 2 0
flowers 2016-07-20 08:03:28 2 260
fluid 2016-10-03 11:15:50 2 115
flurry #15 2014-07-07 21:11:30 2 0
flurry 18 2017-02-19 14:43:02 2 4
flurry 20 2015-06-19 07:44:22 2 0
flurry vol 1 no 9 2015-06-26 21:59:41 2 0
focus 2014-07-09 19:48:39 2 1964
food shortage 2023-07-20 20:21:15 2 0
for-profit 2023-06-23 09:49:27 2 0
forehead 2016-12-23 16:34:32 2 46
foresee 2023-01-01 21:47:59 2 176
form of god 2017-03-13 18:09:45 2 1605
fornication 2019-08-20 04:18:42 2 0
fortnight 2014-07-16 22:14:08 2 4
fortuitous coincidence 2019-09-18 18:32:59 2 1
foundation 2021-01-31 13:55:41 2 863
foundation temple 2014-06-10 21:58:51 2 65
fracking 2015-01-26 20:07:31 2 1
francais 2013-12-14 05:26:10 2 0
free schematic 2024-04-08 10:08:25 2 14
fresh air 2016-05-06 13:13:40 2 208
fruits 2014-03-11 15:53:25 2 0
fun archangel 2016-07-11 19:12:25 2 0
functional families begin 2021-06-29 23:51:41 2 0
fundamentalism 2019-04-07 16:29:49 2 22
fundamentalist christians 2016-05-05 19:09:47 2 8
future energy 2022-11-20 16:34:17 2 1299
gambling 2024-08-05 19:06:17 2 14
game 2023-12-01 07:40:52 2 394
gamelike 2023-12-02 19:38:56 2 0
ganymede 2022-09-02 14:38:43 2 0
gateways 2019-10-22 21:29:58 2 0
gay marriage 2020-11-25 12:38:06 2 6
geneology 2023-02-04 09:06:37 2 0
genetic disease 2023-02-27 19:12:58 2 1
genetic engineering in frantic history 2017-01-05 17:08:35 2 0
genevive 2018-10-15 11:45:00 2 0
genitals 2019-10-13 21:45:44 2 1
geomagnetic 2024-05-10 22:05:12 2 0
geophysical flooding 2020-10-18 22:24:51 2 0
george bernard 2023-06-09 18:04:56 2 12
george biesheuvel 2019-12-12 13:19:39 2 0
geraldine 2016-12-23 19:38:21 2 0
gerdean 'a 0 2017-03-14 03:37:52 2 316
gerdean o 'dell 2020-08-20 21:03:20 2 11
giant race 2014-03-27 08:22:20 2 0
gift 2017-11-13 01:42:19 2 1755
gift of giving 2014-05-21 14:52:26 2 686
giving presents 2017-12-15 23:48:32 2 1
global debt 2024-03-30 00:28:27 2 0
global governments 2018-02-25 08:18:56 2 74
global sustainability and planetary management 2015-01-06 08:08:23 2 29
global sustainability monjoronson 2019-02-19 13:20:35 2 107
gnostic 2020-04-14 18:31:12 2 1
go forth 2016-06-14 06:58:47 2 223
god 's perspective 2019-10-26 08:16:59 2 0
god 's will 2017-09-25 00:58:27 2 2305
god cell 2023-02-12 08:56:42 2 0
god spark 2023-02-12 08:56:59 2 11
god the father 2020-06-19 06:49:27 2 0
god within 2023-02-07 20:23:34 2 490
god's will 2014-08-10 10:07:54 2 0
gods 2024-10-20 15:33:15 2 231
gods fury 2018-05-25 15:41:58 2 5
gods will 2014-09-08 21:52:24 2 227
godward 2024-06-01 13:35:31 2 38
gold coins 2022-10-19 19:20:44 2 0
gomorrhe 2019-08-19 06:53:21 2 0
good 2017-02-02 02:32:03 2 4503
good cheer 2013-12-04 16:40:17 2 38
good day 2016-05-11 16:52:31 2 4077
good news 2020-11-24 18:54:21 2 319
gospel 2020-11-24 18:50:39 2 333
government social sustainability 2018-04-09 13:35:56 2 77
gracious 2013-12-09 17:18:07 2 254
gracousness 2013-12-10 17:48:28 2 0
grandmother 2015-01-12 14:31:13 2 57
grandparents 2016-05-08 08:52:05 2 77
grayson intentional community 2017-03-05 16:17:49 2 0
great creative radiating principle 2017-10-10 20:05:33 2 1
great white 2020-11-25 13:04:06 2 1
greek orthodox 2016-10-26 20:38:58 2 0
gregg 2014-04-27 16:43:00 2 0
grid cleaning 2020-02-09 01:36:27 2 16
groups 2013-10-09 18:23:27 2 1198
guide 2023-02-17 22:42:04 2 1758
guru dev 2021-07-09 20:14:56 2 28
gwinever 2023-05-03 17:25:04 2 1
haarp 2018-12-01 07:09:24 2 1
hagar 2016-07-24 12:09:30 2 1
halo 2017-11-16 04:54:51 2 10
ham healing 2018-10-03 20:04:00 2 476
ham peace 2013-11-21 20:45:12 2 945
ham radio 2022-10-25 15:42:34 2 0
hands ' sleep 3 order by 638 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:48 2 1271
hands and feet 2017-07-28 06:11:49 2 0
hands and sleep 3 2018-11-06 16:46:16 2 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 638 2018-11-06 16:47:02 2 1271
hanish 2014-06-08 21:11:43 2 0
hard truth 2020-06-20 00:04:34 2 1250
hard work 2023-03-07 07:31:00 2 167
harvest 2020-11-27 00:13:31 2 217
hatred 2019-11-16 17:51:27 2 228
haunting 2020-01-12 17:42:29 2 15
he%20is 2014-07-27 08:16:35 2 5688
healing center 2023-01-02 20:32:02 2 6
healing ham 2018-10-03 18:43:20 2 476
healing my body 2016-06-25 03:01:48 2 0
health clinic 2023-03-12 14:57:46 2 2
healthy diet 2014-03-29 09:26:54 2 58
heart attack 2016-05-05 19:00:57 2 119
heart chakra 2019-05-25 04:47:34 2 46
heaven 2018-09-23 03:53:31 2 910
heaven and hell 2015-08-10 13:34:51 2 71
helplessness 2019-04-12 02:03:13 2 42
hensen 2021-04-10 12:55:56 2 0
hicks 2014-04-11 02:12:49 2 7
hidden mana 2022-05-24 22:19:01 2 1
higher consciousness 2017-06-16 13:40:44 2 1140
hilary clinton 2016-05-05 19:16:19 2 1
hillary clinton 2016-07-28 10:43:12 2 0
hiv 2015-05-11 09:44:45 2 1103
hoarding 2016-05-10 17:27:43 2 15
holy war 2014-07-12 21:28:58 2 0
home ownership 2024-03-12 23:48:36 2 2
home planet 2016-09-06 20:00:48 2 6
homeopathy 2016-02-26 13:34:21 2 7
homes 2023-04-27 15:47:32 2 233
homestead 2024-09-22 23:16:58 2 7
honeidar 2015-06-26 21:58:51 2 0
housing market 2024-03-26 19:02:17 2 1
how gods will 2024-04-27 08:50:06 2 219
how to heal 2019-06-04 00:02:33 2 8
how to meditate 2016-05-25 08:31:50 2 303
how to receive celestial messages 2017-09-01 04:25:15 2 0
how transmit 2024-02-14 12:49:18 2 387
http www tmarchives com search php 2015-02-07 22:46:08 2 1
human circle of seven 2014-04-28 20:04:42 2 0
human life continuum 2017-06-22 15:20:27 2 6
human performance 2024-06-06 14:55:18 2 0
human staff requirements 2019-12-08 07:38:45 2 0
human sustainability 2024-04-16 23:02:29 2 9
humans 2022-07-04 01:22:17 2 1370
hyperinflation 2024-04-02 10:39:30 2 0
i 2021-01-27 23:31:50 2 1
i am abraham new zealan 2019-06-07 18:37:04 2 0
i am ham 2018-10-01 04:05:33 2 1
i m here 2015-11-07 14:34:48 2 26
iarga 2015-02-16 04:33:14 2 0
iargans 2016-06-12 14:23:52 2 0
illawarra 2015-09-21 15:49:02 2 304
illumination 2016-12-25 06:50:11 2 217
ilok 2018-04-28 21:39:41 2 0
image of the beast 2020-12-04 07:57:30 2 1
imagining 2019-10-15 22:41:22 2 71
imhotep 2020-06-16 05:50:59 2 2
immigration 2013-10-10 18:09:07 2 3
in bed 2019-10-29 13:07:02 2 25
in the beginning 2017-11-01 14:44:00 2 2310
incarnation of monjoronson 2014-11-09 09:04:25 2 2
incentive 2024-04-22 16:00:21 2 46
increasing capacity love 2016-03-23 13:42:17 2 199
industry 2016-07-11 19:18:09 2 116
inequality 2019-05-13 21:11:18 2 45
inferior races 2019-08-10 17:18:07 2 22
inner child 2021-07-16 08:46:30 2 39
inside of you 2019-03-25 22:04:39 2 162
instantaneous 2019-05-25 05:00:19 2 1
integration 2016-07-08 00:38:01 2 217
integrity and faith 2017-07-15 16:57:18 2 26
intentional change 2016-10-05 17:13:21 2 127
interactive 2020-01-10 20:18:37 2 58
interfaith 2023-05-29 20:13:18 2 14
internet sales 2024-04-14 09:05:22 2 0
intersteller 2023-06-18 19:44:02 2 0
intersubjective 2017-06-29 14:48:27 2 0
intuitive 2023-10-31 16:00:03 2 173
invest gold 2024-04-14 16:56:07 2 12
invisible 2018-12-16 03:49:55 2 241
invoking 2014-04-17 09:50:46 2 28
is second sinful 2018-02-13 08:12:24 2 0
isis and ice 2015-09-26 00:45:56 2 8
island 2016-10-20 15:09:31 2 80
island of stabiity 2016-10-03 13:47:14 2 0
isreal 2014-09-16 12:09:59 2 0
jacinth 2015-11-07 15:24:07 2 5
jamison 2016-12-28 21:43:22 2 0
janette 2017-11-29 17:50:41 2 0
january 2014 2014-02-07 15:34:38 2 0
jealousy 2020-10-07 10:47:21 2 90
jesus 's childhood 2017-02-27 04:31:54 2 0
jesus as a child 2017-02-27 04:34:32 2 0
jesus caligastia 2021-10-30 00:33:14 2 121
jesus returns 2024-10-14 20:30:12 2 1
jim 2013-10-14 18:09:23 2 111
jim cleaveland 2017-06-16 13:40:26 2 0
joe 2013-10-14 17:49:43 2 98
jogging 2023-11-19 10:09:35 2 5
john mark ruth 2016-03-16 15:30:22 2 6
joseph smith 2017-08-25 17:19:41 2 6
joshua ben joseph 2017-10-21 23:15:56 2 33
journey to the unknown 2014-09-18 14:31:41 2 343
joy 2022-05-04 13:28:48 2 3859
juan vicente 2019-12-12 15:53:39 2 0
jubilee 2024-03-26 17:18:52 2 11
judas iscariot 2018-04-10 15:13:16 2 2
judgement 2015-06-18 11:37:24 2 198
judiciary 2019-12-16 13:58:37 2 0
judy nyland 2019-12-12 14:53:28 2 4
july 3 1999 2018-12-26 12:56:50 2 8
june 2014 2017-11-19 03:48:06 2 7
june 21 2007 2014-03-23 11:27:05 2 6
jupiter moon 2020-07-19 15:57:07 2 0
kathy reid 2019-12-12 14:26:37 2 0
kibet brian 2023-07-04 16:01:13 2 0
king 2018-08-16 15:54:53 2 15
king david 2020-12-01 16:47:41 2 0
king solomon 2022-05-24 21:25:43 2 1
kkk 2016-08-30 18:34:40 2 17
kochs 2013-11-30 18:32:37 2 0
koran 2024-05-18 21:09:36 2 17
krishna 2021-06-28 21:04:50 2 2
lake van 2016-08-05 04:11:08 2 9
lantarnek 2014-03-28 06:48:56 2 78
larryg 2017-01-05 16:30:42 2 0
last days 2019-04-08 21:33:34 2 1095
laughing stock 2014-02-09 21:06:34 2 1
law of moses 2023-04-12 10:47:13 2 14
lay lines 2017-01-25 16:54:04 2 0
lazy 2020-01-29 03:33:31 2 126
learn in your dreams 2025-01-13 10:10:18 2 0
learning to hear 2017-10-30 07:42:53 2 0
learning transmit 2023-09-08 12:31:37 2 222
left brain 2014-10-01 22:35:18 2 0
legals 2016-12-03 00:01:25 2 0
leibniz 2016-11-10 09:44:00 2 0
lemurians 2024-12-17 15:53:03 2 0
leoma estes park 2014-11-12 10:23:40 2 0
leoma most highs 2014-11-12 10:19:12 2 17
leoma sparer 2019-12-12 13:39:49 2 8
leona 2020-03-19 02:46:14 2 0
lesson 28 2015-07-29 17:38:43 2 0
lestor 2020-11-23 10:38:41 2 1
lgbtq 2020-11-25 12:28:28 2 0
liberal 2013-10-31 09:12:40 2 34
library of wisdom 2021-01-29 23:52:15 2 6
life growth equality empathy compassion and lo 2016-09-13 09:59:56 2 11
life in the mansion worlds 2021-01-03 15:57:45 2 0
life path 2023-08-03 21:00:28 2 2045
life result unknown type of text captcha add it in 2014-09-25 13:17:07 2 0
light anchor 2016-01-05 11:50:58 2 288
light experience 2017-10-30 18:34:50 2 2935
light life reason for jesus bestowal 2014-09-10 14:30:45 2 97
light line july 2017 2017-08-05 01:23:56 2 0
light midwayers 2017-10-30 18:30:49 2 495
lighthouse 2017-06-29 10:10:29 2 34
lightline teleconference 2023-04-07 10:54:42 2 276
limiting beliefs 2021-05-03 11:17:24 2 4
limitless 2022-10-07 22:27:15 2 114
linear 2018-01-22 17:43:03 2 183
linear time 2016-06-14 00:43:59 2 41
listening 2019-11-16 04:41:38 2 974
living to live 2017-11-10 20:22:35 2 1988
living water 2017-09-30 10:28:01 2 123
living with purpose on purpose 2015-11-24 15:29:54 2 1282
livre 2018-04-19 01:04:51 2 0
local healthcare 2024-04-02 15:44:40 2 3
locusts 2022-01-12 20:28:21 2 4
lofty goal 2024-02-16 07:54:06 2 11
lonelyness 2013-10-14 18:10:46 2 0
long suffering 2021-05-22 00:32:06 2 470
lorel 2019-10-26 14:01:11 2 0
los angeles 2017-03-13 09:34:59 2 39
los angeles ca 2014-09-24 16:33:36 2 0
lose your home 2024-03-18 17:47:43 2 327
lost ark 2015-05-01 23:07:53 2 845
lost knowledge 2018-08-14 03:30:19 2 0
loveandfear 2016-12-08 06:58:49 2 0
loving them 2013-12-06 18:56:09 2 103
loyaltia 2021-11-12 23:03:42 2 0
lucifer 's last words 2016-06-28 21:13:57 2 174
lucifer ajudication 2017-08-18 07:10:47 2 0
lucifer statement 2017-12-06 11:47:56 2 142
luke 2015-03-29 14:23:03 2 23
luminarion 2015-07-09 15:54:33 2 0
luminaya 2015-11-11 12:10:27 2 0
lusting 2023-01-19 23:30:37 2 0
lutentia 2021-10-20 00:07:25 2 0
m agisterial mission 2021-11-26 03:54:35 2 0
machiventa melchizedek 2020-12-20 21:21:19 2 19
magdala 2017-12-04 18:48:06 2 0
magesterial mission 2019-12-05 08:25:57 2 7
magisterial avonal son arrival 2017-01-30 08:07:34 2 17
magisterial human associates 2019-12-10 14:12:54 2 57
magisterial mission " and "x " "x 2018-08-15 16:08:49 2 460
magisterial mission " and "x " "y 2018-08-15 16:08:51 2 460
magisterial mission ' and 'x ' 'x 2018-08-15 16:08:45 2 460
magisterial mission ' and 'x ' 'y 2018-08-15 16:08:47 2 460
magisterial mission ' and sleep 3 and '1 2018-08-15 16:11:54 2 460
magisterial mission ' sleep 3 '1 2018-08-15 16:11:55 2 460
magisterial mission 2017 2017-12-19 20:55:08 2 0
magisterial mission update 3 2016-11-03 00:30:05 2 27
magisterial mission2121121121212 1 2018-08-15 16:08:37 2 460
malavantra 2016-04-12 01:07:27 2 0
malaysia 2018-09-06 23:34:00 2 4
mall 2023-07-22 13:59:00 2 14
malvantia 2021-10-23 00:35:05 2 10
man figure 2024-03-01 15:30:33 2 393
manass 2022-11-06 05:00:55 2 0
mandaean 2015-03-29 14:22:11 2 0
manmundo 2015-08-17 17:59:25 2 0
mansonia one 2015-06-08 06:57:07 2 183
manuscript 2017-11-13 14:57:01 2 28
many things in life can be thought of as temporal 2021-10-07 13:25:18 2 4
march 2002 2016-11-16 07:37:26 2 0
marchive org transcript contents php tid 3994 sear 2018-08-05 12:52:27 2 0
mari perron 2018-07-09 14:28:40 2 0
mariage 2017-08-16 07:39:09 2 0
marijuanana 2019-03-11 19:37:42 2 0
mark beast 2022-11-05 04:15:40 2 18
marlok 2016-09-19 22:18:50 2 0
martin luther king jr 2021-02-21 06:56:02 2 0
martyr 2017-06-18 23:21:59 2 12
mary mother jesus 2014-06-24 16:36:55 2 137
mary september 2006 2017-12-18 00:49:15 2 4
masonic 2016-10-26 20:42:38 2 1
masons 2017-02-18 15:19:46 2 1
massage 2016-12-24 18:25:10 2 43
massaloran 2017-08-26 12:31:30 2 0
master 2022-11-09 10:33:33 2 1936
mathematics 2015-05-10 01:04:10 2 55
mathew bloche 2013-10-13 18:37:00 2 0
matthew 2014-04-15 00:14:33 2 45
maturity 2017-10-30 01:47:59 2 582
maust 2020-01-03 11:28:25 2 0
may 2010 2024-10-17 16:31:07 2 264
may 28 2007 2019-04-10 01:13:17 2 16
may 29 2005 2019-12-02 00:50:02 2 19
maya 2022-04-16 10:55:09 2 0
medicine 2024-09-05 01:23:08 2 200
medinet 2024-10-29 15:13:37 2 0
meditat 2020-07-25 13:47:52 2 0
meditation practice 2024-04-05 11:17:25 2 443
mekken 2014-08-27 06:26:21 2 3
mel 2015-11-09 04:58:46 2 2207
melchezedek 2019-11-03 23:05:52 2 0
melchisedeks names 2015-07-31 20:08:41 2 0
melchizedech school 2017-09-28 14:48:44 2 0
melchizedek helpers 2014-01-29 17:55:02 2 2
melchizedek university 2014-12-29 01:08:19 2 57
meloloc 2017-03-08 22:16:34 2 0
merkhaba 2015-01-16 14:08:04 2 0
mesopotamia 2017-05-17 02:32:58 2 2
messiah 2020-12-14 18:38:14 2 43
met 2015-05-03 22:31:12 2 2
mezzaverde 2016-12-02 02:30:20 2 0
michael - it will not be long now 2014-06-13 14:32:46 2 2161
michael heart 2014-09-09 22:36:25 2 2199
michael returns 2021-12-16 09:59:00 2 104
michael supreme 2014-11-21 02:53:48 2 676
michael1994 2016-06-14 06:59:13 2 0
midsoniters 2020-07-28 03:49:45 2 0
midway angels 2017-03-20 11:09:13 2 0
midwayer 's height 2015-12-31 10:43:05 2 0
midwayer mathew 2015-04-14 09:10:33 2 54
midwayer names 2020-10-20 20:57:17 2 80
midwayer size 2015-12-31 10:42:33 2 0
milk 2016-05-27 09:07:04 2 44
mind is truly an aspect of god the trinity 2016-11-18 15:19:39 2 99
mind over matter 2017-10-17 09:49:44 2 176
mind powers 2014-08-30 00:00:53 2 0
mind reception 2014-03-23 11:28:09 2 297
mindfulness 2018-07-22 09:41:59 2 32
minnesota 2015-11-13 16:21:20 2 0
mirachordia 2017-10-16 17:06:25 2 0
mirror hour 2023-10-17 10:02:52 2 0
miss out 2021-01-27 23:17:33 2 402
missing children 2017-04-05 00:01:51 2 2
missing malaysian airliner 2014-04-27 18:42:02 2 0
missing persons 2021-06-20 23:42:03 2 92
missing the lesson 2020-08-13 04:59:18 2 1
mission 2024-05-18 09:07:25 2 2941
mississippi 2014-08-12 03:03:03 2 7
mississippi valley 2014-05-27 10:43:42 2 3
missouri illinois 2014-05-27 10:43:46 2 1
mno 2024-12-22 18:01:56 2 4
mojoronsen 2020-07-15 14:35:13 2 0
moment of death 2017-01-13 08:37:54 2 6
monetary 2017-08-24 22:00:41 2 0
monjoranson 2019-03-15 21:01:47 2 0
monjoronson " 2022-07-30 15:13:33 2 1133
monjoronson " ' 2019-11-26 06:09:05 2 1110
monjoronson " or " " " 2022-07-30 15:17:49 2 1133
monjoronson " or 1 1 -- - 2022-07-30 15:18:12 2 1133
monjoronson ' 0-- 2022-07-30 15:19:08 2 1133
monjoronson ' and select '1 'from pg sleep 0 '0 2020-07-21 21:47:35 2 1133
monjoronson ' and select '1 'from pg sleep 2 '0 2020-07-21 21:47:36 2 1133
monjoronson ' or " 2022-07-30 15:16:17 2 1133
monjoronson ' or '1 2022-07-30 15:17:03 2 1133
monjoronson ' or 'x ' 'x 2022-07-30 15:19:45 2 1133
monjoronson ' or 1 -- - 2022-07-30 15:17:28 2 1133
monjoronson 'and select 1 0waitfor delay '0 0 0 2020-07-21 21:47:36 2 1133
monjoronson 'and select 1 0waitfor delay '0 0 2 2020-07-21 21:47:36 2 1133
monjoronson 'like ' 2022-07-30 15:18:52 2 1133
monjoronson 2014 2014-04-20 10:36:24 2 0
monjoronson administration 2016-03-22 05:02:08 2 84
monjoronson conversation 59 2015-02-03 21:53:15 2 3
monjoronson conversation 66 2015-02-03 23:51:53 2 29
monjoronson conversations 2017-11-13 16:15:44 2 18
monjoronson conversations 1 2017-11-13 16:15:33 2 0
monjoronson morontial 2014-04-01 08:17:11 2 167
monjoronson or 1 1 2022-07-30 15:19:25 2 1133
monjoronson q&a #66 2014-01-16 19:54:40 2 0
monjoronson q&a 53 2014-01-13 20:51:57 2 7
monjoronson q&a 66 2014-01-16 19:55:50 2 17
monjoronson q&a 67 2014-01-16 19:56:30 2 0
monjoronson will succed machiventa 2014-07-19 06:00:26 2 0
monjoronson will succed machiventa as planetary 2014-07-19 06:00:04 2 0
monjoronson*s 2013-10-14 18:29:40 2 1048
monjronson q&a 41,42,43,44,45,,46,,47, 2014-01-13 06:08:24 2 0
monnod 2018-08-26 03:43:34 2 0
monogamy 2022-05-07 15:17:11 2 1
monster 2023-02-07 23:10:44 2 13
moon landing 2018-03-04 17:00:59 2 0
morality and ethics 2017-06-05 11:23:05 2 7
morality ethics and values 2017-06-05 11:27:35 2 3
more revealed truths 2018-10-15 23:47:55 2 0
morman 2024-05-18 20:54:27 2 0
morning star 2020-11-29 20:30:56 2 33
moroni 2017-08-23 01:37:52 2 1
morontia and spiritual senses 2015-05-21 23:09:34 2 0
morontia human 2021-01-15 23:46:53 2 0
morontia humans 2021-01-15 23:47:20 2 1
morontia memory 2015-12-02 02:32:03 2 0
morontia sense 2016-07-01 21:35:48 2 6
morontia vision 2016-10-12 23:25:36 2 21
mortal finaliters 2015-12-10 11:15:33 2 64
mortgage 2024-03-18 17:35:35 2 15
most recent michael 2015-12-31 13:00:05 2 394
mother 2018-10-05 12:24:27 2 2171
mother earth 2021-05-12 08:07:58 2 117
mother spirit 2017 2017-06-28 07:28:28 2 0
move urantia 2019-07-25 18:15:04 2 1472
movies 2021-04-08 23:03:59 2 85
moving 2016-04-28 07:05:06 2 1262
moyer 2019-02-24 16:41:30 2 4
mt shasta 2016-04-22 03:15:14 2 0
mu 2016-01-08 13:15:12 2 5476
muhammad 2023-05-13 03:09:59 2 0
music od the sp 2014-04-08 11:23:29 2 448
muslams seeing jesus 2014-12-03 18:44:26 2 0
mwb 2021-01-10 05:22:37 2 6
n 2015-11-17 18:19:17 2 2
name of mother spirit 2018-10-03 07:08:15 2 0
name of seven superuniverses 2021-02-27 15:28:50 2 38
names of master spirits 2021-04-23 17:54:12 2 74
names of the father 2018-06-27 20:09:03 2 0
naperville 2016-06-23 23:02:48 2 20
narcissism 2017-08-01 17:49:11 2 6
nashville 2024-12-13 13:50:45 2 245
nathanael 2019-10-24 23:21:49 2 0
natural gas 2023-06-29 20:10:39 2 6
nazarite 2015-05-09 13:20:40 2 0
nazca 2024-10-03 12:37:10 2 0
nebadonia urantia book 2014-03-30 00:29:09 2 97
nebaqdonia 2014-03-30 00:27:26 2 0
nec #11 2014-08-20 23:28:54 2 0
nec 1 2017-11-19 22:35:05 2 3677
nec 2015 2017-11-19 22:13:21 2 0
nec 37 2015-07-12 10:20:28 2 0
nec 40 2015-07-12 10:18:14 2 333
nec 57 2016-04-30 18:32:13 2 2
nec 59 2016-04-30 18:23:22 2 1
nec 62 2016-04-30 19:12:41 2 1
nec 69 2016-05-22 00:42:25 2 154
nec 77 2019-12-22 07:32:27 2 54
nec1 2017-01-16 18:37:42 2 0
needle 2016-12-24 17:48:36 2 30
needs of the magisterial misson 2014-04-17 09:53:36 2 0
nel 2015-05-12 08:40:36 2 78
nenadonia 2016-05-04 18:19:05 2 0
neurotransmitters 2020-12-15 00:23:35 2 3
never 2020-02-03 01:23:39 2 3348
new adventures 2019-06-11 20:16:20 2 30
new age disease 2022-11-08 07:00:30 2 271
new book 2017-11-21 22:40:45 2 1729
new era 2017-10-08 20:32:39 2 3845
new era conversation 48 2015-06-28 09:03:39 2 0
new era transition 77 2019-12-22 07:22:51 2 0
new morontia grid 2014-03-15 17:34:10 2 29
new rebellion 2020-08-16 06:03:21 2 20
new urantia book volume 2017-10-31 12:55:22 2 70
new zealand melchizekek 2020-12-20 21:19:50 2 0
newest 2014-05-07 11:07:23 2 1
newest.php 2014-07-21 19:12:09 2 27
newness 2017-10-18 20:09:33 2 130
newton 2017-07-14 09:37:32 2 5
nie miertelno 2024-04-01 16:47:24 2 0
no 2017-11-13 16:19:50 2 5820
no longer 2014-08-10 19:51:18 2 1559
noah 's flood 2023-10-28 19:18:08 2 0
noco 'a 0 2016-07-23 02:03:54 2 63
noco 1 2017-12-02 00:22:34 2 57
noco 117 2023-10-26 22:44:36 2 6
noco 90 2015-03-20 12:13:55 2 8
noco tea m 5 2017-03-05 20:43:24 2 0
noco93 2014-03-10 10:22:02 2 1
nonbreathers 2014-03-31 15:09:32 2 0
nonhuman 2022-07-04 01:30:31 2 1
norason 2020-01-05 19:34:48 2 0
norson 2021-03-31 23:39:29 2 17
nossa senhora 2016-04-13 23:52:29 2 0
nostradamus 2018-07-12 14:00:36 2 7
not able movies 2015-04-12 22:03:50 2 81
not always fair 2018-02-22 07:29:55 2 244
noticed rose fragrance 2017-03-26 10:57:38 2 17
november 12 2000 2014-12-28 20:47:01 2 12
november 28 2018 2018-11-26 18:19:07 2 0
novembro 2002 2014-08-10 21:06:52 2 0
nuclear war pt1 2017-12-29 08:09:22 2 0
number 28 2015-07-29 17:49:45 2 2
number three 2017-11-19 04:02:37 2 18
numbers 2017-10-25 15:19:57 2 516
nuri 2020-04-24 10:31:03 2 0
obamacare 2013-10-14 18:07:16 2 0
objects manifestation 2024-05-23 18:35:35 2 0
oceans 2017-03-07 07:50:56 2 70
ociliaya 2016-11-06 19:37:40 2 0
october 2013 2014-03-02 19:12:15 2 15
of rest 2014-04-03 09:39:28 2 155
of sharks and men 2014-06-02 00:25:30 2 3
offerings 2019-10-26 16:45:28 2 72
oil 2017-11-10 19:06:15 2 1105
okban 2018-10-16 09:55:55 2 0
onagar 2018-09-02 11:11:44 2 5
one wife 2017-12-31 06:26:21 2 1
one world government 2022-11-06 02:47:22 2 11
online educational 2024-04-03 23:36:35 2 2
ophelia 2020-07-17 00:41:29 2 6
orange race 2022-12-27 02:24:08 2 2
order of angels 2018-07-05 14:09:38 2 1
oregon 2021-12-16 09:58:07 2 63
orgasm 2022-11-14 10:06:53 2 2
orgone 2014-03-18 08:27:39 2 1
origin 2019-11-15 09:57:11 2 623
origin of crop circles 2014-02-28 15:39:49 2 5
origin of spirit voice 2013-10-24 17:36:45 2 12
origin of urantia 2016-07-31 14:11:32 2 484
original organization 2023-04-14 03:25:57 2 1
orlando florida teacher 2014-02-06 08:18:35 2 2
oscar alabama 2013-10-08 18:04:43 2 0
osho 2018-12-01 07:09:51 2 0
other planetary societies 2018-08-18 10:12:19 2 0
our culture within us 2017-12-24 14:52:49 2 858
our lady of aparecida 2016-04-13 23:52:18 2 0
our vision 2024-11-25 14:04:53 2 37
outer space 2023-11-09 14:15:33 2 266
outlet 2024-08-25 07:26:49 2 42
oversoul 2022-12-25 08:15:49 2 25
overwhelming stress 2019-05-05 23:38:11 2 0
padgett 2016-06-11 07:19:18 2 4
page 100 2013-12-28 19:52:10 2 61
pain 2019-12-09 22:43:52 2 1082
paladin 2017-05-23 13:54:18 2 0
palestine 2021-05-12 07:12:43 2 31
palma 2016-03-03 20:11:37 2 0
pandemic 2019 2020-08-04 16:11:40 2 0
pandemic 2020 2020-08-04 16:11:31 2 0
paper 16 2014-11-18 09:46:22 2 87
paper book 16 2014-01-06 03:42:54 2 78
parables 2019-05-01 11:38:50 2 69
paradise pictures 2015-02-15 13:37:18 2 7
pardon 2017-08-25 11:08:55 2 0
pareto 2023-08-23 12:09:31 2 0
paris 2016-12-26 04:46:52 2 3
passion 2022-12-17 08:29:08 2 201
passover 2021-04-21 06:14:26 2 9
past lives 2018-08-14 03:20:53 2 41
patanjali 2016-11-08 03:58:50 2 0
patije 2021-10-20 07:52:44 2 1
pattern 2018-02-26 16:34:56 2 1043
pattern symbol 2018-02-16 13:03:24 2 0
paula thompson 2015-01-05 21:26:16 2 0
pecura 2023-10-28 16:17:12 2 0
personal change 2016-10-03 19:38:20 2 43
personal responsibility 2020-01-05 07:54:28 2 66
personality after death 2018-04-25 11:03:05 2 0
personality extinction 2015-07-01 00:16:28 2 34
personality reincarnation 2015-07-01 00:26:39 2 61
personality trust 2018-04-25 11:30:24 2 1
personalize 2019-11-25 00:47:13 2 46
perspective of 2019-10-26 08:17:55 2 493
pharoah 2018-08-16 15:54:34 2 0
phoenix 2014-03-26 08:27:12 2 7
physic circles 2018-05-08 14:51:25 2 1
physical death 2018-06-28 01:57:14 2 538
pienal gland 2022-06-04 00:33:50 2 0
pink 2023-11-11 20:16:01 2 42
piramides 2018-12-08 19:30:05 2 0
plague 2019-10-23 12:06:39 2 78
plane disappearance 2021-09-12 19:01:44 2 2
plane of confusion 2024-12-13 16:34:03 2 3
planet prince school 2021-06-18 08:18:34 2 93
planet system 2015-02-11 12:48:42 2 261
planetary announcement 2019-04-27 10:22:02 2 2
planetary changes 2017-09-11 13:25:20 2 540
planetary crisis prayer 2015-01-29 13:00:14 2 0
planetary sustainabilty 2021-02-07 09:29:37 2 0
plastic 2016-05-06 08:15:05 2 36
plastic pollution 2016-05-10 19:55:23 2 2
plastics 2016-09-05 08:09:04 2 3
platform 2023-08-03 20:38:41 2 279
playful 2019-10-12 21:47:51 2 86
pleaid 2016-06-16 21:08:49 2 0
pleasure seeking 2020-09-17 17:38:14 2 482
pledge of allegiance 2014-01-15 21:29:29 2 0
poland 2023-10-28 16:10:48 2 2
politic 2014-04-04 09:54:16 2 6
political unrest 2022-07-17 12:38:36 2 16
ponoptions 2016-05-21 20:22:02 2 0
pope john paul 2014-07-17 14:44:34 2 3
portal 2020-03-13 13:54:04 2 154
positive 2013-12-03 17:26:21 2 87
possession 2020-07-15 21:00:20 2 316
post 2024-03-28 19:20:31 2 205
post world 2023-05-02 08:53:22 2 177
power directors 2018-03-02 16:19:15 2 86
power venter 2017-06-10 00:34:05 2 0
powerlessness 2020-01-12 19:12:57 2 21
prayer and worship 2019-05-05 12:41:24 2 8
preachers 2022-04-15 07:48:48 2 27
premolition 2014-02-09 22:27:54 2 0
prepare peace 2013-11-01 21:52:43 2 540
prepersonal 2019-10-23 05:08:43 2 16
primal 2024-03-19 07:29:05 2 120
privacy 2019-03-27 16:14:52 2 92
procreate 2016-08-12 23:22:37 2 24
promiscuity 2023-06-15 02:06:47 2 8
protection 2019-01-17 00:45:43 2 345
prrepared 2013-10-29 21:17:02 2 0
psychadelic 2024-04-22 23:34:02 2 0
psycho-cybernetics 2019-12-26 22:56:17 2 19
psycology 2017-11-14 18:20:10 2 0
putin 2023-03-25 20:08:01 2 0
q 2019-07-22 16:07:18 2 5673
q&a 46 2014-01-13 07:15:29 2 1
quality 2017-10-08 19:53:16 2 1045
quick and emotional 2024-03-19 07:33:25 2 122
quiescent 2017-10-24 19:12:31 2 6
rabies 2022-11-21 10:23:33 2 0
race 2015-01-07 23:35:51 2 139
races 2019-08-10 17:15:40 2 354
racism 2017-08-31 01:41:23 2 24
rael 2017-05-23 17:20:12 2 6
raelian 2017-05-23 17:20:16 2 0
raise vibrations 2021-06-08 13:18:50 2 0
raising vibrations 2014-10-07 22:07:33 2 50
ramifications of the caligastia betrayel 2016-12-19 13:54:10 2 0
rantulia 2014-07-10 18:13:34 2 1
ratanaba 2022-06-04 01:01:45 2 0
rats 2016-05-30 07:25:52 2 11
rayson on discernment 2016-06-23 07:30:40 2 0
rayson oon discernment 2016-06-23 07:30:44 2 0
rayson science 2016-11-03 02:32:51 2 32
real estate 2016-06-23 08:17:59 2 104
reality 2022-11-16 14:08:35 2 2933
realization 2019-04-12 02:41:55 2 888
rebel 2023-05-04 16:35:05 2 98
rebellious midwayers 2014-01-31 11:32:49 2 53
receiving messages 2014-09-25 21:16:04 2 371
recharge 2017-09-26 18:02:53 2 44
recollection 2016-05-23 19:25:04 2 51
red meat 2016-06-06 09:28:04 2 86
reencarna o 2023-12-08 07:25:37 2 0
reincarnation ' 2024-02-08 05:10:39 2 100
reincarnation select pg sleep 5 -- 2018-05-02 15:53:23 2 100
reincarnation waitfor delay '0 0 5 '-- 2018-05-02 15:53:30 2 100
reinvent 2024-03-20 20:03:40 2 32
religion 2019-04-06 14:10:33 2 723
rent 2016-08-18 08:24:24 2 30
repent 2015-02-02 14:48:23 2 23
resetting 2018-04-20 22:26:59 2 3
rest of bestowal 2016-09-20 06:19:04 2 0
retreat 2024-04-02 13:44:40 2 185
revelator 2020-12-03 12:28:23 2 4
revelatory commission 2017-01-10 10:29:07 2 48
revolution 2024-03-06 03:41:22 2 87
right brain 2014-11-27 10:10:22 2 447
ringing in the ears 2014-05-01 13:26:03 2 0
risks 2019-11-15 07:15:06 2 85
roger 2020-07-15 14:57:45 2 0
rollcall of justice 2014-09-24 13:10:45 2 0
room 2017-11-05 19:41:27 2 1212
rothchilds 2013-12-02 14:45:15 2 0
ruby ring 2015-06-04 11:27:16 2 0
ryan 2018-08-16 16:39:40 2 24
sadguru 2021-03-18 23:55:10 2 0
safe locations 2014-07-12 21:30:36 2 6
saint german 2019-01-06 15:25:55 2 2
saints 2020-11-24 13:59:05 2 47
same sex marriage 2016-11-08 00:14:44 2 45
samson 2021-05-31 01:11:39 2 2
samuel aun woer 2018-08-14 04:37:03 2 0
sandy hook 2014-02-22 20:48:08 2 7
saraha 2014-05-14 12:42:32 2 0
saraha desert 2014-05-14 12:41:28 2 0
sarephim 2014-03-22 18:32:19 2 0
satan power 2014-08-30 01:53:26 2 54
satanic 2023-06-27 14:04:49 2 9
saturn 2014-09-08 15:33:20 2 2
sauna 2023-01-01 15:34:50 2 0
savant 2023-09-06 08:47:19 2 5
scan the mind 2016-03-03 02:47:56 2 28
schematic 2024-04-08 10:18:49 2 43
school 2021-07-25 18:10:46 2 554
school classes 2017-12-16 10:38:33 2 75
school morality 2018-01-31 11:54:21 2 51
schools 2014-09-16 12:30:00 2 310
science 2018-08-14 03:01:52 2 409
sea creatures 2017-10-02 18:13:58 2 1
sea level 2016-08-20 22:10:27 2 2
sea levels 2015-06-15 19:47:55 2 1
seacoasts 2024-01-14 20:50:08 2 1
seals 2016-10-02 21:41:56 2 5
second aspect 2016-05-03 01:13:11 2 13
second luther 2023-10-28 16:17:38 2 0
secondary core 2024-01-02 09:18:47 2 2
secret 2020-03-12 17:52:07 2 14
secret code 2022-11-06 05:21:26 2 0
secret desires 2024-03-26 21:42:37 2 3
secumbalin 2018-06-03 22:07:23 2 0
sedona 2015-10-30 07:33:49 2 29
self h 2014-05-28 07:26:36 2 4942
self hate 2021-05-11 16:56:53 2 5
self hypnosis 2015-09-26 21:34:45 2 4
self loathing 2021-05-11 17:28:00 2 50
self-gratification 2017-01-10 16:26:09 2 143
self-realization 2016-10-30 14:04:26 2 0
sell 2024-04-11 20:39:04 2 122
sell products 2024-04-03 20:41:36 2 1
send the energy to those you know need healing 2016-10-30 21:25:51 2 2
seneca 2015-03-25 05:45:39 2 0
sentiment 2014-12-07 12:57:05 2 84
september 13 1992 2019-02-02 15:42:54 2 0
september 16, 2001 2014-01-07 13:51:01 2 1
september 3 2010 2016-04-08 00:08:06 2 16
seraph 2018-02-04 13:41:37 2 0
session " and "x " "x 2017-04-18 08:58:46 2 195
session " and "x " "y 2017-04-18 08:58:47 2 195
session ' and 'x ' 'x 2017-04-18 08:58:44 2 195
session ' and 'x ' 'y 2017-04-18 08:58:45 2 195
session ' and sleep 3 and '1 2017-04-18 09:00:02 2 195
session 'a 0 2017-04-06 00:38:47 2 195
session 20 2023-11-14 06:49:58 2 2
session q&a 2014-01-06 18:23:03 2 55
session special 2014-01-05 00:22:49 2 50
session2121121121212 1 2017-04-18 08:58:39 2 195
set 16, 2001 2014-01-08 02:10:30 2 0
seven 2018-04-10 19:25:11 2 27
seven master spirits 2024-10-15 06:13:00 2 125
seventh bestowal 2019-03-26 14:21:32 2 1
sex urge 2015-02-02 05:20:18 2 64
sexual desire 2016-10-22 01:26:33 2 63
sexual education of children 2016-01-05 13:30:42 2 32
sexual energy 2016-03-17 23:16:01 2 8
sexual lust 2014-08-26 19:10:42 2 6
sexy 2021-01-13 15:02:14 2 1
shabbat 2023-04-12 10:49:16 2 0
shapeshifter 2017-06-05 17:12:30 2 1
shiva 2019-12-29 09:34:54 2 1
siding spring 2014-10-18 15:57:47 2 0
signs 2015-04-19 08:28:03 2 275
silver coin 2023-01-21 07:53:13 2 0
silver healing 2016-08-18 23:40:28 2 33
sinners 2022-11-06 05:13:32 2 31
sitting 2023-11-19 14:14:31 2 648
six 2017-09-19 17:08:14 2 425
six core 2016-04-15 16:40:35 2 18
slc utah 2015-06-17 00:18:03 2 2
sleeping survivors 2023-03-09 08:42:23 2 63
smotherly 2018-01-17 13:08:01 2 0
social fragrance 2015-03-22 12:30:13 2 41
social sustainability core values 2014-01-08 11:43:46 2 48
sodome 2019-08-19 06:53:12 2 0
soko 2017-06-07 14:35:00 2 0
solar flare 2022-11-20 16:36:28 2 1
solar panel 2023-03-30 19:51:13 2 0
solar panels 2022-11-20 16:32:43 2 1
solitary messangers 2022-10-21 04:14:22 2 0
song in the jerusalem temple 2017-11-19 14:04:01 2 1
sonoma county earth changes 2015-06-07 07:40:46 2 0
soul age 2016-05-19 23:16:03 2 0
soul attainment 2015-01-21 23:20:28 2 0
soul growth 2021-02-28 15:09:00 2 1848
soul-consciousness 2021-02-21 11:00:12 2 0
space travel 2017-10-29 22:57:27 2 1
spanking 2022-04-27 20:47:33 2 10
spano 2018-10-22 14:02:27 2 0
speak through mind 2017-03-27 07:32:43 2 0
speaking desires 2024-03-26 21:34:21 2 439
speaking finaliter 2020-12-20 15:57:24 2 4
special session #24 2014-01-07 07:57:42 2 0
special session #25 2014-01-07 08:33:31 2 1
special session 18 2014-01-07 07:06:11 2 2
special session 24 2014-01-07 07:57:54 2 0
special session daniel raphael 2013-11-20 17:37:13 2 56
sphere of influence 2013-11-26 09:06:26 2 224
spheres and gender 2018-03-25 20:53:40 2 29
spheres gender 2018-03-25 20:54:09 2 29
spirit attachment 2016-05-30 22:17:00 2 118
spirit communication 2017-07-02 17:28:42 2 29
spirit directive 2017-11-04 17:48:07 2 67
spirit in action 2017-10-16 06:09:03 2 1304
spirit reform 2019-06-25 02:08:20 2 34
spirit space 2015-09-17 11:40:26 2 1601
spirit teachings 2019-03-28 20:43:13 2 3
spiritual and the flesh 2019-03-27 23:19:36 2 0
spiritual energy 2016-06-06 03:20:42 2 2330
spiritual enterprise 2016-07-14 08:49:49 2 5
spiritual magnet 2015-08-21 20:33:10 2 52
spiritual rest 2019-05-12 19:46:36 2 11
spiritual senses 2015-05-21 23:09:50 2 18
spiritual teacher 2013-10-17 05:22:41 2 2683
spiritual transformation 2016-07-16 12:48:21 2 490
spiritual warfare 2023-01-19 20:35:10 2 1
spiritual water 2017-12-29 00:08:45 2 33
split-personality 2016-03-19 21:22:58 2 2101
spont 2015-01-11 17:43:47 2 0
spontaneous 2015-01-11 17:44:01 2 236
spontaneous combustion 2014-12-08 04:11:31 2 12
spontanious human combustion 2016-07-28 22:38:40 2 0
sports 2019-09-28 15:03:48 2 66
spouse 2017-10-23 17:57:11 2 89
sprinting 2023-11-06 08:03:30 2 2
spychic circles 2014-02-06 13:28:57 2 0
ssri 2015-09-02 07:33:09 2 0
st germain 2019-01-12 20:18:56 2 2
st. germain 2013-10-28 21:19:09 2 1
staff 2019-12-09 15:14:09 2 128
staff requirements 2019-12-08 07:37:15 2 42
star of melchizedek 2017-01-13 13:38:51 2 0
starship 2013-12-23 19:03:53 2 1
step program 2017-11-20 04:37:23 2 20
steps to stillness 2023-04-24 13:12:24 2 542
steven murphy 2016-11-05 10:54:40 2 8
still small voice 2014-02-28 17:51:32 2 536
stilless 2016-07-11 09:14:48 2 0
stone 2021-12-24 08:03:57 2 240
stonehenge 2019-10-20 05:49:07 2 3
strange creatures 2020-05-02 11:58:05 2 85
striving for perfection 2016-11-11 20:50:29 2 26
stroke 2016-05-05 19:04:27 2 58
student visitor 2014-06-23 18:34:07 2 66
subjective 2017-06-29 14:49:03 2 84
suburbs 2022-11-13 20:45:41 2 6
sumerian 2024-11-22 06:39:04 2 3
sunburn 2022-08-17 08:37:21 2 2
sunlight 2016-06-05 07:47:48 2 103
super conscious mind 2017-11-08 06:16:00 2 208
super humans 2014-04-18 09:42:39 2 147
superadjutant 2016-05-02 06:38:00 2 1
supernal 2023-02-17 22:42:35 2 90
supernaphim 2023-01-26 16:03:50 2 22
superpower 2022-10-02 22:40:10 2 2
superunivers one 2021-04-29 01:14:27 2 0
supervolcano 2023-02-23 21:38:45 2 1
sustainability clinics 2024-11-25 14:10:56 2 0
sustainability marketing 2024-03-03 21:04:21 2 18
symposium 2017-02-20 16:20:59 2 0
syria 2013-10-14 18:03:06 2 10
t y 2015-08-04 22:02:13 2 5791
ta list of names 2015-04-23 17:37:18 2 91
tartarus 2020-12-20 08:20:54 2 0
tattoos 2018-10-18 08:11:20 2 3
teacher mary the magdalene 2015-06-17 00:24:30 2 0
teaching mission time line 2016-07-01 21:15:06 2 629
teaching morality 2018-01-31 11:49:24 2 0
technical dispensation 2016-10-02 22:18:25 2 1
techtonic 2017-04-03 22:42:49 2 0
tectonic changes 2014-07-26 22:50:06 2 10
teleport 2020-11-26 15:18:18 2 0
terrain changes 2017-03-31 14:42:46 2 23
terron 2019-11-03 15:37:22 2 1
terror attack 2015-12-07 17:59:06 2 6
terrorism 2015-01-22 14:46:56 2 37
terrorist attack 911 2014-10-21 13:07:37 2 0
tertiaires 2019-03-23 17:10:56 2 0
tertiary 2019-03-23 17:20:50 2 24
tesseract 2024-04-11 21:49:56 2 0
testosterone 2024-11-11 21:45:32 2 4
tetrapod 2014-10-16 23:47:53 2 6
the anatomy of the two reserve corps 2016-04-02 20:04:59 2 0
the ancient of days court 2014-10-09 01:32:53 2 0
the bell 2016-11-24 08:43:24 2 85
the beloved one 2020-01-24 10:20:45 2 35
the blair witch 2016-04-13 23:07:47 2 0
the book of ernest 2020-02-20 22:05:56 2 4
the correcting time teaching mission 2016-03-01 15:30:57 2 9
the event 2014-05-04 20:04:03 2 0
the false prophet 2014-11-12 16:10:15 2 11
the future is not pre-ordained 2021-01-12 00:10:44 2 226
the game of life 2016-05-12 13:32:39 2 26
the grays 2017-03-09 01:51:18 2 4
the heart 2015-02-02 18:32:09 2 3205
the human body 2014-09-01 04:23:55 2 102
the incarnation of monjoronson 2023-03-23 16:51:18 2 49
the lessons of patrick 2017-11-20 00:23:47 2 10
the plan for the 2014-10-11 05:55:32 2 5
the pope 2014-02-08 13:27:59 2 14
the purpose of stillness the purpose of the still 2021-08-22 11:55:31 2 0
the resurrection 2022-04-16 11:27:00 2 181
the sabbath 2019-12-12 05:24:43 2 19
the sleeping subject 2016-10-27 07:10:17 2 4
the soul 2021-10-12 01:35:38 2 2927
the teaching mission faculty 2017-11-12 23:40:09 2 23
the three core values of social sustainability. 2014-03-14 22:15:00 2 0
the universal father 2017-01-17 18:34:49 2 1239
the voice series 2014-03-20 15:05:03 2 114
the watcher 2016-04-13 23:27:54 2 2
theiss 2013-11-21 18:24:21 2 0
there is no separation from god 2024-08-30 11:02:42 2 1
there was once a person who was a captain 2014-05-17 10:27:42 2 2
they are time consuming 2018-08-12 15:30:31 2 1
think tank 2024-04-20 03:48:36 2 3
this stigma of classification 2021-04-09 11:54:59 2 0
thomas jefferson 2019-09-20 08:06:09 2 3
those countries 2024-01-04 15:35:31 2 16
though adjuster 2023-07-04 12:01:48 2 1837
though ajuster 2017-02-16 15:54:21 2 0
thought adjuster 's creativity 2019-10-29 22:19:05 2 0
thought adjuster fusion 2014-02-01 17:29:48 2 238
thought ajuster 2017-02-16 15:54:31 2 0
thoughts induces 2014-09-21 00:46:50 2 3
three core values of sustainability 2015-08-12 13:11:06 2 72
three core-value emotions 2015-12-12 14:43:33 2 94
tiamat 2018-11-14 07:30:19 2 0
tiempo de correccion 2014-07-16 23:32:50 2 0
time consuming 2018-08-12 15:27:05 2 50
time management 2017-03-19 17:45:47 2 4
time shift 2015-02-28 17:18:05 2 1
timelessness 2019-05-13 21:36:26 2 24
tinnitus 2021-10-25 22:17:55 2 1
tithing 2022-06-05 21:46:20 2 10
toe nails 2016-12-08 00:33:02 2 0
tom alan 2014-08-28 15:12:56 2 0
tomas vol 2017-10-27 10:46:19 2 46
tone 2019-10-31 04:27:26 2 236
tornado 2016-06-21 23:31:41 2 14
tornadoes 2014-02-01 19:35:46 2 4
tr clinic 2023-02-24 23:27:06 2 0
training video 2023-10-26 20:44:49 2 0
transition 2021-12-19 13:40:54 2 2
transmissions 2021-01-10 06:47:40 2 395
transmit receive 2017-01-13 12:54:39 2 20
transmitions 2024-02-13 15:04:50 2 0
triage 2023-11-13 22:22:36 2 4
trial 2015-02-14 19:18:19 2 242
trial transcripts 2014-07-07 13:07:36 2 0
tribulation period 2021-08-02 12:28:31 2 0
trinity teacher sons 2014-12-13 23:13:52 2 38
triumpherant 2016-10-04 08:51:07 2 0
triumvirats 2013-11-29 18:04:34 2 0
troubador 2015-01-19 12:53:26 2 0
true happiness 2018-09-30 20:57:49 2 43
truly it is possible 2015-05-09 21:38:53 2 2
truon 2021-07-18 00:28:14 2 0
trust and hope as walking sticks 2014-12-28 21:09:36 2 0
tub#1 2014-07-11 08:48:19 2 0
tuning fork 2018-12-16 03:52:05 2 12
tunnel 2024-04-12 17:09:18 2 60
twelve tribes 2022-11-06 05:01:42 2 7
two stories 2013-12-20 14:33:50 2 12
unarius 2014-09-19 12:30:47 2 0
underground 2023-02-05 13:21:58 2 19
underground base 2014-03-27 08:21:39 2 0
unity oneness 2015-01-29 21:13:40 2 5
universal intelligence 2023-10-31 16:00:45 2 4
universal mind education school 2018-04-15 10:30:05 2 88
universe broadcast 2 june 9, 2014 2014-06-12 14:33:21 2 0
universe broadcast number two june 6, 2014 2014-06-11 17:20:13 2 0
universe citizen 2016-09-14 11:49:35 2 44
universe energy 2015-06-15 20:15:52 2 108
universe of darkness 2015-12-14 18:48:22 2 659
universe reality 2019-09-15 16:52:03 2 2059
universities 2024-04-11 17:35:20 2 54
unjust 2018-05-24 21:46:39 2 60
unpretentious 2013-12-10 17:46:49 2 5
unqualified absolute 2019-06-07 00:03:28 2 40
upstep 2016-10-05 16:49:52 2 67
urantia 606 2016-06-29 22:39:19 2 1
urantia compared to other worlds 2017-08-09 12:07:11 2 0
urantia ii 2016-10-28 21:38:37 2 146
urantia ii 2012 2016-10-29 21:35:38 2 15
urn 2016-10-25 13:19:54 2 4016
ursa 2017-09-06 19:22:33 2 0
ursula 2017-09-06 19:22:41 2 0
usgs 2017-05-10 13:31:19 2 0
uteah 2020-07-16 17:43:20 2 0
utimaton 2017-10-25 22:21:16 2 0
vaccination 2014-11-19 08:01:50 2 0
vacines 2015-01-29 19:02:32 2 0
valerian 2021-11-17 21:16:39 2 0
validation 2014-10-18 21:31:13 2 133
valient thor 2022-09-26 20:47:37 2 0
values ' sleep 3 '1 2018-02-13 22:09:36 2 1034
values 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2018-02-13 22:09:38 2 1034
values sustainability 2014-07-21 17:11:51 2 0
van and amadon 2014-01-16 14:54:13 2 16
van the steadfast 2021-05-27 05:36:26 2 179
vector forces 2017-01-16 16:58:17 2 1
vegetables 2016-06-06 08:49:27 2 49
vegetarien 2016-06-03 07:59:52 2 0
vela 2016-12-27 22:36:52 2 0
venus 2021-01-15 02:06:58 2 6
vern grimsley 2020-11-26 00:45:18 2 4
veronica 2021-11-18 00:03:51 2 2
veto 2019-10-25 07:53:53 2 4
vick 2023-05-28 08:52:45 2 1
victim mentality 2019-12-17 14:53:56 2 14
victors of the dry land 2014-04-12 21:47:44 2 0
video game 2020-07-03 03:12:00 2 15
vince 2014-01-30 15:58:22 2 3
violence 2015-11-19 20:37:14 2 230
virgina dare 2019-03-12 22:55:40 2 0
visioning 2022-11-04 23:12:11 2 8
visitors 2020-12-13 19:19:00 2 241
visualize 2022-01-14 20:21:34 2 392
visualize your 2019-10-30 01:33:22 2 20
voice of the father 2021-03-04 09:20:57 2 1116
volume 2017-10-31 13:08:32 2 122
volume urantia book 2017-10-31 13:01:00 2 1
vontis 2015-08-22 01:29:52 2 14
voynich manuscript 2018-09-05 22:07:21 2 0
vr 2022-05-01 17:46:29 2 36
wallet 2022-10-06 14:28:26 2 12
warm feeling 2016-09-25 05:50:46 2 11
warren smith 2019-11-15 18:09:25 2 16
wasted time 2020-07-22 07:21:06 2 180
watch russia 2014-03-09 10:20:50 2 0
water levels rise 2014-09-29 15:35:34 2 0
weapons 2013-10-30 09:54:23 2 85
welmek harmonizing your thoughts with father s j 2023-10-19 13:29:03 2 0
welmek the purpose of life 2017-11-10 19:58:56 2 0
werewolf 2018-08-18 13:52:01 2 1
what are the geological changes 2016-06-19 07:10:12 2 15
what happens after death 2019-01-08 19:24:28 2 2
what happens at death 2017-05-03 22:33:37 2 339
what is spirit 2018-02-15 19:16:58 2 4047
white lodge 2016-10-26 20:42:14 2 0
who is elyon 2022-10-30 18:04:58 2 0
whore of babylon 2020-11-26 20:35:24 2 0
why do the heathen rage 2022-11-06 02:51:53 2 0
why is so much fear associated with love 2016-12-08 07:08:24 2 173
widget 2014-06-29 05:41:44 2 1
wildfires 2023-06-08 22:51:03 2 2
will creature 2020-03-05 14:54:23 2 69
wing makers 2018-09-06 21:28:51 2 0
wolvering 2019-06-24 20:29:21 2 0
woningwerelden 2018-01-15 07:32:07 2 0
work 2017-03-19 17:44:59 2 3930
workweek 2024-04-18 12:16:53 2 1
world government 2015-04-27 14:09:52 2 54
world order 2024-03-28 19:26:31 2 11
world shape 2015-09-09 03:07:28 2 0
year 2008 2015-12-24 08:33:28 2 1
yellowstone national park 2014-11-16 18:12:29 2 0
you 're personality 2019-11-03 02:36:02 2 0
you don t see 2015-11-07 14:33:51 2 8
your time 2014-01-02 17:28:51 2 11
your to 2014-01-04 09:43:20 2 5570
yuk 2022-10-12 21:54:51 2 16
yukteswar 2022-10-12 22:24:42 2 2
yurt 2022-11-19 21:03:13 2 1
zealand 2020-04-18 08:33:19 2 64
zero energy 2017-10-25 06:51:52 2 68
zero to one 2024-03-28 19:34:36 2 0
zeropoint 2020-02-01 15:05:21 2 0
zeus 2022-11-05 04:34:50 2 2
zika 2016-07-22 08:09:51 2 0
zoroastrian 2017-07-04 14:25:57 2 0
zoroastrianism 2017-07-04 14:26:06 2 0
monjoronson 73 2014-01-16 21:28:48 1 16
monjoronson 74 2014-01-16 21:33:43 1 15
monjoronson 75 2014-01-16 21:37:54 1 14
monjoronson 76 2014-01-16 21:59:15 1 15
monjoronson 77 2014-01-16 22:09:49 1 16
monjoronson 78 2014-01-16 22:26:36 1 16
monjoronson 79 2014-01-16 22:35:42 1 15
monjoronson 80 2014-01-16 22:47:03 1 642
monjoronson q/a 80 2014-01-16 22:48:27 1 47
q & a 46 2014-01-13 07:18:52 1 56
q & a 48 2014-01-13 07:39:06 1 70
q & a 49 2014-01-13 08:11:16 1 112
q & a 49, 50 2014-01-13 08:10:57 1 2
q & a 49 2014-01-13 08:13:59 1 112
q&a 47 2014-01-13 07:17:08 1 4
q/a 49 2014-01-13 08:13:03 1 12
" 2020-11-23 16:27:38 1 5802
" have hair " 2014-09-11 21:39:12 1 157
" one world government " 2015-10-05 08:08:43 1 443
" script alert 1 script 2018-08-21 07:20:12 1 13
"11 11 " 2015-11-11 10:25:45 1 3
"37 worlds in rebellion " 2016-10-02 06:19:50 1 9
"7 steps of stillness " 2015-12-23 10:51:31 1 10
"abraham hicks " 2019-06-14 12:15:49 1 0
"adjuster families " 2016-11-30 22:28:57 1 0
"age of michael of nebadon " 2016-12-12 12:32:35 1 0
"angelic mind " 2016-03-16 02:02:21 1 0
"archangel michael " 2015-05-25 05:50:16 1 1
"artificial intelligence " 2017-07-25 04:30:54 1 0
"astral travel " 2017-03-17 08:21:53 1 2
"august 2 " 2017-10-24 16:28:01 1 7
"august 2nd 1991 " 2017-10-24 16:34:10 1 0
"be still " 2015-01-22 16:44:53 1 91
"being small " 2015-09-20 22:51:31 1 10
"children of light " 2016-08-08 21:49:44 1 1
"circle of seven " 2018-07-10 22:12:52 1 0
"classical music " 2016-09-16 09:44:51 1 0
"community mission " 2017-05-16 09:53:33 1 0
"core values " 2016-06-15 10:51:13 1 2
"court trial of caligastia " 2015-11-01 11:26:03 1 0
"creation of nebadonia " 2016-12-12 12:32:51 1 0
"daniel raphael " inhabited 2018-05-30 18:09:39 1 0
"dark night " 2017-07-13 13:51:16 1 2
"death of a child " 2019-12-28 15:46:34 1 0
"destiny point " 2016-11-09 23:09:27 1 0
"destiny points " 2016-11-09 23:09:20 1 0
"dream in color " 2016-10-29 22:15:42 1 0
"dreaming in color " 2016-10-29 22:15:53 1 0
"ellen white " 2017-11-15 21:01:00 1 0
"exercises in humility " 2014-09-16 14:51:46 1 0
"fifth ephochal " 2017-08-22 15:56:06 1 0
"first circle " 2015-12-23 16:41:19 1 0
"first wave " 2016-12-04 00:16:05 1 0
"for those people " 2024-01-04 09:15:38 1 0
"free will " 2017-10-29 08:45:21 1 7
"gabriel of " 2017-11-15 15:18:46 1 3
"gabriel of prescott " 2016-08-11 15:10:43 1 0
"global sustainability " 2015-03-20 12:14:56 1 0
"global transformational change " 2014-12-09 15:09:33 1 0
"god the sevenfold " 2015-10-14 11:22:07 1 0
"grandfanda " 2018-10-21 18:27:03 1 0
"great flood " 2024-10-20 15:32:12 1 1
"hill of life " 2016-05-25 22:51:23 1 0
"hollow earth " 2017-02-26 00:30:38 1 0
"how to transmit " 2023-04-19 15:25:07 1 21
"intentional communities " 2016-11-16 14:28:23 1 0
"intentional community " 2016-11-16 14:28:49 1 0
"jesus papers " 2024-02-15 17:08:37 1 4
"jesus returns " 2024-10-14 20:29:25 1 5
"john mark " 2024-06-23 15:59:48 1 1
"judas iscariot " 2019-07-12 14:21:41 1 0
"let god control you " 2018-11-03 14:16:02 1 0
"liberate " 2020-10-17 12:04:14 1 0
"like water " 2020-05-10 23:04:39 1 0
"living water " 2015-12-11 15:48:32 1 0
"love energy " 2016-08-03 09:53:29 1 0
"love of god enfolds you " 2019-06-28 23:37:32 1 0
"mansion world three " 2016-12-09 18:47:00 1 0
"mansion worlds " 2016-12-09 18:47:14 1 0
"mark rogers " 2018-09-19 20:36:06 1 0
"may 28 2007 " 2016-03-20 12:31:34 1 0
"mental illness " 2019-06-13 09:55:33 1 1
"monjoronson 's mercy " 2014-09-16 23:11:27 1 0
"morontia eyes " 2016-09-05 21:39:45 1 0
"most high interventions " 2017-02-14 08:22:24 1 0
"near-death experience " 2019-03-17 03:39:51 1 0
"new era " 2015-07-23 08:21:36 1 7
"new era conversations " 2015-07-23 08:22:27 1 5
"new era transition " 2018-08-11 04:19:00 1 4
"new map " 2014-10-07 12:41:42 1 0
"number of species " 2015-06-08 16:59:10 1 0
"october 2017 " 2017-08-10 10:48:42 1 0
"one thousand " 2016-10-08 04:57:50 1 0
"population decimation " 2016-07-25 20:22:36 1 0
"population reduction " 2016-07-25 20:22:18 1 0
"prayer " father god 2019-01-11 09:40:59 1 13
"redrawn map " 2014-10-07 12:41:23 1 0
"ron besser " 2017-02-17 11:29:59 1 0
"sea level " 2019-12-05 00:48:38 1 0
"self-righteous " 2015-10-08 09:38:28 1 1
"self-righteousness " 2015-10-08 09:38:07 1 1
"sleeping survivor " 2016-10-16 22:36:57 1 0
"speaking in tongues " 2019-06-13 15:25:53 1 0
"special session " 2018-04-19 18:17:48 1 4
"special session 12 " 2018-04-19 18:17:32 1 3
"spirit of god enfolds you " 2019-06-28 23:38:18 1 0
"spiritual level " 2016-09-07 02:05:00 1 10
"spiritual value " 2016-09-07 02:06:24 1 9
"stained pink " 2017-04-07 19:15:10 1 0
"starting gate " 2015-09-24 23:02:07 1 0
"stella " 2018-07-17 04:11:46 1 0
"super universe one " 2018-10-21 18:26:04 1 7
"superuniverse one " 2018-10-21 18:25:45 1 0
"sword of truth " 2016-03-28 13:57:42 1 0
"tertiary finites " 2015-10-14 11:53:49 1 0
"the correcting time " 2015-01-02 23:58:42 1 76
"those people " 2024-01-04 09:17:43 1 20
"thousand years " 2016-10-08 04:57:11 1 0
"turn things around " 2016-10-31 14:37:40 1 0
"universal censor " 2018-08-16 22:58:06 1 1
"universal energy " 2015-06-14 23:27:16 1 4
"universe broadcast " 2015-02-10 01:30:40 1 0
"urantia book " 2024-01-08 19:56:39 1 4
"what is stillness " 2017-01-14 01:00:07 1 65
"what is the urantia book " 2016-09-13 15:28:21 1 66
"wherever you are god is " 2019-06-28 23:37:58 1 0
"why is so much fear associated with love " 2016-12-08 07:08:37 1 17
"yes and no " 2014-09-11 21:38:33 1 177
"you are god " 2018-10-23 22:45:34 1 0
"your heart " 2014-12-20 16:37:12 1 0
'community mission ' 2017-05-16 09:18:10 1 1
'dec ' and 'x ' 2021-12-12 11:07:02 1 0
'lightline 2016-05-16 14:28:02 1 0
'values 2016-08-22 12:05:22 1 0
100 000 2024-12-06 10:23:49 1 25
1000 2016-10-08 05:01:59 1 28
1088 1072 1081 2016-11-24 04:00:57 1 0
2001 monjoronson 2014-02-17 10:38:21 1 5
2002 2014-08-10 21:06:59 1 374
2007 mind reception 2014-03-23 11:28:25 1 11
2010 2016-09-30 08:48:16 1 68
2017 2016-12-10 13:08:21 1 0
21 2017-02-22 05:15:49 1 33
abc summaries 7-21-2012 manotia 2015-12-02 15:58:13 1 0
abortion 2019-10-20 08:39:52 1 25
adjuster families 2016-11-30 22:29:23 1 0
anchor the light 2024-06-16 06:55:36 1 4
and that pain that you feel is simply a testament 2015-09-26 20:36:51 1 28
and when i say "you " 2019-12-16 14:08:53 1 0
angels of industry and national life 2018-06-01 07:06:07 1 0
animal head 2022-07-04 01:28:31 1 236
armando 2013-10-19 15:18:29 1 5
arthritis 2016-04-29 09:04:26 1 14
artificial intelligence 2017-07-25 04:31:39 1 5
artist release 2018-11-18 19:05:17 1 30
artist release strive 2018-11-18 19:05:48 1 16
astral travel 2017-03-17 08:22:11 1 24
at length on the quagmire of legal issues 2019-12-16 14:02:40 1 0
august 2 1991 2017-10-24 16:34:33 1 2
august 21991 2017-10-24 16:34:22 1 0
being small 2015-09-20 22:51:58 1 13
blues of antares 2015-01-07 16:10:43 1 0
broadcast number 2017-11-19 04:03:48 1 3
brother ship 2015-05-28 05:06:40 1 90
brother ship of men 2015-05-28 05:06:31 1 89
brothership 2015-05-28 05:06:59 1 2
brothership of men 2015-05-28 05:06:15 1 2
case when 4271 9400 then 4271 else null end 2019-11-26 06:10:31 1 1110
case when 5413 5413 then 5413 else null end 2019-11-26 06:10:34 1 1110
changes 2014 2014-10-26 05:22:20 1 42
chanti 2016-08-03 10:37:17 1 6
circles of attainment 2018-09-03 21:44:47 1 104
circles of progression 2017-08-27 07:00:55 1 1
classical 2016-09-16 09:44:59 1 19
cleveland 2013-11-01 19:23:54 1 0
core value 2013-12-26 09:28:29 1 8
cosmic reserve corps 2022-11-13 16:54:40 1 5
course in miracles 2016-11-10 08:00:30 1 199
court trial of caligastia 2015-11-01 11:26:51 1 0
days of light and life 2019-12-07 17:17:29 1 13
dec 'x ' 2021-12-12 11:07:34 1 0
dec and 'x ' 2021-12-12 11:07:24 1 0
dec x 2021-12-12 11:07:45 1 3510
description of michael 2018-07-10 09:37:41 1 1
dickerson 2019-12-11 13:59:35 1 0
disrespect parents 2022-11-06 04:51:28 1 0
divine light 2016-08-02 20:01:58 1 1955
ephraim 2022-11-06 05:00:38 1 0
ernest clement 2020-02-20 22:06:12 1 0
extinct 2023-02-03 01:45:13 1 16
february 15 2004 2016-06-23 07:57:23 1 1
fifth 2017-08-22 15:56:14 1 204
fifth epochal 2017-08-22 15:57:35 1 133
first circle 2015-12-23 16:41:41 1 19
first epochal revelation 2020-12-29 06:53:26 1 157
first wave 2016-12-04 00:16:18 1 17
flooding 2020-10-18 22:25:02 1 46
fusing with higher self 2016-07-17 11:52:59 1 27
gabriel of urantia 2017-11-15 15:19:24 1 147
gaia 2015-12-06 02:05:29 1 40
game design 2023-12-02 19:39:20 1 0
gender differences 2018-03-25 21:16:33 1 73
gender skills 2018-03-25 21:00:55 1 55
global sustainability 2015-03-20 12:15:30 1 11
global transformational change 2014-12-09 15:09:44 1 0
gods will 2024-04-27 08:45:55 1 230
gospels 2018-11-09 20:39:22 1 14
grays 2017-03-09 01:48:49 1 4
hair 2014-09-11 21:39:28 1 157
have hair 2014-09-11 21:38:56 1 157
heal my body 2016-06-25 03:02:42 1 0
hicks 2019-06-14 12:15:57 1 7
hot pen 2019-04-11 09:21:58 1 454
how transmit 2023-04-19 15:25:20 1 387
human life continuum 2017-06-06 17:06:53 1 8
i ll gin 20 2020-12-24 19:33:30 1 3988
i will be your spiritual leader 2019-12-16 14:13:36 1 0
ice 2015-09-26 00:46:15 1 4896
idaho 2018-09-19 20:36:42 1 994
impressions 2016-08-06 22:29:41 1 211
imprinting upon monjoronson 's mercy 2014-09-16 23:12:51 1 0
indigo children 2015-04-21 05:13:08 1 36
individual relationship with 2019-12-16 14:16:28 1 11
injuries 2015-11-22 16:18:29 1 7
intentional community 2016-11-16 14:29:08 1 43
intervention 2017-02-14 08:22:34 1 170
introducing wave 2014-01-28 22:45:48 1 21
james oct 4 1992 2015-08-25 17:17:56 1 5
jesse 2017-10-24 16:28:26 1 4
jesus soul 2015-09-14 13:54:09 1 0
john mark 2024-06-23 16:00:05 1 29
left handed 2013-10-08 06:36:44 1 68
letting god take over 2018-11-03 14:16:23 1 0
like water 2020-05-10 23:05:07 1 45
lucifer rebellion 2016-10-02 06:20:33 1 423
manipulating energy 2016-04-09 12:29:49 1 6
mansion 2016-12-09 18:47:38 1 838
manturgia 2015-12-30 18:10:45 1 0
mar 23 2002 2016-06-23 07:49:48 1 21
mar 23 2004 2016-06-23 07:50:41 1 24
mar 25 2002 2016-06-23 07:54:26 1 25
material gravity 2018-12-12 17:12:43 1 102
meat 2022-11-06 02:37:40 1 87
megow 2019-12-11 13:48:20 1 9
melchizekek 2020-12-20 21:20:01 1 0
mental illness 2013-11-25 01:18:51 1 139
monjoronson 62 2009 2014-01-14 09:36:38 1 2
monjoronson q & a 49 2014-01-13 08:14:45 1 16
monjoronson - new spiritual circuitry - teaching 2015-06-20 12:10:48 1 0
monjoronson mercy 2014-09-16 23:11:44 1 9
monjoronson mercy donna 2014-09-16 23:11:58 1 0
monjoronson new spiritual circuitry teaching 2015-06-20 12:11:07 1 1
monjoronson q&a #46 2014-01-13 07:16:21 1 0
monjoronson q&a #47 2014-01-13 07:16:34 1 1
monjoronson q&a #62 2014-01-14 09:35:46 1 0
monjoronson q&a 46 2014-01-13 07:16:08 1 0
monjoronson q&a 59 2014-01-14 08:45:15 1 1
monjoronson q&a 62 2014-01-14 09:35:20 1 2
monjoronson q/a #62 2014-01-14 09:35:55 1 0
monjoronson q/a 59 2014-01-14 08:45:40 1 6
monjoronson q/a 60 2014-01-14 08:58:36 1 9
monjoronson q/a 62 2009 2014-01-14 09:36:31 1 0
monjronson q&a 46 2014-01-13 07:15:54 1 0
morontia vision 2016-09-05 21:40:06 1 21
mutual admiration 2013-11-19 14:52:05 1 32
nebadon 2017-11-13 16:29:09 1 866
news 2014-08-15 15:13:37 1 0
niann 2016-08-11 17:19:52 1 0
no longer 2014-08-10 19:50:30 1 1559
nothing that already is can be changed " 2016-07-22 11:40:50 1 0
october 2017 2017-08-10 10:48:54 1 0
ophelia 2018-08-16 23:11:07 1 6
orbs 2014-02-14 12:23:36 1 6
paradiz 2016-11-24 04:01:17 1 0
paramahansa yogananda 2014-08-14 16:35:57 1 0
past life 2018-10-06 03:19:38 1 2248
past live 2018-10-06 03:20:00 1 1460
perspective is that of the most high 2019-12-16 14:02:02 1 0
pet 2016-11-08 03:34:41 1 1608
phraim 2022-11-06 05:00:33 1 0
preparadness 2016-04-29 08:43:59 1 0
problems 2024-04-04 06:47:41 1 1185
putin 2016-10-14 14:51:37 1 0
q&a #69 2014-01-16 20:57:37 1 0
q&a 69 2014-01-16 20:57:46 1 8
q&a 70 2014-01-16 20:59:06 1 12
q&a 71 2014-01-16 21:08:38 1 11
q&a 72 2014-01-16 21:21:23 1 10
q&a 73 2014-01-16 21:27:07 1 6
q/a #69 2014-01-16 20:57:22 1 0
q/a 69 2014-01-16 20:57:55 1 12
q/a 70 2014-01-16 20:58:33 1 13
q/a 72 2014-01-16 21:21:45 1 12
q/a 73 2014-01-16 21:26:37 1 11
rays on 2017-02-26 00:41:35 1 91
rayson 2017-02-26 00:42:01 1 206
regeneration of urantia 2019-12-15 10:33:13 1 1
remote viewing 2016-08-26 20:43:30 1 34
ribbon of love 2015-09-22 11:39:13 1 34
ron 2015-11-27 20:27:09 1 5394
ronald besser 2015-11-27 17:45:12 1 3
russia 2016-10-14 14:51:56 1 28
schools of the prince 2021-06-18 08:21:10 1 0
sea 2019-12-05 00:50:03 1 2284
self-forgiveness 2017-01-22 17:05:46 1 760
session 2018-04-19 18:18:21 1 209
session 12 2018-04-19 18:17:59 1 336
sex 2017-07-13 13:52:26 1 304
shasta 2016-04-22 03:15:24 1 0
six core values of social sustainability 2016-09-13 09:52:33 1 6
size of paradise 2017-03-29 09:23:06 1 501
species 2015-06-08 16:59:45 1 384
species in universe 2015-06-08 16:59:24 1 304
spirit of truth 2016-06-04 23:45:49 1 2837
spirit truth 2016-06-04 23:45:27 1 2837
stillbirth 2019-10-20 08:56:55 1 1
stillness 2015-12-23 10:52:33 1 1998
stillness 7 2015-12-23 10:56:36 1 724
suicide bombers 2016-03-09 02:45:52 1 10
suicide bombers terrorists 2016-03-09 02:45:32 1 0
supreme 2023-03-19 10:27:10 1 1333
survivor 2016-10-16 22:37:05 1 30
sustainability 2017-04-13 00:36:25 1 189
sword of truth 2016-03-28 13:57:56 1 6
symposium 2017-01-25 04:10:19 1 0
systemic problems 2019-12-16 14:03:54 1 1
taliasvan 2016-08-11 15:10:55 1 0
terrorists 2015-02-12 11:09:51 1 24
the 2018-11-06 09:15:56 1 1
the 6 core values of social sustainability 2016-04-15 17:01:27 1 7
the quagmire of legal issues 2019-12-16 14:02:57 1 0
the will of god 2014-08-10 10:07:11 1 0
third eye 2019-09-21 11:28:44 1 4
thought adjuster 2015-01-22 16:46:06 1 1695
thousand 2016-10-08 04:57:22 1 436
three core values 2014-03-14 22:15:41 1 100
time travel 2024-04-23 00:49:23 1 6
tony 2016-08-11 17:14:45 1 36
tony delevin 2016-08-11 15:09:12 1 0
tr lessons 2014-09-12 01:15:05 1 0
trump 2024-03-04 00:30:22 1 4
uncarnation 2014-11-08 16:52:32 1 0
urantia book symposium 2017-01-25 04:10:09 1 0
value 2013-12-26 09:27:38 1 9
war 2016-10-14 14:53:55 1 5294
whisper session 5 2014-12-22 00:15:23 1 20
whispers session 2 sonsamel gabriella siraya ener 2015-06-14 23:28:54 1 0
xavier audio 2020-04-27 21:06:10 1 1
you are gods 2018-10-23 22:45:47 1 0
" no longer" 2014-08-10 19:50:46 1 0
"a course in miracles" 2014-04-07 21:07:57 1 1
"adjuster fusion" 2014-01-16 21:15:06 1 0
"articles of faith" 2014-08-01 16:08:46 1 0
"becoming a t/r" 2015-01-26 22:03:52 1 0
"esu" 2014-02-03 14:33:35 1 0
"fabric of the universe" 2014-01-12 18:25:04 1 0
"father held" 2014-06-07 03:39:52 1 0
"father-held" 2014-06-07 03:40:03 1 0
"grand harmonic" 2014-01-12 18:26:51 1 0
"levels of love" 2014-07-02 15:17:09 1 0
"light anchor" 2014-01-21 18:00:50 1 0
"light line conference call" 2014-01-31 00:53:45 1 0
"most out of this life" 2014-04-25 13:23:25 1 0
"proof of god" 2014-02-17 00:28:23 1 1
"religious proof" 2014-02-17 00:30:33 1 0
"scientific proof" 2014-02-17 00:30:11 1 0
"social sustainability" 2014-04-13 12:18:51 1 0
"spiritual experience" 2014-04-14 17:27:24 1 1
"tenents of faith" 2014-08-01 16:08:37 1 0
"time line" 2014-07-10 11:58:04 1 0
#10 2014-02-08 15:35:26 1 22
** 2014-01-24 23:06:58 1 11
0 energy 2015-07-27 16:31:13 1 2779
05 29 05 2019-02-22 12:24:35 1 92
09 10 2006 2017-12-30 20:23:13 1 19
0920 2024-05-24 20:59:57 1 0
092103 2014-03-04 02:34:41 1 0
09jul2015 mark rogers 2016-06-28 19:38:13 1 0
0fqfu 2022-12-20 05:56:44 1 0
1 ' 2022-05-31 18:55:24 1 0
1 ' ' 2022-01-20 17:00:57 1 0
1 ' and 1750 8234 and ' ' ' 2022-01-20 17:01:11 1 0
1 ' and 2383 select 2383 from pg sleep 5 and ' ' ' 2022-01-20 17:02:12 1 0
1 ' and 3026 4581 and 'sdpz ' 'sdpz 2022-05-08 15:30:26 1 0
1 ' and 3094 5287 and 'chnt ' 'chnt 2022-05-08 15:59:25 1 0
1 ' and 3561 7768 and 'eyeo ' 'eyeo 2022-01-20 17:01:09 1 0
1 ' and 4406 1701 and 'fbzo ' 'fbzo 2022-05-08 15:30:36 1 0
1 ' and 5225 9120 and 'jwqg ' 'jwqg 2022-01-20 17:01:06 1 0
1 ' and 6125 6125 and ' ' ' 2022-01-20 17:01:12 1 0
1 ' and 6125 6125 and 'jdjq ' 'jdjq 2022-01-20 17:01:10 1 0
1 ' and 6125 6125 and 'qust ' 'qust 2022-01-20 17:01:08 1 0
1 ' and 6333 6333 and 'hbnl ' 'hbnl 2022-05-08 15:59:31 1 0
1 ' and 6333 6333 and 'tlem ' 'tlem 2022-05-08 15:59:20 1 0
1 ' and 8479 8868 and 'ifll ' 'ifll 2022-05-08 15:59:12 1 0
1 ' and 9877 9877 and 'eovf ' 'eovf 2022-05-08 15:30:42 1 0
1 ' and 9877 9877 and 'pype ' 'pype 2022-05-08 15:30:32 1 0
1 ' and sleep 5 and ' ' ' 2022-01-20 17:02:06 1 0
1 ' and sleep 5 and 'gyik ' 'gyik 2022-01-20 17:02:03 1 0
1 ' and sleep 5 and 'qmyg ' 'qmyg 2022-01-20 17:02:04 1 0
1 ' order by 1-- dqfv 2022-05-08 16:03:21 1 0
1 ' order by 1-- fnuq 2022-01-20 17:03:05 1 0
1 ' order by 1-- fqpp 2022-05-08 15:34:35 1 0
1 ' order by 1-- lagh 2022-05-08 16:03:30 1 0
1 ' order by 1-- mmfh 2022-05-08 15:34:26 1 0
1 ' order by 1-- qpjt 2022-01-20 17:02:56 1 0
1 ' order by 1-- xwpw 2022-01-20 17:03:16 1 0
1 ' order by 2364-- qpsb 2022-01-20 17:03:16 1 0
1 ' order by 3536 2022-01-20 17:03:39 1 0
1 ' order by 4163 2022-01-20 17:03:47 1 0
1 ' order by 4422-- pfcp 2022-01-20 17:03:06 1 0
1 ' order by 7928-- qflm 2022-01-20 17:02:56 1 0
1 ' order by 7957 2022-01-20 17:03:50 1 0
1 ' union all select null null null null-- amgf 2022-01-20 17:03:00 1 0
1 ' union all select null null null null-- hooe 2022-01-20 17:03:20 1 0
1 ' union all select null null null null-- ykeg 2022-01-20 17:03:10 1 0
1 ' union all select null null null-- cajb 2022-01-20 17:03:19 1 0
1 ' union all select null null null-- uzun 2022-01-20 17:02:59 1 0
1 ' union all select null null null-- zbix 2022-01-20 17:03:09 1 0
1 ' union all select null null-- bizs 2022-01-20 17:03:18 1 0
1 ' union all select null null-- ozlh 2022-01-20 17:02:58 1 0
1 ' union all select null null-- texo 2022-01-20 17:03:08 1 0
1 ' union all select null-- bbot 2022-01-20 17:03:07 1 0
1 ' union all select null-- ifyu 2022-01-20 17:03:17 1 0
1 ' union all select null-- lkvw 2022-01-20 17:02:58 1 0
1 ' waitfor delay '0 0 5 ' and ' ' ' 2022-01-20 17:02:19 1 0
1 ' waitfor delay '0 0 5 ' and 'bmxd ' 'bmxd 2022-05-08 15:33:35 1 0
1 ' waitfor delay '0 0 5 ' and 'ewvh ' 'ewvh 2022-05-08 16:02:31 1 0
1 ' waitfor delay '0 0 5 ' and 'htle ' 'htle 2022-05-08 16:02:27 1 0
1 ' waitfor delay '0 0 5 ' and 'kiad ' 'kiad 2022-01-20 17:02:17 1 0
1 ' waitfor delay '0 0 5 ' and 'tufb ' 'tufb 2022-05-08 15:33:38 1 0
1 ' waitfor delay '0 0 5 ' and 'xotf ' 'xotf 2022-01-20 17:02:18 1 0
1 'brctcp ' " qylltu 2022-05-08 15:58:08 1 0
1 'kmcmho ' " prpnss 2022-05-08 15:29:28 1 0
1 'rdpamo ' " nmkevp 2022-01-20 17:00:57 1 0
1 2 3 lesson 2024-10-25 09:35:29 1 1340
1 4 1997 2024-11-14 14:29:38 1 61
1 and 1779 2091 and 6571 6571 2022-05-08 15:29:51 1 0
1 and 2383 select 2383 from pg sleep 5 2022-01-20 17:02:08 1 0
1 and 2383 select 2383 from pg sleep 5 -- tiuc 2022-01-20 17:02:09 1 0
1 and 3436 1582 and 8573 8573 2022-01-20 17:01:00 1 0
1 and 3742 5715 2022-05-08 15:30:05 1 0
1 and 5182 1558-- jihx 2022-01-20 17:01:04 1 0
1 and 6125 6125 2022-01-20 17:01:03 1 0
1 and 6125 6125 and 9360 9360 2022-01-20 17:01:01 1 0
1 and 6125 6125-- ptxr 2022-01-20 17:01:05 1 0
1 and 6333 6333 2022-05-08 15:58:56 1 0
1 and 6333 6333 and 1020 1020 2022-05-08 15:58:44 1 0
1 and 7671 2117 and 3004 3004 2022-05-08 15:58:35 1 0
1 and 7977 7607 2022-01-20 17:01:02 1 0
1 and 8691 7557 2022-05-08 15:58:49 1 0
1 and 8792 select 8792 from pg sleep 5 2022-05-08 16:02:03 1 0
1 and 8792 select 8792 from pg sleep 5 -- ehsg 2022-05-08 16:02:06 1 0
1 and 9679 select 9679 from pg sleep 5 2022-05-08 15:33:15 1 0
1 and 9679 select 9679 from pg sleep 5 -- ffqm 2022-05-08 15:33:18 1 0
1 and 9877 9877 2022-05-08 15:30:11 1 0
1 and 9877 9877 and 5574 5574 2022-05-08 15:30:00 1 0
1 and select 1892 from select sleep 5 jxkm 2022-05-08 15:33:00 1 0
1 and select 1892 from select sleep 5 jxkm -- astw 2022-05-08 15:33:02 1 0
1 and select 3431 from select sleep 5 uoxa 2022-05-08 16:01:47 1 0
1 and select 3431 from select sleep 5 uoxa -- cjsj 2022-05-08 16:01:50 1 0
1 and sleep 5 2022-01-20 17:02:01 1 0
1 and sleep 5 -- uahn 2022-01-20 17:02:02 1 0
1 and sleep 5 and 4893 4893 2022-01-20 17:01:59 1 0
1 order by 1-- jngn 2022-05-08 15:33:57 1 0
1 order by 1-- ldfd 2022-05-08 15:34:07 1 0
1 order by 1-- lheo 2022-05-08 16:03:13 1 0
1 order by 1-- naio 2022-01-20 17:02:48 1 0
1 order by 1-- nwad 2022-05-08 15:34:16 1 0
1 order by 1-- qino 2022-05-08 16:03:04 1 0
1 order by 1-- sogv 2022-01-20 17:02:40 1 0
1 order by 1-- vdau 2022-01-20 17:02:26 1 0
1 order by 1-- yjhy 2022-05-08 16:02:52 1 0
1 order by 4057 2022-01-20 17:03:25 1 0
1 order by 5080 2022-01-20 17:03:32 1 0
1 order by 7235-- bksz 2022-01-20 17:02:49 1 0
1 order by 9668 2022-01-20 17:03:35 1 0
1 order by 9764-- odkc 2022-01-20 17:02:41 1 0
1 order by 9837-- icys 2022-01-20 17:02:27 1 0
1 union all select null null null null null-- khjv 2022-01-20 17:02:52 1 0
1 union all select null null null null null-- obnp 2022-01-20 17:02:44 1 0
1 union all select null null null null null-- wfpc 2022-01-20 17:02:33 1 0
1 union all select null null null null-- lozq 2022-01-20 17:02:44 1 0
1 union all select null null null null-- txqs 2022-01-20 17:02:32 1 0
1 union all select null null null null-- vtmm 2022-01-20 17:02:51 1 0
1 union all select null null null-- jvis 2022-01-20 17:02:43 1 0
1 union all select null null null-- likt 2022-01-20 17:02:51 1 0
1 union all select null null null-- pucq 2022-01-20 17:02:31 1 0
1 union all select null null-- mhaw 2022-01-20 17:02:30 1 0
1 union all select null null-- pyty 2022-01-20 17:02:42 1 0
1 union all select null null-- yqpn 2022-01-20 17:02:50 1 0
1 union all select null-- beqd 2022-01-20 17:02:42 1 0
1 union all select null-- olhs 2022-01-20 17:02:50 1 0
1 union all select null-- zhap 2022-01-20 17:02:28 1 0
1 waitfor delay '0 0 5 ' and 1573 1573 2022-05-08 16:02:17 1 0
1 waitfor delay '0 0 5 ' and 2455 2455 2022-05-08 15:33:27 1 0
1 waitfor delay '0 0 5 ' and 5547 5547 2022-01-20 17:02:13 1 0
1 waitfor delay '0 0 5 '-- daju 2022-01-20 17:02:16 1 0
1 waitfor delay '0 0 5 '-- lvxe 2022-05-08 16:02:24 1 0
1 waitfor delay '0 0 5 '-- rlji 2022-05-08 15:33:32 1 0
1-2-3 2016-10-06 00:19:08 1 0
1-2-3 exercise 2024-10-31 16:51:30 1 0
1-2-3 lesson 2024-10-25 09:35:10 1 0
10 2024-05-12 08:39:47 1 1652
10 commandment 2017-06-11 06:22:57 1 22
10 million 2022-06-04 08:20:26 1 6
100 planets 2017-05-20 08:22:21 1 2
100 rebellious planet 2017-05-20 10:00:12 1 0
1000 years 2020-11-27 16:02:56 1 9
11 1 progress 2017-02-01 12:24:53 1 76
11 11 emergency platoon 2018-12-06 16:34:00 1 7
11 11 progres 2017-02-01 12:24:42 1 0
11 aspects 2023-04-16 07:50:39 1 2
11 energies 2023-04-16 07:50:54 1 0
1110 2016-11-25 12:23:15 1 0
1111 meaning 2019-12-27 02:38:05 1 8
1111 progress group 2015-01-21 19:42:58 1 18
1111 time prompt 2014-08-23 02:02:39 1 0
11th hour 2016-12-07 21:30:34 1 4
12 2017-11-13 01:41:00 1 1272
12 17 2007 2015-01-20 19:18:27 1 0
12 articles manuscript 2017-11-13 15:00:14 1 3
12 bell 2020-12-24 23:58:46 1 44
12 papers 2017-11-13 01:41:53 1 146
12.28.13 2014-06-08 22:33:14 1 0
121505 2014-04-03 12:03:02 1 0
123 2014-10-30 08:08:37 1 43
139 2015-03-06 11:34:28 1 37
144 2022-11-21 15:15:31 1 11
144,000 2014-07-13 00:25:30 1 0
1440000 2014-07-13 00:26:16 1 0
15 2016-02-26 09:31:38 1 8
16 mars 2012 2018-11-10 09:06:00 1 0
16 of september 2011 2016-11-02 13:12:27 1 6
160703 2016-07-04 15:10:14 1 0
1717 2023-10-17 10:03:12 1 0
1755 2023-12-02 12:04:07 1 0
18-24 months 2015-02-04 07:42:25 1 0
1875 2021-10-24 23:30:44 1 0
1880 2024-05-13 14:31:05 1 0
1887 2024-05-20 16:09:47 1 0
1890 2024-05-13 14:31:19 1 0
1900 2024-05-13 14:31:29 1 13
1940 2024-05-13 15:45:26 1 6
1941 2017-01-21 18:08:03 1 1
195 2024-05-13 12:46:25 1 33
1951 2024-05-13 15:48:42 1 0
1952 2024-05-13 15:48:48 1 0
1953 2024-05-13 15:48:54 1 0
1956 2024-05-13 18:25:05 1 0
19567 2024-05-13 18:25:10 1 0
1957 2024-05-13 18:25:18 1 0
1958 2024-05-13 18:25:28 1 1
1959 2024-05-13 18:27:49 1 1
1961 2024-05-13 18:32:37 1 1
1962 2024-05-13 18:33:28 1 2
1963 2024-05-13 18:35:51 1 1
1972 ndash 2024-05-09 13:39:32 1 18
1975 2024-05-14 13:30:16 1 3
1976 2024-05-14 13:30:42 1 5
1977 2024-05-14 13:31:42 1 6
1978 2024-05-14 13:32:29 1 6
1981 2024-05-14 13:47:39 1 3
1982 2024-05-14 13:48:05 1 3
1988 2024-05-21 21:25:28 1 8
1995 nw 2013-11-17 19:34:19 1 42
1kk5l 2023-08-21 15:08:00 1 0
1st aspect 2015-11-27 17:36:31 1 1
1st epochal revelation 2017-12-03 23:06:55 1 9
2 2017-11-01 14:56:07 1 5390
2 15 2007 2024-02-22 15:28:15 1 26
2 3 2019-01-19 06:34:35 1 3760
2 witnesses 2017-09-26 06:02:40 1 0
20 percent 2023-08-23 12:10:13 1 128
2000 machiventa 2016-07-06 00:39:33 1 64
2001 september 11 2017-11-12 03:02:07 1 17
2004 gerdean 2013-11-07 02:43:27 1 13
2007 'a 0 2016-08-05 11:20:44 1 242
2008-03-23 2018-02-16 11:16:00 1 258
2011 2017-11-21 21:11:11 1 365
2011 spiritual 2017-11-21 21:43:03 1 248
2012 30th of december 2023-04-16 10:48:12 1 0
2012 urantia 2016-10-28 21:41:45 1 211
2012-08-01 2013-10-24 17:38:28 1 12
2013-12-28 2021-01-15 23:36:44 1 149
2014 slap 2014-06-18 13:23:22 1 0
2014-07-10 2016-02-26 13:12:00 1 3
2015 changes 2014-10-26 04:59:27 1 4
2015-07-09 2016-09-05 21:52:28 1 60
2016 michael 2020-08-24 12:33:44 1 20
2016 monjoronson 2016-08-02 14:38:51 1 7
2017 michael 2020-08-24 13:31:48 1 1
2019 michael 2020-08-24 13:32:00 1 0
2020 rayson lesson 2020-08-04 16:12:53 1 0
2026 2018-04-20 22:26:25 1 0
2028 2018-04-20 22:24:06 1 0
2032 2014-10-26 05:23:45 1 0
2040 2018-04-20 22:25:03 1 1
2045 2018-04-20 22:25:40 1 0
22 2016-03-22 10:36:25 1 647
22 june 2017-06-28 07:24:31 1 74
2254 2014-10-03 23:25:18 1 0
24jan2017-califax-practice tape-alderfer mp3 2017-01-24 20:55:06 1 0
2790 2016-07-29 16:05:23 1 0
2914 2014-07-08 10:39:22 1 0
2nd aspect 2016-05-03 01:13:54 1 1
3 core values 2013-12-26 09:35:55 1 8
3 aspects sustainability 2014-07-15 11:40:20 1 0
3 moral imperatives 2014-11-14 21:39:50 1 3
3 steps stillness 2023-06-23 04:55:21 1 13
310 2020-03-20 09:58:02 1 55
36,000 year cycle 2014-03-06 21:39:37 1 0
3608 2022-05-08 15:57:59 1 0
37 apostate 2015-10-01 14:55:09 1 1
37 worlds in rebellion 2016-10-02 06:19:11 1 37
39 2015-07-12 10:20:47 1 0
3d holographic 2024-04-12 17:14:37 1 0
3d instructional materials 2023-06-22 03:59:01 1 2
3d rotating 2024-04-12 17:04:00 1 1
3d teaching material 2023-06-22 03:58:14 1 0
3d training 2023-12-07 17:33:06 1 0
3rd eye 2019-09-21 11:26:36 1 0
3rd type 2019-03-23 17:12:37 1 23
3th eye 2019-09-21 11:26:18 1 0
40 hour 2023-11-14 09:37:05 1 0
432 2024-11-01 10:45:01 1 8
4th epochal revelation 2017-12-03 23:20:49 1 5
500th 2013-11-27 11:19:41 1 1
57 2015-11-16 15:28:22 1 63
59 2019-03-26 21:49:03 1 146
5g 2020-06-16 23:38:07 1 22
5july2017 2018-01-13 13:33:24 1 0
6 2016-04-04 20:54:24 1 3503
6 1 1997 2014-09-13 08:37:56 1 0
6 core valu 2018-01-15 15:53:58 1 0
6 core values 2008 year 2018-01-16 13:02:32 1 0
6-21-07 adjuster series 2014-03-23 11:25:20 1 0
6-21-07 teleconference 2014-03-23 11:26:39 1 0
606 2015-06-23 02:49:26 1 85
6756 2022-01-20 17:00:56 1 0
6th epochal revelation 2017-12-03 23:05:09 1 7
7 2014 2021-08-26 09:49:52 1 50
7 28 2014 2021-08-26 09:48:35 1 7
7 9 2015 2016-11-18 19:57:02 1 19
7 epochs 2014-02-01 18:47:44 1 10
7 steps stillness 2014-06-02 00:09:44 1 240
7 values 2019-04-23 18:36:54 1 472
7-21-2012 2015-12-01 20:38:18 1 4
7-21-2012 manotia 2015-12-02 15:58:26 1 11
7-31-92 2017-11-20 17:42:20 1 0
7-31-92 - interaction with a transmitter 2017-11-20 17:42:08 1 0
77 2022-01-16 04:16:20 1 62
77 facet 2022-01-16 04:16:45 1 0
8 21 08 2017-11-20 12:05:29 1 255
8 hours 2024-04-18 12:18:13 1 5
80 percent 2023-08-23 12:09:48 1 71
800 2022-11-19 21:02:47 1 11
8141 2019-11-26 06:09:03 1 1110
862 2020-04-05 16:35:51 1 55
8782 2022-05-08 15:29:20 1 0
9/11 2014-02-14 19:48:23 1 0
99 planets 2017-05-20 08:21:55 1 0
a course of love 2018-07-09 14:27:39 1 2559
a kit 2024-04-06 16:58:05 1 2
aacim and ub 2020-02-20 22:04:56 1 0
aar 2024-08-12 10:50:45 1 335
ab negative blood type 2014-10-22 23:26:43 1 0
abadon 2016-10-05 13:32:08 1 0
abadonter 2019-02-07 07:53:21 1 0
abandonter 2019-02-07 07:53:14 1 0
abbadon 2016-10-05 13:32:17 1 0
abbreviate 2019-03-24 17:33:51 1 1
abc flurries 2017-05-17 00:37:40 1 3
abc123 2014-10-30 08:09:00 1 0
abc22 2014-07-15 16:00:52 1 4
abc3 2024-12-22 23:10:49 1 1
abdomen 2015-10-24 15:07:59 1 5
abducted 2015-06-09 23:16:06 1 6
abgon 2016-08-10 03:09:59 1 0
ability to hear 2014-01-18 02:19:09 1 38
ability to t/r 2014-01-18 02:16:35 1 0
abje " ' 2021-11-22 03:07:53 1 0
abje 'mzomfl ' " pitnmn 2021-11-22 03:08:05 1 0
abnerian 2017-01-19 19:18:59 1 0
about suicide 2019-10-06 05:43:15 1 85
abraam 2014-07-07 14:58:03 1 0
abraham 2011 2014-02-01 22:57:41 1 16
abraham and sarah 2018-10-16 23:50:58 1 0
abraham lincoln 2013-10-09 14:45:29 1 2
abraham missing 2014-03-05 23:46:08 1 17
abraham october 05 2016-06-05 11:37:40 1 16
abraham october 26 1998 2017-02-12 03:00:54 1 4
abraham october 5 1998 2017-02-10 17:33:38 1 5
abraham's bosom 2014-06-29 20:15:43 1 6
abraham, 2010 2014-02-01 11:31:01 1 15
abraham, april 2010 2014-02-01 11:30:18 1 0
abraham, may 2010 2014-02-01 11:30:38 1 7
absolute 2015-02-10 08:05:23 1 565
absolution 2018-04-29 17:13:00 1 3
abtu 2016-03-22 10:31:15 1 0
abu 2016-03-22 10:31:26 1 993
abundant 2024-01-12 14:16:24 1 209
abundantly 2024-01-12 14:18:43 1 122
aby15 2022-05-29 20:06:51 1 0
abyss 2020-11-24 19:09:25 1 37
accelerated learning 2024-11-27 23:25:26 1 2
accenture 2023-03-28 18:36:44 1 0
accupuncture 2018-12-04 00:54:42 1 0
acid 2014-06-22 21:11:17 1 13
acim and ub 2020-02-20 22:05:02 1 19
acol 2018-07-09 14:28:04 1 1
acorns 2016-03-11 10:48:27 1 4
action 2017-10-16 06:09:18 1 1578
activating your free will 2013-10-12 14:04:28 1 31
active and inspiring 2019-12-16 14:15:14 1 0
acumen 2023-03-08 08:52:02 1 14
acupuncture 2018-12-04 00:58:34 1 7
adam and eve schools 2016-08-08 13:04:46 1 2
adams cunsort 2018-08-29 12:22:31 1 0
adamson 2019-08-31 21:38:34 1 0
add 2016-06-07 08:24:10 1 3239
additioal adjuntant mind spirits 2016-09-20 08:27:55 1 0
additional adjudant ind spirits 2016-09-20 08:24:16 1 0
adhd 2016-09-11 07:58:32 1 3
adjucation of the realm 2014-07-06 21:34:07 1 0
adjudcation 2017-07-20 07:31:53 1 0
adjudi of lucifer rebellioncation 2016-06-25 00:23:12 1 0
adjudicated 2015-08-12 01:20:34 1 0
adjudication fall 1985 2016-08-16 08:57:25 1 3
adjudication lucifer 2016-08-21 20:51:27 1 116
adjudication lucifer statement 2016-08-21 21:06:35 1 38
adjudication lucifer testimony 2016-08-21 21:11:45 1 14
adjudication lucifer testomony 2016-08-21 20:58:34 1 0
adjudication lucifer words 2016-08-21 20:59:04 1 78
adjudication of lucifer rebellion 2016-06-25 00:23:44 1 101
adjudication of satan 2016-09-05 17:59:31 1 0
adjudication%20of%20the%20lucifer%20rebellion 2014-08-28 05:03:33 1 100
adjuster broadcast 2017-02-28 07:00:06 1 0
adjuster families 2016-11-30 22:28:34 1 258
adjuster series 2016-11-06 00:36:31 1 313
adjuster to adjuster 2016-06-23 23:01:22 1 48
adjuster training 2014-04-13 03:21:49 1 389
adjuster voice iam mepresence 2018-06-26 14:58:23 1 0
adjusters 2018-03-28 10:31:34 1 0
adjutant 2015-01-08 23:03:42 1 209
adjutant mind spirits 2017-08-06 10:28:40 1 149
adolf hitler 2017-07-26 09:16:25 1 6
adoption 2016-08-03 07:24:52 1 22
adrenal 2018-04-12 00:02:17 1 0
adulter 2014-08-26 19:10:18 1 0
advent 2013-12-07 15:34:03 1 86
adversity 2016-11-26 16:06:21 1 218
adyashanti 2019-06-14 12:18:13 1 0
affirmation 2017-01-25 22:26:03 1 145
affraid 2014-07-18 18:03:48 1 0
afonta 2021-03-21 15:31:24 1 2
afraid of 2014-07-18 18:04:13 1 920
after death 2016-11-10 14:19:40 1 92
agartha 2020-11-27 08:01:53 1 0
agarthians 2020-11-27 08:02:03 1 0
age christ 2017-07-28 00:12:30 1 1581
age of mary 2014-08-14 15:03:29 1 458
aghartia 2015-02-28 07:41:26 1 0
agondonter status 2016-10-05 15:34:41 1 96
agondontes 2014-06-16 07:14:44 1 0
agondontors 2017-06-27 09:10:34 1 7
ahbecetri 2024-12-23 00:06:00 1 1
ahuramazda 2017-05-05 00:42:57 1 0
airbnb 2023-08-03 20:38:32 1 0
airborne 2022-11-21 10:13:05 1 4
aircraft 2015-06-04 02:10:43 1 10
airport 2024-01-14 20:48:24 1 15
airports 2024-01-14 20:48:19 1 0
ajudicated 2024-08-31 15:24:35 1 0
ajuster broadcast 2017-02-28 06:59:47 1 0
ajuster helpers 2016-04-28 16:13:41 1 0
akashi 2018-08-24 16:24:32 1 0
akashick 2017-07-14 11:01:08 1 0
akashik 2018-08-24 16:24:12 1 0
akban 2018-10-16 09:55:23 1 0
akhban 2018-10-16 09:55:34 1 0
akhenaten 2022-05-01 13:38:18 1 1
akinisia 2022-04-30 13:07:28 1 0
alan watts 2014-01-22 17:26:50 1 3
alana 2017-04-19 02:03:28 1 21
alantis 2014-10-22 00:31:36 1 0
albert einstein 2015-01-08 05:02:51 1 5
alberta 2017-03-15 02:57:56 1 5
albiananatia 2014-07-29 07:57:06 1 0
alchemi 2015-04-28 11:19:26 1 0
alchemist 2015-04-28 11:23:16 1 1
alderfer 2018-12-05 09:08:39 1 0
alene 2023-05-28 08:51:47 1 0
alexandria 2018-08-14 03:00:10 1 23
algiman 2014-02-20 15:54:46 1 0
algimangas 2014-02-20 15:54:40 1 0
alien biology 2016-04-29 15:00:29 1 0
alien dna 2018-08-18 21:18:11 1 0
alien greys 2017-05-23 17:26:34 1 0
aligiman 2014-02-20 15:54:15 1 0
alimentation morontia 2018-11-16 12:16:38 1 0
alkaline 2016-05-05 08:14:34 1 2
alkaline diet 2016-05-05 08:14:27 1 0
all conference 2009 2013-11-19 21:36:34 1 10
all conference 2010 2013-11-19 21:58:58 1 23
all seeing eye 2020-02-19 11:11:41 1 886
allah 2014-12-03 19:04:52 1 18
allfather 2022-01-11 22:28:31 1 0
alpha and omega 2021-01-04 22:31:11 1 9
altai 2023-04-10 18:18:06 1 0
alter ego 2019-10-16 19:08:39 1 18
altered state of consciousness 2017-03-17 15:40:28 1 13
altzhiemers 2016-05-02 20:44:09 1 0
alvoring 2017-01-10 22:40:01 1 0
always fair 2018-02-22 07:26:31 1 1
alzheimer's 2014-04-19 14:09:04 1 7
alzheimers 2016-05-02 20:44:31 1 1
alzheimers disease 2016-05-28 08:31:24 1 0
alzhiemers 2016-05-02 20:43:43 1 0
amada reza 2015-10-19 10:31:29 1 2
amaha 2017-10-04 10:57:17 1 0
ambraisa 2016-08-28 20:51:24 1 0
ambros 2013-11-20 15:40:05 1 0
amon 2023-12-28 10:43:31 1 0
amon ra 2023-12-28 10:43:38 1 0
amonjoronson 2019-03-26 14:20:44 1 0
amos 2019-12-12 04:56:33 1 5
amun 2023-12-28 10:43:24 1 0
amun ra 2023-12-28 10:43:43 1 0
anchor 2024-06-16 06:52:50 1 321
anchor the light 2024-06-16 06:54:47 1 288
ancient 2018-08-14 02:55:57 1 257
ancient egypt 2017-08-31 01:46:33 1 8
ancient gods 2020-03-21 13:57:10 1 31
ancients of days 2019-05-25 06:16:30 1 105
andite ionah 2014-11-02 21:35:59 1 3
andon 2013-10-21 12:17:33 1 38
andr a 2015-12-16 09:48:16 1 10
andrea barnes 2015-01-05 21:26:30 1 0
andreas 2016-03-03 20:11:55 1 13
andrew 2014-08-18 22:01:51 1 65
andromadeus032303gerdeanb-machiventa thenatureofju 2014-09-04 14:50:47 1 0
andromeda council 2015-06-27 10:55:22 1 0
andronason 2016-08-28 20:52:12 1 6
ang suh 2016-10-17 07:48:27 1 10
angel investor 2024-12-06 10:24:55 1 5
angel wings 2018-01-14 16:55:36 1 50
angelic 2017-02-19 20:58:26 1 309
angelic presence 2017-10-30 18:43:53 1 238
angels of nation life 2016-09-27 00:53:41 1 1
angels of the trumpets 2016-09-27 00:54:42 1 0
anger at parents 2014-05-23 08:25:43 1 218
angkor 2014-11-02 22:07:44 1 0
angry 2015-11-11 16:11:58 1 295
angsuh 2016-10-17 07:49:04 1 0
anhedonic 2024-06-10 06:57:51 1 0
anihilation 2017-03-23 18:43:21 1 0
animal survival 2020-01-07 13:03:59 1 181
animal transcend 2016-06-16 06:27:46 1 76
animals souls 2018-04-14 20:17:20 1 166
anime 2016-05-22 21:58:33 1 0
anit-oxidants 2016-07-21 18:51:58 1 0
anjemia 2025-01-09 03:49:22 1 0
ankar 2021-05-18 20:31:00 1 0
ankor 2014-11-02 22:07:28 1 0
annalisia 2015-07-09 15:54:46 1 0
annanaki 2020-12-15 07:29:03 1 0
anne-lamort com 2014-10-12 10:46:34 1 699
annihilation 2017-03-23 18:43:53 1 37
announcement michael 2016-10-06 10:25:43 1 120
announcement michael 2016 2016-10-06 10:26:26 1 0
announcements 2017-08-10 11:30:01 1 42
announcements about temple 2015-01-16 10:31:00 1 4
announcements for all of importance 2017-08-10 11:29:50 1 0
annunakis 2022-06-04 01:00:03 1 0
antares 2015-07-06 12:55:43 1 0
ante chamber 2015-01-08 10:44:22 1 0
anthropological knowledge 2017-12-24 15:25:49 1 3
anti-gravity 2014-06-19 14:31:11 1 216
antibiotic 2014-01-17 11:11:25 1 0
antibiotic resistance 2014-01-17 11:10:34 1 0
antibiotics 2016-07-15 09:05:21 1 10
antichamber 2015-01-08 10:44:37 1 0
antifa 2017-09-21 07:24:53 1 0
antigravity 2020-11-26 15:18:30 1 1
antimatter 2016-12-22 08:40:08 1 0
antisocial 2014-02-28 19:58:55 1 15
anui 2021-04-07 13:56:01 1 0
any 2017-05-23 17:27:33 1 5519
anyas spencer 2019-12-12 16:06:58 1 0
anyichrist 2021-08-02 12:28:45 1 0
apacolypse 2018-08-04 18:01:56 1 0
aparicion de la personalidad 2021-01-27 01:52:01 1 2
apocalyse 2014-09-04 22:33:40 1 0
apocrypha 2018-08-14 02:51:55 1 0
apollos 2017-08-26 13:18:36 1 0
apolyon 2022-11-05 05:24:23 1 0
apostate planets 2015-10-01 14:42:35 1 3
apostle 2017-10-06 14:53:56 1 137
apostle and disciples 2014-11-10 18:25:39 1 29
apostle peter 2015-03-29 14:24:54 1 21
apostleship 2014-01-14 22:04:45 1 29
apostol and disciples 2014-11-10 18:25:12 1 0
apothacaries 2014-01-17 20:43:02 1 0
apothecariy 2014-01-17 20:44:33 1 0
apothecary 2014-01-17 20:44:46 1 0
apr 2016 2016-06-19 06:44:06 1 5
april 2020-04-24 10:16:51 1 349
april 03 2013 2024-05-09 13:42:06 1 2
april 2010 2024-10-17 16:29:06 1 30
april 2014 2014-04-09 17:38:43 1 4
april 2015 2016-12-08 07:10:25 1 4
april 26 2004 2019-12-01 21:47:12 1 7
april 4 2016 2016-04-11 17:31:17 1 0
aramaic 2015-05-11 12:07:51 1 3
arc 2014-12-22 13:38:28 1 2589
arc of the covenanat 2014-12-22 13:38:16 1 0
archaeoligists 2013-10-12 23:01:46 1 0
archaeologist 2013-10-12 23:04:18 1 1
archaeologists 2013-10-12 23:02:04 1 2
archangel chamuel 2019-06-19 23:08:10 1 0
archangel sandalphon 2016-04-10 00:40:48 1 1
archangel zadkiel 2019-06-19 23:07:28 1 0
archangels ' circuit 2016-06-30 11:51:00 1 19
archatecual 2014-12-23 02:21:23 1 0
architectural spheres 2013-12-25 22:53:17 1 49
arctur 2015-09-13 23:29:44 1 0
arcturians 2018-04-10 15:27:10 1 2
are you confused after death 2018-10-09 05:48:05 1 157
arecibo 2019-02-17 10:48:57 1 0
aresha 2016-05-04 18:00:35 1 0
argon 2016-07-04 15:39:56 1 3
aries 2015-11-02 21:34:09 1 0
ark 2020-11-27 16:07:53 1 3023
ark angle 2024-05-08 15:41:51 1 76
ark of covenant 2014-12-03 18:34:52 1 16
arkansas 2017-11-06 00:29:08 1 12
armenia 2015-01-31 07:49:01 1 4
aroma 2022-10-29 16:53:23 1 52
arousal 2017-11-10 17:48:17 1 10
arroyoshell app link craftbeerpasadenawp 2019-02-08 19:29:55 1 809
art of giving 2014-05-21 14:56:19 1 1565
art of giving of giving 2014-05-21 14:57:10 1 1565
art of giving of giving to others 2014-05-21 14:58:30 1 1428
art of transmitting 2016-05-04 21:32:30 1 2
arthropod 2015-05-30 12:01:50 1 0
artificial 2020-12-21 13:01:16 1 78
artificial intelligence in science 2018-08-11 07:56:35 1 10
artisans 2025-01-13 13:30:18 1 81
as nicole has pointed out 2024-12-02 23:13:05 1 0
as nicole pointed out 2024-12-02 23:13:17 1 0
as the globe adjusts 2015-05-16 19:57:19 1 1
ascilla 2016-06-05 20:06:34 1 0
ash borer 2016-05-03 19:11:29 1 0
asha aya 2014-01-06 03:39:51 1 0
ask for healing 2024-01-06 07:11:07 1 1205
asking for money 2015-06-19 22:57:31 1 1
asking result 2015-06-19 22:47:40 1 0
aslana 2016-07-02 20:56:25 1 0
asoka 2020-03-26 21:57:24 1 1
aspect of 2016-09-26 21:10:13 1 1256
aspect of morontia 2016-09-26 21:11:08 1 3
aspect of the morontia mind 2016-09-26 05:12:59 1 4
asperger syndrome 2014-05-21 20:45:29 1 0
asperger's 2014-05-21 20:45:19 1 0
aspergers 2014-04-25 08:22:07 1 0
asscended master 2015-10-17 07:52:39 1 0
asscended masters 2015-10-17 07:52:20 1 0
asset holder 2024-04-02 12:13:54 1 1
asset management 2023-01-21 07:57:15 1 0
asset manager 2023-01-21 07:57:22 1 0
assets wealthy 2024-03-26 11:13:04 1 9
assigning 2014-11-14 10:25:29 1 40
assigning all 2014-11-14 10:25:46 1 40
assuage 2021-06-10 20:52:53 1 44
assurance 2013-12-06 16:54:55 1 87
astral body 2023-03-09 19:28:33 1 7
astral traveling 2016-10-01 05:10:03 1 9
at the starting gate 2015-09-24 23:01:44 1 29
atack united 2024-01-03 18:23:12 1 0
atack usa 2024-01-03 18:22:59 1 0
atheism 2014-06-25 22:29:10 1 14
athena 2014-11-17 01:37:28 1 47
athsma 2016-04-25 21:21:06 1 0
atjena 2017-12-15 12:27:41 1 0
atlantean 2022-11-05 04:35:43 1 2
atry1923 2020-05-26 20:34:39 1 0
attention deficit disorder 2016-09-11 08:00:01 1 7
attention disorder 2016-12-02 05:38:55 1 0
atteshlis 2016-10-26 20:29:59 1 0
attract 2023-05-26 11:58:51 1 194
attraction 2023-05-26 11:57:57 1 106
audio fusion 2014-12-29 00:31:39 1 29
audio fusion material complement 2014-12-29 00:32:30 1 0
aug 10 1992 2019-11-30 16:20:15 1 51
aug 15 1993 2016-10-20 16:11:46 1 1
aug 28 2008 2014-06-24 09:44:36 1 15
august 13 2006 2016-06-23 07:59:57 1 1
august 15 2005 2021-12-23 11:58:22 1 5
august 2 2017-10-24 16:27:28 1 522
august 20 7 bc 2017-08-20 14:20:25 1 0
august 2008 2017-11-20 12:12:05 1 20
august 2010 2014-12-24 12:28:45 1 40
august 2016 2016-09-14 12:04:47 1 3
august 21 2008 2014-06-24 09:51:16 1 5
august 21 2008 immauel 2014-06-24 09:50:55 1 0
august 21 2008 cyrus immauel 2014-06-24 09:50:22 1 0
august 21 1992 2017-11-01 16:26:19 1 12
auhter energy 2014-12-29 00:52:24 1 0
auras 2015-09-03 09:05:55 1 31
aurelius 2015-03-25 05:46:34 1 0
aureole 2017-11-04 19:02:35 1 0
aurobino 2017-06-30 16:31:48 1 0
austin 2018-04-26 08:33:37 1 4
autisic 2014-09-11 00:47:32 1 0
autism monjoronson 2024-03-16 05:37:22 1 5
autistic 2015-12-21 15:21:15 1 7
autistic crystal 2015-12-21 15:21:47 1 1
auto writing 2015-05-09 21:41:32 1 11
auto-revelation 2017-02-04 16:00:28 1 884
auxiliary 2018-02-11 17:10:21 1 6
avalon surgeons 2025-01-17 01:02:07 1 0
avandar 2022-10-17 12:02:23 1 0
avanol 2017-08-24 12:41:47 1 0
avatars 2014-01-08 10:42:26 1 14
avayeaea 2014-08-08 11:46:37 1 1
aver es 2015-09-13 23:29:57 1 4
averroes 2015-09-13 23:30:09 1 0
avila 2014-08-10 03:47:52 1 5
awakening clairaudition 2017-02-13 03:58:41 1 0
awakening third eye 2017-02-13 03:56:46 1 0
awakining 2017-01-18 17:07:12 1 0
awakining the third eye 2017-01-18 17:06:32 1 0
axis 2015-12-23 22:37:56 1 29
axis change 2021-04-02 08:03:37 1 25
aya paper book 16 2014-01-06 03:40:59 1 34
azure blue 2014-08-18 13:04:12 1 5
babaji 2023-03-03 11:46:37 1 0
babies 2017-10-11 19:47:13 1 100
baby 2014-01-17 22:41:18 1 289
baby die 2017-10-11 19:57:12 1 192
baby ru 2015-12-31 18:16:32 1 291
babylon the great 2022-11-06 05:11:23 1 0
background of urantia papers 2016-08-31 00:00:51 1 90
bad dreams 2024-06-13 06:23:38 1 230
bad vibes 2022-05-03 05:49:56 1 10
bailey 2017-11-21 17:44:19 1 5
bakim 2021-05-18 18:52:55 1 0
balance 2014-07-06 19:27:10 1 1314
balance transmitions 2015-01-10 07:18:05 1 0
bali 2020-03-12 17:51:01 1 0
balls of light 2014-04-17 09:24:15 1 20
bananas 2014-01-29 06:10:57 1 4
bandage 2024-07-19 15:26:35 1 13
bank 2022-10-19 19:21:57 1 123
banking 2013-10-22 12:48:10 1 11
banking collapse 2024-04-07 08:51:14 1 0
banshee 2016-11-06 20:29:25 1 0
baphomet 2015-03-03 03:50:15 1 0
baptize 2017-10-29 14:35:26 1 13
baptized 2017-10-29 14:04:44 1 24
barbara 2017-06-07 14:35:27 1 69
barowick 2017-07-25 16:48:50 1 0
barry bartlett 2016-05-24 13:31:34 1 1
barter items 2024-03-27 16:29:00 1 0
base 2024-08-25 07:26:13 1 631
basic income 2020-12-05 08:05:45 1 0
battle 2016-09-21 10:20:21 1 268
bble 2014-10-03 11:20:24 1 0
bcc 2015-03-14 21:21:12 1 14
bdsm 2018-08-08 04:04:58 1 0
be mindful but mind not 2016-08-27 19:32:30 1 286
beaitrice 2017-10-12 11:25:38 1 0
beast revelation 2016-09-01 20:22:38 1 25
beastiality 2021-05-13 23:39:10 1 0
beatles 2017-12-10 22:26:52 1 6
beauty 2016-04-23 20:28:23 1 1694
beauty children 2014-06-29 21:08:58 1 1145
beauty of children 2014-06-29 21:08:29 1 1145
beauty of life 2016-08-05 18:13:11 1 12
become real 2018-10-17 05:21:25 1 2152
becoming a t/r" 2015-01-26 22:03:41 1 0
becoming more real 2018-10-17 05:18:50 1 1105
beelzabub 2017-02-15 22:20:41 1 0
beelzubub 2017-02-15 22:20:25 1 0
beer 2016-05-12 19:27:30 1 15
before execution 2013-12-06 18:56:59 1 11
before marriage 2017-02-15 14:06:07 1 0
beginner 2022-10-07 23:14:39 1 56
beheaded 2020-11-24 13:51:07 1 2
behz sarmast 2015-01-01 14:58:27 1 0
being betreyed 2019-05-28 21:54:45 1 0
being in heaven 2018-09-23 03:55:43 1 0
being is not registered 2019-10-20 08:51:23 1 1
being physically relaxed is very important if you 2021-08-22 11:56:24 1 0
belamie 2019-04-17 08:48:23 1 0
belamy 2019-04-17 08:48:13 1 0
belial 2021-07-11 11:29:18 1 0
bellamay 2019-11-27 11:02:20 1 0
belzebub 2021-03-15 01:48:02 1 0
belzeebub 2016-06-25 11:19:33 1 0
benajamin franklin 2016-05-06 20:32:09 1 0
benghazi 2013-10-10 18:14:21 1 0
benjamin franklin 2016-05-06 20:32:20 1 3
bertrand oct 4 1992 2015-08-25 17:21:41 1 5
besser 2018 2019-12-08 23:55:21 1 0
bessr 2020-05-24 10:32:46 1 0
bestiality 2020-11-30 18:28:50 1 1
bestowal son 2019-11-18 17:44:17 1 449
betroth 2019-10-14 23:56:54 1 0
betrothed 2019-10-14 23:56:59 1 22
beware great lakes spilling south 2014-01-20 20:28:14 1 0
bi-furcation of souls 2016-09-24 14:18:25 1 0
bible false 2023-10-17 10:07:59 1 49
biden 2024-03-14 17:57:32 1 0
bien aime 2017-10-22 03:03:33 1 0
bifurcation of souls 2016-09-24 14:18:10 1 0
big 2024-08-05 21:44:09 1 0
big bang universe 2017-06-21 15:32:02 1 22
bill sadler oklahoma 2016-07-09 17:55:46 1 0
billionaire 2020-11-26 19:26:41 1 3
billy meier 2017-02-02 14:46:47 1 0
bilocate 2015-10-29 02:15:02 1 0
binural 2018-08-20 21:05:51 1 0
bipolar disorder 2016-05-15 23:01:27 1 0
birth endow personality 2021-03-08 11:13:39 1 6
bisexual 2022-10-12 10:44:36 1 2
bisexuality 2013-11-25 03:01:36 1 0
black goo 2020-12-21 12:46:53 1 0
black swan 2024-03-18 18:14:45 1 0
blair 2016-04-13 23:07:52 1 0
blatvasky 2017-11-22 12:26:13 1 0
blend 2013-12-07 16:42:07 1 167
blend monrontial 2013-12-07 16:42:20 1 0
blessing 2022-05-14 21:24:36 1 638
blindfold 2023-03-12 09:14:12 1 5
bloating 2017-03-21 11:30:56 1 0
blood moon 2014-04-17 09:25:09 1 23
blood type 2014-10-22 23:27:11 1 0
blue 2015-12-25 19:27:34 1 281
blue beam 2020-12-07 20:34:22 1 0
blue lights 2016-05-17 07:47:12 1 2
blue moon 2014-02-18 18:18:40 1 31
board games 2018-11-12 21:58:12 1 1
bob lazar 2014-08-26 16:50:26 1 0
body glow 2018-05-10 09:55:34 1 0
bombing 2013-10-31 09:27:53 1 11
bonding 2021-03-08 02:41:58 1 183
book 2016 2017-11-21 22:41:28 1 19
book author 2022-01-13 16:37:39 1 115
book author change 2022-01-13 16:38:30 1 78
book author professor 2022-01-13 16:37:45 1 3
book change minds 2022-01-13 16:35:10 1 733
book change minds professor 2022-01-13 16:35:33 1 22
book changin mind 2022-01-13 16:35:00 1 0
book of daniel 2016-09-27 01:03:14 1 3
book of life 2014-06-29 18:12:43 1 1791
book of live 2016-10-01 00:53:21 1 0
books 2017-10-31 09:44:51 1 394
borderland part two 2018-11-19 00:58:02 1 12
borderlands 2014-07-09 20:32:55 1 3
bored 2024-06-10 06:58:19 1 83
borgia 2013-10-17 22:05:43 1 0
born again chriistians 2016-05-05 19:09:21 1 0
bosnian 2017-05-04 10:02:08 1 0
boston 2021-10-24 23:30:52 1 7
botox 2018-07-11 03:39:51 1 0
bottomless pit 2020-11-24 19:08:36 1 3
boulder colorado 90 2015-03-20 12:19:31 1 0
bowel 2017-03-21 11:27:17 1 2 2014-07-10 11:58:54 1 0
boxcar 2021-10-26 10:33:11 1 1
boxing day 2013-11-14 14:51:45 1 7
boys 2014-06-13 15:21:23 1 101
brahmans 2015-05-09 12:51:56 1 2
brain 2014-11-27 10:11:42 1 541
brazi 2016-04-13 23:51:00 1 1
breath 2014-06-08 21:12:01 1 520
breeze lake 2016-03-16 15:20:40 1 12
breeze lake face 2016-06-19 14:27:53 1 11
brenner 2013-10-09 18:22:24 1 0
bright color 2024-05-21 16:54:17 1 2
bril 2014-09-02 15:21:57 1 0
brink 2019-09-17 17:14:46 1 140
britain 2017-08-09 12:25:46 1 9
brittadorians 2015-02-10 02:20:45 1 0
broadcast n 1 2018-11-22 17:09:21 1 0
broadcast numbe 2014-12-24 16:31:02 1 0
broadcast nunber 2018-11-22 17:09:39 1 0
broadcasting 2021-05-18 09:00:42 1 49
brodcast 2014-07-22 19:46:30 1 0
brodsky 2014-05-17 12:10:59 1 0
brody 2014-05-17 12:11:09 1 0
brooklyn 2016-11-06 01:34:10 1 0
brosdcast 2015-12-08 18:53:53 1 0
brotherhood of men 2015-05-28 05:09:53 1 763
brown dwarf 2014-09-04 22:33:30 1 0
bruce 2019-03-31 11:33:18 1 6
bruno gr ning 2023-04-01 22:55:04 1 0
bruno gr nning 2023-04-01 22:55:53 1 0
bryan 2018-01-15 10:22:29 1 3
bryan g 2018-01-15 10:22:00 1 3
btz 2018-09-10 13:06:01 1 13
btzu 2014-08-08 09:19:13 1 0
bugs 2016-05-06 07:23:08 1 27
building a soul 2019-03-25 22:15:09 1 0
bulletiniv 2019-11-05 09:01:02 1 0
bullion 2024-12-04 14:07:45 1 1
bullying 2021-06-01 00:30:56 1 7
burdensome relationships 2018-08-22 01:28:18 1 23
bureaucracy 2016-04-17 14:28:30 1 11
burshar 2015-02-17 18:57:59 1 0
buselli 2013-11-19 14:52:57 1 4
business archangel 2016-07-11 19:12:40 1 0
butterfield 2019-12-11 10:01:22 1 24
buy or sell 2024-03-01 15:29:48 1 0
buy property 2014-04-25 01:34:04 1 2
buy silver 2023-02-08 23:56:42 1 0
by daniel raffael 2015-10-19 16:20:56 1 0
by those 2015-11-17 15:51:08 1 609
bynum 2017-08-07 13:15:47 1 4
byrd 2020-11-27 08:02:11 1 0
byron 2019-06-21 12:03:48 1 16
byron belitsos 2018-11-26 18:20:43 1 4
bzutu the red 2014-08-08 09:30:23 1 0
cabala 2018-03-11 05:57:51 1 1
caiaphas 2021-05-27 13:21:19 1 1
calagastia testimony 2014-12-26 02:26:09 1 0
calagistia 2014-09-23 15:20:22 1 0
calagonia 2017-07-06 00:16:14 1 0
calamities 2020-11-05 23:09:43 1 47
calf 2022-11-06 04:58:18 1 8
calgary 2017-03-15 02:57:43 1 0
cali 2023-12-06 08:10:00 1 0
california 2017-11-01 20:40:33 1 674
california grid 2017-11-01 20:39:40 1 3
caligastia lucifer 2018-02-27 23:56:33 1 0
caligastia removed from planet 2017-03-17 12:47:26 1 37
caligastia trial transcript 2020-04-30 15:38:32 1 8
caligastia work 2018-09-02 11:16:16 1 181
caligistia 2014-09-23 15:20:12 1 0
call for assistance 2023-01-30 00:24:54 1 2
call it design 2024-04-04 07:02:39 1 0
call on us 2023-07-22 11:15:48 1 64
calligastia's offspring 2014-05-12 21:18:46 1 0
calu 2023-12-06 08:10:14 1 0
calum 2023-12-06 08:11:19 1 0
calumia 2023-12-06 08:12:15 1 0
cambridge 2014-01-28 22:15:31 1 0
cambridge, canada 2014-01-28 22:15:45 1 0
candace friece 2019-12-08 10:06:00 1 0
candles 2017-01-21 21:08:21 1 52
canine 2018-05-18 01:05:34 1 3
canned goods 2016-05-03 17:06:50 1 4
cao dai 2023-03-26 06:04:38 1 12
capela 2014-03-24 22:55:12 1 0
capital 2018-04-15 13:00:34 1 102
capitalism communism 2016-04-28 18:54:51 1 1
capitol nebadon 2015-09-30 11:45:17 1 12
capitol of nebadon 2015-09-30 11:44:52 1 12
capricorn 2016-07-05 00:51:13 1 2
captain a 2017-03-10 21:04:45 1 49
captives 2014-06-17 13:33:16 1 31
captives michelangelo 2014-06-17 13:33:37 1 3
carara 2017-03-06 15:39:29 1 0
carat 2018-08-19 05:53:16 1 0
carbon 2016-06-08 08:40:23 1 23
card game 2023-12-02 18:42:18 1 2
career 2018-08-26 02:39:28 1 921
caregiver 2018-11-25 04:06:32 1 15
carnavores 2016-05-12 19:30:57 1 0
carnivor 2016-05-31 07:32:55 1 0
caroline myss 2016-08-17 21:39:12 1 1
carolyn 2014-10-11 05:53:33 1 13
cartas abiertas de nueva zelanda a estados unidos 2017-10-22 19:41:16 1 0
cascades 2014-10-07 12:42:31 1 3
cash 2022-10-19 19:21:19 1 16
cassiopaea 2017-09-29 09:35:13 1 0
cassiopeia 2017-09-29 09:35:36 1 0
castenada 2017-06-30 16:31:32 1 0
catacalysms 2016-09-29 00:40:30 1 0
cataclysme 2014-04-28 00:43:32 1 0
catalysm 2014-01-16 14:46:14 1 0
catalysts 2014-02-02 23:07:36 1 23
catap 2023-02-11 21:37:23 1 0
catastrophies in 2015 2015-04-27 14:08:38 1 0
catastrophism 2023-04-22 19:26:21 1 0
catholic mass 2014-02-09 17:13:26 1 20
cathy morris 2016-08-04 20:29:20 1 114
caught up 2020-11-25 16:29:27 1 337
caught up in heaven 2020-11-25 16:30:45 1 0
caught up in the clouds 2020-11-25 16:31:41 1 0
cave 2020-11-05 22:22:13 1 60
cayce urantia 2014-07-29 12:39:57 1 7
cedar rapids ia 2016-08-29 23:59:23 1 0
celery 2020-07-28 18:53:47 1 4
celeste 2014-07-15 17:22:34 1 18
celestia impressions 2016-08-06 22:29:34 1 0
celestia limpressions 2016-08-06 22:29:25 1 0
celestial census 2014-06-08 22:32:27 1 6
celestial planetary management 2023-06-18 13:06:50 1 1
celestial presences 2014-12-11 18:03:01 1 104
celestial realm 2019-12-07 17:12:32 1 0
celestial teacher sondjah melchizedek 2020-07-04 21:45:32 1 31
cell phones 2016-06-06 08:05:53 1 21
cellular memory 2016-09-15 00:54:56 1 11
censor 2014-09-16 16:29:25 1 18
center 2022-06-30 09:38:35 1 1826
cerara 2017-03-06 15:39:20 1 0
certain ideals 2024-08-06 11:03:33 1 5
certification 2023-06-02 08:48:52 1 8
certitude 2025-01-09 13:58:33 1 15
cfer 2016-08-11 15:09:28 1 0
chackras 2017-01-27 10:45:48 1 0
chacras 2019-09-21 11:29:48 1 0
chacrona 2018-11-21 08:17:46 1 0
chamberlin-moulton 2018-04-28 09:14:46 1 0
chamberlin-moulton planetesimal hypothesis 2018-04-28 09:14:39 1 0
change conversation 2016-11-17 12:17:40 1 0
change conversations 2016-11-17 12:17:14 1 0
changes in you 2016-10-20 16:13:27 1 13
changing conversations 2016-09-23 09:03:33 1 1
changing times 2016-10-03 19:39:05 1 17
channel 2017-08-05 14:49:31 1 0
channelling 2021-05-11 19:54:36 1 4
chaos 2018-09-06 21:13:38 1 485
character 2021-02-27 06:02:23 1 792
charging fees for prayer 2017-11-16 19:00:16 1 0
chariots of fire 2016-03-21 02:42:01 1 4
charismatic 2018-05-10 08:52:45 1 28
charm 2019-11-26 12:05:34 1 65
chartreuse 2024-04-26 10:44:37 1 3
cheat code 2023-02-12 12:10:14 1 0
cheat codes 2023-02-12 12:10:07 1 0
cheese 2016-05-18 07:19:06 1 11
cheesy 2020-05-01 17:41:06 1 0
chemical pollution 2016-05-06 08:21:44 1 11
chemical warfare 2016-06-10 06:51:50 1 18
chemical warfre 2016-06-10 06:51:35 1 0
chemotherapy 2016-07-10 11:09:54 1 7
chemtrail 2015-05-30 06:17:40 1 0
cheney 2020-07-27 04:18:36 1 3
cherbium 2014-03-22 18:32:50 1 0
cherub 2019-03-26 02:15:53 1 6
cherubim fallen angels 2014-01-20 10:54:16 1 11
cherubim fallen angels 2010 2014-01-20 10:55:02 1 2
chi 2015-06-15 15:47:15 1 5438
chickens readily establish 2021-04-09 11:57:51 1 2
chief feature 2019-01-05 20:06:21 1 7
child 2015-05-30 22:19:28 1 2347
child birth 2017-01-27 18:12:30 1 3
child death 2019-12-28 15:47:42 1 0
child of destiny 2015-05-16 19:48:59 1 9
child of the universe 2019-10-20 08:38:00 1 35
child refuses 2022-06-12 22:31:18 1 0
childern 2014-02-01 20:03:18 1 0
childlike 2023-08-28 19:32:51 1 151
children and enculturation 2017-06-22 18:17:03 1 1
children environment 2017-12-24 14:36:53 1 844
children light 2016-05-16 00:45:31 1 2531
children of light 2016-05-16 00:45:01 1 2531
children of thecav 2014-05-08 09:46:35 1 0
children with intention 2016-05-11 18:24:29 1 2
childrenenvironment 2017-12-24 14:36:41 1 0
chinese medicine 2024-09-05 01:30:14 1 3
choose love 2019-03-24 08:09:51 1 14
choose our parents 2020-07-28 00:43:22 1 697
choose to remain 2020-10-28 00:57:10 1 654
chosen 2022-01-14 10:17:34 1 935
chosen nation 2021-05-12 07:05:41 1 0
chosen people 2022-01-14 10:34:39 1 664
chris marius 2020-03-26 06:42:11 1 0
christ 's ' letters 2017-07-01 09:18:01 1 44
christ 's letters 2017-07-01 08:30:32 1 44
christ michael 1994 2016-06-14 06:59:44 1 2
christ michael 2014 2015-03-04 05:29:34 1 47
christ michael--march 2, 2009 2013-12-07 06:57:40 1 15
christ servants 2023-01-02 21:21:02 1 0
christ way 2014-02-08 12:17:13 1 327
christ 2014-02-08 12:19:30 1 0
christ's birth 2013-10-01 12:24:17 1 19
christian chruches 2023-11-08 17:17:34 1 0
christian church network 2024-08-12 10:27:33 1 19
christian churches network 2024-08-11 18:19:24 1 16
christmas presents 2017-12-15 23:46:44 1 37
chromosone 2016-03-23 07:39:56 1 0
chronic fatige syndrome 2017-02-26 09:40:27 1 0
chronoldeks 2015-12-28 09:37:21 1 0
chrystal 2016-10-25 21:22:51 1 0
church money 2021-12-28 22:37:19 1 0
churches facilities 2024-08-12 09:07:28 1 5
churches time consuming 2018-08-12 15:23:46 1 0
cicada 2020-06-28 09:21:46 1 0
cigarettes 2018-12-21 07:53:08 1 22
ciggarettes 2013-10-28 19:20:30 1 0
circle attainment 2015-01-21 21:34:37 1 28
circle of eternity 2016-09-05 15:08:37 1 9
circle of infinity 2016-09-05 08:28:27 1 2
circle seven 2018-12-10 17:52:02 1 249
circles of attainment 2018-09-03 21:44:33 1 104
circuitry 2015-12-16 05:44:24 1 522
circuits mother spirit 2014-11-02 21:11:32 1 462
civic 2023-12-19 09:02:42 1 19
civil unrest 2017-08-14 10:59:28 1 7
civilization 2020-07-05 15:19:47 1 562
clairalience 2017-10-15 20:14:27 1 0
clairolfaction 2017-10-15 20:14:14 1 0
classes 2017-11-01 22:56:43 1 205
classical 2016-09-16 09:44:38 1 19
claxon 2024-04-04 09:15:53 1 0
clean slate 2013-11-30 07:58:49 1 25
cleaning the grid 2017-11-02 18:43:45 1 16
cleanliness 2016-06-07 08:24:55 1 17
clear channel 2004 2014-08-17 11:55:50 1 16
clearing your mind 2015-06-09 23:14:00 1 125
clicks 2017-01-06 07:18:32 1 9
clicks in ears 2017-01-06 07:18:10 1 0
clicks in the ear 2017-01-06 07:17:45 1 0
clicks in the ears 2017-01-06 07:17:57 1 0
clicks on your ear 2017-01-06 07:17:30 1 0
climate change seismic activety 2014-05-27 20:11:35 1 0
clinical 2023-01-02 19:13:52 1 19
clone 2017-01-05 23:19:05 1 4
cloud of mercy 2015-09-22 10:30:32 1 0
clown 2018-08-11 15:28:00 1 12
clutter 2016-05-10 17:31:08 1 29
cm 2014-03-11 15:53:31 1 0
cme 2023-03-04 15:18:09 1 30
co creative 2024-03-28 13:11:02 1 464
co creative design teams 2018-04-15 13:12:55 1 79
co creative education 2018-04-15 10:45:34 1 267
co-creando 2014-07-24 10:16:47 1 1
co-creative design 2024-03-28 13:10:09 1 0
co-creative design teams 2018-04-15 13:12:40 1 0
coaching 2024-07-20 22:05:06 1 28
cobra 2015-10-17 11:27:42 1 0
cocaine 2016-05-30 18:01:57 1 4
cocreation 2024-03-28 13:09:42 1 1
cocreative group 2017-10-10 09:38:53 1 0
codex gigas 2014-01-29 22:02:40 1 0
coeur d ' alene 2016-06-14 07:00:51 1 3
coin 2022-06-06 07:27:36 1 131
cold shower 2023-01-01 15:35:01 1 4
colidal 2020-02-29 23:03:32 1 0
colidial 2024-12-13 13:43:22 1 0
colloquial 2018-11-09 20:39:40 1 8
colonialism 2017-08-31 01:44:27 1 4
colorado teaching mission conference in 1997 2016-02-27 23:43:50 1 3
colorado team 90 2015-03-20 12:17:39 1 0
colors 2016-08-14 14:51:18 1 329
columbia 2014-09-30 05:09:47 1 4
columbia space shuttle 2014-09-30 05:09:40 1 0
columbus 2021-02-21 06:54:46 1 0
come to my office the office of magisterial son 2015-03-20 12:26:58 1 1
comedy of errors 2020-12-20 09:25:52 1 1
comet siding spring 2014-10-18 15:57:31 1 0
comic books 2016-04-13 14:52:53 1 0
coming cataclysm 2015-11-21 12:39:53 1 2
coming collapse 2019-03-07 19:32:36 1 124
coming events part i 2023-11-13 22:21:38 1 0
commandeer 2021-06-11 20:50:26 1 8
commandements 2018-08-02 21:28:27 1 0
commander 2017-03-10 21:03:49 1 35
commerce 2023-05-07 09:03:50 1 75
commit suicide 2019-10-06 05:50:16 1 34
commitment 2025-01-19 08:53:22 1 794
commune 2024-03-20 20:03:09 1 383
communicate mind 2017-03-27 07:33:08 1 0
communicate with thought adjuster 2016-05-10 04:54:00 1 0
communicating spirit 2017-02-28 05:54:35 1 0
communication circuitry 2017-01-27 06:57:28 1 1
communication spirit 2017-02-28 05:56:12 1 1
communication with thought adjuster 2016-05-10 04:48:35 1 0
communicator 2023-06-18 19:41:32 1 20
communism 2018-10-23 13:09:13 1 17
communities ' 0 2017-09-09 12:14:56 1 236
communities 'a 0 2017-06-10 04:46:48 1 236
community ' 0 2019-04-26 10:53:45 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 1 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:25 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 160 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:34 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 20 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:27 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 320 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:36 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 321 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:39 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 40 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:30 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 481 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:41 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 561 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:43 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 601 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:46 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 621 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:48 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 631 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:50 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 636 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:53 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 639 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:59 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 640 -- 2018-04-25 22:26:02 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 641 -- 2018-04-25 22:26:04 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 642 -- 2018-04-25 22:26:06 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 order by 80 -- 2018-04-25 22:25:32 1 809
community ' and sleep 3 union select 1 2 3 4 5 2019-04-15 15:59:10 1 809
community aid 2024-03-26 17:30:35 1 0
community farm 2023-07-25 18:05:19 1 0
community mission 2017-05-16 09:16:55 1 558
community projects 2024-04-26 10:21:27 1 2
community survival 2024-03-26 17:30:44 1 1
companion 2020-01-12 15:17:16 1 398
companionship 2014-09-08 20:29:48 1 292
company 2021-01-17 23:18:38 1 657
company hopes 2024-04-25 22:59:45 1 78
compass 2023-02-11 19:55:37 1 132
compatibility 2018-10-04 22:54:10 1 44
competition 2014-06-04 14:47:01 1 169
compossibility in the universe 2016-07-08 00:40:18 1 1
compost 2016-05-26 07:48:09 1 7
composure 2019-10-27 03:28:06 1 83
comprehendible 2023-04-22 19:30:08 1 1
computer language 2016-10-18 05:25:35 1 87
comunion 2014-10-19 13:58:48 1 0
con 2018-04-10 19:27:31 1 658
conate 2017-12-11 16:51:46 1 1
concecrate 2017-10-11 20:48:45 1 0
concecration 2017-10-11 20:48:57 1 0
concious 2018-04-10 18:58:58 1 3
conciousness 2018-04-10 18:58:40 1 1
concordex 2013-10-23 11:08:47 1 4
conduct 2024-10-24 18:07:16 1 240
conference 1996 2013-11-18 22:04:23 1 17
conflict resolution 2024-04-12 16:36:45 1 4
conformity 2014-04-07 11:18:13 1 0
congenial 2019-06-01 06:54:27 1 15
conjunction 2021-06-10 20:56:15 1 229
consciuousness 2017-05-05 13:58:09 1 0
conscription 2023-01-29 00:23:47 1 6
considered a human being 2019-10-20 08:36:52 1 1
conspiracy theory 2014-09-03 20:13:51 1 4
constable 2023-01-20 17:44:36 1 0
constipation 2016-07-20 08:03:13 1 0
consultant 2024-04-01 12:28:00 1 36
consulting 2023-03-28 18:36:54 1 27
consyltant 2024-04-01 12:27:54 1 0
contact methods 2015-11-16 00:02:37 1 264
contact person 2014-10-19 13:34:43 1 2
contact the father within 2019-10-17 21:45:59 1 0
contact with higher beings 2014-01-05 22:50:18 1 631
continent of mu 2016-01-08 13:14:40 1 87
continuing revelation 2013-10-30 11:23:20 1 130
continuum 2024-04-12 16:46:54 1 140
contortedrecords com 2014-10-05 08:48:22 1 734
contraception 2023-01-27 01:08:36 1 1
contradict 2015-05-22 00:50:44 1 33
controlling spirits 2014-02-21 09:06:03 1 51
conversations 55 2014-03-19 22:49:09 1 26
conversations with ego 2019-10-22 07:53:53 1 0
conversations with god 2014-08-04 13:50:47 1 28
conversations with god adjuster 2014-08-04 13:58:43 1 0
conversations with monjoronson #26 2014-01-07 09:34:33 1 0
conversations with monjoronson #28 2014-01-07 12:52:56 1 1
conversations with monjoronson #34 2014-01-16 09:07:32 1 0
conversations with monjoronson 26 2014-01-07 09:33:45 1 4
conversations with monjoronson 67 2018-01-13 14:26:42 1 4
conversations with monjoronson no 34 2018-06-09 09:13:38 1 0
cooper 2017-03-17 22:59:06 1 1
cope 2021-07-16 09:33:32 1 123
copper 2022-01-10 17:13:37 1 8
core 2017-10-22 00:14:12 1 622
core value 2016-10-13 09:43:30 1 386
core values 2008 2016-04-25 22:25:57 1 12
core values, values 2013-12-26 09:24:38 1 8
corinthians 2017-08-26 13:19:24 1 8
corncopia 2016-06-27 10:13:24 1 0
corner store movies 2015-04-12 22:10:52 1 9
cornerstone 2014-06-10 22:05:29 1 1
corny 2020-05-01 17:41:10 1 3
coronal 2016-12-26 04:22:00 1 0
coronas 2016-03-19 12:48:52 1 2
corono 2020-04-14 09:20:29 1 0
corp reservist 2016-09-22 03:19:57 1 0
corpo moroncial 2022-01-15 22:28:17 1 0
correcting time 2015 2017-11-19 22:05:15 1 0
correcting time 2016 2017-11-19 22:05:28 1 0
correcting time book 2017-10-31 21:28:06 1 0
correcting time books 2017-10-31 21:27:39 1 0
corrective time 2016-11-27 15:42:13 1 3
corroborate 2017-10-07 21:05:25 1 2
corroboration 2017-10-07 21:16:12 1 5
corrupt government 2018-03-04 09:30:19 1 20
cortisone 2016-05-20 18:14:52 1 0
cosmic citizenship 2015-09-03 10:41:00 1 95
cosmic reserve corp 2024-08-08 00:54:03 1 12
cosmic reserve corps 2016-12-10 19:06:45 1 5
cosmopop 2016-08-11 18:27:57 1 0
cost of living 2022-04-27 20:45:27 1 1
costltd co uk 2015-01-06 04:12:30 1 701
cotastrophy 2014-06-12 21:20:09 1 0
council equilibrium 2016-05-12 20:43:54 1 7
council of 24 2014-10-13 17:47:28 1 1
course in miracles origin 2013-12-19 15:46:13 1 69
court transcript 2015-02-14 17:45:27 1 0
court transcript lucifer 2015-02-14 17:45:16 1 0
court trial of caligastia 2015-11-01 11:27:35 1 0
covenant 2014-12-22 13:39:29 1 23
covert 2017-08-27 19:52:02 1 9
covid virus 2021-02-04 19:08:29 1 0
covid-19 2020-08-18 18:13:41 1 0
cracow 2023-10-28 16:22:30 1 0
craftmanship 2019-02-01 21:44:44 1 0
craftxmanship 2019-02-01 21:45:37 1 0
cravings 2019-10-04 03:28:41 1 23
create personalities 2019-05-13 21:55:00 1 2
create solutions 2024-03-24 13:44:47 1 16
create you 2019-10-18 13:05:29 1 32
creating personalities 2019-10-11 12:55:21 1 1
creating personality 2019-07-24 04:35:51 1 1
creation 2016-12-30 12:05:30 1 1418
creative fantasy 2019-10-15 19:19:28 1 0
creative group 2017-10-10 09:39:25 1 1
creative spirit 2021-10-03 23:12:50 1 1211
creative way 2019-10-29 22:19:37 1 17
creative worship 2019-10-24 09:18:03 1 0
credit to god 2019-11-09 04:47:57 1 1
credits 2022-06-26 17:00:09 1 55
croatia 2015-03-03 03:50:36 1 0
cronologia 2024-05-24 14:55:14 1 1
cross 2020-12-04 11:10:41 1 1193
crown 2016-12-26 04:24:27 1 106
crucifiction 2014-07-20 00:06:15 1 0
crucified 2021-09-03 16:49:32 1 44
crucified by ronald besser 201 4 2021-09-03 16:55:07 1 0
crusifiction 2014-07-20 00:06:21 1 0
crustacean 2015-05-30 11:38:29 1 0
crwativity 2016-01-03 18:58:24 1 0
crying 2018-09-30 18:36:30 1 0
cryptid 2020-05-02 11:56:48 1 0
cryptids 2020-05-02 11:57:05 1 0
ctber attack 2016-08-09 07:18:40 1 0
ctmu 2020-06-03 07:21:07 1 0
cue trails 2014-02-02 01:00:28 1 5
cult 2019-04-23 02:43:12 1 42
cultivating love 2014-06-25 18:27:30 1 64
cultivating wellbeing 2014-08-26 16:59:39 1 4
culture 2017-12-24 14:53:04 1 966
culture traditions belief 2021-06-23 20:21:43 1 42
curiosity 2016-12-26 15:55:54 1 629
currency 2022-06-28 20:30:51 1 33
current assignment 2016-07-04 15:29:58 1 4
cutler 2020-04-08 09:24:25 1 5
cwg 2014-08-04 13:48:25 1 15
cwm #27 2014-01-07 11:59:14 1 0
cwm #28 2014-01-07 12:52:30 1 0
cwm 55 2014-03-19 22:48:19 1 10
cyber 2023-12-11 21:46:43 1 5
cyberattack 2024-01-07 20:09:43 1 0
da vinci 2014-02-23 12:01:30 1 1
daemon 2023-11-12 08:33:21 1 0
dagon 2021-03-15 01:48:17 1 0
daimatia 2021-02-27 07:56:07 1 0
dalamatia 2019-01-27 03:09:43 1 12
dalimatia 2021-02-27 07:56:37 1 0
damascus scribe 2014-12-26 15:53:01 1 0
damiel 2017-01-15 20:20:45 1 0
daneil raphael 2018-07-09 14:29:43 1 0
danger in transmitions 2015-01-10 07:18:24 1 0
danger of transmiting 2015-01-10 07:15:48 1 0
dani 2014-05-12 02:23:42 1 2
danial 2015-08-22 01:37:38 1 0
daniel j megow 2019-12-12 14:15:23 1 8
daniel rafael 2014-08-08 10:48:22 1 0
daniel rafael colorado 2016-06-26 14:34:33 1 0
daniel raphael'||sleep(3)&&'1 2014-05-01 02:41:07 1 218
daniel raphael "inhabited worlds " 2018-07-13 02:33:13 1 0
daniel raphael 2014 2014-04-28 00:49:39 1 6
daniel raphael 2017 2018-04-18 22:03:37 1 0
daniel raphael decimation 2014-09-19 02:16:20 1 22
daniel raphael inhabited 2018-05-30 18:09:08 1 15
daniel raphael' and benchmark(2999999,md5(now())) 2014-05-01 02:41:07 1 218
daniel raphael' and sleep(3) and '1 2014-05-01 02:41:06 1 218
daniel raphael'&&benchmark(2999999,md5(now()))&&'1 2014-05-01 02:41:08 1 218
daniel raphael'&&sleep(3)&&'1 2014-05-01 02:41:06 1 218
danimidwayer 2016-05-25 00:04:24 1 0
dante 2014-01-04 22:43:18 1 13
dantien 2019-12-18 16:29:43 1 0
daphne 2023-05-21 04:24:31 1 3
dark 2016-11-29 08:50:26 1 689
dark energy grid 2014-11-21 17:04:42 1 26
dark night 2017-07-13 13:51:09 1 250
darryl anka 2015-02-17 18:59:12 1 0
daskalos 2016-10-26 20:41:32 1 0
daughter of soul 2017-02-15 15:20:22 1 735
david jacobs 2013-11-25 12:56:30 1 1
david jaquith 2016-08-28 20:58:31 1 0
david wilcock 2015-06-01 19:09:02 1 1
davinci code 2020-11-27 09:21:21 1 0
davis 2024-12-13 13:49:01 1 17
day 2022-04-16 10:56:15 1 1
daydream 2019-10-23 05:36:02 1 14
db cooper 2017-03-17 22:58:50 1 0
de chardin 2021-05-29 06:54:16 1 3
de mn of population 2019-03-23 05:17:38 1 0
dead 2017-02-22 04:26:38 1 293
dead sea scrolls 2020-01-02 16:28:45 1 4
dead speaking through mediums 2015-10-30 14:31:10 1 0
dead spirit 2016-09-30 23:41:00 1 0
dead spirits 2016-09-30 23:41:26 1 2
death experience 2018-08-19 23:04:28 1 744
death of caligastia and lucifer 2016-12-24 15:46:38 1 56
death of child 2019-12-28 15:46:08 1 480
debt collection 2023-03-24 20:01:38 1 0
debts are cancelled 2024-03-26 17:19:13 1 1
dec " and "21 " "21 2019-02-26 14:03:30 1 3487
dec "and "l " "l 2020-10-22 11:53:10 1 3487
dec "and "w " "f 2020-10-22 11:53:11 1 3487
dec ' "qnovale 2019-02-26 14:03:11 1 3487
dec ' and '21 ' '21 2019-02-26 14:03:28 1 3487
dec ' and 'x ' 2021-12-12 11:06:45 1 0
dec ' and dbms pipe receive message 'i ' 0 'i 2020-10-22 11:53:13 1 3487
dec ' and dbms pipe receive message 'p ' 2 'p 2020-10-22 11:53:13 1 3487
dec ' and select '1 'from pg sleep 0 '0 2020-10-22 11:53:12 1 3487
dec ' and select '1 'from pg sleep 2 '0 2020-10-22 11:53:12 1 3487
dec ' lower ' ' ' 2019-02-26 14:03:31 1 3487
dec ' rtrim ' ' ' 2019-02-26 14:03:32 1 3487
dec ' union all select 0x393631353738343330312e39 2022-05-09 06:13:48 1 3375
dec 'and 'g ' 'g 2020-10-22 11:53:09 1 3487
dec 'and 'p ' 'a 2020-10-22 11:53:09 1 3487
dec 'and select 1 0waitfor delay '0 0 0 2020-10-22 11:53:12 1 3487
dec 'and select 1 0waitfor delay '0 0 2 2020-10-22 11:53:13 1 3487
dec 13 2015 2017-11-21 22:35:26 1 8
dec 2016 2016-12-18 21:16:00 1 0
dec 2018 2024-02-10 04:40:45 1 1
dec 2019 2024-02-10 04:40:39 1 0
dec 2020 2024-02-10 04:40:32 1 1
dec 2021 2024-02-10 04:40:30 1 0
dec 2023 2024-02-10 04:38:05 1 0
dec 28 2021-01-15 23:37:22 1 281
dec 28 2013 2021-01-15 23:37:32 1 9
dec 7 1992 2024-05-30 15:27:59 1 55
dec 9-2 2019-02-26 14:03:13 1 3487
dec and 21 21 2019-02-26 14:03:27 1 3487
dec and cast md5 '1789549610 ' as int 0 2020-10-22 11:53:07 1 3487
dec-21 21 01 2019-02-26 14:03:31 1 3487
dec2016 2017-03-22 13:36:30 1 0
dec2121 2020-08-18 17:36:35 1 0
decanates 2015-01-07 16:10:24 1 0
december 2015 2015-12-27 16:37:47 1 5
december 26 2003 2019-02-18 01:10:52 1 0
december 28 2021-01-15 23:37:09 1 60
decentralization 2021-05-10 10:23:12 1 9
decentralize 2021-05-10 10:22:43 1 0
decimal planet 2024-07-29 00:48:26 1 69
decimated 2023-05-02 08:54:49 1 14
decimation 2030 2019-01-21 14:42:21 1 1
declaration 2014-09-24 18:33:19 1 22
declaration of independance 2015-03-03 14:20:02 1 0
decpage 'a 0 2025-01-24 08:28:27 1 0
decrets 2017-06-20 00:57:58 1 0
deep imagination 2019-10-15 22:40:39 1 0
deepak chopra 2016-08-07 20:54:49 1 6
def 21 2019-11-11 15:47:24 1 304
def 21 lenora 2019-11-11 16:02:29 1 3
default debt 2024-03-30 00:29:06 1 9
default on debt 2024-03-30 00:28:56 1 0
defending yourself 2014-01-11 03:32:15 1 43
defensiveness 2021-12-03 12:34:43 1 0
define channeling 2016-09-10 13:44:58 1 23
deja 2019-03-14 06:18:43 1 13
deja by 2016-10-05 18:59:16 1 12
delight in me 2021-07-07 07:53:25 1 0
dementis 2016-05-02 20:48:59 1 0
demiurge 2021-05-30 11:33:39 1 0
democrats 2013-11-01 09:34:29 1 0
demonic possession 2016-06-20 03:27:56 1 1
denial 2021-09-06 14:34:12 1 207
denied 2021-09-06 14:34:56 1 132
deniel alderfer 2016-07-09 22:49:25 1 0
denver team 18 10 03 031018 2019-12-09 10:26:50 1 0
deny 2021-09-06 14:34:19 1 329
derenkuyu 2020-04-29 20:49:34 1 0
derw 2015-08-12 03:07:52 1 0
des respect 2015-04-09 21:45:53 1 1180
design team clinic 2024-02-28 15:16:59 1 0
design team members 2023-09-04 09:05:06 1 2
designing sustainable social institutions 2017-11-04 23:30:03 1 39
desire 2022-04-29 11:01:37 1 2967
desires your 2019-10-20 17:06:15 1 76
destiny reservist 2016-09-22 04:00:13 1 2
destroy anxiety 2019-11-13 14:33:06 1 0
detecting presences 2014-12-11 18:02:45 1 1
deteriorate 2021-09-15 00:50:43 1 22
determination 2014-07-02 14:11:03 1 328
detrmination 2014-07-02 14:10:27 1 0
develop superhuman 2015-06-08 16:31:50 1 30
devil triangle 2014-08-16 13:52:40 1 0
devil worship symbols 2014-02-09 21:23:37 1 4
devil's bible 2014-01-29 22:02:54 1 2
deweene 2014-07-29 07:57:23 1 0
dhoose to remain 2020-10-28 00:56:33 1 0
diamond 2022-01-14 20:13:43 1 47
dicimation 2014-10-31 10:32:15 1 0
different lifeforms 2015-06-18 12:49:06 1 0
different tones 2016-04-14 12:00:44 1 2
difficulty learning 2020-10-06 03:04:42 1 484
digestive 2024-09-05 01:22:32 1 13
dilmun 2019-08-19 06:19:22 1 0
dimattia 2015-03-05 14:11:06 1 4
dimension s 2015-02-28 07:19:59 1 788
dimensional 2023-02-01 14:50:36 1 236
dimentia 2016-08-27 14:26:02 1 0
ding xin 2016-07-29 10:36:18 1 2
disabilities 2016-06-08 07:47:29 1 27
disappeared 2015-04-25 11:41:18 1 52
disappointment 2017-07-26 04:53:41 1 280
disaster 2015-05-24 20:11:37 1 144
disaster preparadness 2016-04-29 08:43:37 1 0
disbelief 2015-05-16 14:31:23 1 80
discarnate 2022-11-08 16:41:52 1 0
discerment 2019-04-15 08:04:32 1 0
disciple apostle 2017-10-06 15:05:55 1 0
discombuberation 2023-04-22 19:32:40 1 0
disconnected 2016-10-10 00:38:47 1 124
discpline 2021-02-22 10:24:01 1 0
diseases 2016-04-23 17:54:31 1 120
disembodied spirits 2014-07-03 13:59:47 1 0
dispassion 2023-03-05 05:53:07 1 0
displaced 2023-04-27 15:49:14 1 30
disruption 2017-01-21 18:06:55 1 123
dissappointment 2018-03-02 03:38:23 1 0
dissociated consciousness 2021-04-21 06:00:14 1 2
distance jerusem 2015-07-06 12:53:24 1 21
divination 2019-10-13 22:11:17 1 3
divine blueprint 2015-11-03 02:56:41 1 22
divine core 2023-02-11 20:12:03 1 0
divine laws 2022-11-06 04:44:00 1 9
divine rest 2018-08-15 22:21:31 1 2
divine self 2014-12-26 15:54:02 1 0
djinn 2015-02-17 22:06:53 1 0
djuster 2017-10-30 09:40:06 1 1
do one thing well 2023-08-16 23:45:45 1 1
do we choose our parents 2020-07-28 00:43:03 1 697
doc k 2015-12-01 20:15:56 1 11
doc-k 2 2015-12-02 16:07:35 1 0
doc-k 2 manotia 2015-12-02 16:07:15 1 0
document 2024-06-05 15:28:38 1 147
document 16 2024-06-05 15:29:11 1 40
dogs 2018-08-14 03:07:41 1 52
dogs heav 2016-07-26 17:32:29 1 1
dogs heaven 2016-07-26 17:21:12 1 28
doing god 's will 2018-11-03 14:17:14 1 0
doing the fathers will 2014-12-27 12:56:30 1 27
dollar collapse 2024-03-23 12:12:27 1 0
dolores 2013-11-19 14:54:02 1 6
dolores nice 2015-01-05 21:30:13 1 4
dolphins 2018-08-14 03:09:54 1 12
dome 2022-11-19 21:03:29 1 12
domine 2019-08-31 21:37:32 1 0
domingo 2019-12-08 09:59:50 1 0
dominica 2017-08-01 01:13:01 1 34
domptons 2017-01-27 09:17:26 1 0
domytia 2022-10-09 07:16:28 1 0
don 2020-04-29 01:37:03 1 4408
donkc 2020-04-29 01:36:50 1 0
donna c whelan 2019-12-12 13:56:07 1 14
donna d 'angello 2016-08-27 19:44:36 1 0
donna d 'ingillo 2021-08-09 12:22:49 1 50
donna d igniglio 2015-09-25 14:28:18 1 0
donna d ingillo 2019-12-11 15:16:31 1 210
donna whelan 2019-12-11 13:55:41 1 14
donuts 2022-12-26 08:53:26 1 0
doom 2017-10-31 10:48:18 1 46
dooms 2017-10-31 10:44:04 1 0
doorkeeper 2020-06-02 02:45:43 1 2
dopamin 2020-12-15 00:23:23 1 0
double helix 2015-07-01 21:50:50 1 17
doubt 2021-05-22 00:25:39 1 1380
dove descending 2016-11-07 13:53:03 1 5
downed space craft 2014-08-26 16:51:12 1 0
download 2024-04-08 10:05:05 1 39
dowsing 2017-03-06 18:04:07 1 1
dr mendoza about mind 2024-09-04 15:31:53 1 39
dr mendoza mente 2024-09-04 15:30:51 1 1
dr sadler 2018-12-20 11:36:40 1 11
dracano 2015-06-27 02:40:25 1 0
dreams departed 2014-10-08 13:21:34 1 21
dreams of departed 2014-10-08 13:17:24 1 21
drinking 2021-09-19 05:25:09 1 111
driven from home 2023-08-27 16:25:54 1 0
drug addiction 2016-10-18 21:35:24 1 29
drug resistance 2014-01-17 11:11:42 1 0
drum 2017-04-30 15:38:51 1 29
drunvalo melquisedek 2014-07-23 15:41:06 1 0
dry climate 2016-05-21 17:41:03 1 23
dry text 2013-12-03 00:57:48 1 125
dryas 2023-02-03 01:31:41 1 0
dryness of text 2013-12-03 00:58:42 1 3
dube 2015-12-19 15:58:37 1 0
duggar 2014-06-25 11:55:26 1 0
dungeons 2023-07-24 20:15:15 1 2
dungeons and dragons 2023-07-24 20:15:28 1 0
during sleep 2017-01-27 05:15:36 1 21
dynamic infinity 2016-09-05 20:56:42 1 1
dysfunctional 2021-03-21 23:04:36 1 93
dyslexic 2020-08-03 04:48:04 1 1
e angels of industry and national life 2018-06-01 07:05:43 1 0
eagles 2016-05-24 00:58:04 1 14
early fusion 2013-12-23 13:50:51 1 111
early live 2016-09-22 08:15:53 1 681
early man 2014-08-26 16:03:32 1 964
earth angels 2018-12-21 18:38:43 1 503
earth axis 2021-04-02 08:04:31 1 24
earth bound 2013-11-26 20:35:25 1 184
earth cahnges 2018-08-10 11:42:38 1 0
earth tilt 2015-12-23 22:37:42 1 9
earthbound 2018-04-19 15:56:03 1 16
earthbound incarnate 2018-04-19 15:56:36 1 3
earthbound incarnate spirit 2014-06-22 20:26:51 1 3
earthly fathers 2015-02-11 17:49:36 1 51
earthquake 2024 2023-02-11 22:17:19 1 0
earthquake in america 2023-02-11 22:12:34 1 12
earthquake in mexico 2023-02-11 22:13:52 1 2
earthquakes 2020-11-15 21:21:26 1 84
eastcoasttsunami 2014-05-27 11:33:34 1 0
easter 2019-04-21 09:46:39 1 82
eat food 2023-09-27 16:53:15 1 11
eat morontia 2018-11-16 12:16:00 1 1071
eating morontia 2018-11-16 12:17:24 1 55
eaytoria 2014-11-21 17:21:20 1 0
eben 2015-06-07 08:32:50 1 0
eckankar 2014-06-18 19:44:58 1 3
ecology 2016-05-26 07:27:56 1 33
economic debt 2023-03-24 20:02:17 1 0
economic meltdown 2016-05-18 07:26:00 1 8
economies 2014-01-29 13:11:06 1 22
ed no shame dames 2016-04-16 22:46:18 1 0
eden 2023-03-09 16:24:42 1 48
edgar 2023-10-17 10:09:01 1 16
edgar cancel 2014-12-14 10:37:53 1 2
edgar casey 2013-11-23 15:56:16 1 9
edgar cayce astrology 2023-10-28 19:07:15 1 0
edgar cayce numerology 2023-10-28 19:07:33 1 0
education classes 2017-12-16 10:00:58 1 71
effective prayer 2016-07-26 21:44:04 1 570
efforts-all 2022-04-08 08:54:08 1 17
eggs 2016-05-29 09:11:32 1 41
ego importance 2015-01-27 18:38:24 1 408
ego need 2015-01-26 00:58:34 1 0
ego need weights 2015-01-26 00:55:07 1 0
egyptian gods 2016-04-14 00:38:43 1 0
egyptians 2017-07-18 15:40:08 1 7
eighty percent 2024-05-23 09:47:49 1 7
einhorn 2017-02-07 22:38:12 1 0
eink 2015-06-21 18:37:15 1 0
einmore 2015-10-19 22:53:11 1 0
einstein 2024-02-11 19:49:03 1 17
el lorya 2019-04-15 18:09:19 1 0
el morya 2019-04-15 18:09:27 1 0
el roy 2024-12-28 14:29:16 1 410
elaine 2015-12-03 08:01:05 1 25
elanora 2014-10-04 05:05:59 1 1
elders 2021-02-16 12:09:01 1 107
elections 2016-11-12 14:10:40 1 34
electric field 2015-05-22 00:56:10 1 29
electric universe 2017-06-21 15:54:12 1 51
electro-magnetic 2018-06-04 22:20:21 1 177
electrochemical 2017-02-28 17:18:59 1 48
electromagnetic 2018-11-01 19:18:40 1 21
electron 2020-11-20 18:50:08 1 13
electronic commerce 2023-05-07 09:02:53 1 0
element 2023-03-09 21:16:30 1 641
elemental 2017-10-18 23:33:25 1 87
elementals 2017-10-18 23:33:42 1 5
elements exus event 2019-12-22 07:25:05 1 0
elements nexus 2019-12-22 07:25:23 1 0
elements nexus event 2019-12-22 07:25:14 1 0
elen white 2014-07-17 10:45:40 1 0
elephants 2018-08-14 03:19:50 1 4
eletron 2020-11-20 18:49:59 1 0
eli 2017-10-12 17:35:41 1 4991
elias 2019-03-31 11:16:23 1 0
eliminate anxiety 2019-11-13 14:33:20 1 1
ellen 2017-11-15 23:23:21 1 34
ellen white 2014-07-17 10:46:21 1 3
ellen g white 2015-11-27 17:41:08 1 3
ellen gould white 2017-11-15 23:22:44 1 0
ellenor 2016-04-17 20:45:35 1 2
elongated skulls 2016-07-22 16:40:21 1 0
elsa baker 2017-07-31 11:54:29 1 0
elsa barker 2017-07-31 11:54:23 1 0
elyon the ascent 2014-03-02 07:43:36 1 97
elyon michael monjoronson constellation 2014-03-30 12:28:31 1 5
elyon parables 2013-12-20 16:55:38 1 4
elyon, and ascent 2014-03-02 07:45:15 1 97
embassadors of the kingdom 2014-01-14 21:48:47 1 0
embrio 2019-10-19 13:39:36 1 0
embryo 2019-10-20 08:22:56 1 50
emerald tablets 2014-08-23 17:30:12 1 0
emerge 2024-12-13 10:39:54 1 255
emergency interventions 2017-02-14 08:20:16 1 0
emotional 2019-03-21 02:46:45 1 1107
emotional disparity 2013-11-03 18:41:34 1 14
emotional pain 2018-04-01 13:35:48 1 50
emotions and feelings welmek 2018-06-09 19:34:46 1 48
emotions of social sustainability 2021-04-06 10:07:24 1 3
emp blast 2022-11-03 21:32:45 1 0
empath 2017-10-18 18:20:44 1 1
empathy compassion 2024-01-02 09:18:16 1 90
empowering 2018-10-15 23:50:29 1 91
emulan september 2006 2017-12-18 00:45:24 1 1
en eso que amamos vemos la divinidad que adoramos 2019-01-14 18:47:39 1 0
encircle 2014-02-16 04:52:51 1 32
enclave 2018-01-31 18:18:12 1 15
end of the lucifer rebellion 2018-02-25 16:10:57 1 1
end of time 2016-09-27 00:59:50 1 0
endless 2024-04-18 00:44:49 1 373
endocrine system 2017-10-06 19:59:47 1 9
endow personality 2021-03-08 11:13:28 1 17
enduring isolation 2019-10-11 13:04:50 1 0
enduring loneliness 2019-10-11 13:04:36 1 0
enema 2022-12-26 09:10:56 1 0
enemies from within 2021-02-28 21:01:05 1 133
energetic 2022-07-04 07:57:24 1 347
energies and health 2016-07-29 12:21:24 1 1
energy grid trapped souls 2014-06-22 19:22:42 1 7
energy grid trapped soulsearthbound incarnate spi 2014-06-22 20:26:25 1 0
energy grid and trapped souls 2014-06-22 19:20:52 1 7
energy reflective circuits 2014-12-29 01:05:35 1 0
energy replenishment 2015-07-04 00:24:25 1 1
energy techniques 2016-03-27 03:45:10 1 1
energyl potentials 2015-06-15 16:04:22 1 0
enerygy 2016-01-26 05:23:33 1 0
engineer 2014-10-22 14:26:55 1 6
english is the 2016-09-21 07:10:03 1 0
engulf 2019-10-18 04:01:30 1 3
engulf you 2019-10-31 04:04:39 1 14
enjoyable work 2023-03-07 07:24:06 1 0
enmity 2017-05-23 17:28:26 1 14
enno 2014-06-24 16:37:21 1 2
enrapture 2018-01-31 18:03:03 1 0
enseignement des chakras 2024-12-15 13:02:37 1 0
enseraphim 2018-08-18 22:15:05 1 1
environment disasters upcoming 2016-01-24 20:56:18 1 5
envy 2022-07-27 06:23:10 1 120
epictetus 2015-03-25 05:45:59 1 0
epochal dispensations 2014-06-03 06:51:11 1 5
epochal revelation list 2017-12-03 23:17:11 1 0
epstein-barr 2020-07-25 14:16:48 1 0
equal potential 2020-07-06 03:55:41 1 288
equilibrium 2016-05-19 20:37:58 1 85
equity 2018-01-08 22:49:26 1 39
eregon 2015-12-05 07:42:16 1 45
ereon 2014-10-07 22:10:11 1 0
eric 2015-05-22 00:55:32 1 36
eridan 2022-11-05 05:23:39 1 0
ernest moyer 2015-03-23 12:51:28 1 3
ernest norman 2014-09-19 12:30:39 1 0
erwin 2014-10-07 22:09:57 1 0
eschatology 2016-06-28 18:12:01 1 0
espa ol 2023-10-12 21:51:40 1 2
essential oil 2022-10-29 16:52:10 1 0
estara 2022-10-26 13:50:29 1 1
estes 2014-10-31 21:32:55 1 11
esther 2019-06-26 21:55:18 1 7
eternal family 2017-12-01 17:54:14 1 13
eternalson 2017-11-03 15:22:04 1 0
etheric double 2016-01-28 01:45:18 1 0
ethics and morality 2016-08-15 15:09:34 1 7
ethics morality and values 2017-06-05 12:15:51 1 3
ets 2014-06-19 14:30:23 1 2196
eugenia bryan 2018-12-13 18:40:54 1 2
eugenics race 2016-04-28 18:48:45 1 12
euphartes 2014-08-09 16:24:03 1 0
euphrates 2014-08-09 16:24:47 1 1
european pyramid 2017-05-04 10:01:33 1 1
european union 2016-06-26 11:02:50 1 12
evan marino 2014-09-16 10:33:54 1 1
evangelical 2022-06-26 10:45:16 1 15
evangelicals 2016-04-23 20:29:03 1 0
evanston 2014-12-25 12:47:41 1 0
evantod 2022-10-29 08:27:52 1 0
events of near future 2014-07-29 20:28:10 1 392
eventwhichdevelopedtherevelment 2014-09-27 18:00:26 1 0
ever lasting life 2014-05-01 15:38:49 1 329
evergreen colorado 2016-11-11 17:34:43 1 25
everlasting life 2020-11-27 16:37:54 1 41
every corner clinic 2023-01-01 21:46:11 1 0
evil aliens 2021-01-20 11:38:48 1 0
evil creatures 2024-01-11 12:26:32 1 175
evil grid 2017-11-01 20:42:09 1 0
evil posses 2019-04-02 12:47:45 1 4
evil spirts 2014-02-23 18:13:05 1 0
ewan 2018-04-26 08:34:16 1 0
exact phrase "what is the urantia book " 2016-09-13 15:27:23 1 8
excessive 2024-09-13 08:49:56 1 55
excitement 2022-11-07 19:51:25 1 439
exclusive 2022-05-22 15:15:34 1 98
execution 2013-12-04 17:41:17 1 15
execution of the rebels 2015-08-25 16:31:35 1 1
executives 2023-06-27 23:38:57 1 25
existence of devil 2023-10-28 19:49:59 1 0
exodus 2022-11-06 05:19:42 1 8
exoplanet 2017-02-23 11:14:10 1 0
exorable 2014-04-30 18:19:40 1 1
exorcisme 2019-01-23 10:07:04 1 0
expectation of my 2023-11-27 11:04:42 1 0
expectation of our 2023-06-14 09:27:41 1 0
experiances 2015-02-16 20:39:47 1 0
experience learning 2022-04-22 12:00:06 1 1697
experience spirit 2017-10-16 02:06:45 1 3229
experience value 2022-04-22 11:58:25 1 2101
experiential 2023-12-02 20:00:35 1 593
exprctation 2018-10-06 16:17:08 1 0
extinction level 2014-02-09 02:18:22 1 39
extintion 2014-02-01 20:05:17 1 0
extra 2023-02-16 19:58:43 1 411
extra sensory 2017-09-30 22:04:40 1 18
extra terrestrial 2016-04-13 13:50:06 1 30
extra terrestrials 2014-05-09 19:15:20 1 19
extractvalue 1 concat char 126 md5 1027118655 2020-07-21 21:47:31 1 1133
extractvalue 1 concat char 126 md5 1052648789 2020-07-21 21:43:59 1 1133
extractvalue 1 concat char 126 md5 1095845857 2020-10-22 11:53:07 1 3487
extradimension 2023-06-18 19:44:30 1 0
extraterrestrial invasion 2023-07-19 21:40:22 1 0
eye of god 2019-10-26 05:13:06 1 7
eyes of god 2019-10-26 05:14:30 1 36
eyes squint in the sun 2023-02-03 01:49:58 1 0
eyes squint sun 2023-02-03 01:50:06 1 0
ezekial 2016-12-06 21:26:44 1 0
fa lun gong 2014-10-22 00:26:33 1 5
fabric of the universe 2014-01-12 18:24:42 1 224
face of god 2019-10-24 23:50:53 1 23
facebook 2019-07-05 18:36:52 1 25
facilitate 2024-02-11 22:57:17 1 357
facilitator recorder 2023-12-31 17:39:41 1 15
facilities headquarters 2023-07-22 07:39:47 1 2
facility headquarters 2023-07-22 07:46:20 1 2
fact 2014-04-14 13:29:19 1 2376
fact of eternity 2016-03-28 14:03:38 1 0
faith brenner 2014-05-08 12:40:45 1 0
faith development 2014-09-17 13:39:06 1 995
faith in these times 2016-01-09 21:53:45 1 2243
faith is assigning all 2014-11-14 10:26:15 1 32
faith stages 2014-09-17 13:41:41 1 393
faith vs trust 2021-03-06 12:41:52 1 0
fake 2015-05-22 00:51:26 1 18
falan 2015-06-19 16:10:50 1 0
falan dafa 2015-06-19 16:10:33 1 0
falan gong 2015-06-19 16:10:40 1 0
falun dafa 2015-06-19 16:13:15 1 0
falun gong 2017-08-31 01:50:34 1 0
famil life 2014-12-01 19:30:25 1 0
family 2012 2017-12-02 01:36:34 1 125
family dynamics 2024-01-26 07:18:11 1 0
family of god 2017-12-01 17:52:09 1 2069
family services 2024-03-03 13:45:57 1 1
family tree 2017-12-15 11:04:14 1 217
family values 2018-05-21 20:43:27 1 679
fanfare 2014-07-25 22:20:50 1 21
faq 2017-01-16 19:44:55 1 14
faq 26 2015-02-06 06:07:17 1 13
farakhan 2015-03-02 15:35:26 1 0
farm 2014-08-07 13:34:45 1 46
farms 2022-08-31 00:48:06 1 21
faster learning 2023-03-09 07:47:46 1 0
fat loss 2024-12-03 11:18:24 1 0
fate of suicide bombers 2016-03-09 02:47:36 1 2
father planets 2017-05-20 09:45:57 1 0
father will 2022-11-06 04:54:55 1 347
father within 2018-03-28 10:30:58 1 1
father*s 2013-10-01 10:46:00 1 4739
fatherhood of god and the brotherhood of men 2015-05-28 05:10:23 1 161
fathers house 2017-08-30 21:44:01 1 59
fatima spano 2018-10-22 14:02:15 1 0
fear and worry 2023-07-25 22:31:08 1 7
fear of god 2022-10-31 15:00:36 1 2057
fear polar 2014-07-19 18:26:09 1 20
feather 2017-03-10 18:20:07 1 30
feb 03 2010 2018-05-14 16:33:10 1 4
febraury 2014 2014-02-07 15:34:09 1 0
february 15 2004 2016-06-23 07:58:16 1 1
february 2016 2016-05-04 18:16:51 1 3
february2016 2016-05-04 18:16:33 1 0
feelings 2024-02-11 12:04:55 1 0
felix 2014-08-21 19:45:33 1 45
femenism 2016-12-23 22:03:13 1 0
feminine 2016-12-30 17:03:23 1 118
femininity 2016-12-30 17:08:03 1 12
fer 2013-12-24 08:05:50 1 4622
fer theory 2013-12-24 08:07:26 1 170
fibromyalgia 2018-12-23 11:06:37 1 1
fiction 2019-10-09 22:13:07 1 106
field a 2015-05-22 00:55:54 1 823
field b 2015-05-22 00:55:56 1 823
field c 2015-05-22 00:55:58 1 823
field clinic 2024-08-29 22:54:56 1 0
field office 2024-08-29 22:54:48 1 0
fielda 2015-05-22 00:55:35 1 0
fifth bestowal 2019-03-26 13:28:45 1 0
fifth dimensional 2018-10-17 01:05:51 1 1
fifth epochal dispensation 2016-11-12 22:33:19 1 38
fifth epochal revelation 2015-10-15 15:07:08 1 152
fifty-five 2016-06-29 22:28:12 1 108
fight 2023-08-24 03:23:34 1 378
fight evil 2021-06-09 21:38:47 1 7
fill 2017-10-31 08:44:27 1 941
film 2024-09-22 04:38:18 1 46
filmore 2021-10-06 22:22:13 1 0
filsafat 2023-05-26 14:05:37 1 0
finanalter 2020-12-20 15:28:58 1 0
financial 2018-05-15 18:02:21 1 240
financial debt 2024-03-25 14:40:15 1 2
financial depression 2016-07-28 08:53:20 1 30
financial investment 2023-02-09 00:08:51 1 0
financial money collapse 2020-09-18 00:50:39 1 23
finding god 2019-03-25 21:35:29 1 50
first aspect 2015-11-27 17:35:34 1 13
first bestowal 2019-03-26 13:27:51 1 0
first clinic 2023-01-03 12:17:57 1 0
first clinic in colombia 2023-01-03 12:17:49 1 0
first contact 2023-07-07 22:27:35 1 45
first humans 2022-07-04 01:22:57 1 1006
first incarnation 2015-06-30 16:02:37 1 118
first mortal embraced father 2016-01-15 09:53:27 1 192
first president of the united states 2014-03-11 09:34:11 1 1
first woman apostle 2015-11-06 10:28:43 1 31
fl or ose 2016-01-17 18:17:09 1 4546
flat earth belief 2017-01-06 16:48:10 1 24
flee 2017-05-15 19:00:47 1 46
flee mountains 2023-08-27 16:38:58 1 3
flesh 2019-08-20 04:25:06 1 868
flesh fruits 2019-08-20 04:26:08 1 177
flexibility 2016-10-08 00:17:34 1 163
flood water 2014-05-27 08:57:56 1 47
floral 2017-04-12 07:50:40 1 0
flow of time 2023-12-31 09:01:39 1 5
flu 2020-03-13 01:39:00 1 1844
flu shots 2016-07-10 20:16:48 1 8
flunk 2019-10-14 18:18:01 1 1
fluride 2019-01-11 09:39:29 1 0
flurry 's 2015-11-04 01:43:38 1 9
flurry 13 2016-02-02 00:11:22 1 6
flurry 22 2015-10-05 11:42:58 1 5
flurry vol 1 2015-06-26 21:59:11 1 9
flux 2024-01-04 21:58:45 1 128
fmatriarchy 2016-12-23 22:04:31 1 0
fohat 2016-01-30 21:03:51 1 0
foibles 2016-10-16 03:19:23 1 63
food eating 2016-08-26 06:10:18 1 65
food morontia 2018-11-16 12:16:59 1 210
food production 2025-01-13 20:27:16 1 6
food shortages 2023-07-20 20:21:20 1 2
food suppplies 2016-05-03 17:16:50 1 0
for profit 2023-06-23 09:49:12 1 18
forcefulness 2022-12-17 08:08:30 1 11
foreclosure 2023-04-30 20:15:23 1 3
foreclosures 2023-04-30 19:56:53 1 2
foreign potentates 2015-06-27 03:09:43 1 1
forgive 2014-03-09 15:49:12 1 520
forgiveness debt 2024-03-30 00:27:58 1 15
forgiving of debt 2024-03-26 17:08:56 1 0
forgiving others 2014-03-09 15:50:12 1 18
forgivingdebt 2024-03-26 17:09:00 1 0
formed 2019-10-19 13:54:23 1 376
former races 2014-03-14 07:01:50 1 53
forming churches 2017-08-14 06:28:07 1 32
forming group 2016-10-06 03:08:31 1 2
forming merkaba 2016-12-30 02:20:56 1 0
forming merkabah 2016-10-06 03:08:17 1 0
fortuit 2019-09-18 18:29:57 1 0
forty hours 2024-04-18 12:16:42 1 0
fosse 2016-05-25 22:50:25 1 0
four winged transport seraphs 2015-06-12 08:11:13 1 0
fourth bestowal 2019-03-26 13:28:34 1 0
fourth dimension 2024-04-12 16:53:32 1 6
fourth dimensional 2024-04-12 16:53:24 1 1
fourth trumpet 2019-08-23 03:40:38 1 5
fragmentation 2018-06-13 08:01:05 1 25
framework 2024-03-16 21:55:18 1 331
francais temp 2014-06-19 14:27:55 1 0
freaky 2019-10-12 21:48:26 1 2
fredrick douglas 2020-07-27 03:11:12 1 0
free download 2024-04-08 10:05:02 1 0
free manual 2024-04-08 10:04:47 1 25
free of judgement 2019-10-15 22:40:59 1 0
free to download 2024-04-08 10:04:59 1 0
free will culture 2017-12-24 15:51:53 1 465
freedoms 2019-04-25 00:02:01 1 54
freemason 2016-10-26 20:42:26 1 0
freemasons 2016-10-26 20:42:30 1 0
frequently asked questions 2017-10-31 20:13:49 1 156
frieze 2014-12-07 18:04:47 1 0
frugal 2021-09-02 21:30:01 1 1
fruit 2014-03-11 15:52:52 1 0
fuck 2015-05-22 00:54:59 1 0
fukashima 2016-05-13 08:10:16 1 0
funeral 2020-01-14 22:51:08 1 25
furcation 2016-09-29 16:03:31 1 0
further revealed truths 2018-10-15 23:47:18 1 0
fuse 2021-06-08 13:06:10 1 169
fusure 2020-11-26 14:17:52 1 0
future church 2021-05-02 18:15:13 1 0
future city 2022-11-17 09:59:23 1 0
future of church 2021-05-02 18:14:38 1 0
future of the internet 2023-01-30 00:52:17 1 0
future of urantia 2014-01-05 21:38:06 1 1465
gabrial vs lucifer trial 2015-11-17 01:09:56 1 0
gabriel of sedona 2024-05-13 15:31:23 1 10
gabriel s son 2018-04-10 16:59:28 1 158
gabriel traditions 2021-06-23 20:19:38 1 9
gabriel v caligastia 2020-04-30 15:43:53 1 0
gabriela ilie 2019-12-11 10:04:07 1 0 2015-01-15 13:30:17 1 2
gaiamtv 2015-01-15 13:39:58 1 2
galactic center 2014-04-22 09:17:53 1 24
galactic cetre 2014-04-22 09:17:32 1 0
galactic+history 2014-07-04 19:42:59 1 1140
galatic fed 2016-08-19 15:55:19 1 0
galatic federation 2016-08-19 15:55:53 1 0
galaxy 2018-07-04 18:47:26 1 97
galvantia 2016-01-07 04:23:27 1 0
gamaliel 2015-01-12 18:07:25 1 0
game night 2023-01-06 11:59:38 1 0
game of life monjoronson 2016-01-29 09:35:28 1 80
game show 2023-01-28 07:45:51 1 2
games 2023-01-28 07:50:14 1 141
gaming 2023-07-24 20:15:52 1 1
ganahji 2016-01-07 03:54:45 1 1
gangs 2016-04-22 09:19:28 1 9
ganid 2013-10-07 08:19:12 1 14
garabandal 2016-05-07 22:20:27 1 0
garbage 2016-05-26 07:04:50 1 41
garden of eden 2016-07-29 03:07:07 1 39
gardin 2021-08-05 11:39:46 1 0
gatekeeper 2020-06-02 02:46:57 1 13
gathering of the eagles 2016-05-24 00:57:44 1 4
gaudia 2019-08-31 21:37:53 1 0
gay sex 2023-10-17 10:06:20 1 0
gay spirituality 2017-02-18 03:10:08 1 15
gemstones 2018-08-19 05:53:22 1 4
genavive 2018-10-15 11:44:36 1 0
gender 2017-12-01 23:30:10 1 170
gender roles in family 2017-12-02 00:10:58 1 28
gender rolls in family 2017-12-01 23:37:37 1 3
generator 2016-11-03 02:42:09 1 37
generosity 2014-03-15 21:46:17 1 0
genes 2018-08-14 03:02:10 1 38
genesis 2019-10-16 08:57:01 1 24
genetic 2015-10-12 22:09:32 1 298
genetic engineering 2017-01-05 17:02:43 1 13
genetic engineering on urantia 2017-01-05 17:09:29 1 11
genetic inheritance 2016-06-18 07:00:34 1 24
geneticist 2014-03-11 15:52:41 1 1
genghis 2014-09-11 20:10:44 1 0
genie 2015-02-17 22:07:03 1 3
genivive 2018-10-15 11:44:47 1 0
genthsemane 2016-12-09 14:22:30 1 0
geoengineering 2014-02-03 12:28:00 1 0
geoff 2013-11-21 18:24:31 1 9
geological 2016-06-19 07:08:51 1 22
geophysical 2020-09-16 01:42:58 1 26
geophysics 2016-05-26 09:09:18 1 2
george harrison 2022-10-12 21:51:42 1 3
georges douyon 2019-12-12 14:11:38 1 15
geostorm 2022-11-08 07:01:07 1 0
gerahdt 2015-02-06 09:47:14 1 8
gerahdt reincarnation 2015-02-06 09:47:30 1 1
gerdean 2007 tomas 2016-08-27 12:14:46 1 11
gerdean 2008 february 2016-08-27 13:38:51 1 3
gerdean 2016 2016-11-15 13:55:24 1 0
gerdean o dell 2013-12-31 00:39:56 1 37
germaine 2024-06-08 02:20:58 1 4
german airplane 2016-09-12 09:31:18 1 1
germans 2016-05-08 15:44:33 1 4
germany 2017-08-31 01:51:13 1 20
germs 2020-07-23 22:15:59 1 12
gest o planetaria 2016-11-07 07:06:15 1 0
get out of the house 2023-07-24 09:26:11 1 3
gethsemane 2016-12-09 14:22:44 1 18
ghost fear 2014-01-03 07:52:17 1 34
giants on the aearth 2014-12-03 22:49:33 1 0
giants on the earth 2014-12-03 22:49:39 1 7
gibraltar 2014-11-19 11:09:23 1 3
gift of giving to others 2014-05-21 14:53:29 1 644
gift of giving to othwea 2014-05-21 14:52:47 1 0
gift of giving to othwra 2014-05-21 14:53:10 1 0
gift of peace 2023-04-16 10:48:38 1 5
gift speaking 2017-04-23 09:19:38 1 0
gift speech 2017-04-23 09:16:42 1 0
gilgamesh 2021-02-21 14:32:47 1 0
give strength 2023-11-10 07:07:52 1 11
give your strength 2023-11-10 07:07:39 1 0
given 2017-11-04 05:40:46 1 3482
giving love relationships 2013-12-03 22:10:54 1 457
giving to others 2014-05-21 15:00:10 1 1442
giza pyramids 2017-07-18 15:39:20 1 0
gland 2018-04-08 01:47:42 1 13
global 2019-08-17 14:46:33 1 452
global ann 2016-03-22 21:24:02 1 12
global anne 2016-03-22 21:26:18 1 0
global climate 2019-08-17 14:50:07 1 32
global communication 2023-02-19 00:10:27 1 7
global sutainability 2024-05-20 23:38:34 1 0
globalization 2019-10-27 09:40:17 1 7
globe adjusts realities 2016-03-22 07:10:28 1 3
gloden rulers 2014-07-12 10:57:40 1 0
glow 2018-05-10 09:55:55 1 247
gluten 2019-01-08 12:43:45 1 1
gmo 2016-05-18 06:22:57 1 17
gmos 2016-07-25 08:18:59 1 1
gnashing 2020-11-29 14:06:44 1 6
gngs 2016-04-22 09:19:17 1 0
goals 2020-10-06 03:08:16 1 685
gobekli 2019-02-04 15:27:37 1 1
gobekli tepe 2019-03-21 22:19:04 1 1
god 's 2018-05-21 18:41:14 1 2320
god 's anger 2018-05-21 18:42:35 1 0
god 's appearance 2022-01-14 09:05:19 1 0
god 's face 2022-01-14 09:05:04 1 0
god 's love 2018-03-05 16:29:05 1 2110
god 's wrath 2018-05-21 18:39:21 1 0
god based 2023-03-04 16:02:13 1 3
god be your lover 2018-11-03 14:17:35 1 0
god centered 2023-03-04 16:02:38 1 72
god conscious 2023-02-11 20:25:09 1 103
god fury 2018-05-25 15:41:42 1 0
god fuse 2023-02-07 20:29:28 1 0
god fusion 2022-10-07 23:07:49 1 0
god guide 2023-02-19 20:52:02 1 2
god is inside 2019-03-25 22:07:12 1 1
god light 2023-02-12 08:54:28 1 2
god loving 2018-08-08 04:02:29 1 29
god mode 2023-02-12 12:09:38 1 0
god particle 2014-08-31 22:07:16 1 11
god s fury 2018-05-25 15:41:27 1 0
god the sevenfold 2015-10-14 11:21:15 1 12
god word with right thinking 2024-06-02 04:48:58 1 0
god-centered family life 2021-06-29 23:56:44 1 1723
goddard 2021-10-06 22:21:59 1 0
gods family tree 2017-12-15 11:05:34 1 34
gods love 2024-12-24 13:50:47 1 2
godward with right 2024-06-01 13:36:13 1 0
godwin ermak 2019-12-12 16:13:14 1 0
gog 2013-10-01 17:09:15 1 40
gold bar 2024-04-14 16:55:44 1 0
gold bars 2024-12-04 14:07:33 1 0
gold bullion 2024-04-14 16:55:35 1 0
gold coin 2022-10-19 19:20:48 1 5
gold energy 2023-03-21 00:12:38 1 0
golden age 2014-03-06 21:40:06 1 233
golden dawn 2017-06-15 21:31:18 1 28
gomorra 2019-10-31 18:01:09 1 0
gomorrah 2019-08-19 06:54:43 1 5
gonaga 2015-05-22 00:55:43 1 0
goog 2014-04-25 12:38:24 1 0
gorbachow 2015-10-17 06:18:41 1 0
gordon michael scallion 2017-05-22 10:23:39 1 0
gout 2016-06-25 19:40:35 1 0
governance 2019-05-19 08:25:55 1 72
governor 2016-10-05 21:08:14 1 22
governor general 2016-10-06 00:19:35 1 9
graal 2017-06-05 11:07:09 1 0
grace 2020-12-03 07:49:08 1 936
graduate guides 2018-10-15 11:45:24 1 1
graham 2013-11-21 18:26:08 1 5
grail 2017-06-05 11:07:53 1 11
grains 2016-05-26 07:15:34 1 37
gram-negative 2014-01-17 11:12:02 1 122
gram-negative bacteria 2014-01-17 11:10:09 1 0
grand 2017-01-06 17:23:51 1 3
grandfada 2017-01-03 19:47:12 1 0
grandise 2019-06-18 02:23:26 1 0
grandising 2019-06-18 02:23:13 1 0
grandize 2019-06-18 02:22:49 1 0
grandizement 2019-06-18 02:21:45 1 0
grants 2017-11-25 15:13:59 1 47
grated orange 2022-12-30 09:21:02 1 2
grateful dead 2014-02-08 14:09:40 1 79
great changes occurred atmospheric physical 2017-12-28 01:20:24 1 7
greatness 2020-11-23 16:32:13 1 333
greber 2017-01-16 18:03:11 1 0
greek 2016-10-26 20:39:06 1 34
greet your adjuster 2017-03-28 16:09:23 1 0
greet your t a 2017-03-28 16:08:58 1 0
gregg scott 2014-04-27 16:42:51 1 0
grid cleaning series august 26 2011 2020-07-02 02:39:37 1 1
grid cleaning series no 2 2020-07-02 02:48:37 1 9
grid cleansing 2014-07-28 22:54:57 1 9
grid cleansing 3 2020-07-02 02:57:44 1 17
grid cleansing service series 2017-12-11 08:46:42 1 11
grid darkness 2016-01-23 22:42:33 1 40
grid goes down 2022-11-03 21:38:57 1 0
grid of darkness 2016-01-23 22:42:22 1 40
grid people 2015-11-09 09:54:42 1 100
grid urantia 2017-11-01 20:32:41 1 92
grief 2023-11-26 09:54:17 1 197
griffin 2019-05-19 08:29:40 1 0
gril 2017-02-05 16:29:21 1 0
grill 2017-02-05 16:29:30 1 1
grizzly 2015-12-16 11:09:27 1 4
groanings 2021-09-01 23:38:23 1 1
groans 2023-02-11 15:39:41 1 2
growthrebellion 2025-01-15 04:54:58 1 0
grumpy elderly 2016-05-11 17:03:36 1 4
gsa-online de 2015-03-18 11:32:43 1 702
guarderia 2023-05-16 00:25:35 1 0
guardian of destiny 2014-06-19 13:07:36 1 5
guatemala 2014-07-07 04:16:14 1 0
guider 2023-02-19 20:52:33 1 1
guiding newly dead 2014-04-17 08:52:47 1 9
gulf of mexico 2014-05-28 10:47:19 1 14
gun control 2013-10-30 09:50:41 1 298
gunshot 2023-11-13 20:52:50 1 0
gur dev 2017-06-30 15:47:30 1 755
gurdjief 2016-06-11 07:19:47 1 0
gym 2023-08-21 21:23:43 1 42
gynacomastia 2016-05-20 18:14:18 1 0
gynocomastia 2020-11-29 18:07:12 1 0
h1n1 2016-04-27 13:54:54 1 0
haida gwaii trader 2023-09-11 06:37:39 1 1
hall of records 2016-08-05 04:07:38 1 2
ham 1991 2015-08-25 17:29:28 1 44
ham introduction to correcting time 2014-12-09 20:05:33 1 5
ham operator 2019-02-22 00:10:13 1 4
ham, peace 2013-11-21 20:40:26 1 0
hammurabi 2020-11-29 14:04:40 1 4
hanavar 2016-03-03 09:01:09 1 0
handbook for human beings 2014-08-11 15:57:45 1 1
handicap 2020-10-06 03:05:13 1 59
hands " 2018-11-07 17:01:59 1 1314
hands ' " 2023-08-09 18:02:03 1 1216
hands ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2018-11-06 16:46:03 1 1271
hands ' and sleep 3 and '0 ' '0 2018-11-06 16:46:07 1 1271
hands ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2018-11-06 16:46:05 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 1 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:13 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 160 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:23 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 20 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:16 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 320 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:26 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 321 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:28 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 40 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:18 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 481 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:31 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 561 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:33 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 601 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:36 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 621 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:38 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 631 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:41 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 636 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:43 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 639 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:51 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 640 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:53 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 641 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:56 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 642 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:58 1 1271
hands ' sleep 3 order by 80 -- 2018-11-06 16:07:21 1 1271
hands and sleee 'p 3 2018-11-06 16:46:11 1 1271
hands and sleep '3 ' 2018-11-06 16:46:09 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 1 2018-11-06 16:46:19 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 160 2018-11-06 16:46:31 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 20 2018-11-06 16:46:22 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 320 2018-11-06 16:46:34 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 321 2018-11-06 16:46:37 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 40 2018-11-06 16:46:25 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 481 2018-11-06 16:46:40 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 561 2018-11-06 16:46:43 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 601 2018-11-06 16:46:46 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 621 2018-11-06 16:46:49 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 631 2018-11-06 16:46:53 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 636 2018-11-06 16:46:56 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 639 2018-11-06 16:47:05 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 640 2018-11-06 16:47:08 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 641 2018-11-06 16:47:11 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 642 2018-11-06 16:47:14 1 1271
hands sleep 3 order by 80 2018-11-06 16:46:28 1 1271
hands99999 " 2018-11-07 17:02:06 1 1314
hands99999 ' 2018-11-07 17:02:04 1 1314
hands999999 1 2018-11-07 17:02:02 1 1314
handsome 2014-01-17 23:19:02 1 18
hanging 2017-10-18 17:50:03 1 183
hanging out with spirit 2017-10-18 17:27:59 1 166
hanovard 2014-08-23 12:40:59 1 0
happens at death 2019-09-02 02:08:59 1 339
haramein 2015-12-25 05:33:03 1 0
harlot 2022-11-06 05:17:57 1 0
harlots 2022-11-06 05:18:01 1 1
harmagu don 2022-11-05 07:04:59 1 0
harmonic resonance 2016-09-18 16:59:32 1 17
harmonizing your thoughts 2023-10-19 13:29:50 1 0
harmony 2019-03-28 18:36:46 1 888
harold sherman 2019-01-29 19:23:59 1 0
harriet tubman 2020-07-27 03:11:23 1 0
harrison 2022-10-12 21:50:17 1 57
harsh 2024-04-04 09:16:33 1 249
harsh monjoronson 2024-04-04 09:17:15 1 31
has no memory of other 2016-03-22 05:01:28 1 0
has no memory of other incarnated 2016-03-22 05:01:02 1 0
hate not his 2024-11-10 18:19:05 1 0
hating sin 2019-10-15 02:21:19 1 0
haunt 2019-04-04 18:56:08 1 15
have fun 2025-01-12 22:16:34 1 112
have hair 2014-09-14 10:14:59 1 1
have internet 2023-03-22 15:31:24 1 2
have motivation 2023-01-09 08:10:58 1 1
having jacob 2013-11-25 12:55:58 1 9
havonadar 2022-10-17 12:02:50 1 0
hazmat 2020-12-02 11:21:53 1 0
he is ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2014-10-28 12:23:53 1 5726
he is ' and sleep 3 and '1 2014-10-28 12:23:52 1 5726
he is ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2014-10-28 12:23:54 1 5726
he is ' sleep 3 '1 2014-10-28 12:23:52 1 5726
he is 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2014-10-28 12:23:53 1 5726
he is' 2014-07-25 18:58:32 1 5628
he"|"--"|"--"|"search 2014-02-25 09:35:43 1 0
head of class 2017-01-25 14:58:54 1 170
headache 2016-06-22 07:16:39 1 30
headquaters 2014-05-06 00:06:07 1 0
heady 2024-03-19 07:49:55 1 22
heady intellectualized 2024-03-19 07:50:35 1 1
healing a broken world 2018-01-02 19:11:12 1 9
healing aspects of sound 2016-04-14 11:57:36 1 0
healing clinic 2023-01-01 21:46:39 1 0
healing pools 2024-03-26 16:30:14 1 0
healing power 2015-06-27 12:20:50 1 54
healing technology 2023-01-21 16:55:52 1 1
health center 2022-06-30 10:11:43 1 1
healthcare conscious 2023-02-12 12:20:17 1 1
healthcare education 2024-07-28 07:43:32 1 32
healthcareclinics 2024-11-25 14:11:07 1 0
healthy families 2017-12-01 17:48:10 1 9
hear my voice 2019-10-27 04:50:48 1 43
hearing voices mental illness 2013-11-25 01:17:33 1 27
heart change 2014-04-04 10:32:43 1 1715
heart of god 2016-09-16 12:27:51 1 2599
heart rate 2023-11-19 14:11:32 1 9
heat 2023-07-16 03:13:36 1 165
heat wave 2016-06-05 07:38:15 1 34
heath care 2024-03-12 12:57:57 1 7
heaven hell 2015-08-10 13:25:09 1 71
heavenly mother 2018-10-05 12:35:32 1 10
heavenly mothers name 2018-10-01 04:06:03 1 0
heavens will open 2023-04-16 11:29:02 1 0
hebron 2022-01-16 04:07:12 1 1
hechathorn 2017-04-23 17:02:37 1 0
heinadar 2014-09-10 21:16:17 1 0
heis 2015-02-03 10:52:06 1 5747
held beliefs 2021-06-11 20:51:41 1 10
helen 2015-12-23 23:16:14 1 133
helen w 2014-03-01 14:23:49 1 132
helen whitingworth 2014-03-01 14:23:21 1 0
helen whittingworth 2014-03-01 14:23:11 1 0
helen whitworth the game of life 2014-03-01 14:27:14 1 2
helen wtitingworth 2014-03-01 14:23:33 1 0
helena 2014-09-07 13:20:25 1 12
helena white 2019-01-14 18:42:57 1 2
helios 2014-08-10 16:25:50 1 0
help 2019-04-01 22:57:53 1 4553
henry zerinque 2019-07-05 18:37:31 1 0
hensalon 2024-06-20 04:47:34 1 0
henselon 2014-01-25 15:08:59 1 0
herbicides 2016-05-06 08:15:34 1 2
herbs 2016-06-03 07:33:10 1 25
hermes 2016-04-10 00:43:36 1 0
hero 2021-05-31 01:12:16 1 54
herpes 2019-01-20 18:05:52 1 0
hertz 2020-01-15 21:56:25 1 3
hhhh 2018-08-21 07:19:38 1 0
hibernate 2023-01-20 15:20:09 1 6
hierarchies of light 2015-07-03 13:08:49 1 2
hiernamaals 2018-01-15 07:32:57 1 0
higgs 2017-11-01 06:13:15 1 8
high command 2019-12-08 16:36:50 1 0
higher existence 2023-01-07 09:06:18 1 1
higher self 2016-07-17 11:48:08 1 2080
hill country 2016-05-08 08:56:44 1 28
hill of life 2016-05-25 22:50:44 1 107
hinderland 2018-01-29 18:28:00 1 0
hippo campus 2017-01-13 10:24:05 1 0
hippocampus 2014-11-27 10:34:53 1 0
historia de la misi n docente 2017-10-22 19:42:34 1 0
history of garden of eden 2016-07-29 03:12:33 1 18
history of teaching mission 2024-05-18 09:08:40 1 0
history of the teaching mission 2024-05-18 09:14:13 1 4
history of the urantia book 2021-10-24 23:06:12 1 616
history of urantia book 2016-08-31 00:00:02 1 612
hoa hao 2023-04-01 22:56:30 1 39
hobbits 2021-02-21 14:32:25 1 0
holeo fr 2015-04-19 10:20:35 1 706
holiday inn 2019-04-11 10:13:56 1 2
holiness 2021-02-27 05:09:55 1 43
holistic 2014-09-11 17:18:48 1 73
holodeck 2020-11-27 14:02:33 1 7
holy grail 2014-12-03 22:37:39 1 10
home material 2022-11-19 21:05:56 1 0
homeless 2018-09-18 13:19:35 1 56
homeplanet 2016-09-06 19:59:22 1 0
homesteading 2024-03-15 10:08:13 1 0
homo sapien 2018-11-10 08:30:53 1 5
homoesexual 2022-11-05 19:44:37 1 0
hone 2024-08-05 23:28:52 1 68
hook 2014-02-22 20:47:32 1 67
hoomi 2017-12-04 16:38:38 1 0
hope and tolerance 2015-10-29 22:48:27 1 304
hopeless 2021-01-27 23:33:46 1 113
hopperdietzel 2018-04-26 08:34:23 1 0
horrace 2022-10-21 10:45:04 1 0
horsemen 2017-12-18 21:39:05 1 3
hortien 2018-08-16 17:56:37 1 0
horus 2020-03-21 13:50:01 1 1
hotpen 2019-04-11 09:20:54 1 0
houdini 2014-09-06 23:31:36 1 0
housing 2024-03-26 19:03:08 1 47
housing cost 2022-04-27 20:46:14 1 0
how baf 2023-02-09 19:04:51 1 0
how can we serve 2019-07-04 09:51:10 1 1752
how evil is urania 2017-08-09 12:05:33 1 0
how is possible 2019-11-15 09:52:42 1 2555
how many galaxies are inhabited 2019-07-06 22:03:08 1 16
how old was mary 2014-08-14 15:03:56 1 378
how to ask questions 2022-10-29 04:11:58 1 2928
how to becom a transmitter receiver 2019-07-03 18:05:17 1 0
how to become a transmiter receiver 2015-08-27 13:32:52 1 0
how to communicate with your thought adjuster 2018-11-29 22:30:11 1 436
how to forgive 2014-03-09 05:09:01 1 16
how to heal my body 2016-06-25 03:02:22 1 0
how to learn to transmit 2023-11-19 16:27:29 1 0
how to sense spiritual beings 2018-12-16 03:49:36 1 0
how to survive 2022-11-13 20:48:27 1 3
how to t/r 2015-01-26 22:04:21 1 0
how to tr 2017-09-01 04:19:24 1 5239
how to transmitt 2024-02-13 15:33:43 1 0
how to transmt 2021-01-17 08:43:17 1 0
how to use this power 2018-03-01 00:20:56 1 2127
http investmatch org components barao txt 2019-04-05 19:49:47 1 0
human associates 2019-12-10 14:09:55 1 20
human circles of progression 2017-08-27 07:00:42 1 0
human contact 2015-11-16 00:03:31 1 1538
human contiuum 2024-05-21 21:54:15 1 0
human morontia bodies 2015-06-23 07:47:49 1 183
human progression 2017-08-27 07:01:58 1 4
human spirit 2024-02-13 15:45:09 1 2948
human spirit or soul 2024-02-13 15:53:25 1 1900
humankind 2023-01-07 09:16:30 1 363
humanoids 2018-08-25 18:58:32 1 7
humidity 2016-06-07 08:21:45 1 11
humour 2014-08-02 14:11:49 1 7
hungary 2016-04-27 21:49:40 1 1
hunnah 2015-06-08 17:01:14 1 27
hurricane katrina 2013-10-23 11:03:20 1 10
hybrid 2014-02-21 12:22:52 1 8
hydrogen peroxide 2014-04-13 15:46:18 1 0
hyper-inflation 2024-04-02 10:39:34 1 23
hypoca 2014-11-27 10:10:01 1 0
hypothalamus 2017-01-04 17:46:06 1 3
hypothesis 2018-04-28 09:15:21 1 9
i am abraham woods cross 2019-06-07 18:15:05 1 627
i am energy 2015-06-17 13:15:04 1 3
i am monjoronson of the spiritual hierarchy bringi 2013-11-30 10:27:57 1 0
i crave 2019-10-26 04:25:06 1 16
i create you 2019-10-18 13:06:12 1 0
i created you 2019-10-19 21:38:21 1 2
i library 2016-06-12 23:03:34 1 108
i made you 2019-10-18 13:06:24 1 0
i q 2014-04-04 11:13:58 1 5494
i shall provide urantia with the gift of peace 2023-04-16 10:47:28 1 0
i,cyrus 2014-07-14 16:34:48 1 1
ialdabaoth 2014-01-05 21:27:43 1 0
iam me presence 2018-06-26 15:00:03 1 0
iboga 2016-05-05 18:49:54 1 0
ibs 2017-03-15 10:47:30 1 30
ibuprophen 2016-05-28 07:42:41 1 0
ic05 2023-03-23 16:40:16 1 5
ice bath 2024-01-26 20:21:13 1 0
iceland 2015-04-28 11:23:53 1 3
icke 2022-11-05 04:39:42 1 1
ideals 2024-08-06 11:03:15 1 636
ideas 2019-11-13 14:02:25 1 1475
ignatius 2023-03-28 13:36:31 1 0
iindigo children 2014-05-04 08:32:59 1 0
ikhnaton 2022-05-01 13:42:02 1 0
illinois 2016-05-08 08:59:26 1 15
illuminate 2017-02-18 15:01:44 1 227
illumunati 2017-05-14 09:24:54 1 0
iluminati 2016-07-11 19:54:41 1 0
ilumunati 2017-05-14 09:25:01 1 0
imagery 2020-01-12 19:34:37 1 158
imaginatino 2015-01-16 20:43:02 1 0
imagination to co-create 2016-08-12 13:18:13 1 0
imagination to cocreate 2016-08-12 13:17:27 1 0
imagine that 2019-11-17 06:46:54 1 211
immaculate conception 2014-12-03 19:18:59 1 3
immanual 2018-05-11 02:11:32 1 0
immorality 2019-08-20 03:48:18 1 14
impatience 2020-08-28 11:40:20 1 199
impediments 2017-09-02 10:45:34 1 51
impending 2023-01-07 09:44:28 1 63
imperator 2015-12-16 12:20:35 1 1
imperfect 2023-06-14 13:36:03 1 316
impersonal god 2018-08-20 14:49:32 1 138
impersonal life 2014-03-30 04:08:11 1 134
implants 2014-03-05 12:09:00 1 3
implication 2014-03-01 06:55:18 1 40
importance ego 2015-01-27 18:38:08 1 408
importance of ego 2015-01-27 18:37:49 1 408
importance of experience 2022-04-22 11:54:31 1 900
impudicity 2019-08-20 04:18:55 1 0
in a 2017-06-12 10:46:30 1 5834
in another few decades it 'll be all gone 2024-12-02 23:13:50 1 19
in god we live 2018-01-29 18:37:26 1 2460
in heaven 2018-09-23 03:56:17 1 476
in kind 2022-08-31 00:34:12 1 67
in-kind 2022-08-31 00:33:54 1 0
inaudible 2017-05-04 07:16:45 1 163
inbetween 2014-08-23 08:08:07 1 0
inca 2017-06-12 10:46:45 1 1
incarnate 2018-04-19 15:56:28 1 97
incarnation inequities 2015-06-30 16:02:17 1 0
incarnation of beings of the descending order 2017-01-14 10:00:49 1 7
incompetent 2021-06-17 12:12:09 1 16
india jesus 2013-10-28 20:25:18 1 27
indiana 2017-11-25 15:17:25 1 12
indigo tribe 2014-05-27 10:52:01 1 4
individual destiny 2020-11-23 16:37:59 1 620
individual value 2018-04-22 08:55:09 1 1684
indolent 2023-09-20 08:06:40 1 5
indonesia 2020-03-12 17:45:55 1 15
industry archangel 2016-07-11 19:12:49 1 0
indwell 2019-10-01 03:00:37 1 155
indwell you 2019-10-09 16:08:03 1 43
indwelt 2019-11-19 18:43:02 1 253
inequity 2019-01-09 12:22:29 1 21
inferior races george barnard 2019-08-10 17:42:24 1 1
infinity of god 2014-12-07 19:02:26 1 289
infrastructure 2024-08-10 22:05:14 1 57
infuse 2014-01-17 21:09:40 1 37
ingello 2019-12-11 15:15:20 1 2
ingrained cellular 2016-10-06 21:54:56 1 1
inhabited worlds 2014-03-29 12:46:59 1 137
inn 2019-04-11 10:12:57 1 3646
inner being 2023-03-09 21:19:36 1 80
inner pitch dimension 2016-06-28 23:42:34 1 15
inner voice 2017-01-23 20:49:08 1 673
innsanity 2016-04-25 20:05:36 1 0
insanity 2016-04-25 20:06:01 1 65
inside you 2019-05-26 04:06:06 1 189
insolvent 2019-01-29 09:48:02 1 3
inspiring 2019-12-16 14:15:30 1 263
institute of human sustainability 2024-07-15 20:17:13 1 1
instructional video 2023-07-22 08:15:15 1 0
inte- lives 2014-12-02 18:30:27 1 0
intellectual primal 2024-03-19 07:31:57 1 35
intelligence quotient 2014-04-04 11:15:59 1 11
intention 2016-08-17 23:11:28 1 1319
intentional 2024-04-25 11:28:24 1 186
intentional community human life continuum 2017-06-06 13:17:45 1 3
intentional manipulation of energy 2015-07-01 23:03:25 1 1
inter lifes 2014-12-02 18:31:40 1 0
inter subjective 2017-06-29 14:48:37 1 0
interaction 2017-11-20 17:42:30 1 569
interaction 1992 2017-11-20 17:44:30 1 36
interest rate 2024-03-19 10:20:22 1 2
interest rates 2024-03-19 10:20:11 1 2
interlifes 2014-12-02 18:31:29 1 0
internet system 2023-12-02 20:01:32 1 6
interstellar 2023-01-29 10:24:07 1 5
interstellar communicator 2023-01-29 10:23:59 1 0
intersteller communicator 2023-06-18 19:41:23 1 0
interviews 2020-03-31 16:16:34 1 0
into existence 2023-04-27 18:08:11 1 299
introduction 2016-09-14 10:37:04 1 277
invest in gold 2024-04-14 16:55:56 1 0
investing in gold 2024-04-02 12:13:13 1 0
invirement 2017-12-24 14:35:57 1 0
invisible spritual beings 2018-12-16 03:50:07 1 0
invocation 2016-08-17 00:00:27 1 64
ionah 2015-04-26 23:41:56 1 4
ionization 2020-12-01 15:17:47 1 1
iowa 2016-08-29 23:59:50 1 0
iq 2014-04-04 10:45:43 1 2091
iraq 2018-05-10 08:23:41 1 54
ireland 2023-03-26 10:13:43 1 7
irmia 2017-07-04 14:27:26 1 0
irresponsible 2020-05-21 02:32:29 1 43
irritable bowel syndrome 2017-03-15 10:48:22 1 0
is sex sinful 2018-02-13 08:12:50 1 0
is urania the worst planet 2017-08-09 12:04:58 1 0
is wine bad 2021-09-19 05:24:11 1 0
isaac 2020-06-12 08:54:54 1 135
isaiah 2021-02-08 00:19:53 1 8
isis ice 2015-09-26 00:46:06 1 8
island paradise 2017-03-29 09:24:24 1 37
isness 2020-11-29 17:27:34 1 1
it 2014-03-29 00:06:16 1 0
it is not our business 2019-12-16 13:59:39 1 1
it will not provide solutions to systemic problems 2019-12-16 14:03:43 1 0
it won 't be long now 2016-01-24 20:48:18 1 1048
iuminerion 2016-10-15 14:00:43 1 0
jaan 2014-07-25 04:54:46 1 0
jack 2022-05-29 20:07:00 1 93
jack abo 2017-08-24 09:57:55 1 93
jack the ascender 2022-05-29 20:07:10 1 1
jacob 2018-08-25 21:56:55 1 14
jacobs 2013-11-25 12:56:10 1 2
jade helm 2015-06-05 12:34:16 1 1
jahck dickerson 2019-12-11 13:59:25 1 0
jair 2018-10-23 13:11:51 1 0
jakarta 2020-03-12 17:47:43 1 0
james tyberonn 2014-12-29 10:15:00 1 0
james zebedee 2016-09-14 14:37:19 1 2
jan " ' 2018-09-21 10:11:46 1 720
jan ' 2016-08-25 21:16:08 1 428
jan 'eyrjfn ' " nicjdh 2018-09-21 10:11:47 1 720
jan 'gcpmhi ' " wcthfl 2018-10-09 00:56:37 1 720
jan 'nvopzp and 1 1 or ' " iko 2022-06-05 21:23:04 1 727
jane lead 2013-12-14 16:01:53 1 24
jane leade 2013-12-14 16:01:30 1 0
janete 2017-11-29 17:50:34 1 0
january 2013 2014-01-31 00:54:47 1 0
january 30 2003 2023-10-08 09:39:47 1 0
january 5 1997 2024-11-14 14:30:20 1 11
japan wasteland 2014-03-08 15:09:10 1 0
jardin 2021-08-05 11:39:59 1 1
jared 2017-08-07 13:17:03 1 16
jarel stillness 2019-07-09 05:05:05 1 1
jaso 2016-10-05 01:23:40 1 1
jave 2025-01-21 22:38:51 1 0
javier martinez 2019-12-13 14:09:57 1 0
javu 2019-03-14 06:18:29 1 0
jeanne d 'arc 2016-10-16 06:44:51 1 0
jedi 2015-06-16 13:34:46 1 1
jefferson 2015-11-09 13:22:36 1 1
jehova 2016-11-06 01:33:44 1 0
jehovah 's witnesses 2016-06-23 23:01:16 1 7
jehovah's witnesses 2014-06-29 20:27:17 1 6
jehovahs witnesses 2016-06-23 23:00:56 1 0
jehovas witnesses 2016-11-06 01:32:56 1 0
jeremiah 2017-08-06 02:41:35 1 32
jericho 2017-12-20 18:38:21 1 3
jerry hicks 2015-01-04 21:28:32 1 1
jerry lane blaring 2014-04-25 13:31:43 1 1
jerry lane stillness 2017-05-20 04:06:35 1 53
jeruse 2023-01-26 16:14:29 1 0
jess anthony 2013-12-21 12:19:19 1 1
jessona 2015-02-10 02:06:02 1 6
jesus ' 2014-11-09 14:54:23 1 1732
jesus 'a 0 2016-12-23 11:03:37 1 1732
jesus and caligastia 2021-10-30 00:32:57 1 121
jesus balanced mind 2015-06-27 12:06:24 1 0
jesus childhood 2017-02-27 04:30:01 1 176
jesus conception 2014-12-03 19:11:44 1 78
jesus daughter 2017-12-04 18:51:34 1 0
jesus death 2021-09-03 16:56:54 1 452
jesus death by ronald besser 201 4 2021-09-03 16:56:03 1 0
jesus historical 2017-06-14 15:56:59 1 73
jesus jesse 2017-10-24 16:36:20 1 2
jesus marriage 2018-11-09 21:19:07 1 0
jesus michael 2016-10-21 19:40:56 1 1442
jesus mind 2015-06-27 16:20:53 1 1
jesus mother mary 2017-03-20 11:07:06 1 0
jesus sermons 2014-06-15 01:14:31 1 16
jesus soul 2015-09-14 13:52:09 1 1153
jesus to return soon as he promsed 2015-02-06 06:11:16 1 0
jesusonian 2023-03-02 20:06:21 1 10
jews 2013-10-09 20:34:56 1 2
jews holocaust 2023-10-29 08:08:00 1 3
jezebel 2019-05-18 08:39:48 1 0
jimryu 2017-05-25 20:02:49 1 0
joan 2019-03-18 20:24:16 1 27
joan of arc 2014-08-29 05:39:53 1 20
jobes 2014-03-09 18:11:36 1 0
john 's book of revelation 2014-11-10 18:03:20 1 54
john f kennedy 2020-05-10 15:04:20 1 4
john kennedy 2014-09-04 08:24:09 1 4
john kerry 2017-01-05 22:45:14 1 1
john mark much more 2024-06-25 15:02:09 1 0
john mark sensing 2013-12-15 18:59:31 1 5
john the revelator 2014-11-21 09:47:47 1 1
joilin 2013-10-10 14:26:16 1 80
jokowi 2020-03-12 17:47:37 1 0
jose ni o 2019-12-08 09:59:05 1 4
josephus 2015-04-07 17:02:59 1 2
joshua ben joseph bestowal light and life 2014-09-10 14:28:29 1 8
joyce brenton 2019-12-12 14:21:40 1 12
juan vicente ram rez 2019-12-12 15:53:22 1 0
jubilees 2024-03-26 17:18:41 1 7
juda 2021-08-03 14:51:52 1 0
judgement lucifer 2014-10-09 01:35:40 1 42
judging ohers 2014-10-22 08:11:50 1 0
judgment ' 2019-04-15 16:00:47 1 569
judgment 'a 0 2016-06-01 09:03:17 1 557
judgment of lucifer 2018-02-25 16:13:15 1 3
judicial matters of mortals 2019-12-16 13:57:34 1 0
judy van cleave 2015-01-05 21:17:47 1 0
juhani linnanoja 2019-12-13 14:10:17 1 0
jul 22 1992 2017-11-15 18:24:35 1 12
julia 2014-08-21 16:06:44 1 17
julianna 2017-03-06 07:31:43 1 4
july 2016 2016-08-18 11:01:27 1 0
july 21 2018-01-19 19:16:58 1 1
july 21 02017 2018-01-19 19:17:48 1 0
july 21 02107 2018-01-19 19:17:39 1 0
july 26 2013 2015-08-10 16:54:39 1 1
july 29 2006 2019-03-23 07:50:43 1 1
jun 08 12 15 2014 2015-02-19 18:14:58 1 1
jun 14 2024-10-18 09:17:14 1 0
june 14 2024-10-18 09:17:07 1 0
june 14 1992 2024-10-18 09:16:54 1 0
june 2 2003 2014-12-27 13:01:27 1 3
june 28 2007 2019-12-17 19:28:26 1 8
june 29 2005 2019-02-22 12:12:06 1 4
june 30 2005 2019-02-22 12:12:34 1 40
jung 2018-07-20 12:03:58 1 2
jurisdictional plan 2017-01-03 07:51:31 1 1
just be 2019-08-18 12:59:29 1 5597
k mmerle 2017-06-07 14:35:14 1 0
kabbalah 2018-03-11 05:50:54 1 2
kahzar 2014-07-27 16:57:12 1 0
kalk 2024-04-11 04:20:30 1 0
kan 2014-09-11 20:09:39 1 193
kansas city 2013-11-19 20:25:47 1 4
karen 2013-12-01 08:03:15 1 17
karmic debt 2021-09-09 15:40:16 1 3
kasdorf 2015-03-06 15:07:05 1 0
kathy belize 2015-07-09 15:56:07 1 1
keeping your teaching simple and relatable 2016-09-06 09:11:21 1 0
keila 2017-08-31 00:01:15 1 0
kentucky 2024-11-25 14:04:38 1 0
kenyon 2018-09-01 04:55:51 1 0
kfc 2024-11-25 13:58:08 1 12
khan 2014-09-11 20:10:53 1 0
khazars 2022-11-05 05:36:47 1 0
khoot houmi 2017-12-04 16:31:27 1 0
khout houmi 2017-12-04 16:29:49 1 0
kierkegaard 2014-10-26 11:15:18 1 1
killshot from sun 2016-01-24 23:04:55 1 0
kindergarten 2023-11-01 16:36:37 1 69
king james 2014-08-06 13:24:41 1 7
kirael 2024-12-17 15:49:37 1 2
kiss you 2019-10-31 04:01:28 1 3
kjv 2015-12-05 01:28:13 1 14
knowledge 2020-04-10 08:49:53 1 2080
knowledge management 2024-07-15 19:32:21 1 0
koleus 2020-10-09 06:47:23 1 0
kontakt with dead 2017-02-22 04:26:29 1 0
kontiki viracocha 2015-01-23 20:49:33 1 2
krakow 2023-10-28 16:22:57 1 0
krishan prem singh 2016-03-16 00:16:52 1 0
krishner 2014-05-23 16:16:02 1 0
kurt 2017-10-22 18:55:49 1 4
kuthumi 2017-02-18 14:32:59 1 1
l adjudant ind spirits 2016-09-20 08:24:45 1 0
l1a1 sar 2017-12-14 08:35:37 1 0
la ferrari 2016-09-07 09:29:48 1 3
la palma 2014-12-08 17:37:37 1 0
labrynth 2021-12-14 20:42:04 1 0
labyrinth 2018-01-04 01:08:51 1 4
lack of sunlight 2016-06-12 07:09:29 1 41
lake breeze face 2016-06-19 14:14:22 1 11
lake of fire 2020-11-24 19:11:55 1 0
lakhovsky 2019-01-01 20:45:53 1 0
lamb 2014-08-12 04:15:25 1 25
lamp god 2018-12-10 17:58:53 1 32
lanafaoarge 2019-09-21 19:44:52 1 0
lanceson 2016-04-17 20:38:49 1 5
land on the moon 2018-03-04 17:01:57 1 0
land tenure 2024-03-25 08:12:19 1 0
langford 2014-02-18 08:31:04 1 3
langforg 2014-02-18 08:31:18 1 0
lanondadek 2024-03-07 09:19:45 1 2
lansoname 2016-04-17 20:38:13 1 0
lantarnek shoe 2014-03-28 06:51:11 1 1
lanterton 2014-06-12 12:41:41 1 0
laptop 2014-03-21 11:08:40 1 7
larga 2017-03-15 03:01:30 1 2
largess 2017-03-07 07:06:36 1 32
largu 2017-03-15 03:01:24 1 0
laser 2025-01-02 21:42:33 1 23
last communication 2015-03-13 14:18:02 1 8
last rayson lesson 2020-08-04 16:12:22 1 117
latest urantia default 2014-04-07 11:27:35 1 0
latimore 2020-11-30 21:20:35 1 0
latimores 2020-11-30 21:20:40 1 0
lau tzu 2019-02-12 15:45:24 1 14
laugh 2013-12-06 16:50:13 1 17
law moses 2023-04-12 10:47:40 1 14
law of one 2022-11-08 16:35:31 1 9
laying hands 2017-08-15 04:41:05 1 88
lazyness 2013-10-08 07:17:11 1 0
lead 2018-07-12 16:13:47 1 148
lead mask 2018-07-12 16:14:24 1 2
leadsership 2015-05-26 22:57:51 1 0
league 2021-05-31 01:15:32 1 35
learn faster 2023-03-09 07:47:57 1 7
learn to live 2017-11-10 20:25:13 1 77
learning enhancement advanced program 2017-12-29 06:36:33 1 1
learning lessons 2014-02-12 13:24:51 1 1133
leave your body 2018-12-03 05:47:57 1 6
leaving everything 2019-04-30 23:32:05 1 1
lemuel 2021-11-22 04:58:23 1 0
length of the island paradise 2017-03-29 09:21:34 1 6
lenin 2023-03-26 06:47:03 1 1
lenon 2014-08-25 21:15:04 1 0
lent 2017-03-02 18:11:19 1 21
leo 2013-12-06 21:26:24 1 99
leoma most high 2014-11-12 10:24:06 1 26
leoma park 2014-11-12 10:23:49 1 1
leon 2020-03-19 02:47:18 1 0
lessions 2017-11-15 18:26:37 1 0
lesson on discernment 2016-06-23 07:31:12 1 5
lesson on patience sept 27 2015 2016-02-27 12:34:29 1 1
lessons on 2017-11-22 01:38:17 1 2302
lessons on stilness 2022-08-08 09:36:08 1 1
let us now join hands 2014-10-14 15:31:41 1 3
letter to illuminati 2020-02-26 13:38:46 1 1
leukemia 2017-09-02 15:02:10 1 3
levass 2023-12-21 21:11:48 1 0
levasseur 2023-12-21 21:12:01 1 0
level up 2023-09-10 21:28:37 1 6
levels of energy 2016-01-28 02:18:02 1 11
leviathan 2019-04-08 04:35:48 1 0
leviathen 2019-04-08 04:36:00 1 0
levic 2014-11-11 17:32:44 1 0
levitation 2015-06-08 16:31:18 1 0
lewd 2020-12-14 00:28:11 1 0
ley 2014-03-02 13:59:54 1 430
ley grid 2014-03-02 14:00:12 1 16
leyonta 2021-02-26 21:56:03 1 0
li hong zhi 2014-10-22 00:25:22 1 0
li hongzi 2017-08-31 01:50:52 1 0
liar 2021-02-21 15:58:14 1 15
liberate urantia 2020-10-17 12:02:58 1 35
libertarianism 2016-04-28 18:53:45 1 0
libraries 2023-02-26 05:47:15 1 53
lids 2017-07-25 21:39:53 1 3
lieske 2019-12-13 14:59:19 1 0
life before this world 2016-02-28 10:55:34 1 3004
life carriers 2015-10-31 02:50:23 1 248
life center 2022-06-30 10:17:15 1 4
life energy 2016-02-02 18:18:30 1 47
life growth equality empathy compassion lo 2016-09-13 10:00:23 1 11
life in other planets 2014-03-29 12:46:14 1 719
life in the world unseen 2013-10-17 22:07:17 1 497
life of children 2017-12-15 19:52:48 1 3284
life on this planet is your boarding school 2016-05-06 22:44:49 1 1
life plasm 2014-10-11 19:46:08 1 17
life purpose 2016-03-05 22:59:45 1 2029
lift weights 2023-08-24 11:47:22 1 1
light and love 2019-02-24 07:41:46 1 3503
light beings 2015-04-15 21:57:44 1 1897
light line audio 2019-03-14 21:33:47 1 0
light line conference call 2018-12-27 16:39:06 1 0
light matrix 2015-06-12 17:22:07 1 85
light orbs 2014-02-14 12:23:19 1 6
light presence 2017-10-30 18:51:32 1 2437
light speed 2014-09-18 17:10:07 1 213
light-body 2014-08-13 23:57:36 1 4316
lightline 2013-12-19 2016-03-01 17:12:08 1 42
lightline 20oct2016 michael-thedefinitionofspirit- 2017-03-30 17:57:24 1 0
lightline july 2016-07-24 15:56:36 1 0
lightline- 2015-06-15 07:43:10 1 0
lightline-08may2015-machiventamelchizedek-light 2015-06-15 07:42:55 1 0
lightorbs 2014-01-03 18:31:26 1 0
like an invasion 2022-12-27 22:39:36 1 4
like an unwelcome century 2014-11-13 22:21:59 1 4
like water 2019-10-22 02:58:56 1 45
lin el readdoc php 2016-05-16 13:51:43 1 0
lindberg 2016-08-21 10:29:51 1 0
lindbergh 2016-08-21 10:30:07 1 0
liota 2017-03-14 18:33:19 1 0
little grays 2014-05-22 21:03:19 1 4
little mary 2021-07-01 13:17:11 1 9
live in homes 2022-11-19 20:50:02 1 0
live in the mountains 2022-11-18 13:58:31 1 0
live in the woods 2023-04-22 16:42:52 1 1
live longer 2016-10-03 02:25:00 1 7
live moment 2016-05-10 11:38:05 1 1909
living 2017-11-10 20:21:20 1 3022
living book 2016-10-01 00:56:27 1 0
living faith 2014-06-19 00:54:37 1 1766
living in heaven 2018-09-23 03:55:06 1 0
living space 2022-11-19 21:00:29 1 4
living to love 2017-11-10 20:49:33 1 2736
llanaforge 2019-09-21 19:44:35 1 0
llucifer adjudication 2016-09-05 22:01:14 1 0
llucifer adudication 2016-09-05 22:01:06 1 0
lobes 2024-04-12 16:55:18 1 5
local design 2024-05-03 23:20:10 1 15
local universe policy 2014-09-13 15:22:23 1 0
loch nes 2014-11-17 03:04:30 1 0
loch ness 2014-11-17 03:04:32 1 0
lochness monster 2017-10-02 17:59:56 1 0
lofty goal of 2024-02-16 07:53:59 1 0
london 2014-09-30 05:01:46 1 6
long wind 2021-06-11 20:47:47 1 0
long-suffering 2021-02-27 05:55:23 1 2806
longsuffering 2023-03-07 21:53:29 1 2
look good 2021-03-11 08:28:59 1 3439
lore 2025-01-19 11:47:48 1 9
lorel 7-31-92 - interaction with a transmitter 2017-11-20 17:41:29 1 0
loretta 2014-03-10 16:50:42 1 12
loretta, new 100 2014-03-10 16:51:32 1 1
loretta, wind, new 100 2014-03-10 16:51:07 1 0
loser 2022-06-21 03:08:12 1 6
losing fat 2024-12-03 11:18:17 1 0
lost child 2014-06-23 17:07:40 1 691
lost soul 2020-09-30 11:37:15 1 851
lot 2019-08-19 06:53:28 1 2190
lourdes 2014-04-14 15:50:23 1 2
love energy 2016-08-03 10:58:56 1 2516
love is all we need 2019-08-31 21:36:56 1 0
love levels 2014-07-02 15:17:46 1 1497
love one another 2014-07-06 23:01:53 1 3604
love ones 2018-06-10 13:35:33 1 2685
love people 2017-01-24 18:11:43 1 3196
loved ones 2020-12-01 23:44:50 1 343
loving others 2017-01-24 18:12:48 1 1906
loyalty 2017-03-15 06:31:53 1 367
lucfer statement 2016-09-14 15:20:53 1 0
lucid dreaming 2016-12-15 20:13:58 1 9
lucid dreams 2014-10-08 13:15:51 1 10
lucifer 1986 2020-03-06 14:07:18 1 1
lucifer anihi 2023-10-28 19:27:50 1 0
lucifer annihilation in 1985 2014-01-05 21:33:23 1 1
lucifer annihilaton in 1985 2014-01-05 21:33:13 1 0
lucifer arrest trial 2016-08-22 00:37:17 1 0
lucifer chooses extinction 2015-08-25 17:23:27 1 7
lucifer court case 2018-07-30 02:33:02 1 17
lucifer deferrs mercy 2015-08-25 16:32:53 1 0
lucifer executed 2023-03-06 14:01:27 1 16
lucifer judgment 2018-02-25 16:12:48 1 0
lucifer rebellion judgement 2018-02-25 16:12:25 1 0
lucifer rebellion over 2018-02-25 16:12:10 1 0
lucifer refuses mercy 2015-08-25 16:33:19 1 9
lucifer statement at trail 2016-09-05 21:58:59 1 10
lucifer statement at trial 2016-06-28 21:09:51 1 25
lucifer statement trail 2016-09-05 22:00:08 1 10
lucifer status 2016-09-25 07:12:33 1 0
lucifer terminated 2023-03-06 14:02:55 1 8
lucifer transcript 2015-02-14 17:45:50 1 0
lucifer vs gabriel 2018-11-19 21:08:45 1 0
lucifer vs satan 2014-10-09 01:33:13 1 0
lucretius 2018-01-11 15:41:12 1 0
luigi bartolomeo 2015-12-11 09:48:44 1 0
luke 14 26 2024-11-10 18:18:14 1 0
lull 2023-03-10 22:08:47 1 31
lumerion 2014-02-04 11:25:30 1 0
luminarian 2018-06-26 16:34:38 1 0
luminaries 2015-07-09 15:54:15 1 3
luminerian 2018-06-26 16:35:00 1 0
luminosity 2017-10-30 18:14:57 1 126
lump of gold 2022-11-06 04:58:04 1 0
lust of the flesh 2020-11-26 15:29:58 1 0
lust of the flush 2023-03-21 22:41:07 1 0
lust on a women 2022-11-21 00:01:32 1 0
luther 2023-10-17 10:04:22 1 25
luxury 2022-11-24 11:13:22 1 64
lying prophet 2016-10-06 21:39:24 1 0
m 2014-12-05 22:30:09 1 5756
maagistral 2015-01-02 11:50:50 1 0
mach 2015-11-09 04:58:13 1 0
machaventa 2015 2020-07-31 15:31:08 1 0
machiventa 2015 2020-07-31 15:31:42 1 33
machiventa addresses the urantia fellowship 2015-08-25 17:32:02 1 13
machiventa cataclysm 2023-02-11 22:21:11 1 0
machiventa discusses planetary government 2016-08-27 12:11:53 1 0
machiventa melchizdek 2015-06-18 00:00:26 1 1
machiventa melchizedek addresses the urantia fello 2015-08-25 17:35:34 1 0
machiventa melchizedek announces the adjudication 2015-08-25 17:36:25 1 2
machiventa ultimatonen 2016-08-24 01:22:13 1 0
machiventa ultimatons 2016-08-24 01:22:28 1 3
machu picchu 2015-06-21 12:19:47 1 4
made you 2019-10-18 13:06:36 1 0
madeleine 2017-12-04 18:47:54 1 0
madison 2018-05-10 08:50:38 1 4
magdalene 2015-11-23 11:16:11 1 11
magdelene 2020-11-27 09:21:52 1 1
magesterial 2014-07-15 17:06:18 1 7
magic powers 2014-02-07 23:22:05 1 43
magic spell 2020-12-25 19:33:13 1 0
magisteral 2018-11-20 06:48:11 1 0
magisteria son staff 2019-12-10 16:40:28 1 0
magisterial avonal son 2017-01-30 08:06:40 1 60
magisterial mission " 2020-10-07 22:33:11 1 460
magisterial mission '-- 2020-10-07 22:33:26 1 460
magisterial mission human 2019-12-10 16:41:16 1 1
magisterial mission open 2015-12-30 21:29:14 1 354
magisterial mission order by 100 2020-10-07 22:33:48 1 460
magisterial mission timeline 2016-03-25 19:47:19 1 9
magisterial son arrival 2017-01-30 08:07:43 1 121
magisterial son associates 2019-12-10 14:12:20 1 0
magisterial son born 2015-02-09 13:52:19 1 0
magisterial son human 2019-12-10 16:40:58 1 0
magisterial son human associates 2019-12-10 14:13:23 1 57
magisterial son human helpers 2019-12-10 14:13:58 1 95
magisterial son incarnate 2015-02-09 13:52:29 1 0
magisterial son staff 2019-12-10 16:40:36 1 0
magisterial son to interfere 2019-12-16 14:00:42 1 0
magisterial son to interfere in these laws and cou 2019-12-16 14:00:31 1 0
magisteriallmission 2017-07-20 07:28:57 1 0
magistral 2015-01-02 11:50:57 1 0
magistrate 2023-01-20 17:44:44 1 2
magistron 2020-07-01 03:05:31 1 0
magma 2020-04-02 11:08:08 1 8
magma bloom 2015-12-13 17:37:44 1 1
magnetism 2016-10-27 19:09:15 1 35
magog 2020-11-25 13:11:05 1 0
maharish mahesh 2017-06-30 16:17:12 1 0
maharishi 2019-11-07 23:00:44 1 3
maharishi mahesh 2017-06-30 16:17:22 1 1
mahesh 2021-07-09 20:15:49 1 1
mahomet 2016-10-04 07:21:24 1 0
maistreje 2023-03-25 21:16:14 1 0
maitr 2024-08-12 10:50:28 1 0
maitre y 'all 2018-11-17 12:20:40 1 0
majestic 2021-11-26 11:29:21 1 66
majiruana 2018-11-21 07:22:58 1 0
majiston 2020-07-01 03:05:56 1 0
making decisions 2014-02-06 09:44:18 1 169
malachi z york 2015-03-02 15:34:27 1 0
malaria 2023-08-15 14:50:26 1 4
malasya 2018-09-06 23:30:32 1 0
malasya airlines 2018-09-06 23:30:25 1 0
malavantra melchizedek 2016-04-12 01:07:52 1 0
malta 2015-03-29 14:22:23 1 0
malvantra melchizdek 2018-06-24 00:16:39 1 0
mamonjonlarson 2015-12-30 18:11:05 1 0
man on moon 2015-01-01 16:14:01 1 144
man-made disease 2022-11-06 00:37:13 1 0
mancortia 2015-12-30 18:10:02 1 0
mandaeans 2015-03-29 14:22:02 1 0
mandate 2016-08-11 18:26:26 1 189
mandela effect 2018-05-12 15:21:56 1 2
mandelphi 2015-12-30 18:10:26 1 0
manic depression 2016-04-23 18:15:21 1 4
manifestation of objects 2024-05-23 18:34:14 1 0
manifesting 2024-03-26 21:33:35 1 268
manifesting desires 2024-03-26 21:35:43 1 121
manifesting desires speak 2024-03-26 21:36:53 1 80
manipulating matter with mind 2017-10-17 09:57:21 1 0
manjoronson 2018-05-10 17:41:40 1 0
manjushri 2015-05-26 19:03:23 1 0
manmatia 2024-02-08 02:21:23 1 0
manotia 07 21-2012 2015-12-02 16:08:40 1 1
mansa musa 2021-09-12 19:01:58 1 0
mansi n world nursery 2023-05-16 00:28:44 1 0
mansion world nursery 2023-05-16 00:29:44 1 2
mansion world paper 2023-01-26 16:10:28 1 120
mansonloran 2016-07-19 21:41:15 1 0
mansurotia 2019-03-06 18:24:50 1 0
mantecha 2015-12-30 16:35:52 1 0
mantle 2015-02-24 11:29:52 1 57
mantle of jesus 2015-02-24 11:30:19 1 39
mantranaya 2015-07-09 15:55:47 1 0
mantras 2019-12-12 15:05:26 1 13
mantustia 2015-12-18 05:34:54 1 0
manuel 2019-04-15 11:43:21 1 4
many wives 2020-11-29 00:20:51 1 0
mao tze tung 2023-03-26 06:46:39 1 0
map 2014-10-07 12:40:01 1 185
mar 2024-02-08 02:21:55 1 3635
marajauina 2015-12-01 17:52:02 1 0
marajaunia 2015-12-01 18:23:47 1 0
marajuana 2015-12-01 18:22:34 1 0
march 16 1985 2017-11-15 18:38:29 1 2
march 2016 2016-05-04 18:13:42 1 5
march 23 2010 2015-11-21 15:42:52 1 2
march 30 2015-03-24 20:06:53 1 266
march 6 2004 2016-11-11 20:40:38 1 0
marcus 2015-04-14 12:32:51 1 2
mardon 2014-01-28 22:23:58 1 1
marduk 2021-01-31 13:10:35 1 0
margul 8 23 97 2014-12-03 12:11:57 1 2
margul 8 23 97 transcript 2014-12-03 12:12:47 1 0
mari peron 2018-07-09 14:28:27 1 0
maria 2015-11-14 13:18:58 1 16
maricopa 2015-03-18 11:25:57 1 0
marie 2017-09-30 08:21:29 1 11
marie madeleine 2017-09-30 08:21:20 1 0
marin group 2015-03-19 21:30:03 1 240
mariposa polarity 2013-12-25 13:54:11 1 0
mariri 2018-11-21 08:17:55 1 0
marjorie reed 2019-06-21 12:03:20 1 0
mark in history 2018-01-08 22:46:18 1 209
mark rogers monjoronson 2020-05-12 17:43:20 1 197
market crash 2024-03-18 17:47:18 1 0
markings 2017-11-15 00:25:19 1 16
marko 2018-11-18 12:17:56 1 0
marleena 2020-05-07 15:30:37 1 17
marlock 2016-09-19 22:22:33 1 0
marriage and divorce 2021-06-28 13:17:58 1 25
married 2021-06-10 20:55:07 1 118
marta elders 2015-01-05 21:17:05 1 0
martin luther king 2014-01-19 22:55:56 1 21
marvel081593cangesinyou 2016-10-20 16:14:32 1 0
mary apparitions 2015-02-18 18:01:07 1 5
mary magdaline 2021-03-16 02:52:29 1 0
mary magdelene 2018-11-13 15:44:18 1 1
maryjo 2019-12-12 14:31:10 1 1
maryjo garascia 2019-12-12 14:31:00 1 0
masked 2023-07-06 17:32:13 1 11
mason 2014-02-17 12:13:22 1 5
mass disease 2022-11-05 19:42:22 1 0
massachuessets 2022-11-05 19:41:30 1 0
massad 2016-04-19 11:22:25 1 0
massada 2016-04-19 11:22:11 1 0
massive 2020-01-18 06:40:50 1 160
master christ 2023-03-06 18:34:05 1 26
master manifestation 2016-03-27 03:17:29 1 281
master of manifestation 2017-10-12 17:39:39 1 4
master of manisfestation 2016-11-03 02:11:50 1 0
master spirit 3 2014-05-30 13:19:22 1 1089
masters of manisfestation 2016-11-03 02:11:59 1 0
masters of manisfestations 2016-11-03 02:12:09 1 0
masturba 2017-11-09 18:40:02 1 0
masturbating 2014-06-14 22:20:53 1 0
material 2016-04-11 16:34:03 1 2317
material complements 2015-01-01 21:52:18 1 2
material headquarters 2023-04-01 08:14:20 1 0
material sustainability 2024-01-30 13:11:48 1 43
material wealth 2024-04-05 23:21:56 1 58
mathew 2017-08-25 20:40:59 1 59
mathew bloc 2013-10-13 18:35:54 1 0
mathew bloch 2013-10-13 18:35:01 1 0
mathew block 2013-10-13 18:34:19 1 5
mating 2014-01-05 15:45:05 1 26
matr 2024-08-12 10:50:37 1 0
matriarchy 2016-12-23 22:04:38 1 1
matter-mind 2017-10-17 09:41:21 1 4712
matthew block 2013-10-13 18:39:27 1 14
may 12 2012 2025-01-17 22:16:40 1 0
may 13 2012 2025-01-17 22:16:49 1 3
may 25, 2009 2014-04-29 18:15:40 1 3
may 28 2005 2019-02-22 12:16:59 1 25
mayan 2014-02-23 08:18:51 1 18
mayas 2013-11-04 23:10:38 1 0
mazdaznan 2014-06-08 21:11:18 1 0
mazovian 2023-10-28 16:17:03 1 0
mckee 2024-03-04 00:33:24 1 2
mditation 2015-12-20 08:26:04 1 0
mean elderly 2016-05-11 17:05:07 1 62
meaning of number 1111 2015-03-01 20:16:51 1 6
medbeds 2021-03-29 05:43:30 1 0
mediator 2023-10-28 22:32:38 1 17
medical medium 2024-11-06 13:43:59 1 0
medication 2014-03-08 00:45:55 1 47
medinet-el-fayum 2024-10-29 15:13:27 1 0
meditating 2015-06-26 23:26:26 1 141
meditation aya 2021-08-20 04:56:18 1 70
meditiation 2015-11-26 14:53:02 1 0
medium talk dead 2015-01-24 03:48:26 1 31
medium talk to dead 2015-01-24 03:47:57 1 31
mediums 2015-01-01 21:54:20 1 25
meek 2023-05-20 08:24:24 1 45
meekness 2022-12-17 08:07:53 1 28
megalith 2017-10-26 13:18:08 1 0
megiddo 2020-11-27 00:14:33 1 1
meher baba 2014-05-23 16:05:23 1 1
melbourne 2016-09-27 23:54:31 1 0
melchelzdiek 2019-11-03 23:02:16 1 0
melchezedeck districts 2014-11-10 18:24:16 1 0
melchidek grid 2017-02-05 16:37:41 1 0
melchisedeck 2014-02-24 15:09:45 1 0
melchizdek 2019-04-15 11:44:57 1 1
melchizedech 2016-11-27 16:47:38 1 0
melchizedeck gril 2017-02-05 16:12:56 1 0
melchizedeck grill 2017-02-05 16:13:19 1 0
melchizedek administrators by district number and 2014-03-09 10:54:37 1 1
melchizedek classrooms 2024-08-12 10:50:47 1 5
melchizedek districts 2014-11-12 15:45:14 1 1
melchizedek facilities 2024-08-12 10:43:16 1 17
melchizedek grid 2017-02-05 16:37:53 1 2
melchizedek grill 2017-02-05 16:13:28 1 0
melchizedek machiventa 2013-12-13 09:23:38 1 495
melchizedek materialization 2024-10-18 20:10:37 1 6
melchizedek shool 2017-11-27 14:06:10 1 0
melchizedek teachings 2014-12-05 18:27:27 1 300
melkezedek 2016-03-25 00:45:13 1 0
melocik 2017-07-19 19:05:57 1 0
melutia 2013-12-29 01:04:11 1 0
memoloc 2017-07-19 21:45:01 1 0
menjoronson 2019-03-26 14:25:22 1 0
menopause 2018-07-11 03:40:26 1 1
mental 2016-03-03 15:39:41 1 1169
mental powers 2014-08-29 23:58:47 1 131
mentori maust 2020-01-03 12:02:15 1 0
mer-ka-ba 2024-12-15 13:18:16 1 3
mercador 2016-12-01 06:14:45 1 0
mercy credits 2023-03-20 14:41:51 1 7
mercy sweep announcemen 2014-11-21 20:02:10 1 0
mercy sweep announcement 2014-11-21 20:02:23 1 10
meredith 2019-12-12 14:08:33 1 6
meredith tenney 2019-12-12 14:08:19 1 4
merkaba class 2017-11-03 20:09:11 1 21
merkaba exercice 2016-12-10 03:38:28 1 0
merkaba exercice to raise 2016-10-06 03:10:24 1 0
merkaba exercise 2016-12-10 03:38:54 1 3
merkaba exercise to raise 2016-10-06 03:10:50 1 2
merkaba light anchor 2016-01-05 11:02:40 1 76
merkcaba 2014-07-14 10:54:23 1 0
merkeba 2013-10-22 13:13:54 1 0
merlin 2023-07-16 20:58:38 1 2
mermaid 2017-04-17 14:15:44 1 2
merrium 2014-06-06 20:14:32 1 0
mers 2013-11-29 23:50:31 1 1
mers virus 2013-11-29 23:42:15 1 1
message 2017-02-22 04:33:48 1 1989
message of light 2017-01-24 17:49:09 1 3
messages not of love 2015-04-24 09:11:24 1 0
messsages 2014-11-07 17:56:07 1 0
metamorphosi 2015-07-04 09:38:36 1 1
metamorphosis 2015-07-04 09:39:56 1 33
metaverse 2021-12-14 22:55:45 1 0
metetron 2014-09-21 12:47:20 1 0
methane 2016-06-14 08:04:00 1 2
metr 2024-08-12 10:50:57 1 0
mexicans 2016-04-30 18:01:05 1 5
mexicsns 2016-04-30 18:00:52 1 0
meyher aba 2014-05-23 16:04:43 1 0
meyher baba 2014-05-23 16:04:54 1 0
mezza 2016-12-02 02:30:11 1 0
mh370 2015-06-04 02:10:35 1 0
micael of nebadonia 2014-07-22 04:20:21 1 0
michae 'sl heart 2014-09-09 22:35:17 1 0
michael " and "x " "x 2018-04-29 10:11:49 1 185
michael " and "x " "y 2018-04-29 10:11:50 1 185
michael ' and 'x ' 'x 2018-04-29 10:11:47 1 185
michael ' and 'x ' 'y 2018-04-29 10:11:48 1 185
michael 'a 0 2017-06-28 04:36:41 1 185
michael 's admonitions to the messengers 2021-11-17 11:09:04 1 2
michael - it will not be long now - jul 27, 2012 - 2014-06-13 14:33:21 1 2
michael 2002 2014-04-26 15:29:18 1 0
michael and the bible 2014-10-03 11:21:38 1 206
michael circuit 2018-08-22 15:14:11 1 1
michael mission 2021-01-16 23:44:41 1 2203
michael speaks 2021-08-31 03:28:09 1 489
michael speaks concerning the us of as 2021-08-26 09:36:45 1 103
michael speaks concerning the use of the cross as 2021-08-26 09:33:54 1 36
michael stillness 2016-12-23 17:30:11 1 1458
michael's plan for urantia 2014-03-01 20:34:09 1 1
michael-a trued spiritual family 2014-06-20 17:06:07 1 2
michael101394 2016-06-14 07:00:13 1 0
michael111802ccc 2014-04-26 15:27:23 1 0
michael2121121121212 1 2018-04-29 10:11:43 1 185
michaela trued 2014-06-20 17:02:04 1 0
michaelson 2016-07-22 19:17:45 1 0
michaelson 11 11 2016-07-10 19:10:47 1 0
michavinta 2019-05-26 17:12:07 1 0
micheal 2015-10-25 21:27:07 1 6
michel houellebecq 2023-03-26 10:13:16 1 0
michel levasseur 2016-09-30 18:05:07 1 0
michigan 2021-11-10 07:22:46 1 131
microchip 2020-11-25 17:58:25 1 3
mid mind 2014-10-13 19:49:28 1 1567
midsaniter 2016-10-12 16:08:05 1 0
midsonite 2014-04-03 04:55:29 1 0
midsoniter 2016-10-12 16:07:27 1 0
midsonitors 2020-07-28 03:49:57 1 0
midway corps 2015-12-14 06:58:58 1 25
midwayer 's size 2015-12-31 10:43:17 1 0
midwayer 12 34 2020-10-20 20:47:58 1 22
midwayer 123 2014-10-30 08:09:12 1 6
midwayer bzutu 2017-05-13 01:35:04 1 1
midwayer commission 2015-12-09 06:33:37 1 19
midwayer height 2015-12-31 10:42:49 1 0
midwayer prank 2015-04-25 15:44:13 1 1
midwayer shift 2015-02-28 17:18:59 1 0
midwayer world 2015-11-10 17:37:55 1 405
mighty 2015-02-09 22:58:27 1 409
milano 2015-01-14 15:58:03 1 0
milk drinking 2016-05-27 09:12:14 1 1
millenium 2020-11-25 13:11:16 1 0
millennium iii 2018-07-06 16:03:38 1 6
million dollar 2024-03-21 23:56:19 1 5
mind body spirit 2023-05-11 19:41:00 1 1584
mind control 2019-03-24 19:41:22 1 1268
mind in a finite manner with limits 2014-11-13 21:13:22 1 23
mind of man 2016-10-31 03:16:13 1 20
mind of man and that runs along the hemisphere 2016-10-31 03:17:44 1 1
mind power 2015-03-10 06:10:42 1 1904
minda class 2017-11-03 20:06:29 1 0
mindal 2017-03-07 14:53:31 1 389
mindal class 2017-11-03 20:06:43 1 42
mindfullness 2014-06-02 22:54:01 1 0
minius 2022-10-02 22:44:27 1 0
minorities 2013-10-23 11:19:23 1 7
minority 's 2016-09-24 17:41:05 1 19
minuets 2018-04-11 22:27:26 1 14
miriam 2015-07-07 16:23:11 1 148
mirrors 2023-10-06 04:04:07 1 44
mirth 2013-12-06 16:46:20 1 5
misery 2023-02-10 07:19:11 1 111
mislead 2021-06-08 13:17:18 1 41
missing out 2019-10-06 19:35:16 1 454
missing people 2020-01-20 06:44:46 1 0
mission districts 2014-11-10 18:37:28 1 0
mission is a mission of mercy 2019-12-15 11:03:08 1 1
mistake 2024-08-10 22:21:06 1 445
mithraic 2017-07-04 14:26:32 1 0
mizpah 2019-09-01 18:59:57 1 0
mjalvantra 2023-12-30 10:50:08 1 0
mjs29 fr 2015-01-05 05:32:48 1 701
mm for all sept 3 2010 2016-09-12 15:45:50 1 1
mn 2018-11-04 16:38:26 1 848
mnbhhgh 2017-12-31 17:53:41 1 0
mno8 2024-12-22 18:06:44 1 11
mo siegal 2015-01-05 21:26:41 1 0
moai 2019-10-12 13:57:54 1 0
moco 2014-11-19 08:20:39 1 0
model for sustainability 2017-11-10 18:43:59 1 2
moham 2017-09-04 13:43:12 1 0
mohamet 2016-10-04 07:21:38 1 0
mohamm 2017-09-04 13:43:03 1 0
mohammad 2016-10-05 15:00:28 1 2
mohom 2017-09-04 13:43:19 1 0
mojronson 2014-06-15 22:09:12 1 0
moksha 2019-12-29 09:35:11 1 0
moldavite 2014-05-26 20:46:10 1 0
molesting 2014-06-12 22:53:32 1 0
moloch 2015-12-25 02:11:46 1 0
monastary 2017-03-12 21:13:32 1 0
monastery 2017-03-12 21:13:39 1 17
money grants 2017-11-25 15:14:31 1 10
money manifest 2015-06-15 09:36:27 1 0
moneygrants 2017-11-25 15:14:17 1 0
mongolia 2023-04-10 18:18:36 1 1
monjoronsen 2014-06-20 15:08:17 1 0
monjoronson q & a 50 2014-01-13 08:47:54 1 106
monjoronson q & a 51 2014-01-13 08:56:06 1 46
monjoronson q & a 52 2014-01-13 09:18:53 1 26
monjoronson " and 3202 5880 and "tvxk " "tvxk 2019-11-26 06:09:22 1 1110
monjoronson " and 3355 6633-- nulh 2019-11-26 06:10:10 1 1110
monjoronson " and 3737 3737-- nefy 2019-11-26 06:10:11 1 1110
monjoronson " and 3737 3737-- upft 2019-11-26 06:10:15 1 1110
monjoronson " and 3953 3953 and "kmph " "kmph 2019-11-26 06:09:24 1 1110
monjoronson " and 3953 3953 and "neds " "neds 2019-11-26 06:09:27 1 1110
monjoronson " and 7059 1463-- nweh 2019-11-26 06:10:13 1 1110
monjoronson " and 9160 4038 and "wxpm " "wxpm 2019-11-26 06:09:26 1 1110
monjoronson "and "a " "a 2020-07-21 21:44:02 1 1133
monjoronson "and "g " "d 2020-07-21 21:47:35 1 1133
monjoronson "and "w " "o 2020-07-21 21:44:02 1 1133
monjoronson "and "z " "z 2020-07-21 21:47:34 1 1133
monjoronson #69 2014-05-06 00:51:18 1 5
monjoronson ' and 1421 4009 and 'tteh ' like 'tteh 2019-11-26 06:09:20 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3081 5340-- qfak 2019-11-26 06:10:05 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3235 5564-- rxkm 2019-11-26 06:10:03 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3434 4650 and 'ocoe ' 'ocoe 2019-11-26 06:09:10 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3737 3737-- dmgt 2019-11-26 06:10:06 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3737 3737-- javr 2019-11-26 06:10:08 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3737 3737-- lokm 2019-11-26 06:10:04 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3953 3953 and 'dxjz ' 'dxjz 2019-11-26 06:09:16 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3953 3953 and 'hram ' like 'hram 2019-11-26 06:09:18 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3953 3953 and 'nukf ' 'nukf 2019-11-26 06:09:12 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3953 3953 and 'ohsl ' 'ohsl 2019-11-26 06:09:14 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3953 3953 and 'zjgz ' like 'zjgz 2019-11-26 06:09:21 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 3961 3364-- jhqf 2019-11-26 06:10:07 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 6886 6753 and 'mata ' like 'mata 2019-11-26 06:09:17 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 9299 5513 and 'eiqw ' 'eiqw 2019-11-26 06:09:15 1 1110
monjoronson ' and 9407 5015 and 'stte ' 'stte 2019-11-26 06:09:13 1 1110
monjoronson 'and 'e ' 's 2020-07-21 21:44:02 1 1133
monjoronson 'and 'i ' 'i 2020-07-21 21:44:01 1 1133
monjoronson 'and 'n ' 'g 2020-07-21 21:47:34 1 1133
monjoronson 'and 'p ' 'p 2020-07-21 21:47:34 1 1133
monjoronson 'mhkfwm ' " dzbbsa 2019-11-26 06:09:07 1 1110
monjoronson 's arrival 2025-01-22 07:23:09 1 0
monjoronson 's mortal 2016-03-21 18:39:26 1 0
monjoronson 's staff 2016-03-21 18:39:10 1 0
monjoronson 'upkvsy ' " ikgdrd 2018-10-13 10:58:32 1 1133
monjoronson , gigantic school 2014-03-01 14:49:59 1 11
monjoronson , the ascent 2014-03-02 07:42:38 1 53
monjoronson - q 2014-07-30 16:51:00 1 52
monjoronson - q&a 2014-07-30 16:41:08 1 79
monjoronson - q&a van 2014-07-30 16:42:05 1 52
monjoronson 092405 2014-04-03 14:19:43 1 0
monjoronson 5 tier step of knowing 2014-04-03 18:15:40 1 3
monjoronson 69 2014-05-06 00:50:49 1 30
monjoronson a gigantic school 2014-03-01 14:49:00 1 11
monjoronson a magisterial son 2014-01-02 17:27:44 1 1
monjoronson administration will continue to fight 2016-04-01 19:11:40 1 0
monjoronson and 1345 1408 and 1372 1372 2019-11-26 06:09:32 1 1110
monjoronson and 2274 2607 2019-11-26 06:09:35 1 1110
monjoronson and 3035 7902-- hisy 2019-11-26 06:09:38 1 1110
monjoronson and 3054 6301 and 6228 6228 2019-11-26 06:09:29 1 1110
monjoronson and 3737 3737-- dgky 2019-11-26 06:10:21 1 1110
monjoronson and 3737 3737-- vupb 2019-11-26 06:10:18 1 1110
monjoronson and 3953 3953 2019-11-26 06:09:36 1 1110
monjoronson and 3953 3953 and 5358 5358 2019-11-26 06:09:30 1 1110
monjoronson and 3953 3953 and 9093 9093 2019-11-26 06:09:33 1 1110
monjoronson and 3953 3953-- vttt 2019-11-26 06:09:39 1 1110
monjoronson and 5978 4958-- kyil 2019-11-26 06:10:19 1 1110
monjoronson and 67 89 2019-11-26 06:08:13 1 1110
monjoronson and 8888 9834-- ydld 2019-11-26 06:10:16 1 1110
monjoronson and cast md5 '1285049965 ' as int 0 2020-07-21 21:43:59 1 1133
monjoronson and cast md5 '1977628444 ' as int 0 2020-07-21 21:47:32 1 1133
monjoronson and found rows found rows and 21 21 2019-11-26 06:08:30 1 1110
monjoronson and isnumeric 1 isnumeric 1 and 21 21 2019-11-26 06:08:49 1 1110
monjoronson and len 1 1 and 21 21 2019-11-26 06:08:32 1 1110
monjoronson and len version len version and 21 21 2019-11-26 06:08:34 1 1110
monjoronson and length 1 1 and 21 21 2019-11-26 06:08:40 1 1110
monjoronson and novale 2019-11-26 06:08:15 1 1110
monjoronson and time time and 21 21 2019-11-26 06:08:47 1 1110
monjoronson and value 1 1 1 and 21 21 2019-11-26 06:08:38 1 1110
monjoronson and x and x 2019-07-23 19:39:33 1 1127
monjoronson announcement on tv 2015-01-15 13:59:36 1 3
monjoronson ascended masters 2014-04-06 23:07:21 1 10
monjoronson classroom 2014-03-01 14:38:00 1 76
monjoronson constellation 2014-03-30 12:29:40 1 42
monjoronson conversation 65 2015-02-04 00:26:42 1 2
monjoronson conversations 75 2017-06-19 13:24:50 1 6
monjoronson dec 15 2005 2014-04-03 12:03:28 1 7
monjoronson dialogues number 2016-12-20 03:55:04 1 2
monjoronson dialogues number 1 2016-12-20 03:54:57 1 0
monjoronson dreaming 2014-04-07 12:02:23 1 16
monjoronson feeling diven within 2014-03-01 14:36:07 1 0
monjoronson feeling divine within 2014-03-01 14:36:20 1 216
monjoronson feng shui 2014-04-03 12:04:02 1 2
monjoronson higher mind 2014-04-02 21:48:36 1 400
monjoronson jume 9 2012 2023-03-23 16:49:18 1 0
monjoronson june 9 2012 2023-03-23 16:49:32 1 5
monjoronson mers 2013-11-29 23:51:21 1 0
monjoronson noco 2014-03-04 02:24:20 1 35
monjoronson noco-72 2014-04-03 14:20:13 1 35
monjoronson q & a 55 2014-01-13 20:47:25 1 22
monjoronson q&a #40 2014-01-13 05:51:07 1 1
monjoronson q&a #69 2014-01-16 20:57:03 1 0
monjoronson q&a 41 2014-01-13 06:09:06 1 1
monjoronson q&a 41 and 42 2014-01-13 06:08:58 1 0
monjoronson q&a 41,42,43,44,45,,46,,47, 2014-01-13 06:08:36 1 0
monjoronson q&a 69 2014-01-16 20:56:34 1 1
monjoronson q&a session #6 2014-01-08 23:37:04 1 14
monjoronson q&a session 1 2014-01-08 22:04:22 1 69
monjoronson q&a session 40 2014-01-10 00:46:38 1 5
monjoronson q&a session40 2014-01-10 00:46:30 1 0
monjoronson q/a #66 2014-01-16 19:54:46 1 1
monjoronson q/a #69 2014-01-16 20:57:10 1 0
monjoronson q/a 66 2014-01-16 19:55:02 1 18
monjoronson q/a 67 2014-01-16 19:56:34 1 6
monjoronson q/a 69 2014-01-16 20:55:53 1 6
monjoronson qa 1 2020-10-20 21:39:30 1 14
monjoronson real 2014-01-04 17:28:31 1 471
monjoronson session 2014-01-04 19:36:57 1 205
monjoronson special srssion 2014-01-03 17:46:43 1 0
monjoronson the scope of my mission 2019-12-15 10:47:43 1 0
monjoronson united staes 2015-02-09 12:49:39 1 0
monjoronson, ascent 2014-03-02 07:57:29 1 53
monjoronson022804 2013-12-24 12:14:18 1 0
monjoronson100106noco90 foundations light life 2015-03-20 12:16:04 1 0
monjoronson^s 2013-10-14 18:29:25 1 1048
monjoroson name 2015-05-26 18:14:54 1 0
monjoroson s 2015-05-26 18:15:07 1 0
monjorson 2014-03-14 23:33:48 1 1
monjronson q&a 41-100 2014-01-13 06:07:26 1 0
monjronson q&a 69 2014-01-16 20:55:32 1 0
monjronson q/a 69 2014-01-16 20:55:43 1 0
monk 2023-10-28 16:23:20 1 19
monks 2017-11-03 22:05:10 1 15
monmacion 2014-11-22 22:37:51 1 30
monoatom 2015-04-28 11:20:59 1 0
monogomy 2018-11-25 04:01:09 1 0
monoronson 2014-11-26 03:20:18 1 1
monsoloran 2016-07-12 15:48:47 1 0
monte fleur 2020-12-06 21:38:44 1 0
month fleur 2020-12-06 21:38:31 1 0
moon walk 2018-03-04 17:01:13 1 57
moral code 2019-01-27 03:09:01 1 34
morantia life 2014-01-13 02:14:43 1 4
more about stillness 2013-12-14 15:21:43 1 66
more real 2018-10-17 05:29:14 1 2431
more than the correlation of facts 2021-10-07 11:46:17 1 11
mores 2017-10-30 17:02:46 1 109
moribotia 2017-07-08 20:30:38 1 1
mormons 2017-07-06 14:20:43 1 5
morontia abilities 2015-12-02 02:34:28 1 1
morontia attribute 2015-12-02 02:34:03 1 0
morontia attributes 2015-12-02 02:34:13 1 0
morontia bodies 2015-06-16 08:53:04 1 212
morontia companions 2020-01-26 20:03:37 1 157
morontia dimension 2015-12-30 06:29:45 1 7
morontia grid 2015-01-21 18:26:29 1 30
morontia life 2015-08-22 17:46:29 1 1033
morontia skill 2015-12-02 02:32:35 1 0
morontia stages 2014-03-16 15:10:48 1 205
morontia touch 2016-07-09 05:50:21 1 3
morontial mota 2021-02-24 01:01:10 1 87
morontial potentials 2015-06-15 15:57:42 1 2
morontialization 2015-12-23 05:04:46 1 1
morph fields 2014-01-09 09:56:56 1 1
morphogenetic resonance 2014-01-09 09:57:24 1 0
morse code 2019-02-22 00:02:05 1 0
mortal death 2018-06-28 01:52:23 1 483
mortal interviews 2020-03-31 16:02:49 1 8
mortal judiciary 2019-12-16 13:58:08 1 0
mortals 2022-06-11 20:31:29 1 1780
mortgages 2024-03-25 13:52:51 1 6
morya 2017-11-23 04:39:54 1 0
moses egypt 2017-02-17 17:12:57 1 1
moses genocide 2021-05-30 11:33:53 1 0
mosquitos 2016-05-27 12:57:27 1 0
most enlightening 2018-10-15 23:40:21 1 20
most high 2014-12-20 16:48:29 1 137
most high califax 2017-01-08 19:10:00 1 0
most high interventions 2017-02-14 08:20:32 1 4
most high sentenact 2017-01-08 19:10:20 1 0
most highs edentia 2017-01-08 19:09:22 1 23
mosthighs 2014-10-20 21:11:18 1 0
mostrandamus 2015-06-06 14:18:52 1 0
mostrandomus 2015-06-06 14:18:33 1 0
mota 19 2021-09-21 00:28:29 1 103
mother 's day 2019-05-12 08:17:26 1 0
mother mary 2017-02-23 21:00:43 1 224
mother mary speaking 2017-03-20 11:06:29 1 0
mother nebadonia 2015-06-28 22:38:54 1 346
mother son 2022-05-13 06:45:49 1 2101
mother spiriit 2017-06-28 07:26:05 1 0
mother spirit 10-26-2017 2017-11-18 14:45:44 1 0
mother spirit about 2017-06-28 07:25:11 1 1725
mother spirit name 2018-10-01 04:15:51 1 0
mother sprit about 2017-06-28 07:24:55 1 19
motherly love 2016-08-06 17:24:33 1 7
mothers 2019-05-12 08:17:47 1 163
motontial mota 2021-02-24 01:00:51 1 0
mound builders 2014-03-14 07:01:30 1 0
mount adams 2016-07-30 01:00:49 1 0
mountain 2022-11-07 17:56:03 1 272
mouse 2016-06-10 07:34:13 1 25
move urantia to stable place 2019-07-25 18:19:08 1 128
move urantia to stable universe 2019-07-25 18:19:44 1 130
movement 2023-11-19 14:16:18 1 811
movie screen 2019-10-16 00:09:21 1 4
movie theater 2022-04-25 21:52:43 1 5
movies store 2015-04-12 21:52:45 1 19
moviestarplanethackers co 2015-04-05 04:18:08 1 788
moving energy 2015-07-01 23:14:09 1 7
moving on 2019-06-11 20:22:54 1 78
mufon 2014-08-26 16:52:16 1 0
mulberrysale org uk 2014-10-17 02:14:51 1 699
multiverse 2015-08-19 02:52:59 1 1
murmuras 2020-12-06 21:40:19 1 0
murmurs 2020-12-06 21:40:52 1 7
muscle contraction 2023-03-18 15:20:18 1 0
muse 2023-02-27 13:54:47 1 6
mushroom 2019-01-31 16:25:46 1 8
mushrooms 2016-08-23 06:23:47 1 11
music od the spheres 2014-04-08 11:22:54 1 90
musicians 2020-04-13 17:12:50 1 45
muslim terrorists 2015-02-12 10:40:40 1 1
muslim vision jesus 2014-12-03 18:43:34 1 12
muslims jesus 2014-12-03 18:52:16 1 18
muslims seeing jesus 2014-12-03 18:44:51 1 10
musonius 2015-03-25 05:46:14 1 0
mustard 2021-12-06 23:00:22 1 26
mutated virus 2020-12-20 00:23:14 1 3
mx 2017-11-28 11:16:11 1 0
mxam " ' 2021-11-23 06:19:18 1 0
mxam 'deictr ' " nygwsu 2021-11-23 06:19:29 1 0
my life in paradise 2013-10-17 22:06:03 1 1390
my mind wander continuously 2015-02-12 07:01:48 1 0
myss 2016-08-17 21:37:36 1 7
mystery babylon 2020-11-26 20:35:41 1 0
mytml 2015-03-06 15:06:59 1 0
n e c 2015-11-10 12:15:39 1 5796
nada 2020-11-27 09:20:10 1 3
naive 2016-06-23 20:59:56 1 25
nakedness 2023-10-17 10:11:35 1 3
nalika 2018-12-15 07:15:56 1 0
namaste 2018-05-31 08:03:00 1 34
nambia 2020-12-10 07:30:52 1 1
name ta 2015-04-23 17:36:42 1 1710
names of the fahter 2018-06-27 20:07:49 1 0
names of the seven super universes 2021-04-23 17:55:34 1 28
narcis 2017-07-27 18:25:40 1 0
narcissist 2017-08-01 17:49:06 1 0
nasca 2018-08-14 02:39:30 1 0
nascent 2015-06-27 02:41:24 1 10
nat 2014-06-11 03:51:06 1 4693
nation of islam 2015-03-02 15:34:51 1 11
natural disasters 2016-09-21 18:29:21 1 53
nature is the answer 2024-12-02 23:15:18 1 1196
nature of portals 2016-04-14 11:49:18 1 2
nature space 2023-11-13 03:37:26 1 1100
nazarean 2015-03-29 14:21:21 1 0
nazarene 2015-03-29 14:21:28 1 0
nazarites 2015-05-09 13:20:47 1 0
nazca lines 2014-08-06 20:20:54 1 0
nazi 2018-04-17 02:44:58 1 13
nazirite 2015-03-29 14:21:11 1 0
nazorean 2015-03-29 14:21:47 1 0
nde 2018-08-27 08:40:53 1 5658
neanderthal 2013-12-21 17:18:15 1 3
near-death experience 2019-03-17 03:39:31 1 744
nebadon policy 2014-09-13 15:22:47 1 0
nebadona 2015-11-16 07:37:18 1 2
nebadonia 2014 2016-05-18 18:10:36 1 41
nebadonia 2015 2017-11-10 23:05:34 1 23
nebadonia 2016 2017-11-10 23:04:52 1 7
nebadonia 2019 2021-08-09 12:25:41 1 0
nebadonia 2020 2021-08-09 12:24:47 1 1
nebadonia 2021 2021-08-09 12:25:33 1 0
nebadonia lightline 7 2016-05-18 18:15:32 1 18
nebadonia mind 2017-04-17 09:44:15 1 0
nebadonia uniqueness textbook 2020-08-24 11:54:54 1 2
nebadonia102207 2020-07-06 09:52:56 1 0
nebandonia 2017-06-28 07:25:36 1 0
nebodonia 2015-11-27 08:05:57 1 0
nebuchadnezzar 2021-03-16 05:28:36 1 0
nebuchadnezzer 2021-03-16 05:27:13 1 0
nebular 2018-04-28 09:15:13 1 0
nec # 2014-07-14 00:16:59 1 4006
nec #16 2014-03-31 10:09:19 1 30
nec 2016 2016-07-29 17:25:34 1 15
nec 38 2015-07-12 10:20:21 1 0
nec 44 2016-05-10 20:44:51 1 110
nec 49 2015-07-23 08:30:41 1 109
nec 50 2016-04-30 19:07:21 1 27
nec 51 2016-04-30 19:03:39 1 2
nec 53 2016-04-30 18:55:54 1 2
nec 54 2016-04-30 18:52:53 1 1
nec 55 2016-04-30 18:47:49 1 2
nec 56 2016-04-30 18:39:25 1 3
nec 58 2016-04-30 18:27:52 1 1
nec 67 2016-04-25 14:08:07 1 40
nec 72 2016-07-22 15:06:20 1 132
nec 86 2015-03-22 20:17:16 1 2
nec 87 2015-03-22 20:17:01 1 6
nec 88 2015-03-22 20:16:49 1 2
nec 89 2015-03-22 20:16:29 1 8
nec37 2015-03-13 16:35:48 1 0
neediness and filling the need 2014-03-21 10:53:59 1 0
negative thoughts 2024-09-07 07:44:08 1 123
negro black race 2014-11-21 02:57:15 1 4
neighbor planets 2016-04-13 23:28:42 1 0
nelson 2017-11-07 18:25:54 1 8
nemesis 2014-08-10 10:43:53 1 5
nenadonia 2016 2016-05-04 18:18:23 1 0
nephilem 2014-04-17 09:22:17 1 0
neptune 2017-03-13 11:41:42 1 1
nerve 2024-12-13 10:38:53 1 113
net 52 2019-10-04 10:18:41 1 96
net 9 noco group 2017-01-02 14:52:18 1 52
netherland 2018-01-29 18:28:13 1 1
neurological 2020-06-13 18:24:10 1 25
neurology 2017-11-07 20:09:12 1 3
neutrino 2017-08-20 18:27:10 1 0
neverending 2019-03-03 20:25:08 1 2
neville 2021-10-06 22:21:22 1 1
new being 2014-08-31 21:15:09 1 4069
new bestowal 2016-12-31 15:53:17 1 376
new church 2023-05-28 14:09:54 1 19
new constitution 2016-06-06 00:58:04 1 76
new discovery 2023-03-09 21:21:18 1 24
new economy 2022-05-02 19:04:14 1 5
new era comversations 2014-08-20 23:27:35 1 0
new era conversation 2016-12-29 15:11:51 1 0
new era conversation 49 2015-06-28 09:03:09 1 0
new era conversations 1 2017-11-19 22:36:23 1 0
new era conversations 58 2015-12-14 20:56:24 1 20
new era transition 2018-08-11 04:18:44 1 470
new era transition - 52 2019-10-04 10:20:27 1 25
new era transition 32 world in crisis raising 2018-01-08 22:44:57 1 0
new era transition 61 2019-04-19 18:38:23 1 24
new ideas 2019-10-29 16:57:35 1 218
new products 2023-01-29 00:16:07 1 3
new religion 2021-12-06 23:03:29 1 29
new urantia 2017-10-25 06:55:04 1 2662
new urantia papers 2017-10-25 06:53:54 1 0
new york 2015-04-08 16:11:44 1 69
new100 2023-08-10 23:46:05 1 0
newberg oregon 2016-08-28 20:48:24 1 1
newborns 2017-12-24 14:32:15 1 7
newmoon 2014-09-24 18:33:37 1 0
newstarsaphire 2017-10-17 12:39:49 1 3
newurantiabookvolume 2017-10-31 12:50:05 1 0
niburu 2016-08-29 00:27:08 1 0
nicodemus 2021-03-16 05:32:32 1 2
nicotine 2016-10-26 09:54:01 1 18
nigel 2015-06-10 00:58:48 1 0
nigger 2015-05-22 00:51:54 1 0
night classes 2017-01-27 05:55:43 1 3
nightmare 2024-06-13 06:24:18 1 19
nina 2016-04-17 17:56:24 1 65
ninja 2016-10-14 13:16:27 1 0
no altruism 2015-04-11 20:12:05 1 36
no more movies dvd 2015-04-12 22:09:55 1 1
no movies dvd 2015-04-12 22:10:23 1 1
no movies dvds 2015-04-12 22:10:18 1 0
noah ark 2014-11-09 08:03:42 1 8
noah floof 2023-10-28 19:28:22 1 0
noah giants 2014-12-03 22:56:21 1 1
nobility daniel raphael 2013-12-08 17:18:23 1 0
noco " and "x " "x 2017-01-26 23:45:00 1 59
noco " and "x " "y 2017-01-26 23:45:01 1 59
noco #01 2013-11-20 21:40:42 1 0
noco #1 2013-11-20 21:40:24 1 29
noco ' and 'x ' 'x 2017-01-26 23:44:58 1 59
noco ' and 'x ' 'y 2017-01-26 23:44:59 1 59
noco ' and benchmark 2999999 md5 now and '1 2017-01-26 23:45:51 1 59
noco ' and sleep 3 and '1 2017-01-26 23:45:49 1 59
noco ' benchmark 2999999 md5 now '1 2017-01-26 23:45:51 1 59
noco ' sleep 3 '1 2017-01-26 23:45:50 1 59
noco 0 ' sleep 3 '1 2017-01-26 23:45:50 1 59
noco 02 2017-12-02 00:28:03 1 30
noco 104 2018-02-12 22:22:06 1 1
noco 105 2015-01-21 11:03:13 1 1
noco 106 2015-01-21 11:02:06 1 1
noco 111 2015-01-21 11:25:16 1 2
noco 114 2015-01-21 11:32:35 1 1
noco 47 2016-06-23 07:59:12 1 0
noco 85 2016-10-25 10:59:19 1 0
noco 89 2014-03-04 02:23:59 1 0
noco group 12 march 10 2002 2016-06-22 09:11:52 1 0
noco031002 2016-06-23 07:33:54 1 0
noco2121121121212 1 2017-01-26 23:44:56 1 59
nod 2016-07-22 07:25:52 1 148
nodite technology 2017-08-31 01:47:17 1 1
nomenclasora 2016-09-05 02:06:54 1 0
non dual 2015-12-23 22:30:01 1 0
non human 2022-07-04 01:29:57 1 1497
non-profit clinic 2023-02-26 21:12:46 1 0
nonjoronson will succed machiventa as planetary 2014-07-19 05:59:34 1 0
norlatiadek 2017-06-15 23:04:53 1 33
north america 2017-03-15 03:26:40 1 42
northern colorado 2017-09-17 00:03:48 1 42
northern colorado 1 2013-11-20 21:41:04 1 136
northwest 2014-10-07 12:48:53 1 25
northwest conference 1995 2013-11-17 19:36:12 1 3
northwest teaching 2013-11-17 19:13:24 1 17
norway 2015-04-28 11:24:57 1 2
not approved 2013-12-19 14:55:50 1 73
not food 2022-04-11 10:12:16 1 3
nov 10 2013 2015-09-22 11:20:47 1 10
nov 29 2002 2014-08-10 21:07:28 1 8
novaprime 2016-06-17 21:11:28 1 0
november 2016 2017-01-14 09:56:04 1 1
november 28 2018-11-26 18:17:33 1 63
no_longer_fear 2014-08-10 19:53:31 1 0
nrc 2014-12-13 16:39:28 1 0
nubiru 2021-04-21 06:13:52 1 0
nuclear accident 2016-05-13 07:55:25 1 11
nuclear attack 2022-11-03 21:40:44 1 0
nuclear energy 2023-01-13 18:08:08 1 5
nuclear missile 2022-11-03 21:40:53 1 0
nuclear power plant 2022-11-05 15:49:01 1 0
nuclear weapons 2017-05-23 17:21:59 1 9
nudity movies 2019-08-20 04:35:08 1 0
nueva zelanda 2017-10-22 19:38:01 1 0
number 2017-11-19 04:01:55 1 1287
numbet 1111 2015-03-01 20:15:27 1 0
nurseries for children mansion world 2023-05-16 18:21:05 1 0
nutated virus 2020-12-20 00:23:02 1 0
nutshell 2019-04-06 04:10:53 1 26
obinitia 2015-05-21 17:10:38 1 0
objects 2024-05-23 18:34:30 1 125
obsessive-compulsive 2019-03-13 03:15:06 1 31
ocean level 2014-09-29 15:36:18 1 1
ocean level rise 2014-09-29 15:35:59 1 0
ocean plate 2017-04-03 22:19:07 1 18
ocilliy 2016-10-22 21:37:29 1 0
oct 30 22 light line 2022-11-07 15:59:07 1 46
october 24 2005 2019-12-16 22:07:55 1 4
october 27 2002 2015-02-14 11:01:45 1 5
october 29 2007 2019-11-23 00:09:26 1 1
october 31 2014 2015-06-07 07:39:05 1 0
october 4 2009 2014-09-04 00:25:18 1 3
octobre 21st 2008 2013-12-25 20:46:01 1 0
octubre 2018 2018-11-01 14:38:01 1 0
offended 2016-10-30 15:52:11 1 101
offline 2024-04-09 14:17:05 1 2
okhban 2018-10-16 09:54:42 1 0
oklahoma 2013-12-20 15:25:14 1 23
oklahoma transcripts 2016-07-09 17:53:57 1 0
old 2014-08-14 15:04:10 1 4693
old testament 2020-12-03 07:45:17 1 69
olmecs 2020-07-27 03:04:40 1 0
olympics 2014-02-08 17:09:25 1 18
omecs 2020-07-27 03:04:20 1 0
omni dimensional 2023-02-01 14:51:10 1 2
omniaphim 2018-07-01 00:58:46 1 3
omniscience 2014-08-10 10:04:27 1 0
omnisscience 2014-08-10 09:48:59 1 0
omnisscience and free will 2014-08-10 09:46:02 1 0
omnivor 2016-05-31 07:32:43 1 0
on the sexual education of children 2016-01-05 13:28:00 1 32
onamonalonton 2016-08-09 17:27:27 1 8
onamonolonton 2023-08-10 06:56:40 1 0
onanism 2023-10-17 09:52:28 1 0
one member 2024-04-15 19:14:14 1 17
one thing well 2023-08-16 23:46:41 1 1
one unite before midnight 2020-12-25 00:02:53 1 4
one world religion 2021-05-02 16:31:57 1 0
onecpm fr 2015-01-03 15:31:52 1 706
oneness 2023-02-03 09:17:30 1 614
ong 's hat 2018-09-06 21:09:04 1 2818
ongaralan 2016-10-06 22:00:07 1 1
online course 2024-04-21 19:13:41 1 0
online courses 2024-04-21 19:13:36 1 0
online marketplace 2024-04-14 09:05:03 1 0
online sales 2024-04-14 09:05:12 1 0
online store 2022-05-02 19:00:27 1 0
online video 2023-07-22 08:14:49 1 0
online videos 2023-07-22 08:14:42 1 0
only once 2013-12-25 15:43:39 1 44
only once superuniverse 2013-12-25 15:44:20 1 126
only water 2022-04-11 10:11:40 1 5
onters 2016-08-10 03:09:48 1 0
onyx 2018-12-14 22:14:18 1 0
open 2014-08-28 17:13:44 1 3228
open heart 2014-12-20 16:52:42 1 144
open source 2024-02-17 16:55:58 1 1
open the heart 2014-12-20 16:50:32 1 11
open up 2020-07-06 03:57:25 1 3296
open your heart 2014-12-20 16:35:46 1 230
opening of the magisterial mission 2016-10-25 13:03:34 1 160
openness 2014-06-25 18:38:18 1 398
operating system 2024-03-28 19:31:31 1 34
opinionated 2023-03-11 22:29:40 1 12
or-don-son 2015-03-01 11:46:36 1 0
orange 2023-03-09 23:10:01 1 48
orange joy 2023-03-09 23:18:24 1 0
orange orbs 2014-02-14 12:22:28 1 0
orb 2019-07-07 07:03:32 1 825
order of 2022-06-05 18:12:29 1 412
oreyparena 2014-06-12 12:40:44 1 0
organ 2015-05-31 20:03:02 1 63
organ donor 2015-05-31 20:02:13 1 0
organ transplant 2015-05-31 20:02:33 1 1
organic 2016-08-11 17:20:04 1 118
orgonite 2018-12-03 05:23:27 1 0
origin sabbath 2023-04-12 11:08:36 1 10
orillington 2014-06-12 12:41:09 1 1
orion group 2015-06-09 23:14:34 1 23
orlando florida 2014-02-06 08:19:02 1 2
orlando florida 0 2014-02-05 05:41:57 1 2
orlando florida 00t 2014-02-05 05:41:46 1 0
orlando tm teacher 2014-02-06 08:18:01 1 0
orlatia 2016-08-11 07:44:46 1 0
ormus 2015-04-28 11:18:51 1 0
orthodox 2016-10-26 20:38:20 1 15
orvonton meaning 2019-04-08 21:13:51 1 0
osl 2021-12-14 09:38:24 1 49
osl zones 2021-12-14 09:38:01 1 2
ostrow 2023-10-28 16:16:55 1 0
other civilizations 2018-08-18 10:10:47 1 14
ouiji 2017-02-19 13:05:52 1 0
ouiji board 2017-02-19 13:05:41 1 0
oujii 2014-02-07 23:21:33 1 0
oujii board 2014-10-23 11:24:56 1 0
oujii board games 2014-02-07 23:21:25 1 0
our mission is nothing less 2019-12-15 10:32:33 1 0
our mission is nothing less than the regeneration 2019-12-15 10:31:55 1 0
out of body 2021-07-04 12:36:46 1 1998
outdated books 2014-10-03 11:20:02 1 6
outdoors 2016-05-10 17:25:49 1 26
outer spacers 2018-12-01 05:04:55 1 0
outside comfort zone 2020-06-14 08:20:48 1 86
overcome fear 2021-06-08 19:49:34 1 13
overpopulation 2015-05-08 03:20:12 1 14
overthrow 2024-03-06 03:41:59 1 9
ovni 2017-08-16 08:03:50 1 0
ovolactovegetariamism 2016-05-12 19:30:29 1 0
own property 2014-04-25 01:39:24 1 3
own your 2015-02-16 20:40:16 1 29
own your life 2015-02-16 20:46:12 1 26
oxident 2016-07-21 18:52:31 1 0
oxidents 2016-07-21 18:52:24 1 0
pacific ocean 2015-12-13 17:38:12 1 14
page 1732 2017-08-07 05:48:54 1 1
page offset bookfilter 2017-06-01 14:39:47 1 0
pain that you feel 2015-09-26 20:38:40 1 16
palladin 2015-01-18 03:14:47 1 0
palm sunday 2015-03-16 19:30:53 1 24
panasonic 2017-09-15 23:18:08 1 0
pandemic end 2020-08-04 05:46:59 1 27
panducollege org 2015-09-04 19:45:04 1 725
panoptica 2017-03-07 13:43:57 1 0
panspermia 2017-10-14 03:50:55 1 0
pantopia 2016-08-10 07:21:30 1 0
paper 72 2017-08-09 12:08:17 1 5
paradise father 2014-08-09 11:57:32 1 1458
paradise father speaks 2014-04-04 08:30:06 1 247
paradox 2016-03-12 22:51:14 1 156
parallel 2017-04-17 14:22:56 1 265
parallel worlds 2017-04-17 14:22:43 1 0
paralysis 2021-08-14 03:09:22 1 18
paramahansa yogananda 2020-02-12 19:27:33 1 8
paranormal 2019-04-04 18:56:27 1 5
parasites 2016-05-06 07:24:07 1 9
paratrooper 2015-11-09 09:32:16 1 1
parenting child rearing and family dynamics 2017-08-07 08:46:32 1 1
paretto 2023-08-23 12:09:15 1 0
parietal 2017-07-25 21:28:14 1 0
parietal brain lobe 2017-07-25 21:28:54 1 0
parkinson 2019-03-29 19:24:36 1 7
parkinson 's diisease 2016-06-24 20:38:14 1 0
parkinsons disease 2016-05-03 07:36:17 1 0
part 2014-08-19 04:13:05 1 4128
part of the solution 2015-02-14 10:48:12 1 292
past injuries 2015-11-22 16:18:18 1 1
past life 2018-10-06 03:19:19 1 2248
patern 2014-08-26 22:00:18 1 0
patience 2021-02-27 06:11:48 1 940
patmos 2018-08-02 21:31:38 1 4
patmose 2014-07-13 00:29:04 1 0
pato banton 2014-07-06 17:44:29 1 3
patriarchy 2017-08-20 15:25:43 1 2
patrick 2017-11-20 00:22:06 1 16
patterns contact 2015-11-15 23:55:26 1 469
patterns of contact 2015-11-15 23:54:36 1 469
paul anderson 2019-12-12 14:14:44 1 0
paul c 2017-12-08 01:45:29 1 203
paul clonklin 2017-12-08 00:18:29 1 0
paul tarsus 2014-01-19 16:44:25 1 14
paulo 2014-07-08 12:35:36 1 44
pay attention 2014-03-02 19:11:18 1 523
payment 2017-11-16 19:02:29 1 0
peace global meditation 2014-09-23 22:14:21 1 93
peace of god 2018-09-24 01:27:50 1 2442
peacekeeper 2024-04-03 11:01:03 1 1
peacemaker 2024-04-03 11:01:20 1 15
peanuts 2016-07-15 11:42:00 1 6
pebble 2016-12-24 09:30:19 1 39
pebble vibration 2016-12-24 09:30:08 1 0
pecten 2016-05-30 07:50:21 1 0
pedephilia 2014-06-12 22:52:50 1 0
pedophilia 2014-06-11 20:08:35 1 1
peizo 2016-05-16 14:44:38 1 0
pen 2019-04-11 09:22:33 1 5014
penoptia 2016-06-12 05:38:45 1 0
pentecostal 2019-12-06 12:21:07 1 4
pentyimtor 2014-11-26 18:43:57 1 0
people of mars 2021-05-24 10:35:57 1 11
people want 2024-03-08 00:38:04 1 63
peretoria 2016-02-02 22:28:51 1 0
perfection christ michael 2014-12-31 11:50:11 1 326
peri 2019-12-11 15:32:54 1 8
peri best 2019-12-12 14:56:45 1 6
persistence 2014-08-10 03:48:31 1 136
person who commit suicide 2019-10-06 05:52:45 1 30
personal 2023-08-03 21:01:06 1 3140
personalidad 2021-01-27 01:51:28 1 5
personality and worship 2020-12-19 01:19:55 1 534
personality baby 2021-03-08 11:10:57 1 161
personality extintion 2014-02-01 20:04:41 1 0
personality worship 2020-12-19 01:23:57 1 534
personalized adjuster of urantia 2016-10-06 23:55:26 1 1
personally channel 2013-12-19 15:37:23 1 155
personally reincarnation 2013-12-19 15:38:44 1 37
perspectives 2019-11-25 00:46:28 1 388
pest control 2016-04-26 12:28:54 1 2
pesticides 2016-04-27 21:36:56 1 6
pestilence 2016-05-10 17:23:34 1 11
peter 2015-03-29 14:24:40 1 97
peter deunov 2015-11-05 13:59:21 1 0
pets souls 2020-06-25 02:03:31 1 22
pharmacutical drugs 2016-05-06 08:26:27 1 0
phase 2014-12-14 13:55:18 1 572
phase 1 2018-01-14 16:59:21 1 494
phase i 2018-01-14 06:30:43 1 10
phases of finite 2017-09-07 21:55:44 1 42
phenomenology 2020-06-03 07:22:14 1 6
pheromone 2022-11-17 18:30:50 1 0
philosophy 2023-05-26 14:06:01 1 328
phoenix journals 2014-02-16 17:37:46 1 0
php 1975 2016-05-16 15:58:54 1 0
phrenia 2019-07-02 19:51:17 1 0
phsycic 2014-07-10 08:50:32 1 0
phsycology 2017-11-14 18:19:53 1 0
phychic circle 2014-08-26 02:06:18 1 0
physic channeling 2014-10-18 18:08:41 1 1
physic cirles 2018-05-08 14:51:02 1 0
physical circles 2017-08-22 05:18:14 1 0
physical description of jesus 2018-07-10 09:36:43 1 0
physical description of michael 2018-07-10 09:37:14 1 0
physical development 2024-04-16 21:32:06 1 17
physical movement 2023-11-19 14:16:36 1 2
physical symptoms 2017-05-07 22:26:23 1 8
physician 2017-11-14 18:18:48 1 56
physics 2015-12-25 05:31:54 1 96
picanty 2018-01-07 18:09:26 1 0
picture god 2018-11-04 17:17:19 1 1
piezoelectric 2022-12-31 20:30:49 1 0
pillar of salt 2020-12-01 16:38:29 1 6
pillow 2016-07-19 20:24:02 1 32
pinch 2014-08-28 17:14:03 1 28
pineal calcification 2016-05-07 22:18:38 1 0
pineal calcified 2016-05-07 22:20:12 1 0
pineal calcify 2016-05-07 22:18:56 1 0
pineal floride 2016-05-07 22:18:11 1 0
pineal flouride 2016-05-07 22:18:18 1 0
pineal gland activation 2016-10-24 15:51:53 1 0
pink socks 2014-07-08 11:11:30 1 3
pins 2016-12-24 17:49:41 1 14
piramyds 2018-12-08 19:29:42 1 0
pitch 2016-06-28 23:38:41 1 50
pizza 2016-08-12 06:12:25 1 8
placebo 2016-02-26 13:02:42 1 5
placeholder 2013-12-01 07:45:52 1 1
plagiarism 2015-05-22 00:51:16 1 2
plagiarize 2015-05-22 00:51:07 1 1
plagued 2017-09-02 10:43:15 1 58
plan b 2023-11-15 20:51:53 1 1
planet taus 2014-12-23 02:20:52 1 0
planet larga 2017-03-15 03:04:43 1 0
planet taus enouch 2014-12-23 02:19:33 1 0
planet transformation 2019-12-13 07:22:56 1 420
planeta natal 2019-03-25 11:24:27 1 1
planetary capital 2018-04-15 13:00:23 1 0
planetary executive 2023-06-27 23:40:05 1 0
planetary executives 2023-06-27 23:39:54 1 0
planetary prince 2016-10-05 17:47:50 1 308
planetary%20supreme 2014-08-28 04:41:16 1 446
planetesimal 2018-04-28 09:14:57 1 0
planetesimal hypothesis 2018-04-28 09:14:52 1 0
plata coloifal 2024-02-11 19:52:06 1 0
plata coloiidal 2024-02-11 19:52:19 1 0
plate tectonics 2017-05-04 01:28:46 1 5
plato 2014-10-07 19:48:19 1 4
pleadian 2020-11-25 13:07:19 1 0
pleasure 2018-03-17 21:34:05 1 1306
pleasure institutions 2017-01-10 16:24:35 1 114
pleasure seek 2020-09-17 14:39:52 1 750
pledge my devotion michael 2014-01-26 17:50:02 1 24
pleidian 2019-11-27 11:01:44 1 0
pliadians 2017-06-14 14:38:52 1 0
plieades 2014-12-29 00:25:28 1 0
plumet 2017-03-10 18:18:55 1 0
pluto 2014-11-05 16:10:33 1 1
pneumonia 2016-05-30 19:05:49 1 5
pnoptor 2014-11-26 18:44:10 1 0
pocatello 2014-11-18 07:12:29 1 312
poem 2017-11-01 15:09:12 1 57
poewr 2018-01-02 03:08:20 1 0
point energy 2023-06-04 21:12:43 1 60
point of spiritual polarity 2015-01-26 19:47:50 1 41
pola 2015-12-04 09:14:57 1 0
polar inversion 2014-07-22 22:16:46 1 0
polar invertion 2014-07-22 22:16:38 1 0
polar revertion 2015-12-04 09:14:44 1 0
polco 2024-06-16 04:56:52 1 0
pole reversal 2020-04-20 10:52:14 1 1
pole shift on urantia 2018-08-07 11:38:20 1 33
poles 2018-02-01 18:08:01 1 32
poleshift 2018-08-07 11:37:30 1 0
polgamy 2021-06-23 09:46:01 1 0
police shootings 2016-07-10 20:16:33 1 0
polish 2023-10-28 16:15:36 1 48
political economy 2014-01-29 13:13:24 1 9
political ideology 2016-04-28 18:54:05 1 19
pollution 2016-05-04 09:46:39 1 53
pomp 2014-06-26 10:50:14 1 9
ponoptians 2016-05-21 20:22:29 1 0
pools 2024-03-26 16:30:23 1 22
poor 2023-09-09 15:20:09 1 427
poor choices 2020-09-28 11:24:01 1 156
poor decisions 2020-09-28 11:23:46 1 174
pope is antichrist 2014-04-20 16:46:15 1 1
population decimation survival 2014-03-31 00:45:33 1 15
porc 2022-11-06 02:36:42 1 0
porno 2023-03-21 22:34:25 1 0
port 2024-10-30 09:30:59 1 23
portals 2016-04-14 11:48:27 1 74
portrait 2016-07-27 04:02:51 1 0
positive attitudes 2013-12-03 17:27:30 1 17
positive thinking 2024-12-13 00:57:45 1 38
positive thoughts 2014-11-28 14:52:52 1 826
positivity 2019-03-21 20:03:09 1 25
posses 2019-04-02 12:44:22 1 27
possesions 2020-07-15 20:59:56 1 0
post-mortem experiences 2014-12-30 13:56:18 1 0
poulco 2024-06-16 04:57:12 1 0
pouse 2014-05-26 13:53:30 1 0
poverty unfairness 2019-06-11 13:50:25 1 3
power generator 2023-03-24 21:30:39 1 1
power of prayer 2016-09-21 14:34:38 1 1105
power of the mind 2017-10-17 09:42:58 1 1938
power outage 2023-03-24 21:26:57 1 3
power plant 2022-11-05 15:49:20 1 3
power rangers 2022-06-04 00:58:26 1 0
power zone 2017-01-05 18:29:17 1 0
power zonne 2017-01-05 18:28:58 1 0
powerful ability 2019-03-05 00:25:12 1 1
powerful secret 2018-12-01 05:03:51 1 0
powerless 2018-09-26 23:28:02 1 63
powers and principalities 2020-11-25 20:32:28 1 2
pr nec 2017-11-19 22:15:15 1 4201
practice 2016-05-10 18:57:29 1 65
practice what we preach 2015-09-03 15:01:58 1 68
prayer clinic 2023-03-12 15:01:41 1 0
prayer father god 2019-01-11 09:40:41 1 1711
prayer for death duty 2017-01-12 21:42:46 1 0
prayer health 2023-03-12 15:01:53 1 0
praying 2015-06-26 22:46:16 1 358
preaching gift 2017-04-23 09:21:16 1 0
preaching talent 2017-04-23 09:21:26 1 0
precious metal 2022-12-13 14:38:46 1 3
precious metals 2022-12-13 14:38:38 1 0
precognition 2014-07-17 10:48:58 1 2
predators 2022-11-06 00:37:46 1 24
predestination 2014-08-10 10:05:05 1 0
predication 2017-04-23 09:20:09 1 0
predict 2015-05-22 00:51:45 1 138
prediction 2024-12-13 13:45:28 1 40
predictions 2014-06-12 21:20:56 1 96
preliminary announcements 2017-11-11 23:13:33 1 2
premature baby 2017-10-11 19:58:04 1 4
premorontia life 2014-10-10 16:41:07 1 1
prenoptia 2014-10-21 16:07:18 1 0
preparation for what is to come 2017-10-28 17:25:38 1 7
prepartion 2013-10-18 12:34:36 1 0
preppers 2025-01-18 21:47:57 1 0
prepping 2016-04-27 07:42:52 1 1
presidential election 2016-02-01 02:51:32 1 8
pressure 2021-01-12 15:31:52 1 587
preto 2015-01-25 18:55:48 1 17
preto velho 2019-01-23 19:20:54 1 0
primary sangiks 2015-06-13 07:59:23 1 2
primus 2018-07-14 04:36:46 1 1
prince 2014-09-23 15:18:37 1 394
prison 2020-12-20 08:21:34 1 88
prison camp 2023-04-16 07:38:21 1 0
prison worlds 2017-08-06 07:13:48 1 2
private property 2017-09-18 06:40:04 1 0
probation 2019-10-19 13:48:25 1 2
probation nursery 2019-10-19 13:48:07 1 0
probatory 2019-10-19 11:11:21 1 0
probius 2021-04-02 07:52:01 1 0
problems 2023-08-29 16:33:28 1 1185
proclamation 012904 2014-10-03 13:26:35 1 0
proclamation jan 29 2014 2014-10-03 13:27:10 1 0
procrastination 2023-12-02 01:20:55 1 26
procreation and agondonters special oversight divi 2015-12-02 16:05:33 1 0
prodigious children 2013-11-17 18:42:57 1 5
products 2024-07-17 23:18:33 1 118
profound 2018-10-23 22:47:14 1 692
project 2016-01-28 02:14:42 1 1032
promised 2017-10-08 20:34:05 1 170
promised land 2017-10-08 20:34:53 1 5
propane 2023-03-09 22:27:05 1 2
prophecies 2023-10-28 19:16:39 1 18
prophet of lie 2016-10-06 21:38:53 1 0
propose 2019-12-07 11:06:16 1 2
prostitute 2022-11-06 05:12:42 1 4
prostitution 2019-08-20 04:27:56 1 6
protecting children 2020-11-28 00:54:26 1 2
protein 2016-05-19 08:33:06 1 6
protest 2022-06-26 10:55:31 1 20
protocols of learned elders 2019-02-22 00:12:26 1 1
protocols of learned elders of zion 2019-02-22 00:13:01 1 0
proverbs 2020-03-18 09:26:34 1 2
providence 2013-12-09 00:58:54 1 49
provider 2024-10-02 09:42:56 1 44
provision 2023-08-28 00:11:09 1 71
prreparedness 2013-10-29 21:16:52 1 0
psycadelics 2014-05-01 13:18:34 1 0
psychedelics 2016-06-27 10:06:04 1 1
psychic attack 2017-05-19 05:35:43 1 34
psychic levels 2023-05-05 05:37:09 1 136
psychic medium 2015-01-24 03:42:00 1 35
psychics 2019-09-27 12:17:23 1 14
psycho circles 2018-11-10 12:59:44 1 2
psycho cybernetics 2019-12-10 19:29:40 1 0
psychologueparis-15 fr 2014-10-08 03:09:01 1 701
psychology 2017-11-14 18:20:18 1 145
psychotropic 2014-03-15 16:35:57 1 4
ptsd 2023-05-02 09:19:57 1 12 2014-07-04 05:03:53 1 699
publishnewurantiabookvolume 2017-11-19 02:58:09 1 2
pull soul 2017-10-28 11:20:34 1 379
pull the soul 2017-10-28 11:20:20 1 0
pulman bernard 2015-01-22 12:46:56 1 0
pure land 2015-10-17 07:51:04 1 112
purpose of humor 2019-10-29 23:15:42 1 0
purposes of life 2017-11-10 19:10:33 1 9
pussy 2019-10-13 21:44:04 1 0
put your essence into 2019-10-22 02:58:09 1 0
puzzle 2024-07-27 22:18:49 1 205
pyramid of gaza 2017-01-24 18:00:05 1 0
pyramid of geza 2017-01-24 17:59:45 1 0
pyramid ships 2016-05-17 08:19:30 1 4
pyramyd 2018-09-06 23:08:47 1 0
pyrimids 2014-07-25 15:04:09 1 0
pythagoras 2017-09-27 12:25:14 1 1
q & a 58 2014-01-14 08:05:05 1 72
q a session 36 2009-01-28 2018-08-07 15:12:51 1 8
q and a session 36 37 2018-08-07 01:36:59 1 22
q pleiades 2017-03-08 23:29:23 1 1
q&a 43 2014-01-13 06:29:39 1 7
q&a 44 2014-01-13 06:43:27 1 14
q&a 58 2014-01-14 08:06:58 1 5
q&a 59 2014-01-14 08:44:37 1 6
q&a 66 2014-01-16 19:53:11 1 35
q&a 69 2014-01-16 20:55:01 1 8
q&a session 41 2014-01-13 06:16:15 1 6
q&a session 42 2014-01-13 06:16:53 1 10
q&a session 45 2014-01-13 06:55:57 1 14
q/a 53 2014-01-13 21:01:25 1 15
q/a 54 2014-01-13 21:36:13 1 12
q/a 55 2014-01-13 21:42:44 1 12
q/a 56 2014-01-13 21:45:47 1 12
q/a 57 2014-01-13 21:54:31 1 12
q/a 58 2014-01-14 08:04:07 1 11
q/a 63 2014-01-16 19:18:00 1 13
q/a 64 2014-01-16 19:41:06 1 13
q/a 65 2014-01-16 19:46:25 1 12
q/a 66 2014-01-16 19:51:57 1 24
q/a 68 2014-01-16 20:37:16 1 12
qoran 2024-05-18 20:34:57 1 0
qualities 2024-03-24 18:21:15 1 710
quantum physics 2014-02-16 20:44:05 1 18
quarantine broadcasts 2021-09-12 16:01:17 1 27
quarantined 2016-06-19 10:48:53 1 55
quarry tine 2015-05-31 15:59:03 1 0
queen elizabeth 2017-05-17 00:37:04 1 0
queen of agartha 2020-12-28 01:43:12 1 0
quiet 2024-02-11 12:03:54 1 0
quitting your job 2019-04-30 23:30:34 1 0
quote 2017-12-15 14:57:57 1 155
quran 2013-10-25 17:21:56 1 1
r incarnation 2024-12-23 11:22:09 1 146
ra 2015-03-18 00:48:37 1 5759
rachel 2015-06-09 20:59:32 1 121
racial dna 2016-10-06 21:55:12 1 1
racial memory 2016-06-20 00:03:22 1 5
radiate 2020-01-11 06:24:19 1 223
radius 2017-12-04 16:55:13 1 7
rael religion 2017-05-23 17:19:10 1 1
rage 2023-08-24 03:27:20 1 80
raging boners 2017-08-01 01:12:45 1 0
rain 2016-06-15 08:46:22 1 251
raisalee 2021-01-20 12:28:23 1 0
raise consciousness 2021-01-17 23:23:38 1 0
raise the dead 2020-12-04 15:49:23 1 1
raise your vibration 2021-06-08 13:18:58 1 4
raising civilization 2016-08-25 03:22:21 1 34
raissalee 2021-01-20 12:27:45 1 0
ramana 2019-06-14 12:13:33 1 1
ramirez 2019-12-12 15:53:49 1 0
random moment 2014-01-02 17:28:02 1 2
rape 2015-05-22 00:55:05 1 25
rape children 2019-08-20 03:22:48 1 22
raphael 2012 monjoronson 2023-03-23 16:44:59 1 37
raphael archangel 2016-12-19 20:15:48 1 0
rasmansatia 2016-10-06 22:00:31 1 1
ratanana 2022-06-04 01:01:13 1 0
ratta 2017-12-25 08:52:05 1 8
rayel 2014-03-09 15:19:16 1 2
raysin personality 2018-01-31 09:30:56 1 0
rayson discernment 2016-06-22 09:06:18 1 34
rayson first communication 2017-03-05 20:48:06 1 65
rayson intentional community 2017-03-05 16:19:21 1 32
rayson northern colorado number 1 2013-11-20 21:45:17 1 37
rayson northern colorado september 9, 2001 2013-11-20 21:44:41 1 0
rayson northern coloradp september 9, 2001 2013-11-20 21:44:21 1 0
rayson september 09, 2001 2013-11-20 21:44:00 1 0
rayson september 9, 2001 2013-11-20 21:44:08 1 0
rayson teaching discernment 2016-06-22 09:08:57 1 0
rayson teaching on discernment 2016-06-22 09:09:41 1 0
rayson082302 2016-06-22 09:20:29 1 0
rayson082304 2016-06-23 07:29:57 1 0
rayson090901 2013-11-20 21:43:34 1 0
raysonk personality 2018-01-31 09:30:35 1 0
raysonscience 2016-11-03 02:31:06 1 1
raziel 2013-11-03 22:39:51 1 8
re-incarnation 2014-12-18 19:58:32 1 143
re-writing 2016-10-06 21:55:27 1 421
react 2017-07-23 15:55:03 1 13
reactive infinity 2016-09-05 20:56:24 1 0
read books 2023-03-12 09:19:47 1 14
reagan 2014-12-27 14:21:20 1 1
real purpose 2017-10-27 18:47:41 1 33
real purpose of life 2017-10-27 19:02:59 1 3
real purpose of your life 2017-10-27 18:43:30 1 4
rebecca 2015-09-09 19:35:27 1 214
rebelion 2014-12-03 12:52:58 1 2
rebellion lucifer 2019-08-19 06:08:43 1 423
rebith 2014-12-16 05:14:07 1 0
recca 2016-08-28 20:54:22 1 0
receiver transmiter balance 2015-01-10 07:17:35 1 0
receiving2014 2014-10-01 22:50:08 1 0
recent of days 2018-01-26 14:26:08 1 244
receptivity 2021-06-07 15:14:57 1 364
recessive genes 2016-06-14 08:10:35 1 3
recharging 2019-07-23 06:04:11 1 24
reckoning 2017-10-22 07:51:49 1 45
recognise 2017-02-16 16:01:57 1 0
recognize 2017-02-16 16:02:04 1 173
recognizing the voice within 2020-10-25 08:58:11 1 145
recollection of my life 2016-05-23 19:25:59 1 0
recollection of my life on urantia 2014-08-29 14:18:34 1 39
recollections 2014-08-29 14:19:46 1 0
recollections of my life 2016-05-23 19:26:14 1 17
reconstitute 2023-03-26 17:56:40 1 7
recordings 2016-11-16 16:32:00 1 29
rectification 2019-12-11 14:46:04 1 10
rectification plan 2019-12-11 14:46:40 1 4
recycling 2016-05-24 08:01:52 1 29
red cross 2016-05-29 10:48:41 1 1086
red cross organization 2016-05-29 10:50:15 1 120
red dwarf 2019-08-19 06:49:47 1 7
red dwarft 2019-08-19 06:49:38 1 0
red man in north america 2014-11-02 22:01:11 1 43
red race 2017-08-23 06:57:15 1 18
red sea 2022-07-07 12:21:05 1 6
redesigning 2023-12-25 20:55:00 1 5
reduccion of population 2019-03-23 05:16:44 1 0
redwood 2015-07-03 21:03:02 1 6
reembodyment 2017-03-11 15:48:52 1 0
reenergize 2018-10-27 04:26:45 1 3
reflections of my life 2020-03-18 10:05:41 1 154
reflections of my life evan mariano 2020-03-18 10:06:25 1 0
reflections of my life michael 2020-03-18 10:06:58 1 116
reflectivity communication 2014-05-04 13:20:37 1 82
reflectvity 2019-11-20 19:20:58 1 0
reform 2019-06-25 02:04:37 1 40
reformation 2019-06-25 00:59:14 1 30
regenerate 2019-04-06 04:12:32 1 23
registration book 2016-10-01 00:52:35 1 0
regret 2019-11-11 23:08:34 1 248
regulas 2013-12-06 21:26:01 1 0
rehabilitated 2020-01-26 21:09:00 1 46
reincarnating 2016-07-08 17:55:19 1 1
reincarnation " ' 2018-05-02 15:53:01 1 100
reincarnation ' 0 2024-02-08 16:31:58 1 100
reincarnation ' order by 1-- aaej 2018-05-02 15:53:54 1 100
reincarnation ' order by 1-- bgef 2018-05-02 15:54:10 1 100
reincarnation ' order by 1-- vbvn 2018-05-02 15:54:02 1 100
reincarnation ' union all select null null-- ezsg 2018-05-02 15:54:11 1 100
reincarnation ' union all select null null-- ngih 2018-05-02 15:54:03 1 100
reincarnation ' union all select null null-- vwzd 2018-05-02 15:53:55 1 100
reincarnation ' union all select null-- joae 2018-05-02 15:54:10 1 100
reincarnation ' union all select null-- tary 2018-05-02 15:53:54 1 100
reincarnation ' union all select null-- tmzw 2018-05-02 15:54:02 1 100
reincarnation 'uhdtxq ' " ggfjlx 2018-05-02 15:53:02 1 100
reincarnation adjuster 2014-02-17 18:12:19 1 64
reincarnation and urantia 2023-04-01 22:31:22 1 85
reincarnation and urantia and cayce 2023-04-01 22:31:40 1 3
reincarnation explanation 2014-02-17 18:33:50 1 23
reincarnation order by 1-- abnm 2018-05-02 15:53:45 1 100
reincarnation order by 1-- agyk 2018-05-02 15:53:36 1 100
reincarnation order by 1-- ssqs 2018-05-02 15:54:19 1 100
reincarnation past lives 2015-05-13 19:10:17 1 70
reincarnation personally 2013-12-19 15:56:39 1 1
reincarnation union all select null null-- bikr 2018-05-02 15:53:47 1 100
reincarnation union all select null null-- kfap 2018-05-02 15:54:21 1 100
reincarnation union all select null null-- mhbm 2018-05-02 15:53:38 1 100
reincarnation union all select null-- bbkw 2018-05-02 15:53:46 1 100
reincarnation union all select null-- ebjz 2018-05-02 15:54:20 1 100
reincarnation union all select null-- qzfv 2018-05-02 15:53:37 1 100
reincarnation vibration 2014-02-17 18:08:34 1 21
reinvarnation 2017-03-17 13:18:27 1 0
rejoice 2014-06-22 12:44:07 1 562
rejuvenate 2019-04-06 04:10:38 1 29
relationship tone 2019-10-31 04:25:26 1 0
relaxation 2019-10-07 20:24:24 1 205
release 2018-11-18 18:50:56 1 769
release not strive 2018-11-18 18:47:38 1 175
reliable 2023-05-29 13:34:16 1 89
reliant 2024-10-14 15:00:26 1 28
remedial 2024-04-21 19:15:47 1 44
reminisce 2014-08-24 12:52:49 1 13
reminiscent 2014-08-24 12:56:42 1 17
reminiscing 2014-08-24 12:58:00 1 12
remote view 2023-06-21 20:20:31 1 3
remove ego 2023-08-28 08:42:14 1 1
rene 2021-07-10 07:53:06 1 2
repeating numbers 2017-10-25 15:02:04 1 37
repossess 2024-03-26 19:01:00 1 0
repossession 2024-03-26 19:00:51 1 0
represent michael 2013-12-08 18:10:50 1 359
represent nobility 2013-12-08 18:12:59 1 12
reptiians 2018-04-10 15:26:46 1 0
reptile 2017-06-05 17:10:32 1 6
rescind 2018-01-27 22:34:26 1 4
rescue of the children of thecave 2014-05-08 09:45:51 1 0
reservist 2016-09-22 03:20:02 1 7
reset to 2018-04-20 22:17:24 1 3
reseted 2018-04-20 22:28:05 1 0
reseting 2018-04-20 22:18:08 1 0
resetted 2018-04-20 22:28:15 1 0
resignation 2019-06-07 04:26:23 1 12
resist change 2018-09-25 18:54:45 1 179
resolution 2015-11-06 03:39:22 1 218
resort 2022-04-28 19:04:05 1 51
respiratory 2020-05-26 20:34:55 1 13
resset 2018-04-20 22:27:38 1 0
ressurection 2022-11-05 05:27:15 1 0
ressurection halls 2015-06-08 04:31:21 1 0
restart 2024-03-27 16:24:05 1 6
resureccion 2014-07-24 10:15:04 1 0
resurect 2019-04-17 20:02:32 1 0
resurrect 2019-04-17 20:02:50 1 43
resurrection hall 2017-01-20 08:00:58 1 35
resurrection hall - chapter 8 2019-01-25 05:05:56 1 9
retirement 2015-07-10 20:39:22 1 62
retreats 2024-09-21 07:27:46 1 24
return of christ 2021-02-14 07:18:30 1 548
return of christ and monjoronson 2014-06-05 13:39:25 1 166
return of michael 2016-07-20 19:26:16 1 1073
returns 2017-11-11 23:13:53 1 128
reverend moon 2021-03-15 00:31:49 1 1
reverse aging 2024-06-20 07:14:16 1 0
revertion 2015-12-08 17:56:39 1 0
revery 2017-10-18 20:08:40 1 0
revolt 2024-03-06 03:37:12 1 15
rex 2018-01-21 03:53:05 1 33
rexington 2018-01-21 03:52:48 1 0
reziel 2013-11-03 23:02:22 1 0
rh blood 2014-05-05 09:37:04 1 209
rhema 2018-05-10 08:52:33 1 0
rhemus 2014-05-05 09:36:39 1 0
rhesus 2014-05-05 09:36:57 1 0
rhode 2017-02-18 16:38:23 1 2
rhonda marsh 2019-12-12 13:37:39 1 6
ribeir o 2015-01-25 18:55:33 1 0
richard voss 2019-12-12 14:31:35 1 3
riches 2021-05-11 10:36:12 1 5
richest man 2021-09-12 20:28:51 1 13
rife 2023-06-29 17:26:49 1 17
rightmindness 2018-07-22 09:40:28 1 5
ring of fire 2022-11-07 20:52:52 1 2
ringing 2014-05-01 13:26:27 1 82
ringing ears 2014-05-01 13:26:19 1 0
risk assessment 2018-09-06 19:49:17 1 38
ritual 2022-11-07 20:51:22 1 103
rkevkhnwpctcuvylg 2014-02-18 12:16:27 1 0
rob davis 2019-12-12 15:39:58 1 13
robert behzad sarmast 2014-12-31 10:33:11 1 0
robert dean 2019-09-29 01:14:48 1 0
robert g dean 2019-09-29 01:15:11 1 0
robin 2015-08-22 01:12:27 1 0
rockfeller 2022-11-05 04:09:52 1 0
rockford bay 2016-07-01 11:58:45 1 1
rockford bay 2000 2016-07-06 00:34:32 1 1
rogue watchers 2015-03-18 00:54:59 1 1
roleplay 2023-07-24 20:15:37 1 0
roll call 2016-10-10 17:45:06 1 44
roll calls 2019-04-06 15:24:42 1 50
romanek 2017-07-11 10:31:24 1 0
romantic relationship 2016-04-15 17:08:30 1 9
romantic relationships 2016-04-15 17:08:15 1 0
romanticism 2020-01-12 20:20:28 1 1
romanticize 2019-10-15 00:28:37 1 1
romantisize 2019-10-15 00:30:22 1 0
rome 2015-01-24 21:28:15 1 39
ron besser annocements 2014-09-20 11:27:28 1 0
ron besser metatron 2017-11-01 00:26:09 1 0
ron besser predictions 2014-09-20 11:26:48 1 0
ronald hubbard 2015-01-28 14:22:00 1 0
ronald reagan 2014-12-27 14:21:10 1 0
root chakra 2016-07-30 01:06:13 1 13
rose 2022-10-29 16:52:16 1 173
rosicrucian 2019-01-05 19:31:52 1 1
ross 2015-05-22 00:55:47 1 4
roswel 2014-08-26 16:52:55 1 0
rotating 2024-04-12 17:03:46 1 30
rothchilds as an example 2013-12-02 14:46:41 1 0
roxanne andres 2017-11-21 22:30:13 1 0
roxanne andrews dec 2017-11-21 22:33:19 1 54
rseven ays 2017-12-19 07:47:32 1 0
rtue0w 2024-05-21 06:59:03 1 0
ruby 2019-04-04 14:06:15 1 45
rudolf steiner 2015-06-01 07:15:44 1 1
rumination 2024-01-25 09:33:18 1 2
russel 2016-08-22 21:21:47 1 0
russian language 2017-12-29 08:17:26 1 8
s 2018-09-22 11:42:25 1 5840
saas 2024-04-12 16:00:58 1 0
sabotage 2021-05-22 00:32:25 1 23
sacrifice 2023-09-06 08:51:55 1 230
sadhguru 2021-03-18 23:55:31 1 0
sadhus 2016-08-21 10:10:02 1 0
safest city 2022-11-18 14:13:22 1 0
safest place 2022-11-18 14:13:29 1 4
safety zone 2024-03-10 21:43:23 1 2
sagan 2017-01-18 17:22:57 1 0
sagitarius 2015-11-02 21:33:57 1 0
sagittarius 2015-11-02 21:36:13 1 1
sahara 2014-05-14 12:43:11 1 1
sai baba 2021-09-19 04:21:30 1 5
saint michael 2016-07-22 16:50:40 1 31
salazar 2017-08-21 04:04:32 1 0
salomon 2017-06-03 18:17:50 1 0
salvation prayer 2017-10-28 18:00:35 1 0
samadhi 2016-08-21 10:06:30 1 0
samael 2014-12-02 22:13:18 1 0
same sex 2019-10-27 19:53:35 1 19
samual 2015-08-22 01:39:32 1 0
samule 2015-08-22 01:39:43 1 0
san andreas 2016-03-03 20:12:23 1 2
sandalphon 2019-02-27 16:06:55 1 1
sandy 2014-02-22 20:47:47 1 107
sangik 2017-08-31 01:38:45 1 5
sanskrit 2016-08-21 09:59:13 1 2
santa 2017-10-26 10:18:50 1 64
santa claus 2017-10-26 10:20:00 1 14
santa claus by gaberial 2017-10-26 10:19:49 1 0
santana 2015-02-12 21:31:12 1 0
santania 2015-02-12 21:27:35 1 0
saphira 2018-01-02 03:08:11 1 0
saporo 2014-11-30 11:11:24 1 0
sapporo 2014-11-30 11:11:35 1 0
saraphim 2014-03-22 18:32:34 1 0
sarasota 2014-11-08 16:49:40 1 24
sarasota - allene vick 2016-08-14 00:04:08 1 0
sarasota - allene vick learning to t r 2016-08-14 00:03:56 1 0
sari 2015-09-02 07:32:26 1 0
satellite internet 2023-03-25 07:46:19 1 0
sathi 2016-10-26 20:41:47 1 0
saul 2015-11-10 17:42:27 1 7
savilia 2015-12-09 13:17:16 1 0
saying nothing 2019-10-01 15:05:36 1 3
scale of being 2019-10-25 06:13:56 1 0
scallion 2017-05-22 10:38:31 1 0
scan the minf 2016-03-03 02:43:21 1 0
scared 2016-04-12 20:51:03 1 84
scent 2022-10-29 16:52:41 1 43
schauberger 2017-04-07 21:08:06 1 0
schematic kit 2024-04-08 10:19:42 1 3
schitz 2019-07-02 19:51:00 1 0
schiziphrenia 2014-12-14 00:21:10 1 0
schiziphrenic 2014-12-14 00:21:17 1 0
schiziphrenic mind 2014-12-14 00:21:23 1 0
schizo 2014-01-26 20:27:57 1 0
school class topics 2017-12-16 10:39:12 1 86
science monjoronson 2014-06-12 21:00:47 1 76
scion and prion 2017-03-18 04:01:56 1 0
scitzophrenia 2019-07-02 19:51:25 1 0
sea 2016-08-20 22:11:34 1 2279
sea glass 2022-11-05 04:22:13 1 109
seara on announcement michael 2016 2016-10-06 10:48:47 1 0
search 2014-03-05 20:25:58 1 58
second bestowal 2019-03-26 13:28:10 1 0
second coming of christ 2014-11-10 17:45:18 1 449
second return 2016-08-15 20:16:30 1 5
second revelatory commission project 2020-07-24 14:30:32 1 5
second superuniverse 2013-12-23 17:48:39 1 75
second urantia book 2018-06-07 03:21:31 1 0
secondary 2024-01-02 09:18:32 1 312
secondary midwayers 2016-07-22 16:42:24 1 150
secret societies 2019-11-10 15:44:28 1 30
sectrum belief 2015-09-03 14:32:04 1 0
self aggrandizing 2019-06-18 02:24:21 1 19
self defense 2024-06-25 02:30:27 1 38
self denial 2021-04-14 13:11:50 1 207
self forgetfullnes 2017-01-23 07:52:03 1 0
self forgetfulness 2017-01-23 07:52:50 1 179
self forgiveness 2017-01-22 17:02:02 1 76
self grandizement 2019-06-18 02:23:42 1 0
self humility 2019-10-28 14:21:20 1 0
self realization 2014-02-01 19:23:19 1 805
self reflection 2017-08-19 10:14:45 1 785
self reliant 2017-10-18 21:44:37 1 27
self sabotage 2021-05-22 00:25:59 1 23
self-gratification institutions 2017-01-10 16:23:35 1 12
self-mastery 2017-07-05 16:59:03 1 6
self-realiz 2016-10-30 14:04:37 1 0
selfdefense 2019-01-24 05:26:47 1 0
selfhood 2022-06-15 20:50:10 1 50
selfishness 2016-08-06 17:22:35 1 206
selfprotection 2019-01-24 05:26:23 1 0
sell course 2024-04-21 19:13:52 1 93
semaria 2014-08-25 21:14:45 1 0
semjase 2017-02-02 14:47:38 1 0
send energy 2021-06-01 00:33:35 1 17
send healing energy 2014-06-02 14:06:29 1 5
sendaya 2017-07-25 21:44:07 1 0
sending mercy 2015-09-22 11:21:46 1 84
sending mercy nov 10 2013 2015-09-22 11:23:01 1 1
sending mercy nov 13 2015-09-22 11:22:29 1 13
senility 2016-05-30 07:50:49 1 5
senses 2016-12-22 17:21:02 1 426
sensitive 2014-03-09 18:12:01 1 443
sensitivities 2016-09-07 16:16:15 1 41
sensual 2019-10-29 18:48:42 1 23
sentimental 2014-12-07 12:14:58 1 40
sentinact 2017-04-10 13:09:28 1 0
sentinel 2014-09-07 05:45:33 1 6
separation from god 2016-04-02 19:47:47 1 5
sept 11, 2001 2014-02-17 10:29:52 1 4
sept 20 2024-05-24 20:58:35 1 50
september 05 2006 2017-12-18 00:42:54 1 7
september 23 2011 2016-11-02 13:23:30 1 8
september 4 2006 2017-12-18 00:40:05 1 13
september 5 2006 2017-12-18 00:43:45 1 12
sequoi 2017-04-30 10:18:48 1 0
sequois 2017-04-30 10:18:40 1 0
seraa 2020-03-20 14:29:54 1 0
serara crucial 2016-10-23 23:41:08 1 2
serara discernment 2016-10-23 23:35:29 1 2
serara monjoronson 2015-02-18 19:10:23 1 7
serata 2019-12-08 23:54:47 1 0
seraya 2015-05-26 22:47:08 1 0
serendipity 2018-11-05 02:24:58 1 41
sermon 2021-05-07 05:04:19 1 53
serpent 2023-02-03 01:18:48 1 17
serpico 2014-05-17 12:11:30 1 0
serra 2014-01-27 18:48:27 1 0
session ' sleep 3 '1 2017-04-18 09:00:04 1 195
session 11 2016-11-16 21:26:41 1 318
session 19 2023-11-13 22:23:07 1 6
session 21 2016-04-08 00:09:17 1 193
sethard 2024-06-06 21:13:49 1 0
seti 2017-07-13 07:57:26 1 3
settling light and life 2013-11-19 20:44:38 1 75
sety 2017-10-30 20:50:04 1 0
seven core values 2022-12-07 19:52:02 1 0
seven cosmic dimensions 2018-05-31 19:29:01 1 0
seven deadly sins 2015-02-05 23:47:13 1 6
seven dimensions 2018-05-31 19:29:51 1 120
seven levels 2018-04-10 19:20:26 1 12
seven leves 2018-04-10 19:20:20 1 0
seven psychic circles 2024-02-19 10:50:12 1 72
seven psychic levels 2023-05-05 05:45:34 1 72
seven rays 2017-12-19 07:47:41 1 6
seven seal 2016-10-02 21:08:32 1 0
seven seals 2016-10-02 21:08:43 1 1
seven spirits 2022-07-17 15:46:38 1 204
seven steps 2021-08-22 11:50:08 1 169
seven steps transmit 2021-08-22 11:50:42 1 51
seven superuniverses 2014-06-12 11:04:15 1 77
seven-dimensional universe 2018-05-31 19:29:29 1 0
severity 2017-11-03 15:14:20 1 19
sex before marriage 2017-02-15 14:05:18 1 0
sex bond 2021-03-08 02:43:52 1 40
sex in mansion worlds 2016-10-22 01:35:51 1 88
sex life 2013-12-22 14:03:38 1 256
sex lust 2015-02-02 05:21:06 1 14
sex mores 2013-12-22 13:59:08 1 30
sex on the mansion worlds 2015-06-16 07:28:59 1 82
sex with god 2018-11-03 14:17:55 1 0
sexu 2015-08-17 13:51:47 1 0
sexual activity 2016-10-22 01:19:47 1 46
sexual dream 2018-09-26 23:47:44 1 0
sexual fantasies 2019-01-23 13:54:38 1 0
sexual urge 2015-02-07 01:09:46 1 31
shandron 2021-08-06 22:53:48 1 0
shared consciousness 2023-01-28 22:50:16 1 16
sharmon 2014-03-28 05:50:27 1 45
sheba 2021-03-15 01:48:27 1 0
sheldon nidle 2016-04-16 22:45:47 1 1
shenandoah 2024-04-01 17:44:02 1 0
sheol 2020-12-01 20:01:35 1 0
sherman 2019-01-29 19:23:37 1 0
ship 2020-03-12 17:51:12 1 18
shock 2016-12-24 09:38:03 1 167
shocking 2015-03-06 12:57:46 1 0
shootings 2016-06-12 12:26:36 1 5
shroud 2016-10-26 21:22:05 1 12
signa 2015-07-04 16:18:03 1 32
signa 28 9 92 2024-03-30 11:14:56 1 4
signature 2016-10-29 18:02:32 1 165
silliness 2019-10-28 14:14:38 1 16
silvana de almeida 2019-12-12 15:58:47 1 7
silvanus 2015-03-29 14:20:37 1 0
silver antibacterial 2016-08-18 23:40:49 1 0
silver antimicrobial 2016-08-18 23:42:09 1 0
silver coins 2023-01-21 07:53:07 1 0
silver dust 2016-08-18 23:41:03 1 10
simon 2016-04-17 17:58:37 1 84
simon peter 2018-04-10 15:12:27 1 9
simplify 2016-06-18 07:03:07 1 75
simulation programs 2023-12-02 20:06:59 1 0
sincere 2018-12-10 10:11:36 1 841
sincerity 2019-10-06 07:57:46 1 505
sinful 2020-06-11 00:35:09 1 55
singles 2016-08-08 08:28:02 1 6
sirian 2020-12-01 16:43:22 1 1
sisterhood 2023-09-29 17:05:19 1 143
sitchin 2013-10-12 17:43:21 1 0
sitting too long 2023-11-19 14:14:22 1 0
siul 2019-06-24 00:49:00 1 0
siva 2014-02-01 23:19:42 1 0
six core values and family socialization and encul 2018-01-02 11:32:22 1 0
six universe ages 2015-04-14 15:22:01 1 84
six values 2016-04-29 20:54:21 1 154
sixth bestowal 2019-03-26 13:29:57 1 0
sixth epochal revelation to earth 2018-01-26 01:57:17 1 9
sixth epochial revelation 2018-12-08 08:57:33 1 0
sixth sense 2023-10-31 15:57:08 1 14
skill development 2024-11-27 23:17:59 1 8
skinwalker 2019-10-17 00:44:04 1 0
skp 2019-08-23 13:43:28 1 13
slap 2014-06-18 13:23:32 1 5
slc utah teaching mission 2015-06-16 23:42:01 1 2
sleeping survivor 2016-10-16 22:58:37 1 15
sleeplessness 2013-11-14 14:50:39 1 1
slience stillness 2014-09-30 20:27:24 1 0
slipping clouds sun 2013-12-09 07:23:50 1 6
slow 2019-10-16 06:19:56 1 665
sluts 2019-08-20 04:27:43 1 0
smart meters 2016-07-11 06:33:21 1 0
smart phones 2017-10-23 20:57:12 1 4
smartphones 2017-10-23 20:57:07 1 0
smeets 2017-09-16 17:12:34 1 0
smell of flowers 2017-03-26 11:01:04 1 60
smith 2017-10-21 07:26:35 1 30
smoking 2013-10-28 19:20:46 1 41
smother 2018-01-20 18:57:04 1 10
snake - devil 2022-11-06 04:14:05 1 4
snapbackscaps ca 2014-10-22 12:49:29 1 734
snoring 2023-02-27 19:12:23 1 7
snowmass 2018-11-02 01:38:42 1 1
social media 2024-04-14 08:02:17 1 15
social outcast 2016-11-26 16:07:26 1 0
social self mastery 2019-09-27 09:22:58 1 88
social skills 2015-03-22 12:11:41 1 269
social stability 2017-07-29 05:06:53 1 7
social sustain values 2014-08-27 02:05:51 1 106
social sustainability principles 2014-06-30 12:54:38 1 45
socializing 2016-08-01 21:09:07 1 90
society collapse 2019-02-28 13:04:38 1 107
socrates 2020-08-20 17:08:50 1 3
soddom 2020-06-12 08:54:45 1 0
soddom and gomorah 2020-06-12 08:54:23 1 0
soddom and gomorrah 2020-06-12 08:54:36 1 0
sodom and gomorrah 2017-05-23 18:12:50 1 5
sodom gomorrah 2017-05-23 18:13:22 1 5
sodoma 2019-10-31 18:01:01 1 0
sodomy 2023-07-11 06:27:52 1 3
software 2024-04-12 16:01:06 1 52
solania 2013-12-04 07:15:16 1 0
solar radiation 2022-11-05 19:25:14 1 2
solar winds 2022-11-06 00:46:46 1 2
solicit 2019-12-07 11:05:47 1 2
solona 2019-02-27 15:47:43 1 0
solstice 2015-12-18 08:14:44 1 14
solve problems 2024-03-23 23:07:23 1 32
someone will design 2024-05-21 21:58:32 1 0
somnolence 2017-01-27 05:14:55 1 0
son 2017-08-24 12:42:03 1 40
son of perdition 2016-10-05 13:34:26 1 0
sonarington 2021-02-21 02:52:59 1 5
sondjah - ccdt transcripts 11 thru 15 2016-11-16 21:28:39 1 2
sondjah melchizedek 2024-06-27 13:49:12 1 45
songbird 2015-06-08 21:12:41 1 7
sonheim 2020-05-08 08:40:24 1 0
sonhiem 2020-05-08 08:40:42 1 0
sonic 2017-02-23 21:12:26 1 6
sonjah 2018-01-21 04:47:31 1 0
sons 2024-08-05 21:42:27 1 0
sonsamel gabriella siraya 2015-06-14 23:29:13 1 1
sooner or latter 2014-07-12 10:57:18 1 0
sore 2019-02-22 22:13:12 1 60
soros 2021-08-24 18:21:17 1 1
soroton 2018-07-08 02:08:12 1 0
sorrow 2021-07-24 18:06:29 1 292
sou 2016-10-16 22:36:16 1 4555
soul and personality 2015-06-30 15:54:17 1 1359
soul aspects 2015-06-30 15:47:35 1 893
soul assignment 2021-06-14 12:04:45 1 372
soul becomes 2019-04-12 02:18:50 1 31
soul birth 2016-05-19 23:17:44 1 15
soul body 2018-06-06 19:47:15 1 15
soul catch moon 2016-10-23 00:32:21 1 12
soul consciousness 2021-02-21 10:59:42 1 1408
soul construction 2017-10-30 01:47:06 1 97
soul family 2017-09-02 16:43:48 1 1389
soul gender 2014-08-25 21:13:28 1 110
soul incarnations 2015-06-30 15:17:37 1 26
soul of jesus 2015-09-14 13:53:03 1 1
soul personality 2015-06-30 15:55:08 1 1359
soul pull 2017-10-28 11:19:39 1 0
soul pulling 2017-10-28 11:19:04 1 162
soul reality 2020-01-11 05:20:57 1 18
soul transition 2016-09-29 16:04:01 1 364
soul value 2017-08-27 08:41:08 1 1560
sound of staccato 2016-12-19 20:20:34 1 0
source 2022-10-07 22:59:54 1 2074
source guide 2023-02-19 20:51:25 1 0
source of energy 2018-10-29 11:53:27 1 39
southwest desert 2020-10-03 02:28:26 1 5
sovereign 2014-05-16 19:06:34 1 442
space broadcast 2018-08-24 04:05:49 1 90
space in between 2014-08-23 08:02:37 1 129
space inbetween 2014-08-23 08:02:30 1 0
space ships 2020-04-29 20:50:03 1 38
space shuttle 2014-09-30 05:10:09 1 2
spank 2020-11-24 17:53:33 1 6
speak in mind 2017-03-27 07:29:11 1 0
speak with authority 2022-12-17 08:06:38 1 18
speak your desires 2024-03-26 21:38:04 1 896
special oversight div on urantia 2015-12-02 16:02:19 1 11
special oversight div on urantia 7-21-2012 2015-12-02 16:03:19 1 0
special service 2013-11-20 17:33:39 1 2
special session #24 2014-01-07 08:06:48 1 0
special session #24 beliefs 2014-01-07 08:06:37 1 0
special session beliefs 2014-01-07 08:04:14 1 24
special session #18 2014-01-07 07:05:16 1 1
special session #24 beliefs 2014-01-07 08:03:13 1 0
special session 12 2018-04-19 16:09:20 1 125
special session 20 2014-01-07 07:29:21 1 7
special session 25 2014-01-07 08:32:21 1 6
species 2015-06-18 12:12:21 1 384
specrum of belief 2014-10-26 13:33:40 1 0
spectral 2023-02-01 14:50:28 1 0
spectrum belief 2015-09-03 14:32:22 1 100
speech 2016-01-12 09:14:55 1 167
speed of light 2014-09-18 17:09:15 1 213
speed of thoughts 2020-01-19 00:55:01 1 0
spencer 2014-07-06 07:12:20 1 0
spheres 2021-10-25 15:52:51 1 355
sphinx 2020-08-25 01:50:42 1 0
spider-man 2016-04-13 14:52:03 1 0
spine 2020-01-19 00:00:35 1 51
spirit 1996 2017-10-22 07:24:47 1 92
spirit conversation 2017-07-02 17:23:13 1 0
spirit dialogue 2017-07-02 17:22:06 1 0
spirit discussion 2017-07-02 17:22:39 1 0
spirit fusion 2017-06-09 12:18:48 1 7
spirit groan 2023-02-11 15:39:26 1 0
spirit mother 2018-10-05 12:18:08 1 1913
spirit of reckoning 2017-10-22 07:51:32 1 0
spirit tap 2016-12-24 05:48:58 1 0
spirit truth 2016-06-01 09:16:12 1 2837
spirits 2022-11-09 08:20:04 1 749
spiritual awaking 2017-10-22 07:58:26 1 0
spiritual back 2014-06-18 13:24:25 1 0
spiritual beings 2018-06-17 07:53:09 1 2219
spiritual channeling 2014-10-18 20:05:46 1 1
spiritual emotion 2016-01-22 06:47:44 1 1
spiritual experience 2017-11-21 21:39:06 1 3409
spiritual gifts 2022-01-16 17:53:13 1 48
spiritual growth and progress 2017-01-04 06:53:22 1 7
spiritual guideline 55 2018-11-10 09:21:46 1 3
spiritual healing 2017-12-29 00:30:09 1 58
spiritual healing clinic 2022-11-05 07:23:04 1 0
spiritual health 2022-07-15 00:17:20 1 46
spiritual isolation 2019-10-04 14:06:16 1 417
spiritual leader 2019-12-16 14:13:56 1 12
spiritual management 2023-02-06 20:54:57 1 9
spiritual massage 2016-12-24 18:24:54 1 1
spiritual power 2013-10-08 07:19:22 1 1866
spiritual reality 2021-04-25 21:23:13 1 2508
spiritual seeing 2015-05-19 08:12:04 1 1
spiritual sense 2016-07-05 02:39:43 1 2539
spiritual vision 2015-05-25 04:24:51 1 86
spiritual-morontial potentials 2015-06-15 15:57:17 1 0
spiritualizing your life 2013-10-16 16:11:29 1 6
spirituall potentials 2015-06-15 16:04:35 1 0
spiritus 2013-12-12 22:52:09 1 10
spoke into existence 2024-03-26 21:41:50 1 0
spoken into existence 2024-03-26 21:41:31 1 0
spong 2013-12-17 20:53:00 1 1
spontaneity 2015-01-11 17:45:39 1 89
spontaneous human combustion 2016-07-23 18:17:19 1 12
spoon-fed 2016-08-15 01:17:35 1 36
spornagia 2018-10-06 05:04:56 1 9
sprint 2023-09-03 22:27:56 1 1
sprints 2024-08-05 16:05:23 1 1
sprunger 2019-07-15 22:48:48 1 1
squint 2023-02-03 01:51:03 1 1
sri yu 2017-01-29 13:45:57 1 16
sri yuktes 2022-10-12 21:54:26 1 0
srillness 2016-10-26 12:51:17 1 0
st paul 2014-02-17 14:14:13 1 89
st. louis 2014-05-27 10:22:15 1 6
stability 2017-03-31 17:27:35 1 422
staff mortal 2016-03-21 18:38:32 1 299
stage spir 2014-07-23 01:02:25 1 0
stage spirit 2014-07-23 01:01:48 1 786
stages in increased faith 2014-09-17 13:42:19 1 82
stages of life 2017-11-10 22:44:12 1 0
stammer 2024-11-06 13:56:40 1 2
stammering 2024-11-06 13:56:37 1 0
star children 2023-09-08 18:07:09 1 156
star gate 2015-02-17 22:06:32 1 6
starbuck 2024-11-25 13:57:58 1 0
stargate 2015-02-17 22:06:26 1 0
stat revelation 2024-06-16 04:57:48 1 1
stathy 2024-06-16 04:57:28 1 0
statues 2019-10-12 13:58:33 1 8
status of angels as of 2019 2023-12-14 12:01:30 1 0
status of the magisterial mission 2017-01-08 03:20:47 1 1
stay the course 2016-06-26 13:39:03 1 87
steffani murray 2019-12-12 14:46:38 1 2
steiner 2015-06-01 07:13:41 1 1
stelios 2016-10-26 20:41:40 1 0
stephan former roman legionnaire 2014-11-17 18:17:41 1 1
stephen 2023-09-15 06:21:16 1 1
steps increased faith 2014-09-17 13:43:28 1 171
steve mcgarrett 2019-04-12 20:48:28 1 0
steven 2016-11-05 22:09:08 1 25
stileness 2015-03-19 20:23:59 1 0
still have internet 2023-03-22 15:31:19 1 0
stillborn 2016-05-10 19:34:53 1 4
stillborns 2016-05-10 19:34:43 1 0
stilling the mind 2019-03-04 07:12:46 1 66
stillness + type 2014-01-18 16:14:52 1 14
stillness and meditation 2022-05-04 05:07:24 1 575
stillness communication 2017-02-28 17:01:44 1 2
stillness demons 2013-10-28 21:27:23 1 17
stillness meditation 2013-12-07 07:05:09 1 71
stillness messages 2017-02-28 17:00:31 1 0
stillness more about 2013-12-14 15:22:39 1 66
stillness my mind 2015-02-12 07:03:37 1 1726
stillness training 2015-06-20 01:11:17 1 1
stillness welmek 2022-05-06 11:22:38 1 136
stillnessl 2015-11-29 07:35:20 1 0
stipend 2020-11-27 07:45:29 1 2
stock piles 2016-05-05 18:45:39 1 1
stone energy 2016-10-03 11:14:04 1 0
stone fluid 2016-10-03 11:14:43 1 0
stone vibration 2016-12-24 09:29:41 1 0
stonehedge 2019-10-20 05:48:48 1 0
stonehendge 2015-06-27 17:19:10 1 0
stop my mind thinks 2015-02-12 07:03:51 1 0
storm 2024-05-10 22:05:22 1 174
strange animals 2018-08-25 18:58:13 1 59
strauss 2016-08-05 23:57:09 1 2
strenghten the will 2016-01-12 09:17:00 1 0
strenghten will 2016-01-12 09:17:06 1 0
stretching 2023-10-31 22:49:50 1 143
stripping away old views 2018-04-15 09:03:59 1 1
strive 2018-11-18 18:46:53 1 786
stuck 2023-11-28 13:48:39 1 292
student 2024-10-12 07:26:53 1 1331
stutterinf 2024-11-06 13:52:55 1 0
stuttering 2024-11-06 13:52:58 1 3
stylianos 2016-10-26 20:41:53 1 0
sub concious 2015-09-26 21:37:41 1 0
sub-concious 2015-09-26 21:37:45 1 0
subconcious mind 2015-09-26 21:37:35 1 0
subconscious 2016-08-29 22:41:13 1 186
subconscious mind 2015-09-26 21:38:17 1 178
sublimely 2017-10-11 19:30:20 1 14
submarine 2017-03-07 07:52:41 1 4
subordinate 2013-11-18 23:01:43 1 54
substance fluid 2016-10-03 11:15:39 1 0
suffuring 2017-05-07 14:38:11 1 0
sufi 2015-09-03 07:59:51 1 5
suicide airplane 2016-09-12 20:26:43 1 1
suicide pilot 2016-09-12 09:32:03 1 7
summarians 2021-01-31 13:11:01 1 0
summon 2015-12-13 12:54:12 1 36
summon heart 2015-12-13 12:52:20 1 20
sun m 2024-02-08 02:20:56 1 1500
sun ra 2015-02-17 21:33:43 1 1478
sundyah 2017-07-25 21:44:32 1 0
sunheim 2020-05-08 08:40:00 1 0
sunhiem 2020-05-08 08:40:57 1 0
sunra 2015-02-17 21:34:02 1 0
supeer mind 2017-11-08 05:52:34 1 0
super dimensional 2023-02-01 15:19:32 1 0
super mind 2017-11-08 05:52:41 1 316
super power 2018-12-04 01:26:39 1 1
super universe 2013-11-25 12:57:43 1 287
super universe one 2018-10-21 18:25:01 1 306
superhero mask 2023-07-06 17:33:41 1 0
superheroes 2022-10-24 11:53:56 1 2
superhuman 2014-09-03 17:11:09 1 56
superhumans 2014-04-18 09:42:22 1 0
supernatural 2022-10-07 23:10:13 1 38
supernova 2016-08-24 01:28:11 1 5
supernovae 2016-08-24 01:31:52 1 0
supernovas 2016-08-24 01:31:47 1 0
superpowers 2022-05-13 23:24:46 1 0
superuniverse two 2013-12-21 11:17:09 1 109
supreme being 2017-09-25 01:20:52 1 1288
supreme love 2021-02-14 08:44:33 1 21
surgery 2018-07-11 03:42:12 1 84
survival camp 2024-03-12 23:49:38 1 0
survival camps 2024-03-26 16:06:39 1 0
survival clinic 2023-03-04 09:29:15 1 0
survival colonies 2024-03-26 16:06:43 1 0
survival of the soul 2017-06-09 12:15:31 1 363
survival soul 2017-06-09 12:15:58 1 363
survival training 2023-03-04 09:28:58 1 0
survival zone 2024-03-12 23:49:29 1 0
survival zones 2024-03-12 23:49:23 1 0
survive 2020-11-27 00:03:49 1 511
susan 2020-01-07 23:29:14 1 102
susan butterfield 2019-12-12 15:42:28 1 6
susan kinzi 2020-01-07 23:29:09 1 0
sustainability and planetary management 2017-04-08 11:11:32 1 4
sustainability download 2017-11-22 16:54:25 1 4
sustainable clinics 2024-11-25 14:11:02 1 0
sustainable government 2018-04-09 10:18:10 1 87
sustainable government and corporations 2018-04-09 10:32:17 1 39
sustainable living 2014-11-26 11:12:51 1 2
sustainment 2024-03-28 19:04:25 1 6
sustainment clinic 2023-05-24 20:12:51 1 0
sustanabilty three core 2015-08-12 13:05:24 1 0
sustavia 2016-05-04 20:55:41 1 0
sweden 2019-01-27 01:21:17 1 4
swedenborg 2016-10-31 19:33:43 1 2
swine flu 2016-04-27 14:00:48 1 24
swinton 2018-08-11 08:10:49 1 0
sword 2020-12-06 15:59:05 1 94
sword of truth 2016-03-28 13:57:13 1 75
systematic program for effective parenting 2017-11-20 04:26:43 1 1
t 2015-07-28 08:34:44 1 2579
t r ing 2014-09-19 12:57:52 1 6
t r process 2015-07-28 08:33:46 1 2751
t-ring 2019-12-28 16:54:35 1 261
t-shirt 2024-03-07 17:29:17 1 0
t/ring 2014-01-15 12:25:48 1 249
t/rs: gerdean o'dell and 2013-11-19 14:54:44 1 0
ta relationship with mortals 2017-12-17 14:29:11 1 864
tabetha 2016-01-05 01:01:40 1 0
tabitha 2016-01-05 01:01:30 1 0
taboo 2019-10-30 20:37:38 1 11
tacitus 2015-03-25 05:46:53 1 0
tadpole 2013-11-15 18:43:48 1 43
talacia 2019-03-16 05:36:02 1 3
talking to thought adjuster 2016-05-07 11:13:50 1 647
tall whites 2017-05-23 17:29:00 1 1
tambinia 2017-07-27 19:31:38 1 0
tanath 2014-07-25 13:55:47 1 0